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As we usher in the New Year, I would like to reflect on our successes in 2022 and highlight some of the exciting events on tap for 2023.
We spent much of the first three months of this administration crisscrossing the Commonwealth, discussing lodge and Grand Lodge issues, with a special emphasis on Grand Lodge finances. The dialogue was healthy, transparent and fraternal, and I appreciate the candor of the membership. I am thrilled to report that for the first time in many years, we ended 2022 in a positive financial position. While the cost-cutting measures enacted over the past four or five years have garnered the desired result, fiscal responsibility will remain a high priority. During the Town Hall meetings, we presented the Blue Lodge Investment Program designed by Brothers Brian Maxwell, Chief Investment Officer, and Todd Ockovic, Chairman of the Consolidated Fund. Lodges that have entered the program have done so seamlessly, and their monies are professionally managed at costs that wouldn’t be available to them on their own.
In conjunction with the Town Hall meetings, we held Open Houses to introduce Masonry to potential members. To facilitate your own professional membership presentation, a step-by-step Power Point is available through your District Deputy Grand Master. If you are interested in leading membership growth, please consider conducting a presentation in your lodge or district.
The online Mentoring Program is taking shape. Candidates will complete a no-fail quiz at the conclusion of each leg of their journey to help ensure they understand its meaning and significance. In addition, they will be invited to attend a District Mentoring School. While helping the new candidate meet fellow brethren, the mentor is also tasked with assisting him in completing the Mentoring Program to ensure he knows who we are, what we do and the benefits of being a Mason. I encourage all members to attend a mentoring session or school. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised to learn what’s available to you as a Pennsylvania Mason.
Thanks to those who share my sporting clays enthusiasm; the events held in the eastern and western parts of the state generated over $35,000 to support day-to-day Grand Lodge operations. We will host these fun fellowship events in August and September again this year.
Moving forward, we will continue to assist with ideas to create enthusiasm in the lodges; however, the officers and members must act on those ideas to realize success. We will never quit talking about the positive effect our Masonic civility and decency can have in our communities. And most assuredly, we will be relentless in outlining the importance of bringing quality men into our beloved fraternity. To that end, a One Day Class will be held on March 25, 2023, giving men with time challenges the opportunity to become a Mason. A commitment to mentoring our new members will be critical to the success of our efforts.
This is a year in which celebrations will commemorate two major milestones. The first is the 100th Anniversary of Pennsylvania DeMolay. Visit a DeMolay Chapter meeting near you, get involved in helping our young people, and I promise you will witness the amazing positive effect our programs have on our youth and how excited they are to engage with you. Please also consider lending your support through the $100 for 100 fundraising campaign for Pennsylvania DeMolay. We will formally celebrate this milestone Saturday, June 10, at Masonic Village at Elizabethtown, in conjunction with the Communication.
The second milestone is the 150th Anniversary of our Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. While celebratory events will be held throughout 2023 to showcase our magnificent National Historic Landmark and expose good men to Masonry, I highlight just one. On the morning of Saturday, June 24, 150 years to the day, we will hold a public Masonic re-dedication of the Masonic Temple. We are hoping for favorable weather so the event can be held at the Broad Street entrance.
Brethren, our fraternity offers a niche for everyone. Find and explore yours!
May God bless and keep you.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Jeffrey M. Wonderling, R.W. Grand Master