The Pennsylvania Freemason - Autumn 1967

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Grand Chapter Now Has Charitable Foundation

The Grand H oly Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania h as established the Grand Chapter Charitable Foundation and h as transferred to it some of -its capital assets rece ive d as legacies in prior years. The income from the foundation will be used to support the present charitable program of the Grand Chapter, as well as others which may be selected from time to time as the funds of the foundation grow in volume. Several sizeable gifts have already been received. The Officers of Grand Chapter hope to enlist the generous suport of all Royal Ar ch Mason s as well as other interested do nors. An application has been filed with the Internal Reve nue S ervice for the registration of the foundation as a Charitable Foundation exempt from federal taxe s under the Inte rn a l Revenue Code

Let Us Not Forget The 'GUEST FUND'

H you have misplaced, or have not received, a seU-addrssed envelope for your annual contribution to the Guest Fund for the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, send your check direct to: Superintendent, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022. Be sure to note your Lodge Number in order that your Lodge will be credited with your contribution.

Meclallions Still Available

the dedication of tile Geoi'Jle WasiiJnatoa at Prayer Statue at Freedoms FoUDdation, II still available for diose Interested. A reprodudioa of the statue II shown on the obverse side and a reproduction of the Seal of Gnmd Loqe appears on the renrse side of the meclaUioa. These medaDioal may be purcbasetl for $5.00 eadl, ladudlag boxiq and maiiiag cbai'Jles. Make cbedl or money order payable to Dedication Committee and mall to Grand Master's Office, Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Pblladelphla, Pa. 19107.

Over 20,000 Attend Dedication Of Washington at Prayer Statue Presented to

Freedoms Foundation

M ore th an 20,000 Masons and their families saw the Bro. George Washin gton at P rayer St a tue ded icate d in "an cient M asonic custom and tradition" at Freedoms F oundation at V alley Forge on September 9.

It was one of the largest gatherings of Masons in the history of Gr a nd Lodge

It was also one of the largest crowds ever to witness the unveiling and dedication of a statue in the United States.

And the 1,800 persons who attended the banquet that followed the dedication made it one of the largest banquets ever sponsored by Gr and L odge.

The massing of approx imately 125 Am erican Flags by fully uniformed Knights Templars and the thirteen flags of the original states by the you ng men of the DeMolay added the co lor to the pageantry.

Music for t h e dedication was provided by t he Scottish Rite Choir of the V a ll ey of H arrisburg and L u Lu Shrine Concert B a nd of Ph iladelphia

Th e procession preceding the dedication included Scottish R ite, York Rite, S hrine and other Masonic B odies

The n early 800 M asonic L odge Officers from Symbolic L odges th ro ughout th e Jurisdiction, all in Masonic d r ess, were viewed by Bro R obert E. Deyoe, R. W. Gra nd M aster, as one of t he greatest gatherings of Mason ic leaders h e h as ever witnessed.

Buses started to arrive at Freedoms F oundation at 11 a .m. Before the activities started at 3 p.m., by actual count, 485 buses were parked in a fa rm nea r the dedication s ite.

It was estim ated that 2,500 automobiles w ere parked in special areas adjacent to Freedoms F oundatio n

Local and state police did a commendable job to keep traffic moving into th e a r ea. And, after the ceremony was concluded, traffic moved without any undue delay.

Many of the buses carried Masonic L odge and M aso nic District signs, such as, "H eading for Valley F orge," with the local identifica tions.

When those in the nearly half a mile l o ng procession arrived at their proper stat ions a nd places, Bro. Fred Pi erce Corson, Grand Chaplain, gave a n ins piring invocation, concluding;

"Renew our faith in Thee, as our F ather believed in

twenty thousand that atte nd ed th e dedication, h eld in "ancient Masonic custom and tradition."

fa ith and t r sted it and proved Thee to be an e ve r- present help in the hour of trouble.

" Send u s forth to be witnesses in our lives and dealings, both public and private, to their G ospel and their faith and t h eir way, and to Thee we shall give all the praise now and evermore."

T he highlight of the ceremony came when the G r and Master and D onald D e Lue, of Leonardo, N .J., the scu lptor , paraded along a 100-yard elevated walkwa y , lined with American flags and L odge O fficers, from the outdoor stage to the site of t he sta t ue, to unve il the n ine-foot, bronze G eorge Wa shington at P rayer Statue.

The statue was a gift t o Freedoms F ou ndation of mor e than 250,000 Masons. It overlooks t h e Congressional Medal of Honor Grove, where the names of all C ongressiona l Medal wi nners are listed on small monuments erected in individual state areas.

After the unveil ing , Bro. John K Youn g, R.W. Deputy (Con tinued on P age 2 )

Shown above are the two custom-made cases of our Grand Lodge and Symbolic Lodge Jewels, a gift presented b y Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, R. W. G rand Master to T he Un ited Grand Lodge of England on the occasion of its 250th Anniversary celebrated last June in London.
A picture t aken the mom ent of th e unve iling of the large bronze statue of George Washingto n at Prayer, dedi cated o n Saturday, September 9, 1967 at Freedoms Found a tion, Valley Forge. Shown with Bro. Robert E . Deyoe, R. W. Grand Master, is Mr. Donald D e.Lue, sculp to r of the statue, and on the left is Bro. Floyd W. Hughes, Grand Sword Bearer. In the background is just a portion of the


members who worke d so h ard and long in pl a nning and supervising this d edication.

" It was well don e, and if time and space p ermitted, I would like to th ank th em all, but I am sure they u nderst a nd."

Bro. D eyoe then annou nced th at ' 'I officially present to Freedoms F ound a tion the st atu e of G eorge Wash ington."

Bro Kenneth D W e lls, president of F reedoms Found a tion, accepted the gift and said :

" W e at Fr eedom are deeply proud, deeply thankful. Something great is happening here today "

Bro. Don Belding, from C a lifornia, co-founder of Freedoms Foundati on and chairman of its directors, said:

"I feel today th at I can only say a prayer:

Grand Master Expresses Gratitude; Cites Several Goals Reached In His Term

A s I a ppro ac h the en d of my te rm as yo ur Gr a nd M aste r, I look back on th e last two years with a d eep sense of grat itud e for the oppor tun ity o f se rving you in thi s capacity.

I a m mos t app rec ia ti ve of the high ho nor you h ave be stowe d an d have tried , as I promised in the b eginning of my term o f office , to give you a plain d ealing, bu si ness -like a dmini stra tion I am h appy to rep ort that much has been acco mpl is hed toward th a t en d .

20,000 Attend the Dedication of Statue


Gr and M aster, distributed corn on the s t a tue, and announced:

"This corn I distributed on the Statue as a symbol of goodness a n d plenty. May the blessings of a bounteous heaven be showered upon the world, inspiring th e h earts of its people with Virtue - Wisdom - and Gratitude."

Bro Hiram P. B a ll, R.W. Senior Gra nd Warden, poured wine and a nnounced:

"Thi s wine I poured on the Statue as a symbol of joy and gladness. M ay the Supreme Arc hitect bless and prosper our government - and m ay Freemasonry continue to be a bond of Friendship and Brotherly Love that shall endure through a ll time "

Bro W Orville Kimmel, R.W. Junior Grand Warden, poured oil and a nnounced:

"This oil I poured on the Statue as a symbol of P eace a nd Harmony

M ay the Supreme Architect of th e Universe bless us with Unity - Peace - a nd Prosperity; preserve and protect the Fraternity of Fre em aso nsand m a ke the Virtues of Fr eemasonry be a lesson to the world."

Before turning th e Statue over to Freedom s Foundat ion, the Grand M aster said:

" I t ake this o pportunity to thank all of you who took part in this unde rtaking. You can be justly proud of your accomplishment

"I especially thank the G e neral D e dication Committee, the Committee

"Great God of the Universe, grant that those who guid e the destiny of Freedoms Foun dation at Valley Forg e will ever have the proper attitude, the strong will, the cou rage to make t hems elves fu lly responsible for prote c tin g this historic shrine, that a ll the world m ay come to see the de votion wh ic h we hold for G eorge W ash ington, the fath er of our count ry, a nd may G od bless th e Masons of Pennsylvania, who have made all this possible."

The dedication program was concluded by Bro. G. Ma son Cochran, Gr a nd Ch aplain, bringing the thought: " Almi ghty G od, on this h allowed site and in this qui et hour we have be en reminde d again of the obligation and respons ibilities a nd privileges of citizen ship."

F ollowing short talks by the Grand Ma st er a n d Bro. 'N e ll s, the activities of the day conclud ed, e nding one of the most co lorful events in t h e history of F reemasonry in this Ju r isd iction

Dr. C. Harry Lefever is Appointed Grand Chaplain

Bro. C. Harry Lefever, D D ., P ast Master of Eure ka Lodge, No. 302, M ec hanicsburg, w as appoi n ted a Gr a nd Cha pla in of G rand Lodge by t h e Gra n d M aster.

Bro. L efever is pa stor of the P enbrook Church of God, H arrisb urg

M y tha nk s go to the El ecte d and Appoi n ted Grand Lodge Officers , the Trustees of the va riou s funds of Grand Lodge , a nd th e Chairm en a nd Members of the various Committees Without their d e dic atio n and zeal these program s cou ld no t have been carried out. ·

I a m pleased that so much favorabl e in terest has b een s how n by the Member s of this Grand Ju risd ic ti on in the e fforts t o m odernize and bring up to date th e bu siness a nd financi a l structure of Grand Lodge.

The financial progr am is in excellent h a nds The Gu est Fund h as increased yearly . The program for the Dedication of the G eorge W as hington at Praye r St atu e for Freed oms F o und a tion at V alley Forge was , thank s to a very efficient Commi ttee, well carried ou t. In the ne ar fu tu re t h e M asonic Temple in Ph iladelphia will b e fl ood lighted on the exterior as a re other pro minent buildings.

Let u s keep in mind th at constant change is a lways with us May we h ave th e wi sdom to recognize it a nd the will t o kee p up with it.

Sincerely and fraternally

Rob er t E. D eyoe

R.W. Grand M aster

From the Grand Secretary's Office

September Quarterly Communicatio n

The S e pt e mb e r Q uarterly C om mun ica tion held in the M asonic T empl e in Phil a d e lph ia was well atten d e d. The C ommittee o n L a ndmarks met on the morning of the pre vious day, followe d by th e C ommittee on Fin a nc e in the afternoon. T hen in the evening, after the close of Athelsta n L odge, N o. 482, various inform ative sk its wer e pe rformed followed by a panel discussion, in Cor inthian H al l.

Th ese skits were witnessed by t h e Gra nd M a ster, his O ffi c e rs a nd the Com mit tee on Masonic Cul t ure with the thought th at, if approved, they would be m a de avai lable f or all our Lodges. N o d efin ite deci sion was ma de at the above meeting.

Th e Gra nd M aster held a m ost instructive session with the D istrict Deputy Grand M aster s the morning, followed by a meeting of the Committee on M asonic Cultur e in the afternoon.

Committee Reports

M a ny interesting and informative Commi t tee R e ports were presented at the Qua rterly Communi cation. The R eports indica ted t h a t additional employee s are badly n eeded at the M asonic Homes a t Eliz abethtown a nd in the M asonic Temple in Philadelphia. The l ast issu e of The Pennsyl vania Fr eemason was received by a very high percentage of our Membe rs as a result of most of the mailing lists furni shed by the Lodges being up to da t e. It will be most helpful if th ese list s ar e kept current for each mailing.

Th er e is much activity at the P a tton Sch ool a nd among the Childr en at the M asonic H omes at Elizabethtown. Addi tional musical instruments can be used by both groups If you h ave any you don't need, the y can be put to good u se


Five n ew L odge R ooms will have been d edic ated bef ore th e en d of the year, including those at D onora, K ittanning, Zelienople, S ouderton and Emmaus M any more are underway.

It is anticipated that a new L odge will b e constituted in t he Southampton area next F ebruary. If interested in becoming a Warrant Member get in touch with Bro . R obert W H assell, District D ep ut y Grand M as t er, m Morrisville.

Active Senior Members

Please Report Your Change ol Address . Please!

If you have, or are planning, to change your address please take the time to notify your Lodge Secretary. You will help h m keep his mailing list current and he, in tum, will be able o notify u s s o we can make the necessary correction in the general maJling list for The Pennsylvania Freemason. Your prompt and courteous attention in this respect wilJ b e greatly appreciated. Y ou wiU be help ing u s to elim inate those costly Postal Returns and will assure yourself of a copy of each issue of The Pe onsylva nia F r eemason when mailed. And incidentaJly, always includ e your ZIP Co de when reporting a change- of-address. Thank you.

or L odge meet this performa nce?

Here's another record tha t is hard t o match. Bro. J ames A. K nier, at 77, is Worshipful Mast e r of Union L odge, No. 121 a nd is one of the m ost d ynamic M as t e rs in our Juris diction.

B ro. Peter L. Swanso n , the Worshipful Maste r of Corry L odge, No 365 , who is 74, is k eeping his L odge on its t oes.

D o we have a ny older (in years) Worsh ipful Master s?

If you h ave been a M ember for 50 year s and hav e not received your Gra nd L odge Fifty Year Emblem, please ge t in touc h with yo ur S ecretary - or my office.

Annual Meetings

Th e A nnual Meeting of your L odge is drawing near P lease pay your dues before this m eeting a nd attend, if possible. Che ck your la test Dues C a rd and if you a re in arrear s, wo n't you please p ay now. DON T BE SUSPENDED

W averly L odge, N o. 30 1 in Clarks

Summ it rece ntly lost its Maso nic Te mple when a d e vastating fire destroyed a t otal of four buildings T his L odge will meet temporarily in the M asonic T emple in S cranton.

Audits and General R eturns

Please remember that the Lodge Auditing Committee must be appointed on the night of the a nnual election. T he Committee must present its Report at the first Stated M eeting aftec D ecember 27. The R eport should be in the Gra nd Secretary's office not later t han February 1.

The G enera l Retu rn should not be mailed to the Gr a nd S e cretary s office before D ecember 27, but it should be sent withi n a few days following that date.

H ere is so me pleasan t news. The charmin g new Miss A merica, D ebr a Dene B arnes, is the daugh ter of Bro D wight 0 B arnes, a P ast Ma ster of M armaton L odge, No. 245 in M oran, Kansas. S he is a beautiful an d t a lented yo ung lady. Fraternally,

W. Grand Secretary

Support of Many To Fulfill Purposes

More Masons Needed for the 'Guest Fund'

Letters to the Grand Master in answer to his appeal for the Guest Fund at the Masonic Homes are proof that many M asons a nd friends of Masonry und erstand the Holy Scripture, which reminds us: "And now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three ; but the greatest of these is charity."

For instance, a Mason living in a retireme nt home sent a major portion of his monthly allowance

Several widows contributed gifts in memory of their husbands, former Masons.

And then a 14-year-old boy sent a one doll a r contribution, with a letter tha t stated:

"Thi s money is for the Guest Fund collection. I read a bout it in my Dad's F ree ma son paper. I know it's not much, but I'm s till too young to work, so I can only send you my week's allowance now.

"I love old people and I wish they didn't hav e to ge t lonely and suffer. I pray for them and I hope God will help them to be happy and not be sick.

"Sorry I can't give you more money, but someday I know I will."

The letter was signed, "Yours truly, a Friend, R.N."

The l e tter was postmarked at Norristown, Pa. The Grand Master requested Bro. Gerald H. Woerner, District Deputy for the 6th Masonic District, to find the boy with the initials of R.N. After many hours of investigation, the boy was identified as Raymond Nelson, the son of Bro Malcolm L. Nelson, a member of Norristown Lodge, No 620.

The Nelson family visited the Masonic Homes as guests of the Grand Master.

Early returns indicate the Guest Fund is not showing the growth anticipated.

Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, Grand Master, urged:

"As we approach the Holiday Season, all of us should be reminded that Charity is one of the Landmarks of our Fra ternity.

"I do not urge contributions from those who have gr eater responsibilities.

However, th e vast m a jority of Masons should send a contribution, even though it m ight only be a small amount."

Like R aymond N e lson, many members of the M asonic Fraternity have m a de special sacrifices to assist others.

The proof of the above statement is the fa c t that the Guest Fund has increased in the past eight years from $90,000 to $278,000.

Bro. Deyoe has listed the minimum need for the fund at $250,000. This is for such expenditures as $10 a month spending money for each of the 800 guests, occupational therapy program, religious activities, holiday activities and other related functions.

He pointed out that not one cent of the Guest Fund money is used for activities other than those directly benefiting the Guests. In other words, the activities that make the Masonic Homes a "Home" and not just another institution.

For instance, with the extra money received l ast year, s p ecial t e levision sets are being install e d in hospital rooms for those confined to beds.

The Grand Master pointed out that

m a ny othe r projects can be initiated if the fund is great enough. All gifts to the Guest Fund can be listed as tax exemptions

Ma son s who have n eglected to send their contributions this year, or who h ave misl a id their post age-free envelopes, may m ake their c h eck s payable to t h e Superintendent a nd mail to the M aso nic Homes, Eliz a bethtown, P a. 17022

In concluding his final a ppeal on behalf of the Guest Fund, Bro. Deyo e said:

"As we a pproach this important religious period for all Masons of all religions, we are a gain reminded that the Holy Scriptures say that it is more blessed to give tha n to rece ive."

Many Musical Instruments Needed for Patton School, Children at The Homes

There is a nee d for musical instruments for young Guests a t the M asonic Homes and young m e n at Patton Masonic S chool.

Many M aso ni c Hom es' youngst ers play in th e Eliza bethtown High School Band, so me with instruments th at should be replaced. Others would welcome the opportunity to take lessons and also participate in band activities If a sufficient number of instruments can be found , P a tton School hopes to start a drum a nd bugle corps

Many Masons h a ve serviceable musical instruments stored in attics. They can be put to u se by sending them to the G ra nd Master's Office, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107.

The instruments will be serviced and restored fr o m monies in the Guest Fund and immediately put into active service.

one of the Thirteen Original States

Testimonial Honors Dr. C. Howard Witmer

On His Retirement from Homes' Committee

On the evening of August 25 , 1967, the beautiful Gold Room in the Hotel H ersh ey was the scene of a m e morable occasion . The occasion was a t estimoni al dinner honoring D r. C. Howard Witmer who had rece ntly res igned from the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes after serving continuously for more than two decades The Grand Lodge Officers, the Committee on Home s, Sta ff membe r s of the Homes and their ladies attended Bro . Robert E. Deyoe, R. W. Grand M aster, with appropriate words of gratitude, presented Bro. W itmer with a br o nze M asonic emblem suitably engraved for th e occasion.

Many of those present paid high tri-

bute t o this distinguished Brother who h as given a lifetime of service to his fellowmen through M a sonic acti vity and in the fi e lds of medic in e, edu cation, religion a nd civic endeavors.

Bro Witmer h as served the Lancaster County area as a physician for more than half a century. H e held the a ppointme nt of Medical Direct or f or L a nc ast er County and was Chief of Staff at St. Joseph Hos pital , Lancaster. He has al so served as president of the local Tuberculosis and Health Society and as representative dire ctor from P e nnsylvania to the National Tuberculosis a nd Health Society.

H e h as b een president of the Manheim Township School Board for 36 years and has long served as director of the Lancaster Public Library. H e h as been president of the Sc hool Board Director' s Association of Pennsylvania Bro W itmer has been a m ember of the Educator's Beneficial Association and also a member of the Boa rd of Directors of the Pennsylvania Indus t r ial School at White Hill

In r e ligious activity, Bro. Witmer has served the congregation of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Lancaster, as president of the Church Council and as Superinte ndent of the Sunday School.

Other activities identified with Dr. Witmer have been in Community · Chest campaigns, membership on the Selective Service Board of Appeal, president of the Rotary Club in Lancaster and D istrict Gover nor of R otary International. Dr Witmer is a member of the Board of Directors of the Lanca ster County Farmer's National Bank.

e ral , s t a nd as a n inspiration a nd challenge to all w ho w ould live by the l esmn s t aught in Freema sonry.

Bro. Witmer is a Past Master and Trus tee of L a mberton Lodge, No. 476 , L ancaster. H e is a Trus te e of L a ncaster Lodge of P erfec tion and Trustee of H a rrisburg Consistory. H e h as been coroneted an Honora ry Membe r of th e Supre m e Council, 33 °, of the Northern M as on ic Jurisdiction

Northwestern Ritualistic Meeting Well Attended

The Sectional Meeting of the School of Instruction, held in the Masonic Temple, Kane, on Saturday, October 7, 1967, was well attended. The registe red attendance was 195 with 4 7 Lodges of nine Masonic Districts being represented. Bro. R aymond H Grimm, Instructor of Ritualistic Work, claims this was the largest attendance for any Sectiona l Mee ting held in the Northweste rn Region.

his fellowmen in Lancaster County for

Those fortunate enough to hav e known and worked with Dr. Witmer h ave been greatly benefitted by such opportunity. His sincerity, his kindly manner and his dedication to a life time of service to his church, the Ma sonic fra t e rnity and his fellowmen in genS

Shown on the left is a picture of some of the 800 Symbolic Lodge Officers who participated in the Masonic Procession at the dedication of the Washington Statue, with a view of the main platfonn in the background and the three Golden Vessels which contain the Coru, Wine and Oil u se d in the ancient Masonic Ritual. The picture in the center was taken from the statue and shows the Gra nd Sword Bearer,
Bro . F loyd W. Hughes, leading the R. W Grand Mas ter and sculptor a long the s pecially constructed walk-way between the main platfonn and the statue and passing through
formed by the Sir Knights
American Flag. The picture on the right shows the R. W. Grand Master Bro . Robert E. Deyoe tapping the base of the statue three times, thus making the d edicati on official.
On the left is a view taken from the rea r of the main platform erected at Freedoms Foundation and showing the vast gathering of people jammed in the area between the platform and the statue. A few of the members of the Scottish Rite Choir of the Valley of Harrisburg may be seen in the foreground. The pi cture in
Bro. C. Howard Witmer is shown holding gift presented at the testimonial dinner following his resignation from the Committee on Masonic Homes after many years' service
A mural, depicting Lancaster County fannland, presents an appropriate setting for this picture of Dr. Witmer who has served
many years.
In full regalia our R. W Grand Master, Bro. Robert E. Deyoe, chats with Bro. Frank Gamblen, M. W. Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia. The gettogether was during the June Quarterly Communication held at the Masonic Homes.

A view of the .main platform while Bro. J1. dress. Shown m the front row. man y o our ran ter the ladies of our Grand Lodge

ound can be seen members of the Lu Lu Temple Shnne oncer an · i;'eMolay boys, carrying Hags stood along the rear and both s1des of the platform.

Spirit of Washington Endorsed

In Address of Wilbur M. Brucker

We ar-e a free nation today because Washington h a d the faith in God that moves mountains, according to Bro. Wilbur M. Brucker , immediate M.E. Past Grand M aster of the Grand Encampment, Knight s Templar, U.S.A.

Speaking at the dedication of the Bro. G eorge Washington at Praye r at Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge on September 9 , Bro. Brucker _ sald:

"Washington was a man on fire for his b eliefs, and kindle d the flame m the hearts of others."

He said that Washington' s leadership k e pt the young country together during the trying d a ys of the Revolutionary War. He added:

"H-e was tried by adversaries and defeat.

"His army was decimated by desertions. Cheap politicians in the Continental Congress entered into venal intrigue against him. He was by Colonis ts, safe around the1r firesides and far from the battlefields, who were ready to abandon the American cause.

"He was plagued by conspirators and even traitors."

Bro. Brucker, former Secr-etary of the Army in the Eisenhower Administration sa id that Washington overcame his adversaries by practicing a profound diplomacy of truthful speech.

He pointed out tha t it was Wa shington, Master of his Masonic at Alexandria, V a., who a dded to oath of acceptance as the fir st Presldent of the United States the histori c words:

its belt and resolutely turn again to the task of des troying aggression."

4. our s turdy forefathers . pledged 'their lives, their fortunes a nd thetr sacred honor.' America still believes in 'honor.' America is the hope of the Free World. We dare not shrink from commttments made to protect our allies Communist aggressions, if honor still counts in the world."

5. "The essence of Was hingt?n's success lay in his ability to bnng dtsctpline to hi s ragged army. He a pas sion for di sci plne be ca u se he reahzed the vast difference between an and a mob. America needs a rebtrth of discipline that will outlnw mob rule and provide law nnd order on the of o ur cities, all across the land. is no excuse for mobs. The chOice ts simple - either law order or archy - there is no mtddle ground.

6. "George Washington. was inten sel.Y patriotic. He had the wtll to lose hts own life f or the life of a la rger cause. He held his person al suffermgs of no account. America is at the We need to revive the true of patriotism as the basis the storm. The time for dectsJOn has Either we will embrace u.nselfish, sacnficial patriotism, or wtll go the low road to crass matenahsm We desperately need to catch the spirit of. George Washington. We need a new phtlosophy that believes in this Country and her future."

Supreme Council, N.M.J. Holds Annual Meeting In City ol Pittsburgh

"So help me God."

He warned that America is now facing new problems of t re mendous importance to this country and "cannot afford to lo se the value of lessons taught by the Father of our Country."

Bro. Bruck er listed six points as suggestions. They are :

1. "Thi s Statue of George Washington kneeling at prayer will be a perpetu al r eminder th at Almighty God is the Ruler of the Universe. Uncle Sam will do well to approach modern on knee Religion and m orahty are st1ll the cornerst one of our Republic."

2. "Washington was the sou of integr ity He a bhorred l ying, ing and a ll other forms of tmmora ltty. It' s t ime Ameri ca's national conscience wa s aroused by le aders of impeccable character and integrity to redeem our gene r ation f ro m the curse of sunken morality."

3. "Some impatient people are urging America to abandon it s hero ic role against Comm uni st agg ress ion in V ietnam a nd toss in the spon ge. lt takes ttme a nd patience to w in wa rs. Wa shi ngto n d idn't cringe durin g eight long years o f wa rfare. In s tead of liste ning t o impa ti ent coun sel of de feat , America shou ld ti ghten

Proposed Amendments To The Ahiman Rezon

Due for Final Action

Action will be taken at the Quarterly Communication on December 6 on the three proposed amendments to the Ahiman Rezon, two of which were submitted at the March Communication and the third at the June Communication. They were explained in the May and August issues of The P e nnsylvania Freemason. A copy of the amendments have also been mailed to all of our Members.

Bro. Milton Fritsche Appointed To Committee on Masonic Homes

Bro. Milton Fritsche, Past Master of Olivet Lodge, No. 607 , Philadelphia, was appointed by the Grand Master as a member of the Committee on Masonic Homes, vice Bro. C Howard Witmer, resigned.

Bro Witmer, a Past Master of Lamberton Lodge, No. 476, Lancaster, serv-ed as a member of the Committee on Masonic Homes for 20 years. He also was a member, for many years, of the Executive Committee, which meets frequently.

The 155th Annual Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction was held from September 21 to 28 in the City of Pittsburgh with approximately 1200 Active and Honor ary Membe rs present. Also attending the meeting w ere representatives of Supreme Councils !n I srael, Italy, the Dominican Repubhc, France, Columbia, Nicaraugua and Panama.

On September 27, the 33rd and last Degre e of th e Scottish Rite was ferr ed on a cl ass of 187 Masons, mcluding Fed eral Judge John Morgan Da vis , former Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania; Bishop W. Kaebnick of the Evangehcal Umted Brethren Church, Harrisburg; A. Patterson head of United Air Lmes and Otto Governor of Illinois . During an executive meeting of the A ctive M embers on the afternoon of September 27, 195 M asons were nomin ated to receive the 33rd D egree at the 1968 Annual Meeting which will b e h eld Septemb er 19 to 26 in Atlantic City, New Jer sey

Article XXI , Section 8, prescribes the present method of handling Inquiries to the nearest Lodge The proposed amendment requires the Lodge receiving the Inquiry to appoint a Committee of three Master Masons to determine the standing and character of the petitioner, his fitness to be made a Mason and whether any valid Masonic objection exists against him. The report of the Committee to be favorable must be signed by all members of the Committee. The report, either favorable or unfavorable, is submitted in writing to the Lodge receiving the Inquiry, and a ballot by that Lodge is not required. Th e res ult of the in vestigation is then certified to the Grand Secretary and he so notifies the Lodge which received the petition. If the report is favorabl e the latter Lodge can proceed to act, in the usual manner, on the petition; if not favorable, the petitioner must b e declared rejected.

Article X , Section 5, now calls for Gra nd Lodge to p ay 15c per mile one way to the Representative of a Subordinate Lodge attending the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge and voting therein The proposed amendment would increase this payment to 20c p e r mile

Article XX, Section 2, was amended in 1962 to permit Trans fer of M e mber s hip between Lodges both of which are within our Jurisdiction. The proposed amendment would also a llow Transfer of Members hip between our Lodges and Lodges in other Jurisdictions. This procedure is now sanctioned in most other Grand Lodges

Freemasonry has greatly enriched my life. It has given me friends hips that I cherish dearly. It has, I think, whispered subconsciously to me in silent hour of caution and encouragemen t I like going back to my Lodge I have found it refreshing and good to s tep aside out of the path of m y busy life and si t again with the Ma so ns who have carried on in my absence.


Bro. Fritsche served as Grand Pursuivant in 1951, '52, '53 and '54. In 1966 he was appointed a member of the Committee on Finance , and remains on that committee. He also was appointed to the Executive Committee of the Committee on Masonic Homes.

Bro Fritsche retired on January 1 as president of the Horn & Hardart Baking Company of Philadelphia. He was with the company for more than 38 years, and continues as a member of the Board of Directors.

As a member of the Board of Trust-ees of the Pennsylvania State University for the past 19 years, he is on the Executive Committee, Finance Committee and Physical Plant Committee.

He also serves on the Joint Committee for the Hershey Medical Cent er, now under construction; vice president of the Board of Ass ociates of Hood College, Frederick, Md.; Board

Milton F

of Trustees of the United Fund of Philadelphia; Board of Governors of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Red Cross ; Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Council Navy League; and a director of the Delaware Fund and Decatur Investment Fund.

Bro. Fritsche is an active member of th-e Philadelpha Kiwanis Club, American Legion, Union League and Alpha Kappa Psi Honorary Business Fraternity. Bro. and Mrs. Fritsche and their three daughters live on their farm in Douglassville, P a.


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