L e v ittow n L odge No. 788 Co n sti t u te d No 4
Levittow n Lodge No 788 was co ns ti tu ted on
Se ptem ber 10 in Maso ni c Temple, Phi la delph ia, by Bro th er Max F. Bal com R. W . Grand Mas ter and other Grand Lodge Offi ce r s Thi s marks th e thi rd Masoni c Lodge that Brot h er Charles S Reyner, Di s tr ict Deputy Gran d Master, ha s init iated in th e Eight h Mason ic Dis t ric t T he other two are : Fai r less Hill s Lodge No . 776 and Penn -Morris Lodge No. 778
Th e 45 Warran t Member s of Levittown Lodge are res iden ts of the v icini ty of Lev itto wn, a n ew comm unity that has devel oped since World War II.
Levi ttown Lodge will h old its sta ted meetings a t Bris tol Ma so nic Temp le, Bris tol, on the first Wed nesday of th e month
The Office rs Elec t of the Lev it town Lodge are :
Brot he r Pa ul C Fran ks, Wors hi pful Mas ter; Br oth er C Gran t Bri t ting ham, Senior Wa rden; Br ot her Ronald McMilla n, Sr ., Juni or Warden ; Brother Norman Abel, Treasmer , and Br oth er Max Karl Secr e tar y.
Th e Trus tees include Brothers R Rober t Lan dy, Fred W . Leese, Henr y Sch neide r , David Jacobs and Henry Shields.
Th e appoin ted Offi cers include:
Brot hers Henry Crave n R u nner, Senior Deaco n ; Mor ton I rv ing Rad is, J uni or Deacon; Francis L. Rementer, J r. , Sen ior Master of Cer emo n ies ; William H. Morgan, Ju nior Master o f Ce remonies; Ph illi p H. McCa ll um, Pu rsui vant; P au l Weinb la tt , Chaplain ; Adam Wanner, P ast Master of Perkins Lodge No 402, Tyler ; and Charles Raymo n d Bill and R Robert La ndy, S tewa rd s
Twenty-t h ree
Ma soni c Dist ricts H ave Reach e d
Th eir Quota i n Supp ort of Plan"
Twenty- t h ree Mason ic Di stricts have 100 pe r cent of t he ir Lodges complete in t he " PENNSYL-
VAN IA P LAN" in s uppor t of T he Geo rge Washingto n Maso n ic Na tional Memo rial, as of Octobe r 24 . Many other Dis t r icts are nearing comple ti on
and w"ill probably reac h the 100 per cent ma rk before the end of the Maso nic Year . The 457 Lodges completing thei r quota , based on the checks rece ived by the Grand Se cretary as of October 24., are lis ted as follows :
I wish you all a H a ppy H ol iday. May the blessings of God be with you an d yo u rs always . I n li fe, we often t ake too man y things for granted. We must be t hankf ul for man y things . We thank Go d f o r a c ountry of ab unda n ce to l ive i n - for full opp or t u nity t o achieve-fo r full o pportun ity to wo rk and dream-and for full oppor tunity to wors hi p as we ch oose
Our principl e of i ndependen ce has made Amer i ca a land of plenty-and a free opp ortunity to associate with Fr eemasonry and i ts t each i ngs- the Br otherh ood of M an
Alt h o ugh we have these freedoms toda y, they must be g u arded cont inua lly if t h e futur e is to bring greater progress and increasing s t re n gth
The f ollowi ng are exa mples of comments Lodges have made about the films :
" Excellent films! They were enjoyed very much . It was most pleasing to hear many of the men remarkthey feel so much m ore pride in their members h ip after seeing the great work being done by them th r ough th e Grand Lodge of P en ns y lvania "
"Everyone enjoyed the entire pictures Some of our M embers who had never seen the H o m es co uld hard l y believe their ey es "
"Films were well r eceived-a nd the great impression could n o t help but evoke a fee ling of greater pride."
This also is t rue in Freemas onry W e must protect our g lorious histor y and strive to even nobl er heights in the co ming yea r.
On behalf of t h e Guests at the Hom es, I express m y sin cere appreciation for the continued response for t he Christmas and Entertainm ent and R ecr eati o n Fund for Guests at the M asonic H omes.
If, at an y t i m e, your m a i l in g add • ess c h anges, p l e a se no t i f y T h e A id e t o h e G •·a n d Lod g e ADDRESS IS MOST IMPORTANT C ommittee on M asoni c C ult u•·e ap p ointe d w t h in y o m · L o d ge H e i s e qu i ppe d w t h a spe· c i a l "C h a n ge o f A dd1 ess C a1·d" t hat he w ll p r o cess mm e d ate l y and there by ass u r e y ou o f eac h n e w i ss u e of " T h e Penn sy van a F r eemas on " Fa i hu e t o k eep y ou r c orr e c m a ili n g a dd1 ess ca n on l y res ul t in u nnecess ar y hand l in g of yo ur m a il a n d the po ssibi ity tha y our cop y o f TH E P ENNS YL VANI A F R EEMASON w ill e ithe r be r e urn e d f o r l a c k o f the pro p e r a d dress or t h e c h a n ce h a t i t may ge t in to t h e b a nds o f th e w r o n g pers on Yo u r coo p e 1·at o n in makin g c er a n th at y o u r name a n d addre s s is a lways c o n e c t on o u r ma ilin g li s t i s g r eatly app • ec ate d
T he year 1960 will show continued progress in Freemasonry in Pennsyl vania. It will show that the Brethren h ave maintai n e d their sp i ri t and d eterminat ion
F reemasonry is a close -to -home example of what the principle of inde pe n de n ce can accompl ish
Perh aps t he t ru e b arometer is the numerical growth of I a m ver y happy to report that approved pet iti ons m cr eased approximatel y nine per cent during th e first te n m o nth s this year compared to the same per i od last year.
Th is is a very e n co uraging sign. H owever, we can ' t affo rd to r elax . I n fact, we m ust look on this as a good start- and cont inue our efforts and M asonic teachings.
One of t he most important projects being conducted by G r and Lodge is t h e E n dowment Progr am fo r the George Washi ngton Maso n ic Na t ional Mem ori al at Alexandria, Virginia.
Th is program means t hat eve r y Lodge must r aise a sum equal to at leas t $1 a Member and $10 from t he Lodg e itself. This is a one-time r eques t I am s ur e P en ns y lvania Masons want to do thei r share to keep this wonderful Me moria l operating at a level to bri ng credit to Freemasonr y everywh e r e
As of Oc t ober 24·, 1960- 457 Lodges in P ennsylvania have completed t he p r oject. I fe el sure the r em ain in g 138 Lodges will r eac h the 100 per cent participat i o n goal before the end of the year.
Gr and L od ge's t wo films-"Masonic H o m es at Elizabetht own" an d "Yo u t h P rogram " - ha ve been well received T hey
If you have lost yo ur return envelope, please send yo ur Christmas g ift t o the M asonic H omes, E liz abethtown, Pennsylvania
Your gif t is used through the yea r. It not on l y provides a Happ y Christmas fo r the Guests, but entertainment t he entire year, man y small personal it ems and "pocket money" each month.
I nciden tally, a ll gifts to the H omes are dedu c tible f or income tax pu'rposes
When I became Grand Master of Masons in P enns y l van i a on D ecem ber 28, 1959, I urged a n all-out program to assure the continued growth of Freemasonry.
I am pleased to report this program is sh owi ng resu lts Many Mas on ic Lodges have r e furbished their me eting roo ms - others have started build ing programs- and many are contemplating new structures . A gr eater int e rest is being shown in t he Order of D eM o l ay Several new Chapters have been started under the sponsors h i p of Masonic Lodges. Several others a re in the formation stage . Levi tt own Lodge No. 788 was C ons tituted on November 10 i n Masonic Tem p le, Ph iladelphia . Levittown is a new co mmunity c r eated since World War II .
A second Lodge, Be thel Lodge No 789, will be C onsti t uted at Lower Burre l City on D ece m ber 17. This is a com m unity tha t has expanded into a Th ird Class Ci ty C outin ue don rmge2)
from Our Grand Master Free masonr y funct ions like a great balance wheel. It l e nd s stab il i t y to human life. It g iv es assura n ce t o the huma n hea rt It has lived through t h e ages - and it wi ll grow through man y more.
(Continued/rom page 1)
The Constitution o f n ew Lodg es in ne w communities s all very good. However we a r e not ke epi n g up w ith our population grow th i n our efforts t o p r ovide the op p o rtuni ties of Freemasonry in ever y communit y. I f ee l sure this trend to Constitu te new Lodges w ill in crease in 1961. I t secures fo r men t oday a new s i gnifica n ce of life fo r ho se who wo uld see the Truth.
Brethren, Freemasonry is a relati o n s hi p of kind red so ulsdedicated to s in cer e und ers tanding fo r the benefit o f all humanity-bound together by an a ll- per vading l ove o f one Fath er-th e Creator of Life and Master Craftsman
157 Life Member of Honor" Certificates
Go to Pennsylvania Masons and Organizations
Since February 22, 1958, 157 Pennsylvan ia Masons, and Masonic organizations ha ve contributed $ 100 or more eac h to become Li fe Membe r s in The George Washing t on Masonic Na ti onal Memorial Assoc atio n.
They h ave received "Roll of H onor" Life Membership Certificates from the Memorial Assoc atio n
The May issue of THE PENNSYLVAN IA FREEMASON carried th e names of 30 L ife Members and the August iss ue, the names of 70 L ife M em bers. The following a r e additi ons as of O c tober 24, 1960:
BRo. H ENRY M. AM SLER, Clarion Lodge, No. 277, Clarion
BRo. LEO NARD F. AsHFO RD Richard Va u x Lodge, No. 384, Phi ladel phia
BRo. J ACOB BE RGE S, Will iam C Hami ton Lodge, No 500, Philadelphia
BRO. EDWARD W. G. BonER, Melita Lodge, No 295, Philadelph ia
BRo. JEssE J. CoLE, Ha r mony Lodge, No. 52, Philadelph ia
BRo. CLARENCE R CRAMER, Barger Lo d ge, No . 325, S troudsbu rg
Bno MERRI TT H . DAVIS, Clarion Lo d ge, No. 277, Clarion
BRO. GEORGE H. D EIKE, JR., Bu chanan Lodge, No. 757, Pi ttsbu rg h
Bno. ARTHUR E. DI CK, III , Azalea Lodge, No. 687, Hazleton
BRo J osEPH C DI FRANCEsco, New Lig ht Lod_pe, No. 718, Phi ladel ph ia
BRo. EDWARD C. DoLL, Pe r ry Lodge, No 392, Erie
Bno. ALVIN J. DuNCAN, Wes t Shore Lodge No. 681, Camp H ill
BRo. J oHN CLAIR DuN LAP, Garfield Lodge, No 559, Du Bois
BRO. LEE H. EGGERS, Miln or Lodge, No 287, Pitt sburgh
BRo. IVAN EHMAN, Cr omwell Lodge, No. 572, Orbison a
BRo. ALBERT T. EYLEH , P. G. M., H omewood Lod ge, No 635, Pitts burgh
Bno. GEOHGE J FE CH TEH, Jn., Mic hael Arnold Lodge, No. 636 Philadelp h ia
BRo GEORGE M. FuDALA, Mo os c Lodge, No. 664, Moos ic
BRo. THOMAS H. HA DFIELD, William L. Elkin s Lodge, No. 646, Philadelphia
BRo. J osEPH C. HEss Jn., Int egrity Lodge, No 187, Phil adelphia
BRo. H ARRY H oLCROFT, Cheste r Lodge, No. 236, Chester
BRo J oH N W ILLIAM H oL LIS, North East Lod ge, No. 399, North East
BRo. MoNTROY JEFFREY, Goth ic Lodge, No 519, Philadelp h ia
BRo. WALTE R H. JENKINS, Valley Lodge, No. 499, Pittsto n
BR O. GEOHGE W. LAC EY, SR , I ndustry Lodge, No. 131, Philade lphia
BR o EowARO S. MANOO, Waterford Lodge, No. 425, Waterfo rd
BRo FRED L. MAHTIN, Landmark Lodge, No 442, W i lkes-Barre
BRo. LEO D. Libe r t y Lodge, No. 505, P ort All egany
BRo . WIL LIAM A. NICKLE, J n., Cheste r Lodge, No. 236, Ch es te r
BRo GEOnGE R. NICOLL Avalon Lo d ge, No. 657, Belle v ue
Bno. RoLLAND A. RITTER , Me lita Lod ge, No 295, Phil adelphia
Bno. ALBERT C S c HILLI NG, B eta Lodge, No. 647, Wilkin s bur g
BRo. HERMAN E. S cH NA ERELE, H umbo ld t Lod ge, No 359, P h iladelp h ia
BRo ER NEST H STAP LES, J Simpso n Africa Lodae, No. 628, Eas t St roudsburg
B Ro. 'DoNALD B. S WARTZ , Kin g Solomon Lodge, No . 584·, Du n mo re
Bno. LEON SwA RTZ, Eureka Lodge, No. 302, Mechani cs b u r g
BRo. CHAR LES TnEFz, William C. H amil t o n Lod ae, No. 500, Phi ladel phi a Bno YoHN H. T nEw, North Hi ll s Lodge, No. 716, McCandles s T ow nship BI\0. FnA NK F. T RoUP, Hom ewood Lodge, No. 63 5, Pitts burgh
BR o . D oNALD EDWARD VIER LI NG, Stuckra lh Lodge, No. 430, Pi tsburgh, N.S BRo. H AHRY L. Wo LF Roxborou g h Lodge, No. 135, Manayunk
BRo. CHARLES P WoLFINGE H, Harmony Lod ge, No. 52, Philad elphia
CoRINTHIAN "C HASSEu R" CoM MAND ER¥, No 53, Knight s T empl ar, Ph i lade lphia
ANCIENT Ac c EPTED ScoTTISH RIT E, Valley of Eri e, N.M .J ., U.S.A., Erie FnANKLI N SQUARE CLUn, Phil ade l phia LODGE OF PI>RFECTIO N, Valley o f Lan cas ter, N .M.J. , U. S A., La n caste r MAR Y COMMANDERY, No 36, Knights Tern· plar, P h ila del phia Mou NT OLIVET CoMMA NDEHY, No. 30, Kni ghts Templar, Erie
Cordially and fr a t ernally,
MAx F. BALCOM, R W. Grand Master
Medical Consultants to the Masonic Homes Honored at Annual Testimonial
Brother Max F. Ba l com, R W. Grand Master, joined with Br other s Scott S Leiby, R. W. Past Grand Maste r a nd C Howard W itmer, M.D. in lauding the Consultants fo r their dev ote d a nd ou sta nding services t o th e Gues s a t th e Masonic Homes a Elizabethtown. The occas ion was the Twelfth An nual Consultan ts T estimo nia l Dinner in the G r and Lodge Dining R oom at the Masonic Homes on October 27, 1960.
ANCIENT AccEPTED ScoTTISH RITE, Valley of Philadel phia, N .M.J. , U.S.A., Phi ade lphia
ANCIENT AccEPTED ScoTTISH RITE, Va lley of Pittsburgh, N .M.J., U.S.A. , Pi tsburgh So LoMoN RoYAL ARcH CHAPTER, No 191, Meadville W ILK INS BURG R oYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No 285, Wilk ns burg
ANCIENT AcCEPTED ScOTTISH RITE, Va lley of Williams po r t, N.M .J ., U.S.A., Williamsport ST. CLAIH Ro YAL ARC H CHAPTER, No. 305, Pittsburgh Lu Lu TEMPLE, A.A.O.N.M.S., P hiladelphia
IN MEMORIAM OF H e r ma n and Ka roli ne Schnaebele HUMBOLDT LODGE, No. 359, Philadelp hia
Heart Attack Fatal to Brother Francis H. M ills , Superintende nt of the Homes
Brother Francis H. Mill s, who was appointed superintendent o f the Mas on i c H omes at Elizabethtown on Ma r c h 15, died sud d enly of a heart a t tack on Sep ember 24 in R eading.
He and his w ife, Helen, were preparing to leave f or Boston, Mass., to a tt e nd the Supreme Council Session of th e Anc ient Accepted Scotti s h Rit e
Brother Mills, ge n e ral m a nage r of Hotel Ab r aham Linco ln in R ea di ng fo r m a ny years, s u cceeded B r othe r Arthu r E. M yers as supe rintendent of the Mas onic Home s Bro the r Mill s was a M e mber of th e Comm i ttee on Masonic H omes and its E xec utive Commi t tee fr o m 1954 until he became s uper intendent.
H e was a Pas t Mas ter of I saac Hi es ter Lodge No. 660 F. & A. M., R ead in g; Past Thrice Potent Ma s er of Read in g Lodge of P erfec t ion; Pas Commander- i n-Chi e f of the Reading Cons isto r y; H onorary Member o f the Thi rt y-t hi r d Degree, Scottish Ri te, Northern Mas onic J urisd ction, Excel s i or Royal A r ch Chapte r No. 237; Creigh Counc No. 16 , Ro ya and Select Ma s ters; R e ading Comm an cle r y No. 42, Kni g hts Templa r and R a j a h S hrine Temp le.
S t arted b y Brother Richard A. Kern, whi e R. W Grand Mas ter this most important g roup of Masons and busy members of the med cal profes s ion now numbers more than 130.
Their remunera tion for their inva luable a ss s tance to the Guests at the Mason ic H omes, especially those in thei r "twi ight" yea r s, is a
dinne r , once a year, to wh i ch their ladies are a lso invite d. Brother an d Dr. C. H owa rd W i t m e r acted as toastmaster, while Brother Scott S. Leiby, D ean of the Committee on Masonic H o m es, o f which he is Chairman of the Executive Committee, in a few words in his inimitabl e manner, expressed his s incere appreciation to the Con s u ltants The R. W. Grand M as te r in add ition to thank ing the Cons u tants, both personally and on behalf of Grand Lodge , a so outlined some of the improvements r ecently compl eted or now in p r ogr ess w hi ch will add to the comfort and safet y of the Guests a th e Masonic Homes.
The M edi cal and. Consultan ts Staff of the Phi lad elphia F r eemasons' Memor a Hosp ital is as follows:
P AUL R. EVANS, M.D. (Resid ent Medical Directo r)
C ST UART SMITH, M. D. (Associate Medical Director)
J HOFFMA N GARBER, M.D. (Associate Med ca Direct or)
CHARLES W. SMITH , M.D (Phy sician-in-C hief)
Albright, William J. , M.D. Allyn Russell E. , M D. Atlee, Joh n L., M.D. Be nfer, K. L. M.D. Beyrent, J Reese, D.D.S. Beyrent, John R., D. D.S. Bikle, Charles A., M.D Bitner, Walter P. M.D Bixler Lester G M.D. Bolton, J. Colli er, M.D. Bowman , Herbert S., M.D. Brackbill Robe rt M., D.D. S. Brandt, C. R., M.D Braner, Lo ren, D. D.S. Bras on , F Wells, M.D. Bray, J o hn., M.D. Campbell, William J., M.D. Chain, Robert H. D.D.S. Cook, R. W., Jr , M.D Co wley, Allen W., M.D. Crist, Guy C., M.D Dau ghe rt y, J. Art hur M.D. Den ney, John D. M.D. Douglass, Wm Tyler, Jr., M.D. Dutlinger, Robe r t P., M.D. Eaton, H. C., M.D. Eckhart, Howard C., D.D.S. Edmis o n Rob ert, M.D. Edwards, R. Aubrey, D.D.S. Emrick, M. W., M.D Ervin, Carl E. M.D. Esbenshade, J ohn H., M.D. Fetterhoff, R L., D.D.S. Fink, Donald R., D.S.C. Flin ch baugh, M. J., D .S.C. Foster, J ohn V., M.D Frace Ray W , D.D S Froeh lich, Charles 0., D.D.S. Fulton, Harr y S., M.D. Griswold, Ar thu r S M.D. Grove, Bru ce A., M D. Hamblock, Leonard, M.D. Hamman, J. Shue, M.D.
Harri s, John H. , M.D Hau ck, Samuel M., M.D. Hawke, Clar en ce M., M.D. Hawkins , W. Drury, M.D. He n ning, Paul F., D.D .S. Hepler , T. R., M.D. Hess, Elmer, M.D. Hodge, Ian G., M D. Hoffman , R. R., M.D. Hooper , Fred B., M. D. Hoover, Ca rl H , M.D Hughes, Charles M., D.D.S. Hutchiso n Ll oyd S , M.D. Jeffer y, William F. , D. S .C. J ohnston, David A., M.D. Kerr, J De W i ll, M.D. Kirk Norris J. , M.D Klitc h , Geo rge M. , M.D. Kohl er, Kennet h N., D .D. S Koucamp Edward C., M. D. K r eamer , Bl aine, R.P. Lawson, E. K ir by, M.D. Lenker Luth er A. M.D. Letc h er, Charles W., D.D.S Long, Lu th er K , D. D.S. Long, Ross E., D.D.S. Markley, Geo r ge M., M.D. Mast , Ri chard R ., D.D.S. McBride, William K., M.D. McCrack e n, Byrd W., D.D.S. McCracke n, P h ilip F. D.D.S. McEldown ey, R. W., D.D. S Means, W. Horace, M.D. Mill er C. Richard, D.D. S Miller, Richard J. , M.D. Miller, Wm Bender, M.D. Milliken, Howard E., M. D. Moore, W. K., D.D. S. Mylin, W. K D.D. S O'Connor, Thomas W., M.D. Orel, I rvin, D.S.C. Palmgren , E. A., M.D. Pers un, Lloyd S., Jr. M.D. P etry, Howard K., M.D. Phillips, Vernon R. M.D. Philli ps, Warre n C., M.D. Plowman, J Wesley, M.D Pool, Champe C. , M. D Qu ckel, Kenneth E., M.D. Reed, Alle n J ., D.D.S. Romi g, J o hn E., M D. Sarkis ia n, E. G., D.D. S. Sayres Gardne r A., M.D. Schildn echt, Page M. M.D. Seiple , Harvey H. , M.D Seygal, Alexander F. , M. D Sheely, Ray mon d F., M.D. Shockers, T. C., M.D. Shope, E. F. B., D.D.S. Simm ons, A. Harvey , M.D Slavcoff·, Alexa nd er M.D Smil h , David A. M.D. Smith, Ha rvey F., M.D Smith, Ja y D., M.D. Snoke, Paul M.D. Snyde r, J ohn J. M.D; Spillman, Murray K., M.D S teele, R. Edwar d, M1D. Stein , E. J. , M.D. Stine, Ho wa r d E., M.D Stouch, D. Ha yd n, M.D Strock Br adfo rd K. M.D. Suter, S tanley C., M.D. Thompson, J oh n R., D.D. S. Th omps on T. M. M.D. Uh er, I. V., D.D.S. Wagner, Thomas E., J r., M D Walker, Wi lli am L., D.D.S. Walle r , Henry, Jr. , M.D. Wa ltz, Paul K., M.D. Wampler , Dale M. , D.D .S Witmer, C. Howard , M.D. Wolfe, Henry G., D D.S. Wood , John H., D. D.S. Yarnall G. W infield, M.D. Yode r , Mahlon H., M.D.
V os Quoque Servitas" <Co nt inued)
dues a ll w isely admin istered by Grand Lodge and the Committee on Masonic H omes, have created an outstand ing Insti tution. But beau. ti ful buildings, scen c landscape a n d pi cture pos t- card setti ngs do n ot make a H ome. That responsibility rests with every Mason in Pennsylvan ia.
All members m ay no t ha ve the opportunity t o visi t Elizabethtown and meet wi th t h eir Gu est s, but a ll Masons have the opportun ity to co nt ribute to The Christmas a nd Enter tainment Fund. Through the administrat ion of t his Fund b y the Committee on Mason ic Homes, a year-ro und recreational, r e ligious and entertainment program is provided f or eve r y Guest a t Elizabethtow n. A monthly allotme nt fo r every Guest comes fro m your co ntributions. H o liday ce ebra tions, Chris tmas g ifts, bus trips, we ekl y mo tion pi ctures and enterta inme nt fea tures add t o th e happiness of all. This Fund prov des th e a thle tic and recreat iona p r ogram for the child r en a t the H omes and covers the costs of extra sch ool activi ties in additi on t o underwriting the athletic program fo r the yo ung men at The Thomas R a nken P att on Masonic Insti tution f or B oys Your S u perintendent a nd Staff sincere y appreciate th e oppo rtunit y that has been extended to bring to you the s t ory of the H omes t h roug h THE P ENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON, and f u ture columns will d etail the opera tion of the m any d epar tments at Elizabethtown. To d ay w hile we expr ess th e a pprec ati on of e ve r y Gues t to the many Masons who h ave contri buted so l ib erally to th e ir C hris tmas an d En t erta i nment Fund , we aga in remin d e ve r y Penn sylvan a Mas on that thi s Fund b ri ngs to each one the op port un i t y of servin g their fe llowman. It s every Mason's r e s ponsib lity to co ntinue making a gr e a t I n s ti uti on into a g reater H ome by their ndivid ual co ntri b utions
MasOn1)' Means Friendship (Con tinued) citizen i n a ll rela tio n s . H e will deal honora bly, jus tl y, and genero us l y w ith hi s nei g hbors He wi ll be true t o his fami ly, a nd f need be sacrifice every personal a nd s e l fi s h gra tification that h e may th e better pro tect and p rov ide in every way for those dependent upon him. H e will be care ful in hi s bus ine ss d e alings a n d always make his word and h is bond o f e qual value i n the estimation of those wi th w h om h e h as busine ss connections. He will eve r be courteous and co ns iderate w ith others, r ead y t o assist as the case may r equ i r e, when and where ass istance is needed. He will s h ow h is moral dis cipline by neve r h aving his name connecte d with any tran sac tion of a q u estionabl e or immoral nature.
"Not what see ms fai r, bu wh at s true
Not wha t we d ream , but the goo d we d o, T hese are th e thin gs tha s h i ne l ike ge ms, Like j ewels in roya l di adems.
Not as we t ake, but as we give, Not as we pray, but as we live, The se a re th e th ngs that make for peace, Bo th now a n d afte r time s ha ll cease "
From Our Grand Secretary's Office
The September Quarterly Commun ication culminated two exceedingly bu sy days in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.
The R. W. Grand Master, Brother Max F. Balcom, and the other Grand Lodge Officers met with many individuals on Tu esda y morning, September 6, and then attended the meeting of the Commillee on Finance on Tuesday afternoo n. Thi s very important Commillee had an unusually lengthy agenda.
On Wednesday mo rning t he Grand Lodge Offi cers , a ll of whom we re present, and some of the Past Grand Mas ters met wi th the Di strict Deputy Grand Mas ter s and Appointive Offi cers Th e Grand Ma s ter gave an up-to-date report on the progress of the "PENNSYLVANIA PLA.N" in co nn ec tion with th e George Was hi ngton Ma son ic Na ti onal Memorial Endowment Fund. Each District Dep uty reported on th e sta tu s in his Dis tri ct.
Many other subjects were discussed including: Preparation of applicat ions for the Masonic Homes at Elizabeth town; the Christmas, Enter tainment and Recreation Fund for the Guests at The Masoni c Homes at Elizabethtown; t he DeMolay Handbook , a copy of which was given t o each Di stri c t Depu t y ; support for activ i ties of the Committee on Masonic Culture; increased efforts t o reduce s uspens ions for non-payment of dues; and encourage restor a tion afte r suspension.
It was also pointed out that many Lo dge Secretaries had not as ye t s ubmitted the names of Attorney s and Tru s t Offi cers; also that some Lodges are late in s ubmitting th ei r Annual Re turns and Auditing Committee R eports
The Deputies were re mind ed th at th e colored fi lm s of the Masonic Homes at E lizabethtown and the Th o mas Ranken Pallon Ma son ic Instituti o n for Boys have not been sh own as yet in many L odges.
The Grand Master also di scusse d at some l ength the recent changes he had made in so me D ec isions liberalizing, somewhat , Lodge act ivities and the material that ma y be included in Lodge not ices Th ese Decision cha nges ha ve been forwarded to and read in each Lodge. lf yo u are not familiar with th ese important changes, get in touch with yo ur Lodge Se c retar y The Committee on Masonic Cu lture held it s Quarterl y Meeting in the afternoon, while man y other meetings were he ld with the Grand Lodge Officers.
The Quarterly Communi ca tion was very well atte nde d des pite th e railr oad s t rike . Communications were receive d from the Grand Lodge of Sao Paulo, Occ idental of Colombia, Belgium and Santa Catarina rel ative to frat ernal r ecog niti on . A le tter was also r eceived fro m the InterAme ri ca n Masonic Confed era ti on r elative to recog niti o n of the Mexican Grand Lodges. All of the above were referred to th e Committee on Correspondence, of whi ch Brother Richard A. Ke rn , P. G. M. is Chairman.
Masonry Means Friendship
Many propose d amendments to Lodge ByLaws we r e received a nd referred to the Commit tee on By- Laws On the recommendation of t h is Committee, the proposed By-Laws of one Lodge were approved as amended; the proposed amendments of three Lodges and those of fou r Lodges as amended we re also appro ved, whil e th ose of t wo Lodges we re rejected. Th e Commi t tee 0 11 Appeal s, of whi ch Bro the r Alber t T . Eyl e r is Chairman, presented repor t s covering th e appeals of two f ormer Members for the removal of t he ir expulsion. On th e r ecomme nd at ion of the above Committee, the appeals were rejected on separa te motions
Brother George H. Deike Sr., P. G. M. Chai r man of the Committee on Finan ce, prese nted the Quarterl y report for his Committe e showing receipts and expenditures for the period. Brother Deike al so presented two Reso luti o ns dealing with the change in reg istrat ion of certain United States Governme nt Savings Bonds which were separately approved.
A third Resolution, which was also adopted, authorized the con s tru c tion of a Cottage at The Mason ic H omes at Elizabeth town to be known as the Samuel and Ella P. Campbell Memor ial Cottage in accordance w th the Will of Br ot her Samuel Campbe ll deceased .
Th e Committee o n Maso ni c H omes o ffered a Reso luti on increas in g the amount of assistance available to st ude nts from the Hig her Educa ti ona l Fun d to Sl,OOO , which was approved .
Th e Committee on T emple repo rted expenditures of approximatel y SS3,340 for th e pas t Quarte r.
Th e ame n dments to the Dec isions menti oned above in the mee ting with the Di s tri ct D eput ies were discussed in Grand Lodge by t he Grand Master.
Th e Grand Master presented Brother and Sir Eric Enington, a Member of Parliament, and a Past Grand Senior Deacon of the United Grand Lodge of England. Brother Errington made some interes ting remarks re lative to the " red collar lodges " in L::ngla nd.
The Grand Master gave a co mpreh e nsive report o n the va riou s activiti es of Grand Lodge. Gra nd Lodge closed at 8:45 P.M.
A Specia l Communi ca ti o n of Gra nd Lodge was held on Saturda y, September 10, in the Ma sonic T emple in P hilad e lph ia at which time the R. W. Grand Ma ste r , Broth e r Max F. Ba lcom, and th e other Grand Lodge Offi ce rs const it uted Levi t town Lodge No. 788 Fo rt yfive Masons, one of whom had form e rl y bee n a Mem ber in Washington, D. C. , were mad e Warrant !\'[embers of this newes t Lodge, the 595t h in the Juri sdict ion.
Sincerely and fraternally,
The most glorious thing in li fe is friend ship . Ther e i s nothing greater. Men and women may marry-yet not be friends Father and son, mother and daughter, may dwell in the same house ye t not be friends Where friendship abides, t here heaven is br ought t o ea rth, and ther e true happiness and gladness remain. Friendship means ser vice. Each one is willing and read y to pou r ou t hi s li fe f or his friend. The glo r y of f ri endship is to love, n o t to be loved; to give, not to get; to se r ve, not be served. Masonry means all this- fr ie n dsh ip, ser vice, love. In this unmatc hed fraternity is the hidden key of a fuller life May each brother find it for himself and show forth its glories in h is daily life.
A wonderful thing has been passed down to us from anc ien t days; a tru st in which each one of us is responsible for i ts suitable care Something of ines ti mable va lu e has been placed in ow· hands for proper usage and ser vice I t came to us un ta rni s hed and without blemish We must pro tect and guard its good name, and when we are through pass it on to those who a re to follow, with the trust made more precious and valuab le , if possible , and witho ut spo t or bl em ish. True, we all have om fa ults and shortcomi ngs, we are not perfect. We cannot however, wholly fulfill our trust unless we daily see k to live up to the high ideals of Freemasonry Freemasonry to the world, is the character of Masons. In a commun it y where the personnel is of high order, the fraternity stands in high repute . In a community in which there are some Masons who do not have the respect of th e publ ic Maso nry has li ttle chance of being accepted as a beautiful system of morals.
The reputation of the fratern ity, t o a greater or lesser degree, is in the keep ing of each member. I t is in the power of every Mason to glor ify or stul ti fy th e institu tion.
The public seldom reads Masonic books I ts idea of the fraternity is not well defined, and the so le basis of judgme nt it falls back upon, is the characte r of th e men who a re s upp osed to exemplify its tea chings While it does not read books, it does read men, and Freemasonry is to it what i t reads in the l ineaments of Masons. The man who is a n unfaithful Mason brings discred it upon the fraternity as a whole. On e unworthy memb er can do i t much harm When he occu pi es himself with some disc reditable business, the publi c takes it for granted that Masonry for all its beautifu l system of morality, either condones it or is too weak to manifes t any influence in the premises
Full Participation in Program to Endotv
George Washington Masonic National ll!Iemorial Now Enjoyed by 457 Pennsylvania Lodges
The program to endow The Geo rge Washington Ma sonic National Memorial at Alexandria, Virginia, is neari ng completion in P ennsylva nia.
Brothe r Max F. Balcom, R. W. Grand Ma ster, r eported that 4 57 Maso n ic Lodges reach ed the 100 per cent parti cipation goal by October 24, 1960.
He said he expec ts the othe r 138 Lodges to complete the pr oject before the end of the Masonic Year.
To compl e te the program Lodges must co n-
LoDGE No. 3, Philadelphia HARMONY Loo c E, No 52, Philadelphia BROWNSVILLE LODCE, No. 60, Brownsville LODGE No. 61, Wilkes -B arre LoDGE No 106, Willi amsport
I NDUSTRY LoDGE, No. 131, Philadelphia INTEGRITY LooGE, No. 187, Philadelphi a FRANKLI N Lo DCE No. 221 , Pittsburgh Mo uNT LEBANON LoDGE, No 226, Leba non LA BELLE VA LLEE LoDGE, No . 232, Jers ey Shore
ST. JoH N's LoDGE, No. 233, Pitt ston CHESTER LoD CE, No. 236, Chester WARREN LODGE, No 240 Mo ntrose WESTEHN CRAWFORD Lo DG E, No. 258 Conneaut ville BETHLEHEM LODGE, No . 283, B ethlehem
MU NC Y LODGE, No 299, Muncy HAlLMAN LODGE, No. 321, Pi ttsburgh
BARGER LoDCE, No. 325, Stroudsburg FACTOHY VILLE LOOGE, No. 341 Factoryville SYLVA NIA LoD GE, No 354, Shickshinny EuR EKA LoDGE, No 366, Union City RI CIIARD VAUX LonGE, No 384, Philadelphia
PER RY LODCE, No. 392, Erie Nonn1 EAST LoDGE, No 399 , North East EL YSBURG LoocE, No. 414, Elysbu rg
ROMAN LODGE, No. 418, Rome
WATERFOR D LoDCE, No 425, lli'aterford
LANDM ARK LooGE, No 442, Wilkes-Barre
STEPIIEN GIRARD LoDG E, No 450, Ph iladelphia Sr. PAuL's LoDGE, No 481, Philadelphia
FRATERNAL LoD CE, No. 483, R ouseville
CRESC ENT LooGE, No. 493, Ph iladelphia
RENOVO Loner::, No . 495, R enovo VALLEY LoDGE, No 499, Pittston
WILLIAM C. HAMILTON LoDGE, No. 500, Philadelphia
tribu t e at least Sl.OO a Member a nd SlO.OO from the Lodge itsel f. Lodges reaching the goal receive the Gra nd Master's Awar d Brother Balcom added : "A l l Mason ic Lodges in Pennsy l vania must reach the 100 per ce nt parti cipation goal befor e the program can be comp le ted " T he .Ma y issue of TilE P ENNSYLVAN IA FREE · MASON listed 146 Mason ic Lodges that ea rn ed the Grand Master's Award. T he Aug ust issue listed 221 Lodges. The additional 90 Lodges , a s of October 24, follow:
NEw BETHLEIIEM LoDG E, No. 522 , New B ethlehem Sr. ALBAN LODGE, No 529, Philadelphia OAKLAND LODGE, No. 535, Pittsburgh WoooounY LoDGE, No 539, !?oaring Spring NANTICOKE LoDGE, No 541, Nanticoke
WAYMART LoDGE, No 542, Waymart NEw LoNDON LoDGE, No 545, West Grove ME YERSDALE LoocE, No 554, M eyersdale CoATESV IL LE LODG E, No 564, Coat esville PR OSPER IT Y LoocE, No 567, R iegelsville
WIL COX Lo DGE, No 571, Wilcox EQ UITY LoDGE, No. 591, Philadelphia GALETON LODGE, No. 602, Galeton PR OGRESS LODGE, No. 609, Phi ladelphia UNI VEilS ITY LoDGE, No 61 0, Philadelphia
WYALUSING LoDGE, No . 618, Wyalusin g HoM EWOOD LoDGE, No 635, Piusburgh
MICHAEL ARNOLD Lo DG E, No. 636 , Phi ladelphia CHAPMAN LoDG E No 637, Northampton MO NESSEN LoDGE, No 638 M onessen
W ILLIAM L. ELKINS LoDG E, No 646, Philadelph ia
BETA LODGE, No. 647 Wilkinsburg
H. STANLEY GoODW IN LoDGE, No. 648, Bethlehem Sw iSSVALE Lo nGE, No 656, Swissvale. PA RIA N LoDGE, No 662, Beaver Falls
BROWNSTONE LoDG E, No 666, H ershey
BENTON LoDGE, No 667, B enton
CEOAR LoDCE, No. 670, Moun Carmel WoODLAWN LoDGE, No. 672 Aliqu ip pa J oRDAN LODGE, No . 673, Allentown
CoRAOPOLIS LODG E, No 674 Coraopolis> PARK LoDGE, No 676, Pi usburgh
BEtLEFIELD LoocE No. 680, Piusbw'gh ] oliN F. LA ED LEIN LoDG E, No 707 , Williamspo rt NonTH HI LLS LoocE, No 716, McCandless Township
HARRY A. HousEM ANLoDG E, No. 71 7, Philadelphia
NEW LIG HT LODGf:, No 718, Philadelphia
UNITY LoDGE, No . 719, Ardmore MINSI Loner:: , No . 733, Bethlehem BAYSE NEWCO MB Lo DG E, No. 745 , Philadelphia
"You too S erve"
By FRANCIS H. MILLS Eo non's NoT E: T he following column was received f rom Brother Francis H Mills, superintendent of the Masonic H omes at Eli:abethtown, several day s before he died of a heart attack The column is as he w rote it.
Ser vice to our fellowman is the r ent we pay for th e space we occupy o n this ea rth and ther e is nothing we do that p r ovides a deeper satis faction or a more bountiful reward Few men have had the opportunity to change their avocation int o th eir vocation and to serve P ennsylva nia Mason r y through the operation of T he Mas onic H o mes at Elizabethtown In making this cha nge, I have come to app r eciate th e rewards th a t accrue from ser vice to our fellowma n.
As we work with t he Mason ic Family a t E lizabethtown a nd witness the exemplification of Mas onic Princi ples, not only between L odges and thei r Guests but between t he Guests themsel ves , we lind our fa i th renewed a nd strengthened in the Fatherhood of God and the Brothe rh ood of Ma n. More and more P e n nsylvania Masons are realizing th at the ir r esponsibi lities toward t heir Gu es t s at Elizabethtown a re not fulfilled when the applicati o n for admission has bee n approved. Th ei r co ntin ued interest, hometown n ewspapers, ind ividu al and Lodge visits to El izabethtown a ll help to show th eir Guests they were not admitted to T he Homes to be fo rg otten
Penn sy lvania Masons, for almost half a century, have labore d t o bu ild Th e Masoni c H omes at E lizabethtown . Bequests, fees and (Cominued o n next /Jfl8C
Dr. David H. Stewa rt Appointed Superintendent of The Patton School for Boys
Dr. David H. Stewart, P as t Master of S t. Ja mes Lodge No 457 , Beaver , Pa , has been a ppointed superi n te nd e n t of t he Thomas Ra n ke n P atton Maso ni c Institution for Boys at Elizabe thtown, P a . Dr. Stewart was formerl y super i ntendent of Sch ools at Dor mo nt, a suburb of P ittsburgh . He s ucceeded Donal d W. Denniston at P atton Sch oo l.
H e received hi s B S. degree from P en nsylvania S ta te Uni ve rsi ty; M.S . and S uperi ntenden t of Schools certifica te from Columbia Un iversi t y; and Ph.D. from the Univers i ty of Pitt sbu rgh.
ASHBY B. P AUL, R. W. Grand Secretary
The Mason who li ves up to the teach ings of the ritual and Masonic Laws will be a man withou t r eproac h , not only among his brethren, bu t among his ne ighb ors who know not Masonry. He will be noted as an exempla r y (Con tilltl CtJ Ollf)U8f! 5)
LIBERT Y LoDGE, No. 505, Port Allegany
MAHONI NG LODGE, 1o 516, Dan ville
WESTMOR EL11Nil Lo ocE , o. 518 , Greensburg
GoTHIC LoDG E, No. 51 9, Phi ladelphia
CANDY LOD CE, No 52 0, St Petersbu rg
SAM UEL HAM ILTON LoDG E, No. 746, Wilkinsburg
BRADFOHD LoDCE, No. 749, Bradford PocoNO Lo oc E, No 780, Swiftwater Fox CHAPEL LooGE, No 784 Sharpsburg LE vn·rowN LoocE, No. 788, Bristol
Afte r ret iring from Do r mont Schools several yea rs ago, Dr. Stewart served many school dist r icts as a consul tant. He lived at Mountain Top, Pa.
Brothe r William J. Wa llace, Chairman of th e Board of Trustees at the P atton S chool, announced the appo intment.