Twelve Brethren have been created Pa st District Deputy Grand Maste r s in acco rd
with Masonic l aw. Th ey a re :
Bro. C. Ma x I vins, Past Mas ter of Equi ty Lod ge No. 59 1, Philadelphia. Mason ic District "E."
Bro. Paul F. Hoffer , Pas t Master of Charl es M. Howell Lodge No. 496 , Millersv ille, 1st Masonic Dis tri c t.
Bro. Carl A. Focht , Pa st Master of Chandle r Lodge No. 227, West R eading. 7t h Masonic Di strict.
Bro. Clark W. Howell. Past Master o f New Milford Lodge No. 50 7 , New Milford, 15th Masonic District.
Bro. f ohn f. Allio, Past Maste r of Lodge No. 408, Meadv ille, 25th Maso ni c Di st rict.
Bro. I Burdett e Coldren , Past Master of Faye tte Lodge No. 228, Un ion town , 3 1st Ma so nic District.
Bro. f. Robert S. Aufderheide, Past Master o f All eg h en y Lodge No 22 3 32nd Ma so nic Di strict.
Bro. fohn B. Cottrell, / r. , Past Maste r of George W. Bartra m Lodge No. 298 , Media, 36t h Masonic District
Bro. Herman A. Dotter, Past Ma st er of Azalea Lodge No. 687, Hazleton , 45th Masonic District.
Bro. Theodor e M. Hatter , Pas t Ma ster of Bangor Lodge No. 565, Bangor , 50 th Maso nic District.
Bro. fohn G. Johnson, Past Master o f H ebron L odge No 575, Mercer, 53rd Masonic District.
Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, Pas t Mas te r of Tyrian Lodge No. 6 12 , W ilme rdi ng, 54th Masonic Di strict.
All- Time Attendance Set
At Harrisburg Annual Grand
The Annual Grand Communication in Harrisburg last Dec. 27 attracted the larges t attendance for such an event in the history of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia.
Bro. Ashby B. Paul , R. W. Grand Secretary, said 1,080 Brethren were present when Grand Lodge convened in Zemba Mosque.
The Brethren, he added, repr esented 242 Lodges or 40 per cent of those in Pennsylvania
Distinguished Brethren from nine other Jurisdictions were received and took part in the program. They represe nted Georgia, New Jersey , Connecticut , Rh ode Island, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Ireland.
SPEAKING FOR the distinguished Guests during the activities were Bro. Woodrow W. Morris, M. W. Grand Master of I owll., and Bro. George A. Newbur y, 33°, Sovereign Grand Command er of the Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction .
The highlight of the Annual Grand cam e with the installation of the Grand Lodge Officers . They were elected at the December Quarterly Communication in Philadelphia.
The Quarterly, Bro. Paul reported, was attended b y 807 Bre thren who represented 419 Lodges. He said distinguis hed G ues t s from 24 other Jurisdicti ons were received at the Quarterly, BR O. CHARLES w. J. WHITCROFT w hich was h eld Dec. 1 in Corinthian A ssigned t o Valley Forge Hall of the Masonic T emple
Bro Herbert H. Ja yne s, M. W. Grand Master of Massachusetts, spoke fo r th e di stin guish ed G u es ts. They represe nted 18 states, the District of Columbi a, England, Scotland and Ontario, Nova Scotia an d Q u eb ec, Canada.
IN OTHER ac tion at the December Q uarterly , Bro. Paul repor ted approval of th e merger of 2 Philadelphia Lod ges. He said the merger of Charl es M. Swain Lodge No. 654 into St. Alban Lodge No 529 became effective la st D ec . 8. The merged Lodges are known as St. Alb an-Swa in Lodge No. 529. W ith the merger, there are now 610 Lodges thr oughout the state.
Bro. Seabury Named Regional Instructor
Bro. W illiam L. Seabury, Past Maste r of Acacia Lodge No. 355, Blairsville, ha s b ee n appointed Cen t r al Region I nstructor b y Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R W. Gran d Master
A long-time inst ru ctor of the ritualistic work, Bro. Seabury served th e pa st eig ht yea r s as p rincip a l of the Sch ool of In struction at Ind ia n a, Pa.
He wa s n a med t o rep lace Bro. John M. Smouse of New En terprise, w ho resigned afte r serving 15 years as Ce ntr al Region Ins tru c tor.
New Deputies
Are Appointed In 13 Districts
Thi r teen new Di st ri ct Deputy Grand Masters h ave b ee n appointed b y Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , R. W. Grand Maste r. They are:
Bro H e rb ert f Garber , Past Master of L eona rd Forman Lodge No. 782, Philadelp h ia , Masonic Dist rict "E."
B ro. Charles A . Achey , Jr ., Pa st Master of Lodg e No. 43, Lancaster , 1st Masonic Dis trict.
B ro fo hn R Price, Past Master of Readi ng Lodge No. 549, R ea ding , 7th Masonic Di strict.
Bro. A. Ralph T ay lor, Pa st Master of Warren Lod ge No. 2 40 , Montrose, 15th Masonic District.
Bro. W. Jack Yates, Past Master of Lodge No. 408, Meadville , 25th Maso nic District.
Bro. Eu stace H. Bane, Pas t Master of Laurel Lodge No. 651, Uni on town , 3 1st Masonic District.
B ro . Edward H . Fowler , Jr., Pa st Master of Avalon Lodge No 657 , Bellevue, 32nd Masonic Di st rict.
Bro. H. Dean Smith, Past Master of Che ster Lodge No. 236, Ch ester, 36th Masonic Di strict.
New Field Agent Serves Valley Forge
Bro. Charles W. J. Whitcraft of Malvern h as been appointed a n ew Field Agent of the Masonic Service Association of the United States.
H e h as b een ass igned to car r y ou t visitat ion program services a t Valley Forge Ge neral Hospital at Phoen ixv ille.
A MEMBER OF Cassia Lodge No. 273 in Ardmore, he retired in 1%6 as postmaster at Villanova , Pa. Bro Wh i tcraft, who a ttended Drexel Institute, se r ved in the Adjutant General 's Office during World War II. He was ass igned to the Casual ty Branch. He re ti red in 1968 as a li eu tena nt colone l in the Army Reserve. A past comm ander of the John Winthrop American Legion Post in Bryn Mawr, h e is a member of Valley Forge Chapter No. 444, National Sojourn er s. AS A HOBBYIST, Bro. Whitcraft c u ts and p olish es ge m s tones a nd cre a t es original jewelry des igns in sil ver and gold. He is a m emb er of the Pe nnsylvania Mineralogical Society; the Scie'i1ce Insti tut e of Delaware County; Pe nn sylvania Gu ild of Craftsme n ; a nd the Tu scarora Lapidary Soci ety.
Bro. Walter S. Metzger, Past Ma ster of Lehighton Lodge No. 621 , Le hi ghton, 4 5th Masonic District .
Bro. f ohn H. Parker , Past Master of Pocono Lodge No. 780 , Swiftwate r , 50th Masonic Di strict.
Bro. f ohn H. Crilley, Past Master of Hebron Lodge No. 575, Mercer, 53rd Masonic District .
Br o. B y rl f Johnson, Past Mas te r of Tyrian Lodge No. 644, New Kensi ngton, 54th Masonic Dis trict.
Bro. Gregory L. Chris t , Past Mas te r of Mahano y Cit y Lodge No. 357, Mahanoy City, 58th Masonic Di strict.
School Schedules
9 Sectional Meetings
The 19 72 sch edule f or sectional meetings of the School of Instruction is :
March 4- Harrisburg
March 11 - Washington
March 18 - New Castle
March 25 - Pitts burgh
April 8 - Everett
May 13 -Willia msport
Jun e 3 - Allentown
Septembe r 9 - Kane
September 3 0 - Philadelphia
A seminar for principal s a nd instructors a lso w ill be h eld at Everet t on a date to b e announced
set for the downbeat to start in on one of
Guest Fund Grows
Hillbillies' No Strangers to Giving
The " Hillbillies" of Union Lodge No 259 in New Brighton , Beave r County, are a unique mu sica l group.
The fi ve devotee s of country music are n ot only h aving lots of fun doing th eir thing
IN PROVIDING de lightful entertainment for their audi en ces, the "Hillbillies" a lso are bringing a good measu re of happiness to the Guests at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
For the group con tribut es the moni es it receives fro m playing en gageme nts to the Guest Fund at the Homes . Through their e nt er tainment effo r ts, the '" Hillbillies" have turned over hun dreds of d olla r s to the fund in the past several years.
It was 1967 w hen four members of Union L odge put their talen ts t ogether for the fir st time to p lay on a "Past Masters ' Night" program.
THE ORIGINAL members of th e band are Bro. W illi am C. Bryan, Bro. Irvin L. Mill er, Jr . a nd Bro. James M . Ka rt alia, all Pas t Mas ters of Uni on Lodge, and Bro. James W. W hi ttle, Sr.
The fifth " Hillbill y" who joined th e g roup later is Bro. Emme tt Matee r , a profess ion a l auctionee r a n d heavy equ ipme n t ope ra tor . 3
Bro Mateer is the lead singer w hile Bro. Wh ittl e, a s teel co mp an y foreman, does the ca lling at sq u are dan ces They share th e emcee ch ores as both have bee n top performers o n numerous radio s hows in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio.
When it comes to com ed y skits the comed ian of the "H illbillies" is Bro. Brya n, who works as a turn er at a c hin awa re compan y. Bro. Miller, genera l for eman of a steel firm, is accomplished o n the mandolin and ba nj o but "my favorite is the violin. " T h e ba ss fiddler is Bro. Karta lia , w h o plays professionally in oth er dance bands in the area. He is an indust rial en ginee r.
ASKED WHO w ield s the b a ton for the "Hillbillies," Bro. Whittle r emarked:
"No one, really. We just get the downbeat and st a rt right in."
In the beginning , the popular grou p only played at Un ion Lodge activiti es. But Bro. Rob ert Batto, Di strict Deputy Grand Master of the 37th Masonic Di strict, said so man y requ es ts for the "Hillbillies" ca me in from other Lodges, fraternal club s and ch urch es that th ey b egan ac cepting the se engagements.
their fa vorite country tunes are the four original members of the "Hillbillies" of Union Lodge No. 259 in New Brighton They are Bro. William C. Bryan (foreground ) a Past Master of the Lodge, a nd (left to right tear) Bros. James W. Whittle, Sr., James M. Kartalia, a Past Master and Irvin L. Miller, Jr., also a Past Master. Bro. Emmett Mateer, the fifth member of the band wasn't able to be on hand for the photo
Memories of An Unforgettable Time
It was an inspiring scene as 1,080 Masons assembled in Harrisburg's Zembo Mosque on Dec . 27 to take part in the Annual Grand Communication.
The gathering, including distinguished Brethren from nine other Jurisdictions, was the largest to attend such an event in the history of Grand Lodge.
The highlight was the installation of Grand Lodge Officers with Bro W. Orville Kimmel, a Harrisburg funeral director, civic and church leader, being installed as R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Penn sy lvania .
Other activities included the Grand Master's Banquet in the Penn Harri s Motor Inn at Camp Hill. More than 1,000 distinguished Guests and their Ladies attended.
A vesper service was held Sunday, Dec. 26 in the Scottish Rite Cathedral and Masonic Temple. Bro. Hermann W. Kaebnick, resident bishop of the Harrisburg area, Central Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church, was the principal speaker.
The Men and Boys' Choir of St. Stephen's Episcopal Cathedral sang, directed by Michael H. Shoemaker, choir master and organist.
State Jurist Installed
As Junior Grand Warden
P. Wells Coudersport , president .iudge of Pen nsylvania's 55th Judtctal Dtstnct , has been mstalled as R. W. Junior Grand Warden of the Grand .of Free. and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.
Hts to the high office took place Dec. 27 , 1971 at the Annual Grand Commumcat10n of the Grand Lodge held in Zembo Mosque in Harrisburg.
BRO WELLS has been a member of Grand Lodge 's Committee on Ma so ni c Homes for five years.
He is a Past Master and member of Eulalia Lodge No. 342, F. & A. M., in Coudersport.
He was honored in 1955 for his years of Masonic work when he was coroneted an honorary Thirty-third Degree Scottish Rite Mason.
Bro. Wells has been a trustee of the Scottish Rite Bodies , Va lley of Coudersport , of wh ich he is a member, for the past 30 years. He served as commanderin-chief of the Coudersport Consistory from 1963 to 1966.
HE IS A Past Wise Master of the Coudersport Chapter of Rose Croix.
In York Rite Masonry, Bro. We ll s is a Past High Priest and member of Coudersport Royal Arch Chapter No. 263; and a member of Coudersport Council No. 63 and Pott er Commande ry No. 69
He i s a member of Jaffa Temple in Altoona; Altoona Court No. 70, Royal Order of Jesters; Royal Order of land; Pennsylvania College of the Society of Rosicrucians; Americ an Lodge o f Re search of the Grand Lodge of New York; and the Masonic Stamp Club of New York.
In last Nove mber 's genera l election, Bro. Wells was retained for another term as pres ident judge. H e h as held the seat for the past 20 years.
BRO. WELLS was district attorney of Potter County for 19 years before resigning in 19 52 to go on the bench. In 19 50. h e serveci as Pres ident of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys' Association.
He has been active in many ·civic groups and com munity projects in Potter County and Coudersport, where he was born .
Bro. Wells is a director of the First National Bank of Coudersport and was president and a director of the Coudersport & Port Alleghany Railroad until firm was bought by other r a ilroad mteres ts
He is a member of Christ Protestant Church in Coudersport, havmg served as a vestryman.
WELLS fir s t entered law practice m Coudersport w ith his late fath er ,
John Walter Wells following his graduation from the Dickin so n School of Law. Before entering Dickin son . Bro. Wells was graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor of science degree in economics.
He was admitted to the Potter CounBar in 1931 and holds membe rships m the county, Pennsylvania and American Bar Associations and the American Judicature Society. He also is a member of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the American Revolution and the Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania.
Bro. Wells and his wife, the former Anne Mu lli gan, have four children, John Walter II, Rosemary Anne, Christopher Arthur and Patricia Anne. The family resides at 204 Allegheny Ave. in Coudersport.
4 New Floor Officers Appointed
Four new Grand Lodge floor officers · fl 1 , have been appointed by Bro. W. Orville ,, Kimmel, R. W. Grand Master They are:
Bro. William G. Rusch Past Master of Wash ington Lodge 164, Washington , Grand Chaplain.
Bro. William E. Yeager , Jr. , Past Master of Joseph Warren Lodge No. 726, Warren, Senior Grand Deacon.
Bro. f. Reese Beyrent, Pa s t Mas t er of Steelton-Swatara Lodge No. 775, Steelton, Grand Sword Bearer.
Bro. Walter B. Wilson, Past Master of Eureka Lodge No. 302, Mechanicsburg, Grand Pursuivant.
Five floor officers were reappointed. They are:
Bro. Thomas H. Burgess, Past Master of Azalea Lodge No. 687 Hazleton Tunior Grand Deacon. '
Bro Wilmer E. King, Past Master of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464, Harrisburg, Grand Steward.
Bro. William L. Mullan, Past Master of Quaker City Lodge No. 724, Chestnut Hill, Grand Steward.
BRO WALTER P. WELLS R. W. Jun ior Grand Warden
Bro. Kimmel Takes Office As State's Grand Master
(Continued from Page 1)
H e was a member of the Consistory's Board of Trustees from March, 1961 to February, 1967. He formerly served as chairman of both the Consistory's Committee on Invest ments a nd the Building Committee.
BRO KIMMEL se rv ed as Thrice Potent Master of the Harris burg Lod ge of Perfection from May, 1949 to May, 1950.
In York Rite Masonry, he is a memb er of Perseverance Royal Arch Chapter No. 21; Harrisburg Council No. 7: Pilgrim Commandery No. 11; and Trinity Conclave No. 4, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, all of Harrisburg. Bro. Kimmel is a membe r of Zemba Temple in Harrisburg ; past president of the Z embo Temple Luncheon Club; and an h onorary member of Harrisburg Chapter No. 76, National Sojourners. HE HAS BEEN awarded the honorary Legion of Honor Degree by the Interna tional Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay.
A lifelong resident of Harrisburg, Bro. Kimmel has owned and operated a fune ral home there for the pas t 35 years
He attended Penn State University and was graduated from the Cinc inn ati (Ohio) College of Mortuary Science. H e has been a trustee of Findlay College in Ohio for the pa st 20 years. Bro. Kimmel was a member of the Harrisburg Housing Authority and formerl y served six years on the board of directors of the H a rri sburg School Dist rict.
HE WAS A member of the board of directors of Bethesda Miss ion and also was chairman of the Commission on Publications of the Central Publishing Hou se, both in Harrisb urg.
Bro. Kimmel is a past president of the Harrisburg Kiwanis Club and past state program chairman of Kiwanis International.
A life memb er of the Green Street Church of God in Harrisb urg, h e formerly served as president of the Church Council, superintende nt of the Sunday School and teacher of the Men's Bibl e Class.
Bro. and Mrs. Kimmel , the former Florenda H. Lefever of New Cumberland, have one daughter, Mrs. Lorna Baer of H a rrisburg
Bro. George N. Holmes , Past Master of Col. Henry Bouquet Lodge No. 787, Pitts burgh, Grand Marshal.
Bro. Charles S Reyner, Past Master of Fort Washington Lodge No . 308, Fort Washington, Grand Tyler.
Fifteen Grand Chaplains also were reappointed
Officers Installed Members Elected To Homes Committee
(Continued from Page 1)
delphia engineer, R. W. Grand Treasurer.
Bro. A shby B. Paul of Harrisburg R W. Grand Secretary. '
A ll the elected Grand Lodge Officers also will se rv e as members of the Committee on Masonic Hom es. It operates the Masonic Home s at Elizabethtown.
Others elected to the Committee on Masonic Homes ar e:
Bro. William E. Yeager, R. W. Past Grand Master, of Warren .
Bro. Robert E. Woodside, Jr. , of Harn sburg.
Bro. Sco_tt C. Rea of Sunbury.
Bro. Ellzs E. Stern of Coatesville.
Bro Milton Fritsche of Douglassville.
Bro. Theodore K. Warner Jr. Past District Deputy Grand of Devon
.Bro. Samuel C . Williamson , Past Distnct Deputy Grand Ma ste r, of Pitt sburgh.
Memorable Moment at Annual Grand
A Me,bgs ofd Robert Burns Lo.dge 464 in Harrisburg especially rendered honors at the nnua. ran to Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W . Grand Master (far left) who served as Wor.shipful Master of the Lodge in 1947. Here at the Grand Master's Bro Kimmel rhceLeds a cong.ratulato!y handshake from Bro . John P. Tate, the oldest living Past Master of t. e o ge while looking on !Ire Bro. Charles !J· Howard, the immediate Past Master (far right), and Bro. Robert L. Sm1th, presently servmg as Worshipful Master.
Reunions Top Highlights
Springtime Offers Busy Itinerary
The schedu le for Grand Lodge Officers the next three months includes:
March 1 - Quarterly Communication Masonic Temple, Phil ad elphia.
March 24 -;- Gra nd Lodge. Officers, meeting, Comm ittee on Masomc H omes, Elizabethtown.
March 25 - Grand Master, tOOth Anniversary, Jerusalem Lodge No. 506, Philadelphia.
28 - Grand Mas ter, Informal VisitaRobert Burns Lodge No. 464, Harnsburg
April 22 - Senior Grand Warden, 7iith Anm versary, Jam es Cochran Lodge No. 6 14, Dawson.
April 28 -:- Grand Lodge Officers, m eeti n g, Com mittee on Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.
April 29 - Lodge Officers, Special Commumcation, dedicate Lodge Room Evergreen Lodge No. t6 3, Monroeton.'
May 5 - Grand Mas ter, Spring Reunion Caldwell Consistory, Bloomsburg. '
May 6 - Gr and Master, tOOth Anniversary Pollock Lod ge No. 502 Tarentum.
May 13 - Grand Mas ter , Sco tti s h Rite Class for Grand Mas ter, Lehigh ConSisto ry, Allentown.
May 18-19- Grand Master, Spri ng Reunion H arrisburg Consistory, Harri sburg. '
May 20 - Grand Master, tOOth Anniversary, Mahoning Lodge No . 5t6, Danville
May 21-24 - Grand Maste r, Grand Con: c lave, Grand Commandery of Kni ghts Templar, Johns town.
May 26 ----: Grand Lod ge Officers, m ee tin g, Co mmitte e on Maso nic H om es, Eli z a-
beth town.
May 27 - Grand Lodge Office r s , Special Communication, dedicate Lod ge Ro o m Moscow Lod ge No. 504, Moscow.
Father and Son
Share Great Joys
An Allentown fath e r and his son have just s hared one of the greatest experiences of their Masonic lives - serving as Worshipful Ma s ters of their Lodges. Bro. Samuel J. Snyder of Allentown was Worshipful Master of Emmaus Lodge No. 792 thi s past Masonic year At the same time his so n, Bro. Ralp h S. Snyder of Weatherly, served in the East at Fidelity Lodge No. 655 in WilkesBarre.
They have sha red other great Maso nic joys together. One came in early 1968 when the father conferred the three degrees in Freemasonry on h is son. And another came when the so n was privileged to attend his father's in stallation as Worshipful Master.