The spacious and c omfortable air-conditioned Scottish Rite Cathedral and Masonic Temple, Harrisburg, Pa., site of Ninety-fourth Convocation of Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation on Friday, July 9, 1965. The Special Communication of Grand Lodge, June , and the June Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge, June 2, were als o held h ere.
Knights Templar Fund Designed to Assist in Final Years at College
The Knights Templar Educational Foundation enables qualified and industrious students who are residents of Pennsylvania, to complete an education which might otherwise be denied them for the lack of money. Loans are available for vocational, professional training, advanced degree or post graduate work during the junior or Senior years of a four year college course or the la st two years of a six, seven or more year course of study.
The loans shall be in an amount not exceeding $ 750.00 a year for the two years, or a total of $ 1500.00 Interest at the rate of five percent becomes effective on July 1st following graduation from college, or from such earlier date as course may be completed or withdrawal from college.
Only affiliated Pennsylvania Knights Templar, or Master Masons, will be accepted as the three home r e ference recommenders required.
Grand Master Urges Unanimity
In Annual Appeal for 'Guest Fund'
Summer is nearly over and in a few weeks our Lodges will be back at Labor.
I hope all of you have had a pleasant summer. I hope, now, that you will find time to think of your Masonic responsibilities and support your Lodge Officers by attending your Lodge meetings
During the summer months, it was my pleasure to attend Communications of the Grand Lodges of England and Montana.
Each visit was unique in many ways. As a result, I have a broader concept of Freemasonry in operation throughout the world. Grand Lodges appear to differ from state to state, country to country. However, our basic philosophies, principles and rituals remain similar.
Grand Master Places
Two Cornerstones and Dedicates Lodge Rooms
Harrisburg Is Host to Valley of Penna. Council
The Pennsylvania Council of Deliberat ion, meeting in it s Ninety-fourth Convocation at the Scottish Rite Cathedral and Masonic Temple , Harrisburg, Pa., on Frid ay, July 9, 1965 , a ttracted a re cord attendance.
Foll owing a luncheon, served to over 1100 M embers and their ladies, the Council's business session was called to order by Bro Scott S. L e iby,
Distribution Office
MASONIC HOMES Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 ISend FORM 3579 to Above Address )
of Deliberation
Past Grand Master and Deputy of Supreme Council for Pennsylvania
Bro Earl F. Herold, R. W. Grand Ma ste r, and his Grand Lodge Officer s were officially rec eived at the afternoon session as were the three presiding officers of the York Rite Gra nd Bodies of Penn sylvania who were accompanied by several of their respective Grand Officers.
Bro. Earl F. H erold, R. W Grand
For further information or requests f or assistance for the final two years of a college course, kindly contact Bro. J a mes N. Deeter, Chairman of Knights T empl ar Educational Foundation, Division of P e nnsy lvania, P. 0. Box 388, St. M a r ys' Pa 15857, being careful to mention the county of Pennsylvania from w hich suc h r e quest comes.
M aster, said he was ve r y appreciative of the way the Grand Lodge Officers were received at the Council of Deliberation. He praised Mason s in the Harrisburg area for their complete cooperation and dedication to Freemasonry. He a lso pointed out the wonderful facilities the Brethren ha ve provided for meetings of Masonic Bodies. He added:
"Grand Lodge has been well received in all its visitation s to Harrisburg The June Quarterly Communication and the Counc il of Deliberation are only two examples of the dedication to Freemasonry in this area "
An evening banqu et, attended by over 1100 M embe rs and their l adies, was followed by professional entertainment in the spacious and comfortable air-conditioned a uditorium.
A trip in buses to H ershey, Pa., and a tour of the Hershey Chocol ate Plant, was arranged for over 400 ladies on F riday afternoon.
I hope you have had an opportunity to read my letter which was inserted m your September Lodge Notice. It concerned our annual appeal for the Guest Fund of the Masonic Homes at E lizab eth tow n.
I repeat the second p aragraph of that letter:
"I am extremely a ppreciative of the $2 53 ,000 contributed last year. This represents a n average of $ 1.00 for every Mason in this Jurisdiction."
You will note that I specifically said: "This represents a n average of $ 1.00 for every Mason in this Juri sd iction." I am sorry I couldn't have said, "$1.00 from every M ason in this Jurisdiction."
The facts are, Brethren, that only 18 per cent of our M embers, or approxi46,000, took the time, or considered it necessary, to make a contribution
an e ffo rt to give yo u a f actu a l report, careful statistics were kept on our gtvmg record l ast year. It shows:
Direct donation s from Masonic Lodges in th is Juri sdiction $ 24,253.69
Some of thi s money, I am sure, ca me from banquet collections. There is no way to estimate how many Brethren contributed this way.
Direct contributions from 39,289 M aso ns who made use of the self-addre ssed e nvelope provided in the September Lodge N o tices $229,293 .73
This makes a tota l contribution to the Guest Fund, last year ·$253,547.42
Brethren as I said. I am extremely appreciative of thi s record collection. It is a new record the Gu est Fund.
This year, I have t wo wishes
• First , tha t a greater percentage of the Brethren p articipa t e
• Second, th at the 18 percent w ho contributed last year continue to provide as they ha ve i n the past.
As a suggestion, u se the envelop e provided for yo ur contribution to the Guest Fund. In this way, you and your Lodge are given credit.
If you h ave not rec eived , or h ave mislaid, the self-addressed enve lope, send
(Continued on Pa ge 2)
Bro. Earl F. Herold, R. W. Grand Master, assisted by a large corps of Grand Lodge Officers, recentl y placed the cornerstone with impressive ceremonies and then dedicated the Lodge Room in two new Masonic Temples; On May 22, the Grand Master placed the cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple in Plum Borough and at the ensuing Special Communication of G ra nd Lodge dedicated the new Lodge Room in which Plum Creek Lodge, No. 799, now meets. A week later, on May 29, the corners tone of the new East Hills Masonic Temple, in Penn Hills Town sh ip, was placed by t he Gr a nd M aster and at the s ub seq u e nt Spec ial Communication dedicated the Lodge Room in w hic h Homewood Lodge , No. 635, Delta Lodge, No. 699, and Penn Lodge , N o 766, will meet.
These two impo s ing buildings in pleasing surro undings, are impre ssive add ition s to the r ap idly increasing lis t of n ew M aso nic Temples.
Bro . Henry 0. Walker Has Been Appointed Acting Grand Marshal
Bro. Earl F. H erold, R. W. Grand M aster, appointed Bro. H e nr y 0. Walk er, Past Master of Jos eph W a rren Lodge No 726, Warren, as Acting Grand M ars hal, to fill the term of Bro. R a lph W. Temple, deceased. Bro W a lker serve d as Gr and Sword Bearer in 1950 and Grand M ars hal in 1951, when Bro. William E. Ye ager was Grand Master. He was reappointed Grand Marshal by Bro. Albert T. Eyler for 1952 and 1953.
Issued Quarterly
February, May August and November at Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging, through its
COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE-William E Yeager, P. G. M., Chairman, William E. Montgomery, Vice - Chairman, W. Frederick Warren, Blain e F. Fabian, W. Irvine Wiest and Paul C. Rodenhauser.
Approved and Authorized To Be Printed by EARL F. HEROLD Right Worshipful Grand Moster
Mailing Address : MASONIC TEMPLE
Brood Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19107
Grand Master Urges Unanimity
In His Appeal for ,Guest Fund'
(Continued from Page 1)
your contribution to the Superintendent, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 Put a note in the envelope, giving your name, address a nd Lodge number.
It is very difficult to place a goal on suc h a program. W e a ll know the need is great. I asked for more than $250,000 for the Gu est Fund l ast year · I repeat it aga in this year.
However, my Br ethren, remember that the problem of maintaining an adequate standard in a n inflationary eco nomy is quite demanding. I a lso know we a ll have the sa me problem. Each year it costs the M aso nic Home s more money to provide ide ntica l services.
For instance, the budget at the Mason ic Hom es at Elizabethtown in the past 15 years has in creased from $75 0,000 a year to $2, 100,000 a year Thi s does not include the Guest Fund, which provides f or such necessary expenditures as $10 a month spending money for each Guest ($90,000 annually), occupational therapy programs, specia l holid ay progr a ms, h ear ing a ids, religious s ervices , books and magazin es, athletic programs for our young Guests, and many more things not possible to li st in this article.
In s hort, my Brethren, if it were not for the Guest Fund our Mason ic Homes woul d not be a Home. It wou ld be just another institution. It would not be possible to abso rb all of these expenditures into the budget. Without the Guest Fund we would be faced with either cuttin g
Group picture of the c hildren at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, taken following the recent Children s Day Exercises, heM Friday, June 25, 1965. The two yo ung men, up front and wearing cap and gown, arc Joseph N. llryson, Jr., to the left, and Larry Lee Co nn e r who graduated from the Elizabethtown High School this pa st June. Your SU{>port of the annual "Guest Fund" helps provide recreationa l equ pment and other extras for these wonderful children at the Homes
From Our Grand Secretary's Office
The June Quarterly Communication was held on June 2nd in the central part of the Jurisdiction in the h ands ome and spacious Scottish Rite Cath edra l a nd M asonic Temple in Harrisburg.
This was the fourth time in recent years that a Grand Lodge Communication was held outside Philad e lphia. On December 27, 19 58, the Annual Grand was held at the Ma sonic Homes in Elizabethtown, and the 1959 September Qu a rterly was moved to Pittsburgh. New Castle was the site for the 1964 June Quarterly. All of these sessions were well attended.
A Speci al Communication of Grand Lodge was held in Harrisburg the day prior to the June Quarterly when Rev. Dr. Robert J. Lamont, a prominent Pi ttsburgh clergyman, and John S. C ampbell, Jr., a well known Butler banker and business man, were made Ma sons at Sight.
Three other Special Communica tions were also held in May and June. On M ay 22nd, the Lodge Room in th e new Masonic
mitted by 24 Lodges. Action was deferred on the amendments prop osed by 1 Lodge.
Four Masonic Culture Workshops Scheduled-Others
The response to M aw nic Culture Workshops over the past nine months h as been gratifying a nd the r esults of the se Works hop s has been most rewarding.
With Masonic Culture Works hops completed in District "E," the 58th Distric t , the 35th and 46th Di stricts, th e 6th a nd 40th Di stricts, the lOth District and the 30th. 49th and 54th Distri cts, four Masonic Culture Workshops have been sc h ed uled for this Fall.
These include one at Rochester on September 24th for the 37th District; one at L ewistown on October 27th for
services or drastically reducing the number of Guests, now totaling 750. Brethren, it is not my intention to criticize, or to pressure Masons to participate in the Guest Fund. I merely point out that in Free ma sonry we operate in un a nimity.
I a m deeply grateful for your consideration.
Fraternally yours, R. W. Grand Master
Being Planned
th e 19th Dis trict and some Lodges of the 34th Di strict; one at Pittsburgh on O ctober 29th for the 28th, 48th, 51st and 55th Distric t s a nd one at Kane on October 3 0th for the 22nd, 44th and 56th Dist ricts.
Sim il ar Workshops are in the planning for Scranton, Wilkes-Barr e, Harrisb urg, R eading a nd D e l aware County.
It is the hope and desire of the Gra nd Lodge Committee on M aso nic Culture that Dis trict D eputy Grand M aster s and their Dis trict Cha irmen to the Grand Lodge Committee on M aso nic Culture of the rem a ining Di stric ts will plan suc h Workshops in their respect ive Dist ricts.
The Gra nd Lodge Committee on M ason ic Culture will assist in every way poss ible.
Are Your Dues Paid ?
The Secretary of your Lodge will apprecia t e the payment of your Dues NOW before the end-of-the-year rush
If your 1964 Dues have been overlooked, won ' t you please PAY UP AT ONCE.
Temple at Plum Borough was dedicated, while the Lodge Room in the new Penn Hills Tow n sh ip M aso nic Temple was dedicated the foll ow ing S aturday. Wilmington Lodge No 804 was constituted in New Castl e on June 19th.
June Quarterly
Our Grand L odge was honored on this occasion by the presence of two distinguished visitors, Bro. and Dr. Saburo L. Kitamura, M. W. Grand Master of J apan, and Bro. Myr on K. Lingle, R. W. Deputy Grand M aster of Illinoi s. Dr. Kitamura had been a M ed ica l s tud ent under Brother Richard A Kern , P ast Grand Master, some years ago in Philadelphia.
Requests f or frat e rnal recognition were received from the Grand L odge of Rio Grande Do Sui of Brazi l and from the Grand Lod ge of Ic e l an d , which were referred to the Committee on Correspondence
A P et ition was received for a W arrant for a new L odge to be held at Kitta nning to be called Seneca Lodge No. 805. It is exp ected this Lodge will be Con stituted next Fall.
P erm ission was gra nted to Lodges 562 and 590 to r eceive a fourth petition for ini tiation and members hip. Simil ar requests were granted to Lodge 288 to recei ve a fifth petition a nd to Lodg e 143 to rece ive a sixth petition.
Committee Reports
On the recommendation of the Committee on By-Laws, Grand Lod ge approved the full code of By-Laws of 3 Lodg es a n d the amend ment s sub-
Brother Sanford M. Chilcote, Past Grand Maste r and Chairman of the Committee on Financ e, briefly reviewed the Budget Receipts of $2,1 01,615 and Expenditures of $ 1,638,280 for the first six months of th e fi scal year. The following Reso lutions submitted by the Committee on Mason ic Home s and recommended by this Committee were approved:
1. Purchase and rehabilitate the Heisey property.
2. Purchase the Fry property.
3. Purchase dictation and transcript ion equipment for the Hospital.
4. Paint portions qf the int er ior of certain buildings with fire retardant paint.
Bro. Willi a m E. Yeager, Pa st Grand Ma ster and Chairman of the Committee on Culture, reported that 222 Lod ges had not furnish ed the recent changes of address for their Members a nd as a result many of the Brethren did not r eceiv e the last issue of this publicatio n.
Bro. Yeager, who is also a M ember of the Committee on Masonic Homes, s tated an effort is b e ing made to ad d another full time physician to th e staff at the Ho s pital at the Masonic Homes.
Amendments to th e Ahiman Rezon
Two propo sed Amendments to the Ahima n Rezon were presented as follows:
1. Amend Article XIII, Section 39 to permit the use of Grand Lodge Charity Fund for the relief of Master Masons in addition to widows, mothers, sisters a nd orphaned children of M aster Masons.
2 Amend Article III, Section 4 a nd Article XVII, Section 10 to permit our M embers who live in other Jurisdictions to serve as Offic e rs in our Lodges. These Ame ndment s, which are disc u sse d elsewhere in this issue, will lay over until the December Quarterly Communication.
1964 Membership Statistics
The revi sed Memb ership Statistics for 1964, based on the corrected General Return s are as follows.
Membership, Dec. 27, 1963 254,613 Admitted during 196 4 931 Initiated during 1964 5,805 Gain Suspended 1964 Resign e d during 1964 Deceased during
6,736 1,238 810 5,627 7,675 De crease ( net) for
9 39 Membership, Dec. 28, 1964 253,674 Bro and Judge Clyde S. Shumaker e loquently addressed Gr a nd Lodge, hi s s ubject being "A Masonic Sense of Appreciation."
Bro S aburo L. Kitamura, M W Grand M aster of J apan, a nd Bro. M yron K. Li ngle, R. W. D eputy Grand M aster of Illinois, a lso spoke briefly Bro. E a rl F. Herold , R. W. Grand M aster, expressed his s incere a ppreciation to the Officers and M e mbers of the Scotti sh Rite Bodies in the Valley of H arris burg for making their Cathedral ava il a bl e for the se two Communications and for their splendid assistance and cooperation. He especially tha nke d Bro. Ray H Crane, Se cr etary of the Scotti sh Rite Bodies, and his staff.
Grand Lodge clo sed at 9:40 P.M.
Fraternally, R. W. Grand Secr etary
Bro. Willia m ]. Wallace , Chairman of the Trustees of the Patton School, announced that 16 Boys a re graduating this year, a nd openings are avai lab le for 20 B oys for next F a ll's class. Bro. Wallace, who is a l so Chairm a n 3 of the Committee on T e mple, reported expenditures of $3 1,870 for th e past fiscal Quarte r.
Bro. Ashby B. Paul R. W. Grand Secretary
Bro. John S. Campbell, Jr., banke r and business man of Butl e r , Pa. (left) and Bro. and the R ev. Dr R obert J, Lamont prominent Pitt s burgh clergyman, a re shown examining
R. W. Grand Secr e tar y's Apron with Bro. Earl F. Herold, R W. Grand Mas t e r. Bro. Captpbell and Bro. Lamont were made Masons at Sight at S pecial Communication of Grand Lodge in Harris burg Pa., June I , 1965.
Bro. Earl F. Herold , R W. Grand Master, s hown with two di s tingui s hed v i s itors who attended the Quarte rly Communica tion of Grand Lodge, held i n Scottish Rite Cathedral and 'Waso nic Temple, in Harl'isburg, Pa., June 2, 1965 On the l e ft is Bro. and Dr. S aburo L. Kitamura, M. W, Grand Ma ster of Japan , and on the right i s Bro. Myron K. Lingle, R. W. D e puty G rand Ma s ter of Illinois.
Pittsburgh Pastor and Butler Bank
Official Made Masons at Sight
B ro. E a rl F. H e rold, R. W. Gr and M aster , made a Butler banker and a Pittsburgh pastor Masons at Sight at a Sp ecial Communication of Grand Lodge on June 1 in t h e Scottis h Rite Cathedra l a nd Masonic T emple, Harrisburg.
Th e hi gh M aso nic honors we r e b es t owed upon John S . Campbell, Jr., di recto r of t h e Union N a ti ona l Bank, a nd the R ev . Dr. Robert ]. L amon t, pastor of t h e First P resb yter ian Church, P ittsb urg h , P a . Bro. H e r o l d conferred the honors upo n Mr. Campbell and Dr. L a m o n t because of their outstanding contri butions in theit respective com muniti es Born o n A p ril 4 , 1889, Mr. Campbe ll a tte n ded Cheltenham Preparatory S ch ool, Cascadilla Preparatory School, Princeton Preparatory School a nd Cornell University
During World W a r I, h e served as a firs t lieutenant in the Engineering Corps.
I n Butler, P enn sylvania, where Mr Campbell h as re sided for many years, h e served as a director of the Butler County M emoria l Hospita l, director of the R ed Cross, director of the Chamb e r of Commerce, and co-ord in ator of Civil D efen se in W estern P e nnsylva nia.
H e is a member o f the St. M arks Evangeli cal Luthera n Church, B utl er, where h e served as c h airman of the
b uildin g committ ee to erect a $75 0 ,000 new churc h building. Mr. Campbell served as president a nd director of the Butler S avi n gs and Trust Company for 15 years, and fo r t wo years c h a irma n of the board Through m ergers, the bank is now the Union National Bank, o f w hi ch Mr. Ca mp be ll is a di rec tor.
He is a memb er of the Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh, Butler Country Club, C ity Farmers Club and the Engineering Society of Corn e ll Uni ver s ity Dr. L amo nt, a graduate o f Olney High School , Philadelphia, r eceived the B achelor o f Arts degree from M a r yvill e College; Bachelor of Th eology, Princeton Seminary ; Master of
'GUEST FUND' Reminder
If you h ave m ispla ced, or ha ve not r ece i ved, a self-addressed enve lop e for your annual co ntribution t o the Guest Fund f or th e Masonic Homes at Eliza· hethtown, sen d you r check di1·ect to: S up e rint en d e nt, Maso nic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022. Be s ure to note your Lodge Number in order that your Lodge will he credited with your contribution.
Theo logy, Mount Airy Luthe ran Semin a ry; Doctor of Theology, W aynesburg College; Doctor of D iv inity, Maryville College , and Doctor of Humane Letters, G en eva College.
H e was ordained in the Presbytery o f Philadelphia o n Jun e 23, 1943, and be for e going to Pittsburgh served as past or of t he Fir st Presbyterian C hurc h , D ar b y, and t he N arb e rth Presb yterian Church, N arb erth . Dr. L amon t is a trustee of Christianit y Today, Washington, D. C .; trust e e of All egh e n y Genera l Ho sp ita l, Pittsburgh; di re ctor of the Community Ches t o f All e gheny County; bo ard of directors o f M aryvill e College; advisory counc il , American Bible Soci e t y of N ew York C ity; and board of trustees o f P r inceton Theological Seminary.
H e is the t e nth pastor of Pittsburgh' s historic First Pres byteria n Church, w hi ch has a m emb ership of 2, 000 a nd is served by a staff of 4 9 persons.
The c hurch is noted for its in stitutiona l program, particularly the Tu esday N oon Club for Businessmen, wher e an average of 1,000 men p er week gather for l unch and an i nspirationa l talk by Dr. L amont.
O ver 100 yo un g people h ave gon e into th e ministry and missio n field from the churc h es w h ere Dr. Lamont has served.
Dr L a mont, whi l e in the Philadelphia area, served as a p rofessor in the S chool of Theology o f Temple Univers ity. Today, his ser mons a r e heard each Sunday throughout some 26 st a t es over Westinghouse Radio Station KDK A.
es, severa l will go on to colleges as othe r s take positions in th e various trades for whic h they were traine d
'New Masonic Look' Being Revealed. In Building Proiects of Our Lodges
Bro Robert E Dey o e, R. W. Deputy Grand Mas t er and Chairman of the Gr and Lodge Committee on Masonic T emp les, Halls and Lodge Rooms, reports encour aging interest and activity in the work of his Committee.
By the end o f th e year five corn e rstones w ill have b ee n placed a nd fi ve L o d ge Room de dicat ions w ill have been performed.
Plan s h ave b ee n made ava ilable for four new buildings and re n ovation pl ans for severa l buildings h ave been approved.
The C harter s and By-Laws of four Masonic H a ll Associations have b een reviewed and approved w ith s ugges t ed c h a n ges.
Th e four scale models o f t h e f o ur su ggested st y les of con stru ctions have been servi n g their purpose throughout th e Jurisdiction and t h e r equests for t h e s u ggeste d sets of Charters a nd ByL aws for new M asonic Hall A ssociations h ave been numerous.
The interest in this n ew service of o ur Grand L odge h as not b een confined to our own Jur isdiction as ten other Juri sdictions h ave r e ques t ed broc hure s, plans, specific ations and set s of th e recommend ed legal papers assoc iated with thi s und e rtaki n g.
A few of t h e L odges in volved in this "New Masonic Lo ok" program include:
Roxborough Lod ge, No. 135, seriou s ly considering the bui lding of a new Masonic T emple on a new site.
T aco n y Lodge, No. 600, w ell along w ith the con s t r u ct ion o f its new Masonic Temple,
Sixteen Graduated at Patton School for Boys
Sixteen y oung men were graduated at the Thirty-eighth Commencement of The Thomas R a nken Patton M asonic In st itution for B oys a t Elizabethtown, Pa., on Saturday, June 5, 1965. Eight of the graduates were in the Academic Course in preparation for colle ge ; four were in the Machine Shop Co urse; two were in the Gene ral Course, a nd there was one each in the Carpentry and Electronics Courses.
Members of the Board of Trus tees and Faculty p artic ipa ted in the Commence ment program. Dr D L. Biemesderfer, a member of the Board of Tru st e es and Pre side nt of Millersv ille State College delivered the Commencement a ddress.
Nearly 200, re presenting families, relat ives and friends of the graduates, attended the Commencement and were entertained at a lunch e on following the progr a m.
is plannin g cornerstone and dedication ceremonies for September 19, 1965.
Skerrett L odge, No. 343, has appointed a C ommittee to consider a new site for a new Masonic Temple
Oxford L odge, No. 353, ce ebrati n g its 100th year, p la n s t o move in to their new Masonic Te mpl e w ith d edication ceremonie s schedu led for October 23, 1965.
Kenne tt Lodge, No. 475 is in the process of s ecuring a C h arter f or a Masonic Ha ll A ssociati on as its first s t ep toward the building of a new M aso nic Temple.
New L ondon L o dge, No. 545, has appointed a Committee to arrange for the formation of a M asoni c H a ll Association w i h plans to build a new Ma sonic Temple.
Newtown L odge, No. 427, Pen n H arris Lod ge, No. 776 and Levittown Loage, No. 788 w ill soon be tenants of a new Masonic Temple in Lower Bucks County
Sa u con L o d ge No. 469, has secur e d a d es irab le plot in Coope rs bur g f o r the site of its new Masonic Temp e.
George W. Bartram Lodge , No 298, with M edi a Royal A rch Chapter , N o. 234 and Riblah Council, No. 59, have j o in ed together and are p rogressing satisfact orily in the cons r uction of a new Ma son ic Temple in Med ia, P a.
Information r el a tive to admission requirements for Patton School c an b e obtained by w riting to Dr David H. Stewart, Superintendent, Patton Masonic School for Boys, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022.
Films of Homes Still Available to Groups
The fu ll-color 16m m films of the "M aso nic H o m es at Elizabethtown" and the "Youth Program" are s till ava il ab le for Lodges, chur ch groups, fr a t ern a l organizations a nd serv ice clubs t o borrow.
These film s are in sound and wer e professionally produced. The running time fo r t h e film s is approximately 45 minutes.
P erson s i nter ested in borrowing th e film s s h ould wr ite to the Grand M aster's Offi ce , Masonic T e mple, One Nort h Broad Street, Phil a d e l phia, Pa. 19107.
Are You Planning to Change Your Address?
I£ yo u are, plea se n o tif y y our Lodge S ecretary as so on as you kn ow yo ur new and c omplete a ddress.
Over 2200 Penn sy lvania Masons faile d t o repo r the ir change o f add r ess prior to th e mailing of the May 1 965 i ssue of The Pennsy l va nia Freemason.. Hen ce, they did not recei ve th e r per s on a l copy of that particular i ss u e. The cost of h av ing these undeliver e d copi es returned to our Dis tribution Office was in excess o f $22 2.00- ju s t about half of wha t it c ost for an e n ire m a iling of 254,000 copies of the May 1965 i ssue.
By notify ing y our Lo d ge Secretar y promptly of your c hange of address will kee p you o n the mailing list of Th e Pennsylvania Freemason an d w ill h e lp us e liminate t ho se costl y Pos tal Retur n Form s at 10 cent s each Y01tr t hough t fulne ss a nd cooperation is a ppr ecia t ed.
The 1965 Graduating Cla ss of The Thomas Ranken Patton Masonic Institution for Boys Of th e s ixteen graduat
Requirements Eased on G. L. Fund,
Subordinate Lodge Elected
worthy Members, many of whom live in near-by St a tes a nd are w ithin comparatively sh ort travelling dista nce of their Lodge , from servin g as Officers.
Two important Amendments to the Ahim a n Rezon were presented a t the Jun e Quarterly Communication a nd will lay over for final action a t the Quarterly Communication n ext December.
Prior to December 27, 1847, t he Grand Lodge C h arity Fund was avai la ble for the relief of worthy distressed M ast er Masons and the mother, widow, sist er or orphan children of deceased Master Masons. As another Fund was then made available to care for Master Masons, the r egulations of the Grand L odge Charity Fund were changed to elimin ate the u se of this Fund for the relief of Master Masons. The Fund now used to care f or M ast e r Ma sons is deemed insufficient to meet present requirements , a nd it is therefore considered advisable to m a ke the Grand Lodge Ch ar ity Fund ava ila ble for Mas t e r Masons as well as their approved dependents.
Article XIII, S ection 39 now r ea d s as follow s :
To accomplish th e objective set forth above, it is proposed to a mend the above Section to read as follows:
"Article XIII, Sec tion 39-The Alm oners of the G r a nd Lodge C harit y Fund sh all consist of a s many ntem bers as there are Lodges m eet i n g in the C ity of Philadelphia , whose duty shall o distribute the p roceed s of th e Fund In the manner provided for in th e Rule s and Regulations enacted by h e Grand Lodge for the manageme nt of s aid F und. T hey shall re port their proceed ings at the A nnual Grand C onuu un ication."
At the pres ent time, ou r Members who live in other Juri s dictions cannot be elected to serve as Officers in their respective Lodges , or if an e l ect ed Officer moves to a n other Jurisdiction h e cannot continue to serve hi s Lodge in that capacity
The above requirements prevent
"The Almoners of the Grand Lod ge C h arity Fun d shall con s ist of as many Members as there are L odges meeting in the City of Philadelphia, whose duty shall be to dispense char itab e re li ef to the w dows, mothers, si sters, a nd orp h a n ch i l dren o f wor thy deceased Master Masons, in t he manner provided f or, i n t he Rules and Regu at ons enacted by the Grand Lod ge f or the management of sa d Fund. They shall report their pro ceed in gs at the Annual Grand Co mmunication."
The propo sed Amendments w ill make it possible for our M embers to serve as Officers in their L od ge pr ov ided their place of residen ce in another State will not prevent them fr o m the performance of the d uties of their office.
To accomplish this objective it is proposed to amend Article III, Section 4 which now reads:
"If, by the death o f a Representative, or his removal from his Jurisdiction, or hi s resignation, a vacancy occurs, a s uc cesso r m a y be elected at any stated, extra or special meeting; provided, that previ ous notice of such election shall have been given, as special notices are required t o be given to a ll Members of the Lodge." to read as follows:
" AI·Iicle Ill, Sec tion 4-If, b y the death or resignation of a Representative, or for any reason, a v a cancy occur s, a successor may be elected at any st ated, extra or s p ecial meeting; provided, that previous n otice o f s u c h e lection sh all have been given as special n otices are r equired to be given, to all t h e Mem bers of the Lodge.
A Memb er who do es no r eside n Pennsylvan ia m ay b e e lected and serve as a Represe ntati ve, or a duly e ected Repr esenta i ve who moves outside the Sta t e of Pennsylvania 1nay continue t o ser ve as s uch, provid ed such nonres i den ce w ill n ot prevent the performance of th e duties o f his office "
A lso to amend Article XVII, Section 10 whic h now r ead s:
"In c ase of the death of a Master or a Warden, d ef a ult of elect ion, o r refusal to be installed, or for any s p ecial reason; and in case of he d eath of a T r e as u rer or a Secretary, defaul of e l e ction, r efusa l to be install ed, removal from this Jurisdiction, or neglec t of duty, or f or any special reason, a Dispensation may be gran t ed t o permit a spec ial e lecti o n to fill any vacancy in any statio n caused thereby, un ti l the next annua el ection "
to r ead as f ollows:
"Ar t cle XVII, Sectio n 10-In case of t h e d ea h, default of election, refusal o be ins talle d or for any reaso n a v a cancy occurs in t h e office of a Mas e r Warden, Treasu rer o r Secret a r y, a Dispensation Jnay be granted by the Grand Master to permit a specia election to fill any s uch va cancy until the n ext annual electio n
S ir Knights James N. Deeter, St. Marys, and Channing M Galbreath, Pittsburgh, Past Grand Commanders, ead a continge nt o f u n ifo rmed Knights T e mplar in the parade o Divine Service, Sunda y, May 23, during the !12th A nnua l Conclave of the Grand Commandery of K nights Tcmplar at Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Knights Templar of Pennsylvania Hold Annual Conclave at Scranton
Governor William W. Scranton came hom e to Scranton Tuesday, May 25. to serve as the s p eaker for the Grand Com m a nder's Banqu et for the 112th Annual Conclave o f the Grand Commandery of Knights T empla r of Pennsylvania
Sir Knight and Illu strious Bro. Ea rl F. Herold, Right Wors h ipful G ra nd Master of Masons in P e nnsylvania, was an honored guest f or the four -day Conclave activities. Th e Grand Mast er ad dressed the m emb ersh ip Tuesd ay m orn ing during the fir st session of Grand Commandery a nd the banquet a udi en ce Tu esday evening. The sessions, w ith Si r Knight F Parson Kepler, Sr., presiding as Gra nd Commander , wer e climaxed W e dnesd ay mornin g with the e l ectio n of officers. The first el ective post , Grand Juni or Warden, went t o Sir Knight W illi a m D. G eesey, Carbondale Four candidates ran for th e office Suc ceeding Sir Knight Kepler as Grand Commander was Sir Knight S. Blair Sponeybarger, Jr., Altoona.
Scranton T emplar gathering. The Div ine S e r v ice Sunday evening a t Scranton's Masonic Temple was attended by approximately 1,000 persons. The Grand Prel a t e of Grand Commandery, The Reverend a nd Sir Knight Philip R. Jones, conduct ed the service.
Newest R. A. Chapter Recently Constituted At Fairless Hills, Pa.
The constitution of Lower Bucks Royal Arch Chapter, No. 315, to be s tationed at Fairless Hills, Penn sylvania, was the principal feature of the June Quarterly Communication of the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsy lvani a, held June 5 , in Wilkes-Barre.
The Chapter, composed of 29 Members, is the first to be constituted since 1946. The officers of the new Chapter are as follows : M . E . High Priest, Henry C. Runner ; King, William Rosenberg; Scribe, Frank E. Whittam, Jr.; Treasurer, Max Karl and S ecreta ry, David Jacobs.
The conferring of the thr ee Capitular degrees was another featur e of the Communica tion. The class consisted of 65 Members and was named for Past Grand High Priest, Charles H. Weaver, the oldes t living Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Penn sylv ania .
Two hundred eighty-two members a nd 51 v isitors, representing 65 Chapters, attended the Quarterly Communication.
Shekinah Roya l Arch Chapt er, No. 182, of Wilkes-B a rr e, acted as host.
Bro Ea rl F. Herold, R. W. Grand Ma s ter, i s s hown present ing t he perma nent trophy award of T h e Right Worshipful G rand Lodge of P enn sy vania to Je ff rey Herzog, Past Master Counci or of Templar C hapte r Order of D eMol ay, Whitehall, Pa., wh ile Sco tt C r om lis h also a
the State of Pennsylvania, re ce n l y h e ld at t h e U ni ver s ity of Pitts· burgh
A Memb er who does not res ide in Pennsyl\'ania ma y be e lected a nd serve as Mase r, Warden, Treasurer or Secretary, or any s uch dul y e ect e d officer who moves o uts ide the Sta e of Pen n syl van i a m ay continu e to serve as such, provid e d such n onresidence will not prevent the performanc e o f the du t i es o f hi s office. "
A s mentioned above, action on the above Am endments will be taken at th e Quarte rl y Communication on December 1, 196 5 .
The Most Emi nent Grand M ast e r of Gr a nd En ca mpment, Sir Knight Wilber M. Brucker, was represented at the Conclave by Sir Kni ght John L. Crofts, Deputy Grand M aster, of Florida Sir Kni gh t John B Cottre ll, Jr., M e di a , a tt ended in hi s capacity as D epar tment Commander of the N orth Atl a ntic D epartment of Gra nd Encampment.
A ccordin g to Co ncl ave rec ords, there were 1,015 tota l regi str a tions f or the
Bro. E arl F Herold R. W Grand Master, and Bro 0. Carly l e Brock, Imm ed i a e Past I mperial Potenta t e, A.A.O.N.M.S., and r esiden of E ri e, Pa., strike a pose on Pennsylvania Avenue, direct y in fron t of Th e White H ouse on the occasion of 9lst Imperial Counc i l Session , Ancient Arab c Order o f the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine , h eld in Washi n gton, D C week of July 11 1965.