The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1973

Page 1

Bro. Hoover Retires

As District Deputy, Named Chaplain

Bro David R. Hoove r of McConnell sburg, who recently was created a Pa st District D e puty Grand Maste r , ha s b een appointed a Grand Chaplain by Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , R. W. Grand Ma ster.

Bro. Hoover wa s named to replace Bro. Alfred N. Sayres, 78, of Ne ffsvill e, who died last Jun e 4 after serving as a Grand Ch a plain for more than 22 years. Bro. Sayres was a member of Lambe rton Lodge No. 476 , Lancaster.

FOR THE PAST 28 years, Bro. Hoover has served as pastor of the McConnell sburg Lutheran Parish, which takes in three churches. H e al so ha s served 10 yea r s as chaplain of the State House in Harrisburg

Bro. Hoover is a member a nd Past Master of Mount Z ion Lodge No. 774, McConnellsburg.

He recen tly retired from the office after serving 10 years as Di stri c t Deputy Grand Mas ter of the 34th M aso nic District. The district takes in seven Blue Lodges and embraces Fulton, Huntingdon and Bedford Counties .

School Schedules

10 Sectional Meetings

The sch e dule of dates and places where th e School of Instru ction will hold 1973 sectional meetings is :

March 3 - Harrisburg

March 10 - Washington

March 17 - Pittsburgh

March 24 - New Castle

April 7 - Alle ntown

April 28 - Kane

April 28 - Ligonier

May 12 - William sport

September 15 - Con neautville

October 3 - Scranton


Dis tribut ion Office


Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022

(Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)

Architect's render· ing of the new Masonic Temple of Somerset Lodge No. 358. Work will start in the spring on the $250 000 project

Ground Broken for Project

Somerset Temple Will Rise in Spring

Const ruction o f the new Maso ni c Temple in Somer se t will b egin this spring and the $250,000 project is e xpected to be ready for dedic ation next fa ll

The new home of Somerse t Lodge No. 358 w ill be the fir st it has owned in its 107-yea r hi story.

GROUNDBREAKING ceremoni es were held las t Nov. 11 for the Temple , w h ich w ill ri se on a four -ac re tract alo ng Rou te 219. The si te, w hi ch will p rovid e ample parking area, overlooks the Some rset Mall abou t t wo mile s no rth of the city

The T emple will be of bri ck cons tructio n in contemp or a ry, New England design.

Besid es be ing t he home of the 600membe r Some rset Lodge, the build ing w ill feature f aciliti es for other Mason ic groups . Pla ns al so include a secretary' s o ffice and a Fellowship Hall.

The $250,000 ca mpaign for f unds for

constru ct io n and endowment o f th e Temple has bee n very su ccessfu l , accordin g to Bro. Guy E. Walke r of Some rse t , Di st ri c t D eputy Grand Maste r of the 41 s t Mason ic Di s trict. H e is a member and Pas t Ma ster o f L odge No. 358.

BRO. WALKER sa id nume rou s memorial g ifts h ave b een m ade to b oost t he fund drive.

Since it was co nstituted Sept 20, 1865 the Somer se t L odge h as h ad three mee tin g p l aces . It fir st m et in t he h ome of Bro. Will ia m B Coffroth on N. Center Ave nu e, w here a me n' s shop i s n ow locate d. It was h e re the reco rd s and property o f the Lod ge we re los t in the grea t fire of May 9, 1872.

For n ea rly 100 years - from June, 1873 to March, 1972 -the Lodge m et o n th e third flo or of the W illiam J. Bae r building. It was ra zed last yea r f or cons truction of a new bank

The Lodge has b een m ee ting sin ce la st April 11 in the Odd Fell ows Hall on N. Center Ave nue.

Officers, Committee Installed for '7 3

(Continue d from P age I )

Bro. Th eodor e K. Warner, Jr., Pa st Dis t r ic t Deputy Gra nd Ma ste r , of D evon.

Bro Samuel C. Williamson, Past Di strict Deputy Grand Master, of Pittsburgh.

* (Last Jan 7, ju st 11 days after his reel ecti on to the Co mmittee on Masonic Homes, Bro. Scott C. Rea was called b y d eath in his Sunbury home . H e had served o n the Committee s ince 1941. Bro. R ea was a member a nd oldes t living Pas t Master of Sunbury Lodge No. 7 13.)

Bro. Kimmel Leads Craft 1n

Bro . W. Orville Kimmel , prominent Harri sburg bus inessman and a l ea der in community and church affairs, has b een "nstalled as R W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania.

In his second year as Grand Ma ster, ,Bro. Kimmel will head n early 240 ,000 Masons in 605 Blue Lodges acro ss the state.

THE ANCIENT ceremon y which marked Bro. Kimmel's ins tallation took place Dec 27, 1972 at the Annual Grand Communication of Grand Lodge.

It was held in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.

Bro. Kimmel is a member and Past Master of Robert Burn s Lodge No. 464, F.&A.M., Harrisburg

As gra nd lieutenant commander of the Scottish Rite's Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction , he hold s the seco nd highest office in the 500,000-member organization It takes in 15 northern state s.

The Supreme Council , the governing body of the Scottish Rite, h ad crowned

Bro. Kimmel an Active Member for Pennsylvania in 1966. Only four other m e n in the state presently hold thi s dist inc tion

BRO. KIMMEL was honored for his years of Masonic work whe n h e was coro neted an h onorary 33 rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason in 1950 H e was elected to R. W. Junior Grand Warden o f the Grand Lodge on Dec 27, 196§.

For the p ast seven years, Bro. Kimmel (Con tinue d o n Page 7)

Officers, Committee Members

Installed at Annual Communication

. Bes ides the Gra nd Ma ster , other elected G rand Lodge Offic ers ins talled D ec. 27 , 1972 a t the Annu al Gra nd Communica tion were:

Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, a r e tired Philadelphia busines sman, R. W. D e puty Gra nd Master.

Bro . John L. McCain , personal investments, Pittsb urgh , R . W. Senior Gra nd W arden.

Bro. Walt e r P. Well s, of Coudersport, pres ident judge of the 55th Judij::ial Di strict in Pennsylvani a, R. W. Junior Grand Warden.

Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, a Philad elphia engin eer, R . W . Grand Treasurer.

Bro A sh b y B. Paul, of H ar ri sburg, R. W. Grand Secretary

All the elec ted Grand Lodge Officer s serve as me mb ers of the Committee o n Masonic Homes, wh ich operates the Masonic Homes at E lizabe thtown.

OTHERS ELECTED to the Committee on Masonic H ome s and in sta ll ed at the Annual Grand Commun ica ti on were:

Bro. Will i am E. Yeager, R. W. Past G ra nd Master, of W arre n . Bro. Robert E. Woodside, Jr , of Harri sburg.

*Bro. Scott C. Rea of Sunbury. Bro. E llis E. S tern of Coatesville Bro. Milton Fritsche of Douglassville (Co n tinued o n P nge 8)

Deputies May Retire

After 5- Year Term

An amendment to the "Ahiman Rezo n" h as been ado p t ed that pe rmits a Di s tri c t D eput y Grand Mas te r to ret ire a fter fi ve or more yea rs in offic e a nd b e created a Pa st Dis trict Depu ty Gra n d Mas ter.

Previously, a District Deputy h ad to serve a t least 10 years in office b efor e h e could retire and b e cons ide red for the h onor.

BRO. ASHBY B. PAUL, R. W. G rand Secretary, sa id fa vorable ac tion on the ame ndment was take n a t th e D ecembe r Quarterly Commun ica tio n of Gra n d Lod ge . He sa id 82 6 Brethren , w h o represented 424 Lodges, atte nded th e Communication la st D ec 6 in the Masonic Temp le, Philad elphi a. The p ro posa l to a mend Article XII, Sect ion 13 o f the "A him a n Rezon " was fir s t presented a t the March Q u ar te rly Commu ni ca ti on la st yea r .

Bro. Hahn Speaks At July Dedication

Of 116-Bed Facility

(Conti n ued f rom P age 3) as executive secretary.

Bro. Hahn is a member and Pa st Ma ster of Apollo Lodge No. 59 in Suffield , and a dual member of Bethesda Lodge No 204 in Bethesda , Md. He ser ved as Grand Master of Maso ns in Co nn ecticut in 1957.

BRO. HAHN IS a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Bridgeport, in Connecticut. He was honored in 1962 w h en he wa s coroneted a n honorary Thirty-third Degree Scottish Rite Mason.

In Yor k Rite Masonry, he is a memb er of J eru sa lem Chapter No. 13; J eru sa lem Council No. 16 and Hamilton Commande ry No. 5 , all of Bridgeport.

He is a member of Sphinx Temple in Hartford, Conn., and the Royal Order of Scotland and St. Simeon Stylit es Conclave No . 57 , Kni ght s of the Red Cro ss of Con stantine , both in Washington, D.C.

Bro . Higgins' Death Ends 'Love Affair'

When d eath call e d 101-year-o ld Bro. Ch a rle s Higg ins, it ended a love affair he h ad carri ed on with Freema so nr y for more than 60 yea rs Bro. Higgin s di ed las t Nov. 24 in The Masonic Home of Pe nn sylvania , 3333 N Broad St , Phil adelphia , w here h e h ad been a Guest since 1964. His passing saddened Grand Lodge as well as thousands of Brethren w ho f on dly knew him as th e "voice" of Freemaso nry.

For Bro. Hi ggin s, b lessed wit h a sharp , fantast ic m emo r y, h ad ta ugh t and en li ght ene d them in th e r i tualistic work for more than h a lf a century. And b ef or e resigning as Grand T yler in December, 1970, Bro. Higgin s h ad served Grand Lod ge 34 years in that office Hi s fri en dly sm il e had gr eeted cou ntl ess thousan ds o f Bre thren in the Mason ic Templ e in Philad elphi a .

Bro. Hi gg in s wa s a m emb er of Willi a m L. E lkin s Lod ge No. 646, Philadelphia He ac hi eved many h onors in his Masonic life, but one of hi s most cheri s hed ca me w h e n he se r ved hi s Lodge as Worshipful Master in 1920.

He was an upho lsterer by trade and operated his own b us in ess in West Phil adelp hi a for 66 years.

Two Youth Groups Present Cash Gifts For 'Care Building'

The Penn sy lva ni a Grand Asse mbl y, Intern a t io n a l Ord er of Th e Rai n bow fo r Girls. and the Associated Chapte rs, Order of D eMo lay of Pen nsylvan ia have given gifts towa rd the new "Mason s Care Buildin g" nearin g com pleti on at the Masonic H omes at E liza b ethtown

Th e you th orga ni zat ion s p resen ted their g ifts to Bro. W. Orville Kimmel.

R. W. Grand Ma ste r. l as t D ec 27 durin g th e Annual Grand Communicati o n of Grand Lod ge in Philad elphia.

REPRESENTING Th e Rainb ow f o r Girl s. Miss Karen M. Springer of Paoli. Grand Worthv Advisor in Pe nnsylva ni a. presented a $ 1 ,500 check t o Bro Kimme l. The contribution w ill be used to furnish a ro om in th e 11 6 -bed "M8sons Care Building. "

An in scribe d pl a qu e o n th e r oom 's door w ill ack nowle d ge Th e Rainbow for Girls a nd their ge nerou s gift.

George A. Di ve rs Jll of Bu tler. State Master Council or of D eMol ay in Pe n nsylvania, presented a $ 350 check to Bro. Kimmel on behalf of hi s group.

The gift fro m Pe nn sy lva ni a's D eMola y yo u th brou gh t to $ 1 ,550 their t ota l co ntributi on t oward th e "Maso ns Care Buildi ng." Last J u ne they prese nted a $ 1,2 00 c heck to Grand Lo dge.

15 Brethren Created Past Deputies

F ifteen Brethren have b een created Past Di s tric t Deputy G rand Masters in accordance w ith M asonic Law. They a r e:

Bro. James W. Fry , Past Master of U ni ve rsity Lo dge No . 6 10, Philadelphia , Masonic Di strict "A."

Bro jo seph E. Trate , Past Master of Lodge No . 3, Philadelphia , Ma soni c Di s trict " C. "

Bro. f ames R. Mart z, Past Master of Mount Pisgah Lodge No. 44 3 , Greencas tle, 4th Masonic Distri ct.

Bro Edward A. Ha gel, Pa st Master of Skerrett Lodge No 343 , Cochranv ill e, 5th Maso nic District.

Bro. P. Thomas Feeser, Past Master of Page Lodge No. 270, Schuylk ill Haven, 11th Masonic District.

Bro. Floyd P. No rman, Past Master of Blo ss Lodge No 35 0, Blossburg, 17th Maso ni c District.

Bro. Th eo dore R. Bolger, Pas t Master of Wood bury Lodge No 539, Roari n g

Spring, 20th Masonic Distric t.

Bro. Oscar D. Shoup, Past Mast er of Harmony Lodge No. 429, Zelienople, 26 th Maso nic District.

Bro. Walter L. Sykes, Pa st Master of Chartier s Lodge No 297 , Canonsburg, 29th Masoni c District.

Bro Dav id R. Hoover, Past Mas ter of Mount Z io n Lodge No 7 74, McConnellsburg, 34th Masonic District.

Bro. Emanuel A. Cassimatis, Past Master of York L o dge No. 266, York, 42 nd Masonic District.

Bro. Lo well S. Car penter , Past Maste r of Lewisville Lodge No. 556 , Ulysses, 44th Masonic District

Bro. Ralph D. Horsman , Past Master of John A. Brashear Lodge No. 743, Dormont, 47th Masonic District.

Bro. Cli fford J. Man ns , Past Master of Waverly Lodge No. 301, Scr an ton, 59th Ma soni c Distric t.

Br o. Allen f. Hicks, Past Master of Mo unt Olivet Lodge No . 704, Lebanon, 60th Masonic District.

THE MAJOR s tatewid e DeMol ay p r ojec t f o r 1972 was r a i sin g fund s for the n ew buildin g . DeMolay 's $ 1 ,55 0 gift w ill prov ide f urni s hin gs f or a room in the threestory s truct u re . A plaque citing DeMolay f o r its donation w ill be pl aced on the room's d oo r.

Committee Revises 'Questions, Answers'

A n ew 32-page e dition of the M asonic "Qu es ti on s and Answer s" b ookl et ha s been publishe d b y Grand Lodge's Committee on Masonic Culture.

The b ookl et f eatu res 100 questions and answers o n F reemasonry. For easy reference , it also co nta ins an index on th e m any s ubj ects discussed.

TH E INFORMATIVE bookle t , w hic h costs 25 cent s per copy, may be or dered by writi ng the Grand Lodge Committee o n Mason ic Culture , Ma so nic T emple, One N. Broad St ., Philad elp h ia , Pa. 19 107

Besides the 25 cen ts cos t , each booklet will require an a dditional ten cents to cover cost of h a ndling a nd state tax. You may orde r on e or a n y n umb er of bookle ts

Chosen by Grand Master

16 New District ·Deputies Appointed

Sixteen n ew Di strict Deputy Grand Ma sters h ave been app ointed by Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , R. W. Grand Mast er. The new deputies, w ho se appointm ents became eff ect ive l ast D ec 27 , are:

Bro. Arthur B. St itze r, Jr. , Past Master of L odge No. 51, Philadelp hia , Maso nic District "A "

Bro. Robert G. Boone, Past Master of R oxbo ro u gh Lodge No. 135, Philadelphia, Maso n ic Di strict "C."

Bro. Harry L. O yler, Past Master of George Wa shin gton Lodge No . 143, Chambersburg, 4th Masonic Di stri ct

Bro. f ohn E. Nieweg, Past Master of New L ondon Lod ge No. 54 5, Wes t Grove, 5th Ma so nic District.

Bro. Robert M Klinger, Past Master of Valley Lodge No . 797, Valley View , 11th Masonic D istric t.

Bro. William G. Far rell, Past Ma ster of Friend sh ip Lodge No. 247, Mansfi eld, 17th Masonic District.

Bro. S Blair Sponeybarger, Jr. , Past Master of Hiram Lod ge No 6 16, Altoo na , 20th Masonic District.

Bro. Kenn eth E. Thompso n, Pa st Master of Wilmin gton Lo dge No . 8 04 , New W ilmin gto n , 26th Ma sonic District.

Bro. Eugene G. Painter, Past Master of Richard Vau x Lodge No. 454, Burgett stown, 29th Maso ni c District.

Bro. K ryl W. Richards, Pa st Master of L a ure l L odge No 651, Uni ontown , 3 1st Ma soni c Dis trict

Bro. R. Kirk Co ver, Past Master of Mount Zion Lod ge No. 774 , McConnellsburg, 34th Masonic Distri ct. Bro Llo yd A. Bord er, Past Master of York Lodge No. 266 , York, 4 2nd Masonic District.

Bro. Leonard F. Tr ea t, Past Master of Li berty Lod ge No. 505, Port Allegany , 44th Maso ni c D i strict.

Bro Wes ley E. Smith, S r., Past Master of Coraopolis L od ge No. 674, Cora(Continu ed on P age 6)

Honored Under Masonic Law
Miss Karen M. Springer of Paoli, Gra nd Wor thy A d visor of the Pennsylvania G r a nd As· sembly Interna tional Order of The Rainbow for Gir

Flood Emergency Assistance Ends

The fl ood emergency period in Pennsylvania ha s b een declared ended , nearly seven months af te r Grand Lodge began h elping victim s of tropical s to rm Agnes w hich lash e d the state las t June.

Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R . W. G r a nd Master , declared the emergency over a s of Dec. 3 1 , 1972, in accordance with a r esolu tion b y Grand Lodge.

SINCE SETTING up its assistance program, Grand Lo dge h as prov id ed nearl y $6 00 ,000 in cash gra nts and loan s to h elp n eedy Brethren and orga nizations in fl ood areas. The aid program was ad minister ed b y the Committee on Flood Relief under th e chairmanship of Bro. Ro chester B. Woodall ,

Lodge No. 21 Repays


Given as Aid

Perseverance Lodge No. 21 in Harrisburg , through its Charity Committee , h as repaid Grand Lodge $2,3 00 for cash grants given its members w ho n eeded imm ediate a id a ft er the tragic fl ood.

Neither Lodge No 2 1 nor t he recipi e nts of th e cash gra nt s were required to repay them, since they h ad been approved under th e fir st phase of Gra nd Lodge's flood relief program

In accepting t he check for repayment of the emergen cy assistance, Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , R W. Grand Mas ter , cited the Lodge 's action as "an outstandin g charitable consideration for w hich Grand Lodge Officers a nd myself are deeply grateful. "

Bro. Kimmel Receives Henry Price Medal

Bro. W. O r ville Kimmel , R W. Gra nd Master , ha s been presented the Henry Price Medal , w hich i s the highes t honor conferred by t h e Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.

T h e covet ed awa rd was presen ted to Bro . Kimmel by Bro . Donald M. Vose, M W G r a nd Master of Massachu setts.

T h e prese nta t ion was one of the highli ght s of the December Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held in th e Masonic Tem ple, P hiladelphia.

T h e bronze medal is named in h on or of Henry Price , the firs t Gra n d Master of Massach usetts It i s onl y aw arded to disti n guish ed Breth ren who are ch ose n as being "worthy of this specia l Mason ic r ecognition ."

R . W. Deputy Grand Mas ter .

While n o new app licatio ns are being accepted, Bro. Woodall stressed th at the committee w ill continue to process those pending and received prior to l ast Dec. 31.

Bro. Woodall presented a report on the comm ittee's work at the D ece mbe r Quarte rl y Communica tion , and a supplemental report was issued las t Dec. 27 at the Annual Grand Communica tion in Philadelphia.

THE COMMITTEE, as of last Dec. 27, had p rocessed 537 application s for ass is tance. Of these, 453 were approved w ith eith er cash grants or l oa n s made. Bro. Woodall said the committee has tentatively approved 53 a ppli cations, wh ile 29 are on file pending further infor mation

At the Annual Grand Commun ica t ion excerpts we re read from sever a l l e tters t h e committee had received from fl ood vic tims. They expr essed thanks and ap-

Bank Building Remodeled

predatio n f or G r a nd Lodge ass istance, a nd they indi ca ted a n a biding fa ith in the future.

T h e flood relief program se t u p b y Grand Lodge was carried out in four phases. Bro Wood all 's report throu gh l ast Dec . 27 disclosed:

• Grand Lodge has given $ 130,05 0 in cash gifts to Bre thren who needed immediate help after the flood hit.

• Under the program 's seco nd p h ase, Grand Lodge has gran ted $4 21,20 0 in low interest loans to h elp v ictims back on t he ir feet.

• G ift cont r ibu t ions tota ling $ 12 ,30 0 h ave been g iven t o local organizations w hich did outstanding community work dur in g the disaster.

• In the fourth phase of the program, G ra nd Lodge has provided $7,2 00 to assist in restoring Masonic Temples damaged by flo od wa ters.

Troy Masons Dedicate New Home

Imp ressive ceremonies m arked the Special Commu ni cation o f Grand Lodge h eld Nov. 4 to dedicate the Lodge Room of Trojan Lodge No . 306.

Br o. W Orv ill e Kimme l, R. W. Grand Master, dedicated the Lodge Room in the Masonic Hall at 18 Ca nton St. in Troy, Brad fo rd Co unty . A corps of Grand Lod ge officers a ccompa nied Bro. Kimmel for th e 3:30 p.m. ceremon y.

AFTER THE dedication , a banquet was held at 6 p.m. in the A merican Legion Hall in Troy

The 237-member Trojan Lodge, w hich was co n stituted June 5, 1857, is in the 16th Maso nic Distr ict. Bro. Richard M. Robinson of New Albany is th e District Deput y Grand Ma ster.

The new Lodge Room is on th e second floor of the old, two-s tory Grange National Bank bu ilding. A Masonic Cl ub Room and an office occupy t he first floor.

Extens ive re m odeling of th e former bank bu ilding was n ecessary before Trojan Lodge could move in to its new home. T h e work included ins tallation of a n ew, a ll-e lectric h eating system; lowering ce ilings; the in su lation and paneling of wall s; b lock ing out windows; l ayi ng of sub-fl oor ing and carpeting; and putting in a k itc h en, cupboards a nd closets.


Hershey Welcomes All to Quarterly I

Ticke ts h ave been sold ou t for t he dinn e r which w ill be one of the highlight even ts of the March Quarterl y Comm unication at the Milton H ers hey Sc hool in Hershey.

The 1 ,5 00 ti cke ts for the March 7 dinner were sold o n a fi rs t come basis to Bre thren and th e ir Ladies. The di n ne r w ill b e ser ved at 5:3 0p.m. in th e Camelot Room of magnifi cent Founders Hall wh ich w ill be th e cente r of eve nt s at the Quarterly.

by the Lodge during a fund appea l enab led it to pay for th e work a nd rem odeling ma terial s.

Looking back on the successf ul fun d drive a n d the remodeling pro ject, Br o. Daniel F Pomeroy Jr. , a memb er of Troj an Lodge No 306 and a Past D istrict Depu ty Grand Master , comme n ted:

"It was a b ig unde rt akin g bu t through the cooperative effort of man y inte re sted , faithful Brothers, the Lodge has a beautiful h ome t o b e proud of f or som etime to come.

"Th e Masons of the Troy area are extremely happy that through our contribution of time , effort and mo ney, wit h the aid and assistance of our friends a n d associates including various groups and organiza tions, the completion has b een made possible an d we ded icate this b uild ing as a memoria l to Freemasonry."

Grand Master Names

16 New Deputies

(Co n tinu e d from Page 5)

opoli s, 47th Masonic District.

Bro. Malcolm H. Smith, Past Master of St. John's Lodge No. 233, West P ittston, 59th Masonic District.

Bro. Richard A. Rudisill, Past Master of Spring Creek Lodge No. 802, 60th Masonic District.

Bro. Kimmel Installed, Leads

Craft as State's Grand Master

(Co ntinued f rom Page I)

h as ser ved Grand Lodge as a m ember of the Committee on Masonic Homes and the Committee on Finance He a l so is ch a irman of the Bu il ding Committee for the new 116-bed "Masons Care Bu il d ing" w hich is nearing compl etion a t th e Maso nic Homes at E lizabeth town

In the Nort h ern Maso nic Jurisdiction , Bro. K immel is chairman of the Scotti sh Rite's Committee on the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration of th e Sig ning of the Declar a ti on of I nd ependence.

HE IS A me mber of the Scottish Rite Bodies, Valley of Harrisburg, and served as command er-in-chief of the Harrisburg Consistory from May, 1958 to May, 1961.

Bro. Kimmel se rved on the Harrisburg Consistory's Board of Trustees from March, 1961 to Febr uary, 1967. He also was chairman of the Consistory's Committee on Investments and its Building Committee.

He was T h rice Potent Master of the Harrisburg Lodge of Perfect ion fro m May, 1949 to May, 1950.

In York Rite Masonry , Bro. Kimmel is a member of Perseverance C h ap ter No. 21; Harrisburg Council No. 7; Pilgrim Commandery No 11 , and Trinity Concl ave No. 4 , Knights of the Red Cross of Con stantine, all of Harrisburg.

HE IS A member of Ze mbo Templ e in Harrisburg; past pre side nt of the

Zembo Temp le Luncheon Club; and an honorary member of Harrisburg Ch apter No. 76, Natio nal Sojourners.

He was awarded the honorar y Legion of Honor Degree by the Internationa l S up reme Co un cil of the Order of DeMal ay.

A lifel o ng resident of Harrisburg, Bro. K imm el has owned and opera ted a funeral h ome there for 36 yea r s. ·

After attending Penn State Uni versity, he was graduated from the Cincin n ati (O h io) College of Mortuary Scien ce. He h as b ee n a trustee of Findlay College in Ohio for 21 years .

BRO KIMMEL served six yesm on the bo a rd of direc tors of t h e Harrisburg School District and was a member of t he Harrisb urg Housing Authority. He is a past preside n t of the Harrisburg Kiwa n is Club.

Bro. Kimmel has ser ved as president of th e C h urch Council of the Green St reet Church of God in Harrisbur g, where he is a life memb er. He ha s been su pe r intendent of the Sun day School and teacher of t h e Men's Bible Class.

He has served as ch air man of the board of publication of the Central Publishi ng House and as a director of the Boa rd of Bethesda Mission, both in Harrisburg.

Bro. a nd Mrs. Kimmel , th e former Floren da H. Lefever of New C umb e rla nd , have o ne daughter, Mr s. Lorna Baer of Harrisburg.

HOWEVER, BRETHREN a nd their Lad ies witho ut dinner tickets are st ill in v ited and welc ome to Hershey to e njoy the other act ivities. There a r e m a n y fi ne res ta ur ants in the H ershe y area which w ill be abl e to serve you. T he Quar terl y program wi ll include. bes ides the di nner, a n ope n house, rece ption. e nterta inme n t, a movie a nd da nce All these eve nt s are ope n to the Ladie s. Dress f o r the d a nce w ill b e optional. The dance from 10-11 :30 p.m. w ill be held in th e beautiful rotund a of Fo u nde rs Hall, w hic h is a n att ract io n in it self. The domed rotunda featur es th e fla gs of the 50 s ta tes a nd is a s tudy in Vermo n t marb le. Chandelie rs of Austrian c r ys tal bath e the h all in spl en dor. wh il e the s ta irways and arches gli tte r w it h r;o ld-bronze grillwork.

Fund Drive Closing, Hurry Your Donation

T he 1972 "G uest and Buildin g F u nd" dr ive fo r th e Maso n ic Homes at E li zabet ht own is r olling i nto the h omestretch . T he c los ing date of t h e fu nd dr ive, which is see kin g to raise a t l east $600.000. is Ma rc h 15. To ass ure su ccess of the ca mpaign, Bro W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. G ra nd Mas ter , sa id h e hop es eve r y Pe n nsylva ni a Ma son w h o h asn' t as ye t co ntributed w ill se n d in a do n ati on , no ma tter ho w small

BRO. KIMMEL expressed appreciat ion , on beh alf of the Grand Lodge Officers and the Co mm ittee on Ma soni c Homes, for th e contribu ti on s al rea dy r ece ived.

He sa id th e re wo uld be no do ubt about the campaign' s o u tcome if every Brother would send a g ift Every do ll a r counts in h e lp ing ot he rs so make your check or money order payab le to the "Maso ni c Homes G uest and Build in g Fund." It s hould b e mailed to the Ex ec u t ive D ir ec tor, Maso ni c Ho mes, E li zabet h town , Pa 17022. A ll co ntributions to the f u nd are d ed uc tible for income tax purpo ses

Members of the 40-voice Glee Club at Mil ton Hershey School warming up for the special entertainment t h e group will provide during Grand Lodge's Quarterly Communication on March 7, 1973. The Glee Club is directed by Virgil L. Alexander.

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