Lodges Encouraged to Tour Scenic Masonic Homes' Grounds
Th e scenic beauty o f the 1,500 acres of the Masonic Homes at Eli za bethtown is well known.
The pictures reproduced in color on this a nd other pages of this iss ue are o nl y examples of what is in store for those making a p ersonal v isit to the Ho mes.
Visitors are welcome every day. I n f ac t , well -trained guides are a lw ays avail able in Gran d Lodge H a ll.
The Grand M aster ur ges Masonic Lodges to pl a n special trips to the Homes, including familie s in the party
Arrangements ca n be made with t h e Super int endent for specia l groups of Masoni c Lodges to be served dinner in the main dining room.
M a ny Masonic Lodges h ave accepted this opportunity. Others are urged to include it on the progr am in t h e near fut ure.
R e member , whe n v isiting the Homes, excess fruit and vegetabl es are on sale. Be s u re to get a bushel of apples for the Thanksgiving Season.
It costs ten ce n ts each time you fail to give us your ch ange of address.
One at a time, h ese chan ges do not seem much, but multi p l ied by t h ousands they make a la rge su m.
You can save us the expense by notifying you r odge Secretary immed i ately when you c h a n ge yo ur address.
By so doing you w ill assure yoursel f of future copies o f The Pennsylvania Fre emason.
'Guest Fund' for Masonic Homes Needs Support of All Brethren
The Gu es t Fund-to assis t our Guests at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown-m ust h ave the support of every M aso n in this Jurisdiction to reac h the goa l of $250 ,000.
Formerly known as the Christma s, Entertainment and Recreational Fund the name was cha nged to Guest Fund since every dollar donated goes to the benefit of our Guests-t he o lder folks,
the children a nd the boys at Patton M aso nic S ch ool.
Many M aso ns in the past believed that moneys co llected merely bought pr esents and e nt ertainment at Christmas. Th is is far from t h e fac t. Without this important money, your Masonic Hom es would be just another i n stitution.
The M ason ic Home s at Elizabeth town are featured -sh owing the beauty of the H o m es a nd the continu ed n eed to ke ep it a H ome for our Guests a nd not just another institution.
Looking through the forma l gard e ns to Grand Lodge Hall a t th e Ma so nic Homes at Elizabethtown, Pa.
Eleven Receive Diplomas in Patton Class of '63
Institution for Boys at Elizabethtown on Saturday, June 8, 1963 .
p ct ur e s Bro. W. LeRoy McKi n ley, R. W. G1·and Master.
'Guest Fund' Helps Patton Activities
The $ 10,000 Patton M ason i c School receives, ann u a II y, from the Guest Fund is use d in t h e fo llow in g ways : It pays the cost of the School's publications , "T h e Review" a n d "The Gui ld."
It cove r s the cost of the a thletic prog ram -footba ll, basketball, base b a 11, trac k and tennis.
It prov ides funds for edu cationa l
tr ips, communi ty cu l tu r a l progra m s in cooperation w ith Elizabethtown College, commen ceme nt expe n ses, Christmas act ivities , glee c l ub and the schoo l's li b rar y. In additio n , the bus purchased last yea r from the Guest Fund a lso provi d es transportation for Patton st ude n ts whenever n eeded for sc hool or extracurr icu lar ac ti vi ties
Six of the graduates we re in the academ ic course in pr eparation for college ; two in vocati on al, mach ine shop; t wo in elec tronics, and one in vocational, carpentr y.
The 1963 Patton graduating cl ass included:
William F. B isbing, cl ass president, o f Mt. Pocono spon sor ed by Pocono Lodge No. 780 .
Rich ard D. Com erford, of Swarthmore, sponsored by St. Alba n Lodge No. 529.
J ohn A. Harris, of Berwind a le, sponsored by Coa l port L o dge No. 574.
Rodne y C Hildebrand, of Ore land, s p o nsored b y Fri end s hi p Lodge No. 400.
K a rl F. Krimme l, o f Pottsville, s pons ored by New T e mple Lodge No. 72 0.
Robe r t J. Leonard, of L ancas t e r , s pons ored by Lancaster Masons.
Ronal d W. M a ur y, of Wheeling, W. Va., s ponsored b y Ohio L o d ge No. 1, Whee ling.
W arre n D. P e nn ypacker , of Readin g, s pon so red b y Lodge No. 62.
David W. P hillips, of Co a ldale, sponso r ed by Pant h er Va lle y Lodge No. 677
Joh n F. St uff, of Was hin gton, D. C , spo nsored by M t Pi sga h L odge No. 443.
Lee H. Wigg in s , o f Qu a rryville, s ponsored b y Was hi ngto n Lodge No. 156.
Lodges wis hing to o bta in a pplications for orpha n ed boys s hould cont ac t Dr. David H. Stewart, Sup erint ende nt, Patton Schoo l, Elizab ethto wn , Pa .
Patients in Hospital Benefit from Support of Homes' 'Guest Fund '
The Guest Fund is a g r eat h e lp to the n early 270 patients confined in the Philadelphia Freem asons ' Memorial Hospital at the Ma so nic Homes at E lizabetht own.
These Guests-incl udin g approximate l y 240 perm a n e n t p a ti e n ts- have ve ry f ew p leasure s i n life except those pro v id ed by Pe nn sy l vania M asons th ro ugh th e Guest Fund.
For examp le, eac h hosp it a l patient is provided with $8 a m on th spendi n g m o n ey w hich am ount s to $4,32 0 a m o nt h, or a pproximate l y $26, 000 a year Th is is part of t h e $72, 000 n ee ded fo r a ll Gue st s ' m onth l y s pending mon ey.
T his past s ummer, hosp ita l Guests e njoyed the "outdoor the r a py" made possible b y two hu ge canvas s h e lters pur chased w i t h Guest Fund money.
W h ee l chai r Guests were a ble to enjoy t h e outdoors without fe a r of rai n or th e b li steri ng s un .
Television is a n i mpo rt a nt recreation fo r patient s confi n ed to hospita ls. Th is is no exception at the Masonic Ho m es T el evis ion sets have been p laced throu g h out the ho sp it a l with money fro m the Guest Fund. This fund a l so k ee p s the m in good repa ir.
M a n y other serv ices a r e provided ho spita l G u est s w ith m o n eys f ro m th e G u est Fund, such as m agaz in es, n ewspapers, spec ia l movies a nd h ear in g aids
Perhaps the most important service provided by the G u es t Fund is spir itual gu ida nc e , coupled wi th i ndividual vis its by ordained m ini sters
The moden1 Phi!Hddphia F 1·cemasons Memorial Ho s pital at the Masonic Homes at El i zabeth town s co n s idere d one of the fin est geriatric ho s pitals in th e world. It
Onl y an aerial v iew can show the s ize of the Philadelphia Memori al Hospital at the M aso nic Homes at Elizabe thtown The center wmg was completed in 1957 at a cost
Grand Lodge Hosts
DeMolay Leadership Workshop at Homes
DeM o lay "D a ds " and officers, representing more than 60 DeMolay Chapters in Penn sylv an i a, attended a DeMolay L ea d ers hip Work sh o p at the M aso nic H omes at Eli zabet hto w n on Augu st 1 6, 17 and 18.
The Grand L odge of P e nn sylv a nia provided h ousing, food and meeting room facilities for the workshop.
T h e program, attended b y more t h an 100 "Dads" a nd o ffice rs, was undertaken at th e s ugge stion of Bro. W. L eRoy McKinley, R. W. Grand M as t er, as a continuing program of the Grand L odg e in suppo rt of the Ord er of DeMola y in P e nn sylvan i a
Recognizing ad u I t leadership and continu ed t raini ng of D e M o lay officer s to b e one of the outst a nding needs of the Or de r of D eMo lay, Bro. McKinley proposed th e workshop program as a contribution whic h Gran d Lodge could make to the wor k of t hi s outstand in g youth orga n ization.
The works h o p was und er the direction o f Bro. W ill iam J McCulley of Lancaster, Exec u tive Officer of De-
DeMolay t each es yo ung m e n reverence for God and the hi ghest respect and regard for pa•·ents and womanhood, Th i s is a typical DeMolay altar sce n e. The G rand Lod ge encourages Masonic Lodges throughout the Juri s diction to a s sist thi s youth organization
Molay f or the DeMo lay Juris dicti on of P e nnsy l vania.
Bro. McCulley was assisted by a staff, inc luding: Brothers Wi ll iam C.
Graham, of But ler; James E. Sawyer, o f C a mp Hill ; H. Eugene Wright, of L emoyne; William J. J obl in g, of Abington; John E W Douglas, of Elizabethtow n; Harold F. Shunk, of Bethle hem ; James N. Deeter, o f St Marys; Kenneth H. Fraelich , Sr., of Wilkinsburg, and Pau l D. Fisher, of R ea ding The Elizabethtown Chapter , Order of DeMolay, spo n sored by Abraham C . Treichler Lodge No. 682, Elizabethtown, ser ved as the h ost Chapter. It holds its reg ul ar m ee tin gs in t h e Masoni c Temple at the M aso nic Homes A bu s tour of th e 1,500 acres of the M asonic Homes, in the bus purchased by Guest Fund moneys, was a lso i nclu ded.
The first night at the Homes, August 16, was devoted to a n informa l, get acqua inted session Foll owing this sessio n, the "D ads" and le a ders attended the re g ul a r Friday night mo v ie s a t the Homes. Included was the DeMol ay movie, e n tit led, "The DeMolay Story," a color motion picture about the Order of DeMolay
Saturday, Au gu st 17, was devoted to wor k sess ions that started a t 8 a .m . and conclude d at 10 p .m Br o. McKinl ey and Bro. E a rl F Herold, R. W. D e puty G rand M aste r , were gu ests a t the S atu rd ay dinner. The Grand Master spoke.
Sunday, A u gust 18 was d evoted to r eligious ser vices in ch urch es of their own choice in Eliz a b e th town.
The fa c ili ties in th e Mas oni c Temple and R ecreat o nal Buildings at the Mason c Homes will b e available for man y o f th e occupational thCI·apy p1•ograms that ha ve b ee n inaugu· rated for om· G u ests. T h e Rcc•·eation Building includ es
Occupational Therapy at Homes 'Guest Fund' Provides Two Skilled Specialists and Facilit ies
The Committee on Masonic H omes has a ll oca t ed $25,00 0 from the Guest Fund for a complete occupationa l t h e rapy p ro gram for Guests at the Masonic Homes at E li zabeth town.
It also h as engaged the servic es of a well t rained co upl e to cond u ct the prog r a m.
In taking this fo rward action, the Committee has made a m a jor ste p to see that our Guests h ave a n opportun ity for a full li fe
This program would not be possi ble w ithout the continu e d generos ity of Masons contr ibut in g to t he Guest F und at the Masonic Homes at E li zabethtow n
As Masons, i t is our cha llenge to see that the twilight years of our Guests a r e mean in gful a nd sat isfying . We can no longer b e content w ith tr eatin g our elde rl y Guests en ma sse o n ce a week w ith a mov ie, card ga me o r band concert
They need cu l tu r a l arts, group discuss ions, occup a tional hobbies a n d m any other activ iti es w hich will intri gue their interest a n d provid e a n o utl et whic h will a ll ow them to feel they st ill play a s i gnifi cant r ole in l ife.
We can 't turn back the clock fo r our se nior Guests. However, we do have
the responsibi lity to broaden the r emai nin g years of the ir lives.
T h is is a coun try w h ere it is wonderful to b e yo un g . Now we can make our Masonic Homes a w onderful place t o gro w old.
In an e ffort to i naugurat e the oc cupational therapy program as soon as possible the Committee on Masonic Homes e n gaged the services of Mr.
1951 , and d id gradu ate w ork a t Cortland State University Te ac he rs Co ll e ge a nd Springfield College
Mrs Holmes g r a du ated from India n a S tate Teachers Coll ege in 1954 , a nd did gradua te work at W ay n esburg Coll ege, W estern Reserve Uni versity, Lew is Hote l Trainin g School a nd University o f Bu ffa lo.
The $2 5 ,000 allocated to the th erapy program from the Guest Fund covers the sa l a ries of Mr. and M rs Holm es and a ll th e equipment and s uppli e s n ecessary . When th e program gets into full swin g, it will i nclud e ma ny o f the activities h ere listed:
Mr Ho lmes M 1·s Holmes
Robert F. Ho l m es and M rs Vi v ian S Holmes.
Thi s man and wife team r eport e d fo r d ut y on Jul y 1. T hey will live in a n apa r tme n t on the Homes g r o und s. The program is no w under way
Mr. Ho l me s, we ll q ualifi ed i n occupationa l t h e r apy wor k, grad u a ted from Hartw ic k Coll ege, Oneonta N. Y., in 5
Trip s : Spor t ing even t s , garden shows , s hopping, histo r ic p o int s of interest, gener al s i g htseein g, and importan t e ve n ts in th e a re a Spec ia l In terest Groups: Instr um ent a l music, c h ora l, ph otography, cerami cs, painting , millinery and sew ing, little the ate r , gard en in g, w ood wor king an d fi s hing.
Educational Acti v iti es : Swimming, con certs, bin go, cards, a r ts a nd c r a fts, s h uffleboard b o ok r ev iews, a nd specia l hol iday progr a ms.
Soon, vis itors to th e Hom es w ill b e ab le to v isit a gift shop w h ere items, m a d e by Gue st s, w ill be on display and for sa le
llro. VI' LeRoy Mcl(inlcy, R W G rand Ma s t er, in Ma so ni c Dress, •·cccived the Honorary DeMo ay Leg on of Honor from Bl'O. W illi am J, McCulley, Execu ti ve Office r of D eM ola y, and two DeMo la y you n g men at the DcMo ay Work
the Mason
/ 'Beyond the Budget'
By W. LeRoy McKinley R. W. Grand Master
B_eyond the co ld, calculating, mat h ematica l exactness of the budget, so necessary for the successful operation of worthwhile activity, is an intan_gible something w hich is every bit as Important and necessary as the dollar calculations of the budget itself
This might well be called the of the activity a nd in our Masonic Charity it is that which produces the happiness in the hearts of our ad ult Guests and the smiles on the fac es of our c hildren.
As a fraternal organization we are of co urse, dependent up on the dues of our Members, portions of our initiation fees and the income from our trust for our very existen ce, and the hm1t. of ex penditures is therefore very defimtely estab lished.
We ca n not increase the budget, yet there are more and more things we can a nd should do in our charitable wo:k. Th.e transition from private life to life is quite a shocking expenence for many of our Guests w h eth er they be adults or children' a nd we must therefore strive l y tc:> the sh ock less severe and the mstltutwnal life more acceptable. To finance this phase of the work we mu st seek the generosity of the M aso ns of P e nnsylvania. A gift from the h eart is necessary to finance the heart of the ac tivity.
th a n two-thirds of every Masomc do ll ar expended annua lly by our Grand Lodge goes not for the maintenance of our fraternal organ ization but for the charitab le work a t our Masonic
T lti s i s a typical Gue R t 1 · 1 l\ · refurni s hing at 1 •c fa SOillc Hom es, following a $100,000 lamps, b e d s, cha rs, wlndow G lt cs The furni s hings include: and dt·aperies c tcs s, IIlii rors, tught tables, de s k s, rugs
Homes a nd the Patton School.
It is therefore quite e vident that more than the budget dollar IS r e qUired to maintain the wonderful record we have established.
To meet this need, to go "beyond the budget," is the reason for the annual ap peal by the Gra nd M aster for contribu tions to the Guest Fu nd. The o ld title of "Christmas, Ente rtai nm ent and R ecreational Fund" was found to be mis leading. The m a n y uses of the fund are far beyond the i mp li cations of the original title.
For the yea r ending in March 1962 the of P en nsylvania ly contnbuted a bout $ 178,000.00, and for the year endi ng in M a rch, 1963 after an explanation of the many
o f fund to as many Masons as was Po s s 1b I e, the total reached a ppr oximately $2 14,000.00.
Now, because of the extended number of activities to make the lives of our a dult Guests more pl easa nt and to "help, a id and assist" to a better life th e children entrust ed to our care I have asked for a quarter of a million dollars this year .
Th a t is not very much for 257 000 P ennsy l vania Masons; it is less than one dollar per person.
I hope many wi ll m a ke their contributwns s ubstan ti ally larger this yea r tha n ever before and thus help to create, the budget," the happiness and sm il es so necessary for the kind of a li fe we want our Guests, both young a nd old, to have.
Contributions to 'Guest Fund' Provide Extra Services
The Grand Master has urged Penn sylvania Masons to make a charitable contribution of at least $250, 000 this year to the Guest Fund at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
This is important money. It n ot only provides a wonderful Holiday Season for the Guests, but many other year-around ser vices as outlined in this issue of The Pennsy lva nia Freemason.
Remember that contributions to the Guest Fund are deductible for income tax purposes.
From the Guest Fund in the past severa l months, the Committee on Masonic Homes was able to completely furnish all the Guests' roo ms with n ew furniture, replacing o utmoded and old furnishings.
This project alone cost $1 00,000. The purchases included:
Lamps , $9,000; beds, $4,000; chairs, $27,000; window shades, $2,500; chests, $5,000; mi rrors, $1,000; night t ables, $7, 000; desks, $14,500; rugs, $25,500 and draperies, $4,500.
It would be practically impossible to list all the services provided with moneys from the Gue st Fund . However, the following are some outstanding e xamples:
• Guests are given $8 a month spending money. This totals approximately $72,000 a year.
• Special holiday programs, such as Christm as, E aster, New Year's, Fourth of Jul y and all the others, are financed by the Guest Fund. This takes appro ximately $3 5,000.
• Special entertainment, such as movies, band concerts, and other specia l parties takes $ 15,0 00.
• Hearing aids, h earing a id batteries, watch repairs, television repairs and new television sets take approximately $8,000.
• Guests are pro v ided pip e tobacco and other smokes. This takes an expenditure of approximately $2,000.
• The services of ord ai ned ministers are a must at the Homes. Sunday services are held in the Sell Memorial Chapel. Prayer meetings are held every week in Grand Lodge Hall. P astors make weekly calls on t he sick at the hospital. This service costs approximately $5,000.
• Th e swimming pool is a very important faci lity, especially for the ch ildr e n in the summer months. Li fe guards
have mispla ced the self-addressed envelope provided through the Lodge Notice, or n ever r eceived one, t>an send their contributions to the Guest Fund direct to: Superintendent, l'llasonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa.
must be hired and the pool kept clean and sanitary. This costs approximately $3,000.
• Patton Masonic S choo l is an outstanding example of Freemasonry in action. It provides an e ducation for orphaned boys. A schoo l must have an athletic p rogram and other special activities. The Fund provides P atton School with $10,000 to cover these projects. Other projects where the need varies from year to yea r include:
• Special bus trips for children and adult Guests Exampl e of the se trips are baseball games, visit to M aso nic Temple, Phil ade l phia, circus, and many others
• Music lessons for children at the Masonic Homes. Every child is given the opportunity to become proficient in music if he so desires.
• Athletic progr ams for chi ldren at the M aso nic H omes Like other chi ldren , school is out in the summer months and a playground atmosphere must be maintained at select hours of the day
• Guests confined to the hospital can't leave their beds to spend their $8 a month. To overcome this, a hospitality cart is wheeled to bedsides.
• Books, magazines and "home town" newspapers .
• Special school activities, such as dances, yearbooks, dates a n d party dresses
• Post car ds and writing paper
This could go on and on If yo u need further proof of the need for the Guest Fund, visit the Masonic Homes.