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Honoring Masonic Widows
On April 1, the Fifth Masonic District held its first widows luncheon at Oxford Lodge No. 353, honoring the 27 Masonic widows in attendance. The lodge’s social hall was decorated specifically for the event. Each of the tables and chairs were covered in linens. After a welcome message from Worshipful Master Ryan Martin, attendees had a moment of silence and prayer for our departed brothers. The ladies were treated to a meal of salmon, crab cakes, steak, red potatoes, green beans and pasta. Afterward, the ladies, their guests and the brethren moved to the lodge room, where Brother Eric T. Downs, D.D.G.M.-5, provided an overview of the benefits of the Widows Guild and presented each widow with a Blue Slipper pin and a packet of information. The ladies were genuinely moved and appreciated the ceremony. The event concluded with dessert and more social time, during which many of the widows exchanged contact information.

For more information on the Widows Guild and assistance with planning your lodge or district event, please contact Linda Jackson, Director of Philanthropic and Widows Support, at relationsadministrator@pawidowguild.org or by calling 1-800-599-6454 or 717-367-1121, ext. 33497.