
A Sl ,20 0 contribution to Grand Lodge is only the beginning effort by Pennsylvan ia's DeMolay yo uths to rai se fun ds for the 116-bed extended care build in g being built at th e Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
Ste phen R. L ogan, State Master Councilor of D eMola y in Pennsylvania, sa id through the remain de r of 1972 addit ional amou nts will b e contributed toward the n ew building as th is is t h e major sta tew id e DeM olay project for thi s yea r.
AS DeMOLAY'S INITIAL co n tr ib utio n , h e presented a $ 1,200 check las t June 16 to Bro. Rochester B. Woodall , R. W . D eputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.
Prese ntati o n of awards
mbers of the 1972
hi gh li gh ted th e June 3 comme n cement exe rc ises o f Patton Masonic Schoo l for Boys
Te n se ni ors received their diplom as at the exe rcises h e l d in the George H De ike Auditori um at the Masonic H omes in Elizabethtown.
ROBERT L BACHICH, who was s pon sored b y St. Alban-S w ain Lodge No. 529, Phi ladelphia , received three awards.
He was presented the Academic Aw a rd f or ou tstanding achieveme nt in th e cla ss room; the Read er's Diges t Awa rd as the c lass vale dictorian and the American Legion Award for showin g mer it s of honor, cour age, sch ol arshi p, leade rs hip and service.
G le nn W . Mille r , who was spo nsored by Vi c tory Lo dge No. 694, Butler, was p rese nte d two awards.
H e received the Pa t ton Alumni Award as the boy overcoming the greatest obstacles and the D e Mol a y Award for hi s wor k in that youth organization.
KIM J. CHALLENGER, who was spo nso re d by Cressona Lodge No. 4 26, C resso na, received th e Essay Awa rd for w ritin g the bes t essay on " What Patton Mea ns to Me."
Larry A. Boo ne, w h o w as spon so re d by Lo d ge No. 62, Readin g, was presented the Ath le tic Award for achi eve me nt and lead ersh ip in at hle tics.
E. Ward Jr. , who was sp onso re d by F ran klin Lod ge N o. 22 1, Pitts-
(Cont inued on Page 7)
An Eliza be thtown a lumnus of Pa tton Masonic School f or Boys h as b een honored as an o u ts ta nding gr ad uate of the school.
Bro. Cl a ude S. Groff, 62, received th e hon or at the June 3 comme n cemen t of Pa tto n Sc h ool , w h e re h e starred in s port s an d we nt on to b ecome a popular teach e r a nd at hl etic coach there .
BRO . GROFF was present ed th e G ra n d Ma s te r' s Award for 1972 in recog niti o n of hi s d e dication a nd cont inu e d inte res t in the sch ool sin ce his gra du at ion in 1932.
The awa rd , wh ic h is given annually to th e o uts tandin g graduate, was presented by Bro. W. Orville Kimme l, R. W. Grand M aste r.
During hi s stude nt da ys at Patton , Bro . G roff was an ou tstand ing football lineman and p layed va r si ty ba sk etb a ll three yea r s. H e a lso wa s pres ide nt of the Hi -Y a nd a memb er of the Leaders Cl ub.
WHEN HE WAS grad uated in 1932, Bro. G ro ff r ece ive d th e "E li zabeth Gats ha ll S mith Award." It i s presente d to t he Pa tt on se n io r who h as sh own the
greatest influe n ce for good and wholeso me lea dersh ip.
Bro. Groff atten ded Penn St a te Univers ity w here h e received h is maste r's eq ui valent degree. H e also received a perma ne n t cer tifi cate for teaching f ro m t h e State D ep artme n t of Public Instru c· tio n R eturni ng to Patton School in 1936 as a faculty member, h e ta u ght machi n e shop there for the next 20 yea r s. He a lso coached th e football and tr ack team s. Sin ce 1956 Bro Groff, w ho lives in Elizabethtown at 132 E. Par k S t., h as been teac hi ng in the D e rr y Towns hip Schools a t H ersh ey.
THE PATTON Sch ool yearboo k s were dedi ca ted to h im in 1944 an d 195 1 H e also was h onored b y the alu mn i a t a tes timon ia l di nner in Octob er, 1965.
Bro G r o ff is a mem b e r of Wash in gton Lodge No. 156 in Quarryville, the Lodge which spon sored him w h en h e ente red Patton School in 1928. He al so is a me mbe r o f th e H a rrisburg Cons istory and the La ncaste r Lodge o f Perfec tion.
The presentation was made at the awards banquet during the 37th Annual Conclave of the Associated Chapters , O rd e r of D eMo lay of Pennsylvania. T he banquet was held at the H o li day In n of V a lley Forge
At that time State Master Councilor Loga n said 82 DeMolay chapte rs i n Pen nsyl vani a are engage d in various proj ects to rai se funds for the extended care building. The chapters, he added , a re h olding car was h es, various p r od u c t sales, d ances , amateu r t h eatrical shows a nd e ntertainments.
Furthe r explainin g the D eMol ay project, h e s tated:
uNO ANNOUNCEMENT of the purpose of these events is made, no dollar quota has been set and participation is vo lun ta r y o n the part of each chapter.
"The result, therefore, is a true representation of D eMolay's sincere in terest in this fi ne Masonic ch arity . It is also a small express ion of our deep gratitude f o r t h e sup p or t DeMol ay has received from Ma son ry."
T h e Masonic H omes at Elizabethtown has immediate openings in several job classifications, inclu d ing supervisory p e rsonne l.
Bro. Robert W. Wes tcott executive director of the Homes, sa id jobs are open f o r a night supervisor at the 300ge ri_atric hospital ; a dietary superVI sor; d ieta r y a ides; nurses' aides a n d an experienced plumber.
\YESTCOTT said housing is availa ble, 1£ desired, f or the p l umber. Room and board, he a dded, is ava ilabl e for the ot he r jobs.
He poi nted out the Maso nic H omes h as a n excelle nt fringe benefit program.
In teres ted person s sh ould contact Bro. W es tcott at the Masonic H omes , Elizabe thtow n, Pa 17022
There are 608 Symbolic L odges in Pennsylvan ia s ince the approval of two mergers involving Lodges in Philadelphia and in Susquehanna County
Bro. Ashb y B. Paul, R. W. Gra n d Secretary, reported the mergers were approved at the June Q uar terly Communication in Allentown .
THE MER GER OF Phoen ix Lod ge No. 130, of P h il adelp hi a, into Mount Horeb L odge No . 52 8, o f Phil adelp h ia , was effect ive Ju ne 7 . It then became k nown as Mount H o re b-Ph oeni x Lo dge No. 528.
The merger of Forest City Lodge No. 439 into Mount H ermon L odge No 4 72 , to be known as Mount Hermon Lo d ge No. 472, was effective July 1. The Lodge is in Uniondale, Susquehan n a County . At the beginning of the Masonic Year last D ec . 27 there were 6 10 Lodges in Pennsylvania. T he member sh ip as of that date stood at 239,720 Masons, accordi ng to Bro. Pa ul.
HE REPORTED 593 Breth ren r epresenting 199 Lodges atte n ded the J une Quarterl y Bro P aul also announced that Bro Alfred N. Sayres, 78, a Grand Chaplain 3
for more t han 22 years, was c alled by deat h on June 4. Bro Sa yres, of Neffsville, was a member of Lamberton Lodge No 4 76, Lancaster
The prize-win ning Ayrs h ire da iry cattle at the Masonic H omes at Elizabethtown have won mo re n ational ho nors . The newest awards were presented recently at the 97th annua l Nationa l Ayrs hire Dairy Cattle Con vention held in R ochester, Minn Nearl y all the states were represented, in a d dition to four Canadian Provinces and Gu atemala.
THE MASONIC H omes received a coveted French Memorial Trophy which is awarded in me m or y of J. D. W. French, an Ayrshire b reeder of great renown. The trop h y is for outstanding milk production for herds enrolled in official m il k testing progra ms. The Homes has the second h ighest milk production for Ayrshire herds of 57 to 100 cows
T he Masonic H omes , which h as 92 cows, also w on its seventh consecutive Bree der Award.
BUSY FACILITY-Impressive recreation building and Masonic Temple (above) were dedicated April26, 1958. R ecreation structure has auditorium, stage , game room and dance floor.
GATEWAY-Tre e-lined "Freemason Driv e" is main entrance to picturesque 1,600 acres.
SELL CHAPEL-D edicated as memorial in memory of Bro. f ohnS. Sell of Greensburg, a Past Grand Master.
GOTHIC INT ERI OR-Oak pews seat 400 persons in chapel, which is open f or ser vices " to ministers of any and all chu rches."
DAMA N BUILDING-Nestled i n sc en ic area , it was erected in 1915 as firs t structu re for G uests.
POPULAR PLACE-Patio at rea r of Grand L odge H all is favo rite spot fo r G uests to rest and relax . I t overlooks beautiful Vill age G reen.
GARDENS-A large fountain and reflecting pool are features of formal gardens . G uests and visitors enjoy roses, exotic flowers and aquatic plants.
McKEE BUILDING-Left is rear v iew of beautifully landscaped structure, while a rchway which cuts th rough bu ild ing (below) provides passageway fo r Village G reen Ro ad.
Bro. Warren M. Maurer·, 44, a professor and chairm an of the e duca tion d epartme nt at York (Pa.) College, is the new superintendent of P a tton Masonic School f o r Boys at Elizabethtown.
Bro. Maurer's appointme nt, effective Jul y 1, was announced by the board of trustees at Patton School.
HE Bro . John W . Kopp, who retired after a 43-yea r career in education. Bro. Kopp was at Patton six years.
Bro. Maurer is a memb er of Mo shannon !--odge No. 391 , Philip sb urg; the Scottish Rite Bod ies, Valley of Williamsport; and Irem T emple, Wilkes-Barre .
A gra duate of Philip sburg Jiigh School , Bro. Maure r earned hi s bachelo r of sc ien ce degree at Penn State Universi ty. H e received his master's degree from Stout Sta te University at Men omonie , Wis. , and his doctorate d egr ee from Penn State.
Bro. Maurer's 17 years in education include six years of teaching in the Los Angeles (Cal.) city schools Greater Gallitzen (Pa.) Area School; and the Muncy (Pa.) Area Schools.
IN 1962 HE was name d director of teacher ed ucation and pl ace ment a t Dickin son College a t Carlisle, Pa., and serve d seven years in the post.
Before joining the fa cul ty at York College in 1970, Bro. Maurer was associated with th e Graduate School of Education at Lehigh University and the Northampton County Boa rd of Education. He served both as director of the project TEAMS (Teacher Education throu gh .Advanced Models Sys te m s .)
A res1dent of Carlisle the past 10 yea rs, Bro. Maurer has authored numero us articles and position papers in the field of education.
IS PAST president of the Central Reg10 n , Pennsylvania Association for Student Teaching, and past president of the York Chapter, American Association of l!niversity Professors. H e holds professiOnal m em bershi ps in many national educat ion gro ups.
Bro. Maurer also is an h onora ry life membe r a nd former vice president of the Eastern Inte rcoll egia te Wrestling Officials Association.
With the U.S. Army as an enli sted from 1946-48, Bro. Maurer worked m the administrative service on the a tomic bomb project. He was s tationed at Base in New Mexico and o n Emwetok Atoll in the P acific.
HE SERVED AS a n officer in th e U.S. Army from 195 1 t o 1954 While
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. Grand Master, has been presented two coveted Masonic medal s by Grand Lodges which h e visited.
H e was awarded the Christop her Champlin Medal " for outstanding Masonic ac hie vement" by the Grand Lodge of Rhode I sland
THE BRONZE Champlin Medal, named for Rhode I sland's first Grand Maste1·, is the highest h o nor that Grand Lod ge co nfers o n a Mas o n from another Jurisdiction.
Bro. Kimmel was presented the m edal last May 15 during the 181 st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Rhod e I sland held in Providence.
H e also r ece ived a high honor l ast June 10 at the 107th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Nova Sco tia h eld in D a rtmouth , Nova Scotia.
s ta tioned in G ermany, he was commander of an en gineers ' combat unit and la ter was named director of the Seventh Army' s sp ec ial troops' athletic programs.
Bro Maurer and hi s wife, June, h ave a son, Mark, at h om e, and two daugh!ers, Mrs. William E. Sne ll Jr. , of Readmg , and Mrs. Robert D . Harvey of Carlisle.
BRO. KIMMEL was presented "The Erasmus James Philips Medal," which b ears the Grea t Seal of the Grand Lod ge of Nova Scotia on one side and the burning lamp over an open book on the other The medal is named in h onor of the first Provincial Grand !Vlaster preside over a Masonic Lodge m the Bntlsh overseas possessions. That Lodge meeting was h eld at Annapolis Roy a l in 1731.
The sch e dule for Grand Lodge Officers the next three months include s:
September 6 - Quarterly Communication Masonic Temple, Philadelphia.
September 9 -G ra nd Master, 100th Anniversary, Quakert own Lodge No. 512, Quakertown.
September 16 - Grand Master, 100th Anniversary, Osceola Lodge No. 515, O sceol a Mills.
September 16 - Deputy Grand Master 12 5th Anniversary, Danville Lodge 224 D anv ille. ·
September 18-28 - Grand Master, 160th anmeeting, Supreme Council, Scotti sh Rite, Boston.
29 -.Grand Lodge Officers, meetmg, Commit tee on Masonic Homes Elizabethtown. '
September 30 - Grand Master, tOOth Anniversary, New Milford Lodge No. 507, New Milford.
October 6. GI:and Lodge Officers, Special Commumcat10n, d edica te Lodge Ro om Garfi eld Lod ge No 604, McDonald.
October 7 - Gra nd Mas ter , 100th Anniver6
sary, Guyasuta Lodge No. 513, Pittsburgh.
October 13 - Deputy Grand Master 50th Anniversary, Uni ty Lodge No. 719; Ardmore.
October t4 - Grand Ma ster, tOO th Anniversary, Sharpsv ille Lodge No. 5 t7, Sharpsville.
October 2t - Grand Master, 100th Anniversary, Shenandoah Lodge No. 511, Shenandoah.
Octo_ber 27 - <;>rand Lodge Officers, meetmg, Comm ittee on Masonic H omes Elizabethtown.
October 28 - Grand Master, tOOth Anniversary, Westmoreland Lodge No. 518, Greensburg.
Nover,nber 4 - Lodge Officers, SpeCia l Co mmum cation, dedicate L odge Room, Troja n Lodge No 306, Tro y.
November 11 - Grand Master Scottish Rite Bodi es, Altoona.
November t8 - Grand Master 72nd Annu a l J3-eunion, William sport Willi amsport.
November 25 - Grand Mas t e r Scottis h Ritt: Bodies , Pitts burgh.
Bro. Stanley R. Nauman of Cresco, Pa., who becomes a 50-year member of the Craft next month, has had the great pleasure of seeing each of his five sons pictured with him here raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Left to right are Bros. Charles M., Paul E., their father, John R., George B., and Frank A. Nauman. All are members of Pocono Lodge No. 780 in Swiftwater. In fact, Bro. John R. Nauman is a Past Master of Barger Lodge No. 325, Stroudsburg, and the Pocono Lodge.
(Con tinued from Page 1) needy Masons who h ave a legitimate financial n eed.
R equests for s uch gifts mus t be made to eith e r the Worshipful Master or Secretary of the Lodge. H e w ill make an immediate investiga tion to de termine the Brother's need, a nd then cer tif y s uch to the District Deputy Grand Master.
AFTER THE Dis tri ct Deputy makes his immediate inves tigat io n , or is sat isfied that the need exists, he will so ce r tify to the Grand Master.
Bro. Kimmel sa id the three-member comm ittee will review a ll gift requests from the District Deputies. If the gift i s approved, the Brother making the req ue s t will r ece ive a check from Grand Lodge.
Under the seco nd phase of the relief program, Grand Lodge w ill provide low interest loans of up to $5,000 to P enns ylvan ia Masons. These loa n s w ill enabl e those hit b y the flo od to r efurnish. r e model or rep l ace damaged furnitur e and housing.
Bro. Kimm e l sa id the loan s w ill be repayable w i thi n six years.
ALL LOANS, h e added, w ill be intere s t free the fir s t three yea r s The intere s t rate for the rema ining three years w ill be four p er cent per annum Loan applica tio n s are available through the Secretary of the Lodge or the D is tri ct Deputy Grand Master.
Bro. Kimmel also cited the need to assis t local organ ization s doing ou ts tand in g work in flood di s tressed com-
(Continued from Page 1)
will help buy a new passenger bus which the Guests urgently need for transpo rtation. The bus presently in service a t the H omes mu s t b e replaced, he added.
Your contribution also w ill help pay for th e costly installation of smoke detectors in the Guests' buildings. This work project is required to meet state fire sa fe ty r equirements.
THE 1972 FUND will provide the Guests with everyday living necessities , an d it will help buy furni shings for their rooms.
Bro Kimmel said the fund drive will end next March 15 . In a nnouncing the goal, he expressed appreciation and perso nal thank s to every Brother who took part in the 1971 fund campaign. When las t year's goal was $ 1,000 ,000 , Pennsylvania Masons contributed an all-time r ecord $1,280,073 to the fund.
H e said gifts up to $1,000 are being made ava il ab le to such gro ups.
R e quests for such gifts must be made through the District D eputy Grand Master. Each request mu st have his specific recommendation before being acted upon by the Grand Lo d ge committee. If approved by the committee, a ch eck w ill be sent th e organi za tion.
BRO. KIMMEL also s tresse d that Grand Lodge w ill assist, as much as possible, in re s toring Masonic Temples which were heavily damage d by flood waters.
Before acting on this fourth pha se of the relief program, Bro Kimmel s aid Grand Lodge must kno w the exten t of damage to the Masonic T emple and the est imated cos t to res tore it. , He urged the District Deputy Grand Mas ters and Lodges throughout the Jurisdiction to provide such information as soon as possible.
(Continued from Page 2) burgh , received the Elizabeth Gatshall Smit h Award as the boy who s howed the greatest influence for good and wholesome leadership.
D e nnis C. Wiggins, who was sponsored by Washington Lodge No. 156, Quarryville, r eceived the William H. Van Voorh ee s Cra ftsman Award a s the mo s t outs t a ndin g craft sman in the cla ss
(A listing of Lodges and Breth ren who were major contributors to the 1971 fund was to have been published in this edition. However, data is s till being compiled on the rooms and furnishings which will be dedicated as memorials in their honor in the new 116bed extended care building being built at the Masonic Homes. The list of these contributors w ill now be printed in the November edition of " Th e Pennsylvania Freemason.")
BRO. KIMMEL p ointed o ut that contributions to the "Gues t and Building Fund" are deductible for income tax purposes.
Check s o r money orders should be made p ayable to the "Masonic H om es Guest and Building Fund. " They s hould b e mailed to the Executive Director, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa 17022. For your conv e ni ence, the telephone numbers at the Masonic Tem ple, Philade lphia, are as follows:
Grand Mastel s Office
215 - LOcust 7 -5582
Grand Secretary's Office
215 - LOcust 7-4156
Librarian and Curator's Office
215 - LOcust 7-4190
Superintendent's Office
215 - LOcust 7-5674