The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1958

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ssued Every Th ree Months By

The Rig ht Wors hip ful G rand lod ge of The Most Ancien and Honorab le Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pe nnsy vania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, through ts COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE - William E. Yeager, Past Grand Master, Chairman; William E. Montgomery, G. Ed wa rd Elwell , Jr. Frank R. l eech, W illiam A. Carpenter, Charles A. Young and As hb y B. Paul.


Right Worship ful Grand Master


Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 688, WARREN, PA

Vol. V Fe brua ry , 1958 No 1

Your Circulating Library

Masonic li terature had its beginning in England and the first manu scr ipt was known as the " Rob erts Manu script" and was pubished in 1722 unde r the title of "The Old Constitutions Bel ongin g to the Ancient and H onorable Socie t y of Free and Accepted Masons."

Re v. James Anderson, D D. a Presbyterian Mini s ter is well known t o all Masoni c hi st or ian s as the compiler of th e celebrat ed bo ok of Cons ti tution s of th e Freema so ns conta ining the Histor y, Char ges, Regu lations, &c. o f the Mos t Ancient and Right Wors hi pfu l Fra t ernity (for the use of th e Lodges) London , 1723.

Th e first Mas onic boo k publ ished in America was a reprint of the 1723 ed iti on of the " Cons ti tutions of Freemason s," from the p r ess of Benjamin Franklin, r eprinted in Philade phia, 1734 by specia l order, for th e u se of the brethr en in North Amer ica.

In t he early days as far back as the e ighteent h century it wa s in the m inds of the brethren t h at the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia s h ou ld possess a Masonic Library whe r ei n manuscripts, book s and va rious papers could be s tored for the u se of t h e membe r ship, and for perpetual care

Thi s aspi ration was fi rs t brought to t h e attent ion of the Grand Lodge Offi cers as early as March 26, 1787 and s ubsequently on October 7, 1816, a nd March 17, 1817 It was not until J une 7, 1871 , th at a res olution was pa ssed in th e Grand Lodge au th orizing th e estab li shment of a Grand Lodge L ibrar y Over a period of years man y books and articl es on Freemas onry were publi sh ed by the Grand Lodge of Penn sy lvania and numerous hi stories by the Subo rdin ate Lodges. However , no m ovement was ever considered to organize a Circu lating Libr ary, or a plan of "Masoni c Edu cation " wh e r eby a m ember co ul d be properl y enli ghtene d throu gh th e re a ding of Mas onic b ooks at lei sure in hi s own home. Wh il e vi siting o th er Grand Jurisdictions

that maintained Circulating Librari es, your Li bra r ian learned that Mason ic books were very much in demand by the bret hren, and the idea had prove n a success . On September 5, 195 1 a res olution was on motion and adopte d in Grand Lodge au th orizing the Committee on Librar y to create a Circulating Librar y T wo brochures were prepa red and printed, one consis ting o f the R ules an d Re g ulations including a form of app lication for the borrowing of books by the members, the other giv ing a list of numerous boo ks whi ch could be l oa ne d, and copies of eac h brochure were sent to the Secretaries of the Subordina t e Lodges

Sin ce tha t time the Libra r ia n is pleased to announce tha t r eques ts for books a re co ns tan tly being mail ed to the library, and up to the present time the Committee has l oa n ed 3, 174 volumes

Th e brethren who have not t aken advantage of this p ri vi lege and d es ire to do so, write t o William J. Paterson, Librarian, Masonic Temple Broad and Filbert Streets, Phila. 7, Pa. Here ment ioned are on ly a few o f the titles of Masonic books that can be borrowed, ma n y others a r e avai lable, name ly :






Masons at Sight

On Monday, Decemb er 2, 1957, our R. W. Grand Master caused Leo n J. Obermaye r and R obert G. Dunlop to be made Mas on s at S ght in accordance with th e prerogati ve granted him unde r the Ah ima n Rez on, at a Special Communi cati on of Grand Lodge called for th at purpo se in Corin th ian Ha ll Mas onic Temple , Phi ladelphia.

B ro th e r Leon J. Ober ma ye r Brother Leon J. Obermaye r was born in Illinois a nd mo ve d to Philadelph ia whe n still a boy He was edu ca ted in Phi ladelphia Pub lic School s and th e Un ivers it y of Pennsy lva nia Law School. He is married and h as two s ons and a dau ghter. According to hi s fam ly history, Broth er Obe rma yer's fathe r was made a Ma so n over a 100 years ago, in 1857. Brother Obermayer is a former Chairman of th e Board of Governors of th e Philadelp hi a Ba r Association, former Vice Pr es ident Pennsy lva ni a Ba r Associ a t ion, Chair m an of Committee on Profess iona l Guidance of Philadelphia Bar Assoc iat ion. He is on the Boa rd of Managers of s uch Social Service agencies as H eart Assoc iation, Academy of Natural Sciences, Wood s Sch oo l for E xceptional Chi ldren , Boy Scou t s o f America, Young Men 's and Young Women 's Hebrew Ass ociation of Philadelphia, Jewish Ho s pital , Phil ade l phia, o f ten se rvin g as Chairman

Broth er Obermayer was appo inted to Philadelp hia Boa r d of Publi c Educa tion in 1938, Vice President, April 9, 1955 and President, 1955. He has ser ved as Pres ident of Cent ral High School Alu mn i Assoc ia tio n and Presid en t of Alumni of Law Department, Univers it y of P en n sylvania and Cha irman of Draft Board in Philadelphia 1940-1946, a nd member of Executive Committee on U. S. Commission UNES CO.

H eb r ew Union College and Temple Un iversity ha ve conferred Honorary Degrees upon Brother Obe rmayer.

Brother Robert G. Dunlop

Brother Robert G. Dunlop was born in Bos ton, Massachusetts. The family moved to Coll ingswood , New Jersey, when Robert was s till an infant. He was educated in Collingswood Schools and Wharton School of Un ivers ity of Pennsylvania. Bro th er Dunlop joined Sun Oil Compan y, as an accounta nt, being pr omo ted to Assis tant Comp tr o ller in 194-1 a nd Comptroller in 1944 He succeed ed to th e Presidency in 1947 when Mr. J. Howard P ew retired Brother Dunlop h as buil t up a r ecord for h igh mora le in the co mpan y b y his since ri ty, respec t f or h is ind ividua l employees and personal inte rest in them. H e is keenly aware of his social res pons ibi li ti es, especially to yo uth He is on th e Board of Managers o f hi s Ch ur ch , Bo y Scouts, Hahnema nn Med ical College and Hos pital, Philadelphia; Univers it y of Pennsy lvania; Westmin s ter College , New W il mington , P a ; Bald win Schoo l Bryn Mawr, P a , and Seaman 's Church Insti tute, Philadelphia Brother Dunlop is married and has t wo ch ildren.

The Entered Apprentice Mason 's Degree was con ferred by Brother George H. Meine rs, Past Mas t er of Ch ester L odge No. 236 The Fellowcraft Maso n 's Degree was conferred by Brother Cl ifford S W illiam s, Pas t Master of Luciu s Scott Lodge No. 352. Th e Mas ter Mason's Degree wa s co nferred by Brother H. Curtis Mye rs, Wo rs hipful Ma s ter of Frankford Lodge No 292 The Gu ide was Bro th er William A. Carpenter, Pas t Maste r of Chester Lodge No. 236.

Our welcome, Broth ers Oberma yer and Dunlop into the Maso n ic Fra t erni t y, where bro th er s "bes t work and bes t agree ."-C.A.Y.


Color Post Ca rd Showing

Exterior View of Masonic T emple, Philadelphia, Now Availabl e

Th is attractive card is j ust a l ittle l ess th an four by s ix inche s in size and pro vides a wonderfu l detai led view of The Temp le. On the re verse s ide is the usual post card arra nge ment for address, message and s tamp.

Th is is the h eadqu a rt ers and meeting place of the Right Wors hipfu l Grand Lodge of Free and Ac cepted Mas ons of P e nnsy lva nia. These cards ma y be ord ered in any quant i ty, a t the ra te of fi ve cent s per card, fro m: William J. P at erson Librar ian, Masonic Temple, Broad and Filbert Stree ts, Philadel phia 7 , Pa.


A Message from Our Grand Master

At High Noon on December 27, 1957 I assumed t he office of Right Worshipfu l Grand Master of Mas ons in P ennsylvania. During the pas t six years it h as bee n m y p r ivi lege to serve the Grand Lodge in the offices of R ight Worsh ipful Junior Grand Warden , Right Worsh ipful Senior Grand Warden and Ri ght Worsh ip ful Depu t y Grand Master. Previ ous to that I was Dis tri ct Deputy Grand Mas ter of the Fifty-fo urth Mason ic District It has been my privilege to s erve under Albert T E yler, Ralph M. Leh r an d Charle s H. Nitsch durin g the ir t erms a s Right Worshipful Grand Mas ter s. Durin g these yea rs i t h as been th e practice of th e Grand Office rs under the g uidance of the Grand Master , to endeavor t o coordina te the a cti v iti es of the Grand Lodge with th e combined knowl edge and assi s tance of all to s o lve the num erou s problems whi ch must b e decided, to the end that the Grand Lodge activ ities proceed alon g thos e lines wh ich will r es u lt in the cont inued forwa r d Mar ch of th e Grand Lodge of P ennsylvania

As our immediate P as t Ri ght W or s hi pful Grand Mas te r, Charles H. Ni t sch , h as s o aptl y s tated, " The Office of Grand Mas ter is not a one-man job. " On th e contrary it require s 100% cooperation of a ll to the end that o ur Gra nd Lodge may continue to p r osper a nd ma intain its rightful pos ition in Fre emasonr y I am strengthened in assuming the duties of this high office in the knowledge that there are available to the Grand Mas ter those who ha ve preceded me in th e office and m any other outsta nd ing Maso ns in Penn sy lvania a ll of whom s tan d by ready , ab le a nd willing to be of s uch h elp as may be ne cessary in this great under taking At the same time it is my thou ght tha t eve ry Ma so n in P enns ylvania b y his attendance at th e regular meetings of hi s ow n Lodge and zealous e nthu siasti c s upport of the principles of Masonr y within his Lod ge, as well as in hi s home life and work, co ntinue to be pillars of s trength in the pre se rvation of th e heritage wh ch is ours. I , the r efore, s ugges t tha t all of us g ve carefu l attention to our Ma so nic obligations as th ey a r ise from da y t o day and by applying those principles wh ich we are taught , eac h of us can m ake a di s tin ct contribut ion wit hin his sph ere of activi t y to the advancemen t of the princi p les of Fre emas onry to which we are all per s onally d edicated.

I was greatly s urprised and pleased on December 27, 1957 wh en approximately fifty members of m y Lodge, Verona Lodge No 548, Verona, P enn sy lvania, arra nge d to sojourn to Philadel phia and be

prese n t in Corin thi an Hall when I was instal led Man y of those prese nt in this group had never been afforded th e opportunity of attending a Communicatio n of the Grand Lodge. To have tho se with whom yo u have been so closely associa ted in th e activ iti es of Fre emasonry travel a round trip d is t an ce of over s ix hundred miles by buses in order to be present on the occasion of t he ins talla tion of one of their pas t Mas ters as Grand Mas ter is somethin g which crea tes a feeling of mixed emotions. The thought o ccu rs to me that all Mas ons in a ll Lodges should have , an d I feel certain do have th e same s pirit with rega rd t o Freema s onry. I t was my privilege t o visi t m y own Lodge on my first official Vi s ita tion as Gra nd Mas ter on January 3, 1958 a t the Ma s onic Temple in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania, our own Lodge Room being inadeq uate for the occasion At that time I a m informed there we re approximate ly 547 Mas ons p r esent and I was accompanied by the Grand Officers, m any Pas t Gra nd Mas t ers and Dis t rict Deputy Grand Mas ters The presence of these many Mas ons brought to my mind the sl ogan of Brother George H. Deike , Right Worshipful P ast Gra nd Master, who o n man y occas ions durin g his term of office said : "Freemason r y is on the march in Pennsylva nia." I believe that s logan is as applicab le today as it was during his adminis tr ation. Not only is Freemasonr y on the march in Pennsyl van ia but throughout the world. It will con tinu e t o be so as each of us, wherever we find ourselves, more ac ti ve, if po ss ible, in this great m arch. I h ave been s o impressed by th e inscr ipti on which appears over the "House of the Temp le" in Washing ton, D. C., t h is outs tanding Mas on ic Temp le being th e s eat of Freemaso n ry for th e Southern Mas onic Jur isdiction An cien t Acce p ted Sco ttish Ri te. Th e insc ription r eads "Freemaso nr y bui lds its Templ es in the h ea rt s of men a nd am ong the nations." We th ere fore, do have a great ob ligatio n as each of u s con ti nues to pre serve th at he r itage which is ours. We mus t build the T emples of Maso nr y w thin our h ea rt s an d our lives to the end th a t these same p ri nciples wh ich ha ve to do with th e p r ese r vat ion of th e heri tage wh ich we h ave as citi zens, b e perpe tu ated throu ghout the world.

Leonard Forman Lodge, N o . 782, Forbes Trail Lodge, No. 783 Recently Constituted

One of the las t official acts pe rformed by Brother Ch ar les H. Nitsch as R. W. Grand Mas ter was t o pres ide at th e Constitution of Leo nard Forman Lodge No. 782 in Phila delphia on December 5, 1957; one of th e first officia l acts p erformed b y Brother Sanf ord M. Chilcote as R W. Grand Master was to preside at th e Constit ution of Forbes Trail Lodge No. 783 in Pitt s burgh on Januar y 16 1958.

Leonard Forman Lodge became the eleventh Lodge in Dis tri c t D i n whi ch Broth er Albert

A. Bauer i s the Di s t r ic t Deputy Grand Master. Forbes Trail Lodge is th e nin th Lodge in Di strict No. 48 in whi ch Brother Benjamin S. Barbour is the Di str ict Deputy Grand Master.

Leonard Forman Lodge came in to be ing because of the wholehea rt ed en thusiasm of a small gro up of Maste r Masons, most of whom were at th e t ime members of Brotherho od Lod ge No. 773 This group turn ed to our late R. W. Grand Sec r e ta r y, Brother George A Avery, and he as alwa ys gave the gu idance and assistance needed to brin g thi s new Lodge into existence. Brother Mac Sanders of Brotherh ood Lodge and Di str ict Deput y Bauer a ls o were of va lu able assistance in th e forma ti ve days. Brotherho od Lodge officially sponsore d th e new Lodge.

New L odges have seldom borne the name of a man wh o has bee n a Ma son only a few short yea r s Leonard Forman was made a Maso n in Brother hood Lodge late in 1954 and wa s rais ed on Ma r ch 31, 1955. Two and a half years l ater he was s uddenly called to hi s Ma ker. Bro th er Leo n a rd Fo rm a n 's Maso n ic life was s h ort, b u t in that brie f s pan of ti me h e had fully demon s tra ted t o hi s Bre th re n th e true -spirit of Freema so nry. He WAS a Master Mason.

This new Lodge was cons tituted in th e Masonic Temple in Ph ilade lphia wi th o nl y 19 Warrant members, on e of th e s malles t number on r ecord. But these nineteen are imbued wit h all the enthusiasm required t o make this Lodge most s ucce ss ful.

Th e Warrant Officers o f Leonard Forman Lodge, w ho se Stated Mee tin gs will be h eld the first Wed nesda y of each month in Egyptian Hall, include:

CHARLES J. SIMMONS Worshipful Master

MELVIN KAMP ...... . ....... Senior Warden

EMANUEL I GLE IAS .Junior Wa rden


MARV IN S. BAKER Secretary


RoNALD SKLAR .Junior Deacon

MEYER H. SKLAR .. Senio r Master of Ceremonies

STANLEY DoLNICK .Junior Mast e r of Ceremonies


None of the Warrant Members had e ve r serve d as Worshipfu l Master.

Four or five years ago a small group of

Masons at the other en d of the Commonwealth for med the Forbes Sq uare Club. Las t Ja nuar y th irteen of th ese Masons met in the basement

o f Brother Arthur T. Moore at Murrysv ille t o co n sid er the possibilities of fo rm ing a new Lodge n Export, a s mall town about twent y miles eas t of Pittsb urgh. O u t of th is m eeti ng Forbes Trail Lodge No. 783 was born.

So eager were the Masons l iving in th e vic init y of Expor t for the format ion of thi s new Lodge that by the end of the year, one hundred an d sixteen had s igned the pe tit ion for Forbes Trail Lodge Of the above Warrant Members , twenty-five came from Jeanne tt e Lodge No. 750 a nd s ixteen from Shidle Lodge No. 60 1 in Ir win. Forty-three othe r Pennsylvan ia and two ou t -of-sta t e Lodges furnished the remaining Warrant Members Only three Past Masters are n th e group. Jeannette Lodge No. 750 officiall y s ponsored the new Lodge. District Dep uty Benjamin S Barbour was of invaluable assistance in comple ti ng th e man y details in connection wi th th e success ful culm in a ti on of th e Consecra ti on and Cons titution of this newest Lodge Bro th er Andrew J. Schrod er, In s tru c tor of Rituali s tic Work, int er rupt ed his vaca tion in F lorida and flew to P ittsburg h for the ce remon y and then fl ew back again at i ts conclus ion. The imp r essive event was held in the Masonic T emple in Pi tt s burg h where th e Lodge will meet temporari ly. A two-story property has been purchased i n Export and when alterati on s are comp leted ea rl y next Fall, th e' Lodge will tra n sfer i t s meetings to i s own quarte rs Stated Meetings will be h eld th e third Thu r sday of eac h month.

The name Forbes Trail is mos t a pprop riat e as Forbes' t r oops blaze d the ir famous trai l n ea r the prese nt s ite of Export. Gen eral John Forbes, renowned for hi s devotion to duty and to h is Country, was given th e monumen t al task of h ewi n g a n ew an d shorter r oad to the Wes t. Overcoming eve ry obstacl e , General Forbes' achie vement op ened a n ew highway t o th e Great West.

Broth er John Kas hur ba, a Pas t Master of Jea nn ett e Lodge No. 750 is th e Warrant

Master. Brother Willard G. Cu tl er, formerly a m em ber of H yde P a rk Lodge No. 7 89 Cincinna ti , Ohio is th e Warrant Senior Warden. Broth er Cutler is an Active Memb er a nd Grand Treas urer General of the Supreme Coun cil of the Scottis h Rite.

The other Warrant Officers are:

RoB ERT C UH LIG .Junior Warden

Ro Y P. SwAUGE R Tr easure r

EARL G. PATTY Secretary



J. RussEL L CLEM ENTS Trustee and Chaplain


LA WRE NCE F. CuPPS, J R. . .. ... .Junior Deacon


Senior Ma ster of Ceremonies


junior Master of Ceremonies

RoBERT C. STEELE Pursuivant

T wenty- th ree petltwns were presented at the fi rst S tated Mee tin g wh ich was he ld after the conclusion of the Constitution ceremon ies.


Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter


M. E Grand Treasurer

At th e Quarterly Communication of Gra n d Ch ap t e r he ld December 5, 19 57, th e foll owing Grand Officers were re-elected:


M. E. Grand H igh Priest


M. E. Grand King


M. E. Grand Scribe


M. E. Grand Tre asurer


M. E. Grand Secretary Companion KITSELMAN re -appoin ted Companion J. EDWARDS SM ITH JR. Assistant Grand Secretary and the appointment was co nfirm ed by Grand Chapter. Grand Chapter was honored b y the pr esence of disti nguis hed guests fr om the Grand Chapte rs of Rh ode I s land , Massachusetts, Vi rg inia Ohio New Jersey and the Distri c t of Co lum bia; al s o from th e Grand Co uncil Ro yal and Select Masters and Grand Commandery Kni ght s T emplar, of Penns yl vania Knight-Companion J ohn Markle, 2nd, M. I. Grand Sovere ign of the Gra nd I mp eria l Counc il of the R ed Cross of Cons tant ine, Empir e of the Eas t , and Illu strious Companion Ma r vin E. Fow ler , Pro v in cial Grand Mas ter of the Ro ya l O r der of Scotland were a lso r eceived and welco med.

Out of an extremely b u sy life, Brother (and Companion) CHARLES H. NITSCH took time to h ighly h on or Grand Chap ter with his presence and was received a nd welco med wi th the honors du e the Ri ght Wor shipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsy van ia He was accompanied b y Bro th er M AX F . BALCOM, R. W . Sen ior G rand Warden and Bro th er LoUi s BACHARACH, R. W. Grand Tr ea s urer o f t h e Grand Lodge of P ennsylva nia.

Freemasonry ut Scotland

By R. w. wARD K. ST. CLAIR Chairman of Mu se um and Libra ry Committee

R. W. Grand Lodge of New York Craft Masonry in Sco tl and is under th e con t rol of The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Acce pted Mas ons. The presiding officer is te r med Grand Mas ter Maso n. Grand Lodge rec og nizes as Craft Masonry the de g re es of Entered Appr e n ti ce, Fellowcraft (including th e Mark) and Mas ter Mas on. Grand Lodge also r ecog n izes a Ce r emon ial of Ins tall ed Mas ter which is co nfer r ed upon Mas ters elect of the Lodges The ceremony (COtllinue1l o n page 3)

Pennsylvania Mason Juvenile Court Institute Holds Seventh Session

YEAGER, R. W. Past Grand Master

Brothe r Sanford M Ch ilcote, R. W. Gra nd Mas ter, on Fe bruary 17, 1958, pr ese nted t we nt y j udges with certifi cates as Fellows of the P e nnsylvania Mason Juvenile Court Ins ti tute Th ese judges-selected from all parts of the count r y and Hawaii- participate d in an exceptiona ll y good sess ion durin g w hi c h the fundamen al importance of the In s titute in serving the emot ionally c rippled and unfortunate child , re g ardle ss of r ace, c r eed and color, was demons t rated.

During th e course of the session, distinguish ed leaders in thi s fi eld o f endeavor addre ssed the group, f ollowed in each in s tance by a free and full exchange of idea s and experience s. The Fellows, di v ide d into grou ps of five each in order to b e bette r enab led to participate in the proceedings, attended the sess ions of Judg e Schramm's court. Meanwhile, the others familiarized th emselves wi th th e p r ocedmes in the Deten tion Home and in the Pr oba tion , Medical and Cleri cal Depa rtm ents of the Court.

Among the prom inent leaders who participated in the sessio n were th e followi ng : Samue l Wi shik , M.D. , Univers i ty of Pi ttsb ur gh; Oscar J. Sc h warm, Direc t or, Pitt sburg h Publi c School s; Kenne th Ramminge r , Con s ult a n t , State Department of Public Welfare, Madiso n , Wis con s in; James F. McKni ght, In s pector, Bureau of P oli ce, Pi tts burgh ; Hon. G. Howl and S ha w, Former President National Conference of Catholic Charities; Ri ght Rev. Msg r. John O G rad y, Secret ar y, Na ti onal Co nfe re nce of Ca th oli c Cha rit ies, Washington, D. C.; R ev J. Mason Cochran , G rand Ch aplain, Gr and Lodge of Pennsylvan ia.

During previous sess ions, five jurists, who are now Past Gran d Mas ter s of th e ir r es pec ti ve juri sdicti ons, became Fello ws of th e Insti t ut e Becaus e of the interest thus indicated and in order tha th e Gra nd Lodge officers of o th er juri s di c tion s might become bet t er acquain ted with th e wo rk o f the In stitute, an in v i a tion wa s i ss ued to Grand Mas t ers of va rious ju ri sdictions to participate in the Sunday and Monda y programs The followin g accepted and honored th e s ession wit h th ei r presence: Gle nn B. Va n Fleet , M. W. Grand Ma ste r , Col orado; A ugus t J. S ieloff, M. W. Gr and Ma s ter, Indiana; Ri chard L. Becker M. W. Grand Master , Kan s as; K. 0. Knud so n M. W. Grand Master, Nevada ; Andrew J. White , M. W. Grand Mast er, Ohio; L. Wade Temp le, M. W . Grand Mas ter, North Ca r oli na ; Flo yd D. Richards, M. W. Grand Mas ter , West Virgin ia.

The clos in g event of the sess ion was a dinner in th e Banqu et Ha ll of th e Mas onic Templ e in Pittsburgh , at which t he judges rece ived thei r certifi cates as Fell ows, and the Honorab le Newell A Lamb , M. W. Pas t Grand Master o f Masons in I ndiana and a Fellow of th e In stitute, gave an ins pi r ing and most worthwhile

stance, began earl y in Dece mber when th e " York Chor us" of 40 mixed voices presented a Christmas Concert on December 10 in Grand Lodge Hall. Th e next n ight the " Bell R ingers" pro vi ded nove l e ntertainment.

address on th e e ffec ti ve handling of ju ve niles who come in co ntact wi th the Cour t.

Including thos e wh o partici pa ted in thi s sess ion- t he seventh-o ne hundred a nd fift y j udges h ave now become Fellows of the I n s titute. They have come from every S tate in the Union the Di s t r ict of Co umb ia and Hawa ii.

The lot of ove r one mill ion wayward, neglected and co nfused c hild ren will be made more hopeful as th ese Fellows go back to every corner of t h e land wi th a new fe e ling of dedication a nd better e nabled to gi ve the discipli n e, guidance and pr otectio n these children need.

The Ins titute cam e into bein g in r es ponse to an urgent need to help Juvenile Court Judges better t o serve more t ha n one million unhapp y, bewi ldered, dis turbed bo ys and g irls who each year th rong the juvenile cour ts of Amer ica.

Unfortunate ly neither in law sc ho ol nor in his priva te p r ac ti ce is a n atto rn ey, who later becomes a Ju ven ile Court Jud ge, l ikely t o get an y tra in ing whic h will give h im a n ins ight into the handling of chil d ren before the aw, and ena ble and give h im th e know ledge necess ar y to correct and g uide these troubled yo un g people in to a life of usefulness and , a t the same ti m e, pro ec t th e communi t y . To help th ese judges in th e ch ildren 's field , the I n s ti t ut e brin gs t oge th er, from tim e to time, a s mall grou p of j udges (t wenty t o t h ir t y) to make a cl ini cal s tud y of a cour t (The Alleg h eny Coun t y Juv en ile Court) whic h devo tes a ll of i ts ti me to child r en 's wor k. Liv ing to gether du r ing th e sess ion, th ey co n s ul t eac h o th er and lis ten to and co n s ult with outs ta ndin g lea ders in re lating and i nterla c ing fi el ds. S tim ulated and informed by th ese exceptional oppo rt uniti es and contacts, the y r et urn home better qual ifie d to counsel , guide and cor re c t t h ose who need th e attention, the care or the protection of the Ju ve ni le Court.

In thi s manner the Pennsyl va nia Mas on Ju venile Court ass ists i n s olving the alarming problem s of ju ve nile d elinquenc y and of the di s turbed yo uth o f our times It a ims t o p ut i nto pr actice on th e h ighes t plane the princip le of Brothe rl y Lo ve by benefi tt ing chiWren r egard less of race, cr eed or col or, and the r eby add in g s tr ength to p ubli c se rvi ce and t o demo cr acy itsel f.

Christmas at the Homes

By ASHBY B. pAUL Distric t D eputy Grand Master , Distri ct No. 2

Late each yea r we h ea r qui te a b it about the Chris tma s a nd Entertainmen t Fund fo r o ur gues ts at th e Maso ni c Homes at El izabethtown, but few of u s realize w hat an enjoyab le prog ram of eve nts is pro vided each yea r dur ing the Christmas and New Year hol iday season. Th e festiv i ties in th e past season, for in -

On Friday evening, December 13, Hess and Forrer, the well-k n own Ha rris burg pia ni s ts and a group o f instrumenta l so loi s ts p resented Ch ris tmas Ca rols in the Grand Lodge Hall.

On Monda y eve ning, Decembe r 16, the Mitchell Grand Ensemble gave a Chr istmas p r ogra m, while the next night the New Holland Company Mixed Chorus of 38 voices was heard in the G ra nd Lodge Hall.

On Friday eve nin g, December 20, th e Mrs. Ch a rl es Myers En semb e including s ix in s trum enta l an d vo cal a rtists ente rt a ined in the Grand Lodge Ha ll. The next af te rnoon a n excellent or chestr a pres ented a Christmas Concert.

On Monda y eveni ng, De cember 23, the gi rl s and boys of the Maso nic Ho mes gave an outstanding musical performanc e in the Grand Lodge Aud itorium.

On th e day befo r e Chri stmas, the entertainment star ed early with a Chr is tmas Musical Rev u e at 11:30 A.M. in the Allegheny Re s t Home. T hi s group mo ved to the Hos pital for its Ch ristmas P arty at 1:00 P.M. an d th en int o G ra nd Lodge Hall at 3 :30P.M. for the Chr istmas P arty for the o th er guests. Santa Claus was m u ch in evi dence at eac h of t h ese impressive par ties, and had gifts fo r all the bo ys and g irls, as we ll as the adu lt g uests. At 7:00 P.M. the Chri s tmas Eve Candle Service was h eld in h e John S. Se ll Memoria l Ch a p el , and an hour la ter the Chris tma s Ca rols we r e p layed o n the ch imes

On Chris t mas Day, appro priate mus ic was f urn is hed by th e Carole rs and b y the chimes p ri or to t h e d elici ous Turkey D inner at 12 o ' clock n oo n. Beauti f u l Chr is tmas decorations were in ev idence thr ougho ut th e Homes; never d id the Grand Lodge Auditorium and Ha ll look so magnificent.

"S t. Joh n's Day" was ce lebrated on Friday, December 27, wi th a St J ohn's Day Dinne r. Th e da y before New Year's found a big New Yea r 's part y in pr og r ess in the morning in th e Allegheny Rest H ome and in the afternoon in the Hospi tal. At 6:30 P .M. a New Year's Eve Dance, with dance o r ches tr a, hats, n oisem akers, en tertain ment and refreshment s, was h eld in the Grand Lodge Hall Audito r ium. At 8:00 P.M. , the girls and bo ys had their New Year's Eve Party a nd Dance i n th e J ohn S mith Home for Bo ys. The Happ y New Year Dinner was served at 12 o'clo ck noon in Grand Lodge Hall on New Year 's Day . Appropriate Re ligious Serv ices were held th r oug hout the enti re H oli da y Season.

T hrough th e ge n erosit y of the P e nn sy lva ni a Mas ons, o u r guests a t the Mas oni c H omes at Elizabet ht ow n h ad a reall y de light f u l Christmas a nd New Year's Holiday.

Th e Ente rt ainment Fund , in addi ti on to the above activ ities, provide s fo r e nt ertainment for all the g ues ts throughout th e entire year.

Our December Communications

The December Quarterly Communicati o n of Grand Lodge was held in Town Hall , Broad and Ra ce Streets, Philadelphia , P a., on Wednes· day, December 4, 19 57, and the Annual Grand Communication was h eld in The Masonic Temple , Philadelphia, P a ., Friday, December 27 , 1957.

Annual Election and Installation

At the Quarte rl y Communi ca tion the following Br ethren we re elected t o s er ve Grand Lo.dge for the Maso nic Year, beginning December 27 , 1957:

Brother S ANF ORD M. CHILCOTE, R W. Grand Master

Broth er MAx F. BAL COM,

R. W. Dep uty Grand Ma ster


R. W. Senior Grand Wa rden

Brother EARL F. HEROLD , R. W. J unior Grand Wa rden

Brothe r LoUis BACHARACH ,

R. W. Grand Trea surer


R. W. Grand Secretary

Comrnittee on Masoni c Hont es

Broth er ScoTT C. REA


Broth er ScoTTS LEIB Y, R.W.P.G.M.

Brother C. H owARD WITMER




Th e Grand Ma s t er, Depu ty Grand Mas ter , Seni or and Junior Grand Wa r dens, Grand Treas ure r were dul y install ed at th e Annua l Gr and Communi cation on December 27

Well Attended

Bot h Communication s were well attendedthe records showin g that 440 differ ent Lodges were r e presented a t the Quarte rl y Communication on D ecember 4, 195 7, and 11 7 Lodges being r epre sen ted a t th e Annual Grand Communi cation , h e ld Decemb er 2 7 1957.

Man y Repr esented

Di s tin gu is hed v isi tors were in a tt endance at bo th Communicati ons and came f rom the Grand Lodges of Delawa r e, New Jersey , Mar yland Virgi nia , Connec ti cut, New Hampshir e, Rh ode I sland , Main e, Ohio Illi nois, Mi chi ga n , West Virginia , So uth Caro lin a, North Carolin a, Indiana th e Dis tr ict of Columbia, Ontario, Canada, Nova Scotia, and fr om the York Grand Lodge of Mex ico The Grand Hol y Ro ya l Ar ch Cha pt er of P enn sylva nia th e Grand Co un c il Royal and Selec t Maste r of P ennsylvania, th e Grand Commander y Kni gh ts T e mpl a r of P e nnsylvani a, th e Anc ient Accepted Scottis h Rit e, Nor th e rn Maso ni c Jurisdictio n of the Un ite d S ta te s, the Grand Imp erial Co uncil , Red Cross of Constant in e, Em p ire of the East, the Masoni c Reli ef Associa ti on of the United States and

Ca nada, th e Mas onic Service Assoc iation, the Impe rial Coun cil , Ancie n t Arab c Order Nob les of the Mys ti c Shrine and Th e R oya l Order of S cotland were represented .

Grand Master Honored

Our Ri ght Wors hipful GrandMaster , Brother Charle s H. Nitsch, was again honor ed by being the r ecipient of the Jerem y L. Cross Award for Di s tinguis h ed Service to Freemas onry. This Award was p r esen ted very g ra c ious ly by Br ot h er Carroll H Ingall s, Mos t Worsh ipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Hamp shire.

Un ique F lag Ceremony

The Fl ag Ceremon y at th e Annua l Communic at ion was un ique in th at th e Amer ican , Can adian and Mex ican fla gs were presented a t the alta r. After th e Pl edge of Allegian ce t o the Ame ri can fl ag, Canada was h onor ed by the s ing ing of " God Save Our Gra cio u s Qu een " and " T wo Countri es by th e Sea," and for Mexi co its Na ti ona l Anth em was played.

Eulogy for Brother Ave ry

Brother George A. Aver y, R. W. Grand Secretary, having passed on to his Eternal Re ward on December 22nd, Br other Arthur Murray, Grand Ch a plain , d el ive r ed a eulo gy in hi s memory . Th e R. W. Gra nd Maste r , Brothe r H. N itsc h , sta ted th at Brother Albert T. Ey ler wou ld p r epa r e a n In Mem ori am t o be read a t th e nex t Quar t e rl y Communication.

P e nn s ylvani a Mas on .Juvenile Cou rt In stitute

I n the report of th e Children's Serv ce Co mm it tee, it was sta t ed " th at the P ennsyl va ni a Mason ic Ju ven il e Co urt Inst itute provides a t a n gibl e way by which t he ala rmin g problems of ju ven ile d el in quency an d of the di s tu rbed youth may be comb att ed," and tha t now we ha ve h ad judges from eve ry State in the Union attend the In st itute.

Spec ial Communication

Held D ece mb e r 2, 1957

At a Special Communication of Grand Lod ge held on De cember 2, in the Mason ic Temple Phil ad elph ia, th e Ri ght Worshipfu l Grand Maste r cau sed Leon J. Obermayer , Pres iden t of th e Board o f Publi c Educa tion of the School

Di str ic t of Philade lphia , a nd R obert Galbraith Dunl op, President of the Sun Oil Com pan y, t o be m ade Masons a t S ight

The C lose of Another Masonic Yea r

At th e cl osing hour of th e Ann u a l Grand Communication, Brother Ri chard A. Kern

R. W. Past Gra nd Maste r , presen ted Bro th er Charles H. Nitsch , R. W Pa s t Grand Maste r with a Pas t Gran d Master' s Jewel, a Pas t Grand Maste r 's Apron and th e Gavel which h e u s ed during his recent administration.

Bro ther Sanfo rd M. Chil co t e, ne wl y ins talled R W. Gra n d Mas ter, deli ve r ed his address, wh ich has bee n printed in full in the Proceedings for 1957. Bro th er Chil cote was honored by the presenc e in Gran d Lodge of 47 members of his Lodge, Verona Lodge No 548. Brother Sanford M Ch il co te, R W. Grand Master , app ointed Br othe r Haro ld S McGear, Deputy Grand Secretary, a nd s tated that a ll co rrespondence fo r the Grand Secr eta r y's Office be directed t o him.

Freemasonry in Scotland

( Continu ccl from page 2)

can be conferred only in the prese n ce of thre e In stalled Mas ters except that in Colonial and Foreign Lodg es one or more Ins talled Masters can do th e wor k when granted a dis pensation by the Dis tri ct Grand Mas ter.

Scotland, the Colon ies and Foreign Parts are divid ed in to Pro v inces and Districts for Ma son ic pu rposes. In Sco tland the di visions are known as Provi n ces and ar e governed b y P rov inc ial Gra nd Lodges I n the Colo nie s a nd Foreign Parts the d ivisions ar e known a s Distr icts a nd a re governed by District Grand Lodges The Lodges in and aro und Edinburgh ar e formed into a Metropol itan Di s trict wh ich is controlled by a vis ita t io n comm ittee appointed by Grand Lodge.

Th e Prov inci al or Di s tri ct Grand Master or hi s Dep uty mus t vis it each Lodge under his j ur isdiction at leas t once each year. On s uch v is its h e mus t be received in th e Lodge o n t he thi rd degree.

Indi v idu al Lodges are know n as Da ughter Lodges . Such Lodges mu s t be co mpose d of at leas t seven Mas ter Masons in goo d s tanding All s u ch Lodges are required to have a fixed place of me e tin g However , a bo dy, by a majo ri ty vo t e of th e mem bers may m ee t in different h ou ses wi thi n th e same town or place provi ded at leas t one week's noti ce is sent to the m emb er s

Ap pli can ts mus t be a t lea st 2 1 years of age befo r e th ey can be e nte red an App re ntice excep t tha t the so n s of Freemaso ns und e r th e Sco ttis h Co ns titution ma y be e nter ed at the age of 18. Three bla ck ball s ar e r eq uir ed for rejec ti on . There mus t be a two-week interval be t wee n th e co n fe rrin g of the several degrees

The work of the L odge is co ndu c ted in th e E n te r ed Apprent ice degree. The Mark d eg r ee can be co nfer r ed o nl y on Master Mas ons and onl y in th e prese n ce of those who ha ve received it. Any Mas ter Maso n in good s tandin g may be electe d Maste r of hi s Lodge. H e may n ot be Master of more t han one Lodge a t the same tim e He can belon g t o as man y Lodges as he des ires

The Mark degree conferred in a Lodge i s accep ted by the Royal Ar ch Chap t er as a pre r eq u is ite to th e Royal Arc h. The Grand Lodge of Scotla nd h as a dopt ed no s tandard mode of wo rk. T h e r e are sever al differ ent ritual s in use and a Lodge may select an y o n e of th em Esse ntiall y they a r e th e same and di ffer most in ph r aseology.

Noteworthy Masonic Meeting Places


Lodge No. 21 (since 1803 designated as Perseverance Lodge No. 2 1) was wa rranted by Grand Lodge of Pennsyl va nia (A ncients ) under date of Octob er 4, 1779 Accordin g to Dr. William H. Egle, the recogn ized authorit y on th e earl y hi s tory of the Lodge, there is no re cord of action on the part o f Gra nd Lodge appro v ing the cons titu ting o f Lodge No. 21 in Lower Paxtang Township , Lancaste r County, nor of th e date upon whi ch the Worshipful Ma s ter was installed. Ho wever, on October 22 , 1779, th e name of Matth ew Sm ith Wors hip ful Mas ter of Lodge No 21 is ment ioned in the Proceedings as ha vi ng s igned a petition from various W ors hipful Maste r s to G rand Lodge Under dat e o f November 10, 1779 , the minutes of the fir s t m ee ting o f Lodg e No 2 1 are re co rd ed. Th e Wa r d ens were th en ins talled, committees app o inted and action tak e n on va riou s petition s According to tr adition , a Lodge of s o-called "Modern Ma so n s" h ad been formed in P axtang Towns hip s ome time pre v iou s to th e Re vol ution. In partial su bstantia. tion of this belief, it is in terestin g to note that, twelve petition s to Lodge No. 2 1 were approved, coming fr om former Maso ns (p resumably "Moderns" ). In each case it is said that the pe titioner up on examinati on or "on Confess ion" was found t o have bee n " made a Mas on in a Clandes ti n e manne r " or that h e had " R ec'd the Several S t eps in a Clandes tin e Lodge," or s imil ar words of like import. One of these pet iti one rs wa s Thomas McAr thur, reputed to h ave been th e owner of a building in whi ch a number of th e su pposed " Mod ern " meet ings were held There is no record of th e "Modern " Gra nd Lodge h av ing issued a wa rrant fo r a Lo dge in thi s v ic init y. He n ce, if s u ch a Lodge act u a ll y was in ex isten ce, it pres u mab ly acted under the so -called " tim e immemo ri a l" u sage, wh ich permitted a spec ified number of Maso n s (fi ve, s ix, or s ix wi th t h e know ledge and co n sent of a seventh-depe nding up o n t h e source of authority) to asse mble , ope n a Lodge and prac tice th e rites of Masonry The or igina l m ee ting o f Lodge No 21 , as well as tho se of the fo ll owing year, were held at "Mr. Campbell's Bri ck H ou se" s itua te on the Old Pro v incial Ro a d from R eadin g to Harris' Ferry a nd lo ca te d several miles eas t of the l a tt er pl ace. It was built prior t o the Re volution (the exact yea r being un k nown ) and wa s u sed as an inn until a bout 1820, and afterward s as a farmhouse. I t i s of s t u rdy con structi on has bee n mod ern ized in recen t year s, and i s still in u se after n early (or possibl y all of) t wo centuries.

I ndependence Hall i s th e oldest s tru cture (built in 1734) in P e nnsyl vania in whi ch a Mas onic Lodge wa s orga ni ze d Col umbia Lodge No. 91 having been con sti tuted th ere on September 7, 180 1. Howeve r " Mr. Cam pbe ll's Brick House" certa inl y mus t be deemed trul y " noteworthy, " si n ce Perseverance Lodge No.

21 (co ns tituted in 1779) is the oldes t in the State wh ic h can point with pride to its birthplace as s till being in existen ce, after the pa ssing of more than one hundred and seventyeight years

Introducing Our R. W. Junior Grand Warden

Your new R. W. Juni or Grand W a rd en , Brother Earle F. Herold, s a busy man n ot only in Mas onry but in th e bus iness world a nd civic a ffairs as well.

Maso nicall y h e ha s been a member of Butler Lodge No 272 for over 40 years, having be en its Wors hipful Mas ter in 1924. He was appoi nte d Di s trict Depu ty Grand Mas t er of Di str ict No . 27 in 1951 and served in that capa c ity until h e wa s e lec ted and installed R. W. Junior Gra nd Warden . He is a P ast H ig h Pri est of Butle r Chapter No. 273, a Trustee o f Butler Council No. 6 1 an d a P as t Commander of Lorraine Commandery No. 87 in whi ch bod y he h as ser ved as R eco rder for 33 ye ars . He is a m ember of New Castl e Con sist o r y, and was coro ne te d an H on orary 33° Mason in 19 51. He is a Life Member of Sy ri a T emple in Pitts burgh In th e fi eld of bus in ess, Br other Herold is Vice Pres ident a nd a Di rector o f th e Butl er Savings a nd Trus t Co. a Dire ctor o f the P eople s T ele ph one Co. of Butl er, a D irector of th e Mercer L ime and S t on e Co., a nd a Vice Presid ent and Direc to r of th e Butler Count y Merch ants Mutua l Fire Ins ura nce Co.

He is a member and a Pas t P resi dent of th e K iwa ni s Club of Bu tler, a for mer Director and Treas ur er of th e Butler Ch amber of Commerce, acti ve in th e Re d Cross and Commun ity Chest and recen tly beca me Area Chairman of the Cance r Socie ty fo r nin e co unti es in Weste rn

P e nnsyl va nia.

He was born and raised in Bu tler and h as spent m ost of hi s life th ere where h e is a member of St. Marks E va n geli ca Luth era n Chu rch

Traged y stru ck in 1949 wh en hi s ,hfe died. Brother Herold h as two da ughte rs, Lucille H ender son, of Salt La ke Ci ty, Utah, and Mrs

S hirl ey Hen nin ger of Butl er

Broth e r Herold was h o n or ed a t a t es t imonial dinner on Ja nuary 31st when 175 of his Mason ic friends ga ther ed a t th e Garden Gate

Re s t a urant in Butl er.

Th e even t was sponsored by the Offi cers and Mem bers of a ll the Lodges in Dis tri c t No. 27, the York Rit e Bodies o f Butler County, th e Scottish Rit e Bod ies in the Valley of New Cas tle, Syria T e mple of Pittsb u r gh , and the Re d Cross of Constant in e of New Castle. The Masters and presiding officers of each of the a bo ve bodies were p resen t as we ll as man y other o fficer s and m embers of those group s.

Brother Davi d Hugh es was General Chairman of the Tes tim onial while Bro ther Willard G. Cu tler , Active Member and Grand Treas urer General o f th e S upre me Council acted as Toas tmas ter. He prese nt ed Brother Harr y F. Smi th, new Dis t r ict Deput y fo r th e 27 th District, Bro th er Fred M. Alexande r, Comman der· in-Chief of New Cas tle Cons is tor y, Brother J ohn A H oll ingsworth, Illus tri o us Potentate of Syria T emple a nd Br other William E. Yeage r R W. P as t Grand Mas ter, eac h of whom s poke. Brot her Herold res ponded in a mos t gracio us manne r. Man y of the Dis trict Deputies from the s urro unding Districts we re prese nt and also man y Ho n ora r y Membe r s of the S up re me Council.

Brother Sanford M. Chil cote, R W. Grand Mas ter, had h oped to be pre se nt but was unable to attend beca use of a p rior Masonic engage ment out of the S tate. - A.B.P.

3Jn .-emoriam


Right Worshipful Grand Secretary

The R. W. Grand Lodge o f Pennsylva nia and Masonry in ge ne ral lost one of its most d evoted and gi fte d members when Brother Geo rge A. Avery, R. W. Grand Secretary, di ed las t Decembe r 22 after a s hor t illness Born in Philade lphia on Novem ber 20, 1892 Brot he r Avery was e du cated in th e Philadelphia Publi c Sch oo ls He graduated fr om th e U ni ve rs ity of P ennsyl va ni a in 191 3 a nd Pri n cet on The ologica l Seminary in 1917. S h ortly aft er gr ad ua ti on , Brothe r Avery became P as t or o f Hope Presbyter ia n Church in Philadelphia a nd se r ved th at Chur ch for 35 ye ars, r es ign ing in 1952 to become R. W. Grand Secretar y During this time he was ac ti ve in the Philadelphia Presb yt e r y in various capacities and on ma n y Com mittees and Commiss ions Duri ng t he sa me period he a lso to ok a promine nt pa rt in th e Gr ay's Ferry Im provement Associat ion.

H e was made a Maso n in Washi n gto n Lodge No. 59 in 19 19 a n d se r ve d as Wo rs hipful Maste r in 1927, and as Sec reta r y fr o m 1942 t o 1949. He was appo in te d Di s tri ct Deputy G ra n d Mas te r of Dis tr ic t A in Philade lphia in 1949 a nd served in t h is capacit y until May, 1952 wh en h e was appo inted R. W. Gr a nd Se cretary. He wa s e le c ted to that office the f o ll owing Decem ber.

H e was a member of Un ivers it y Chapte r No 2 56, R oyal Ar ch Maso ns; Philadelphia Co un cil No 11, R oyal and Select Mas t ers o f whi c h h e was a Trustee a nd the S co ttis h Rite Bodies, Va lley o f P h il adelphia. He was cr ea t ed a Sove r eig n Grand In spector General, 33°, Honorar y Me mb e r o f the S up r eme Co un cil, Septem ber 28, 1955 at Detroit, Mi chigan.

Brother Aver y wa s a trul y humble pers on and h e believed in and practice d Div init y of Service to his fe llow men.

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