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The Speakers’ Bureau: A Gateway to Masonic Education
Are you preparing a program listing for your lodge for the new Masonic year? Are you looking for programs that are new and interesting to put your lodge members on the “fast track” in the study of Masonic education?
Freemasonry’s focus is on the lifelong pursuit of knowledge to enable members to seek answers along their personal journey to becoming a better man. Quality lodge presentations are essential in providing our brethren meaningful Masonic education. To help your lodge fulfill that pursuit of learning, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania offers the Speakers’ Bureau.
The Speakers’ Bureau is administered by the Academy of Masonic Knowledge and offers a spectrum of topics to choose from, presented by subject matter experts located throughout the Commonwealth. The Speakers’ Bureau provides you with the versatility to choose your path: study the past, enhance current leadership skills, delve into philosophy, focus on ritual and symbolism, learn about issues which enhance the community or chart your own way. Visit the site today to see what Masonic educational opportunities await! Pagrandlodge.org/masonic-education/speakers-bureau.
Pennsylvania Lodge of Research 2023 Stated Meetings
Saturday, June 17, 2023
Altoona Masonic Temple 610 Jackson Avenue
Altoona, PA 16602
Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023
Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center 3579 Masonic Way Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Programs feature general information about the Craft and at least two research paper presentations, followed by discussion and fellowship.
Brethren interested in submitting papers for possible presentation at future meetings of the Pennsylvania Lodge of Research, or who have Masonic queries they would like answered, should submit them to the Secretary at Lodge.of.Research@pagrandlodge.org.
White golf shirt by Queensboro, in 100% performance polyester. Emblem embroidered on left chest, with “Pennsylvania Freemason Past Master.” Order yours from the Masonic Library and Museum of PA Gift Shop by scanning the QR code below, or request a shirt from the cashier when you visit the gift shop in person. Sizes: M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL $22 each, excluding shipping, where applicable.