The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 1963

Page 1



Bro. Willard G. Cutler, Senior Grand D eacon of the Grand Lodge of Fr ee and Accepted Masons of P en n sylvania, died Janu ary 16 in Allegheny General H ospita l, Pittsburgh

Bro. Cutler was Past Master of Forb es Trail Lodge No. 783, Export. He a lso was Grand Treasurer General and A ctive Member for Pennsylva nia of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite, for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of t h e United States. His other Masonic affiliations included: Pittsburgh Commandery No. 1, Mt. Moriah Council No. 2, Zerubbabel Roya l Arch Chapter No. 16 2, and the Scottish Rite Bodies in the Valley of Pittsburgh.

He was Potentate of S yria T emple, Pittsburgh, in 1956

Surviving are his wife, Alice Williamson Michie Cutler, two sons, and four grandchildren.


It costs ten cents each time you forward to us your change of address through the Post Office D e partment.

One at a time, these changes do not seem muc h, but multiplied by thou sa nds they make a large sum.

You can save u s the expen se by notifying your Lodge Secretary immedia tely when you c h ange your address.

By so doing, you will assure yourself of future copies of Th e Pennsylvania Freemason.

Work-Saving Methods Now Optional for Lodge Secretaries

The Grand M aster has approved a plan to eliminate many outmoded practices required of all Lodge Secretaries.

In making this announcement, Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, Grand Master, said: "It is my desire to reduce as mu ch as possible the a mount of work now required to be done by Lodge Secretaries."

Visitors' Register

To accomplish his objective, the Grand Master first authorized the use of a permanent, bound Visitors' Regist er The visitor must wr ite his name, the name, number and location of his Lodge and the date.

In addition, each visitor will be required to fill in the usual visitor's ticket o r s lip and present it to the Tyler before being admitted into the Lodge Room.

If a Lodge desires to use a loose-leaf Visitors' Register, it must be submitted to the Grand Master for hi s approval prior to its use.

With the u se of the Visitors Register, the Secretary will not be required to write the names of visitors in the Minute Book.

Members' Attendance

A permanent card system for recording the atte ndance of Lodge M e mbers is now a uthorized. This method consists o f a separate 4 " x 6" or 5" x 8" card for each m emb e r of the Lodge, a rranged in alphabetical order in a s uita ble, porta ble file.

E ac h member will fi ll in the usual member's ticket or s lip and present it to the Tyler prior to entering the Lodge Room. After the Lodge has been opened, th e T y ler can arrange t h e m e mb er s' tickets or s li ps in alphabeti-

cal order, and then stamp, or write in ink, t h e date of the meeting on the cards of those members who are present.

T he Lodge may select som eone other than the Tyler to record the date. These cards must be retained as a permanent Lodge record.

The above methods eliminate the n ecessity of writing the names in the Minute Book, but the old system can be continued if the Lodge desires.

Th e Secretary must continue to record in the Minutes the separ ate numb er of Members and Visitors present at each meeting.

New Minute Book

The Grand Master also authorized the use of a suitable, loose-leaf Minute Book for those Lodges w hich desire to have their Minutes t yped rather than written.

The Minute Book must have a substantial, h ard cover with flexible posts and a mechanical locking device which can be permanently locked when the Mi n ute Book is filled

Auditing Committee Reports

Th e Grand Master said it is only n ecessary to copy the Receipts and Expenditures from the Report of the Auditing Committee in the Minute B ook , provided a copy of the complete R eport for eac h year is filed in a hardcover binder, with substantial metal posts, a nd retained as a permane nt L o dg e r ecord.

For further details on this program to lighten the work load of Secretaries, con tac t the Grand S ecreta ry, Masonic Temple, Philad e lphia 7, Pa.

Schedule of Tours For Masonic Temple

Guided tours are conducted through the Mason ic Temple, Philadelphia , on weekdays at 10:00 a .m., 11:00 a.m , 1: 00 p.m., 2: 00 p .m., and 3:00 p .m. On S atu rd ays th e r e are tours at 10 :00 a.m. and 11 : 00 a .m. The Temple is closed on lega l holidays and on Saturd ays during Jul y a nd August.

Detailed Plans Available

Grand Lodge Suggests Four Basic Designs for New Lodge

Gr and Lodg e h as four complete p lans fo r basic M asonic L odge Buildings. The plans we r e developed in an effort to save mone y and to spur new construction.

The plans and designs are a result of stud ies made by the Committee o n Masonic Temples, H alls and Lodge Rooms.

Lodges interested in obtaining furt h er in formatio n on Masonic Halls as listed in The Pennsylvania Freemason can contact the office of the R.W. Grand M aste r M asonic Temple Broad

and Filbert Streets, Phil adelphia 7, P a.

Detailed plans and specifications wi ll be made available to L odges interested in constructing a new building.

Scal e models of the buildings, as listed in this paper, are o n display in the Library of Grand L odge, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. Permission to disp lay the models outside of Masonic Temple can be obtained by contacting the office of the R.W. G rand Master.

Bro. Earl F. H ero ld, R.W. D eputy Grand Master, is c h airman of the Com( Continued on Pages 4 - 5)

In This Issue

This issue of T he Pennsylvania Fre e mason is largely devoted to suggested plans for new Mason ic Halls as prepared for Gr a nd Lodge's Committee on Mason ic Temples, Halls and Lodge Ro o ms. For the first time, Lodges c a n now select suitable plans and determine the co ns truction cost s before entering i nto an y co ntra cts.

The Colonial des i gned Masonic Hall has 100 permane nt seat s in Lodge Room.


Issued Quarterly

January, April, July and October at Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by

The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Mason s of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, through its

COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE-Charles H. Nitsch, P. G. M., Chairman William E. Montgomery, Vice-Chairman, Charles S. Reyner, Minor M. Dain, Russell Davis, W. Frederick Warren, George Wallroth, J. Warren McKinley.

Approved and Authorized Ta Be Printed by W. LeROY McKINLEY Right Worshipful Grand Master

H. NITSCH, P G M., Editor

Mailing Address:

Ahiman Rezon Now Permits Transfer

and Protects Standing

Gr and L odge approve d a new system for t ra nsfer of m embership within th is Jurisdicti o n at the Quarte rly Communication o n D ecember 5 , 1962.

Und e r the new plan, a m ember is not required t o ac tua lly resign his m embership i n a P enn syl va ni a Lodge u ntil a fter h e has b e e n accept ed by another L odge in this Juri sdict ion to which he seeks me m ber ship.

T o accomplish this, Gra nd Lod ge h a d to approv e a change to S e ctio n 2 of Article XX of The Ahima n R ezon, w hich rea ds as fo ll ows :

"Section 2. Wh e n a B rother petitions for membership only, he must presen t a Lodge Certificate under th e seal of the L odge o f which h e was l ast a m e mber, or furni sh other sat isfacto r y ev idence that h e is in good M asonic sta nding, and that h e is not a me mb er of a ny Lodge."

The above was amended t o read:

Two New Deputies And Chaplains Added

The Grand M aste r has appointed two new Grand Ch a plain s a nd t wo a dditional Dis trict Deputy Gr and Mas ters.

Th ere are now 15 Gra nd Ch ap lains in the Grand Lod ge. Bro Aaron B. Ilson , a member of Oakland Lod ge No. 535, Pittsburgh, spiritual le ader o f T em pl e Sin a i, a nd Bro. Pinchos J. Ch az in , a memb er of Shekinah Lod ge No. 246 , Philade lp hia, spiritual leader of T emp le Shalom, are the new Chapl a in s.

Bro. Edward A. H agel, of L o dge N o. 343, was appointed Di str ict D eput y Grand Master for the 5th M ason ic District, vice Bro. Andrew 0. Fri ed r ic h. Bro Paul Th omas F eese r , of L odge No. 270, was appointed District D eputy Grand Master for the 11th M aso n ic Dis trict, vice B ro. Virgi l C. Scott Bro. Ilson, a Pi ttsb urgh community leader, h as been ve r y active in mental health work a nd ser ves as Chapl ain of the P sychiatric I nstitute of Pittsburgh. Bro. Chazin, a l so very active in community proj ects in th e Phil a d e lphi a a r ea, se rved as a chaplain in the United S tates Air F o r ce during W o rld W ar II.

Free m asonry is a peculiar syst em of m orality veil ed in a ll egory and illu strated by sy m bois.

"S ection 2. Wh e n a Bro ther M aster M aso n desires to change hi s me mbe rs hi p f rom one L o d ge to a nother w ithi n this Jurisdiction, he sh a ll present a notice of his desire a nd a conditional r esignation in writing to the Secretary of his Lodge , setting forth therein the Lodge in which h e d esir es to be co m e a member and hi s re signation fr o m his present Lo dge con ditioned upon his acce ptance in the L odge o f hi s c h o ice.

"If present e d at a Stated M eetin g it shall be rea d i n open Lodge at that meeting, and, if presented between m eet ings, at th e n ext Stated Me eti n g whereupon, if hi s dues a re paid fo r at leas t s ix months in advance, there a re no charges p e nding against him, there s hall b e issued t o him , unde r seal of the Lodge, a Tra n sfer Certi ficate, in form provided.

"This Tr a n s f er C ertificat e s h a ll be deposited with his petition in the L odge which he desires to join and shall b e regarded as th e n ecessary documentary evidence to accompany a Petition f or M embership.

"If elected, the Secretary o f th e pet it ioned Lodge sh a ll im m e diately notify the L odge of whic h the petitioner is a member a nd hi s r es i gnation shall b eco me effective and hi s mem ber ship th e r e in sh a ll cease as of the date of sa id e lection

" If at th e expiration of six mon t h s from the d a te of issuance of the T ransfer C ert ificate the P etitioner has n ot been e lected into m emb e r s hip in th e peti ti o ned L odge, th e T ra n s fer C e rtificate sha ll beco m e null a n d void a nd t h e P etitio ne r shall remain a member of h is or iginal Lod ge w ith no interruptio n in his membership r ecord by rea son of

District Chairmen

Appointed to Assist Culture Committee·

The G ra nd M aster is appointing Di strict Cha irmen to assist the G rand L odge C omm ittee on Masonic Culture. In a nn ouncing the new pla n , Bro. W. L e R oy M c Kinle y, G rand Master, pointed out:

t h e iss u a nce of the Tra n sfer Ce rtifi cat e

" W he n a Broth er p et itions for m e mbershi p only, h e m us t present a L odge C e rti ficate und e r the seal of the L o d ge of which he was last a member, a Transfer Certificate as herein provid ed, or furnish other satisf actory evidence that he is i n good M ason ic stan ding and, except whe n a Tra nsfer Certific ate is subm itted, that he is not a member of any L odge "

Those seek ing f u rther inform ation on the new Transfer Certific a t e should contact the O ffice o f the Gr and Secretary

Our Work 'Sublime From Its Simplicity'

A l b ert G. M ac k ey, in his Enc y clop edia o f Freemasonry, has seen i t fitting and proper to use the very words of a P ast Gr and M aste r of Penn sylva ni a, Brothe r Ri cha r d V a ux, as pert aining to the Ri tualistic and L odge W o r k of Lodges in P enn syl vania. Br other V au x, who se r ved as G rand M ast er in 186 8 a nd 1869, spea ks o f the M aso nic Work o f his Jurisdiction wi th pardonable, if not impa rtial , co mm endations:

"The Pennsylvania R it ual istic and L odge W o rk is s ublime from its simplicity. Th at it is the Ancient Work is best shown concl u siv ely, h owever; fr o m this single fact, it is so simple, so free from those displays o f modern inventio ns to a tt ract the atte ntion without e nlight ening, improving or cultivati ng the mind. In this Work every word h as its significance Its t ypes a nd sym bols are but t h e language in which truth is convey ed. These are to b e studied to b e understood. I n th e spoken language no sy no nyms are p ermi tted In t h e ceremonial no innovatio n s a re to l erat ed I n th e Rit ual no m odern verbi age is allowed "

The Gra nd L odge of P e nnsyl va ni a extend ed fr a t e rn a l recognition to the Gr and L odges of B e l g ium, Honduras, Indi a, Nuevo Leon ( M exico) and South Africa at the Annua l Gra nd Commun ication on D ece mber 27, 1962.

" The C ommittee on M aso nic C u ltu re h as increased the emphasis being placed on our e x cellent Ma sonic Cu ltu re program .

"I a lso know tha t it is not practica l to burden Distric t D eputy Grand Masters wit h additional duties.

"H owever, if we can accelerate the emph as is of the Cu lture program, the resu l t w ill be better M ason ic education fo r candid ates of our L odges."

H e said the sol e duty of the D istrict Chai r men will b e to promote and coordi n a t e th e programs of the Committee on M asoni c C ulture in D istrict Lodges

Alth ough the District C hairmen will be under th e s upervision of D istrict D e puty Gra nd Mas ters, they actually will b e serving under the direction of the Co mmitt ee on M aso n ic Culture, head ed by Bro. Charles H Nitsch, R. W P ast Gra nd Master.

Bro. Nitsch and his committee will provide the training and materia ls for the D istrict Chai rmen.

T he C ommittee on Masoni c Cu ltu re ha s a t hr ee- p ar t program that has been des i gne d to creat e well-i nformed Mas ons

Pl a n O ne in vol ves a series of four booklets to b e gi ve n to the ca n didate, with the first being presented be fore the can didate recei ves his Entered Apprentice D egree, and one of the others after each degree.

Th e second step involves a series of e ight pamphle t s de veloped for the L odge C omm ittee on Masonic C ulture Th e materia l in these booklets is to be given to the cand idate orally, prior to his initi a ti o n and as he progresses t hro u gh the three degrees.

Th e thi r d ste p is geared to the man that is " F acing t he E ast " This ·booklet is sent to a ll Senior W a rd e n s mo nths before they a r e e lect ed to the E ast

This booklet gives the prospect ive W orshipful M as t er s uggestions on how to do a good job, including suggestions on leader ship and planning.

The D istrict Ch airmen will actually s erve as li aison officer s between the Gr and L odge C o mm ittee o n M aso nic

Stipulations for Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture

T he duties of the Grand L odge Committee on Masonic Culture as stipulated in A rticle XIII, Section 33 , of T he A himan R ezon are as follows:

(a) T o maintain a L ibrary for t h e use of F reemasons, consisting of the b ooks, pamphlets, manuscripts, prints and related material illustrative of the history, t he wo rk, the nature and the objectives of F reemasonry.

(b) T o establish and maintain a Museum for the display o f re-

C ulture and the L odge Committees.

T he above steps are only e x a m>pl es of t he type of activities in which chairmen w ill be involved.

T hese cha ir men will work with L odges to promote t he use of the Circulating L ibrary of Grand L odge and many other ed ucational programs.

It will be the duty of the Di strict C hairmen to assist the L odge Co mmittee on M asonic Cu lture to be sur e that every candidate in L odges in this J urisdiction are fully informed on the basic princip les of Freemasonry

Upon the completion of the appointments by the G rand Maste r, the M asonic C ulture Committee will provide worki ng tools for the D istrict Ch airme n.

galia, jewelry, emblems and other items of whatever character, relating to Freemasonry.

(c) To engage in Masonic research and to publi sh, from t ime to time, treatises illustrative of F reemasonry in general.

(d) T o disseminate M asonic C ulture th rough le ctures, exhibits, forums and other means.

(e) T o make an annual report to the G rand L odge at its Q ua rterly C ommu ni cation in December.

Q & A Booklet Popular

The 36-page pocket size Q uestions and Answers book let is still available for purchase.

T his booklet, containi ng 12 4 answers to question s fr equently as ked abo ut F ree masonry, may be purchased in single copies or in quantity at ten cents each b y writing to Li brarian and Curator, Masonic T emple B road and F ilbert Streets, Ph iladelphia 7, P a.

The Committee on Masonic Culture h as thousands of pieces of litera ture to distribute to Dis trict Chairmen on Masonic Culture w h e n the appointme nts are compl eted. Members of the s taff of the Gra nd Lodge Library and Museum are s ho wn preparing information packets. L e ft to ri ght are: Bro. William A. Carp e nter, Librarian and Curator; Bro. Harold M. S hoe maker, and Bro. C harles S. Bake r, Jr

Scale Models Displayed at Grand Lodge

(Continued from Page 1)

mittee on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms. His committee will give Lodges all the assistance possible. This committee a lso has copies of suggested charters and by-laws for a Masonic Hall Association. They a l so can be obtained by c o n t a c t i n g the Grand Master's Office.

The four basic plans for new Lodge rooms include f o u r contrasting eleva-

Bro. Herold tions - Modified Coloni a l, Colonial, Suburban and Traditional An y one of the four e levations ca n be a dapted to any one of the four different size Lodge Halls.

In all case s, the Lodge Hall is designed as a minimum r eq uirement. The size of the various structur es varies to suit the n eeds of the Lodge membership.

Modifi e d Colonial: De sig n e d for Lodges with approximatel y 150 members. It is considered the s mall est basic type desirabl e for the Ma s onic work to be p erformed properly. All faci liti es are on the main floor, with the Lodge Room seating 72 memb e rs in perman e nt seats. Includ ed in the design are

a secretary's room, lounge, socia l room, kitchen, storage room and heater room. Estimated basic cost is $45,000 to $50,000.

Colonia l : Design ed for Lodge s with approximatel y 200 to 350 members. The Lodge Room is designed to cont ai n 100 perma n ent seats. It has the same general floor plan as t h e Modified Colonial unit except that all rooms are larger. The estimated cost is $6 5 ,000 to $75,000.

Suburban: Designed for Lodges with approximately 500 to 600 members. The Lodge Hall is designed to contain 150 permanent seats. The plan is simil ar to the Modified Colonial and Colonia l units except that all rooms are larger. Th e estim ated cost is $85,000 to $100,000.

Traditional: Designed on two floor l evels, one over the other, for Lodges w ith approximately 200 to 350 members. The estimated cost is $ 100,000.

Lodges interested in obtaining further information on the new Masonic Hall plans, as listed in this paper, can obtain a complete bro chure by writing to the Grand M as ter's Office.

It is suggested that Lodges obtain the brochure, then determine the de sired size of the building need, before requesting copies of detailed plans and specification s.

The Traditional designed Masonic Hall has 100 permanent scats.
The above is the rear view of the Traditional design,
The above is the rear view of th e Modified Colonial design.
The Modified Colonial des igned Ma sonic Hall ha s 72 permanent scats.
The Suburban designed Masonic Hall has 150 permanent seats.
The above is the rear view of the Suburban design.
The above is the rear view of th e Colonial de s ign as shown on Page I.

Bro. Loui s Bac harach, l eft, R. W Grand Tre a s ure r and Bro. Albert A Baue r, Dis t ri c t Deputy Grand Ma ste r for M aso nic Di s trict D, m a k e presentation of g i ft s to Bro W. L e Roy McKinley, R. W Grand i\Ia s t e r , for G u es t s at the Ma sonic Homes

Gifts for Guests

Accepted at Masonic Homes

The G ra nd M aster received gifts o f a whee l ch a ir a nd J ewish Pra yer B ooks and Shawls f o r Gu ests at the M asonic H omes du ri n g a Spec ial C o mmunication of Grand L odge at the Homes on J a nu ary 26.

The P raye r B ooks a nd Sh aw ls were presented by Br o. Louis B ac h arac h , R. W. Gra nd Tr easurer, on b ehalf of Bro. L ew is N. Ki e ff, Pa st Ma st e r of Equity L o d ge N o 591.

The w h eel cha ir was pr esented by Bro. A l b ert A. Bauer , Dis trict D eputy Grand M aste r of M aso ni c Dis tri ct D , on beh alf of th e H a lf C e ntury S q u are C lu b

Th e H a lf C e ntur y Squa re Club is a grou p of approximate ly 50 Bret hr e n in Phil adel phia who h ave dedicated t h e ir efforts to c h arita bl e purpos es P resentation of th e g ifts was made to B ro . B ac harac h and Br o. B a u er d u ring th e group's ann u a l Br otherh ood Night.

Th e Speci a l Communic ati on w as h e ld at t h e H o mes t o present new Dis -

trict D eputy Gra nd M as t ers to t he officers o f th e ir r es p ec ti ve L o dg es . In accept in g th e gi ft s o n behalf of th e M aso ni c H o m es, Bro. M c Ki nley pointed out th at a ll s uch presenta ti ons a r e deep ly a ppreci a ted by th e n ea rl y 750 Gue st s

Homes Films Now

Available to Groups

The co lore d movies on the "Masonic H omes at Eli zabethtown" and " Y o uth Program" a r e now a v a i 1a b 1e fo r all funct ion s, includi n g church grou ps, fr ate rn a l orga ni zations a nd ser vice club s

Th e mo vies a re in sound and were prof ession a l y produ ced. P ersons inte rested in obtai n i ng th e film s s hould write to the Gr and M aster's O ffice, M asonic T e mpl e, Phil a d e lphi a 7, P a

St ate th e date o n w hic h you desire t o sh o w the fi lms a nd to w h o m they s ho uld be sent Show ing time is approxima t e l y 45 minute s

Ritualistic Work

Five Instructional Sessions Scheduled On

T he I nstructor of R it u a listic W ork h as a r ranged fo r five section a l meeti ngs of the Sc hools of Instru ction in an effo rt to make available the a ut horiz ed work to M asons i n a ll section s of the Ju risdiction .

Bro. Raymond H. Grim m, I ns t r uctor of Ritu alistic W ork, said the pla n met with outsta ndin g success last ye ar. H e pointe d out:

"Th ese sectional mee ti ngs are open to a ll M asons, not j ust the officer s of the vari o us Symbolic L odges ."

Th e schedule for 1963 follows:

Ap ril 5 and 6: Pittsburgh Maso n ic

T e mple, 422 7 F ifth A ve nue, Oakland, Pittsbu rgh.

April 19 and 2 0: Johnsto wn M asonic

T e mple, V a lley Pike a nd Lin ton S t r eet, J ohnstown

M ay 24 a nd 25: S cr anton M ason ic

T empl e, 420 N. W as hington A ven u e, Scranton.

S eptember 27 a nd 28: H arris burg

S cottish Ri te C a thedral a nd M asonic

T emp le, 270 1 N. Third S t reet, H a rrisburg.

O ct ober 2 5 and 26: M asonic Temple, Broad a nd Filbe rt Streets, Ph ila d e lp hia

I n a ll cases, the Frid ay evenin g sessio n s, startin g at 7: 3 0 p.m., are fo r the principals, senior instructor s and other instru ct ors in the Schools. Th e p urpose o f t h ese me etings is to cl ear up a n y inconsistencies i n the E soteri c W o rk.

Th e S at u rday sess ions will start a t 8 : 30 a .m. and continue unt il 12 noon, and th e n fro m 1: 00 p .m. to 3: 3 0 p .m .

T he S aturday sessions are for the r eh earsa l of the E soteric W ork. An y M as t e r M ason is i nvited to b e present. Th e Lod ge officers in the various a r eas a r e urged to be p r esent

T h e R egional In structors will be in char ge of the various phases of t h e r ehear sals

Library and Museum

Rooms Open 9 to 9

T he L ibrary and Muse u m R ooms, located on the Fi rst Flo or of the M asonic T emple, Phil a delphia, are open on weekdays f rom 9 to 9 with th e e xcept io n of S at urd ays, w h en t h ey a re closed at n oon , cl osed a ll d ay on le ga l holid ays a nd a ll day S a turd ay durin g Jul y and Au g u st.

T h e 66 Warrant M e mbers of Paxton Lodge No 798, Harrisburg, attend the Constitution of th e Lodge, dressed in tuxe dos. The office r s of the n ew Lodge are in the front row, l eft to r i g ht: Bro Kurt Moses Secr e tary; Bro . G ilb e rt E. Otto,

Paxton Lodge 798

Recently Constituted In State Capital

T he W ar r ant Members of P a xton

L odge N o. 798 h ave voted to make t h eir L odge a "tux e d o L odge ."

In other wo rds, t h e m embers of the L odge will atte nd St ated M eet ing s dr esse d in tuxe d os

Th e Const itution of the L odge, the 605th M asonic Lodge in this J urisdiction, was h e ld o n J anu ary 1 9 in Z e mbo Shrine M osque, H a r r isburg. Following the C o n stitution, a b anquet was held in Z embo M osqu e

The Lodge was C onst i tuted by G ra nd L odge Offi cers , headed by Bro. W . L e Roy M c Kinl ey, R. W . G rand M aste r.

Bro. C. Lester M athias, D ist ri ct D eputy G ra n d M as te r for the 2nd M asoni c D istr ict, was responsible for the Constitution of the new L odge.

The n a m e P axton was selected as th e n a me for the L odge bec a use of its historic sign ifica n ce in the H arrisburg a r ea. T he historic P axton R aiders o r iginated in the H a r risb ur g a r ea

Th e W arr ant me m bers included 27 fr o m P e nn syl va nia L odges and 13 fr om other Ju risdictions, the most distant of wh ich were O kinawa and J apa n.

Petition Procedures

2nd-3rd-4th Petitions Possible

A t or a fter the expiration of six mo nth s from the da te of h is final reject io n on the first petition, the r ejected petiti oner may prese nt a second petition for in itia t io n a nd membership in the L odge that rejected him

Such petit io n shall be subject to t he If the ballot is unanimous, the pesame proceedings b y the L odge as in titioner may present a third pet ition, the case of the first petit ion, except sub ject to the same R ules and R eguthat it cannot be withdrawn until a lations governi ng the proce edings in ballot has been taken and the petitioner cases of the first a n d second petitions approved. A second ballot cannot be for initiation and membership. If the t a ken on a seco nd or subsequent petitioner is aga in reje cted, this repetition. j ection ends a ll actio n by the L o d ge in

A t or after t h e expiration of one the case. year from t he rejection o n a second T he Ahi ma n R ezon makes no p ropetition, the petit ione r may apply in vis ions for the presentation of fourth writi n g t o the same L odge t h at rejected petitions for i n itiation and me m ber ship. him to permit him to present a third R equ ests fo r permission to receive s uch petition for initiation and membership. petitions must be made of the G r and O n r eceipt of t his applicatio n,. the L odge by reso lution of the L odge. L odge s hall order same to l ie over for T his request is to be accompanied one m o nth, a nd notice shall be gi ve n by letters, setting for th the facts, and to all me m bers that at the next S tated giving good a nd sufficient reasons and M eeting the L odge will act on said asurances why it is believed that the applicat ion. objection does not now exist Without A t the next Stated M eeting the W or- such exp lanation the G rand Master s hi pful M aster shall direct the S ecre- will not permit the request to go b et ary to read t h e a pplic at ion, a nd when fore the G rand L odge. t h e same is read the W orshipfu l Master Whe n a petition for initiation and shall direct a ballot to be taken thereon. membership is recei ved by a Lodge If t h e ballot is not u nanimo u s, it ends from one who has been rejected in this all ac t ion by the L odge i n the case for Jurisdiction at least te n years prior to o ne year, after which the petitioner the presentation of such p etition, all m ay again apply, w h en the applica- actio n upon the same shall be subject t io n shall be subject to the same pro - to the direction of the Grand M as t er. ceedings

Junior Warde n; Bro. J acob E McColly, Wors hipful Master; Bro. S L a wre n ce Kop lovitz , Senio r Warde n ; a nd Bro. Samu e l C Yoffcc , Treasurer.

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