The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1962

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Issued Every Three Months By

The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Mos Ancient and Honorable Fraternity af Free and Acc epted

Ma so ns of Pen nsy lvania and Maso nic Juri sdictio n Thereunto Belonging, through its

COMMITIEE ON MASONIC CULTURE-Charles H. Nitsc h, P. G. M., Chairman, W illiam E. Mont g omery, Vice-Chairman, Charles S Reyner, Minor M. Dain

Rus se ll Da v s, W. Frederick Warren, George Wo llrath, J Warren McK inl ey.


Mailing Address :

Bro. Nitsch, P. G. M., Heads

Reorganized Committee on Masonic Cu ltur


Bro. Charles H. Nitsch, R. W. Past Gran d Mas ter, was appoin ted cha irman of the Comm ittee on Masonic Culture by th e Grand Master.

Bro. N itsch, a Past Mas ter of Cresce nt Lodge, No. 493, Philadelphia , was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in 1956 and 1957

H e s ucceed s Bro. William E. Mo ntgome r y, a P ast Master of William S Snyder Lodge, No 756, Harrisburg, who served as chairman of t he c ommit· tee for the past year.

Br o. Montgomery was appointed v icechairm an of th e Cu lt ure Commi t tee

Bro. Sanford M Chilcote, P. G. M. e ft, presents Pas Grand Mas ter's Je we l t o Bro. Max F. Balcom at Annual Grand Communication, December 27, 1961.


850 Masons Honor Grand Master at

Mo r e than 850 Masons a ttend ed a Special Meet ing and banquet of Frankford Lodge, No 292 on December 28 to hon o r Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, R. W Grand Master

Bro. McKinley is a member and Past Maste r of Frankford Lodge.

Following th e Specia l Meeting in Frankford Ma§oni c Ha ll Philade lphi a, a banquet was ser ved in th e Four Chefs . Representatives from man y Masonic Lodges and Masonic Bodi es in the Philadelphia area attended the meeting an d banquet.

Bro. Rob ert W Dietrich , P as t Mas ter of Frankford Lodge an d Gran d Sword Bearer, was the toastmaster at the banq uet The Potentate's Me n fr om l rem S hrine Temple provided th e musical e ntertainmen t.

All tho se who attended th e banquet were give n an official certificate of attendance from Frank ford Lodge, signed b y Bro Louis J. W inter, Worsh i pful Master, an d Bro. George Soltis, Secretary.


Th e other members of th e committee

include :

Bro. Charles S .

Bro Nitsch, P G. M Re y ner , Past Master of F ort Washington Lodge, No. 308, Fort Was hington and a P as t

Dist r ic t Deputy Grand Ma s t er.

Bro. Minor M. Dai n , Pas t Mas ter of Phoen ix Lodge, No. 75, Phoenix ville, and District Deputy Grand Mas ter for the 40th Mas onic Dist r ict.

Bro. Russell Davis, a member of Emma us Lodge, No. 792, Emma us .

Bro. W. Fr ederick Wa rr en , a P as t Mas te r of Thoms on Lodge, No 34.0, Green Tree, and Jun ior Grand D eacon of t he Grand Lodge.

Bro. George W oll rath , Pas t Mas ter of Cass ia L odge, No 273, Ardmore.

Bro. J. Wa rr en McKinl ey, a member of F rankford Lodge, No. 292, Ph iladelphia. In announ ci ng th e reorganization of the

19 New District Deputies

Named by G r and Master

(Continued f rom page4 ) in the creation by thi s Grand Lodge of th e Offic e o f Pas t D is tri ct Deputy Grand Mas ter. " Th e follow ing Brothers have r ece ived the honor of Past Dis t r ict Deputy Grand Mas ter : H erber t S. Muller, Arthur A Hackman , J. Mer rill Oswa ld, Charles S. Reyne r , H. Don. a id Major, William P. Mill er, Dom er J. Bail ey, James W. Sembower, John C. Pillow, George H. Dei ke Jr., Hu gh M. Be ll , Edwa rd E. J ohn s on, Benjamin S. Barbour , P aul T. Sh ive, Lawrence L. Alle n, and John W. Raws on. The Grand Ma ste r continued : " I am c onv inced that offic e was created as one of honor- a promotion- an office where th e recipient remains a part of the Gr and Lodge famil y, retains a titl e, retains his apron and is t o be recogn ized officially, but is r eli eved of th e detailed duties a nd obliga ti on s of a D eputy a f te r te n years of service." [ 6 ]

Comm i tt ee on Masonic Culture at Grand Lodge on December 27, Bro. W. LeRoy McKin le y, R. W. Grand Master, sa id :

" Our Committee on Masonic Culture has do ne an o uts tanding job si n ce its incepti on, first under th e leadersh ip o f R. W. Past Grand Master, Br o William E Yeager, and since his res ignation, unde r that o f Bro. Montgomery, both in the field of extending Masonic Edu cation and i n th e creation and d evelo pment of o ur publication under the name of THE PE NNSYLVANIA FnEEMASON.

" For some time I have h a d th e fee ling that the chairman of t his Committee should be a P as t Grand Mas t er a nd I am happ y to r eport two th ings in th is co nnec ti on .

" Firs t, that R. W. Pas t Grand Mas t er, Br o Nitsch ha s ag reed to serve as cha irman , and, second , tha t Bro Montgomery has agreed to work wi th Bro. Nitsc h and to continue as a m e mber o f the Committee

"One importa n t chan ge which will be made in th e acti vitie s of the Comm ittee re la tes to THE P ENNSY LVAN IA FREEMASON .

" T hat publicatio n wi ll t ake on a different fo rm , as yo u will see aft er the March iss ue. I t wi ll be mailed to all Penn sylv a nia Maso ns ins t ead o f to t he limited numb er rece iv in g it at prese nt , a nd will be djs tributed from th e Masonic Homes a t El izabethtown, wh ere space h as already been provid ed an d whe re so me of our Guests will ass is t a s part of an oc cupational t he rapy program."

This is the first i ss u e of The Pennsylvania Freernason in which illu s tt·ations have been used to project Masonic inform ati o n. The use of i.llust•·ations will be continued The pape•· w ill be expanded to 3 pages and sent to every Pennsylvania Mason in the near fu ture. It wiU be mailed f•·om the Mas onic Homes whm·e G uests will be given the opportunity to ass i st in its distr b u t on.

Send yo ur comments to the Committee on Masonic Cultu•·e, Masonic Temple, Phila 7, Pa

Bro. McKinley Becomes R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania

Bro. W LeRoy Mc Kinle y, a Philadel phia attorne y, is now th e Ri ght Worshipful Grand Mas ter of Maso ns in Pennsylvania. He was ins talled as Grand Master a t th e Annual Grand Commun ica tion in Masonic Temple, Philade lphia, on Decem be r 27, 1961.

Bro McKin ley s ucceeded Bro Max F Balcom of Empo rium , who served as Grand Master fo r two years

Ot h er Grand Lodge officers incl ude:

Bro . Earl F. Herol d, of Butler, R.W. Deputy Grand Mas ter; Bro . R obe rt E. Deyoe of Oil City, R W. Sen io r Grand Warden; Bro. J ohn K Young, o f Phil adelphia, R. W. J unior Grand Warden; Br o. Louis Bacha rach , R . W Grand Treasure r; and Bro. Ashby B. P a ul , of Harrisburg, R. W Grand Secretary Bro . McKinley is th e sen ior partner of the law firm o f McKin ley a nd Antho n y, the legal counsel fo r Grand Lodge.

He graduated from the Law Schoo l of the Un iver sity of P ennsylvania and h as practiced la w i n Phi lade lphia since his gradu a ti on Bro McKinley i s a membe r of the Bar of the l o cal, s tate a nd federal courts an d the Su preme Co urt of the Uni t ed S tates. He al so is a member of t he Phi ladelphia, P e nns ylvania a nd America n Bar Asso ciations, many soc ia l clubs and is pas t pres ident of t he Pennsylvania Scotch-I ris h Society.

A vetera n o f World War I , Bro. McKinley was very ac ti ve in the American Legion fo r man y yea rs and served as Commande r of Philadelphia County . During Worl d War II a nd the Korean War h e served as legal officer wi th the Local Selective Se r vice Board, Philadelph ia Appeal Boa rd and th e Sta te Appeal Board at Ha rrisburg.

A member of Frankford Lodge, No 292, F. & A M., he serve d as Wors hipful Ma s ter of the Lodge in 1926. He also served as chairman o f th e tru s tees o f Frankfo rd Mas oni c Hall for many yea rs He served as Dis trict Deputy Grand Master FEBRUARY

of " D" Masonic Dis tri c t , Philadelphia, f rom 1948 until h e was el ected Jun ior Gra nd Wa r den in 1955

Bro . McKi nle y's Mason ic affiliations include:

Si loam Royal Arch Chap t er, No. 226, Ph ilade lphi a; Frankford Command er y, No 92, Philadelphia; Scottish Rite Bod ies, Va lley of Philadelphia; and LuLu Shrine Temple. H e was crowned an Honorar y 33° Scottish Rit e Mason in 1958.

He served as secretary of trustees of on e of Gra nd Lodge 's larger trust f und s f or 30 yea rs, from 1926 to 1956.

Br o McKinley and his wife, Margar et , have a son, J. Warren McKinley, a lso a membe r of Frank ford Lodge , No. 292.

H is son, broth er, father , fi ve uncles and grand fa ther were all member s of Fr a nkfo rd Lodge His bro th er and grandfather a lso se r ved as Wors hi pful Maste r of th e Lodge

Quotes from Grand Master's Acceptance Address on Dec. 27

The following a re quotes from Bro. W. LeRoy McKin ley's address fo ll ow ing hi s installation as Gra nd Maste r of Masons in Pennsylva nia on Decembe r 27, 1961:

" I ass ume office under extremely pleasant circumstances, wi th complete harmo n y re igning in our Grand Lodge. The real izati on uppermost in my th inking is th at th ose who have preceded me have each perfo rmed o uts tanding servic es to our Grand Lodge.

"We ha ve been m os t for t unate, m y Brethr en , in hav ing t he t ype of m e n who ha ve occ upied th e Eas t and I app roa c h my ta s k with a full real ization of th e inan y duties and obligati on s it e ntai ls "

" Wi th approximatel y 258,000 Maso ns in 602 Lodges in Penn sy lvania, it is, of course, impo ss ibl e for the Gran d Mas te r to be in personal contact wi th all members or even with all Lodges, an d the Di strict D ep uti es are (Continuecl on page 2 )

Masons Can Attend Closed Meetings of Yo uth Groups

Mason s who are members of Lodges in the Jurisdic ti on of P ennsylvan ia are now permi tted to attend an open or closed meeting of th e Ord e r o f Rainbow f or Gi rls and Order of Job's Daughter.

Decisio n 238-B s tates :

" T o further cla r ify Decis ion No. 238 and 238 -A, in t he Dige s t o f De cis io ns, I now direct th at a Member of a Lo dge und er the Ju r isd icti on of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania m ay attend a m eeti ng of th e Order of Rainb ow for Girls or J o b's Da ughte rs, wheth er the meeting is closed or ope n to th e genera l pub lic. " I fu rth er dir ec t that it is not permiss ible fo r Mason s un der t he J urisd iction of t his Grand Lodge to be Me mbers of either of th e above organiza tions, no r t o ser ve on thei r Adviso r y Bo ards or Committees " The Decision was s ig ned by the Gra nd Mas ter o n December 1, 1961.

William H. Tys on , Past Mas ter of Frankford Lodge, No. 292, the man who signed the petition for the Grand Master to b e com e a Mason, gives a few instructions to t he Grand Mas ter.
Bro W. LeRoy McKinley R W. Grand Master

Jurisdiction Divided into Six Regions for Ritualistic Work

Pennsylvania has been divided into six Regions for Ritualistic Work, an increase of t wo Regions over last year.

The announcement of the increase was made by the Grand Master at the Annual Grand Communication.

Bro. Raymond H. Grimm, Pas t Master of William D. Mcilroy Lodge, No 758, Mt. Lebanon, and a former District Deputy Grand Master, was reappointed Instructor of the Ritualistic Work.

The Regional Instructors and their Districts are:

Wes t ern Region: Bro. John W. Long, Past Master of Bethel Lodge, No . 761, Dormont: District Schools at New Castle, Butler, Washington, Uniontown, New Brighton, Charleroi, McKeesport, Clairton, Sharon, Tarentum, Pittsburgh and North Side Pittsburgh.

No rth western Region: Bro. H. Alvan Sall ack, Pas t Master of James W. Brown Lodge, No 675, Johnsonburg: District Schools at Bradford, Oil City, Erie, Meadville, St. Mary's and Warren.

Central Region: Bro. John M. Smouse, Past Master of Everett Lodge, No. 524, Everett: District Schools at Gettysburg, Mifflintown, Altoona, Bellefonte, Clearfield, Greensburg, Bedford, Mt Un ion , Indiana and Johns town.

Eastern Region: Bro. Willi am S. Reicher, Pas t Mas ter of Prince Edwin Lodge , No. 486, Middletown: District Schools at Lancaster, Harri sburg, Lebanon, Carlisle, Coatesville, Reading , Pottsville , Pottstown, York , Sunbury and Mt. Carmel.

Northeastern Reg ion : Bro. W illiam Zacha rellis, P as t Master of Hyde Park Lodge, No. 339, Scranton: Di s tri c t Schools at Bethlehem, Allentown, W ilkes-Barre, Scranton, Hop Bottom, Towanda, Wellsboro, Williamsport, Bloomsb urg Coudersport, Hazleton and Pen Argyl.

Philadelphia Re gion: Bro. Maurice A. Singer, Pas t Maste r of P e rkins Lodge, No. 402, Philadelphia: Di str ict School s at Philadelp hia (Temple School), Northwest Philadelphia, Germantown, Norristown, Doyles town and Chester.

In announcin g the new Regions, the Grand Master said:

" Two yea rs ago, after having serv ed m agnificently for a long time , Br other Andrew Schroder found it n ecessary to r e tir e an d Brother Grimm was appointed to s ucceed him.

"We in the Grand Lodge Line have found Brother Grimm excepti onally well qualified for this work and he has been doin g an outstanding job sin ce the da y of hi s appointment.

" I am happy th at he is go ing to continue in this work and have ar ranged with him for the cre a tion of two add itional Re gions or District s und er hi s jurisd iction.

"We have been operating with four Regio n al

"Pennsylvania Plan"

Endowment Project for Memorial Completed

The program to h elp endow the George Was hington Masonic National Memorial , t he " PE NNSYLVANIA PLAN ", has been brought to a successful conclusion in Pennsylvania.

Bro. Max F. Balcom, R. W. Past Grand Master, reported at the Annual Grand Communication on December 27:

"Pennsylvania Masonic Lodges have more than met the goa l of $10 from every Masonic Lodge and an ave rage of $1 from every Mason.

" In fact, the quota has been received for every Ma so nic Lodge in Pennsylvania."

The only part of the program to be continued is the $ 1 from every initiate. Bro ther Balcom pointed out:

"We mu s t continue the program for $1 an initiate. I pledged to the Memorial Associat ion that Masonic Lodges in Pennsylvania would cont inue to me et this challenge."

On February 22, the Grand Lodge presented to the Memorial Asso ciation thr ee checks, totaling $272,8 11.

Since February 22, 1961 the quota from all L odges has been received. Because of this collection, the Grand Master will have the opportunity to present an additional sum of approxi mate ly $7, 500 to the Memorial Associatio n on February 22 at it s annual meeting in th e Memorial.

Bro. Bal co m thanked Pennsylva nia Mas ons f or their dedica ti on and work that enabled the pr og ram t o be concluded wh ile he was Gran d Mas t er.

Quotes from Grand Master ' s Address

(Continue d from page 1)

therefore his personal representatives to perf orm th e many duti es of that office

"As one who served as a District Deputy, I am fam iliar with the innumera ble tas ks they perform and am co n vinced that our Grand Lodge t oday co uld not f un ction wi th out them, bu t a man who has served f or te n years, h e is e ntitled to relie f and to be honored by being e le vated to the Office of Past District Deputy Grand Master. "

" There are ma n y Masons serving our Grand Lod ge in varyi ng capaci ties as members of Committees and Boards of Trustees, too numerous for individual refere nce her e. Let m e assure you and them that th ei r services ar e

Instr uc to rs, ea ch in ch arge of Schools of Instruc tion in a geogr aph ic area, and now we have six In thi s way, I am conv in ced, the School s of Instru c tion operating throughout the sta te will be far better serv iced and th e result will be m uch be tter."

not pass ing and will not pass without proper recognition of the in va luable work the y are doing.

" It is bei ng done , my Brethren, for one r eason , and for one reason only-t heir l ove of the F raternity , and sin ce that is the incentive, I ha ve high hop es f or the futu re of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania and for the a dvanc ement of this Grand Lodge

"In co nclus ion , I want to ass ure yo u that I am deep ly appreciative o f the honor you have conferred upon m e .

" I s tand at that point in my li fe where but a co mparati vely few of my Pennsylvania Masoni c Brethr en have been pri vileged to s tand-a point wher e I have had conferred upon me t he highes t office and most outstanding honor which it is in yo ur power to confer.

"I assu re yo u that I wi ll do everything in my power to occupy that office wit h creditable dig nit y and to conduct the affairs of the Grand Lodge with efficiency, to the best of my ability.

" I will need yo ur help, a ss is tance and cooperat ion , and that I request, but my pra yer is that I may have the bless ing of the Great Archit ect of the Univer se."

Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown

Maintenance Costs Increase Out of Proportion to Endowment

Three thousand meal s are served every day at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.

Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, R. W. Grand Master pointed out:

"O ne of the mos t ser ious problems facing this Grand Lodge t oday, and, in fact, facing ever y f ra ternal orga ni za ti on in this country, is that of finan cing.

"Experience h as s hown , t hrough th e l as t decade , a continuing reduction in rec ei pts and a consta nt increase in ex pe nditures

"When th e bud get of our Grand Lodge i s analyzed, it is clearly ev ident that our problem i s to find ways to help Subordinate Lodges, f or b y helping these we will help Grand Lodge . And our second problem is t o find ways t o control expend itures.

" In an y undertaking of this kind it is natural to look first t o that po rti on of a budget which encompasses th e majo r expenditures, and h ere we find tha t to be th e cost of maintenance of our Mason ic Homes

" It is not th e intention to curta il the services t o ou r Guests there nor to limit the number of Guests, but some a dditional co nt rol s mus t be placed on th e cost of such maintenan ce

" I n 1952 th e cost of mainta ining our Masonic Homes was $840,000. The main-

tena n ce budge t for 1962 is, in round figures, $1,800 000-an increase in ten yea rs of a lmost a million dollars ."

Some of th e interesting s t atistics on the operation of the Masonic Homes in 196 1 include:

• 167 Guests were admitted.

• The greatest number of Guests was 720 of which 663 were adults of an aver age age of 81 years, 5 months.

• There was a d ecre ase of 60 i n the number of d eath s as compared with the year

• Th e number of Guests a t th e H omes on November 15, 1961, the end of th e fiscal year, was 709, an all time high

• As of November 15, 1961, 82 adults were receiving home ass istance. Th ey repre sented 58 Lodges, eac h of which is matching th e ass istance given.

• As of November 15, 1961, there were 57 ch ild re n at th e Masonic Hom es, of which 17 were girls and 40 boys

• During 1961, 7,675 vis itors r eg istered a t th e Homes .

• 52 Masonic Bodies v isited the H omes during th e year.

The end owment fund for th e Homes h as

This $450 ,000 from the e ndowment fund only produces 25 per cent of the cos t of maint enance. The r emainder of th e budget must be s upplied from curre nt in come. The Grand Master pointed out that the Christmas, Enterta inment and Recreation Fund is one method to h elp Guests a t th e Homes

You may wish to m a ke an outright gift to th e Homes during yo u r lifetime-a nd have the pleasure of seeing the results of your generosity-or you may wish by y our Wi ll or Deed of Trust, to leave a legacy to the Gran d Lodge for th e use of th e Homes

When you consider this p roblem, ke ep in mind tha t all gifts of thi s n a tur e are d ed uctible for incom e t ax purposes, and if made by Will or Deed of T r ust a re not s ubj ect t o F ed eral Esta te Tax or Penn sy lvania T ransfer Inheri tance Tax

Brethren in t er ested in securin g more deta iled informat ion on the Hom es, or th e correct wordi ng to u se in Wills or Dee ds of Tru s t , pl ease contact th e Gra nd Master's Office, Masonic Temple, Broad a nd Filbert S tr eets, Philadelphia 7, Pa.

5 ] now r eached $ 11,000,000, whi ch under normal conditions would produce a revenu e of approximately $450,000 annually.

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Aerial view of the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown The view shows the Grand Lodge Hall and other structures in the central section. It only shows a few acres of the 1500 acres that make up the Masonic Homes.



Bro McKinley Becomes

R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania

Bro. W. LeRo y McKinley a Philad e lphia

attorne y, is n o w the Right Wors hipful Grand Maste r of Masons in P e nns ylvania.

He was insta ll ed as Grand Ma s ter at the Annual Grand Communi cation in Mas onic Temple, Philadelphia, on December 27, 1961.

Bro. McKinley s u cceeded Bro. Max F. Balcom of Empo riu m, who se r ved as Grand Mas ter for two years.

Other Grand Lodge offic er s include :

Bro. Earl F H erold, of Butl er R.W. Deputy Grand Mas ter Bro Robert E. De yoe, of Oil City, R. W. Se ni or Grand Warden; Bro. John K. Youn g, of Philadelphia, R. W. Jun ior

Gra nd Ward en ; Bro. Loui s Bac h a rach, R. W. Grand Treas urer; and Bro. Ashby B. P a ul, of Ha rris burg R. W. Grand Sec r etary

Bro . McKinley is the s en ior partner of the l aw firm of McKinley an d Anthony , the legal couns el fo r Grand Lodge

He graduated fr om the Law Schoo l of th e Univers ity of Penn sylvania and ha s prac ti ced law in Philadelphia s ince hi s gradu a tion.

Bro. McKinle y is a member of th e Bar of the lo cal , s ta te and f ed er al courts a nd the S upreme Cou r t of the United S tates He al so i s a memb er o f the Philadelphia , Penn sy lvania and Ame ri can Bar Assoc iations, man y soc ia l club s and is pas t pre s ident of the Pennsylvania Sco t ch-Iri s h Socie t y A veteran of World War I, Bro. McK inle y

wa s ve r y active in th e Am erican Leg ion fo r many ye ars and serve d as Commander of Phil ad elphia County

During World War II and the Kor ea n War , h e serv ed a s lega l officer with th e Lo ca l

S elective Service Board Phil a delphia Appea l Board and the S ta te App eal Board a t Harrisb urg

A member of Fra nkford Lodge, No 292, F. & A. M., h e s erved as W o r s hipf u l Mas ter of the Lod ge in 1926. He also served a s c hairm a n of the tru s tees of Frankford Ma so nic Ha ll fo r many yea rs

He ser ved a s Di str ic t Deputy Grand Ma s t er

Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley R. W. Grand Master

of "D" Mas on c Dis trict Philade lphi a, fr om 1948 until he was elected Juni or Grand Warden in 1955.

Br o. Mc Kinl ey's Mason ic affi liat ons include:

Si loam R oya l Arch Chapter, No. 226, Philadelphi a; Frankford Commander y, No. 92, Philadelphia ; Scotti s h Rite Bodi es , Valle y of Philadelphia; and LuLu Shrine T emple. He was crow n ed an Honorar y 33° Scottis h Rite Mas on in 1958.

He served as s ec r e tar y of trus t ee s of one of Grand Lodge's arger trus t fund s fo r 30 y ears , from 1926 to 1956.

Bro McKin le y a nd his wife , Ma rga r e t have a son, J. Warre n McKinl ey, also a membe r of Frankford Lodge, No. 292.

19 New District Deputies

Named by Grand Master

Nineteen new District Deputy Grand Masters have been appoin ted by the Grand Master, including the creation of a new di s trict, the 60th Masonic Dis trict.

They include:

Bro. James W. Fry, of Lodge No. 6 10 , for "A" Masonic Dis tri ct, vice Bro. John K. Young, res igned to be ins talled as R. W. Junior Grand Warden.

Bro. C. Max Ivins, of Lodge No. 591 "E" Mas onic District, vice Bro. H erbert S. Muller.

Bro. Paul F. H offer, of Lodge No. 4 96, l s t Mas onic District, v ice Bro. Arthur A. Hackman.

Bro. Carl A. Focht, of Lodge No. 227, 7 th Masonic Dis trict, v ice Bro. J_ Merrill Oswald.

Quotes from Grand Master ' s Acceptance Address on Dec. 27

The following ar e qu o t es from Bro. W. LeRoy McKinle y's a ddres s following his in s tallation as Grand Master of Masons in Penns yl va nia on December 27, 1961:

" I assume office und er ex tremel y pleasan t circums tances , with comple te harmony reigning in our Grand Lodge The reali zatio n uppermost in m y thinking is that those who have preceded me have each performed outstandin g s ervices to our Grand Lodge

" We ha ve been mo st fo rtun ate, m y Brethren, in having th e ty pe of men who have occupied the Eas t and I approach my tas k with a f ull reali zation of the inany duties and obl iga. tions it entails "

"With approximately 258,000 Mas ons in 602 Lod ges in P enn syl va ni a, it i s of course , imposs ible for the Grand Mas te r to be in pers onal contact with all membe r s or even with a ll Lodges, and th e Dis trict Deputies are (Continued on page 2)

Masons Can Attend Closed Meetings of Youth Groups

Maso ns who are member s of Lodges in th e Juri s di ction of Penns ylvania a re now permitted to attend an ope n or close d meeting of the Order of Rainbow for Girls and Order of Job's Daughte r.

Decis ion 238-B states :

"To furth er cla r ify Deci s ion No. 238 and 23 8-A in th e Diges t of Deci s ions, I now dir ect tha t a Member of a Lodge und er th e Juris d iction of th e Grand Lodg e of P e nnsy lva nia may attend a meeting o f the Orde r of Rain bow for Girls o r Jo b's Daughter s, whe th er the meeting is close d or open t o the ge neral public " I further dir ec t that it is not permi ss ibl e fo r Maso n s under the Ju ris di c tion of this Grand Lodge to be Member s of either of t he above organiza ti o ns, nor to s er ve on th ei r Ad vis ory Boards o r Committ ees " The Decis io n wa s s igned b y th e Grand Mas ter on Decem ber 1, 1961.

His so n broth er , fa th er, fi ve uncles and grandfather we r e all member s of Fra nkford Lodge. Hi s brother and grandfather also ser ved as Wors hipfu l Mas ter of the Lodge. NUMBER 1

Bro. Robert W. Hassell , of Lodge No 427, 8th Maso nic District, vice Bro. Charle s S. Reyner.

Bro. Clark W. Howell, of Lodge No 507, 15th Mas onic District, vice Bro. H. Donald Maj or.

Bro. Theodore R. Bolger, of Lodge No. 539, 20th Masonic District, vice Bro. William P. Miller.

Bro. John J_ Allio, of Lodge No 408, 25th Maso ni c Dis trict, vice Bro. Domer J. Bailey

Bro. Ira Burdette Co ldren, of Lodge No. 228, 31s t Maso nic District, vice Bro. Jame s W. Sembower.

Bro. J. RobertS. Aufderheide, of Lodge No. 223, 32nd Mason ic Dis r ict , vice Br o. J oh n C Pillow

Bro. Andrew Lon cher, of Lodge No. 510, 38th Mas onic District, vice Bro. George H. Deike, Jr.

Bro. Charles H. McGee, of Lodge No. 534, 39th Mas onic Di s trict, vice Bro. Hugh M. Bell.

Bro. Ralp h D. Hors man, of L odg e No 74 3, 4 7th Mas onic Dis tric t , v ice Bro. Edwa rd E. Johnso n.

Bro. Hiram P Ball , o f Lodge No. 787, 48th Mason ic Dis tr ict, v ice Br o . Benjamin S. Ba rbour.

Br o Theodo r e M. Hatter , of Lodge No. 565, 50th Mas onic Dis tri ct, v ice B ro Paul T. Sh ive.

Bro. John G. Jo hn s on, of Lodge No. 575 , 53rd Mas onic Dis tri c t , vice Bro. Lawre nce L. Allen.

Bro. Sa muel C. William s on of Lod ge No. 61 2, 54th Maso nic Dis tri c t, vice Bro. John W. Rawso n.

Bro. E. Blaine Hunge rman , of Lodge No. 759 , 57 th Maso nic Dis trict, v ice Bro. Maurice P. Eva ns, res igned.

Bro. All en J. Hicks, of Lodge No. 704 , 60th Masonic Dis tri c t , a new Di s tri c t that in cludes the foll owin g Mas onic Lod ges : 226, 307, 4-09 , 570, 666 682 and 704.

In m ak ing th e a nnoun cement on th e n ew Dis t r ic t Dep ut y Grand Mas ters, the Grand Mas ter said: " I ha ve a ppointed an unu s uall y large number of new Dis tr ict Dep uty Grand Mas ters Thi s was don e very d el ibera tely in ca rr y ing out wh a t I firmly b elieve was the principle invo lved ( Continu e d o n page 6 )

Appointed Officers

Grand Master Selects Grand Lodge Floor Officers

Br o W. LeRoy McKin ley , R. W Grand Mas t er , ma de th e foll owin g Grand Lodge appointmen ts, following his ins talla tion as Grand Master: Senior Grand D eacon: BR o. WILLARD G. CUTLER, P. M. , Forbes T rail Lodge, No. 783, Expo rt.

Juni or Grand D eaco n: Bro. W. FREDER ICK WARREN, P. M. , Th om s on Lodge, No. 340, Gree n T r ee.

Grand Steward : BRo. A. MYERS, Sn. , P. M. , Lo wth er Ma n or Lod ge, >No . 78 1, Camp Hi l l.

Grand Stewa rd : BRO. CLAUD E A CAMPBELL, P. M,, Emporium Lodge, No 382, Empo rium. Grand 1\llarsha l: BR o . RAL PH W. TEMPLE, P. M. , P e nnsylva ni a Lodg e, No. 380, Phil ade lphi a Grand Sword B ea re r: BRo . R o BERT W. DIETRICH P. M ., Frankford Lodge, No 292, Philadel phi a

Grand Pursui·mnt: BRo. W ILLIA M H D AV IS, P. M. Kings bur y Lodge, No. 4-6 6, Olyphant.

Grand Ty l er: Bno. CHAR LES H IGGINS, P. M. , Wi lli am L. Elkin s Lo dge, No 646

Grand Chapla ins: BRo. A nTHUR Mu RRAY, Lodge No 4 36, Philadel phia.

[ 4 ]

BRo. FRED PIERCE Cons o N, Lodge No. 197, Phi ladel phia

BRo. G. MASON CocHRAN, Lodge No. 552, Glen s ha w

Bno BEECHEn M. RUTLEDG E, Lodge No. 726, Warren.

BRo. ALFRED NEV IN SAYRES, Lodge No 476, L1 n cas te r

BRo. CARL C. RASMUSS EN, Lodge No. 62 9, Ge ttys burg

Bn o Jo sEPH E. LAw Lodge No. 232, William s por t

BRo. BERTR AM W. KoR N, Lodge No. 19, Philadelphia.

BRo. RI CHA HD R ADC LI FFE, Lodge No. 528, Phi lad elphia.

BRo. MARSHALL D BERH YHILL, Lodge No 290, Gre e nvill e.

BRo. A. Cu LMER Sc HULTZ, Lodge No. 433, War r en.

Bno. D oN ALD B. BALDWIN, Lodge No 382, Empor ium.

BRo HAilRY W PEDICORD , Lodge No. 787, Pitts burgh.

Bno WESLEY N. WR IGHT, Lodge No. 458, Mar ysv ille

Elected Officers of Grand Lodge. Left to right, front: Bro. Earl F. Herold, R W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, R. W. Grand Master; and Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, R. W. Senior Grand Warden. Lef to right rea r: Bro. Ashby B. Paul, R. W. Grand Secreta ry; Bro. John K. Young, R. W. Junior Grand Warden; and Bro. Louis Bacharach, R. W. Grand Trea s urer.

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