Grand Lodge Officers, headed by Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, dedi· cated the new Mnsonic Temple for Huguenot Lodge No. 377 at Kutztown. The Tem1>le was erected at a cost of S175 ,000.00.
The corners tone was placed for the new Masonic Temple at Kutztown. Pictured left to right are Bro. Milton Borrell , Chairman o f the Kutztown Temple Association; Bro. Rochester B. Woodall R. W. Grand Master; and Bro. Donald F. Heffiey Worshipful Master of Huguenot Lodge No. 377.
$175,000 Masonic Temple
Dedicated Grand Lodge Placed Cornerstone
Grand Lodge Officers placed the cornerstone and d e dicated the new Masonic Temple for Huguenot Lodge No. 377, Kutztown, on September 28.
This ma r ked the end of ten yea rs of dedicated work - the 108th Anniversary of th e Lodge.
The cost was $ 17 5,000, not including the h ours of dedicated vo lunte e r wo rk by Lodge members.
Th e fund s were ra ise d throug h co ntributions by members and other interested peopl e.
The n ew Temple is located on Cry s-
Elizabethtown Pa 17022
!Se nd FORM 3579 to Abo ve Address)
ta l Cave Road, Kutztown. T he Lodge Room sea ts 101 a nd the Social Room 150 f o r banquets. The str ucture a l so includes a Secreta r y's office and a fully equ ipp ed kitchen. The building is fully air-conditioned a nd ca rpe t ed
Following the dedication ceremo ny, the 10 8th Anniversary Banquet was h eld in the Dinin g Hall of Kutztown State College. Bro. Rocheste r B. Woodall, R. W. Grand Master , h ead ed the corne rstone and d ed ication ce remon y
Second Class
AT Elizabe thtown Pe nnsylvania
At the corne rst o ne cere mon y, h eld in the Lodge R oom b ec aus e of in clement wea the r, Bro. Woodall said:
"Even as th e corner stone symb oli zes a sure a nd firm foundation for this structure, so w ill we b e a tried sto ne, a sure f oundation in a uni ve r sal brotherhood if we accept the truth, d o our civic responsibilities and h ave a d eep a nd abid ing reverence for God."
Students Are Needed At Patton Masonic School
(Co ntinued from Page 7)
• Submit a birth certificate of applicant.
• Submit a complete medical and dental report.
• Submit a complete transcript of school records.
• Submit a letter showing sponsor· ship by a Masonic Lodge in Penn· sylvania recognized by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.
Upon receipt of the above items , the app licant and hi s parent , or gua rdian , w ill be contac ted or inte r viewed b y the Superintende nt.
The trustees m ake final selec ti ons and approvals.
Prelimin ary application form s ca n b e obtained from Masonic Lodges o r by applying directly to: Super in tendent, P atto n Maso nic School , E li zabethtow n , P e nn sylvania 17022
Can You
Be A Brother To Someone You Don't Even Know"
By Bro. Rochester B. Woodall R . W. Grand Master
Some good news . . . some not so good!
Since the creation of the Lodge Attendance Committees a.dditional emphasis has been placed on increasing participa: tton by members in Lodge activities.
Many Committees are doing very well in contacting the Members in person, by telephone and by letter.
Some Committees have established car pools to take Members to Lodge. Others are furnishing door to door delivery service for the elderly Brethren.
My theme; "I-Iow can you be a Brother t o someone you don't even know"?, is b e ing used with incre ased frequency and success.
The. cooperation and interest in the program by many Worshipful Masters is beginning to show results.
During the first six months of 1974, a number of Lodges
Grand Master's Banquet
have increased attendance by 20 per cent or more.
The attendance reports submitted to date indicate that the percentage of attendance ranges from a high of 31 per cent to a low of 4 per cent. Lodges with memberships of 300 or less, apparently have a better attendance record than larger Lodges.
However, regardless of size, the average attendance is approximately 15 per cent.
Lodges with attendance records in the 4 to tO per cent range are particularly urged to renew and redouble their efforts to improve attendance.
Bring up your "batting" average by the end of the Many Secretaries have not responded to my request to regularly send in Lodge Activity Reports. This mu st be done promptly each month. This is of great importance in the development of the Lodge Attendance Program
"How can you be a Brother to someone you don't eve n know?"
Dec. 27 Tickets Are Still Available
There are st ill ti ckets available for th e Grand Master's Banquet, show a nd dance f or Friday, December 27.
It will b e held in th e Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton H ote l , 172 5 Joh n F. Kennedy Blvd., Phladelphia.
The cos t of $ 15 .00 per pe rson covers the following:
• A delicious roast beef dinner
• An outstanding floor show
• Dancing to Bro. Joe Martin's 12-piece orchestra
• Free parking in the Sheraton Hotel garage, across Kennedy Blvd. from the hotel
Dress for the affair will be tuxedo b u t da rk su its acceptab le '
If you desire tickets se nd checks to Grand Master's Office Maso nic Temp le, On e North Broad St., Philadel phia, Pa. 19 107. Make checks payable to Grand Secreta ry.
Please indicate your r.!o dge No., n ame, address, a nd e n close a se lf-add ressed , stamped envelope
If you have a ny questions, d es ire furthe r details, ca ll the Grand Ma ste r 's Office, (Area Code 215) LO c u s t 7-5582.
Pennsylvania Ranks Second In Membership Statistics
The re are 3,6 11,448 Mason s in th e United States, according to the Masonic Serv ice Association.
The cou nt is based on 1973 m e mbersh ip sta ti s ti cs of the 49 G ra nd Lodges.
The five Grand Lodges w i th the l argest memberships are: Ohi o, 255,451; Pen nsyl vania, 234,598; T exas, 230,459: California, 223,777; and New York, 2 16,479.
Two Pennsylvania Brethren Have Years of Dedication
Two Pennsylvania Masons have ser ved Freemasonry for a tota l of 152 yea rs . In f ac t, Bros. Floyd M. Ca in a nd Robert Anderson Brua are amo ng the o ldest li ving Masons in point of ser vice in the United States. Bro. Cai n , 98, the you ngest b y age but oldes t in Masonic serv ice, was b o rn on Ja n uary 5, 1875, in Pittsburgh. He was a Certified P ub li c Accounta n t. During Wor ld War II h e we nt to Ca liforni a for the Man h at ta n P roject. H e now li ves in th e Park S ide Conva lescent Hom e , Newpo rt Beach , Ca li fornia . When 2 1 , Bro. Cain w as made a Mason in Mono nga hel a Lodge No. 269, Pittsburgh, in 1897. He has bee n a member for 77 yea r s . Bro. Ca in has two d aug ht e rs. Hi s h obbies a re writ in g a nd cabinet making. Bro Brua, 101 , was born on a farm (Cont in ued o n Page 2)
Grand Lodge Officers
Have Busy Schedule
Th e sche dule for Grand Lod ge Officer s for the n ext three mo nth s i nclud es:
December 4 - Qua r terly Commun ica tion, Maso ni c T e mple, Philad elphi a D ece mber 6- Gr a nd Lodge Office rs. Meet ing, Committee on Masonic H o mes Eli zabeth town.
De cemb er 27 - Annual Grand Commu n icat io n, Ma soni c Temple , Phil adelphia.
J a nu ary 11 - Gra nd Ma ster, Lu Lu Temp le ' s Ma ste rs N igh t , Mason ic Temple, Philadelphia .
J anuar y 24- Grand Lodge Officers, Meeting, Committee on Ma so ni c H omes. Eli zab e thtown.
February 17, 18, 19 - Gra nd Lodge Officers, Confere n ce of Grand Maste rs . W ash ington, D.C.
February 28- Grand Lodge Offic ers Meeting Committee on Ma so ni c H omes. Elizabe thtow n.
March 1 - Grand Mas te r , lOO t h Ann ive rsa ry, G eorge M D a ll as Lo d ge No. 53 1 , Dalla s.
March 5 - Quarte rly Commu nicatio n , Masonic T e mple , P h ila de l phi a
March 8 - G rand Mas ter , Syr ia
Temp le s Maste rs Nig h t , Syria M osque , Pittsburgh.
March 1 5 - Grand Ma ste r. tOOth
Anniv ersa r y, John W J enk s Lod ge N o. 534 , Punx suta w ney
March 22 - Grand Master , 75 th
Ann iversary, N o rri stow n Lo dge No. 620, Norris to w n.
March 28 - Gra n ::! Lod ge Offi ce rs.
Mee tin g, Committ
Eli za b ethtow n .
ee o n M aso ni c H ome s.
Bro. Grimm Retires; Bro. Shaw Appointed
Head of Ritualistic Work for Grand Lodge
Bro W. H arry Shaw, Jr ., Past Ma ster of Fernwood Lodge No. 543, was appointed Ins tructor of Rituali s tic W o rk f or Grand Lodge b y Bro. Ro cheste r B. Woodall, R. W. Grand Master. H e succeeds Bro. Raymond H. Gnmm Warrant Master of W ill iam D. Mc ilroy Lodge No. 7 58. Bro. Grimm r etired a s I n structo r o f the Ritu ali stic Work and from t he staff o f the Grand Master a fte r 15 year s o f d ed ica te d w ork.
Grand Lodge Officers and tho se closely associated with Bro atte nde d a test imonial dinne r m ht s h ono r o n November 16 in Masonic T emple , Phtla -
Two Pennsylvania Brethren Have Years of Dedication
(Con t inued from P ngc I) in Fra nktown Town sh ip on April 1 3, 1873. In 1899, he was made a in Juniata L odge No. 282 , I_-I oll!da ysburg. Hi s recomme nd e r was ht s brother a nd Pa st Mas ter of th e Lodge, Bro. Lynn A. Brua. . H e le ft farm in g sh ort ly after rece tving hi s degrees in 1899 to w ork for Bra ss Found r y of the Penn sy lva ma R a tlroad in South Altoona. Ten years late r he left for Ca lif o_rn ia worked in the coffee a nd tea bus mess and the n purchased a small ranch nea r S antee, California.
The Brua s had a son, Dr. Ro!:>e rt S. Brua , Maj o r G e neral , retire d. Presentl y livin g in th e Luthe r a n Home in Paul sbo , Wa shm gton Bro Brua , on clear wal_ks int o tow n to v isit hi s family , mcludm g tw n gran dchildre n and one gre at granddaughter.
de l phia.
Retire d from Gulf Oil Corporation , Bro. Grim m wa s appo inted I nstructor of the Rituali stic Work in 19 59. H e was District Deputy Grand Master of the 57t h Maso nic D is trict at the time of hi s appo intment.
Activ e in all Masonic Bodies in th e Pitt sburgh are a , h e se rv ed a s Worshipu l Ma ster of McKinley Lod ge No. 3 18 in 1932.
In York Rite Masonry , h e serve d as H igh Pri es t of St. Clair Chapt er No. 305 in 1953; Thrice Illu st rious Maste r of Mt. Moriah Coun c il in 1961; Commander of the Pitts burgh Command ery No. 1 in 1959 H e is al so a Member of the York Cross of H o nor , th e Re d Cross of Con stantine and Excelsior Mark Lodge No. 216
In Scottish Rite Maso nr y, Bro Grimm se rved a s Thrice Potent Ma ster of the Gom·gas Lodge of Perfec ti on in 1959.
H e h as been a M emb e r of the Scottish Rite Bod ies in the Valley of Pittsburgh sin ce 1923. For hi s yea r s of dedicated M aso nic work , h e was coroneted an H o no rary Membe r of the Supreme Counc il 33 ° in 1958 .
Bro. Grimm is a lso a member of Syria Shrine Temple and has rece ived hi s fifty year e mble m.
Bro. Shaw wa s Wor shipful Ma ster of Lodge No. 543 in 1943 , served. a s C hair ma n of the Lo d ge s Ins tructiOn Comm ittee for man y yea rs, and se rves as Trea surer of th e Lo d ge, s in ce 1958.
H e was appointed Prin c ip a l o f th e Temple School of In structi on He is a member of the Scotttsh Rtte Bod ies in the Va ll ey o f Ph il adelphia , and ser ves th e Be nj a min Fra nkl in Cons is tory as regis trar.
The li ght of Free mas onry s hine s from t he new Masonic Temple in Shippingport, ma d e possible by the dedication of the Members of Glasgow Lodge No 485 The Temple is debt fre e
Dedicated Members of Small Lodge Build Temple
In the shadows of the world's first f ull scale atom ic powered e lectric generating station , the 235 Me mb e rs o f Glasgow Lodge No. 485 mad e a drea m come true.
T hrough thi s d ed icati on the Lod ge i s now meeting in a new Maso nic Temp le in Shi ppingp ort , Beaver Count y Th e town h as a populati on of 250.
The fir s t mee ting in th e n ew Templ e was held on Septem be r 10 w hen Bro Rob e rt Batto, D i strict D e puty Grand Master for th e 37th Maso ni c Di s trict, made an officia l visit.
The Lodge was constituted on Fe bruar y 2 , 1871. I n 1966 it wa s for ced to vacate its meeting p lace in Midland. lt h eld mee tings in the Masoni c T e mple in Beaver unti l the new T e mpl e was completed .
T h e "Ma Hall Association ," a no n profit corporation, was form e d in 196 7 with Bro. Louis Wm. Swan, Jr. , P.M. , as p res ide nt.
Pennsylvania Does Not Permit Dual Membership
Dual m e mb ers hip is not permitted in Pennsylva ni a Masonry.
Article X IX , Section 9 of th e Ahima n Rezon, states:
"No member of a Lod ge in thi s Juri sdiction sha ll be permitted to be at th e same time , a memb er of anoth er Lod ge, e ithe r in th is, o r in anothe r Ju r isd iction ."
Following a gift o f an acre of l a nd. adjacent to the US. Post Office , by Bro. Paul f. Morrow, a 50 yea r member of the Lodge, a concerted effort wa s s ta r ted to rai se fun ds.
Construc ti on star ted in 1968. R ea l progress did not begin unti l 197 1. Bro . Josep h J . Jo hn son, present Junior Ward e n of th e Lodge , re ceived hi s Ent e re d Appre ntice Degree in 1970. Shortlv the rea ft e r , h e shouldered th e res p o n sib ili ty of th e c o n struction of the T e mple.
With his "know how" and th e h elp of Bro. Loui s Wm. Swan, Jr., P.M., Bro D onald F. White, P.M., and Bro. Natha n R. Hawthorne , P .M. , th e p rojec t moved s tea d ily towa rd co mp le tio n. Bro Johnson spent over 6 ,000 h o urs. toge the r w ith other Bro th e rs in th e "volunteer l a b o r of love" for th e Craft. Bro. Elli s B. Berna rd, Pa s t Di st ri c t D e puty Grand Master and the ol de st li vin g Past Master of the Lod ge, throu gh hi s kn ow le dge of buildin g const ru ction, gave mo st hel pful counse l . '
Fifty Years of Membership Needed for Service Emblem
A Member of a Symbolic Lo d ge in Penn sy lva nia who has b ee n a Mas on in good sta nding for fift y ye ars , is e ligi ble to rece iv e the Grand Lo dge Fifty Year Ma sonic Service Emblem and an e ngraved Wallet Card.
-ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Bro th er to someon e yo u don't even know ?"
Generous donations of money, building mate rial s and volu nteer labo r were made by members of Gla sgow Lodge a nd oth e r Lodges of the 37th Masonic Di strict
The n ew Temple is of brick ve n eer, colonial style and meas ures 65 fee t by 32 feet and ha s off s treet pa rkin g for 55 cars.
The main fl oor has an e ntra n ce lobb y, Secrtea r y' s Office and res t room.
The roo ms are full y c arp e ted. The Lodge ro om measure s 3 1 feet by 4 7 feet. A soft blend of blu e is u sed in the carpetin g and the walls.
The b eautifully hand carved solid wa lnut Office r s cha ir s as we ll a s the b e nch es for the Membe rs w e re o bta ine d fro m th e Ma so nic T e mpl e in Philade lph ia. Th ese provid e se atin g f or 45 Memb e rs with space ava ilab le for · 80 more seats
The lower level of th e Temple , reache d b y s tairway from th e e ntrance hall , includ es a social hall , kitc h e n , rest room s, sto ra ge and furn ace r oo m The gas furnace ha s provi sio n fo r addi n g a fiv e to n a ir cond iti on in g sys tem a s fund s are ava ilable
The approximate cost of th e bu il ding is $35,000. T hi s was m ade p oss ible by prud e nt m a nagement o f limi ted reso urces . The T e mple is d ebt fr ee . The growth potential o f th e Beave r County li es in th e Shippingport area , due to the multi-millio n do ll ar e lectr ica l generat ing s tation s now unde r con s tr uct ion
The Light of Freema so nr y s h ines from G l asgow Lod ge as it fa ces a b ri gh t future
Bro. Shaw
Bro Grimm
furniture in the Shippingport Masonic Temple is more ancient than the 103-year old Glasgow Lodge. It came from storage rooms in Masonic Temple, Philadelp h ia. It was completely res tore d by the Lodge Brethren.
Masonic "Power"
F r eem aso nr y thro u g hout the wo rld has s tr u ck m e d a lli o n s to comme m orate hi sto ri ca l even ts a nd da tes
The G r a n d Lod ge o f P e nn sylva ni a is n o exceptio n . Si n ce its co ns ti t u t io n as a n ind e pe nde nt G r a nd L odge in 1786, i t ha s s truc k seven co m me m o r at i ve m ed a llions
Of the seve n , three h o no r ed Br o George W as h i n g to n a nd two com me m o r a te d th e Mason ic T e mple, On e No rth Broad Street, Phil adelphia.
Washington 1797 Medallion
The rarest medallion in the coll ec t ion is the W as hin g to n m ed a lli o n s tru c k b y G r an d L odge in 17 97.
It was s tru ck i n recog niti o n o f the a nti cipa te d e lectio n of Bro . Was hin g to n a s Gener al Gr a nd M as te r of M aso ns in th e United S tates.
The Procee din gs of Gra n d L odge dated Ja nu a r y 13 , 17 8 0, s ta tes :
"The Ballot was put up o n the Ques tio n : W h e the r i t be for t he Ben e fit of Maso nr y and 'a g r a nd Mas te r o f Maso n s thro'o ut t he Unit ed Sta tes s h a ll now be n omin ate d o n th e pa rt of thi s Gr and Lod ge ....
" Su nd r y r especta ble Bre the r en (sic.) be ing pu t in n o mi naWASHINGTON
ti o n , i t was m oved th a t th e Ballot be p ut to th e m se p a r a te l y. a nd H is Excelle ncy G eor ge Was h i ngton , E sq uir e, G ene r a l a nd Com mander-in-Chie f of t he A r mies of th e Unit ed Sta tes be in g fir s t in n o minatio n , h e w a s ba llo tte d f o r accor di ngl y as G ra nd Mas te r , a n d Electe d b y the un a nim o u s vo te o f the w h ole L odge ."
Thi s ac ti o n o f th e Grand Lod ge of P en n syl vania did n o t m ee t w i th favor b y th e Grand Lo d ge o f Ma ss a chu setts Th e o ffi ce was neve r es tablished
It created the belief amo ng Ma so ns tha t suc h a n offi ce did exi s t a nd that W as hington occ upie d i t. Th e e rror w as furth e r comp ou nd ed b y th e a bbrev ia te d lege n d o n the reve r se o f the m e d a l,
" G .W .G. G .M. " -G eor ge Was hi ng to n G e nera l G r an d Mas te r.
T he meda l is of b r o n ze, 1 ¥s" in di a m eter a nd 1/ 16''
thi c k. One s ide o f the m ed a l has t he b u s t o f Was hin gto n i n uni fo rm an d car ri es the lege nd "G Wash i ng to n , Pres ide nt.
17 9 7. "
Th e r eve r se s ide s ho ws e mbl em s of M a so nr y su rr o unde d b y the i nsc ription " AMOR • HO N OR • E T • J USTITIA' ', and the i n iti a ls " G.W. G G M. "
Ar o u nd th e r im o n b o th s ides is a r ope-lik e des ig n w hi c h co ul d symb oli ze the ca ble to w
The me dal closely resembles both in d raw i ng a nd exec ution the Was hin g to n h a lf d olla r s of 179 2 e n grave d by Bro .
Pe te r Ge tz of La n c a s te r, Pa. , a Pa s t Maste r of L odge No . 4 3, F & A. M , o f L a ncast er. T wo of th e three kno w n meda ls are in th e G r a nd L odge co ll ec tion
New Temple Dedicati on
In 18 73 a whi te m e ta l med a lli on was s tru c k by t he Gra nd Lodge to comme m orate the de di cat ion o f t h e "New" Maso nic
Temple , 1 No rth Br oad Street , Phil a delphia. The m edal is 1 1,-2 11 in diame ter a n d Ys 11 thi ck.
Th e o bverse (" fr o nt ") ha s in r elie f the likene ss of the Mason ic Temple. The r e ve r se o f th e m e dal be ar s in t he cente r of th e fi eld th e squa r e w ith the co mp asses s up e rimp osed A bove them is the All-Seeing E ye with r ays of lig h t emanating fr o m it. The wording ar o und the rim on t h is s id e r ea d s " D e di ca te d Se pte mbe r 26 , A.D. 18 73 • A .L.
5 8 73
Sesqui-Centennial Medal
A Se sq ui-C en te nnial m edal w as iss ued in 1902 b y th e
G ra nd L odge to co mme morate Bro. Geo rge Wa shin g ton 's i n i tiati o n as a Freemas on , Novembe r 4 , 1752 .
The Washington Sesqui-Centennial A nniversa r y vo lume iss u ed b y the Gra n d L od ge gives th e fo ll ow in g acco un t :
"As a me moria l o f the cele br a ti o n , it was de cid e d th a t n m e da l s hould be s truc k , a nd the wo r k of m a kin g th e di es was en t r us ted to th e Uni te d States Mint at Phila delphi a, a nd was d o ne u nd er the direct io n of th e c hief en gra ve r , M r Ch a rl es E. Bar be r.
"Fr o m these di es the m e d a ls we r e s tru ck by Mr. J osep h
K. D aviso n , of Phil adelphia. Th e ob ve r se b ears the h ea d o f Was hin g ton in profil e, to the left , fr o m St ua rt's por t r a i t; w ith the da tes ' E.A. Nov . 4 , 57 52 • F. C . M a r. 3 , 5 753 • M.M. Aug 4, 5 75 3.' Under the h ea d , the inscri p tio n aro u nd th e rim r eads : "Sesqui-Ce ntenni a l • o f • W as hingto n' s • Initiati on • As • A • Fr eem aso n • A.L. 5 9 02 .' '
The reverse side shows the se al of th e G r a nd Lo dge of P e n nsyl va ni a
One of these m ed als was give n to each Bro th er w h o a tten de d th e ce leb rat io n , a nd one was sent to each o f t he G r and L od ges w ith wh ic h th e G r a nd L odge of P e nnsyl vania he l d frate rn a l rel ations.
The one gi ve n to Bro Theodore Ro osevelt , Pres id en t o f
the Unite d Sta tes and honored g u es t of th e Grand Lo d ge, w a s of gold.
Daniel Coxe Med a l
In 193 1 as o n e of the perm a ne nt m e mori a ls of t he ce le brat io n co mme mo ra ti ng T w o Hundred Yea r s o f Free ma so nr y i n Pe nn sy l va ni a , t he G rand Lo dge s t ruck a m eda l b ea ri ng t he li ke ness o f D a ni e l Coxe.
On June 5, 1730, Bro Coxe was appo inte d Prov in c ia l G ra n d Ma s te r o f the Prov inces o f New Yor k, N ew Je r sey a nd Pe n nsyl va nia b y the Gra nd Mas ter o f the F r ee a nd Accep te d M aso ns of En gland , The D uke of Nor folk. Mr. Ad a m Pj e tz, a ss is ta nt e ng r ave r at the U n ite d S tates M in t at Phil a d elphia , was se lec ted as the sc ulpto r , a nd the m e d a ls were s truc k a t the Philad elph ia Mint. They a re of bro n ze, 3 11 in di a m e te r a nd % 11 thi c k. Th e o b ve r se has in r e li e f the h ead o f D a nie l Coxe from th e e ng r aved p o rt ra it b y Bro. J o hn Sarta in. The w o rdin g a r o un d· th e r im r ea d s : " Daniel Coxe • Prov incia l • Gra nd M as te r • N ew Yo rk • New J er sey • P e nn sy l va ni a " I n the fi e ld o n each s ide o f th e head are the d a tes , 173 0-1 73 2
• The reverse bears in th e c e nte r of the fi eld, the foll o win g in sc ripti o n : " In Comm emor a tio n of Two- Hund r ed Ye ar s of (Con ti n ued on Page 7)
Brethren District Deputies Receive Honors
Dedicated Mason Honored
The Pap er Indu stry Management Association c r eated "The Glen T. Renega;· Award" to honor individual s who have made except ional t?
Association. Bro. Renegar 1s J?lstn.ct Deputy Grand Mast er for Masomc trict " D" and Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Temple. Bro. Renegar, known throughou t the v.:orld for his knowledge of the paper mdu s try, served PIMA as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The industry voted to present the fir st "Glen T. R enegar Award" to Bro. Renegar.
Bro. Renegar Bro. Christ
Teacher by Occupation
Bro. Gregory L. Christ, Di strict DeJ?uty Grand Master for the 58th Ma so mc District, has been n ominated as one of the o utstanding seco ndar y educators of America for 1974. He was nomin a ted for the honor by officials of the Mahanoy Area Juni or High School.
One Shot Church
To his Pittsburgh fri ends, Bro. Alvin C. Church, a professional photographer , is known as "One Shot." Bro. C hurch has taken a series of col o r ed photographs for Grand Lodge .and re ce ived national r ecog nition for h1s work. One of hi s prints of the Dining Room at th e Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown was recently sele cted for the Mas te r' s Exhibit in Los Angeles, Bro. Church is in the running to receive a Fellowship, a degree created by the American Society of Photographers
Dedicated Volunteer
Bro. J ohn F. Felker volunteered 48 years ago to serve one night as Tyl er of Pottsville Lodge No. 730. He has b een h old ing that office ever sin ce. The Lod ge ce lebrated its 50th Anniversary in October.
Continued Service to Mankind
A country doctor in western Pennsylvania found time to se rve Freemasonry a nd his pati e nts . Bro. Mil to n F . Ma nning , b orn May 31, 1887, was made a
Mason in Beallsville Lodg e No 237. Beallsville in 1915. He was Mas ter in 1920. Bro. Manning delivered Bro. Paul E. Buckingham and Bro. S. Earl Buckin gham who served as Master of the Lodge in 1967 and 1972 , r espectively. Bro. Manning continues to h ol.d regular office hours and attend Masomc meetings.
A Lodge at Work
There' s a s mall Lodge in a small con:tmunity with the drive of a gia nt It IS Marion Lodge No. 562 in Scottsdale. For in stance : it entertained a group of Canadian Masons and their attendance 202; Strawberry 290 Brethre n attended; family p1cmc, 175 attended; and in September 44 and their ladies r e turned the VISit to Teeswater, Ontario. " How can be a Brother to so meone you don t even know?" These Brethre n are getting to know each other.
Three Generations of Secretaries
For the past 79 years, in fact since its constitution in 1895, the Se c ret ary position in Progress Lodge No. 609, Philad elphi a, h as been cornered by one family. Bro Winfield P. Kraft h a s served the Lodge a s Secretar y f ? r th e past 27 years. His father , Bro. Wmfi eld S. H. Kraft held the po siti o n for 21 years, and hi s father-in-law , Bro. Em anuel H. Price, th e grandfather of th e present Secretary, was the fir st Secretary, se r vin g the Lod ge for 31 ye ars. Unfortunately there ar e no Krafts to co ntinu e this heritage.
Testimonial for Secretary
Bro. Frederick R. Leoffier, P as t Master and Secretary of Montgomery L odge , No. 19, Philadelphia , was re cently .honored at a testimonial b a nquet for h1 s 63 years of Masonic service. He was made a Mason in February , 1912. He served as Worshipful Master in 1928 and then Treasurer for 12 yea rs . When the Lod ge Secretary died in 1943 , Bro. was persuaded to serve temporanly. H e has been serv ing ever since.
70 Year Old Box
Bro. S. Blair Sponeybarger, Jr., District Deputy Grand Master for tJ-.e 20th Masonic Dis trict ; Bro. Hu gh Hayford. Tr. , M.D., president of the Altoona Area Board of School Direc tors, and members of Hiram L odge No. 616, Altoona , participated in recovering conte nt s of the copper box placed m the cornerstone of the Altoona Area Hi gh School that was recently demolished. The box was placed in the cornerstone by Lodge Officers in 1905. One of the 1tems recovered was a li sting o f the Grand L odge Officers who participated in_ the corners tone lay in g ceremo n y and wntte n o n the back of s tat ionery of The Logan H ouse, historically famous as the s it e of the Civil War Governor's Co nfe re nce.
Secretaries Congratulated
The total circulation of the 1974 edition of "Th e Pennsylvanw Freemason" came closer to the tota l membership of our 602 Lo dges than at;Y time s ince the start of the Freemason .m 19 54. Credit for this near circulation goes to Lodge Secr etanes who have kept names and addresses, address ch a ng es and d eletion s up. to da.te. Eve r y Pennsylvania Freemaso n 1s enti tled to a copy of our Grand Lodge Quarterly Publication.
Top This One
84 and Still Counting
Cedar Lodge No. 670 in Mount Carmel ha s a ded icated Brother who continues to confe r all thr ee degrees a t age 84. Bro. Arthur D. Heil has b ee n an active Ma son for 62 years . He ha s b een a Pa s t Master for 55 years. He has been Trea surer of the L odge fo r th e past 35 years. He is also Chairman of the Committee of In s truction of the Lodge .and attends all r e h ear sal s, includin g sess 10ns of the Mount Carmel Sch ool of In s tr u cti on.
Maso nic sponsored stud ents are needed at the Patton Masonic School at Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. The School is located one mile south of Elizabethtown in beautiful Lancaster County, a short distance fr om Harrisburg East of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
Purpose of Patton
The purpose of Patton School is -
• T o prepare students for College.
• To train students in vocationscarpentry, electronics and machine shop.
• To prepare students for life activities and responsible citizenship.
• T o build character by developing the principles of morality as exempli fied in the Holy Bible.
Pa tton Masonic School is a privately endowed secondary boarding school for boys who have lost eithe r one or both pare n ts through death.
The entrance r eq uirements include:
• So ns of Master Masons, m embers of Lodges in the Grand Lod ge of F. & A.M. of Pennsylvania receive first consideration.
• Must be between 14 a nd 18 years of age and ha ve compl eted at least the e ighth grade .
• Mu st be of good character and me n tally and phys icall y capable of participating in th e total school prog ram.
• Must be sponsored by a Masonic Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Free and
It is dangerous to lis t statist ic s if yo u r e not prepared to li st corrected fact s . Perry Lodge No. 458, held . at Marysville tied for second w 1th Perseverance Lodge No. 2 1, both having Entered 35 Cand1dates m 1973.
Bro. William A. Carpenter
R. W. Grand Sec retary
_ ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Brother to d ' k ?" someone yo u on t even now.
New Testaments, The Gospel s, The Epi stles and Comparative Religions
The social activities include clubs such as DeMolay and Hi-Y, bus trips, dance s and community activities. The sports program includes soccer , baseball , basketball and track. T eams compete with neighboring schools. Parents or sponsors are encouraged to visit the school any Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
Preparatory School Schedule
Students are permitted to return home on normal school holidays. School starts in early September and ends in June, similar to other preparatory schools.
Accepted Masons of P en nsylvania. The following is interesting information o n the school:
No Student Charge Trustees are appointed by the R. W.
The approximate cost of $6,000.00 a year per student for board, lodging and education is free to the sponsors, parent or guardian.
The money is prov ided b y the income from the Thomas Ranken Patton Trus t Fund and other fund s unde r the control of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.
With a s tude n t body limited to 60 young men , the educational, physical and socia l needs are fully met. Faculty and counselors are continually available.
Grand Master of Masons in Penn sylvania
Special awards are given to students at graduation.
Students are encouraged to go on to college. Every possible assistance, including financial, is extended through employment and loan s by Grand Lod ge .
The enrollment proced ure includes:
• Young man and sponsors should visit the school, if possible.
In accordance with Bro. Patton' s w ill , all students must take Bible stud y. These courses include: The Old and (Co ntinu e d on P age 8)
• Submit a death certificate of parent.
Medallions Are Used to Commemorate Dates, Events
( Continued from Page 5)
Freemasonry in Pennsylvania celebrated Oct. 11 , 12 , 13, 14, 1931 by The Right Worshipful Grand L o d ge of Pen nsylvania. Beneath the in scripti on is the Holy Bible, o p en, up on wh ich is the sq uare with compa sses superimp osed. Abo ve the Bible is a sun burs t, to the lef t of w hich is a gave l and to the right a trowel. At the tip of th e field a r e the All-Seeing Eye s hedding rays, p lumb , and a level. Above the rim is a laurel wreath, de noting a chievement.
Washington at Prayer
On Saturday, September 9, 196 7 , the George Wash in gton at P rayer Statue was dedicated at Freedom s F o undation at Valley Fo rge, the g ift of Pennsylvania Freemason s To mark thi s eve nt , th e Gra nd Lo d ge of P ennsylva ni a is s ued a bron ze medallion bearing on its o bverse a profile r eli ef of the stat ue wh ic h had been desig ned a nd sculpted by D ona ld De Lue.
At the base of the statue on t he medallion are 13 fivepointe d sta rs rep r ese ntin g the 13 colonies, beneath w h ich is the legend Freedo ms Foundation at Valley Forge. Alon g th e rim a t the top are the words George Was hingto n at Prayer.
The reve r se of the medal carries the seal of t he Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
The medalli o n m eas ures 3 11 in diamete r and approx im ately 3/ 16 11 thick.
Grand Masters Medallion
Grand Masters fr o m time to time h ave had m edallio n s s truck for special Masonic pre sentations The Grand Mas ter M e dallion is cast in bronze, is 3 11 in diameter and 3/ 16 11 thick. The o b verse h as in re lief the seal of the R.W. Grand Master. The wo rdin g a r o und the inner rim reads: "R. W. Grand Ma ster of Masons in Pennsylvania"; the outer rim carries the .Grand Ma s ter's name and date. T he r everse of the meda llion bears the sea l of the Grand Lodge.
Temple Anniversary Medallion
To celebra te the 100th Anniversa ry of the dedication of the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia , a medallion of jewe ler's bronze was st ru ck by the Grand Lodge.
On the obverse of the medallion is a r epli ca in relief of the Ma sonic T emple . The word ing around the rim r eads : Masonic T emple • Philadelphia, Pa. • 18 73- 1973. The reverse is a reproduction of the Seal of th e R . W. Grand Ma s ter of Masons in Pennsy lva ni a, circled by th e Gra nd Master's n ame and years of serv ice The medallion mea s ures 1 Y2 11 in di a m e ter and is 1/s 11 thick.
The collection of Grand Lodge Meda llio n s , 1797- 1973 , is on di sp lay in the G r a nd Lodge Museum. Some of th ese m edal s have been imbedded in l ucite for more effective di s play p urp oses