Christmas 2009 at The Church of the Good Shepherd, Dyke Road, Brighton Please join us for our Christmas services Sunday 20 December
Our regular Sunday services:
10.15am Family Eucharist with Christingle in aid of The Children’s Society 4.00pm Carol Service followed by mince pies and mulled wine
Wishing you a very happy Christmas and God’s blessing throughout the coming year
Thursday 24 December - Christmas Eve
Felix and Susan Mascarenhas and all at the Church of the Good Shepherd
6.00pm Crib Service 11.30pm Midnight Mass with choir carols from 11pm
Friday 25 December - Christmas Day 8.00am Holy Communion 10.15am Family Eucharist
8.00am Holy Communion in Church 10.15am Parish Eucharist in Church 10.15am "Time for God" service in the Church Hall; 40 minutes of informal worship for all ages On the third Sunday of each month there is a single Family Eucharist in Church at 10.15am 6:30pm. Choral Evensong on the third Sunday of each month; Evening Prayer or occasionally ‘Taizé’ or ‘Songs of Praise’ on other Sundays
Dates for your Diary - Some major events in 2010 Sunday 28 March - Palm Sunday- Procession of Palms Sunday 4 April - Easter Sunday Saturday 12 June - Family Fun Day in Church grounds with stalls, games, food and music 12 to 20 June - Good Shepherd Festival 2010
More details of these events will be in our Easter Newsletter and on our web site
Revd Felix Mascarenhas Tel: 01273 882987, E-mail: Parish Office Tel: 01273 553747 Open Wednesday and Friday 9.30am to 10.30am