Issued Every Th ree Months By
The Right Worshipful Grand Ledge of The Mos Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Mason c Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, through its
COMMITTEE ON MASON IC CULTURE - William E. Yeager, Past Grand Master, Chairma n; Will i a m E. Montgomery, G. Ed ward Elwell, Jr., Fr ank R. Le ech, William A. Carpente r, Charles A. Young and Ashby B. Paul, Grand Secre a r y.
Moiling Address: P.O. BOX 688, WARREN, PA.
Ch ange of Address: Notify above address.
VII February , 1960 No. 1
Two New Color a nd Sound
Films Available for Use of Blue Lodges
Two films-"Mason ic Homes a t El izabethtown " and " Maso ni c Youth Program" h ave been professionally produced for Th e Ri ght Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accep t ed Masons of P ennsylvania.
The y are 16mm film s in color a nd soun d. "Ma sonic Homes at Elizabet h t own " (30 minute s) feature s the Gues ts at Th e Homes, whi le " Masonic Youth Pr ogra m" (15 minute s) featu res th e yo uth a t Th e Maso nic Homes and the Thomas Ranken Patton Maso n ic I n sti tution for Boys
I n anno un ci ng t o the Lo dges the completion of the film s, Br oth er Max F. Balco m, R. W Grand Ma st er sa id:
"The presentation of th ese film s will make every Mason bet t er inform ed and re s ult in a be t te r app recia tion of me mber shi p in the Fraternity .
" I urge Lodges to schedu le these film s a t t he co n ve n ie n ce o f the Worshipful Mas ter. "
For the prese nt , th ese fi lms ar e confined t o th e use of t he Masoni c Blue Lodge s in P e nnsy lvania .
Th e fi l ms can be schedu led by writing Broth er Arthur T. Mo or e, Offi ce of th e Grand Ma st er , Broad and Fil ber t Stre e ts, Philadelphia 7, Pennsylvan ia. Pl ease give second and third alternate dates .
Upon receipt of req uest, a con fi rmin g l e tt er wi ll be sent immedia tely , t o all ow amp le t ime fo r plan nin g the Lodge program. Films will be sh ipped a t least seve n days before the sche dul ed s howing. The y are to be returned th e day follow ing the show ing Lodges must procure a sound projec t or and screen.
Brother rr Andy " Schrode r Succeeded by Brother Raymond H. Grimm as Instructor of Ritualistic Work
Brother Andrew J. Sc hr oder , 85, has re ti red after 15 years as I nstructor of Rituali stic Work. Br other Raymon d H. Grimm, of Pittsburgh, Di stri ct Deputy Grand Master of the FiftySeventh Maso nic Dis tr ic t, was appointed by Brother Max F Ba lcom, Ri ght Wors hipful Grand Master, to succeed Brother Schr oder.
In announcing Br oth er Schrode r 's ret irement a t the Annual Grand Commun ication on December 28, 1959, Brot he r Sanford M. Chilcote, then Ri ght Worshipful Grand Master, said :
"We kn ow t h at he wi ll be ready and willing to be of help an d assis tance to us and t o h is su ccessor as long as h e can."
Brother Schroder has agreed to co ntinue as Prin ci pal of the Temple School of I ns truction in Philadel phia. He joined the Temple Sc hool in 1915.
Brothe r Schroder is a member of Orient Lodge No. 289, and served as Mast er in 1914-, a nd represe ntative t o Gran d Lodg e since 1922.
He was Senior Grand Dea con of Grand Lodge from 1922 t o 1938 a nd th en served two years as a Distri c t Deputy Gra nd Master.
I n 1944, Brothe r ScottS. Leib y, th en Ri ght Wo r shipful Grand Maste r , appointed Br other Schroder Ass istant In structor. A s hort time later , he was appointed Ins truc t or of t he R ituali s ti c Work
Bro ther Sc hroder' s other Mason ic affi liation s inc lu de:
P as t High Pri es t of Meli ta Royal Arc h Chapter No . 284, a nd pas t P re sident of the Joshu a Association; memb er of J oppa Coun cil No. 46, and P as t Thrice Illu s trio us Mas te r of Ro ya l and Se le ct Mas ters of Phi la delphia; an d the Phi ladelphia Con clave No. 8, Re d Cro ss of Cons tantine.
Bro th er Schrode r sa id that when hi s ti me i sn t needed in Maso n ic Wor k, he wi ll vacation in St. Petersburg , Flor ida , a nd co nti nu e his hobb y of furni t ure refini sh ing at ho me
Brothe r an d Mr s Schr oder have two s ons
and two da ughters. Both so ns are P as t Mas ters, and both sons-in-law a re Maso ns
Broth er Grimm served as an Assis ta n t I nstructor for the North Side P ittsburgh Scho ol of I nstruc ti on and Ins tru ctor for Chapel Sch ool of I nstruction.
His other Masonic affilia ti o ns inclu de: Past High Pries t of St. Clair Chapter No 305; Deputy Illu s trious Maste r , Mt. Mo ri ah Council No . 2, Royal a nd Selec t Maste rs; Em inent Commander Pittsbu rgh Comma nder y No 1 ; P ast Thrice P ote n t Mas ter, Gom·gas Lodge of P erfec ti on, Valley of Pittsburgh; Member of th e Red Cr oss of Constantine ; an d Honora r y Member, Supreme Counci l, 33rd Degree in 1958.
Question and Answer
Pamphlet Being Prepared
In discu ssing th e matter of Lodge programs on page 13 of the new pamphlet " Facing t he East" (recently di str ibuted to all Senior Wardens) , th e sta tement was made tha t " The Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture will s uppl y a pamphlet conta ining qu estion s and a nswe rs wh ich can fo rm th e basis for an "open forum" program.
Nu merous r eq uests have been r eceived for this Questi o n an d An swe r publi cation U nfortunat el y it does not yet exis t!! Co ns iderabl e wo rk up on it ha s been done and the hope had bee n exp ressed that i t would be ava ilable abo ut th is time. H owever, th e task of prepa rin g s uch a pamphl e t ha s prove n t o be more t ed ious and ti me -cons uming th an had been anti c ipa ted. Progress is b eing made and it i s expe c t ed th at a rou gh draft can be s ubmitted in the no t- too-di stant f uture to th ose in a ut hori t y for comme nt a nd cr i ticism.
In the meantime, yo ur patience a nd indulgence a re sol ici te d.
We m u s t l ive o ur Freemasonry in o u r da il y li v es an d action s if we want to get th e most from i t. The ge n e r al des ire and aim of the Craft is o propagate tr u th, thereby m aki n g its votaries better a n d wi ser. As Freemaso n s are eve r to search fo r further li gh t , th ey sho u ld be zea lous readers , s tu dents, t hi n kers and tea chers .-V. M. BUR R OWS
If, at an y tim e, your mailing address changes, YOUR CORRECT MAiliNG ADDRESS plea se notify The Aide to the Grand Lodge IS MOST IMPORTANT Committee on Ma s onic C ul tm·e a ppointed within yo ur Lodge. He i s eq uipp e d with a spec i a "Cha n ge of Add r ess Car d " that h e w ill p t·ocess imm e di a t ely and th ereby ass ur e yo u of eac h n ew is s u e of "Th e Pennsy l va nia F r eemason. " Fa ilur e to keep yo ur col"l"ect mail i n g a dd1·ess c an on y res ult i n unnecessary h a ndlin g of yo ur mail and the p oss ibility th a t y our co p y of T h e Pennsy vania Freemaso n w ill e ith et· be r et m ned f or l ac k of th e proper a ddre ss or th e chance that may ge t into th e h a nd s of th e \nong person. You r coope t·a tion in m a kin g certa in that y our nam e a nd address i s always correct on our m a iling li st i s g t eatly appreci ilted