The Pennsylvania Freemason - Autumn 1971

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GRAND STAIRCASE, built of highly polished marble from Tennesse e.

GRAND FOYER, elegantly adorned with fountain , inscriptions and paintings

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ROOM, richly furni shed and decorated for leisure of Brethren. GRAND BANQUET HALL, its decor warmly en joy ed by 500 gue sts who attend dinner.

Set Formal Review,

in Philadelphia.

The Grand Master will approve the work after reviewing the exemplification, which will b egin at 7 p.m. in Corinthian Hall.

In morning and afternoon sessions that da y, the regional instructors will cond uct r ehearsals of the work.

Luncheon and dinner w ill be provided the Brethren who desire to dine in the Temple. A nominal price will be charged. All Lodges will be sent complete de tails on the program.

RENAISSANCE HALL, symbolically colored in the brilliant sca rl et of Capitular M ason ry

CORINTHIAN HALL, magnificent meeting toom of Grand Lodge of Pennsylvan ia .

IONIC HALL, an architectural creation which is a cla ss ic s tud y in refinement and e legance.
ORIENTAL HALL, colorfully designed from Pa lace of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
GOTHIC HALL, known as the Asylum of Kni gh t s T em plar. EGYPTIAN HALL, America's only per f ect sp ecimen of Nile Valley style . N ORMAN HALL, whose features are R henish R omanesque

600 Masons Took Journey

To Altoona's Jaffa Mosque


Communication- September 1, 1971

Ja ffa Mos qu e in Alto on a adequ a tely accommodated the 600 Maso n s a t the Sep temb er Qua rterly Coinmunica tion. Quite a few Brothers traveled many miles to a tte nd.

The quarterl y meetin gs of the Committee on Masonic H omes a nd Comm ittee o n Fina nce, as well as the session w i th th e di st ric t deputy gr and ma sters, preceded the Communication.

The cu stomary committee and tru st ee reports were co nci se and enli gh tening . Up on the r ecommendation of th e Committee on App ea ls, the expul sion of a memb er was re moved and he was restored to good Maso nic standing.

Mos t of the amendmen ts to the b ylaws submitted b y 30 Lodges wer e app r oved by Gra nd L od ge in whole or in p art, as recomme nded b y the Committee on By-Laws.

The Committee on Finance reported receipts of $ 1 ,508,28 0 .81 and expenditures of $1,562,730. 60 for th e third fiscal quarter endin g Aug. 15 .

Through the efforts of the Committee on Masonic Culture , many n a mes have been a dded to the Speak er s' Bu rea u. Quite a f ew Lod ges a re es t ablishin g libra ri es and have received a s up p ly of in teres ting books fr om Gr and L odge . A sp ec ial exhibit of Scottish Rite ite ms was p r epare d in the Gra nd Lodge Muse um in anticipation or'' m a n y visitors w ho woul d be attending the Sup r eme Council sess ions in P hiladelp hi a late in September

The Committee on Masonic H omes reported the contract for th e I 16-bed addition to the h os pita l at E lizabetht own h as b een awa r ded to D. S Warfel Associate s , Inc . , o f Lancast er, at a cost s lightly less than $2 ,590,000. The contractor has started wor k on the pr oject and muc h of th e excavation h as be en compl eted. It is h oped that a ll o ur mem bers w ill contribu te generous ly to the Guest and Build ing Fund to h elp me et this large expe nditure

The Committee on Masonic Temples, H alls a nd Lod ge R ooms continues to meet w ith many Lodges that contempla te new or vas tl y improved fac ilities.

On the recommendation of t he Comm ittee on Printing and P ub li shing, the con tract for the 197 1 Proceedin gs was awa rded to George H. Buchanan Co

T he rep or t of the trustees of t h e Patton School for Boys ind ica te d the f a ll classes h ave b eg un w i t h 49 b oys enro ll e d. Bro. H owa rd F Ri ss mille r, Wo rship f ul Mas ter of Puri ta n Lod ge No. 740, W est Reading, wa s h onored as a n out standing Patton a lumnu s and re-

ce ived the Grand Mast er's Aw ard f or 1971. H e was a member of the class of 1960. The sch ool would appreciate receivi ng some m odern shop m ac hinery that is not b eing u sed.

T he Comm ittee on T emple r eported t h at mo st of the prop osed projec ts h ave now been comple ted The ex p end itures for th e fir st ni ne month s of $27 9 ,500 a rc w ith in the budget all ocation.

All the Jur isdictions are cooperating in establ ishing a progra m for the 1976 Bicenten ni al cele br ation in Ph ilad elp hia, as a nn o unced b y our 1976 Commi t tee

As new Field Agent of Masonic Service Association, he handles visitation program at VA Hospital at WilkesBal"l'e. He is member of Plymouth Lodge No. 332.

Harrisburg Awaits Annual Grand

When the Annua l Grand Communication co nve n es D ec . 27 in Harri sburg, i t w ill b e only the third t ime in histor y it has been held outside of Philad elphia.

The Annual Grand a l so will mark one of th e f ew time s that Pennsylva nia Mason s a nd t heir Ladies w ill particip ate in program events.

All Master Mason s and their Ladies are invited to the Vesper Service at 7 :30p.m. Sunday, D ec. 26 in the Scotti sh Ri te Cathedral and Ma sonic Temple at Third and Divi sion Streets, about a mile nor th of the State Capitol.

Bi sh op H ermann W. r es ident bishop of the Harn sburg area, Central Pennsylvania Confe r ence of the Unite d Methodis t Church , w ill b e princip al speaker at the service

The Men and Boys' Cho ir of St. Stephen 's Ep iscop al J:Iarri sburg w ill sing under the duectwn of Michael H. Shoemaker, choir master and organ ist.

Ma ster Masons and their Ladie s a lso w ill attend the Grand Master 's Banquet at 6 :30 p. m. D ec . 27 at the Penn Han:is Motor Inn at Camp Hill, near B arnsburg. All banquet tic k e t s, whic h we!e offered on a fir st c ome, fir st ser ve b as is , h ave bee n sold

Ma ste r Masons only w ill a ttend Grand Lodge when it c onve nes at 10 a. m. D ec . 27 in Zemba Mosque, al so a t Third and Div ision Stre ets. Highligh t of the Communication will be installation of the G r and Mast er a nd othe r Grand Lo dge offi cer s

A lunch eon for the Bre thren will b e hel d at 1: 30 p.m. in the Scottish Rite Cathedral a nd Masonic T emple.

Then at 3 p .m. the newly installed Gra n d Mas ter w ill b e r ece iv ed officially at a special m eeting of Rob ert Burns Lodge No. 464 in the T emple. . . H a rrisburg w ill b e onl y the third city ou tsid e of Phila delphia to ever h os t an An n ual Grand. Pittsburgh 's Syria Mosque was the setting w h en Bro. Hiram P : Ball was ins talled as Grand Master in 19 69 . And in 195 8 Bro . Sanford M. Chilcote was ins talled as Grand Mas ter in the Maso ni c Temple at the' Maso nic H om es at Elizabethtown.

Equity Honors Grand Lodge Library

A Century of Happy Birthdays

Many fond memories undoubtedly fl ashed across the remarkable mind of Bro. Charil:s Higgins (center) , retired Grand Tyler who al so tau ght the ritualistic wo rk for 50 yea rs , as he prepared to cut the cak e at his tOOth birthday celebration last Au g. 12 Among the Brethren who helped hono r him were (left to right) Bro Ashby B. Paul,

, 3333 !'I· Broad St., Philadelphia , where Bro. Higg in s' part y was held. He has been a Guest there smce 1964.

In commemoration of t h e 1OOth anni ve r sary of the Gra n d Lodge Library, Eq uit y Lodge No. 591 in Philad elphi a h el d a spec ial mee ti ng Sept. 24 in Congress H a ll . Bro. George Washi n gt on t ook the oa th as President in t hi s hi sto ric b uildin g, a nd th e fi r st m eet in gs of Cong ress w e re hel d th ere.

Officers Hold Cornerstone Ceremony

Grand Lodge Officers participated in an impressive ceremony Oct. 2 to. syHbolica!ly tf!ice the cornerstone for the new 116-bed extended care facility at the Masomc on::s hn t tzBbethtown . From left are Bro . W. Orville Kimmel, oc ed eBro. Woodall Senior Grand Warden; Bro. John L. McCam, Tumor Gran ar en, an h · Hiram P. Ball, Grand Master, who Ground July 23 f'!r the t reestory brick str ucture which will cost an estimated $3 .5 mtllion to budd and equtp.

York Cochranton Fulfill Dreams

Election Highlights December Quarterly

The e lec tion of Grand Lodge Officer s w ill highli ght the D ecember Quart erly Communication in Phil a d elphia . Grand L odge w ill conven e at 10 a.m. Dec. 1 in the Masonic Temple, One N. Broad St. A lun ch eon for the Bre thren w ill be hel d a t 12:30 p m. in the T emple. At 2 p.m Grand Lodge w ill res ume its labor .

, d' · d f p 2 ) exp e ite catenng. (Cont mue rom age The 137-memb e r Cochranton L odge, a nd, at times, difficult ta sk. It was constitute d in Ja nu a r y of 1961, h ad h el d tingui sh ed b oth by the exemplary dedi- its Sta ted Meetings for 10 years in a n cation and eff ort of a score or so Bre th- Odd Fellows building. r en, as well as the general sup port o f Then in April of 1970 the Cochranall Yor k Mason s ." ton Lodge bought a bus iness property Following the de dic ation, n early off Route 173, just south of the com1 ,200 Brethren, the ir w ives a nd gues ts munity. The stru c ture was a t te nded a banqu e t h e ld at the York into a Temple , w ith an addition bmlt County Fa irgrou nd s An estim ated f or di ni ng a nd kitchen fac ilities Most 5,000 York area r esidents t oured the of the work was d one b y the Bre thren. Templ e d uring a n O c t. 3 open h ou se. Carpeting was bought and theat ertype seats were reupholstered for th.e Grou n dbreaki n g for the Tenw le, . a Lo d ge R oom. An a ir conditioning umt split-level building w ith two ston es 111 was donated by one of the Bre thren front a nd on e in the r ear, was h eld Coch ra n ton L odge No . 790 i s in the Aug . 8, 197 0. 25t h Maso ni c Di stric t , of w hich Bro. The Templ e is situated on an 8.4 John J Allio i s Dis trict Deputy Gra nd acre s ite overloo kin g t h e Nort h York Maste r. Ex i t of Inter state 83. The site was a gift fr om the late Bro. W illia m H. Bake r o n be h a lf of the J E Bake r famil y. There are three m a jor rooms and a lou nge in the Temp le. Ju st off the mai_n e n t ra n ce is the Blu e Room. A bove thi s a rea on the second floor is th e Red Room wh ich is used by th e York Rite The up pe r level a lso includes t h e Ma rqu is de La fa ye tte Room, a n a llpurpose a rea for b a nquets and oth e r eve nt s Kitchen f aci liti es on the fir st fl oo r are li nke d to thi s room b y a dumb -wa iter t o 7

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