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The Solution for the “I’m too Busy” Candidates
Saturday, March 25, 2023
It’s a convenient option for busy men who want to join!
The three Symbolic Degrees will be conferred to approved candidates on this day.
Where will they be held?
The locations of the One Day Class will be determined by the District Deputy Grand Masters; one or more districts may join together at one location.
How will it work?
As usual, petitions must be received by the lodge and read at a stated meeting, a Committee of Investigation must be appointed and the petition balloted upon at a subsequent meeting. If these requirements are met, the Masonic month requirement will be waived during the month of the One Day Class. Lodges may have special meetings prior to the One Day Class to receive and ballot on petitions, provided timely notice is provided to the members. Multiple balloting will be permitted and encouraged on any number of petitioners. Approved petitioners may be held for the One Day Class, regardless of their date of approval, waiving the six-month rule.
There is no maximum number of candidates who can receive their degrees on this day. Degrees can be performed in a group setting, utilizing an exemplar, and all candidates must recite their oath and obligation Proficiency before advancement will not be required; however, lodges are required to have members available to instruct candidates. Mentor committees are responsible to ensure all candidates and members are properly mentored.