Night-time magnifies the brilliance of Masonic Temple at One North Broad Street, Philadelphia. Across plaza in background is City Hall with its famous tow ering statue of William Penn . Night-time lends splendor to the Grand E ntrance Gate, w ith its magnificent Norman porch, of Masonic T emple. The porch is considered the most outstanding exa mple of Norman architecture in A meri ca .
Medallion Struck for T em pie Anniversary
A speci al meda llio n has been struck
b y Grand Lodge t o co mmem o ra te the lOO th Anniversary of Maso nic Temple in Philadelphia.
On the obver se side of the m ed allion is a replica of the Ma so nic T emple, and the da tes 1873-1973. The r eve rse side is a r eprodu cti on of the Seal of the R. W. Grand M aste r of
vice . The medallion is in jeweler's bro nze and is the size of a silver
. I t a l so is enclosed in a pl astic case.
The cost of the m edallion is $1.00 plus ta x. If mailed, the cost w ill b e
$ 1. 25, including ta x a nd m ailing . To b e ass ured of r eceivi ng a medallio n , send you r check f or $ 1 .25 for each m edallion ma de p ayable to th e Committee on Ma sonic Culture, Masonic T empl e, One No rth Broa d S treet, Ph il adel ph ia, Pa. 19 107. Those pl acing orders now w
e to re ce ive meda llion s
Issued Quarterly
February , May, August and November at Masonic Homes, Eliubethtown, Pennsylvania, by The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most
Ancie nt and Honorable F!aternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereonto Belonging.
Approved and Authorized To Be Printed By The Grand Master
Grand Lodge Officers
W Orville Kimmel, R W Grand Master
Rochester B. Woodall, R. W Deputy Grand Master
John L McCain, R W Senior Grand Ward..,n Walter P Wells, R. W Junior Grand Warden Arthur R. Diamond, R W Grand Treasurer Ashby B. Paul, R. W. Grand Secretary Mailing Address : MASONIC TEMPLE
One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Po. 19107 Send form 3579 to Distribution Office Masonic Homes, Eliubethtown Pa 17022
1973 No. 3
Fall Itinerary For Grand Lodge Officers
Th e schedule for Gran d Lodge Officers th e n ex t three month s in c ludes:
September 5. - Qu a r te rl y Co mm u ni cation
te School, Erie.
September 8 - Grand Lod ge Office rs Special Com muni cat io n, Dedi ca te Roo m
Pe rr y Lodge No. 458, Mar ysv ill e September 15-1.6 - Gran d Lodge Officers, tOOth Anmversary , Dedica t ion Masonic T e mple, Phil ade lphi a.
September 28 - Grand Lodge Office r s Meetin g, Co mm itt ee on Ma soni c El iza bet htown. '
September 29 - Grand Ma s te r 150th Annive rsa r y, Charity Lodge N o: 190 , Norristown.
October 6 - Gr and Master, 50th Anniversa ry Joseph Warren Lodge No. 726, Warren.
October 6 - Junior G rand Warden 125th A n niversa r y, Crawford Lodge 234 , Meadville.
October 13 - Gr and M aste r , tOOth Annive rsa r y, Aurora Lodge No. 523, Je rmyn.
October 13 - Junior G ra nd Warden 75th Ann iversa ry, Wya lu s in g Lo d ge 6t8 Wyalusing.
October 15 - Senior Gra nd Warden 50 th · Anniversa ry, Eas Libe r ty No. 725, Pittsburgh.
October 20 - G rand Lodge Officers, pl ace cornersto ne, new Ma son ic T emple, Somer se t.
October 20- Grand Ma ste r tOOth Anniversa r y, Eve re tt Lod ge N o 524 , Eve rett.
October 26 - Grand Lodge Officers Meeting, Committee on Mason ic Elizobeth town
November 5 - Senior G r and Warden v is i-
tation by M. W Grand Maste r of Ohio
Ce n ten ni al Lodge No 544 , Carnegie 10 - G_rand Lodge Officers, SpeC a l Co mmum ca tio n , Dedi ca te Lodge Room o f Glasgow Lo d ge No. ·185 , Midlan d .
Grand Master Urges Open Territory
By Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, R. W. Grand Master
One of the proposed amendments to the Ahiman Rezon , which was presented at June would eliminate the n ecessity of a Lodge recetvmg a petition for mtttatwn and membership from making an Inquiry of the Lodge nearest the residence of the petitioner .
The present procedUI'e, which is outlined in detail in Article XXI Section 8 has much ?pposition in many of our Lodges, and has resultei in length; delays 111 any action that can be taken by the Lodge receiving the petition. excuses for the _delays have been given by the Lodges to which the lnqumes were refel'red, but m most cases the reasons did not appear to be justified.
Quite_ a. few ?f the that have been received were investigated , and tt ts b_eheved a valtd objection did not exist, but was of a personal nature; and , 111 som7 _cases , ts apparent that the unfavorable report was due to the fact that the petitioner dtd not request a petition from the nearest Lodge.
Many and their recommenders, relatives. and close Masonic friends became qutte when. action on their petition was held up for months because of the delay m fot·wm·dmg the report of the Inquiry to the Grand Secretary's office.
This problem does not exist in Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties in which the Lodges can receive petitions from residents of those Counties witho'ut making an Inquiry to the nearest Lodge.
Many Grand in the United States have Concurrent Statewide Jurisdiction, and no such lnqumes are necessary. The Grand Lodge of Ohio tried this procedure for three years , and, as ·no pl'Oblems arose, it was put into effect. Quite a few Grand Lodges , such as Louisiana, Maryland Michigan New Jersey Washington and Wisconsin, have u se d this procedure many '
If approved , a Lodge receiving a petition from a person living quite some distance away may request a Lodge near the residence of the petitioner to make a invstig.a!ion. The final decision ; however, would be made by the Lodge recetvmg the petitiOn .
Every Lodge receiving a petition for initiation and membership regardless of lwhere the petitioner lives , s hould make a thorough and complete
I believe this amendment, which will be acted upon at the December Quarterly Communication, deset·ves favorable consideration.
Guest Fund Goal
The Gr a nd Maste r has urge d Pen nsyl vania Masons to contribute at least $ 1,000,000 to the new "Guest and Building Fund" campaign for the Masonic H omes at Elizab et htown.
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, Grand Master, also urged for a greater percentage of Maso nl:l to participate.
H e pointe d out that o nly 25 p e r cent of th e Maso ns contributed to th e appeal that ended March 15. He added:
"I p ersonally hope all of us try a little harder to take part in the 1973 fund campaign.
"If we can count on e ve ry Ma son in Penn sylvania giv in g, we won't have to w o rry abou t rea ching the goa l. "
Bro. Kimmel sa id that plans are now un derway for the Mason ic H omes to under go a major re mo deling progra m iri orde r to serve the need s of Gue s ts in the future. He added:
One s uch structure i s the Allegheny
County Memori a l Buildin g We are going to spend an estimated $ 500,000 to ren ov a te this 53-yea r-old s tructure.
" Your gift is needed to help mee t the costs of this fa ce lifting p roject."
H e sa id the other $5 00 ,000 is nee ded to provide f or the everyday necessitie s and ser vices that make "our H o mes a real home for o ur Bre thre n and their lad ies."
T he Maso nic Hom es at Elizabethtown is th e grea test char ity of Freemasonry in Pe nn sy lvania, Bro. Kimme l pointed out, a dding:
"I can't emphasize enough the importance of each Mason's g ift, n o ma tter how small it is ."
The September Lod ge Notice will incl u d e a self-addressed en velop e to send contrib utions. The Grand Master will also include such an envelope in an appeal letter he plan s to send direct to all Ma so ns in this Juri sd ict io n.
The above is an extremely rare photograph taken 103 years ago It shows the prominent and roofless Ma sonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia , in the course of erection. The field in the foreground is now City Hall with its towering s atu e of William Penn The street indicated by the lon g line of freigh t car s is Market. The s pire nearest to Masonic Temple is the Arch Stree t Methodist
Masonic Temple "Open House "
Church. To t he ex treme right is the old Penn sylvania Ra il road freigh t depot where now s tands the John Wanamaker Store. In the area to th e lef t of Masonic Temple now sta nds the Ci ty Service Bu ilding. The other s pire showing in t he photograph is the Baptist Church, now the U.G I. Building, locate d a t Broad and A rc h Streets. This and oth er pho
Masons and Friends Invited to Participate
The 100th Anniversary of Masonic Temple , Phila delphia , will be celebrated on Saturday and Su nday, Sept. 15 and 16.
Mason s, their fam ilies and their friend s, not members of th e fraternity are invite d to visit and tour thi s jewel of Freemaso nry during these two days
The h ours of the tours will be:
From 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. , Saturda y, Sep t. 15.
From 1 p .m. to 6 p.m , Sunday , Sept 16.
Durin g the two da y "Open H ouse" celebration, the Grand Banquet H all on the first flo or of the T emple will be turned into a gigantic Masonic display with t h e follow ing M asonic groups participating:
Grand Holy Royal A rch Chapte r Grand Council of Royal and Select Master s Gra n d Commander y of Knigh ts
T empl ar
Pennsylvania Council of D eliberation, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Tall Ce d ars o f Lebano n
Mystic O rder of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted R ealm (Grotto)
T he Red Cross of Constantine National Sojourners
Supreme Council Order of D eMolay
T hose touring the building will have an opp ortunity to meet and talk with G rand Lodge officers and the leaders of all the organizations th at will take part in the celebration.
Bro W. Orville Kimmel, Grand Master, pointed out that the " O pen H ouse" is one opportunity we have to show our families and friends something abo ut the Craft. He added:
" The Temple in P h iladelphia is cons id e red th rou ghout the wo r ld as one of 3
the historic Masonic structures " T he Library and Muse um of Gra n d Lodge will be open during the two days , and all the important memorabilia of Freema sonry held by Grand Lodge w ill be on di spl ay
The cornerstone for Masonic Temple was laid on June 24 , 1868. The gavel used was the one Bro Geo rge Washington used to lay the cornerstone of the n ation's Capitol 75 years earlier. It took more th an fi ve yea rs of skilled labor to build the Temple
On Sept. 26 , 1873 , th e T emp le was dedicated in solemn ceremon ies.
On Wednesday, Sept. 25 , 1873, " The Press," then a well read P h iladelphia newspaper, used the entire first page of its publication to the dedication of the Temple
T his front page has been reprinted and a copy will be p resented to every visitor to the T emple on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15 and 16 , 1973.
o'l t£!Jag o/ t£!Jedication
Thou sand s of Masons , friend s and families attended the picnic and d edi ca ti on of the Masons Care Building at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown o n July 28.
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel, Grand Ma ster, presented the symbolic key to Bro. William E. Yeager, Past Grand Master and a senior member of the Committ ee on Ma soni c Home s
Th e e nt e rta inment wa s provid ed b y bands from Syria Temple , Pittsburgh; Lu Lu Temple, Philade lphia , and Zembo T e mple, Harri sburg; c lowns fr om Z e mbo Temple, and the c horu s of the Scotti sh Rite Bodies, V a lley of Harrisburg.
More than 400 Maso ns , as sis te d by the Rainbow for Girls, Job' s Daughte rs and D e Mo la y , handled the arrange m ents for the activitie s and program
Bro. Conrad Hahn , Past Grand Mas ter of Connecticut and Executive Se cretary of the Ma sonic Se rvice Association, gave the d e dicatory address.
Patton Graduates
Fourteen Seniors
Fourteen young men graduated from Patton Masonic School at the 46th Commencement on June 2. They inclu ded: Jeffrey L. Baumann, sponso red by Pollock Lodge No. 502; William V. Byron , sponsored by Charleroi Lodge No. 615; Ru sse ll W . D yk e, sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449; John R. Ford, spo nsored by Ca ssia Lod ge No. 273 ; James E. Gilbert, sponsored by Rob ert Burn s Lodge No. 464; Roy E. Kinkead, sponsored by Orient Lodge No. 590; William C Knight, sponsored by Fox Chapel Lodge No 784.
Jeffrey P. Koch, sponsored by Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449; David A. Krimmel, sponsored by West Che ster Lodge No. 322; Raymond W. Miller, sponsored by Ashlar Lodge No 570; Robert J. Mitchell, sponsored by Mount Olivet Lodge No. 704; Daniel A. Rutkowski, sponsored by Chandler Lodge No. 221 ; Bruce A. Weirbach, sponsored b y Ivanhoe Lodge No. 449; and Charles E. Wilson, sponsored by John E. Mair Lodge No. 729.
Bro. Heim
A.F. & A.M., Omaha, Nebraska.
Appointed to Homes Committee
Bro. Walter J. Heim of Montoursville, Lycoming County, was appointed to the Committee on Masonic Homes by the Grand Master.
He replaces the late Bro. Scott C. Rea of Sunbury who died on Jan. 7 Bro. Heim is a member of Eureka Lodge No. 335, and se rved as Worshipful Master in 1936.
He is president of the Montour Auto Se rvice Co. and the Montgomery Plumbing Supply Co and ser ves as a director of the Lycoming Silica Sand Co., a sub -
sidiary of Koppers, Inc.; First National Bank in.Montoursville and the Willia msport Federal Savings and Loan Association.
He is a memb er of Lycoming Royal Arch Chapter No. 222, Adoniram Council No. 26, Baldwin II Commandery
No. 22, Red Cross of Constan tine , R oya l Ord e r of Scotland; Scottish Rite Bo di es in the Valley of Williamsport and Ire m Shrine Temp le.
He served as Commander-in-Chi ef of the Williamsport Consistory from 1965 to 1968. He was chairman of the building committee for the $1,300,000 Scottish Ri te Auditorium in Williamsport.
In 1946, he was coroneted an honorary 33rd Degr ee Scottish Rite Ma son.
The night picture of Masonic Tern· ple , Philadelphia, pictured on the cover page, won many national awards for Bro. AI Church, a Pittsburgh photographer.
The Temple is illuminated at night. It is an imposing s tru cture in th e center of Philadelphia, located across from City H a ll a t One North Broad Street.
Extensive renovations h ave been completed on the in sid e. It is now ready for "Open House" on Sept. 15 and 16.
J. Heim 6
Position Open In Grand Master's Office
There is an opening for a staff position in the Grand Master's Office, Masoni c Temple, Philadelphia. Applicants must have writing and editing experience; enthusiastic interest in Freemasonry and a n educational b ackground adequate to warrant advancement to more re sponsible pos itions. For further information, plea se write or contact Bro. Arthur T. Moore, A ssistant to the Grand Master, Ma sonic Templ e, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19107.
Brethren and their ladies have been invited to attend the Grand Master's Banqu e t in Philadelphia on Thursday, December 27. .
Thi s will mark the fir st time in Philadelphia Masomc hi sto ry that su ch an activity has been made availab le to all inte rested Ma so ns.
It w ill b e held in the Sheraton Hotel, 1725 John F. Kenn edy Bl vd., Philadelphia. . .
Thi s will b e the first reception and recogmt10n for the newly installed Right Worshipful Grand Ma ste r of Maso n s in Pennsylvania.
It wi ll be an op portunity for Ma sons and thell' ladies. to enjoy a delicious roa st beef dinner , see an outstandmg floor show and dance until midnight.
The price of the tickets is $12 00 each, which covers only the actua l cost of the dinner.
The floor show and d a ncing are a bonus, not includ ed in the price of the tickets.
A s an additiona l extra parking in the Sherato n Hote l garage, across Kennedy 'Blvd. from the Hote.l, will be free with a parking ticke t certification that Will be provided at th e banquet.
Masonic lead ers from throughout the country w ill attend the Annual Grand Communication of Grand Lodge when the new Gra nd Ma s te r will b e in s talled. This will end by 2 p .m. , December 27. The banquet will b e the cli max of two days of Masonic ac tivities.
Outsta nding enter tainm en t, includin g Bro . J oe 12-piece orchestra, h as b een engaged for the eve nm g
Dress for the affai r will be tuxedo preferred, but dark su it acceptable.
Brethren inte rested in attend in g the banq uet sho uld comple te the coupo n and mail as soo n as possible to assure rese rvation s . Be sure to enclose a self-a ddres se d , stamped e nve lope.
Tickets are limited and will be r eserved on a first come bas is. Don't put this off if yo u ho pe to participate.
Bro. Martin, who is also booking the acts for the floor show, reported that he has obtained three ac ts well known throu gh television and night club appearances
Further detail s can b e obta in e d from the Grand Ma ste r 's Offi ce by ca lling (Area Code 215) LO 7-5582.
Th ose d esir in g room res e r vatio ns in th e S h eraton H otel ca n o btain them by sendin g a request o : Rese t·vations Office, Sher a ton Hotel, 17 25 J oh n F. Kennedy Bl vd. Ph ilade l phia, P a. 19103.
Twin-bedde d rooms a re ava ilabl e f rom $22.50 to $32 00, for double occu p ancy.
Single rooms are ava il able from $ 19.50 to $26.00.
Sui tes are avai lab le from $48.00 to $85.00.
Plea se indic ate in your r ese rvation re· qu est that you will be attending he Grand Ma ste r s Banquet on De ce mbe r 27.
Furt her inform atio n ca n be ob ained from th e Reservations Offic e o f the H o te l, (Area Code 2 15) 568-3300. Send toOffice of R. W. Grand Ma ster, Masonic Temp l e One North Broad Street, Philadelphia , Po. 19107
Enclosed is my check for $ ...................... . for ........................ reservations at $12.00 p e r. tickt for th e Grand Maste r's Banquet to b e held a t 7:00 p.m., De ce mber 27, 1973 In t Sheraton Grand Ballroom, 1725 J F. Kennedy Blvd., Philad e l ph ia. C h ecks shou be made payable to R. W. GRAND SECRETARY.
Print Name Address
State Zip NOTE : Plea se e nclose se lf -a ddre sse d , stamped enve lope.
Bro. Walter
The Grand Master's Banquet will be held on 27 in the Sheraton Hotel, 1725 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Pluladelph a