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PMYF Promotes Berry and Pullin
As Executive Director, Dave is responsible for establishing goals and objectives; supervising staff; maintaining the budget; coordinating facilities’ usage and scheduling; communicating with Masonic youth groups, their leaders and Masonic organizations; overseeing volunteer recruitment and training; and developing and implementing programs, policies and activities which enhance membership growth and character development.
Dave has worked for PMYF since 1992, most recently serving as Interim Executive Director. He is a trained educator and has worked in radio and local government.
Dave is the Executive Secretary of Pennsylvania DeMolay, an advisor for Elizabethtown DeMolay and serves on the board of governors of the Lancaster Dyslexia Center for Children. He received the HODEGOS Award in 2005 for outstanding volunteer service to Masonic youth. He is also a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, Elizabethtown, and an officer in the Lancaster Lodge of Perfection.
2023 HODEGOS Recipients
The HODEGOS class has been announced for 2023. This award recognizes an adult leader from our Masonic youth groups who have provided dedicated leadership for over seven years. The term HODEGOS can be translated to mean “conductor,” but we use it to describe a leader or instructor of the inexperienced. This year, we have two recipients of the HODEGOS award.
Bruce Neubauer (right) has been a dedicated advisor for Westmoreland DeMolay for over 15 years. He has served as the Chairman of the Advisory Council on two separate occasions and as a Deputy Executive Officer for Pennsylvania DeMolay. In 2019, he received Honorary Membership in DeMolay International. He is always looking for new ways to build membership in the chapter, develop young men and strengthen the bond between the Masonic bodies and the youth.
In his role, Joe is responsible for serving as Secretary to the board of directors; speaking at Masonic organizations and related youth group engagements; developing and supervising programs, seminars and meetings for Masonic youth groups; facilitating communication to adult and youth leadership; and maintaining youth membership and volunteer databases.
Joe has been employed by PMYF since 2015, most recently as Program Assistant. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sports and recreational management from Ashford University and previously worked as a public safety supervisor.
Joe is a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, Elizabethtown, currently serving as Worshipful Master. He is also the Advisory Council Chairman for Riverside DeMolay, the Executive Administrator for Pennsylvania DeMolay and a deputy member of DeMolay International. He was awarded the HODEGOS Award in 2022 for outstanding volunteer service to Masonic youth.
Gary Schwartz (far right) has been active as a DeMolay advisor for 32 years. He first served Hershey Chapter from 1987 to 1998 and has since worked with Elizabethtown Chapter. He served as both Chapter Advisor and Advisory Council Chairman at Hershey Chapter and as Assistant Advisory Council Chairman for Elizabethtown. He brings many contributions to the chapter, including driving 50 miles round trip to ensure his grandson gets the proper DeMolay experience.
Youth Chairmen Needed!
It’s going to be an exciting Fall for the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation (PMYF), the Masonic youth groups and all Masonic lodges in Pennsylvania as the structure, duties and importance of the Lodge Youth Chairmen (Lodge Representative to the PMYF) and District Youth Chairmen are enriched, amplified and expanded so the outreach to the important mission of service to our youth is enhanced. The duties of these important volunteers are outlined on the job descriptions posted on pmyf.org. Please review them, and if you’re interested in taking on the challenges of one of these positions, talk to your Worshipful Master for the Lodge Youth Chairman position or your District Deputy Grand Master for the District Youth Chairman appointment. Please contact Executive Director Dave Berry at the PMYF if you have any questions about the roles and duties.
PMYF 2023 Scholarships: By the Numbers
The Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation is pleased to announce that this year, a total of $160,350 in scholarship funds has been awarded to a total of 45 deserving undergraduate students. This includes five recurring scholarships (a total of $56,000) given for two, three or four years at $3,500 a year; 35 singleyear scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 (a total of $98,500); and five specialty scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 (a total of $5,850).
In 2023, there were 105 total scholarship submissions, including from one Master Mason; members of the Masonic youth groups; and children, grandchildren and a great-grandchild of Pennsylvania Master Masons.
The 2024 Masonic Scholarship Resource Guide and Application will be available by Sept. 15 and will be posted on the PMYF website at pmyf.org (scan QR code below). The guide and application will also available by contacting the PMYF Office at 1-800266-8424 or at pmyf@pagrandlodge.org.
Applications must be postmarked by March 15, 2024. More information will be available in the next edition of The Pennsylvania Freemason magazine.