(Continued from P age I) the me eting. He was the Lodge's fir st elected Worshipful Ma ster.
Up on formation of the 56th Masoni c Di strict in 1932, Bro. Yeager was appointed Di st rict Deputy Grand Master, serving until 1942 when h e was app ointed to the Committee on Masonic Homes.
On D ec. 27, 1943 Bro. Yeager was installed as R. W. Ju n ior Grand Warden. H e served as Grand Master of Masons in Penn sylvan ia in 1950 and 1951.
Bro. Yeager has served Grand Lodge in many capacities, includin g Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Culture and the Children's Service Commi ttee. While Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Culture, "The Pennsyl va nia Freemaso n " was s tarted , the pamphlets for Instruction of Cand id a tes were co mple ted and an organized Education progra m was initiated.
In 1951, while Grand Master he p rese nt ed a reso luti on at the Confe rence of Grand Masters that es ta bli shed the Committee on Informat ion a nd Recognition
T hr ough hi s inte res t in Maso n ic Educa ti on, h e was active in the organ izatio n of the Northeast Conference on Maso nic Ed uc ation and Lib raries. He cont inues to ser ve on the Ed i torial Ad v isory Commi ttee of the Masonic Serv ice Association.
I t woul d not be pos si ble to li s t a ll th e organ ization s of which h e is a m e mb e r and h onors th at Bro. Yeager h as received i n other Masonic Bodie s. H owever, he is presentl y se rving as D eputy f or Penn syl va ni a f or the Supreme Cou ncil of t h e Ancient Accepted Scott ish Rite of Freemasonry in the No r thern Masonic Juri sd iction .
g and Health Programs at
Volunteers at Mason ic Homes
Rainbow Girls First to Graduate
Six young ladies - all R a inbow Girl s - were the fir st gradua tes of the Volunteers in Nurs in g and H ea lth Prog rams at t he Masonic Homes at Elizabet h town . They are :
M iss T er r y S tab ley, R. D. 2, Red Li on; Mi ss Debra Smith, RD. 2, Red Lion; Miss C heryle Bahn , 301 Pi nehu r st Road, York; Mis s V ic ki e Schultz , 303 Fishbo rn Street, Harri sburg; M iss S he rri Miller, 505 W in a nd D rive H arri s burg; and Miss Janet T eacher, 380 1 Hill crest Road , Harrisburg . Mrs. Nancy B. Walton, 162 1 Fourth Avenue, York, al so r ece ive d r ecogn it ion for h er dedica ti on.
There are other girl s now regis tere d in co ur ses to quali fy them for re cog-
Sec o nd Class
PAID A T Eliza b e tht ow n
ni zed Red Cross volunteers. Taking part in the first graduati ng class were: Mrs. Mae R. Fernback, R.N. , Director of Nursing at the Maso ni c H omes; Mrs . Bery l Hogue, Supreme Depu ty o f Pen n sylva ni a , Order of Rai nb ow for Girls; Mrs. Jan e U. Arnold, R.N. , Chairman of Nursing & He alth Programs, Harrisburg Area Chapter Red Cross; M rs. Ruth T odd , Cha irm an of the Lanca s ter Co u ntv Chapter, Nu rsing & He a lth P rogram-; and Mrs. I sabell a B. Wood, D irecto r of Red Cross, H arrisburg C h apter.
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , Grand Master; Bro. Samue l Williamson , a member of the Committee o n Ma sonic H omes; t he Rev. C harles Lacqueme n t , Director o f Spiritual Ser vices a t th e Homes; and Dr. H erm an F. Mec kstroth , Medical Director at the H omes, par ti cipated in the Graduation
Those in terested i n this e lite gro up sho uld con tact Bro . Rob er t W. Westcott at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown .
Annual Grand Dec. 27
Th e Annu a l Grand Commu ni ca ti on of Gra nd Lod ge - to install a new R. W. Grand Master of Maso ns in Pennsylva n i a - w ill be held at 10 a.m. T h ursday, Decembe r 27 in Masonic Temp le, One North Broad Stree t , P hilade lphia.
The sess ion is open to all Maste r Maso n s. You do not have to be a Lodge Office r or a Past Mast er to atte nd
Grand Secretary; and Bro. Willi a m E. Yeager , R. W. Pas t Gra nd Master, who retired as a me mber of the Co mmittee on Mason ic Homes, at lh e Sep te mber Qu ar terl y Com munication that was hel d in Erie.
32 Years of Dedication
Bro. Yeager Retires Due to Health
Bro. W illi am E. Yeager, R. W. Past Grand Master , ha s r et ired from t he Comm ittee on Maso nic Homes afte r 32 years o f d edicat ed ser vice In submittin g hi s re signation to the Grand Ma ster effec ti ve Sept. 15, Bro. Yeager wro te :
"Du e to the con dition of my hea lth af te r 32 years o f se r vice , I mu st re tire.
"My Ma sonic ser vice has b ee n most rewarding and the va lu e o f the fri endshi ps resu ltin g from the serv ice and associations in Masonry is inest ima ble.
"As stated in a Masonic Degree. Life without fri end s is u seless' and based on th a t premi se m y life has b ee n ri chly e ndowed.
"Maso nr y ha s done f ar more for me th a n I could ever do for it. It is my hope
that I ma y h ave made som e p0sit ive contrib ution as a token paym e nt o n my debt to th e Fraternity, w h ich I ack nowledge but w hich I reali ze I can never repay.
"It i s my hope and prayer all o f you ma y cont inue to get mu ch joy and sat isfaction out of your service to our Brethre n in th e s un se t of their li ves."
Bro. Yeager was made a Mason in Hazle Lod ge No. 327, H az leton. in 1918. Havi ng moved to Warre n, Bro . Yeager was t h e guid ing in fl ue nce in the forming of Joseph Warre n Lod ge No. 726 in 1923.
On October 6, 1973 Lod ge No. 726 celebrated its 50th Ann ivers ary. Bro. Ye age r left hi s hosp it a l bed to atte nd
(Continued o n Page 8)
Grand Secretary Retires After Long Service
Bro. As hb y B. Paul, who has served Grand Lodge as R. W. Grand Secretary , fr om 1958, resign e d on Sept. 5 b ecause o f h ea lth.
In his res ignation lette r to th e Grand Maste r, Bro. Paul said:
"A s yo u know, I was 77 on m y last birthday, and m y health is beginning to de teriorate, esp ec ially m y eyes w hich are giving ine some trouble " Bro. Paul, born a nd educated in Philade lpha , moved to Harrisburg w h e r e h e wa s e mployed as a professional engineer b y the Bell Telephone Co. He was employed by Bell for 37 yea r s, h aving served as En gineer of Buildin gs f or many yea r s He was m ade a Mason in Perseverance Lodge No 21 in Harri sburg on January 17 , 19 27 H e served the Lodge as Wors hi p ful Maste r in 1940 a nd as a Trustee for man y yea r s. H e se r ved as a director of the Harrisbu r g Mas on ic Te m ple Association and c h a irm a n of the Execu t ive Committee.
Bro. P a ul ser ved as Di st r ict Deput y Gra nd Master for fi ve years. At the September Quarterly, th e Grand Master an n ounced th at in accordance w ith a c h ange in th e Ahiman R ezo n , he h as created Bro. Paul a Past District D eputy Grand Master. He i s a vete ran of World War T. W h en war was declared , h e volu nteered and was sent to th e fir st Officers Tra ining Camp a t Fort Niagara . Sh o rtl y the reafte r , he we nt ove rse as wit h th e 23rd E ngin eers. Following the Arm ist ice h e remained to he lp r ebu ild the F re nch roa ds.
Bro. Paul is a membe r o f man y oth er Masonic Bodies, including the Scott ish Rite in the Valley of Harri s burg where h e served as Comm ande r-in- Chi e f f rom 1949 to 1952. H e was corone ted a n ho n o r ary 33rd Degree Sco ttish Rite Maso n in 1946 .
Bro W. Orville Kimmel, Gra nd Master congratulates the first graduates of the Volunteers in N ursin
the Masonic Homes. The girl s are all members of the Rainbow for G irls. Additional voluntee r s are need ed at the Masonic Homes
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , Grand Maste r , ccnler, is wi lh Dro. Ashby B. Paul left whb reSign ed as
Grand Lodge Officers
Have Busy Schedule
5 - Quarterly Comm uni
December 7 - Gra n d Lo d
Officers M
ing, Co mmitt ee on Masonic H ome's, El izabet h tow n .
December 27 -A n nu al Grand Communication, Mason i c Temple, Ph i l ade p h ia.
January 12 - Grand Mas t er, L u Lu T e m ple's Mn s te rs N igh t , Ma sonic Temp le P h il adelph ia
Januar y 19 - Gra n d Master V isita t ion o h is Lo d ge, Fernwood No. 543 , Maso ni c Temp e, Phil ade p hi a.
2 5 - Gra n d Lodge O ffi cers, Meetm g, Com m ittee on Maso ni c H omes E l izabethtow n.
Januar y 2 6 - Grand Master, OOt h A n n iversa r y, Stephe n Bayard Lo d ge No. 526 , E l izabe h.
F ebru a r y 15 - G ra n d Master Scott ish Ri t e Bodies, Valley o f Ph il ade ph a.
Febru a ry 18 - Grand L odge O ffi c ers, Annual Meet i ng, George Washington M asoni c Na ti ona Me m o r ia Association, Alex a ndr ia Vi r gi n ia.
F ebruary 19, 20, 2 1 - Grand Lo d ge Officers , Conference o f G r and M aste rs, Wash ngto n, D .C
February 22 - Grand Lo d ge Officer s Meeting, Comm itt ee o n Masonic H o m es, El izabe t h tow n
March 2 - Grand M as te r , Syri a Temp le' s Ma ste rs Night, Sy r ia Mosque , Pitt sb ur g h
March 6 - Qu arterly Co m m u nica t ion, M aso ni c T emp e, P h ilade phia.
Mar ch 12 - Gra n d Lodge Offi ce r , 50th A n· n iv e r sary, j o h n E. Mai r Lod ge No. 72 9 , Mars.
A delegation from Harri s burg visits Ma sonic Temple, Philadelphia , during the tOOth Anniversar y Celebration on Sept. 15 and 16. Seated at the tabl e is Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , Grand Master, a Harrisburg er Standing i n back of the Grand Ma s ter is Mrs. Kimmel.
Designed for Giving ...
In a n eff or t to ass is t th ose d es ir ing to mak e be qu es ts to the M a soni c H ome s a t Eli za b e th to wn, the fo ll ow in g su ggested f orm s are provid ed a s a ma tte r of c onveni ence Th e for ms are reco mmen d e d t o ass u re th e t ax fr ee ch a racte r of gif ts in a ll sta te s
I give a nd b e qu eath to the Maso ni c H omes a t Eli zabethto wn, Pennsylvan ia , w hich a r e ow ne d a nd ope ra te d by T he Gra nd Lod ge of Free a nd Accepted Masons of Pe nn sy lva nia, O ne No rth Bro ad S treet , Phila d e lp hi a, Pen nsylva ni a 19 10 7, the sum of D o llars , fr ee o f a ll d e ath taxes.
I give a nd beq ueath u nto The Gr and Lo dge o f F ree a nd Accep ted Maso ns of Pe nn sylv an ia a nd its su ccessors, fr ee an d clear of all deat h taxes, ALL THAT CE RT A I N lo t or p iece of gro u nd w ith the improve ments t h e reo n e rected situate a nd known as
(h ere full y desc ri be the rea l es ta te )
I d irec t th a t th e sa id r ea l es ta te a n d t he proceed s de ri ved fr om th e sale the reof sh all b e u sed and ap p lie d in and a bo u t the up k eep, ma intena n ce an d op e rat io n o f th e M as on ic Ho mes own e d by and un de r the contro l of the s a id Grand Lodge.
New R. W. Grand Secretary
Bro. Carpenter Appo.inted to Position
Bro. William A. Ca rpe nter , P as t Ma ster of Ch es te r Lodge No. 236. was appointed and installe d as R . W . Grand Secre tar y of Grand Lod ge of Pe nn sy lvania by the Grand Ma s ter at the September Quarterly Communica ti on in Eri e .
He r e pla ces Bro. Ashb y B. Paul w h o res ign ed th e pos itio n be cau se o f h ealth. Bro Carp enter , S ecre t a r y of hi s Masonic Lodge , ha s been associa te d w ith the Grand L odge Committe e on Maso nic Culture s in ce 1953.
H e served as e ditor of Th e Pe nn sylvania Freem ason for man y yea rs , h e lpin g to start the publication in 1954.
In 1961 , h e wa s ap p ointed Li b rari a n and Curator , a full time p os iti on . H e se rved in this c apacity thro ugh 1969. H e serve d o n the G rand Ma ster' s sta ff in 1970 and 1971 , a nd w as a ppo inte d director of Ma sonic Edu cati o n in 1972 , a p os ition h e h eld until be in g in stall e d as Grand Sec retary.
Bro. Carp enter is a membe r of York Rite Bod ies a nd Sco tti sh R i te Bodies in the Vall ey o f Philad elphia , h av in g serve d as Mos t Wi se Mas ter of Kil w innin g Chapter , Ro se Croix
The res t , r es id ue a nd rem a in der of m y esta te, rea l a nd p er son al, o f eve r y n atur e a nd w h er esoeve r s it u a te , I give, d evise a nd b eq u ea th u n to T h e G ra nd Lo d ge of Free an d Accep te d Maso n s o f Pe nnsylvania, On e No rt h Broad Street , P h il ad elphi a, Pe nnsyl van i a 19 107, to be u se d and a p p li e d i n a nd a b out th e upkee p , ma in te n ance and ope ra ti on of the Maso nic Hom es o w n ed by a nd u n de r th e con tr ol of th e sa id G r a nd Lod ge.
NOT E I: T he Tes ta to m ay, i f des ire d, pr o vid e tha the g t h e h eld pe rp e tu a ll y a nd the In come us ed for mainte n a n ce, b y th e f o ll owing langu age If o th e Masoni c H o m es, " I direc hat thi s g t s h a ll be a dd e d o a nd .form a p a r of th e E ndowm e nt F und e s a bli she d by sa d G ra nd Lod ge f o r t he upl<eep, m n ntc n a n cc a nd o pe rati o n o the Maso n ic H o m es own ed b y it a nd un de r it s control. ''
If f o r th e P atton Schoo l, " I d irec tha t th is g ift s ha ll b e a dd e d to and fo rm a pa r of the fund he ld by th e Tru s ees of the Thom as R a n i< in Pa tto n Ma · sonic In s tituti o n fo r Boys, the in co m e the eof to be used for th e up l<ee p m a in te nan ce and op era tion o f sai d Ins titution .,
N OT E 2: Alth o ug h s ubsc ribing witnesses n r c no o n ger r e quire d un de r P e nnsy
In 1969 he w a s coro ne te d a n h o Porar y 3 3rd Degree Sco tti sh Rite Maso n. A gradu a te of Ches te r Pub lic School s. Bro. Car p e nte r a tte nded the Uni ve rs it y of Pe nn sy lva ni a and Prin ce ton Uni ve rs ity
H e is a vetera n o f World W a r II ; a n d a me mbe r o f th e Firs t Bapti st Church of Ches ter a nd ser ved as pres ide nt of th e Pe nn sylva ni a Bapt ist Con ve ntion .
Ac tive in Boy Scout w ork , h e se r ve d on the Up la nd Borou gh Sch ool Au th orit y and serve d man y ye ar s on the bo a rd of th e Pennsylva ni a A ssociati on for th e Blind.
Before hi s Grand Lo dge employme n t, Bro . Ca rpenter wa s c omposing roo m s upe rintendent f or a Wilmingto n , Del. , news paper.
Quarterly Meeting Set
The election of Gra nd Lo dge Offi cers and memb er s of the Committe e on Masonic Homes w ill highli ght the Dece mbe r Qu a rte rly Communicati on in Philad elphia.
Grand Lod ge will con ve n e at 10 a .m., W ednesd ay, Decembe r 5 in th e Maso nic T empl e , One N orth Br oad Street.
A lunche on f or the Brethre n w ill be h eld a t 12:30 p.m. in th e T empl e At 2 p m. G rand Lod ge w ill res ume its la bo r
Ten Sectional Meetings Scheduled
197 4
The following Sec tional Mee tings of the Sc hool of In stru ction w ill be held in 1974: M cKeesport , March 9 ; N ew Ca stle, March 16; Pitts burgh , Mar ch 23 ; Harrisburg, March 30 ; Allento wn. April 6; St. Marys , April 20; Clearfi e ld. April 2 7; William s port , May 11; Oil Cit y, Sept. 14 ; and Philad elphia , Se pt. 28. Th ere wa s a to tal attendan ce of a pproximate l y 2000 for th e Sec ti on a l Meetin gs thi s year with 504 L o dges represented.
Bre thren are en coura ged to a tte nd the meetin gs of the Sc hool s of In stru ct ion to improve the proficiency of th e work The Sch ools of In struction thro u ghout th e s tate are open to all int e
Mason s, a nd not ju s t th ose wh o are fillin g s ta ti on s in the Lodges The Se ctional M eetin gs are also
make a s p ecial effort to attend.
Grand Lodge Has Two Openings
Grand L od ge has two sta ff p os ition s op e n.
They are :
• Direc tor of M asoni c E duca tion unde r the Co mmittee on Mason ic C ul ture .
• Staff pos ti o n in th e offi ce of the Gra nd Maste r.
The r e qui re ments f or Direc to r of Masonic E du c at ion include :
1. A good sp en ki ng abili ty
2. A good knowledge of F reem asonr y
3. The ability to condu c t Ma,son ic w orkshop s a nd e du cati o n a l p ro,
4. An e d u ca tion a l b ack grou nd a dequate to fill the po sitio n
The re quire ments f o r th e St a ff position in th e G ra nd Mas ter 's office includ e : writing a nd ed iti ng ex p e ri e n ce; e nthu sias ti c in te res t in Free maso nry and a n e du ca tional b ac k ground a d equate to wa rran t a d van ceme nt to m ore r es ponsible po sitions
Those inter este d in e ither p os iti on sh ould send a r es ume , giv in g b ac kground on educa tion and ex p e rien ce , to the Gra nd Ma ste r 's Offi ce , M aso ni c T emple, One No rth Bro a d S tree t , Phi l adel ph ia , Pa 19107.
Volunteer Help Is Needed at Homes
For your conven ie nc e , the te lephone numb e rs at the Masonic Te mpl e , Philad e lph ia, are as follows:
Grond Ma ste r's Office 215 - LOcu st 7-5582
Grand Secr e tary s Offi ce 215 - LOcust 7-4 156
Librarian and Curators Offic e 215- LOcu st 7-4 190
Super intend e nt's Offi c e 21 5 - LO cu st 7 -5674
Voluntee rs - girls, ladies, youn g me n and Ma ste r M aso n s - are n ee de d at the Ma sonic H omes a t Eliz a b e thtown.
Those inte res te d sh ould cont ac t Bro. Rob ert W . W es tco tt , Executiv e Director , Mason ic Homes, Eliz a b e thtow n , Pa. 17022. The re are m a n y type s of services needed , fr om pu shing wh eel c hair s to en te rtainin g a nd vi sitin g w ith e lde rl y G ues ts.
It is und e r stood that you can hire empl oyees, but you ca n' t pu rch ase compass ion
Bro W illiam A. Carpenter Staff Positions Open
Masonic Temple Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Approximately 12,000 people visited Masonic Temple in Phi ladelphia dur in g the 1OOth Ann iversary Celebration on September 15 and 16
Sever al times durin g the two day celebration , Masons, families and fr ie nd s lin ed up for more than a bl ock to wait admittance.
The pictures on these page s speak for themselves. N ea rl y 10,000 of the special meda lli ons that were struck by Grand Lodge to commemorate the anniversary were sold before th e close of the second day.
More than 9,000 reprints from a Philadelphia newspaper. dated Sept. 25, 1873, were distributed. The entire front page includes the s tor y o n the Temple Dedication.
Th e following Masonic groups participated in th e anniver-
Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter
Grand Counci l of Royal and Select Ma sters
Gra nd Commandery of Knights T emplar
Pennsyl vania Council of D elib erat ion, Ancient Accepted Scottis h Rite
Ancinent Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
Tall Cedars of Lebanon
Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Rea lm (Grotto)
The Red Cross of Constantine National Sojourners
Supreme Cou ncil O rder of DeMolay
Bro. W. Orville Kimmel , Gra nd M aster, was very p leased w ith the two day celebration and personally th anked all t hose who worked to make the anniversary so su ccessful. He said:
"This was an excellen t way to sh ow our friend s som ethi ng abo ut the Craft."
All the Grand Lodge elected officers and most of the Pa st Grand Masters took part in r eceiving those visiting the T emple.
Gu ided tours are conducted at 10 a.m., 11 a m., 1 p.m , 2 p.m. a nd 3 p.m. Monday thro ugh Friday On Saturdays, tours are at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. only. The Temple is closed Sundays, legal holidays an d o n Saturdays during Jul y and August.
Bro. Wilson on Homes Committee
Bro. Walter B. Wil so n, Grand Pursuivant of Gra nd Lodge, was appoin ted to th e Committee on Maso nic Homes by the G rand Master.
H e r epl aces Bro. W illi am E. Yeager, Pa st Grand Master, w h o resi gned because of health
Bro. W il son is a member of Eur ek a Lodge No. 302 Mechanicsburg, and served as Wors hip f ul Master in 1944.
Now ret ired, Bro. Wilson was a p h armacist, an d operated hi s own drug s tore in Ca rli sle until h e sold th e bu sine ss in 1966.
He se r ved 25 years as a member of the Carlisle Bo ard of Health , ten yea rs as pre si dent.
He is a member of Samuel C. Perki ns Royal Arch Ch apte r No. 209, served as High P riest in 1938; Coun cil No. 5, served as Warrant Master; Most Pui ssant Grand Ma ster of Grand Cou nc il Royal a nd Select Mas ters in 1953; and St. Joh n's Commandery No. 8 , Commander in 1946 a nd 194 7.
Bro. W il son i s a member of the Scottish Ri te Bodi es in the Valley of H a rri sburg. At the recent Sup reme Council Session, h eld i n D etr oit, h e was nominated to receive the honorary 33rd D egree in the Scottish R ite.
He al so is a memb e r of Zemba Shrine T emple , Royal Order of Scotl and and direc tor of the Masonic Hall Associat ion of Mechan icsburg.
Guest Appreciates Homes' Fine Care
The fo llowi ng l etter was sent b y a Guest at the Ma son ic Homes at Eli zabethtown to the Grand Secretary:
"One of the greates t joys of life is an appreciati on of one's environment.
"I would like to express m y deep appreciation and h ea rtfe lt th a n ks to Grand Lodge Officers and the Committee on Masonic Homes on b eing admitted to th e wond erful Masonic Home s.
"No thing is overlooked in makin g a Guest feel at home and well ca red for.
"As o n e lady Gue st so aptly ph rased it. 'The nearest place o n ea rt h to H eaven is the Masonic Hom es.
"The nam e of th e n ew exceptiona lly fin e faci lit y - 'Masons Care Bui lding' - expresses thi s co nce rn beau tifu ll y."
The Grand Mas ter and th e staff at the Masonic Homes r ece ives many letters, thanking Ma sons for the privi lege of being a G uest in the Mas onic Homes .
Homes' Admission Policy Listed For Regulations
The following is inserted to comply wi th Title V I of th e Civil Rights Ac t of 1964 a nd the Pennsyl van ia Human Relations Act:
Admiss ions Policy , Mason ic Homes, E li zabethtown, Pennsylvania:
T he Masonic Home s at Elizabeth town, Pennsylvan ia are owne d and opera ed b y lh e Grand Lodge of Free a n d i\ceepled Masons of Pe nnsy vania whose exis ence ante date s bot h the Com monwealt h of Penn· sylvania and the United Stales of Am erica. There_ are ho used at the Ma s onic Homes mem b ers. t h eJr Wives, wid ow• and mothe r s o deceased members of the six hundre d and five Lodges within lhe Commonwealt h hav ng a total membership of 237,404 as of December 27, !972. The se Lodges o pe r ate under lhe Jurisdi ction of the Grand Lodge.
Neithe r the Consliluli on o lhe Grand Lodge nor the By-Laws of the Subordinate Lodges res ricts members hip by reaso n of ra ce, color or creed and there arc mnny among our members who are n ot of the Caucasian race alt hough no record is kept of our m-:=mbership on a ba sis of race color or creed. The adm ission of our membe r s, or their wives, widows , or mothers of deceased members, to the Masonic H omes s governed by an elected Committee o n Mason ic Homes. This Committee approves or disappro ves appli cations for the admission of members. th e ir re atives referred to above and c hildren spon sored b y our Lodges, solely on th e basis of need and the Committee does not discrirn i nate by reason o f the ace , creed national origin age or sex of the ap pl ican t.
Bro. Walter B. Wilson
Your Correct Address Is Needed
Copies of The Pennsyl van ia Freem ason returned by t h e Post Office, due to in corr ect addresses , cost te n cents each.
One at a time, these ch anges do not seem muc h , but multiplied by t h ousands th ey make a large sum.
You ca n save the expense by not ifying your Lodge Secret a r y immediately w h en yo u cha nge yo ur address. Please in clude yo ur Z I P Code.
You w ill a l so b e assured that futu r e issues w ill be deli ve red.
Bro. C. Grant Brittingh am, 54, 11 Cin namon Rd., Levittown, District Deputy Gra n d Master for the 8th Masonic Di strict , d ied of a heart a ttack in Augus t, follown g a brief illne ss Hi s l as t Masonic particip a tion was a t the Masons C are Bu ildin g ded ica ti on on Ju ly 28.
Bro. Brittingham is s ur vived by hi s w ife an d three daug h ters.
Bro. Charles S. Reyner, Grand T yler and Pa st Di strict D eputy of the 8th Masonic D istric t , is handli ng the Di strict Deputy's duties un til a re placement is selected.
By vir: ue of the foregoing , the Masonic Homes is in compliance wit h Title V of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and agrees to comply wit h h e provisions of that Act and all require ments m posed pursua nt thereto to th e end h at no person shall on the grou n ds of r:•ce c o o r or n ationa l origi n be excluded from p ar · ticipa tion in. be d enied he be ne fits of or otherwise be •ubjected to d iscr m i na tion i n the provision of an y care or ser vi ce at th e Mason c Home s at E li zaiJclh!ow n Speci fi call y th e above includes, but is not limited o, th e fo ll owing c har ac teristics
Inpatient a n d outpatient care will be p r ovided on a nondiscri m i natory basi s; all p atients will b e admill ed and rece iv e care w ithout regard to ra ce, color. or n ational origin.
2. All patient s will be a ssigned to rooms, noors and sections wit h ou t regard to race, c olor or na· tiona! origin.
3. P atie nt s w ill not be asked if the y are w illi ng or desire to share a room with a person of another race
4. Employees will be assigned to pa tien services without regard to the race, col or, or nati onal origin of either the patien or employee.
5 Sta ff privileges will not be denied pro fessionally q u alified personnel on the basis o f rac e , colo r, or na ti onal origin.
6. All facilities of this institution w ill be utilized w ithout regard to race color, or n ationa l origin
7. Transfe of pat ients f rom th e room• assigned and or selected will not be mad e fo r r acial reasons; ho wever, an y patient may request to upgrade the room ass gned and or se ected at any lime for a n y reason prov ide d that the room reques te d is read il y ava ila ble
ReHIHrmed: MASONIC HOMES, ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVAN I A W. O r vill e Kimme R. W Gra nd Master Grand Lodge of F ree & Accepted Masons wh ch owns and o pe r ates the Masonic Home s
October 17, 1973
For Your Convenience
For your a nnual contribution to the "Guest F und " and for your convenience, you r Lodge Secreta r y has bee n supplied with special self-addressed pos tage-paid envelopes a nd has been directed to in se rt them w ith your Lodge Notice.
For the first time in ma n y years, the Mayor of Philadel phia an d his Cabinet toured Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, the home of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Shown here is Mayor Fran k Rizzo, left, being presen ted a "Washington a t Prayer" medallion by Bro. Ro c hester B. Woodall, R. W. Deputy Grand Master.
Lodge Invites All Brethren to Attend Testimonial Dinner
Fernwood Lodge No. 543 w ill h ono r Bro. Rochester B. Woodall w h o is in line to be Grand Mas ter, at a Specia l Meeting a nd testimonial banquet on Jan u ary 19, 1974.
T he Specia l Meetng wi ll be held at 4:3 0 p.m , Sa tu rday , Jan u a r y 19, in Ma son ic T emple, Philade lp hi a.
T h e tes ti monial banquet w ill foll ow at 7 p.m. in the Grand Ba ll room o f the Sheraton Hotel, 1725 John F. Ken nedy Bou leva rd , Philadelphi a.
Fernwood Lod ge is inviting other Lodges, Mason ic Bod ies and inte rested Masons to part icipate. The act iv iti es are restricted to Masons o nl y.
Free parking is ava il ab le in the S he rato n p a r k i ng garage, ac ross the st reet from the h otel. Tickets mu st be va lidated at the banquet.
T he price of th e banquet is $ 12.00 which cover s the ac tu a l cost.
Brethren interested in atte n ding t he banquet sho ul d comp lete the co upon and ma il as soon as possible to assure reservations
Dress for the a ffair is optiona l.
Bro. W LeRoy McKin ley (1962· 1963), Br o. Joh n K. Yo ung (1968-1969), and Bro. Charles H. Nitsch ( 1956-1957).
District Deputy
Bro. Kurtz Appointed for 2nd District
Bro. Ar th ur J. Kurtz, former pres ident of Kurtz-Mayflower Movin g and Stor age Corp. in Ha r risburg , wa s appo int ed Dist rict Deputy Grand Mas ter for the 2nd Masonic Dist rict by t he Grand Master.
Bro. Kur tz w ill supervise the work of the n ine Mason ic Lod ges in t he 2nd Mason ic Di strict th at in cludes a ll of Daup hi n Count y
Send to-
He was appointed to repl ace Bro. Wa ll ace H. Alexander, a we ll know n Harri sbu r g bu ild e r , who was created a Pas t Di stri ct Deputy Grand Master.
Bro. K ur tz was forma lly in sta ll ed in hi s new Ma son ic p os ition o n Octobe r 18 by the Grand Master at a meeting of Robert Burns Lodge No. 464 m Masonic Temple, Harr isb urg. Earl Moffit , P O. Box 723, Have rto w n Pa 19 0 82
Enc losed is my ch e ck for $ . f or reservations a t $12.00 per tick e t f o r th e Grand Mast e r 's Testimonial Banquet, spo nsored by Fernwood Lod ge No. 543, t o be hel d at 7: 00 p.m. Sa turd ay, J a nu ary 19, 1974, in th e ballroom of Ph ilad e lphia S hera ton Hote l 1725 J o hn F. Kenne dy Boule va rd. Make c h ecks paya bl e to Fernwood Lodg e No. 543.
Pri nt Name Lodge No.
Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo sits in the Grand Master's in the Eas t o f Corinth ian Hall Mason ic Temple , Philadelphia, su rrounded by three R. W. Past Grand Masters, left to r ight :