Bro W Orville Kimmel, R. W. Past Grand Master, passes the " Grand Master 's Ring" to Bro. Rochester B. W oodall the new R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsy lvania.
Grand Master Appoints Committee On Finance
Th e Committee on Finan ce, cha rged wit h over seei ng "all m a tters re l at in g to the finances of th e Grand Lod ge " w ill include the following:
The six Grand Lodge e lec ted officers.
Bro. Paul R Swa b , Past Ma ste r of Eucli d Lod ge No. 698 , Harri s burg
Bro. E llis E . Ste rn , Past M as ter of Coa tesv ill e Lodge No. 564, Coatesvill e, and a P ast Di str ict D eput y Gra nd Ma ster.
Bro. Arthur A. Kru dener, a Pa st Maste r o f Miln or L odge No . 287, P ittsburgh.
Bro. James W. Fry, P ast Master o f Univers ity Lodge No. 6 10, P hil ade lphia, a nd a Past Di st ri ct D eputy Gra nd Ma ste r.
Bro. Clifford J. Manns, Past Mas ter of Wave rl y Lodge No. 30 1, Cla rk s Su mmit , an d a P ast Di strict D ep ut y Grand Ma ster.
Di s tribution Offi ce MASON IC HOMES
Elizabetht ow n, Pa. 1 7022
(Se nd FORM 3579 o Above Address)
In Memoriam
Distinguished Masonic Career Comes to
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania lost a dedicated Ma son in the death of Bro. Sanford M Chilcote, Right Worsh ipful Past Gra nd Master. He was Gra n d Master in 1958 and 19 59 Bro Chilcote, a n outstanding attorne y and Masonic leader, di ed Ja n u ary 11, 1974. He lived in Oakmont , a Pittsbu rgh suburban com munit y H e was born in Nan ty Glo, Cambria County, th e son· of the Rev. Philip J Chilcote, a Me thodi st mini ste r , a nd Ann ie Peters Chilcote.
He was educated a t Asp inwa ll High Sc hool , Allegheny College and the Unive r sity of Pittsburgh Law Sch ool. H e was a se nior partner in th e law firm o f Dickie , McCamey , Ch ilc ote a nd Robi nson , of Pittsburgh.
H e was a member o f Verona Lodge F. & A. M. No. 548, and se r ved as Worshipful Mas ter in 1945.
In York Rite Ma so nry , h e was a member of the Homewood Royal Arch Chapter, No. 297, Libe r ty Va ll ey Co unci l No. 5, Pit tsburgh Commandery No. I , United States Premi e r Co ncl ave No. 1, of the Red Cro ss o f Constantine, Ri sicruciana Socie t y of th e Umte d Sta t es
In Scottish Rite Masonry, h e was a member of th e Gourgas L odge of Perfection, Pitt sburgh Cou nc il of Princes of Je ru sale m , Pittsburgh Ch apter of Ro se Croix and Penn sylvania Co ns istory, Ancient Accept ed Scott ish Rite, Valley of Pittsburgh. H e ser ved the Cons isto r y as Comm a nde r-in-Chi ef. For hi s dedicat ed wo r k in Freemasonry, Br o . Ch ilcote was coroneted a Sovereign Grand In spector General , 33 °.
Seco nd Cla ss POSTAGE PAID AT Elizabethtown P e nn sy l vania
He served as an Active Member of th e Supreme Cou nc il for many yea rs.
H e was a lso a me mbe r of The Ro ya l Order of Scotland, Syria Shrine, Tem ple of Pittsb ur gh a nd Royal Order of Jesters, Pittsburgh Court No. 2.
Bro. Chilcote served Gra nd Lodge as the Di s trict D eputy Gra nd Master for the 54 th Maso ni c Di stric t fro m 1948 un t il h e was e lec ted R. W Juni or G r a nd Warde n in 1 95 1. H e was in sta ll ed as Right Worship f ul Grand Master o f Maso n s in Penn syl vania on Decem b er 27 , 1957.
Bro. Chilcote in a ugur a ted th e "Pe n nsylvan ia Plan " to help fi na nce th e George Was hi ng ton Nat io n a l Memo ria l at Alexandria, V irginia , w h e n he was G ra nd Master. He se r ved the Memo ri a l Associa ti on as a Tru stee from 1960 until hi s dea th
In add iti on to his Maso n ic act iv it ies, Bro. C hilcot e was a me mber of t he Allegh e ny Cou nty Ba r Associ at ion ; Penn sy lva ni a Bar A ssociation; Ame ri can Bar Association; Fellow of t he American Co ll ege o f Trial Lawye r s; Ame ri ca n Judicature Soc iety and In te rn ationa l Assoc iation of In su ra nce Cou n c il.
He also was a memb e r of th e Uni ve rs ity Cl ub of Pittsbu rgh, Oakmon t Cou ntry Club , Sea View Co untr y Club a nd Duque sne Club.
Bro. C hilco te leaves hi s w ife, Mi ldred G ilm ore C hilcote; a so n , Bro. Sanford M. Ch ilcote, Jr.; a nd two gra nd ch ildre n. Your Correct Address Is Always Needed!
When yo u ch a ng e you r m a iling address, plea se t a ke the time to notify your Lodge Se cret ary. He will th e n b e ab e to notify u s so we ca n keep your name a nd add re ss in o ur gene ral mailing li s t f o m a ilin g yo u r
Bro. Ro ches ter B. Woodall Right Wo ts h ip ful Grand Master
Officers Insta lied By Grand Lodge
Grand Lodge Office rs installed w ith th e Grand Master at the An nua l Grand Commun ication on December 27 included:
Bro. John L. McCain, person al inves tments, Pittsburgh; R. W Dep ut y Gran d Master.
Bro . Walte r P. W ells, Pres iden t Ju dge of the 55th Judicial Di s tri ct in Pennsylvani a, Couderspor t ; R W. Senior G ran d Warden.
Bro. Joseph E. Trate , a Bell Telephone Co mpa ny executive, P hil a d elp hia; R. W. Junior Grand Warden.
Bro Arthur R. Diamond , a P hilade lp hi a engineer; R. W. Grand Treasure r Bro William A Ca r pe nte r , for m er
(Continued on Page 2)
Bro. R. B. Woodall Installed As Master of Masons
R. W. Grand
Bro Roch est er B. Wooda ll , a re ti red Philadelphia business executi ve, h as b een installed a s R W Grand Master of Maso n s in Pennsylvania.
The ancient installation cer emony took place on Decembe r 27, 1973 , at the Annual Gra nd Communica tio n of the Gra nd Lodge h e ld in the Maso n ic Temple Philadelphia.
Bro. Woodall succee ded Bro. W. Orville Kimmel. a Harri sburg funera l d irector , in being elected to the high es t office in F reemasonry in Pe nnsylvania.
As Grand Master, Bro. Woodall h eacls app roximately 236.000 Masons in 604 Maso nic Lodge s through out th e s tate.
Bro. Woodall served as Wors hi ofu l Master of Fernwood Lod ge No. 543, P hil adelphia, in 1950; e leven years as a tru stee of Patton Masonic Sch ool; a nd ten years as D i strict Deputy Grand Mast er of Masonic District "B "
He was elected Junior G r a nd Ward en of th e Gra nd Lodge o n December 27 , 1967 , a nd served as Sen ior Gra nd Warden, and Deput y Grand Master, previou s to being el ected Gra nd Master.
In York Rite Masonry, h e is a member of U n iversity Roya l Arch Cl'l apte r No. 256; Gir ard Mark Lodge No 2 14; J op pa Cou nc il No. 46 ; Mary Commandery No. 36; Philadelphia Co ncl ave, Knigh ts of the Red Cro ss of Co ns tantine a n d Appendant Orders, Empire of th e East, all of Ph il adelphia.
I n Scottish Rite Masonry, Bro. Wooda ll was h onored in 1962 fo r h is years of Masonic work w hen h e was coron eted a n honorary Thirty-th ird Degree Scottish Rite Mason.
A membe r of th e Scottish Rite Bod ies, Valley of P hiladelphia, Bro. Woodall served as Most W i se Master of th e Kilw inning Ch apter of Rose Croix in 1965 and 1966 In the Benjamin Frankli n Cons istory , h e served as a regis trar,
ch airman of the me mbership committee, trustee and a member of th e finance committee.
Bro. Woodall is a member o f Lu Lu Temp le; Masonic Ve terans Association; Royal Order of Scotla nd ; High Twelve Club of Philadelphia ; Benjamin Fra nklin Chapter No. 16 , National Sojourne rs, h onorary; and Legion of Ho n or, The International Supreme Council of the O rder of DeMolay, h onorary.
A r esident of Phil adelp h ia for t he past 50 years, Bro. Woodall was fo rmerly secretary-tre asurer of Ka hn s, Tnc., Phila delphia; treasurer of Sherrill Corporation, P hiladelphi a; t reasurer of Jonns Furniture, Mo n tgomeryville, and a bus iness con sultant.
Bro. Woodall was a f ormer tru stee of Dales Memorial U nited Presbyterian C hurch of P hiladelph ia , a n d is now a me mbe r of Oli vet-Ash bourne United Presb yte rian Ch urc h , Elk ins Park . He is a l so a me mber o f the Presbyteri an Socia l Union and the Union r,eagu e of Ph iladelph ia. ,.,. '·
Activities Planned
For March Quarterly
T he March Quarterl y Commun ication of Grand Lodge will be h el d March 6 in th e Masonic Temple , One North Broad Street, P hiladelphia. Grand Lodge w ill conven e at 7 p.m. in Corinthi an Ha ll . Foll owi ng Grand Lodge, refreshments will b e served in th e Gra n d Ban quet Hall . All Master Masons are invited to attend.
- ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Brother to someone you don t even know?"
Bro Sanford M. Chilcote R. W. Pa st Grand Master
Officers Insta lied By Grand Lodge
director of Masonic Ed u cation, of Chester; R. W. Grand Secr etary.
The elected Grand Lod ge Officers a ls o will se r ve as memb ers of the Committee on Masonic Homes. The Committee operates t he Masonic Homes D' E liza beth town.
Others elected to the Committee on Masonic Homes ar e: Bro. Robert E Woods ide, Jr. of Harrisburg.
Bro. E lli s E Stern of Coatesville.
Bro. Milton Fritsche o f Dougla sville .
Bro. Theodore K. Warner, Jr. of Devon.
Bro. Samuel C. W illi amson o f Pittsburgh.
Bro Walter J. Heim of Monto urv ille.
Bro. Walter B. Wilson of Carl isle.
Guest at Masonic Homes
Thanks Dedicated Employes
A Brother Maso n and a Guest at t he Masonic Homes at Elizabe thtown wrote:
"My wife and I have b ee n give n the privilege of being Guests of thi s wonderful Masonic Homes.
"We have been here sin ce 1972
"We wish to ex pre ss our s in ce re thanks for the most ge nero u s a ttit ude shown by t he emplo yes in their he lp and ass istance
"Th e location of the Homes mu st b e on e of th e most beautiful natura l spots in Pennsylvan ia ."
- A Gu es t
New District Deputy Grand Masters
Eight new District Deputy Grand Masters have been appointed b y Bro. Rochester B. Woodall , R. W. Grand Master . They are:
Bro. Edwa rd 0. Weisser, Past Master of Newtown Lodge No. 427, Woods ide, 8th Maso n ic D istrict.
Bro. A. Kennet h Dunlap, Pa st Ma ster of Muncy Lodge No 299, Muncy, 18th Maso nic D istrict.
Bro. John A. Yost, Jr. , Past Master of LaFayette Lodge No . 199, Lock Haven, 2 1st Masonic D istrict.
Bro. Gordo n G. Burdick, Pas t Master
of McKeaJl Lodge No. 388, Smethport, 22nd Masonic Di st rict.
Bro. Ric hard L. Retzer , Past Mas ter of Wilcox Lod ge No 571, Wilcox, 33rd Masonic District.
Bro. Joseph D . Paterso n, Past Master o f Summit Lo d ge No. 3 12 , Ebensburg, 41st Masonic District.
Bro. David M. Cl awso n, Pa st Master of Glenshaw Lodge No. 793, Gle n s h aw, 48th Mason ic Di strict.
Bro. Herbert C. Wol stoncroft , Jr., Pas t Master o f G u yas uta Lodge No. 513, Crafton , 57th Masonic Di s trict.
.. Know Your Brother"
Grand Master Addresses Pennsylvania Masons
The f ollow in g are exce rpts from the a ddress of Bro Roc hester B. Woodall , R W. Grand Master, delivere d on D ecemb e r 27 , 1973, following th e ins ta llati on of Grand Lodge Officer s :
"Masonic know ledge is essen tial i f we, as Masons, ar e to und e rsta nd th e fundamental principle s of Free maso nr y a nd p r ac tice them in our daily li ves
"One of the basic lesson s of Freemasonry is the simple philosophy of teaching men h ow to ge t a long w ith each other j u st a little better and to be ava ilabl e in time of n eed "
* *
" In m y humble opinion , the future growt h of Free masonry is depend e nt upo n the rededicat ion of i ts memb e rs to the n eeds and we lfare of th eir Bret hre n a nd the ir individual L odges.
"How can you be a Brother to someone you don 't even know?
" O nly b y atte ndance a nd act ive pa rt icip ation i n Lodge Meetings can th is be possible. T o b e tr ul y m otivated, a Mason mu st b e given the opportunity to perform m ea ni ng ful a nd in te res tin g ta sk s for the benefit of hi s fell owman "
* * *
"The Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Cu l ture h as held Area Mee tin gs this year w i th th e Se ni or and runior Ward ens of the Lodges a nd ha s offered nume r ous suggestion s o n lea dersh ip and programming wh ich h ave been mo st helpful.
influence more members to come to Lodge Meetings.
"It is my intention to expa nd and develop a cont inuing program wh ich w il include a stron ge r e ffor t to increase attendance."
* * *
"Each of us took up on ou r selves an obliga tion to keep , s upport , mai nta in a nd ab ide b y the ancient usages , cu sto ms and Landmarks of the Fraternity.
" The Rules and Regulations of th e Gra n d L odge are clearly st a ted and yet, we find v iol a ti ons of our Masonic Law from time to tim e; eith e r th rough lack of k now ledge, mi s understanding, or 'pu tting i t k indly,' over-enthusiasm.
"Th ese we will try to correct.
" If anythin g in our rules and regulations is not compatible with p rese nt da y practices , it can be reviewed for recons ideration.
" In the m ea ntime, the District Deputy Grand Masters are requ ested to see that viol ations of present Masonic Law do no t o ccu r in the futur e ... "
* *
"The Committee on Ma son ic Homes re nde rs a tremendous ser vice to t he Grand Lodge and it s members
"Many serious problems ari se o n a c on t inu ing basis in th e op erat io n of this great Ma sonic Charity These proble ms deal with finance s, building f ac ilities for the Gues ts, Personnel, Federa l and S tate Legisl ation and others.
"In order to make Freemasonry a dynamic a nd lasting force a mong our memb er s, we should e nco ur age the greates t p ossible cooperation between all organizations b as in g their membership upon Masonic Affiliation ... "
* * *
" The Grand Lodge Officers and Di strict Deputy Grand Masters must become a rallying point for greater ' Blue Lodge' participation.
"It is m y inte nt ion to establish a closer line of communica tion with th ese Brethren to promote e nthusiasm and maximum effort. Indifference t o our challenges w iii n ot ligh t the path way to success.
"Our futur e li es with in the h ear t of each of u s. If ou r h e arts guide us to l a b or for the princip les of Freemasonry, then surely we must su cceed.
"Su ccess or fa ilure is mea s ured in two words Minimum and Maximum " If we do w hat we have to do and n othing more, then we h ave not kept the fa ith but if we give our m aximum effort, truly from th e heart , then success must prevail."
* The Grand Maste r's address will he printed in full in the Proceedings of Grand Lodge w hich is n ow in the process of being prepared for printing.
Seven Brethren Created Past District Deputies
New Appointments To Patton School
Seve n Breth ren have been created a Past D ist rict Deputy Grand Maste r in accordance w it h Masonic law . T h ey are:
Bro. Paul G. Gilmore, Past Maste r of Lodge No. 106, Williamsport, 18th Masonic D istrict.
Bro. John E. Miller, Jr. , Past Master of State College Lodge No 700, State College, 21s t Masonic District.
Bro. Garo ld M. Oakes, Past Ma s ter o f Kane Lodge No. 566, Kane, 22 nd Mason ic D is trict.
Bro. Evan H. Boden Past Master of Em p orium Lodge No. 382, Emporium , 33rd Masonic District.
Bro. Guy E. Walker , Past Master of Somerset Lod ge No. 358, Some rse t , 4 1st Masonic District.
Bro. James A. W ie la nd, Past Ma ster of Tames I. Buchana n Lodge No. 757, Pittsburgh, 48th Maso nic D is tri c t.
Bro John P. And rews, Past Master of Ple asa nt H ill s Lodge No. 759 , Pleasant Hill s , 57 th Maso nic District.
Bro. Richard A. Rudi siii , headma ster of the Milton Hershey Schoo l at Hersh ey, h as bee n appointed C h airman of the Trustees of Patton Masonic School at E lizabethtown.
Bro. Rudi siii i s also Di stri ct Deputy Grand Mas ter for the 60th Mason ic Di strict.
He replaces Bro D. Luke Biemesderfer, who se r ved Patton as a T ru stee and Cha irman for many yea r s, r es igned as of December 27, 1973.
Bro. Joseph E. T rat e, R . W. Juni or Gra nd Warden, was appointed as a Trustee to replace Bro. Walter P. Well s, R. W. Senior Grand Warden .
Bro. Edward A. Hagel , Past Master of Skerre tt Lodge No. 343, Cochra nville, and a Past Distri c t Deputy Grand Master, was appoin ted as a Tru stee to rep l ace Bro. Biemesderfer. The other membe r s of t he Pa tto n Tru stees were appo inted by the Gra nd Master.
"Reali stica lly howev e r , a ll our e ffort s w ill be of no avail u nl ess we ca n
Service Emblem
"I urge ntl y s ugges t your w h o le-h ea rte d support toward the growt h of th e Endowm en t Fund and yo ur contl:ib ut ion s to the Guest and Bui ldi ng Fund. "
- ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Brother to someone you don 't even know?"
Fifty Year Masonic \!Vallet Cards
The Gra nd Master is now providing an engraved Wallet Card to recipients of Grand Lod ge's F ifty Year Maso ni c Service Emblems
This is in addit ion to the gold a nd purpl e coat l apel e mble m tha t is awarded to those Brethren who ha ve bee n a Ma so n in good sta nding fo r 50 years or more . Both the Embl e m a nd Wallet Card are toke ns of appreciat io n for meritorious service to the Fraternity.
The Wallet Card w ill be provided in the same m anner as the Emblem , through requests of Lodge Sec retaries to the Grand Secretary, as o utlin ed o n Pages 76-78 inclus ive in the Form for Recording Minutes.
In an nounci ng the program , Bro. Rochester B. Wooda ll. R. W Grand Master, said : "I am sure thi s w ill be a we lcome addit ion to our program to recognize those Brethren w h o h ave served Freema so nr y for fift y years ."
The firs t Walle t Cards were personally pre se nted by the Grand Ma ster w h e n he offi c ia lly v isited hi s Lodge - Fernwood L odge No. 543 - o n Saturday, Ja nu a r y 19, 1974 , in 3
Ma so nic T emp le, Philadelphia. T h is was the Gra nd Maste r' s first vis i t to a Ma sonic Lodge since h e was in stalled as Grand Master of Masons in Penns ylvania.
More than 600 Breth ren attended the Testimon ial Banquet in honor of Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, R W Grand Master, spon sored by Fernwood Lodge No. 543 in Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, on Jan. 19, 1974.
More than 1200 Brethren a nd the ir Ladies atte nd ed the Gra nd Mas te r's banquet and dance in the Sheraton Hotel, Ph il adelphia, on Dec. 27. Bro. Roches t er B. Woodall, R. W. Gra nd Master, and his Lady lead th e processional a t the s ta r t of the ba nquet. He was foll owed by Bro. W Orville Kimme l th e new R. W. Pas t Grand Master and his Lad y and o th er Grand Officers and their Ladies. '
More Than 1200
More than 400 Bre thr en a ttende d the Annual Gra nd Com mu nica tio n of Gra nd Lodge on D ec. 27, 1973, to see the ins tallat io n of Gra nd Lod ge Office rs
T he Co mun icat ion wa s a t te nd ed by many dist in gui sh ed Brethren from oth e r Jurisd ict ions, including the Gra nd Ma ster of the Yo rk G r a nd Lodge of Mex ico. The hig hli gh t o f the d ay was th e b a nqu e t, sh ow a nd dance in th e Phil a de lphi a Shera ton Hotel in h onor of Bro. Roc heste r B. Woodall , th e n ew Gra nd Master of Ma son s in Pen nsylva ni a. T he banque t, atten de d by m ore tha n 1200 Bre th ren and the ir L adi es, is one
Grand Lodge Officers Have Busy Schedule
T he schedule for Grand Lodge Officers for the next three month s includes : 6 - Qu ar terly Communication Masonic T e mpl e , Philad elphia.
March 9 - Se nior Grand Warden , 50th Anniversary, West min s te r Lodge No. 727. New Cas t le.
March 12 - Depu t y Grand Master, 50th A nni ve r sar y, John E. Ma ir Lodge No. 729, Mar s
March 16 - Grand Mas ter, tOOth Annive rsa r y, St. A lb a n-Swa in Lod ge No. 529. Philadelphi a.
March 22 - Grand Lodge Office rs, meetin g, Co mmittee on Masonic H o mes, E lizabet htown
Apr il 19 - Grand Master, Spr ing Reunion, Scottish Rite Bodies , Valley o f Philadelph ia Cla ss named for Gra nd Ma s ter.
April 20 - Grand Master , tOOth Anni ve rsary , Mo unt H oreb-Phoenix Lo d ge No. 528 , Ph iladelphia.
A pril 26 - G r an d Lodge Officers , mee ti ng, Com mi ttee on Masonic H omes, Eliz ab e thtown.
April 27- Grand Ma s ter , tO Oth Anniversa r y Phil a tes Lod ge No. 527, Phil adelphia.
May 4 - Grand Lo d ge Office r s, 125th A nnive rsa r y, Bea ll sville Lodge No. 237 Bea lls ville.
May 8 - Dep u ty G r and Maste r, 25t h Annive rsary Pleasan t Hills Lodge No. 759 Pl ea san t Hill s
May II -Grand Lodge Officers , ! 25 th Annive rsa r y, Warren Lodge No. 240 , Montrose.
May 17-18 - Gra nd Mas te r , Spring Reunion , Scott is h Rite Bodie s , Valley o f Rea di n g Class named for Grand Master.
Ma y 19-23- Grand Master, G r a nd Co n clave, Gra nd Comman d ery of Kni ghts Templar, Was h ingto n P a.
May 26 - Grand Lodge Offi cers, m eeting , Com mittee on Maso n ic Home s , E li zabethtown.
Telephone Executive Installed As Junior Grand Warden
Bro. Joseph E. Trate of Philadelphia, a Bell Telephone Company execu t ive, has b een ins talled as R. W. Junior Grand Warden of th e Gra nd Lodge of Free and Accep ted Ma sons of Pennsylv ania
His insta lla tion to the high office took place D ecemb e r 27 , 19 73, at the Annual Grand Communicatio n of the Grand Lodge h eld in the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.
Bro Trate is a Past Master of Lodge No. 3 in Philadelphia , se rving as Worshipful Master in 1960.
He served as Di stri ct Deput y Grand Master for Ma sonic District "C" for te n years, being create d a Pa s t District D e puty Gra nd Ma ster in 1972.
Bro . Trate also served Grand Lodge as a n Administrator of the Pen s ion Plan. H e w ill continue on thi s Committ ee as Cha irm an.
He was honored in 1972 for hi s years of Masonic Work when h e was coron e ted an honorary T hirty-Third D eg ree Scottish Rite Mason.
Bro. Trate is a m emb er of th e Sco tti sh Rite Bodies in the Valley of Philad elphi a. H e served as Sovereign Prince of D ejoinville Council, P r in ces of Jerusalem in 1969 a nd '70. H e al so served as Ma ster o f Ceremo nies of the Benj amin Franklin Cons istory
I n York Rite Masonry, Bro. Tt·ate i s a member of Fort Wa shin gton Ro ya l Arch Chapter No. 22 0 , Fo rt Wa shin gton.
He i s also vice pre siden t of t he Hi gh12 Club of Phil adelphi a an d a memb e r o f Lu Lu T emple, A.A.O N.M.S
Born in Williamsport, h e and his fami ly live in Dre sher , a Philadelphia suburban co mmunity . H is education was obta ined in the
Masonic Homes Needs Full and Part-time Help
There is still a n immedi ate need f o r men and wo men e mployes at th e Masoni c H omes at E liza b ethtow n.
Openings are for nurses, nurses a ides, all typ es of skilled help, h ospital attendants, wa itresses, porter s and housekeepers
Opening s ar e availabl e f o r full and part time employes.
Interested p er so ns s ho uld contac t Bro. Rober t W . Wes tcott, Execut iv e D irect or , Maso n ic H om es Eli zab e thtown , Pa . 17022 , or call for a n a ppointment (Area Cod e 717) 367 - 11 21.
public schools of Williamsport , the University of Pennsylvania, and Drexel Uni vers ity Evening School.
A m emb er of Chri s t Ev angelical Lutheran Church in Oreland, he was Treasure r of the Church a nd a me mb e r of the Church Council. He also i s a m e mber of the Finance Committee a nd ha s served as a Sunday School t eacher.
After having served in the U.S. A ir Force fr om 1942 through 1945, Br o. Trate was employed by the Bell Telephon e Co. of Penn sylvania. He is presently the Inve ntor y and Cos ts Enginee rDepreciation of that Company.
Bro. Trate and his w ife , the former Isabel M. McCabe, of Windber, ha ve four d au ghters, Mrs. Louis Zandy, Mrs. Lloyd Woltemate , a nd De borah and Karen Trate
- ATTEND YOUR LODGE"Ho w can you be a Brother to someone you don t even know? "
Culture Committee
Bro. Young Appointed As Chairman
Bro. John K. Young, R. W . Past Gra nd Master, was appointed Chairman of the Commi t tee o n Ma sonic Cu lt ure b y Bro Roche ster B. Wood all, R. W. G rand Master.
Bro. You n g ser ved as Gra nd Ma s te r in 1968 and 1969 . . Bro. Woodall also appointed fom othe r new members to th e Committee: T h ey ar e :
Bro . Edward A. Hagel , Pa st Ma ster Bro
of Skenett L odge No . 343 , Cochr a nvil le and Pa st Distric t Deputy G r a nd Mas ter of the 5th Masonic Dis tr ic t. Bro . Walter L. Sykes, Pas t Mas ter o f Ch a rtiers Lodge No. 2 9 7, Can onsburg , a nd Past Di strict Grand Ma ste r of th e 29 th Ma soni c Di st rict.
Bro. Thoma s H. Bu rgess, Pa st Mas ter o f Azalea Lodge No. 687, Ha zle ton. Bro. Burgess comple ted fo ur yea r s as Junior Grand De aco n of Grand Lodge. Bro. J. Ke ith Howe, Past Mas te r o f For t W ashington Lod ge No. 308, For t Wa shing ton. Bro. H owe served as Grand Stewa rd of G r a nd L o d ge in 1968 and 1969
Bro . Woodall also r eappoin ted th e fo ll ow ing Brethren as members of t he Co mmittee :
Bro . W. Frederick Warre n , P ast Master of Thomso n Lod ge No. 3 40 , Paoli. Bro. Howard 0 . S tahl , Pas t Ma s ter o f Peter Wiiii a mson L odge No. 323, Scra nton.
Vice President U.S.A. Is a Brother Mason
Bro Geral d R. Ford, Jr , V ice President of the United State s, is a m emb er of Malta Lodge No. 46 5 , F. & A .M. o f Grand R a p id s, Mich igan
Bro Joseph E. Trate
R. W. Juni or Grand Warden
Brethren One Short
All in the family
Bro. Horace F. Richter, Sr., of Th o mas R. Patton Lodge, No. 659 , Philadelphia, has e ight sons and one daughter. All eight of the sons, John, Juli an, Ke nneth, Rob ert, Wallace Horace, Jr
Chri stia n and R alph , are Members of the Craft as is hi s only son-i n-law, Bro. William A. Hinkle . Two of th e sons , Bro. Wallace F. Richter and Bro . Horace F. Richter, Jr., are Worshipfu l Masters of Patton Lodge and H a milton Lodge, No. 274 , respectively. On Janua r y 16 , 1974, Bro Julian A Richter , Jr., the first grandchild of Bro. Ri chter, Sr. , received hi s Entered Ap prent ice Mason's Degree in P atton Lodge, ju st one short of a dozen Masons in one fam ily, spread over thre e gener at ions.
December Communications
O ver 950 Members and Visitors, representing 437 L odges, attended th e D ece mbe r 5th Qu arte rl y Communi cation , held at the Masonic Temple, Phil adelphia, when the Grand Lodge Offi cers and Members of the Committee on Masonic H omes were elected. More than 400 Membe rs and Visitors, representin g 177 Lo dges, attended the Annual Grand Communication in Phil adelphia on D ecember 27th w h en th e Grand Lodge Officers we re duly insta lled.
New Secretaries
The turn-over in new Lod ge Secretaries continue s Eighty-eight new Lodge Secretaries were e lected and in sta ll ed to serve for this new Masonic Year We note that one of the most active Masons in the northwestern corner of our Ju risdiction, Bro. Ward C. Bliley, Past Master, has retired as Secretary of Eureka Lodge, No. 366, Union City, after se rvin g 31 years. Bro. Bliley has been succeeded b y Bro. William Green, a ret ired Arm y Colone l and Administrator of th e Union City H osp ital.
Oldest Member dies
The death of Bro. George L. Roberts, o f ou r Temple Lodge No. 248, Tunkhannock, ends the long Masonic career o f o ur oldest Member. Bro. Robert s died on Dece mber 9, 1973 , in his 105 t h year He was made a M aso n on J anuary 11, 1892. Pri or to his death , Bro R oberts was one of the three old est Ma ste r Masons in the world.
of A Dozen Masons
Joh n D., petitioned Newpo r t Lodge, No. 381, Newpo r t, Pa , in Octob er 1966. They we re Entered Jan ua r y 10 , 1967; Crafted February 14, 1967, a nd Rai sed to th e Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on March 14, 1967. Within two years all three son s were appo in ted Floor Officers. At the Annual Meet in g of the Lo d ge, D ecember 1972 , Bro. James W. Seiders was electe d Worsh i pful Master; Bro. Eugene R. Seiders was elected Senior Warden an d Bro. John D. Seiders was elected Junior Warden. T o make it a real family affair, the new Worshipful Master appointed h is D ad, Bro. James W. Seiders , Sr , T yler of the Lodge.
/ Bro. Paul J Weitz
Masonic Astronaut
One of the 19 Astronauts selected by NASA and a member of the support crew for Apollo 12 , is Bro. Paul J Weitz, a Member of Lawre n ce Lodge, No. 708, held at Erie, P a. Captain Weitz petiti oned the Craft i n 1954 while a ttending P enn State University. A native of Erie, h e has traveled far and wide during hi s distinguished Naval career. H e now resides in H o u ston.
T exas, and is one of seven o f the Astronauts known to be Members of the Masonic Fra t ernit y .
Ritualist retires
Bro. Gilbert MacKay, Past Master of Conrad B. D ay Lodge, No. 645, Philadelphia, and n ow in hi s early 90s, has decided to retire. Known for hi s regular sess ions for Ritual instruction at the Maso nic Temple, Philadelphia, Bro. MacKay has inst ructed hundred s of Lodge Offi cer s and Floor W ork er s over the past sixty years. Long associated with the Northeast and Temple Schools of In stru ction, he was always ready and w illin g to help, especially if you needed a little " bru shing up" on e ither of the three Symbolic D egrees. Proud of hi s Scottish birth, active in several Clan s , and a lways id entified by his Sco t ti sh brogue, we wish Bro. "Gil" well.
Staying together
Bro James W Seiders , Sr., and his three sons, James, Jr. , Eugene , R. and
-ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Brother to someone you don't even know'? "
Correct Knowledge
Lodges In the United States Are York Rite
Freem asonry as practice d in the Symbolic lodges in the for ty-nin e Gra nd Juri sd ict io ns of the United States is not don e in the Scottish Rite.
headquar ters in Wa shington, D.C . Jt is wo r th not in g that the Sup re me Council for Scotland did not come into existen ce unt il 1846
4 7 Years Later
At a Stated Meetin g of Montgomery Lodge, No. 19 , held at P hiladelp hia a few months ago, Bro. Louis D. Rosenblum, P ast Master, Bro. George M. Pfundt, Past Master and Treasurer, a nd Bro. Frederick R. Loeffier, Pas t Mas te r and Sec re t ar y, each a Fifty Year Mason an d who had served as Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Warden, r espectively, back in 1926, did i t "one more time" w h en t hey occupied their r espec ti ve Stations for a brief period during the Stated Meeting
A Great Golfer
Bro. Arnold Daniel Palmer, well known professional golfer, is a Membe r of Loyalhanna Lodge, No. 275, held at Latrobe, Pa. Bro. Palmer was made a Mason on April 14, 1958 at the age of 28.
Bro. William A Carpen te r R. W. Gr and Secretary
Guest Fund Collection Closes On March 15
The cur re nt Guest a nd Building Fund collection will close on March 15.
Every Pen nsylvania Mason i s urge d to send his contribution - no matter how small.
T he need is great, so d on't pu t it off If you h aven t participated , do it now.
Checks o r money orders s h o uld be made p ayable to the "Masonic H omes Guest and Buildi ng Fund." Th ey should b e mailed to: Executive Dir ector, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylv a nia 17022.
Thi s is one of the mo st misunderstood aspects of Symbolic Mas onry. There are many members of t he Craft who refer to the ritua li stic wor k of Symbo lic L odges in one Jur isdiction as York Rite and in other Ju r isdictio n s as Scotti sh Rite. Su ch a dist in ction is not correct.
Article 127 , Section 1, of the Constitutio n of th e Supreme Cou ncil A.A. S.R., Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, states: " T hi s Sup reme Coun c il recognizes th e exclusive jurisdiction of the sym b olic Grand Lodges of the states within the Juri sdict ion over the three S ymbolic d eg ree s of Freemasonry, a nd exerc ises jurisdiction over the following degrees only , viz: 4° Secret Master to 33 ° Sovere ign Grand I n specto r G eneral."
Hi storically, the Sco tt is h Ri te was first referred to in o ld Fren ch records where th e word "Ecoss a is" (mea nin g Scottish) is to be found. Dur ing the latter par t of the 17 th century, when the Briti sh I sles were torn by str ife, man y Sc ots fled to France and resumed their Masonic in te rests in th at country . It is beli eved t hat this in fluence cont ributed to th e u se of the wo rd "Scottish " T here fore, it is no t t r ue th at the Ri te origi nated in Scotland and tha t Scotland today is the o ri g in of its act ivity .
The earliest documen ted records trace t he actual beginn in gs o f the Ri te to Bo r deaux, France about the middle o f the 18th ce n tury. F rom there it was carried to Fre nch possess ions in th e West I nd ies, a nd then ce to th e United States.
It ma y be of in te rest that the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Pennsylvania has in its library collec tions the old e st known Scottish Rite documen t, a patent dated Oc tobe r 26 , 1764, and iss u ed to Os sonde Veniere, a p la nter of San Domin go, and sig ned by Stephen Morin, Sublime Gra nd Master and Gr and I nspector.
The first Supreme Counci l was estab li s h ed in Charleston , South Carolina. in 1801. In 1813, the Northern Supreme Co un cil came into bein g Th ere a re two Suprem e Council s in the United S tates, th e Supreme Council f or the Northern Masoni c Jur isdiction has its headquarters in Boston ( L ex ing ton), Massachusetts; a nd the Supreme Counc il for the Southern Ma so ni c Jur isdictio n has its
The Degree structure of the S cottish Rite is generally familiar to most Masons : T he Lodge of Perfection, 4 ° -14°, Th e Cou ncil of Prin ces of Jerusal em, 15° - 16° The Chapter of Ro se Croix , 17°-180: The Consi story , 19°-32 ° The 33 °, th e h ighest degree and an honorary one, can only be granted and confened by the Supreme Council. I t cannot b e applied for.
I t is claimed that the York Ri te originated at Y o rk, England , und er Kin g Athelsta n in 926 A.D., w h en Prince Edwin rece ive d the Charte r of York from t he Kin g, organizing a general assembl y of Masons The R egius manuscript of about 1390 makes re ference to the York Assembl y of Masons, and the Lansdowne Manuscript of about 1600 further embellishes the sto r y of King Athe lstan a nd Prince Edwin.
The Warran t granted by t he 1751 Grand L od ge of England for a P rovincial Gr and Lo dge of Pen nsylvania. Jul y 15, 1761 (o rig inal on di splay in the Museum of the Grand Lod ge F. & A.M. of Pe nn sylva nia ), rel ates to the K ing Athel stan and Prin ce Ed win story
Th e York R ite of Freemasonry is composed of four Bodi es: the Symbolic or "Blue" Lodge, the Ch apter, th e C ouncil a nd the Command ery T he following York R ite Degrees an d Orders are confe rred in Y ork Rite Masonry : the L od ge confers the D egrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason; the C ha p te r confers the " Capitular" Degrees of Ma r k Master (the Pa st Maste r Degre e is not co n fe rred in Pennsy lvania), Most Excellent Master, and Ro yal Arch Mason; t he ,"Cryptic" Degrees of the Cou ncil of Ro yal and Select Masters are R oya l Master, Select Master, a nd Super E xce ll ent Master; t he "Chivalric Ord ers" of the Commandery o f Knights Temp lar are the Order of the Red Cros s, the Mediterranean P ass and Order of Ma l ta, a n d th e Ord er of th e Temple
Some Brethren ha ve been confused b y the us e of the letters A . F. & A. M . and F. & A. M. by Gran d Lodges. Th ey believe that the York Ri te and Scottish Rite systems are in some way indicated b y th e use of these let ters Tn fact, they have nothin g to do w ith it.
Th ere were two Grand Lodges in England between 1751 an d 1813 when the y me r ge d to form the United Grand Lod ge of Engl and . On e G rand Lodge
was called "Moderns" ( actually the older of the tw o ); the other was called "Antients" (Ancien ts). T he latter used the title Ancient F ree and Accepted Masons (A. F. & A. M.), wh ile the "Moderns," the original Grand Lodge, used Free and Accepted M asons (F. & A. M.). Wa r ran t s granted by these two En gli sh Grand L odge s to L odges in the United States carried the different titles.
It has alread y been established that symbolic ri tuali stic work under the Jurisdi c ti ons of the various Grand Lodges in this coun try is not Scottish R ite. Certain fundamenta ls of M asonic work are the same in every one of t h e fort y- nine J uri sdictions in th e United States. Al tho ugh there are fifty states , Alask a, masonically is u n der the Jur isdiction of the Gran d Lodge of Washington; Hawaii i s u nd e r the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of C alifornia; and t h e Di st rict of Columbi a, whi le not a state, has a Grand Lodge . It is in its ritual that Pen n sy lvania differs from other Jurisdictions. Wha t gives t he ritual its dist inctive and exclus ive cha racter is th e ma n ner in which the Degrees are conferred : the work is didactic and not dramatic as it is in the other Jurisdictions. I t is probabl y t hi s differe nce more than an y other that has caused Brethren to assume that work outside of the Jurisdicdic tion of Penns yl v a n ia is Scott ish R ite work .
" The York Ri
A breakd ow n of the evenings used by Pe n ns ylvan ia Lodges for Stated Meet ing reveal s 188 using Tuesday, 130 us ing Monday, 126 using T hursday, 78 us ing Wednesday and 74 using Frida y . Eigh t o f our Lodges hold Stated Meetings on Saturday evenings . Twenty of our Lodges meet on a certain even ing on or b efore a F ull Moon. while four Lodges actually meet on the even ing of the Full Moon u s in g Mo nday eve n ing i f the Moon is full on Sunday.