สารจากกรรมการผู้จัดการ รู้จักกลุ่มสหโคเจน ครอบครัวสหโคเจน การด�ำเนินธุรกิจที่ยั่งยืน โครงสร้างองค์กร นโยบายด้านความรับผิดชอบต่อสังคม ความรับผิดชอบต่อชุมชน สังคม และสิ่งแวดล้อม กิจกรรมภายในองค์กร CSR เพื่อสังคมภายนอกองค์กร การสื่อสาร และการเผยแพร่นวัตกรรม รางวัลแห่งความภาคภูมิใจ
Table of Content
Messege from the Managing Director Sahacogen and Affiliates Sahacogen Family Sustainable Business Operation Organization Structure Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Community, Social and Environmental Responsibilities Sahacogen Activities Participation in Developing Communities and Society Communication and Innovation Dissemination Awards and Recognition
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กระถินเทพณรงค์ (Acacia Hybrid.) “โครงการไม้โตเร็วเพื่อพลังงาน”
MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR The significant factors influencing on the success of energy business operation of Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Company Limited are the deliberately implementation under good corporate governance, efficiently control of the environmental impacts, contribution to society, establishment of community involvement to its operation etc. Consequently, business expansions through establishing its subsidiaries and joint ventures are focused on business operation as social business enterprise. The social responsibility activities are assimilated to be a part of business implementation continuously and sustainably. Sahacogen’s biomass business helps mitigating smog pollution and global warming issue. Our operation is based on the government policy and also the basic principle of helping the local communities. Specifically, the social responsibility activities that promote the long term relationship with local communities. Sahacogen hires local people to work on the fast growing tree plantations which are the resources of producing biomass fuel. The tasks include nursery seedlings, harvesting, collecting process, transforming and distributing biomass fuel. Such operations are commonly conducted with good governance. By this means, Sahacogen helps the local communities by creating job opportunities for individuals. Therefore, the biomass energy businesses of Sahacogen are recognized. Sahacogen (Chonburi) and its subsidiaries are opened to visitors and the public who are interested in our business to take advantage on the energy producing activities, thounsands of visitors from local communities, education institutes, government agencies, and farmers in the vicinity areas visited our offices yearly. Sahacogen and its affiliates received and bestowed awards and certifications e.g. the system certification ISO 9001, ISO 14001, TIS18001 and BS OHSAS 18001, EIA Monitoring Awards, Green Industry Awards, Environmental Governance Awards, Corporate Governance Awards, Crown Standard to Clean Development Mechanism Award, CSR-DIW, Thai energy Awards 2012, and also ASEAN Energy Awards 2013, etc. All these awards and certificates are the proven evidences of Sahocogen and Affiliates’ success in operating our business in accordance with the prudent care of social responsibility. We, executives and employees, commit to this principle by running our businesses in compliance with the principles of good governance and sustainable business integration.
(Mr. Viroj Theeravatvatee) Managing Director
SAHACOGEN FAMILY Sahacogen, an affiliated corporation of Saha Group, is a power producer in the category of Small Power Producer (SPP) and Very Small Power Producer (VSPP). Sahacogen (Chonburi) PCL. was established in 1996 located at Sriracha Saha Group Industrial Park, Chonburi province. It is a combined cycle cogeneration plant with an electricity capacity of 122 MW and 40 tons of steam per hour. This plant uses natural gas as raw material and produces power to meet the demand on electricity and steam of factories at Sriracha Saha Group Industrial Park. The rest is sold to the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. It has commercially produced electricity and steam since 1999, and registered to beapublicly lised company pn October 4th, 2002. In 2004, production capacity was expanded to 174 megawatts of electricity and 81 tons of steam per hour. In the interest of business expansion, Sahacogen began to produce clean power from biomass fuels at Saha Group Industrial Park-Lamphun in 2006 under the management of Sahacogen Green Co., Ltd. with the electricity capacity of 9.6 megawatts and 25 tons of steam per hour. The electricity here is supplied to the Provincial Electricity Authority, while the steam is delivered to factories at Saha Group Industrial Park-Lamphun. The biomass power plant here has been in commercial operation since March 2011. To ensure greater availability of biomass fuels, Sahacogen also initiated the Fast Growing Tree Plantation project to augment available fuel supplies. Building on the achievements of biomass power plant development projects and fast growing tree plantations, Sahacogen has started to use eucalyptus wood bark - a residue from paper pulp production from the associated Siam Cement company - and local agricultural residues as fuel for electricity generation. The Sahagreen Forest Co., Ltd. was established at the Phran Kratai district, Kamphaengphet province; it consumes these fuels to produce 7.5 megawatts of electricity, which it sells to the Provincial Electricity Authority. It has been in operation since December 2012. Additionally, Sahacogen has enhanced its renewable business by establishing Sahagreen Energy Co., Ltd., located at Kabinburi district, Prachinburi province in March 2012 to produce biomass pellets from fast growing tree plantations. It commenced commercial production in June 2013 with 5 ton per hour capacity.
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS OPERATION Sahacogen defines its vision, mission, and core value to operate the business sustainably as follows: Vision “We will be a leading small power producer and relating businesses with the continuous and sustainable developments to maximize the satisfaction of stakeholders.�
Mission Produce and distribute high quality and reliable energy to meet the requirements and satisfactions of customers. Enhance capability and competence with continuous development. Comply to good governance principles with respect to society, counter parties and employees. Operate the business with concerns regarding safety, occupational health hazards and environment issues.
Core value Positive Thinking Initiative Proactive Entrepreneurship Teamwork
Adherence to the United Nations Global Compact The 10 Principles
Sahacogen’ s Operation
Human Rights
1. Business should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. 2. Business should make sure they are not participating in activities abusing human rights.
• The code of conduct defines “human rights” according to its corporate governance policy. • Equal opportunity employer: avoidsdiscrimination based on gender, skin color, race, religion, personal belief, age, disability, or other characteristics not relevant to the job scope. • Provides communication channels for employees who want to petition claims of inequita bletreatment or infringement on human rights. Allclaims are processed fairly.
3. Business should uphold the freedom of employees’ association and their rights to claim for group negotiation. 4. Business should eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor. 5. Business should stop abolition of child labor. 6. Business should stop discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
• Under the legal framework, all employees will be treated with respect, dignity and all basic rights in the workplace. • All employees will be given an equal opportunity for growth and promotion through en couraged training and exchange of knowledge. • Compensation is based on an employee’s knowledge, competence, position, responsibility and performance. The performance evaluationwill be conducted fairly. • A Welfare Committee will be established to consider welfare benefits for employees at all levels. This includes medical treatment, provident funding, and welfare extending tofamily members. • All facilities will operate under a safe, hazardfreeenvironment. • Strictly prohibits forced labor, child labor, and illegal labor in all manners of business.
• Setting Company’s vision as being a leading small power producer and relating businesses with a focus on mitigating any discharge and absorption of carbon dioxide to the environment. 7. Business should support a • Setting Company’s mission to adhere to good governance with respect to society, counter precautionary approach to parties and employees; and also respond to any concerns regarding safety, occupational environment challenges. health hazards and environment concerns. 8. Undertake initiatives to • The CSR Committee, Health Occupation Committee, and the Safety Committee will promote greater environ conduct compliance Safety regularly. mental responsibility. will be transparent, accurate, in plain language, and will be disclosed in a 9. Encourage the development • Information timely manner. Feedback and impacts on nearby communities will be handled in a timely and diffusion of manner. environmentally friendly • Build and cultivate CSR and environmental awareness to employees at all levels. Resources technologies will be used efficiently and sustainably. • Support the development and the use of environmental friendly technology.
• Policies are required to comply with the law. Anti-corruption, giving and receiving gifts, entertainment, and support/donations must be in line with policies and disclosed to management. 10.Business should work • Promote the organization culture to act with integrity. corruption in all its • Management controls and internal audits will operate efficiently and effectively. Anti-Corruption against forms, including extortion • Organization and presentation of financial reports must be accurate and transparent. and bribery. • Establish communication channels for issues relating to corruption. Ensure safety, anonymity, and protection for anyone who comes forward. Audit Committee will investigate all cases in a transparent and equal manner.
Based on good corporate governance principle, Sahacogen realizes on the importance of pursuing its businesses on the basis of corporate responsibility to the society. The company has set a policy to appoint the CSR Committee in 2014. The co mittee will be selected from the Board of Directors, the executives, and the experienced people who is capable for public relation. This CSR Committee is responsible for CSR development and governance. Currently, the CSR Sub-committee is taking care of the social responsibility tasks. The sub-committee comprised of the following members: 1. Mr. Viroj Theeravatvatee 2. Mr. Apipong Vischuveskamin 3. Mr. Teerayuth Kaewcoon 4. Mr. Uran Roempluk 5. Mrs.Uthoomporn Sinprajackpol 6. Mr. Thanawat Kamsri 7. Mr. Sutas Boonsoi 8. Mr. Amornpong Laomatana 9. Mr. Pornsak Chuamuangphan
The Chairman of the CSR Sub-committee Vice Chairman of the CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee The CSR Sub-committee and secretary
Moreover, the CSR representative groups are formed for each location addressing of the Sahacogen and affiliates, totally 4 groups currently.
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY • Good Governance Sahacogen does business in accordance with the good corporate governance principles, ethics, moral, social benefits and stakeholders fair treatment. The company also focuses on increasing its values and supporting the company sustainable growth. • Anti-Corruption Transparency, integrity and justice are the essence of Sahacogen’s business operation. Illegal and immoral practices are not acceptable. • Human Rights Sahacogen supports the human rights protection. All stakeholders and other people will be equally treated regardless of gender, skin color, race, religion, personal belief. • Labor Practices Sahacogen provides fair employee benefits and welfares according to the labor laws and occupational health and safety management principles. • Consumers and Suppliers Sahocogen is continually developing the operational system to efficiently deliver good quality products and services to customers. We treat our suppliers with fair trades. Moreover, we are focusing on building long term relationships with customers and suppliers. • Environment Sahacogen promotes the resources management for sustainability. We ensure the compliance in environmental friendly procedures to reduce the risk and negative effects from ouroperation. We also help to preserve the local ecology systems and communities environment to be sustainable. • Community Involvement and Development Sahacogen supports the local development interms of education, economy and living quality. We encourage our staff to regularly participate in public benefit and local traditional activities. • Innovation and Dissemination Sahacogen gives collaborative supports to local communities and local educational institutions to conduct studies in raw material productivity improvement, using by-products in creating new inventions, and also practically promote such ideas and practices to the local communities.
Community, Social and Environmental Responsibilities
SAHACOGEN ACTIVITIES SAHACOGEN HAPPY FAMILY Sahacogen and affiliates provides fringe benefits to our managements and employees. The details are as listed here. . . . . . .
Happy Health Happy Heart Happy Brain Happy Soul Happy Family Happy Society
Happy Health In terms of health welfare, we provide life insurance and health insurance packages for employees and their family members. We promote the exercise regularly by encouraging our employees to use the sport facilities provided. We have annual health checkup service. Internal knowledge sharing relating to health care are organized consistently. For example, we provide first aid training and negative effects from drugs seminar. Additionally, medical supplies and medicines are available for employee upon requests.
Sport day activities are arranged regularly throughout the year. We usually have sport activities with our trade counterparties, local communities and other organizations. We have “Safety and Occupational Health Week� activities aiming to stimulate safety awareness in workplace and daily life for employees. The activities, for example, include exhibitions, training and seminar, campaigning for driving safety.
Happy Heart
Referring to an activity with the Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, we have built up the weirs and irrigation systems in order to celebrated the 80thAnniversary of His Majesty the King’s Birthday. We do not stop only on building up the weirs, so we have arranged the activities to monitor and assess the result of the projects in Mae Long village, Bantab sub-district, Mae Chaeam district, Chiang Mai province. “Sharing to Children” project is our collaboration with the local media association and partners toregularly provide scholarships, sport equipments, lunch and arranging learning activities to students inschools located nearby the power plants. Happy Hน�ำ้ใจ) “Warm Hug and Smile by Sahacogen” project is for helping socially disadvantaged people. This project has been annually held by giving financial supports, foods and necessary items to orphans, people with disabilities and elder people in the welfare foster homes. Blood donation project collaborated with the Thai Red Cross Society has been held monthly. Sahacogen shows our cares and concerns to employees who are sick or during their sick leave. We have our representatives to visit them at their house or hospital.
Happy Brain Sahacogen continuously provides employees trainings and seminars. We have both internal trainings and also sessions with external speakers. We aim to develop our employees’ knowledge and competency in all functions. The emergency drills and fire evacuation rehearsal are regularly conducted so that employees have experience on how to respond to unplanned incidents. “Safety Talk” is a sharing activity allows employees to talk about safety tips and showing their care to coworkers. Safety tips in workplace and daily life could be discussed. We encourage employees to use this activity as the opportunity to give inputs on some sort of the actions or events that could cause the danger. “Safety Week” is a whole-week activity promoting safety and environment. It is usually held once a year to promote safety awareness in workplace with an involvement of employees at all levels. We encourage our employees to study in higher level or study foreign languages.
Happy Soul
“Charity for Religion” project is to support the Buddhism and encourage employees to be merciful. We have activity for offering foods for monks once a month and also on Buddhism holy days. We have activities to make merit in temples throughout the year e.g. cleaning temples, offering big candle to be used in the temple during the raining season (lent), and trees planting. Songkran Festival celebration is normally held by allowing employees to pour water on the Buddha statute, pour water to executives (elder people) for blessing. All this activities are done according to Thai traditions in order to preserve our Thai heritage. We have annually merit making and chanting activities at each of our group offices. Happy Family Sahacogen have made an agreement with Government Housing Bank to offer low interest housing loan for employees. We aim to support our employees of having a house and building up their family. Provident fund and social security fund are provided according to laws. We also offer patronizing money for life events e.g. wedding ceremony, ordination ceremony, house warming ceremony and funeral.
“Sahacogen Family Day” is held to strengthen the relationship and building up the tighten bonds among employees’ family members. Sahacogen believes that good family is the basic factor in creating quality people. We organize activities on the “Family Day”, for example, are Sahocogen kids contest, family portraits contest, sport activitites. New Year’s Eve party is held for employees and their family every year. Sahacogen trip is an annual activity for employees and their family members allowing them to spend a quality time together and supporting Thai tourism industry.
Happy Society “Global Warming to Green Energy” Project is aiming to create awareness of energy conservation. We have the monitoring and reporting of the energy usage in organization. The assessment will lead to cost reduction and global warming prevention. All the procedures are encouraged to be implement in households and employees’ daily life. “Energy Day” Project is an activity to build up the awareness of energy conservation among our employees. We have exhibitions, slogan contest, photo contest, and the energy saving demonstration.
“Sahacogen Anti-Drug” Project is the effort to stimulate employees’ concerns about negative effects from using drugs. The “White Factory” event is held to support this project with various activities such as exhibitions, anti-drugs slogan contest, drug detection testing, professional advisory service for smoke quitting. “Sahacogen Helping Mind for Goodness” Project promotes our organization culture in encouraging employees do good deeds to themselves, their families, organization, and society. The trophies are awarded to employees who are outstanding in doing volunteer activities and to inspire other people of doing so.
Participation in Developing Communities and Society “Sahacogen operates its businesses for sustainable growth with responsibility to thesociety in all angles�
Sahacogen and Affiliates are a group of clean power producers. We are focusing on developing our energy businesses in accordance with good corporate governance principles, business ethics, social responsibility and environment concerns. We also foster these principles in our organization and promoting this value to our employees. Sahacogen and Affiliates have been paying our attention to our stakeholders. In 2013, we have executed projects according to our vision and mission aiming to be a leading company among other small power producers. These projects and activities could be categorized and listed as shown in the table below.
Sahacogen Knowledge Sharing to the Youth Sahacogen Scholarships Sahacogen Open House Energy Trees Plantation for Lunch Sponsorship Youth and Energy Project Energy in Drawing Project Young Generation and Sustainable Energy Conservation Project Research for Adding Value to Biomass Ashes Supporting for Social Studies
- Sahacogen Football Cup Project - Customer Sport Day Project - Anti-Drug Sports for Local Communities Project -
Good Health to Community Project Village Health Volunteer Development Project (VHV) Public Health Volunteer Leader Network Project Good Health Is Not For Sale Project
Fertilizer to Forest Conservation Project Plantation for Royal Family’s Glorification Project Clean Canal and Environment Care Project Stop Burning for Smog Reduction Project Waste Bank for Environment Project Energy Conservation in Workplace Project Green Area Project Clean Energy for Community Project CO2 Reduction Project
Religion, Culture, and Local Traditional
Songkran Festival Buffalo Racing Festival and Fishing and Eating Festival Pouring Water onto Relics of the Lord Buddha Tradition Inviting the Goddess of Rice to Rice Fields Tradition Paying the Respect to Spirits of the Source of Rivers Tradition
Public Benefit
Irrigation system maintenance in Mae Long Village Project Community Development Volunteer Project Biomass Ash Bricks Donation Public Building Renovation Project Disaster Aiding Project
Community Agroforestry Project Fast Growing Trees Plantation for Energy Project Green Waste Compost Project Career Creation for Local Community Project Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Using Biomass Ashes Project
Quality of Life
Education Sahacogen Knowledge Sharing to the Youth Education is the key fundamental in living quality development. Sahacogen allocates our budgets for sponsorship to schools. This money is for books, educational items, sport equipments and computers. It has been 6 years since our first start. In 2013, there are 18 schools got sponsored by this project. Sahacogen Scholarships Sohacogen has a group of scholarship committee screening and selecting kids from poor families, or ones with disadvantaged opportunity. We provide 80 scholarships each year, bringing to the local communities’ leaders and school principals. The total amount is over THB 500,000. Moreover, we also provides sponsorships through other activities e.g. painting competition, lunch sponsorship, Thai Children Day activities.
Sahacogen Open House Sahacogen has set a policy to open our plants to be the community learning center. We are welcome many visitors from government agency organizations, educational institutions, and local government offices. We are very pleased to share our knowledge and innovation for the further integration. Each year we have approximately 3,000 people coming to visit us.
Energy Trees Plantation for Lunch Sponsorship Sahacogen has collaboration with the government agencies, such as the Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment, Primary Educational Service Area Office, and Provincial Administrative Organizations. It is the trees plantation project aiming to teach kids about planting and using the empty space within their school efficiently. The fast growing plants will be sold as the biomass resource. The money they earned is to subsidize their lunch. In 2013, Sahacogen selected 10 schools to participate in this project. Young Generation and Sustainable Energy Conservation Project Sahacogen gives an importance to the study and development regarding to country’ energy issues, especially the use of renewable energy. Therefore, Sahacogen has been focusing on education for the youths. We expected to have at least 500 teenagers participating in our activities each year. The knowledge sharing methods include trainings, seminars, site visit, and camping.
51 Research for Adding Value to Biomass Ashes Referring to the environmental management policy, Sahacogen and Affiliates have been emphasizing on waste reduction. We also promote the use wastes from production process as the recycle items or as components in reproduction. Sahacogen has sponsored and provided equipments to schools for biomass ashes research conducting. The example of study topics are listed below. “The use of biomass ashes from power plants to produce the construction materials” by Faculty of Engineeringing, Chiang Mai University “The use of biomass ashes from power plants combining with the tree trimming residues in organic fertilizer production” by Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University “Mulch production for ground protection” by School of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Phayao “The effect from using biomass ashes to the growth of rice and corn” by Faculty of Sciences and Agricualtural Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Lampang, Lampang province
Sport Sahacogen Football Cup Project / Customer Sport Day Project / Anti-Drug Sports for Local Communities Project To strengthen the relationship between Sahacogen and local communities, and other stakeholders, we organize sport activities every month. This is also the encouragement for health concerns and the productive free time management. Not only sport activities that we organized, but we also sponsor sport equipments for local communities nearby our sites. The example of the successful sport projects are anti-drug football match, Sahagreen Forest Football Cup, Customer relationship football match.
Supporting for Social Studies Sahacogen and Affiliates are the information sources for researches and studies regarding harmonization of factories with local communities. We have been supporting the study in “CSR of Biomass energy Power Plant Meditate on Corporate Image, Customer Satisfaction Among Risk Society towards Marketing Sustainability in North of Thailand” done by Mr. Nitithorn Wongchetha, the Doctorate student of Marketing Department, University of Malaysia, Terengganu, Malaysia. The Quality of Life Good Health to Community Project Sahacogen and Affiliates supports the health care activities with collaboration from the Provincial Public Health Offices. We offer free of charge health check up services on the mobile buses to the villages. Each year, we have been providing services to more than 5,000 villagers.
Village Health Volunteer Development Project (VHV) Sahacogen has collaborated with local hospitals and local administrative offices to educate the youths about basic health concerns, first aids and basic medical sciences in “Village Health Youth Volunteer or VHV” project. Public Health Volunteer Leader Network Project Sahacogen and Affiliates join with the provincial administrative offices and Professor Dr. Somboon Vacharotai Foundation to organize workshops for youth volunteers and entrepreneurs. The objective of this project is aiming to promote health consciousness, mental health, quality eating habits and regular excise. The key volunteer leaders from 7 communities have participated in this project, totally 150 people. Good Health Is Not For Sale Project Sahacogen and affiliates sponsor communities nearby the power plants in order to organize health activities e.g. aerobic dancing, Petanque competition; and traditional dancing contest for ladies, housewives, and elderly. The participants in these activities came from different communities, totally 1,000 people.
Environment The environment is the basic element for the living quality. Sahacogen and Affiliates have been paying attention on business development in accordance with hazard controls, environmental friendly principles and social sustainability creation through the variety of activities and projects as follows: Fertilizer to Forest Conservation Project and Plantation for Royal Family’s Glorification Project This project has been held with the collaboration from the local administrative offices and the local communities. We support the government project, “Forestation of 800 million seedlings to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen’s Birthday”. This project aims to create and preserve the forest area according to the royal ideas. We have conducted the projects both in the woods and mangrove forests. In addition, Sahacogen employees have been cultivating rare plants and distributing them to grow in the state agency offices, temples, and public areas. We have been continuing this project for 3 years, during 2011-2013. Thirty thousand young plants have been distributed according to the project.
Clean Canal and Environment Care Project Sahacogen and Affiliates in collaborative action with the local administrative offices i.e. The Fisheries Station, the royal irrigation in Kamphaengphet province, and local farmers have helped to clean Wang Chao canal in Wang Tabak subdistrict and Khui Ban Ong subdistrict, Phrankratai district, Kamphaengphet province. This canal is serving as the main resource for agricultural activities in this area. We have dredged the canal, got rid of the sewages, released the fishes and planted the trees on the canal bank. This project has been implemented in 2013 and expected to be continued.
Waste Bank for Environment Project Industrial and household wastes are also one of the environment issues. Sahacogen and Affiliates emphasize on waste separation, implementing in both offices and operating sites. The wastes will be sold the professional waste treatment service providers to be recycled. We also encourage our employees to implement the waste separation methods in their house as well. Money from wastes selling will be donated to other charity projects. We are able to collect approximately 20 tons of wastes each year and indirectly help in reducing pollution. Stop Burning for Smog Reduction Project The northern part of Thailand has been countering with smog issue. Sahacogen and Affiliates have been helping the local administrative offices to campaign the reduction of agricultural residue firing after the harvest. This project is aimed to diminish smog pollution and global warming problems. It has been 3 years since our first initiation. Energy Conservation in Workplace Project To support the government policy on energy conservation, Sahacogen and affiliates has appointed the energy conservation working group to campaign the energy consumption reduction culture among employees. In 2013, we are successful in reducing the electricity usage by 3,357.40 units and water consumption 2,282.00 cubic meters. We also promote other means of reduction e.g. two-sided paper usage policy and carpool policy.
Energy Conservation in Workplace Project 2012
12,721.30 kwh
9,363.90 kwh
Electricity used in workplace 2012-2013
22,505.70 cubic meters 20,223.70 cubic meters Water resource used in workplace 2012-2013
Green Area Project Sahacogen and Affiliates allocate our working space to be gardening areas according to the regulations. We use water from production process to water the plants in our gardens and also distribute the water to households nearby for their kitchen garden cultivation. This practice allows us to use water resource efficiently according to Sahacogen and Affiliates policy. Clean Energy for Community Project Sahacogen and Affiliates commit to developing clean energy which is environmental friendly. We use advanced technology, equipments and efficient machines in our operation. We have professionals running our process. We also focus on monitoring and assessment of the system’s environment impact. We always conduct the pollution test and send reports to the community representatives twice a year. CO2 Reduction Project Sahacogen and Affiliates put the responsibility to environment as a part of our business integrity. We have been collecting data regarding to Cabon dioxide reduction in our operating process since we first started our business. This is based on our belief on doing business for good environment and that is benefiting to society.
Religion, Culture, and Local Traditional Religion, culture and local traditions heritance fundamentally helps in strengthen the relationship among people in communities. Sahacogen and Affiliates support many organizations in arranging activities for local communities in different events. Songkran Festival Sahacogen and Affiliates sponsor to arrange activities on Songkran day by having water pouring activities with villagers living close to our power plant sites. We also have our representative participating in pouring water on the Buddha statute, and pouring water to community leaders for blessing. This activity has been arranging once every year. Buffalo Racing Festival and Fishing and Eating Festival To retain the local traditions and promote Thai tourism industry, Sahacogen and Affiliates sponsor the buffalo racing festival and also fishing and eating festival held by the local administrative offices annually. Pouring Water onto Relics of the Lord Buddha Tradition To carry on the religious and Lanna traditions, Sahacogen and Affiliates has been constantly participating in Pouring Water onto Relics of the Lord Buddha tradition and Poi Luang ceremony which have been held by the communities around Sahacogen power plant. Inviting the Goddess of Rice to Rice Fields Tradition To get closer to the farmers’ livelihood and the value of rice, Sahacogen and Affiliates sponsor and participate in the local custom of paying respect to the goddess of rice. This is the annual activity in collaboration with farmers and villagers in Thunggrad village, Sriracha district, Chonburi province. Paying Respect to Spirits of the Source of Rivers Tradition We know water is the essence for agriculture and household consumption. There are many activities local people arrange to show their respect to the spirit of the river. For example, the custom of paying respect to the spirit of the river, asking for the continue flow of water throughout the year. Sahacogen and Affiliates join this activity to create the moral support and also the relationship bonding among the local community member.
Public Benefit Irrigation system maintenance in Mae Long Village Project Referring to an activity with the Engineering Institute of Thailand under H.M. the King’s Patronage, we have built up weirs and irrigation systems in 2009 so that the community has clean water for consumption. Since then, we have been arranging the activities to monitor and assess the result of the projects in Mae Long village, Bantab sub-district, Mae Chaeam district, Chiang Mai province every year.
Community Development Volunteer Project Sahacogen and Affiliate encourage our employees to participate in volunteer activities. We, therefore, motivate our staff to participate in public activities in temples, and public building in many occasions. Biomass Ash Bricks Donation Bricks made of biomass ashes are the products made of ashes from our power plants. These bricks can be used as walkway and car parking revetment. Sahacogen and Affiliates donate this innovative product to temples and local administrative offices close to the power plants. In total, we have given 75,000 bricks to 10 places, total value of THB 450,000 bath. This project has just started in 2013, and expected to be continued every year from now on. Public Building Renovation Project We allocate our budgeting to renovate some public buildings and construction. The old constructions are bus stop shelter, newspaper corner, sport areas, public building, etc. Therefore, Sahacogen and Affiliates has sponsored and coordinated with the communities to restore and renovate them to be in good condition. Disaster Aiding Project In 2013, Sahacogen and Affiliates allocate budget for helping victims from natural disasters such as floods, fire, and the cold weather during winter. We help by donating money and consumer products to victims in Chonburi, Prachinburi, Lamphun, and Kamphaengphet province, which are areas where our power plant sites located on.
Economy Our renewable energy business has created jobs for local people allowing them to earn more from selling agriculture residues to be used in our production. Each year we generate cash flow of THB 200 million. We also try to support job creation and revenue generating activities which could be elaborated as follow. Community Agroforestry Project To promote the most efficient usage of land resource and career creation, Sahacogen and Affiliates allow the local villagers to adopt Agroforestry principle. They can grow tree crops e.g. bean plants, corns and other dry crops in Sahacogen’s land. The residue from harvest could be sold to produce biomass fuel. Currently, we have 40 registered members planting on 1.6 million square meters of land yielding them additional THB 2 million a year. “Community Agroforestry” creates balance between 3 components which are environment, economy, and social sustainability. Fast Growing Trees Plantation to Energy Project To maximize benefit of existing resources, Sahacogen and Affiliates gave the fast growing plant young plants to grow in the community’s unoccupied areas e.g. along the road side, in the village, cremation places, abandoned schools, etc. Plantation gives the community opportunity to enjoy the plants shades and scenery. Moreover, the wood could be used in the future.
Green Waste Compost Project Sahacogen and affiliates join with Mae Jo University in Chiang Mai province to promote the reduction of burning activity to reduce smog pollution in the Northern part of Thailand. We have financially supported students, trained them and created a video presentation. We use this video as a media to educate farmers to make compost from agricultural residues instead of burning them after harvesting. We purchase back the fertilizer to use in our plantation business offering better rate comparing to market. We have 15 groups of farmers joining into this project. They can produce 450 tons of fertilizer value THB 1.35 million in total.
Career Creation for Local Community Project Sahacogen and Affiliates sponsor to train extra skills aiming to create more opportunity for local people. We have jointed collaboration with government offices. For example, Department of Skill Development held training sessions to teach about handicraft, cooking, herbal medicine, basket making, organic rice, etc. Moreover, we also arrange the flea markets as the selling channel. This project helps local people in developing skills and creating extra household income. Agriculture Productivity Enhancement Using Biomass Ashes Project Biomass ash is a by-product from the energy production of the biomass power plants. Its qualification is an alkaline substance composing of 14% potassium. It is useful for the use in agricultural activities. Ashes could be uses as material for ground covering. Sahacogen and Affiliates has established a learning center about biomass ashes. It is open to local farmers and any visitors. There are at least 20 people using biomass for cultivation productivity enhancement.
COMMUNICATION AND INNOVATION DISSEMINATION Sahacogen and affiliates using our website (www.sahacogen.com), Intranet, Green Energy Magazines, Sahacogen newsletters, exhibition and annual report as our main communication channels internally and externally. In 2013, we have corporate communication and public relation activities as listed here. Saha Group Fair Exhibition No. 17 We presented our achievements and energy innovations, based on the theme “From user to producer, using energy efficiently, searching for the sustainable energy, and returning to the society”. The fair was held at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Renewable Energy Expo to honor His Majesty the King The Expo was held by the Senate Committee on Energy Cooperation together with the Ministry of Energy under to concept of “Renewable Energy as the solution for Thailand”, which was held at the Exhibition and Conference, IMPACT Muangthong Thani, Nonthaburi province. Mobile Opportunity Day The Stock Exchange of Thailand and Maybank Kim Eng Security Public Company Limited held the Mobile Opportunity Day and invites Sahacogen and Affiliates to join and giving information to the local investors for their investment decision. This event was held on May 31st, 2013 in Chiang Mai province. Company Visit Sahacogen presented its information and business plans to investors for their investment decision on September 20, 2013 at the meeting room of Sriracha Saha Group Industrial Park, Chonburi province. Analysts and Investors Meet Saha Group Sahacogen’s executives have joined the information giving session with the other 13 listed companies in Saha Group. This event was held on June 28th, 2013 allowing companies to give short briefs of company’s strategy and future plans to investors, analysts, and public media. This event has been arranged once a year, 5 years consecutively at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Television and Online Media “Thai Energy and Conservation” program on TNN2 Channel hosted by the Office of the Secretary, Ministry of Energy presented the stories of renewable energy business showing a feature story about Biomass Power Plants of Sahacogen Green Company Limited and Sahagreen Forest Company Limited. News Family, Asia Connect Section on Channel 3 presented about the achievement of the companies receiving the ASEAN Energy Awards 2013. General News on Channel 9 presented about the achievement of the companies receiving the ASEAN Energy Awards 2013.
Printing Publication The Company presented its vision on renewable energy businesses and the awards winning from Thailand energy Awards 2013 and ASEAN Energy Awards 2013 through the following publications: Marketeer magazine, volume 14, No. 163 in September 2013 Thai Post newspaper, X-cite section on October 29th, 2013 Pim Thai newspaper, First section on October 30th, 2013 Ban Muang newspaper, section on November 5th, 2013 Bangkok Today newspaper, section on November 5th, 2013 Moreover, the Company published information, details, knowledge on energy, PR activities, and CSR projects of Sahacogen through the local media as follows: Lamphun newspaper, Lamphun province FC Sport News newspaper, Lamphun province SBL Magazine, routes and tourism industrial of Chonburi Green Energy Magazines This is a quarterly magazine about energy information and activities between Sahacogen and local communities, as well as the innovations for learning. MCOT radio station, Lamphun province publicized information, data, renewable energy knowledge, PR activities, and CSR projects of Sahacogen Company Website www.sahacogen.com
Awards and Recognition Sahacogen has a proven success as a very small power producer recognized by many organizations for its transparency, integrity and commitment to clean energy development. We put the value to the local community engagement and returning the beneďŹ t to the society.
ASEAN Energy Awards 2013 Sahacogen Green Company Limited won the ASEAN Energy Awards 2013 for energy conservation and renewable energy development in ASEAN, on the category of Biomass Fired Cogeneration Plant, held at Bali, Indonesia. CSRI Recognition Awards 2013 Sahacogen (Chonburi) Public Company Limited received CSRI Recognition 2013 awards in general category, held by the Corporate Social Responsibility Institute (CSRI), the Stock Exchange of Thailand to honor and inspire listed firms which have shown their commitment to consistently running their businesses for society’s benefit.
Thailand Energy Awards 2013 Sahacogen Green Company Limited was awarded the outstanding biomass fired cogeneration plant, which was organized by the Department of Alternative Energy Development (DEDE), Ministry of Energy.
Crown Standard CDM Project 2013 Sahagreen Forest Company Limited was received a trophy and the crown certificate from Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) (TGO) to guarantee the company’s standard management of clean energy production.
Clean Energy to Community Awards Sahacogen Green Company Limited was awarded as the good private enterprise for the attempt in promoting the use of energy sufficiency community principles.
Award for Outstanding Corporate Good Governance The reward is given to Sahacogen and Affiliates for the recognition on conducting businesses according to good corporate governance principles and ethics. This award is granted by theDepartment of Business Development. Green Industrial Factory Award, level 2 (Green Activity) Ministry of Industry has certified that Sahacogen and Affiliates have successfully mitigated impacts of the environment complying with the commitment regarding to the environmental and health occupational policy. CSR-DIW Award This reward was the certification for the industrial factories dedicating to sustainable environment and society held by Ministry of Industry.
ASEAN Energy Awards 2013
Good Environment Governance Certification Ministry of Industry certified Sahacogen and Affilates as a group of corporate that implement the environmental governance principles in its operation. The Certification of Prevention and Resolution on Drugs Problem in the Workplace according to the White Factory Project Ministry of Labor certified Sahacogen and Affiliates for its prevention and resolution of drug problems in the workplace complying with the standards.
Thailand Energy Awards 2013
The result of quality assessment on holding the annual general shareholders’ meeting in 2013 was on “excellent” level under the assessment of Thai Investors Association. The evaluation on the report of Listed Companies’ Good Corporate Governance (CG) in 2013, conducted by Thailand Institute of Directors (IOD), showed Sahacogen and Affiliates were scored in “very good” level.
CSRI Recognition 2013