A Special Communication of Grand L odge was he ld o n November 1 to dedicate the Lod ge Room of E ast McKeesport L odge, No 765, i n North Versailles Township.
L odge No. 765 pur ch ased a school bui ldi n g from North Versailles T ownship school officials and comp lete l y r emodeled the s t ructure f or a Ma sonic Temple.
Following the dedicat ion, a ban que t was held in the Park Terrace Hi gh School.
Bro. Lorimer H. Brown
Appointed D.D.G .M . of 14th Masonic District
Bro. Lorim er H , Brown , Past Master of Salem L odge, No. 330, Hamlin was appointed Di st rict D eputy Grand Master for th e 14th Masonic District , v ice Bro. Clarence C. Rei n eke, deceased.
Br o. John K. Young, R. W. Grand Master, presented Bro. Brown to the Officers in t h e 14t h Maso nic Dist rict at a Specia l M eeting of L odge No. 330 in Masonic H a ll , Honesd a le, on November 11.
Bro. Brown resides in Newfoundland, Pa
Your Lodge Dues for 1969 shou ld be paid on or before the A nnual Meeting of yo ur Lodge. Why not forward your check to yo ur Lodge Secretary and preserve your good Masonic standing? If your 1968 Dues are still unpaid, avoid suspension by prompt payment. We do not want to Jose YOU!
Freemasonry needs the support of all of us!
Bro. Alvin A. Gasser, St.
Appointed D.D .G.M. of Masonic District .. F"
Bro. Alvi n A. Gasser Sr., Past Master of Richmond L odge No. 23 0 , Phil ade lphi a, was appoin ted Di stri ct Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District "F", vice B r o E. Robert W. Whitesel , Sr., w ho resigned because of health.
Bro. Joh n K. Young, R. W. Grand Master, presented Bro. Gasser to the officers in Masonic District "F" at a Stated Meeting of L odge No. 23 0 in M asonic T emp le, Philadelphia, on September 16.
Bro. Gasser resides a t 1104 Bloomdale Road, Philadelphia.
Three-month Itinerary of GRAND LODGE OFFICERS
Grand Lodge Officers have a busy sc h edule for the n ext three mo nths, including:
November 29 - Grand Master: Visi ta tion, Williamspo rt Scottish Rite Body.
December 3 - Gra n d Lodge Officers: December Quarterly Communication, Philadelphia.
December 5 - Grand Lodge Officers: Meeting , Committee on Masonic H omes, Elizabe thto wn
December 17 - Grand L odge Officer s: Grand Visitation; Grand M aster's last Visitation, Melita Lod g e, No. 295, Philadelphia.
December 2 7 - Grand Lodge Officers: Annual Communica t ion , Syria Mosque, Pittsbu r gh.
December 27 - Gran d L odge Office s, Visitation; Special Meeting Col. H enry Bouque t L odge, No. 787, at 3 p.m., Syria M osque, Pittsburgh.
Janu ary 9 - Grand Master : Visitation, Corinthian L o dge , No. 573, Millvale.
J a nuary 10 - G r and Ma ster: 10 0th Anniversary, Covenant L odge, No. 456, Philad e phia.
J anuary 14 - G ra nd M as ter: Visitati o n Glenshaw L odge, No. 793, Glenshaw.
January 17 - Grand Master: M asonic Ni g h t, sponsored b y L u Lu Temp e, A.A.O.N.M.S. Masonic Temple, Philadelphia.
January 22 - Grand L odge Officers: Reception for Guests, Masonic H omes, El izabethtown.
Januar y 23 - Grand L odge Officers: Meeting, Committee on Mason ic Homes, E izabethtown.
J an uary 24 - Grand Ma ster: lOOth Anniversa r y, R icha rd Vaux Lodge, No. 454 , Burgettstown
J anuary 31 - Grand Master: lOOth Anniversary, Orienta l Lodge, No. 460, Orangeville
February 14 - Grand Master: Masters and Secretaries N i g h t, sponsor ed by Syria Temple, A.A.O .N. M.S., Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh.
February 17 - Sen io r Grand Warden: 75th Anniv e rsary, E. Coppee Mitche ll Lodge, No. 605, Phiadelphia.
F e bruary 23-26 - G r a nd L odge Officers: Conference of Grand Masters, W ashington, D.C.
F ebru ary 27 - Grand Lodge Officers Committe e on Ma so ni c Homes, Elizabethtown
Grand Master Pleased
With 'State of Craft'Highlights Teamwork
Dear Brethren:
With this final comment as your Grand Master, I express a feeling of personal pride and encouragement in the " State of the C raf t " in our Jurisdiction.
Every Grand M aster look s forward to his term in office w ith hope s a n d desires of a d van cing the cause o f Fr eemasonry. As I look back over the past two year s, I am p leased w ith the accomplishments a nd a ct ivities made possible by the cooperation and dedicatio n o f so ma n y M asons
A mor e deta il ed listing of the ac ti v ities of my t e rm as Grand Mast er will be covered in the Abs tract of the Proceedings.
Highlighting the ma n y accomplishm e nts of the past two years was the display of tea mwork evid e nced in th e fulfillme nt of most, if n ot all, of my objectives, both large and sma ll. I have been in spire d with the determ in ation o f so many " to get the job done." . Without this t eamwork, yo ur Grand Master cou ld not have carried out his program
With great pride a n d sat isfact ion, I can now re fer to the wisdom a nd e fforts of many dedicated M asons in brin g ing about a more effic ie nt administration o f the Ma sonic Hom es; the Thom as R an ken P atton Masonic In stitution for Boys; and to the extensive renovations of the M ason ic Templ e, Phi l a d e lphi a, th e h eadq u a rters of our Grand Lod ge .
"Masonic Day in Pittsburgh"
Annual Grand Communication to be Held in Pittsburgh for the First Time
The Annu a l Grand Commugication o f the Grand Lodge will be h e ld in Pittsbur gh on Saturday, D ecember 2 7 - "Masonic Day in Pittsbur gh."
(Continued on Page 2)
The fir st time, Bro. Sanford M. Chilcote was ins talled as R. W. Grand
Other information concerning the Annual Grand Communication at Pittsburgh, D ecember 27th , including coupon for reservations to Grand Masters Banquet, appear on Pages 6 and 7.
Master on D ece mber 27, 1958, in the M aso ni c T e mple at the Masonic Homes a t E l i zabethtown. The Annual Grand this year w ill be
This will mark the fir st in history for the Ann ual Grand Communication to be held in Pittsburgh and t h e secon d time it will be h e ld outside of Philadelphia . My n umerous travels and v isits throughout our Jurisdictio n , not o nl y for the many Special Meetings a nd Ceremonies but during the thirty-six District M eetings, have afforded me the rare opport unit y of meetin g and mingling with the Officers a nd m a n y of the M ember s of a ll of our Symbolic Lodges. I n this experience, alone, I h ave observed an enthu sias m for Freemasonry th at is most encouragi ng. I h ave good reaso n to believe that these
(Continued o n Page 7)
Aerial view of the "Golde n T ri a ngle," P ittsburgh, whe re the A llegheny River (left) and the Monongahela River (right) com e toge ther to form th e Ohio River. The Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel sit e of the Grand Master's Banquet on St. Jo h n the Eva nge list's Day, December 27, is in the cente r at the apex of the tri
Issued Quarterly
February, May, August and November at Ma sonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most
Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsyl vania and Masonic Jurisdictio n Thereunto Belonging, through its
Nitsch, P.G.M., Chairman; W. Frederick Warren Vice-Chairman; Martin D. Rife; Fr ank W Bobb; Stanley L. Bateman; W. Edward Sell and William A. Carpenter, Secretary.
Approved and Autho rized To Be Printed By JOHN K. YOUNG Right Worshipful Grand Master
Mailing Address:
Grand Master Pleased
With 'State of Craft'Highlights Teamwork
( Continued from P age 1)
per so n a l contacts or "get-t ogethers ," between the Officers a nd Membe r s of our Symbolic Lod ges a nd m a n y Grand Lod ge Offic ers h ave brought abo ut a m u c h better understanding of the Craft in ge n era l. I fee l we h ave been able to better inform the Craft a nd the profane on the mission of Fr eemasonry. I a m pleased with the new folde r, "Fre emasonry, A Way of Life ," d es ign e d and p r o duced to be plac ed in the hands of interested non-M aso n s, other Masonic literature , an d "The P ennsyl vania Freemason," which is our dir ect contact with the nearly 25 0,000 P e nnsyl va ni a Masons living throughout the wo rld. The office of Grand M as ter which y ou have e ntrusted t o me has b ee n treasured. I am grateful to you for this rewardin g experience. I know you w ill ex ten d to o ur n ew Grand M as t e r the sa m e measure of loya l s upport and teamwork.
Si nce rely and fr a tern a ll y,
Married Couple, Guests at Homes, Mark 75th Wedding Anniversary
Bro. a nd Mrs. Frank Strait, Guests at the Masonic Homes a t Elizabethtown, celebrated the ir 75th we d d in g a nniver sary on October 18 at a dinn e r party in their honor at the Homes.
Bro. Strait, age 94 a nd Mrs. Strait, age 93, becam e Guests at the Masonic Homes on April 13, 1965. Bro Strait is a me mber of Lo dge No. 106, held a t Williamsport.
News of th e ir diamond anniversary celebr ation was carr ied by a national news service
"T h e most importa nt things," said Mrs. Strait, "is that after 75 years we still lik e each other. All of t he other wom e n I know got thei r second husba nd s, but I'v e got just one a nd I expect that's a ll I ever w ill h ave
"We r e ve ry h appy that God h as given us a ll these years together " Old age ha sn't dulled the sen ses of e ith er the bride or the groom of 75 years ago. She c a ll s him "Dad," a nd h e ca lls her " Mom ."
"D a d a nd I h ave had our spats over the years," she said, and then a dde d w ith an impish glea m in her eye"But they were fun, it was so n ice to kiss and make up."
He chuckles when he remembers their first date.
"It was at a box social," he remember ed. "All the g irl s stuc k their fe e t th r o ugh a curtain and we bid on the box lunches that went with the feet.
From Our Grand Secretary's Office
Quarterly Communication- September 3,
Despite the wet weather, the September Quarterly Communication, held in Philadelphia, was we ll attended, especia ll y by the District Deputy Grand Masters.
The usual productive and i nteresting Committee and District Deputies meetings were held during the t wo days preceding the Communication. Committee Reports
pres ented this year than ever before It is expected the total will approach the 2500 m ark this year.
clair Lodge, No. 144, in New Jersey, landed on the Moon.
There is a well known saying, "It takes only half as much time to do a thing w hen it s hould be done as will be required a week l ater." It is hoped our 610 Lodges will a ll get their Annual and other Reports in on time .
\ J oh n KYoung \ R. W. Grand M ast e r
I paid two-bit s f or the lun ch a n d I got Mom for th e next 7 5 y e ar s."
The Straits admit to a c ouple of "vi ce s "
"We play a lot of Canasta," he said, "but Mom is a b e tter pl ayer tha n I am and she beats me more than I can b eat her.
"We a lso h ave TV ri ght he re in our room," h e add e d, "and we watch a lot of tha t." ·
Mrs Strait also has a big hobby a t the moment and spends considerable tim e in the Home Hobby Shop w here she creates costume jewelry. ''It is lots of fun," she said, "and I'm a l ways giving t h e stuff away to my friends."
You ca nn ot p r ay the Lord 's Prayer
And even on ce say, "I " Y o u ca n n o t pray the Lord's Prayer
And even once say, " My."
Nor can you pray t h e L o rd' s Prayer
And not i nclude a n other
For when y ou ask f or daily bre ad, Y o u must includ e you r Brother.
Yes, oth e r s a r e included In each and ever y p l ea Fro m h e firs word to h e l as word, The Lord's Pra y er d oe s n t o nce say , "ME."
The comparatively recently constituted Grand Lodge of Iran has requested fraternal recognition, which was referred to the Committee on Corres pondence.
Many Lodges continue to up-date their By -L aws, an d a big majority of the submitted Amendments were approved upon the recommendation of the Committee on By-Laws.
As usua l , the Expenditures, of $ 1,50 1,430 , for the third fi s cal Quarter exceeded the Receipts of $ 1,394,435. Most of the income is received in the firs t and fourth Quarters. Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Finance, six Resolutions were adopted, th e majority covering needed betterments and improvements at the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown.
The August issue of The Pennsy lvania Freemason , in color , is recei v ing much fa v orable comment. If YOU move, p lease let your S ecr et a r y a nd the Committe e on M asonic C ulture promptl y h ave y our new a ddress.
The Co mmittee on Masoni c Temples, H a lls a nd Lodge R oom s is kep t bu sy travelin g throughout the Sta te a s sistin g the man y Lodges that are i nterested in impro ved Lodge f ac ilitie s.
The Hos pital a t the M asonic Homes continues to be filled to capacity a nd a wa iting li st for n ew Hospital Guests still exists It is hoped that a dditio nal fa c iliti es may be availab le next year.
The Committee on Templ e h as practically compl eted the appro ved impro veme nts to the Masoni c Templ e in Phil a d e lphia.
Th e 19 76 Committe e is acti ve l y r ev ie w in g th e s uggestions it is recei v in g in co nnection w ith this inte resting proje ct.
Distinguished Guest Speaks
Bro. Conrad Hahn, Pas t Gr a nd Maste r of Connecticut a nd Executiv e Dir ector of the M asonic Servic e Ass oci ation , gave a most interesting address on the m a n y activities of this A ssoci ation, e s pecia lly the Hospita l Vi s itation program in which our Grand L odge now partic i pates in the S o utheastern area.
Fifty Year Emblems
Back in 1919, an un us u a ll y l arge number of M aso n s were m a de in our Lod ges, and as a res ult, more Grand L o d g e Fift y Year Embl e m s a r e b e ing
Th e receipt of this Golden Annivers ary Award is one of the most outstanding and exhi laratin g achievements in the lives of so many of our Memb ers, as expressed in their letters of appreciation.
For ins tance :
"I was happy to receive this prized Emblem and shall wear it w ith honor and much pride."
" It is the finest gift I ha v e ever recei ved."
"Freemasonry has given me understanding a nd compassion for my fellow man , a nd I will cherish this Emblem for the r e mainde r of my life ."
Bro. Ch a uncey P. LeFevre was made a Ma s on in Integrity Lodge, No. 187, on November 13, 1919. On October 10, 1969 he was presented his Grand Lodg e Fifty Year Emblem Immediate l y after rec e i ving this A w ard, Bro. LeFevre conferred the Entered Apprentice Mas on's Degree in his Lodge. It was the fir s t tim e in his Mason ic career that he h a d ever confe rre d a Degre e This just s hows that yo u are ne ver too old to learn the Work a nd t a ke an active interest in yo ur Lod ge.
Wh en Bro. M a rtin R Ki ggins, Pi strict D eputy Grand Master of Dis trict No. 40, Raised his son, Bro. Martin R Kiggins , Jr., in Royersford Lodge, No. 585, on October 10 1969, he was a ssisted by five other Distri ct D e puty Gr and Mas t ers. Bro. Joseph J. Mye r s acted as Senior Warden, Bro. Paul F. Kunke l as Junior Warden, Bro. Alfr e d K M ill s, Jr. as Senior De ac on, • Bro
G eo r ge Nichols as Juni or M a ste r of C er e monies, and Bro. C a rl A. Focht as Pursui va nt.
Bro. a nd Dr. Rich a rd A. Kern, R. W. P ast Gra n d Mas t e r , was rece ntly appo in ted by Pre sident Nixon to the N a tion a l Advisory Committee on th e Selection of Physicians, D entis t s a nd Allied Spec ia lists a nd the National H e alth Re sources Advisory Committee.
Forty-two years ago, Bro. Ch a rles A. Lindbergh a ccompli sh e d a n amaz in g f eat And now, 4 2 year s later, Bro. Edwin E Aldrin, Jr., a Member of Mont-
Fraternally, Ashby B. Paul R. W. Grand Secretary
All Lodges Have Been Directed To Appoint a Representative To the Patton Masonic School
The Grand Master h as directed Worshipful Masters to appoint a Lodge representative to the Patton Masonic School.
In a letter to all Worshipful Masters in Pennsy l va nia Lodges, the Grand Ma ster and Deputy Grand Master wrote:
"We are interested in obtaining a more efficient Ma sonic relations program for the Thomas Ra nken Patton Masonic Institution for Boys , located at Elizabethtown, Pa."
Worshipful Mas t e rs are urged to g ive c a r eful consideration to the a ppointment The l etter conti nued:
"We suggest th a t it b e a Brother now e n gaged in school work , or a P a tton M aso nic School grad u a t e, or a Brother interested in educational matte r s who w ould be willing to spend some time wo rkin g in the inter est of the school." It was a lso suggested tha t the Worshipful M ast er confer w ith the Senior W a rden on the appointment in order that the representative would not be replaced at th e end of the year. Lodges were authorized to c arry the name of th e man sel ected on the Lodge Notic e, s imilar to other appointments.
Worshipful Ma sters were dir e cted to send the name, addres s, occupation and phone numbe r o f the man sel ecte d to th e Grand Master 's Office as s oon as possible.
Bro. John W. Kopp Superintendent, said the re are only 3 9 students at Patton School. He said the need is for a pproximate l y 10 more for the Ninth Grade and severa l m o r e in the other thr ee g r a des of the school. H e added : " Please h e lp u s to loc a te eligible orphan boys. It is not too l ate to make applica tion for this school term.
" If y ou h ave a n applic ant, pl ease contact me at Patton M aso ni c School, E li zab ethtown, P a. 17022."
Bro. and Mrs. F rank Strait, Guests at the H omes s ince 1965, who celebrated their 75th wed· din g anniversary at a dinner party at the Homes on October 18, 1969.
Broad and Extensive Insurance
Coverage for Penna · . Lodges
Now Provided by Grand Lodge
Quite a fe w year s ago, a Committee on Insuran ce was appointed to make a thorough and c omprehensive study of the In suranc e needs and requirement s not on l y of G ra nd Lodge, but of a ll of our Lod ges. S im il ar investigation s were b eing made by many other Gr and L odges
such Lodge (or Gra nd Lod ge) functions. This P olicy extends to and covers owned building prope r t y only if the buildin g is not used or occ upied by other L odges, organizations or tenant s. Oth erw ise the building a nd elevato rs must be separately insured.
($5,000 each person, $50,000 each occurrence)
Newest Amendments To the Ahiman Rezon
Ready for Final Action
A re v i ew of the In surance carri ed by many of our Lodges disclosed that t h e cove r age was inadequate in many, many instances ; some Lodges had little or no I nsura n ce. It was also apparent that the cost for th is cove r age, carried by each L odge separately, was excessive.
This subje ct was discussed frequently at the annual Gra nd Lodge Conferences h e ld in Washington, D.C. and as a result a prominent I nsura nc e Company agreed to make the necessary Insu r ance coverage avai l abl e for all the Grand Lo dges and th e ir Subordinate Lod ges.
Early in 1965 in order to ass ure that e ach of our L odges was a t l east cove r ed for Workmen's Compensation, our Grand Lodge took o ut suc h a Policy and paid the premium at no c h arge to the Lodges The Lodges were notified of thi s coverage and we r e
1. Comprehensiv e Public lia b il it y
2. Medical Payments
r eq u ested to ca ncel their P o licy, if they had one.
By the spring of 1967, a rra ngements had been co mplet ed for broad a nd exte n sive In surance coverage for a ll our Lod ges The Lodges were so notified , an d the May, 1967, issu e of The Pen nsyl vania Freem ason carried a detailed ar ticle on thi s coverage. A s Gr an d L odge paid for this Insurance, the L odges we re inform ed their similar P olicies could be immediately cance lled.
On M ay 24, 1967, each L odge was for warded a copy of the "Memorandum of In suranc e" prepared by the C o mpa ny car ryin g thi s coverage giving a detailed explanation o f th e different Policies then i n effect
The Policies include : Coverage
$ 1,000, 000
$5,000 per p erso n / $50, 000 each o ccurrence
3. Fidelity Bo nd $5,000 eac h p e rson
4. Mon ey and Secur iti es $ 5,000
5. De positor's Fo rge r y (checks, etc. )
6. Paraph e rnalia (Ba sed on In ve ntories fu r nis h e d by ea ch Lodge)
$5,0 00 $1,000
7. Workmen's Compen sa tion an d Employer s liab ility Statutory
Four New District Chairmen Appointed
To fi ll vacancies, due to re s ignations
B ro. J o hn K. Young, R. W. Gra nd Maste r , h as appointed the fo ll owin g Di str ic t Chairm e n for the Grand L odge Committee o n Maso nic Cultur e :
MASONI C DISTRI CT "C" - Bro Herman Kaufman , L odge No 91.
14th MASONIC DISTR I CT - B ro. Ri chard
E. L esl ie, Lodge No. 2 18.
39 t h MASONIC DISTR I CT - Bro. Franc is L Ande r son, L odge No. 534.
59th MASONIC DISTRIC T - Bro Henry
G. Russell L od ge No. 499.
The Grand Lodge Comm ittee on Mason ic Cu lture is most ap pre ciative for the se rvices of the Dist rict Chairmen as they ser ve a nd o ver-s ee the l\1 aso nic Culture Pro gram in their res p ect ive Dis tricts .
The above Ins urance protection applies to L odge acti vities, but d oes n ot cover Masonic T e mpl es, H a ll s , or L odge Room furniture a nd e qu ipment, only Lodge parap hernalia. Following is a brief d escription of the various coverages :
This I nsurance cover s the loss of mon ey, s ecurities or other property sustained by fraudulent or dishonest ac t or acts comm itted by a n y L odge Officer or M ember
($1,000,000 Max i mumEach Occurrence)
This Ins urance p r ovides protection for Persona l Inj ury and Property Damage Liability. Eac h Lodge O ffice r and Member, in div idually or coll ectively, is insured while attend in g any L odge activ ity or acting i n conn ection with 4
Thi s Insu ranc e covers Members and Gu ests for reasona bl e necessary m e dica l, surgica l, hospital, etc., expenses caused by injuries or s ickness resulting from activities in L odge R ooms or Quarters. Also for acciden t s away from the L o dge Q uarters if lo ss a rises out of authorized Lod ge act iv ities f o r which li a bility insurance is provided. Thi s In suran ce is in excess of any other collec tible ins urance carried by the Lodge or the individu a l, includin g Workme n 's Compensation.
Thi s Insu rance covers the loss of money a nd securities by destruction, disappearance or wrongful abstraction w it hin the Lodge Quarters, or by robbery; a lso if th e loss occurs outside the L odge Quarters while being conveyed to bank or to w ithin t he home o f the M ember.
This Insurance covers lo ss s ustained thro u gh forgery o r a lte r a tion o f Lod ge chec k s or si milar paper s.
($1 ,000)
This I nsurance covers loss to P a r aph erna li a by fire, li ght ning, expl osion, riot , storm, motor veh icl e, a ircraft, smoke, bur glary, etc It does not cover loss o r damage cau sed by war, infidelity of Members , wear a nd tear, moth, etc., or damage done wh il e in t h e course of refinishing, cleaning or rep a 1nng unless fi r e ensues. L odge f u r niture, typewriter, file s, e tc. are not cover ed. ·
This Ins urance covers only the pa i d e mployees of the Lod ge, s uch as Secr etary, Treas u rer, and Tyler, and does not include those emp lo yees w ho a r e paid by M asonic Tem p le A ssociations or other bodi es. P e r son a l mJu r ies caused by acciden t in course of emp l oymen t a r e covered b y this Insurance
NOTE : Each L odge m u st carry its own Unemployment Compen sation I ns urance f o r a n y emp l oyee of th e Lodge w h o is paid more tha n $ 50 .00 a Quart e r.
'Guest Fund' Growing - Increase
In Giving Needed to Reach Goal
It appears that Pennsylvania M aso ns are meeting the Grand M ast er's c h a ll enge to increase the G u est Fund for the Masoni c Homes at Elizabethtown
A s o f t h is date, the total coll ection for the fun d is running more th a n $ 100,000 a h ead o f the same period l ast year.
H owever, unl ess there is a n increase in g i vi n g before t h e closing date of March 15, 19 70 , the coll ection wi ll fall s hort o f th e $5 00,000 goa l set by th e Grand Master.
M a n y Ma son s h ave made sizab l e con tributions to the fund.
Bro. J oh n K. Young , R. W. Gr a nd Ma ster, h as persona ll y thanked P e nnsyl va nia Mason s for responding to his personal appea l. He sa id :
" A s I n ear the e nd o f my t e nure as Grand Ma st er, I am deepl y app r ec i ative of the help and assista nc e I h a ve received from the Brethre n for the M aso nic Homes at E li zabethtown
"Your financial consideration is n eeded and deeply appreciated.
" I ext end t o you and yours a Happy Holiday period , deepl y gra t e f u l at this time for yo u r contributions to the G ue st Fund."
Brethren w ho h ave not se nt the ir contribut ions a nd who do not h ave a postage -free envelope may make checks or money orders payable to a nd send th em t o the Executive Dir e ctor, Ma sonic H omes, Eli za b e thtown , P a 17 022.
Action w ill b e taken a t the Qua rterl y Communication on December 3 on the proposed Amendments to the Ahim a n R ezon which were submitte d at the June Qua rterly Communication. They were discussed briefly in th e August iss ue of The P en nsylvani a Free mason and a copy of the Amendm e nts has also been mailed to each of our Members in their Lodge Notic e. It is proposed to amend Articl e XIII Section 34, to limit the term of newly elected member s o f the Committee on M aso nic Homes to t en year s .
The proposed Ame ndment to Article X, Section 1 ( Sub-section 7) would permit the L odges, if they so desire, to r em it the Grand Lod ge dues of Members who have been in good standing for SO years or more. If this act i on is approved b y a r eso l ution passed b y the Lodge and certified to the Grand Secretary, the Lodg e would be relieved fr om the payment of Grand Lod ge dues f or the se Members.
Another Expression of Gratitude
1700 Oak Avenue
Menlo Park , C alifornia 94025
Se ptember 21, 1969
Mr. William Yeager , Sr. , Chairman
Executi ve Committee, Committee on Maso nic H omes Mason ic H omes Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022
Dear Sir:
Our M o ther , Mrs. Gertrude Teeters , recently passed away at the Masonic H omes. She was a Gues t and also a frequent patient at th e hospital for four years. We cannot speak highly enough of the care and treatment our Mother received at the Ma sonic Homes. Your S taff is d edicated to the highest degree in each department of the Homes Th eir job is n o t an easy one but they treat each Guest with real k indness. We visited the H omes many times and each time were impressed by th e personal attention given Guests by the Staff . We especially want to mention your exce llent facility, The Philadel phia Freemasons' H ospital. Never ha ve we' seen such an efficient hospital as this one . The cleanliness of the patients and the rooms is outstanding. We w ish to express ou r appreciat ion to Dr Linn , Dr. Meck stroth and Dr. Hamb lock while he w as in residence.
Their medical care plus their genuine interest in each patient was most outstanding. W e are most grateful that Mother had such fine doctors. We alsQ wish to express our appreciation to M rs Rathmill and Mr s. Angstead plus the man y other nurses and aides who were dedicated to the patients in the hospital. We were most pleased with the work done at the Frank M iller Funeral H ome. All arrangements between the funeral home and the Masonic Homes w ere handled exceptionally well in every resp ect.
A gain we thank you for maintaining such an excellent Ma s onic H omes We will always be most app reciative o f the proficient care give n o ur Mother.
Sincerely yours,
Mr s. Emil H. Samph
John W Tee ters
Where to Stay In
Brethren desiring to make hotel r eservations in Pittsburgh for the Annu a l Grand Communication have many selections, including:
Hotel Webster Hall, 4415 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1521 3 ; and the Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 3401 Boulevard of the Allies, P ittsb urgh, Pa. 15213, both located in the Oakland section near Syria Mosque, where the Annual Grand will be held:
The hotels m downtown Pittsburgh include:
William Penn Hotel, William Penn Place, Pittsburgh 15222 ; Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 15230; Pick Roosevelt Hotel, 607 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh 15222; and Howa rd Johnson Motor Lodge at Chatham Center, Washington Place, Pittsburgh 1.5219.
Sectional Meeting of School of Instruction
Held at Philadelphia
A most s u ccessful Sectiona l Meeting of t h e School o f Instru ction was h e ld in the Masonic Temp le , Philadel phia, o n October 25, 1969 Eleven District
D eput y Gran d Masters and 367 Lodge
O fficers an d M e mb ers a ttended. Approximately 40 % of those pr esent were atte nding a Sectional M eeti n g for the fir st t im e.
The rehear sa l o f the work was well performed by Officers of Lodges i n the Philade l phia a r ea Cred it must be given to the Pr incip a ls o f the three Phi l adel phia Schools and the ir Ins tructors fo r proficiency of th e work. The R egion a l Instructors most ably conducted the rehearsal.
Th e following are tentative date s fo r S ectional M eetin gs during 1970:
March 7-Harrisburg
Mar ch 14-Un iont own
M arc h 28-N ew Castle
Apri l 4-S cra nton
Ap r il 11- Pittsburgh
April 18-E verett
M ay 9-Pleasant Hills
September 12-0il Ci ty
S e ptember 19 - Seminar for In struct o r s at Everett
September 26 - Phi ladel p hi a
Syria Mosque, located near M as onic Temple , Pittsburgh , where the Annual Grand Communication of Grand Lodge will be held December 2 7 follo wed by the Grand M aster s Luncheon, served in the spacious d ining room of the Mosque. A Special Meeting of Col. Henry Bo uque L odge No. 787, will be h eld here at the Mosque at 3:00 o 'clock, P.M., for the purpose of officially r e ce ivi ng the newly insta lled Grand Master.
Masons and Their Ladies Invited to Attend Grand Master's Banquet and Entertainment - December 27, 1969
One of the hi ghlights of "Masonic Day i n Pittsburgh" will b e the Grand Master's Banquet in t h e P i ttsb u rgh Hilton Hotel at 7 p .m ., December 27 .
F or th e fir st time in known hi story, Pennsylvania Masons an d th eir la d ies have been invited to participate in the banquet that follows the ins t a ll ation of the Grand Master.
Tickets a r e limited to 1, 100. They will be reserved on a first come bas is Masons inte r est e d in att endin g this o ut sta ndin g Banqu et and Ent ertainm ent should complete the coupon prov ided in t hi s issue a nd send it as dir ecte d as soon as possible to ass ure the ir re ceiving tickets.
An o utst a nding e nt ert a inme nt wi ll fo ll ow the banquet
The Pittsburgh Hi lt on Hotel is located a t the apex o f Pittsburgh's Golde n Triangl e as s ho w n on the ph otograph on the first p age of this iss u e. The Grand M aster h as sent letter s to a ll P e nn syl va nia Masonic Lodges , urging them to be represented at " M asonic Day in Pittsburgh" if at a ll possi ble.
Masonic L o dges desiring to s it with their own memb er s a nd la dies at the banquet s hould reserve an enti r e t a bl e.
Th er e are t en places at a table. Those desirin g to m ake reservations
s hould send a check or money order imme di ately to Bro. John A. Hollingsworth , Treasur er , Masonic Temp le, 4227 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, P a 15 2 13
Lodge Secretaries ha ve been reque st ed to include th e followin g i n Lod ge Notices:
"Brethren a nd their Ladies are i nv ited to attend the Grand Ma s ter's Dinner a nd E nterta inm e nt a t 7 p.m ., S a turda y, D ecem b er 27, in the ballroom of t he Pittsb urgh Hilton Hotel. Tickets a r e limi ted to 1 100 a nd cost $ 15 eac h."
Gra nd Lodge Officers a nd the i r Ladies w ill b e ava il a bl e at 6 : 15 p.m. to gr eet Brethren a nd L a dies who a rrive b efore the b a nque t sta rts at 7 p .m. Dress for the banquet is : tuxedo preferred, d ar k s uit acce pta ble.
The Mason ic Temple, Pittsburgh, is one of the largest in the world devoted exclusively to Masonic u se. It is located near the ca m p us of the University of Pittsburgh, on Fifth Avenue between Tennyson and Lytton Avem1es. Brethren attending the Ann ua l Grand Communication on December 27 will have an opportunity to see th is famous Masonic Temple,
Annual Grand to be A First for Pittsburgh
(Continued fro m P age 1)
held in Syria Mos que, 4423 Bigelow Boulevard , O a kl a nd, Pitt sburgh, near the Cath ed ral of Learning of the U niversity of Pittsburgh
All Members of the Mas onic Fraternity have been urged to attend. Sy ria Mosque h as a seatin g cap acity of 3,750
The doors of the Mosque wi ll be open at 8 a .m. Coffee a nd do nu ts w ill be ser ved prior to the open in g of Gra nd L odge a t 10 a .m.
Brethren h ave been caut io n ed to h ave a current du es car d to present upon e nt ering Syria Mosque.
Bro. John K. Young, R. W G r and M as ter, will conduct the business o f Grand Lodge and recei ve the many v isiting Masonic O fficer s from oth er Jurisdict ion s
At High Noon, a new Grand M ast er and other Grand Lodge Officers w ill be installed
In accorda n ce w ith Penn syl vania Masonic Law, a ll Members of t h e Fraternity, r egard less o f whether th ey h ave ev er h e ld Masonic Office, are e nt itled to witness the insta ll ation o f the Grand Ma ster a nd oth er Gra nd Lodge Officers
Afte r the i nstallation cer emonies h ave been concluded, a lunc h eon will be served to the Breth re n in the d i ni n g ro om of Syri a Mosque.
Grand Master to be Received in Lodge 787
Following Installation
Col. Henry B ouquet Lodge, No . 787, w ill officially rec e ive the n ew l y insta ll ed Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania at 3 p.m., Saturday, December 27, at a Specia l Meeting in Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh.
The Grand Master will be accompanied by Grand Lodge Officers includin g District Deputy Grand Ma sters a nd Masonic v is i tors fr o m other jurisdictions.
The Brother w ho will offici a lly become Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 787 at Noon on December 27, will receive the G rand Master.
The Lodge has invited a ll Master Masons, p a rticul a rly those a tte nding the Annu a l Grand Com munic a tion , to remain for the Special Mee t ing to assist the Lod ge in honoring the Grand Master.
Program at Pittsburgh
The sc hedule for "Masonic Day in Pittsburgh" on Sa turd ay, December 27, includes : 8:00 a.m. - Doors of Syria Mosque open for all Brethren.
8:00 a.m.
9:30 a. m.
p.m to - Coffee and doughnuts served in Syria Mosque. - Grand Lodge co nv enes.
Installation of new Gra nd Master and other G rand Lodge O fficers. Lunch for Brethren in di ning roo m of Syria Mosque.
Special Meeting of Col. Henry Bouquet Lodge, No. 787, in Syria Mosque to officially receive the newly installed Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers a nd distinguished guests . All Brethren are i nvited. ·
Receiving line of Grand Lodge Officers and t heir ladies in the Gra nd Ballroom of the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel.
Grand Master's Banquet and Entertainment, Grand Ballroom, P ittsburgh Hi lton Hote l.
Jo hn A. Ho llin gswo rth, Treasurer; Masonic Temple 4227 Fifth A venu e, Pittsburgh, Pd. 15213
Enclose d is my ch e ck for $. f or tickets at $ 15. 00 per ticket. Ten to a table.