Fe bruary, May, August and November at Masonic Homes, El izabethtown, Pennsylva nia, by The Right Worsh ipful Grand Lodg e of The Most Ancient and Honorable F•aternity of Free and Ac· cepte d Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris· diction Thereonto Belonging.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Fraternity Restores 'Lost' Brother
T hirty-nine yea rs is a long time to have been a "lost" Brother.
But after all that time the "lost " Joseph T. Portman somehow remembered o ne beautiful thing - the light of Masonry - that had touched him durin g 82 years of living .
SOMETHING, MAYBE it was the Supreme Architect's h andiwork , triggered the hospitalized Portman's m emory just a few months ago when h e remembered to a visitor his wonderful experience of being a Mason.
Portman r emembered even though he was severely gassed on a World War I battlefield , and has spent practically his entire life since in Army hospitals. T he past 24 years h e has been a patient in the Lebanon Vete rans Hospital at Lebanon , Pa
Lu Shrine Templ e in Philadelphia which, h e said, h e joined shortly af ter his return from the World War I fighting front.
By coincidence, the visitor who s topped by ju st to make Portman's day more pleasurable was Bro. Edward L. Vice of Harrisburg. A Field Agent for the Maso nic Service Association of the United States, Bro. Vice carries ou t its visitation program at Lebanon Veterans Hospital. T he program in this state is financed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
After writing to the secretary of Stiver Gate Lodge about his v isit w ith Portman, Bro. Vice received word back that a ch eck of the r ecords showed the Lodge never had a m emb er by that name
Itinerary Highlights
Masters' Nights
The schedule for Grand Lodge Officers the next three months includes:
December 6 - Grand Lodge Officers, D ecem b er Quarte rl y Com munication P hiladelphia.
December 7 - Grand Lodge Officers, Gra nd Chapter Quarterly Communication Philadelphia.
December 8 - Grand Lodge Officers meeting, Committee on Ma sonic Homes Eli zabe thtow n.
December 27 - Grand Lodge O fficers , Annual Gra nd Com mu n ication Philade lphia
January 13 - G rand Mas ter, Master s' Night, s ponso red b y Lu Lu Temple, A.A.O N M. S., Masonic Temple, Philadelphi a .
January 26 - G r and Lo d ge Officers mee t· ing , Committee on Masoni c Home s Elizabe thtown.
February 19-21 - G rand Lodge Officers , Con fe rence of Grand Ma ste r s, Washington , D.C.
Feb r uary 23 - Grand Lod ge Officer s me et· ing Committee on Maso ni c Homes Elizabethtow n. '
February 24 -G r and Mas ter Masters' Nigh t , spo n sored by Syri; Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Syria Mosque, Pitt sbu rgh.
Installation Ceremony
Climaxes Annual Grand
T he installa tion of Grand Lodge officers will climax the Annual Gra nd Communication Dec 27 in the Ma so nic Temple, Philadelphia.
Grand Lodge w ill convene a t 10 a. m. in Corinthi an H all. All Master Maso ns are invited . A luncheon for the Brethren w ill b e held at 1: 30 p.m . in the Gra nd Banquet R oom .
Bro. Frederick R.
482, second vice-president. AU are Past Masters of the1r Lodges, which meet in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.
'50 -Year Boys' Unique
Old Age Keeps the Ancients Going
The Craft is centuries old, yet Pennsylvania has a Masonic body so distinct it's u nmatched any place else in the world.
Known as "The Masonic Ancients of Pennsylva nia," all its members have been Master Masons for 50 years or more. And they all are in good Masonic standing in their Blue Lodges.
THIS UNIQUE body of Brethren, founded 60 years ago in Philadelphia, has since been demonstrating th at old age is not a regret but h as its pleasures.
The Ancients , w ho speak of themselves as "the 50-year boys," endeavor to add to the enjoyment of their senior years. And they strive to solidify the bonds of friendship and frate rnal regard wit hin their exceptional group
Founded Jan 31, 1912 with only a handful of members, the Masonic Ancients' roster today lists about 300 active Brethren Most live in Pennsylvania, while others come from such distant places as Newfoundland and Florida and Shaker Heights, O hio.
The Ancients get together in April and October each year to break bread, li sten to a promine nt speaker and carry
out business . The October session is the annual meeting, which is highlighted by the election of officers.
HELD IN THE Ma sonic Temple in Philadelphia, each meeting usually draws about 125 members.
The philosophy behind th e Masonic Ancients apparently was expressed best by Bro . Mark Richards Muckle, the group's founder and first president .
He con stantly exhorted those Brethre n who were too young and not eligible to join to "hurry along and b ecome so."
Bro. Muckle, a Philadelphia business executive, was 89 years young when death called in 1915. A Mason for nearly 65 years, h e wa s a m emb er and Past Mas ter of Hermann Lodge No. 125, Philadelphia
THE LIFE-LONG labor of the Ancients is an in spiration for others to keep doing works of good. They proudly wear with honor a small lapel button inscribed wi th Masonic Ancients and the number "50."
Certainly Oliver Goldsmith had in mi nd person s of their kind when h e wro t e, "I love everything that's old "
The road which led to Portman's being found and restored to good Maso nic standing, after n early four decades of being " lost" to the Fraternity, stretched from Pennsylvania to California.
Portman not only told his h ospit al visi tor that he joined the Ma sons in San Di ego in 1915 but h e r eca lled, almost fant as tically, the correct name and number of his Blue Lodge - Silver Gate Lodge No . 296 .
PORTMAN ALSO mentioned the Bloomsburg (Pa.) Con sistory· and Lu
And when Bro Vice late r asked Portman if he had an y dues cards, the aged vetera n replied "no," claiming h e hadn't paid dues for more than 40 years
MONTHS PASSED when on ano ther visit to the hospital, Bro. Vice was shown a Masonic calendar which the " lost" Portman said h e receive d from Silver Gate Lodge.
Bro. Vice, his interes t spurred b y the calendar in cident, d ecided to disc uss Portman 's case w ith Bro. W Orville Kimmel, the G rand Maste r of Pennsylvania.
T hi s b ega n a ch ain of corres pondence
b etwee n Bro. Ashby B. Paul, the Grand Secretary of Pennsylvania, and Bro. Ed ward H. Siems , the Grand Secre tary and a Past Grand Master of California. The cross-country exchange of letter s uncovered these details about the " l ost " Po rtman's Masonic life:
• He was initiated in Silver Gate Lodge No. 296 in San Diego on Aug. 9, 1915 , passed Aug 23 and was ra ised on Sept . 10 .
• He became a member of Bloom sburg Consi story in 1918 and then joined Lu Lu Temple in Philadelphia.
• Portman then w as confined and transferred to various Veterans Hospitals in Pennsylvania , including those at Philadelphia, Coatesv ille and Lebanon. Silver Gate Lodge, apparently without know ledge of Portman' s wh er eabouts and unable t o communi cate with him , suspended him July 7, 1933 for nonpayment of dues.
• Both the Bloomsburg Consis tory and Lu Lu Temple, ho wever, had b ee n remitting Portman's dues for many years because they knew of his hospitali za tion But both these Bodies also suspe nd ed him when they learned he was no longer a memb e r of his Blue Lodge.
Bu t graciousness and underst anding marked the road to Portman's restoration to membership in California and (Co n ti nued on Page 8)
Temple Celebrates 100th Anniversary
The Masonic Temple in P hiladelphi a w ill celebrate its 100th birthday next year and a two-day open hou se w ill clim ax the anniversary.
Bro W. Orville Kimmel , R. W. Grand Ma ster, sai d the open house will b e held Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 1516, 1973.
In a nn ouncing the celebration at the Sep t ember Quarterly Communication , Bro. Kimmel said leaders in bu siness, government a nd the community are expected to take part. Plan s fo r the open house have not b een comp leted but guided tours of the Temple and a banquet will be held.
The ma gnificent Temple, w hich is the home of Grand Lodge , is an architectural jewel and one of the wonders of the Masonic world. Besides Grand Lo dge , 76 Blue Lodges a nd 21. Masonic Bodie s hold their meetmgs m the Templ e
The beautiful edifice was de dicated in solemn cerem onies Sept. 26, 187 3.
Since that day, it h as bee n serv ing m ankind in t he spirit of universal b e nevolence and brothe rh ood .
The Masonic Ancients of Pennsylvania for 1972 are (left to right),
Loemer, of
secretary-treasurer; Bro Herbert D. Louderback, of L,odge No 3, pres1dent; Bro. Wilham J. Wallace, of Radiant Star Lodge No. 606, first vicepresident; and Bro. Elmer Ka uffman ,of Athelstan Lodge No.
th ree Bodies with the dues cards
This formerly the church in the Washington County community of McDonald, IS one of the newest ded1cated Masonic Temples in Pennsylvania. The Temple is the home of Lodge No. 604 and its Lodge Room was dedicated last Oct. 6 at a Special Commumcat10n of Grand Lodge.
Garfield Lodge Dedicates Temple, Once Oldest Church in McDonald
A building which once housed the oldest church in McDonald has become one of the newest dedicated Masonic Temples in the state.
The new Temple in Washi ngton County i s the home of Garfield Lodge No. 604, w hich has 304 members.
THE MEMBERSHIP proudly t ook part in a meaningful ceremony last O c t.
6 a s Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W Grand Master, dedicated the Lodge Ro om at a Special Communication of Grand Lodge A corps of Grand Lodge officers accompanied the Grand Master.
The 77-year-old Garfield Lodge is in the 29th Masonic District. In congratulating the Lodge members , Bro Walter L. Sykes, the District Deputy Grand Master, said:
"The new Temple will be an asset to Pennsylvania Masonry, the McDonald community and the proud Brethren of Garfie ld Lodge. The former parishioners as well as residents of the area were happy to see the church building utilized by the Masons."
AFTER CLOSING its doors the Robinson Run United Presbyterian Church had been put up for sale by the Washington Presbytery. And the officers of Garfield Lodge became interested in buying the property for conversion into their Temple.
Garfield was constituted March 12, 1895 and for most of its 77 years had held meetings in third-floor rooms of various buildings in McDonald. To attend Lodge , the Brethren had to climb long flight s of stairs
The officers finally d ecid ed in 1970
Culture Committee Offers Services To Aid Programs
Grand Lodge's Committee on Masonic Culture is advancing it s program of services to assist Lodges in conducting more interesting meetings and activities
The committee's program is being carried out under a directive of the Grand Master. One of his primary concerns is Lodge programming Services provided b y the committee which Lodge officers are ur ge d to u se include:
• 35mm color slides on the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, a nd the Masonic Homes , Elizabethtown , which may be borrowed for Lodge programs. The slide s include descriptive mate rial. Several 16mm film s also are available on loan
• Sets of informative and inspirational ta lks to share wi th the Breth ren at Stated Meetin gs .
to look into the possibility of acquiring a new home with first-floor accommodations. Buying the church would elimin ate the stairs and enable the Lodge's elde rly members and those with heart conditions to get to meetings.
THE McDONALD Masonic T e mple Association was organized last year to spearhead negotiations to buy the church property . An appeal letter went out to all Garfield members During 1971, they contributed more than $10,000 toward the purchase price.
The Lodge assumed ownership of the church last New Year's Day.
Almost immediately a work force of about 15 Lodge m embers began the job of remodeling the church The men, who donated their labor, worked evenings and Saturdays to get the Temple ready for the October dedication ceremony
The project involved everything from installing steel beams to leveling the old church floor Windows were bricked and more than 150 sheet s of paneling installed. New partitions were added and others replaced. A ceiling was dropped; plastering was done; new doors were put in, and some r emoved
THE TEMPLE w ill have a new kitche n two new re strooms , while new carpetmg enhances the Lodge Room and other rooms .
Beside s its Brethren contributing more than $ 10,0 00, Garfield Lodge will sell the three-story brick building it bought in 1926 as a mee ting place. Proceed s from the sal e w ill be u sed to make the new Temple debt-free.
Philadelphia Lodges In Merger, Becomes Effective Dec. 19
The merger of two Philadelphia Lodges was approved at the September Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.
Bro Ashby B. Paul, R. W Grand Secretary, reported the merger of Robert R. Bringhurst Lodge No 686 into Richmond Lo dge No. 230 will b ecom e effective Dec . 19. The Lodge will b e known as Richmond Lodge No. 230. WITH THE MERGER, Bro. Paul said , there will be 607 Symbolic Lodge s in Pennsylvania.
He said 410 Brethren, who represented 178 Lodges, attended the Quarterly Communication on Sept. 6.
At the Quarterly Grand Lodge 's Committee on Flood Relief reported on the assistance program which was set up after tropical storm Ag nes rava ged the state last June.
• Facts and figures for Masonic speeches will b e supplied upon request provided reasonable time i s given the committee to forward the material.
• Sets of the Four Ca ndid a te Bookle ts a re supplied to sha re with t he candidates. Copies of the b ookle t, "The Making of a Mason," are available for Lodge offi cer s, the Recommenders and Committees of Inquiry.
• Copies of the folder, "Freemasonr y, A Way of Life," are provided for the Brethren and also may be sh own t o
(Continued on Page 5)
Places to Stay If Hershey Bound
If you 're pl ann ing to attend the 19 73 March Quarterly Communication at the Milton Her shey School in Hershey, you ' ll be interested in nearb y hotels or motels for re servations. Excellent accommodations w ill b e availabl e at th e 200-roo m Hershey Motor Lodge a nd the Ho t el Hershey which is known as a great resort cility. Both are within a few minutes driving time of the school's Founders Hall and Catherine Hall, wh e re events at the Q uarte rl y will be held. The sch ool al so i s eas ily r each ed from at least three other overni ght facilities. They are Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge on State Route 283, about two miles n orth of the T urnpike's Exit 19; the Holiday Eas t Motor Hotel on Route 283 at Exit 19 of the Turnpike; and the Capit ol Motel , about five miles eas t of Harrisburg o n U.S. Route 22.
Bro. Rochester B. Woodall , R. W. Deputy Grand Master and chairman of the committee, said as of Sept. 6 about $350,000 in cash grants and loans had been approved to help needy Brethren and organizations in the flood areas
Bro. Woodall pointed out the committee will continu e its flood relief work until such time as the R . W. Grand Master declares the emergenc y no longer exists.
MEANWHILE, GRAND Lodge was sadd e ned when the R. W. Grand Secr e tary announced that death had called t wo Past District Deputy Grand Masters.
Bro . Paul reported that Bro. J . Merrill Oswald, a member of I saac Hiester Lodge No. 660 in West Reading Berks County, died l ast June 10. An'd Bro . Robert H. Rayner, a m e mb er of Salem Lodge No. 33 0 in Hamlin , Wayne County, died last July 16.
Send to -
the fl ags of the 50 states. '
Six Events for Ladies
Hershey Hosts March Quarterly
(Continu ed f rom Page I ) edition.
You must have a ticket if you expect t o h ave dinner in the Camelot Room
However, the Ladie s and Brethren who do not d esire to atte nd the dinner a re still welcome to come and enj oy the o the r events at the March Qu ar terly.
After the movie for the Ladies and Gra nd Lodge ha s closed, an entertain-
Enc losed is my check for $ for reservations at $7.50 per ticket for the dinner to be held at 5:30 p.m. March 7, 1973 in Founders Hall at th e
Milton Hersh ey Sc hoo l at He rsh ey, Po Checks sho uld be made payable to Ashby
B. Pau l, Grand Secretary.
Print N,ame
City State Zip
Note: Please e ncl ose se lf-addressed, s tamped e n velope
ment program will be staged at 8 :30 p.m. in the auditorium. The 40-voice Glee Club, directed by Virgil L. Alexander, and the Spartan Orchestra of the Hershey school w ill highlight the entertainment. The orch estra, under the baton of Bro. W. Purnell Payne , will then play at a dance from 10-11 :30 p.m. in the rotu nda , with its b eautiful dome and oth e r m ag nificent appoi ntments.
DRESS FOR the Ladie s a nd Brethren at the da n ce w ill be optional.
The r otunda of Founders Hall is a glittering set ting in Vermont m arble, chandelier s of A u strian crystal, go ldbron ze grillwork in the arches and st airways and th e fla gs of the 50 sta tes.
Culture Committee Offers Services
( Continued fro m Page 4) intere sted , non-Masons. If you are intere sted in any of the se services, write or phone the Grand Lodge Committee on Mason ic Culture at the Masonic Temple, O ne North Broad St., Phila delphia, Pa. 19107. The phone numb er s are Area Code 215567-2248 or 567-4190 .
T_he magnificent rotunda of Founders Hall at Milton Hershey School will be the beautiful settmg for a dance for the Brethren and their Ladies at the Quarterly Communication March 7, 1973. The domed rotunda fea tures chandeliers of Austrian crystal gold-bronze grillwork in the arches a nd sta irways and
Giving of Gifts Creates Memorial
The new Masons Care Building under cons truction at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, will b e a living m emorial to the Lodges and Brethren w ho generously gave gift s to help others.
Pennsylvania Masons contributed an all-time r ecord $ 1,280,073 to the 1971 "Guest and Building Fund " drive at the Homes. This splendid support ena bled Grand Lodge to earmark · $6 00 ,0 00 toward the new 116-be d e xtended care facility.
THE MAJOR contributors to the 1971 fund and the rooms and furni shings which will be dedicated with plaque s a s memorial s in their honor in the three-story Masons Care Bu ilding are:
V is itors' Lounge, recreation office and recreation work room - "Mary F. and Melvin G. Keller, " presented by Bro. Melvin G. Keller, of North Star Lodge No . 241 , Warren, and hi s wife, Mary F. M editation Room - "Memory of Isadore Sley," prese nted b y Bro. Harry Sley, of E. Coppee Mitchell Lodge No. 605, and hi s wife, Beatrice . Dinin g Room, dining room-recreation area and f ood se rvice - "Memory of Henry H. Koser," Ma nhei m Lodge No 587, Manheim.
Out-patient Clinic" Florence M Dickel Clinic," presented by Bro. R.
Flood Relief
Reaches $428,250
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, as of Oct. 19, has provid ed $428,250 in cash gifts and loans to help n eedy Brethren and organizations in flood areas of the stat e Grand Lodge set up a four-phase relief p rogra m after tropical storm Agnes ravage d the s tate l as t June
The Committee on Flood Relief, which administers the program, reports that $1 04,050 has b een given in gifts to provide immediate a id under the fi rs t phase.
Under the program's second phase, $304,700 has b een approved in lo w intere st loan s.
And $12,3 00 h as been give n in gifts, unde r the third phase of assistance, t o loca l gro ups which ha ve done outstanding work in flood distressed communities .
The fourth pha se of the program has seen Grand Lodge provide $7,200 to restore Masonic Temple s w hich were damaged by flood water s
George Dickel, of Bristol Lodge No. 25, in memory of his wife who died in 1968.
Double Rooms No. 1000 a nd furnishings - Meridian Sun Lodge No. 158.
1001 and furnishings - University Lodge No. 610.
1002 a nd f urnishings-Scottish Rite, Pi ttsburgh
1003 a nd furnishings- 7th Masonic District.
1004 and furnishings-Lehigh County Memorial Endowment Fund.
1006 - "Memory of Paul Miller Moore and James Russell Moore , Woodlawn Lodge No. 672, Aliquippa," presented by F. M Moore Foundation 1034 - 5th Masonic District.
Single Rooms No. 1009 - Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682.
1011 and furnishings - "Scott C. Rea" room, presented by 46th Masonic District.
1013 and furnishings - 27th Maso nic District.
1015 -"Memory of Na than B. Lundy, Susie M. Lundy a nd Eth el G. Nevil ," presented by Mabel L. a nd Burrows T . Lu nd y, Eureka Lodge No. 335.
1017 and furnishings - "Els ie A and Walter G. Bush ey, Eucli d Lodge No. 698.
1019 and furn ishings - Moun t ain Lodge No 281.
1021 and furnishings - Corint hian Lodge No. 368.
1023 and furnishings - Dormo nt Lodge No. 684.
1025- Con cordia Lodge No 67. 1027-Mount Olivet Lodge No. 704. 1029 a nd furnishings-Logan Lodge No. 490.
103 1 - "Memory of Charles W Z. Hilbert, H u guenot Lodge No. 377, Ku tztown," pres ented by his widow, Mrs Hannah M. H ilbert 1033- Jo hn A. Brashear Lodge No 743. 1035 -Syria Templ e, P it t sburgh . Solariums
Lou nge 9 - Lodge No 9.
Lounge 2 1 - Persevera nce Lodge No.2 1.
Lounge 464 - Robert Burns Lodge No. 464. Furnishings for lounge presented by Floren da an d Bro. W. Orv ille K immel ," Lodge 464.
Examination and Trea tm ent Room"Ge nev ieve and John L. McCa in , Miln or Lodge No. 287, Pittsburgh. " SECOND FLOOR Furnishi ngs Only (Double Rooms) No. 2008 - Alleghe ny Lodge No. 223.
2010 - "Memo r y of W ill is R.
Holidays Time To Share Blessings
Now is the time, w ith the holiday season just around the corner, to embrace the spirit of giving and sha re your blessings with others If yo u h aven't a lready done so, send you r contrib u tion now to the 1972 "Guest and Building Fund" d rive of the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown. The goal is to raise at least $600,000 to provide many services for the Guests at the Homes. Your gift , no m atter h ow small, will play a big part in helping others. So make your check or money order payab le to the "Masonic Homes Guest and Building Fund."
Use the postage-free envelope that you received in your Lodge notice and mail you r contribution t o the Executive D irector, Masonic Homes, Eliza bethtown, Pa. 1 7022.
Michael," York Lodge No. 266 , presented by his widow, Mrs. Ruth Mic ha el. 2012 - "In Memory of Roy G. Stoner and the Past Masters of Harrisburg Lodge No. 629, F. & A.M.- The Gift of James D. Novinge r."
2014 - "Broth er Edwin S. Napier in Me m ory of his Mother, C hri st ina G. Napier," Washington Lodge No. 59. 20 1 6 - Bro. Garold M. Oakes , D D.G.M., Kane Lodge No. 566.
2018 - "In Mem ory of Broth e r James Congor Lo n gdon, Ha ilman Lodge No 321," presented by Bro. James S. Longdon of Lodge No. 321.
2020 - Eu clid Lodge No 698.
2022 - Juniata Lodge N o 282.
2024- Ju niata Lodge No. 282. 2026 - Covenant Lodge No 456. 2028 - Athelstan Lodge No. 482.
203 0 - Jerusa lem Lodge No. 506. 2032 - Azalea Lodge No. 687 . 2034- "In Memory of Bros. S. Raymond Janney and J. Osca r Kelley of Perseverance Lodge No 21," presented by Lodge No. 21.
Furnishings Only (Single Rooms)
No. 2011 - "Memory of James T. Schenkel , Robert A. Lamberton Lodge No . 487," presented by his widow, Mrs. Blanch e M. Sch enkel.
20 13 - "Dona ted by James R. E lliott," Stichter Lodge No 254.
2015 - "Donated by W illiam R. and Mrs Burchfield," Mun cy Lodge No. 299 . 2017 - "Donated by Charles Bloom and Sar ah E Bloom ," Potter Lodge No. 441.
(Con ti nued on Page 7)
Now It's 'Masons Care Building '
A name has been chosen and dedication plans set for th e n ew 116-bed extended care facility being built at th e Masonic Homes at Eliza b ethtown.
The $3.5 million structure w ill b e known as the "Masons Care Building."
THE NAME was approved at a meeting of the Committee on Masonic Homes
The three-s tory building will be dedicated at 2 p.m Saturday, July 28, 1973 in ceremonies at the Homes.
In announcing the name and dedication date at the September Quarterly Communication, Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. Grand Master, said wo rk on the b u ilding is "progre ssin g well."
He reported that the brick work was
98 per cent comple t ed, the roof finished and the interior work was well underway The air-conditioned structure , o ne of the most modern of its kin d in the country, is b ein g constructed adjacent to the P hila delphia Freemasons' Memorial Hospital.
WHILE PLANS have not been finalized for "Dedication Day," the Lodges apparently will be u rged to charter buses to b ring groups to the ceremony. T h e program is expected to highlight morning tours of the Homes and entertainment by bands and singi ng groups from various Masonic Bodies. Lawn ta bles also will be set up throughout the gro unds for use of the Lo dges, which will bring their own picnic lunches.
He 's 98 (Almo st ), Visits Office Daily
Bro. William A. Jordan's 98th birthday i s on the horizon but the Pittsburgh attorney is as active as ever w ith Masonic and business affairs.
A resident of Wilkinsburg, near Pittsb ur gh, Bro. Jordan i s a Pas t District Deputy Grand Mas ter and the oldest living Pa st Master of Beta Lo dge No. 647. He was Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1910. Bro. Jordan, in hi s 72nd year as an atto rn ey, still comes every day to his law office in downtown Pittsburgh.
Earlier thi s yea r the All egh e ny County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association paid tribute to Bro. Jordan for hi s long service. He is the senior member of the Bar of the Commonwealth.
Bro. Jordan had the honor of presenting Grand Lodge 50-year Masonic Service Emblems to those eligible at a recent meeting of Swissvale Lo dge No 656. And n ext March 4 he'll celebrate being 98 years young.
Giving of Gifts Creates Memorial
(Con tinu ed fr om Page 6)
2 01 9 - Rea din g Consisto r y. 2021 - Chester Lodge No. 2 36. 2 023 - M elita Lodge No. 295. 2 02 5 - Lodge No. 408. 2027 - Harri sburg Lodge No. 629. 20 29- Homewood Lodge No. 635. 20 3 1 - Bro Gran t S. Hunter and his wife, Edna K . Hu n ter, Fort Pitt Lodge No. 634
2033 - "A Me morial to Ashton Gardner, E squire, Presented by hi s wife, Jennie Dively Gardner," Juniata Lodge No. 282.
2035 - "I n Memory of Margaret Van Dyke Walker," present ed by h er husband, Bro. William J. Walker, William C . Hamilton Lodge No . 500 .
Circulat ing Books Listed
A 32-page brochure w hich lists the Masonic books in the Grand Lo d ge Circ ulat ing Library is a vailab le. Upon request , it w ill be m a iled to you by the Committee on Masonic Culture. P e n n sylvania Ma so n s m a y borrow up t o t w o b ook s at a t ime at n o co st, except for r e turn post a ge.
The Brethren and their Ladies will have dinner in the r ic h atmosphere of the Room i n Found er s Hall at th e Quarterly Communication on March 7, 1973 at Pa.
The Spartan O r chestra of Milton Hershey School will provide the music at the dance to be held in Founders Hall during the Q