Masonic Temple, One N. Broad Street, is "heart" of Philadelphia, across the street from C1ty Hall With 1ts famous towering statue of William Penn.
Special for Bicentennial Masonic Temple Open for
Masonic Temple in Philadelphia is "dressed" for the Bicentennial Yearthe two hundredth an ni versary of o ur nation.
Thou s ands of visitor s from all parts of the world are expected to tour this
The Temple w ill be open for normal tours at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 2_ p.m and 3 p.m throughout the year The only exception w ill b e from Tune 15 to September 15.
HOMES Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 (Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)
P 1 a e P 1a.
During the summer period conti nuous tours will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except Sund ay.
T h e tours on Sunday w ill be from 11 a.m to 5 p.m
T h e above sch edule includes the Fourth of July and Labor Day
During the sum m er months, Rambow Girls, dressed in Colonial Cos tum es, will b e the tour g uides .
In additio n , Grand Lodges fro.m the 13 origina l states w ill have spectal e-:chibits in the Grand Banquet Hall. Th1s huge room will be turned into a gigantic Masonic display. Bro. G l en T. Renga r , C harman of the on Temple, is arranging for the dtspl ays.
The Grand Master ha s ur ged Maso':s, families and friends to make a effort to visit Masonic Temple durm g the special summer schedule - from Tune 15 to September 15.
In addition t o touring the Temple, visltors will ha ve an opportunity . to v isit the M u seu m with its collection of Masonic memorab1ha
The cornerstone of Masonic Temple was laid on June 24, 1868.
It took more tha n five years of skill ed labor to build the Temple.
Details: Pages 5, 6, 7 and 8
Bro. McCain Installed as Grand Master of Masons
Bro. John L. McCain, a Pittsburgh business executive has been installed as R . W . Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania
He s ucceeded Bro. Roc hes ter B. Woodall, of Philadelphia , in being elevated to the highest office in Freemasonry in Pennsylvania.
The ancient ceremony w hi ch marked Bro. McCain's installation took place at the Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge held in Syria Mosque , Pittsburgh, on December 27, 1975.
As Grand Master , Bro. McCain heads approximately 230,000 Masons in 600 Masonic Lodges throughout the sta te.
In Freemasonry, Bro . McCain served as Worshipful Master of Milnor Lodge No . 287, Pittsburgh, in 1959. He also served the Lodge as Culture Chairman and a Trustee. He was appointed as a D istrict Deputy Grand Master of the Gra nd Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in 1964 and served until installed as Junior Grand Warden on December 27, 1969. He also served Grand Lodge as Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master, previous to being elected G r and Master.
In York Rite Masonry, he is a member of St. Clair R:oya l Arch Chapte r No . 305, Pittsburgh , serving as High Priest in 1973; Mt. Moriah Council No. 2, Royal and Select Masters; Pi ttsburgh Commandery No . 1, Knights Templar, serving as Commander in 1969 and 1970 ; United States Premier Con t inued o n Page 2
All Masons and Their Ladies Invited on London Trip
The Grand Master has invited a ll Masons a nd their ladies to join with him in a visit to the Grand Lodge of England - and London - for eight days, star ting September 9, 1976.
Bro. John L. McCain, Grand Master, said this is "an extraordinary event, for an extraordinary year ."
Details of this extraordinary opportunity are on Pages 5, 6, 7 and 8 of th is issue. Don't pass up this opportunity . Y'Ou will be accompanied by all the Grand Lodge Officers, including the Grand Master, and their l adies
Gra nd Lodge will not make one penny on this visitation. All the money w ill be u sed to entertain and assure the comfort of those participating . Check the price of a trip on a "do it yourself" basis. You will be amazed how much the Grand Lodge trip will save you. For in stance, three outs tanding high light s, included in the cost areA special banquet for Brethren following a visit to the Grand Lodge of E ngland. It will be h eld in the famo u s Connaught Hall of Grand Lodge. While the Brethren visit the Grand
Lodge of England the ladies will be treated to a fabu l ous sh ow at the fam o u s London Pa ladiu m Theater. All tho se on the v is itation will be treate d to a luxu rious banquet in one of London's famous h otel s It w ill include all the E nglish pomp and pagentry. This alone will be worth going to London . P lanes w ill leave Pittsburgh , Harrisburg and Philadel phia. Be su r e you and your lady have seats o n o n e o f th em.
Applicat ions will be p r oces sed on a fir s t received bas is
membe r of
e Committee on Ma soni c Homes sin
19 70 , h as b een electe d ch a irm an of the H o mes Commit tee. Bro . J ohn L. McCain , Gra nd M as te r , r ecommen ded the e lec ti on of Bro . W arner. d ue to heavy commi t me nt s as G r an d Master in 1 976 . The Committee u n animou sl y a pproved th e Gr and M aste r 's reco mm e nd a t io n.
U. S. Steel Executive Installed
As Junior Grand Warden of Penna.
Br o. Sa mu el C. W illi a m son. of P itcairn, superintendent o f th e C he mi cal D epa r tme nt at th e Cl ai rton W orks of th e U nite d S tates S teel Co rp oration, h as b een in st all e d as Juni or Grand W arden o f th e G r a n d Lo dge of Free and Accepte d Maso ns of Pe nn sylva n ia.
Hi s in stallat io n to the high M asonic
o ffi ce took pla ce on D e cembe r 2 7 , 1975
Bro. Samuel C. Williamson R. W. Junior Grand Warden
at th e Annu a l Gra nd Commun ica tion o f the Gra nd L od ge he ld i n Syria Mosque, Pit ts burgh.
Bro Williamson is a Pas t Master of T yri an L od ge No. 6 12, No rth Versa illes
T ow n shi n. ser v in g as Wo r sh ipful Maste r in 1959
H e ser ved as Di stri c t D ep uty Gra nd Mas te r fo r th e 54 th Maso ni c Di stric t for te n yea r s, b e in g creat ed a Past Distr ict D e puty G r and Ma ste r in 1971
whe n h e was appo inted t o the Committee o n Mason ic H omes .
Bro. W ill iamson is a me mber of t he Valley Royal Arch Chapter No. 289, Ubertv Valley Co u ncil No 50 , R oyal and Select Masters ; and Pi ttsburgh Commandery No 1, Kni gh ts T empl a r
H e is a m ember of th e Scotti sh R ite Bodies in the Valley of Pi ttsb ur gh.
Bro W ill ia mson is al so a membe r of Sy ri a T em pl e, A .A.O. N .M. S , Pi ttsburgh.
Bo r n in P itca irn , h e was educated in the publi c school s of P itca irn a nd th e
Un i ve rsity of Pittsb ur gh.
A member of the Cen te r
Un ited Methodist Ch urch, Pi tcairn , he se r ved as V ice C ha irm an of the Admi ni strative Board , served as Tru stee, Cha ir ma n of the Finance Com mittee a nd Cha ir ma n of th e Admi n istrative Board
Bro. W ill ia mson se r ved in th e United States Army f r o m 195 0 t o 195 2. H e was e m ployed by the U nited States Steel Cor po r ation foll ow in g h is h o n o rable d ischarge
He is serving as V ice Pr es id e n t a nd Di rector of th e Sentin el S av in gs Associa t ion of D elmo nt.
H e is a past Pi tca irn Co u ncilm an, hav ing served from 1969 throu gh 1973. He is a member of th e Ame rican I nst itute of C h emical Enginee r s, Ame rican Chemical Soc iety, Eastern S tates Blast Furnace a nd Cok e O ven Association, and Vice Presiden t of th e Te r m in a l Oper ators Assoc iatio n , Port of Pi ttsb ur gh
Bro. McCain Installed as Grand Master of Masons
Co n t n ued from Page 1 Co nclave, Kni gh ts of The Red Cross of Co n s ta n t ine a nd App e nd ant O r d er s; and th e Gold en Tri an gl e Yo rk Rite Coll ege
In Scottish Rite Masonry, Bro . McCa in is a me mbe r of t he Scottish Ri te Bod ies in th e Vall ey of Pi ttsbu rgh , w h e re h e served as Sovereign Prin ce of th e Penn sy lva ni a Co un cil P rin ces of Je ru sa lem in 1965 a nd 1966 an d a tru stee of the Scott ish Ri te Bod ies f ro m 1964 to 19 74.
For hi s wo r k in F reemaso nry, Bro. McCa in was h onored in 197 0 w h en h e was coron ete d an h onor ary T hi r ty-Th i rd D egree in Sco tti sh Rite Masonry H e rece ived fur the r Scott ish Ri te H on o rs in 1973 w h e n h e was c row ned an Ac ti ve for Pe n nsylvan i a.
A former m ember o f th e D e Molay, h e was h onored by be in g awarde d th e D eMolay L egion o f H on or . H e is th e fir s t f o rme r D eMo lay me mbe r to se r ve as G ran d Mas te r o f M aso n s in P e n nsy va ni a Bro . McCa in is a memb e r of Syri a T e mp le, P ittsb ur gh; Royal Ord e r o f Jeste rs, Pittsburgh Court No . 2; a nd Na ti o na l Sojo urn ers, Pitt sburgh C h ap ter No 38.
A res id ent of th e Pi t tsb ur gh area all hi s li fe, Bro. McCa in 2
w as ed uca ted in th e p u blic schoo ls o f D orm ont, Penn sylvani a S tate Uni ve r sity an d th e gradua te sch ool at the U nive rs ity of Pit t sb ur gh.
He married Genevie ve B. H ach me is te r of Pit ts burgh , in 1941. T hey h ave a son, Bro . John L. M cCa in, J r , P ast Maste r o f M il nor L od ge No. 287. F. & A.M., and a g ra ndson Joh n L. McCa in, TIT. The McCa ins Ji ve in M t Leba n on Bro. McCain was e mployed by th e Un ited Sta tes Steel
Cor p o rat io n at th e H omestead Works a n d th e I rv in Wo r ks , p ri or to serv ing as an officer i n the Ch emical Warfare
Ser v ice of the Un ited State s Army from 1941 to 19 4 6
Af te r the war . he served as v ice-pres id e n t of H ach me ister ,
In c. u n til 196 1 when t h e re was a merger into ]. H. H einz
Company . He served i n the sa me capacity for several add itio n a l years. Bro. Mc Ca in is now e ngaged in persona l inves tmen ts .
The McCain s are me mbe r s of the Sou th min ster United Pres b y te r ian Ch urch of M t Lebanon where Bro McCa in is a P as t D eaco n.
Br o . McCain is a mem b e r of the Board of Trustees of th e Ohi o Vall ey Hosn ital a nd direc tor of th e Wes t En d Federal Sav in gs and Loa n Associ ation . H e is also a past p r esident of the McKees Ro ck s Rotary Cl ub.
Bicentennial Year"
Lodge of Pa. Struck Two Bronze Medallions
T wo sp e ci al med allions h ave been str uck by Gra nd L odge to commemo rate th e Bi ce ntenni a l yea r of o ur cou ntry.
Both m ed allio n s h ave been struck in bron ze .
T hey are both available on a limited bas is W h en th e supply is gone th e re w ill be no mo re st ruck.
The larger of the two medalli ons h as a t hree inch di a me ter
s ide of th e medallion is a reprodu c tio n of the George W as h ingto n a t Prayer statue. struck by Gran d Lod ge and prese n ted to F reedoms Foundat io n at Va ll ey Forge . T he other s ide is a reprod uc tion o f th e Seal of th e G rand Maste r of Maso n s in Pe nnsylva ni a.
Th e sm all e r of the two medall ions has a o ne and a ha lf in c h diameter th e s ize o f a sil ver d ollar. '
One side of the med all ion i s a reproduct ion of Masonic TempJe, On e N. Broad Street, Ph iladelph ia, the home o f G rand L od ge The othe r s ide is a re productio n of th e Se al of the Grand M aster of Maso n s in P en n syl vania.
The cost of the l arge medalli on is:
• $ 6.50, with easel, plus 36 ce nts sales tax when purchased in Grand Lod ge's Museum in Masonic T e mple Philade lphia. '
• when purchased by mail, mcludmg an easel, mailing box, po stage and 36 cents sales tax
The cost of the dollar size medallion is:
• $ 1.00 , including 6 cents sales tax.
• $ 1.25 when purchased by mail, including 6 cents sales tax and postage. '
T o be assured o f receiving the meda lli ons of your c hoice send your check, mad e out to the Grand Sec reta ry, to Committee on Masonic Culture, One N. Broad Street, P hiladelphia, Pa. 19107.
T h e " Washington at Prayer " medallion was designed by Donald DeLue, a world famous sculptor
He a lso was the sculptor selected by Grand Lodge to create the Washington at Prayer statue at Fredoms Foundation . The Pe nnsylvania 1976 Masonic Emblem is now on sal e in Masonic Temple
Phi l adelp h ia '
It is a collector's i tem and a ll Masons s hould have one of these Emb lems to 3
wear, especially this year. The Emblems can be purchased for $2.00 plus 12 cents tax , from the Museum in Maso nic T emple, P h iladelph ia
T he y a r e $2.25 when purch ased by mail, incl u d ing 12 cen ts tax and postage.
The famous "Imperial Teteque" Band of sponsored by Williamsport Consistory, will be one the participating in the first Grand Lodge B1centenmal Dedication on Saturday, June 12, in the Scottish Rite Cathedral: Coudersport. All Masons and families are invited to attend. There 1s no charge.
,,First Celebration"
Bicentennial Dedication In Coudersport
The first Grand Lodge Bice ntennial Celebration will be held in the Scotti sh Rite Auditorium , Coudersport , on Saturday, June 12. _ There will be two shows - 1 :..JO p m. a nd 3:30p.m.
Bro . John L. M c Cain has ur ged Ma ster Mason s and the ir familie s to mak e a s pecial e ffort to atte nd this pr ogram.
Bro. Walter P. Wells, Deputy Grand Ma s ter is h e ading the committee to plan thi s o uts tandin g d e dication pr og ram.
The prog ram will include:
• Prelude - Organ Meditations
• Processional-Uniformed Knights Templar with American Flags and a DeMolay Group
• Invocation -
• Pledge of Allegiance, led by a DeMolay
• Introduction of the Program, Bro. Walter P. Wells, Deputy Grand. Master
• Narrator- Bro. William Hill, as Bro Benjamin Franklin
• Musical Numbers - Williamsport Consistory Imperial Teteque Band, directed by Bro. H. Carlton Sweeley.
• Northern Tier Music Chorus , directed by Bro William Brocklebank.
• Patriotic Play, by Coudersport Consistory Players
• Musical Numbers - Chorus and Band -
• Introduction and Address by Bro. John L. McCain, Grand Master
• Finale - all participants.
- June 12
There is no charge f or this wonderful pr og ram.
The " Imperial Tete que" Band s tarted in 1884 a s a brass quartet.
The memb ers o f thi s mu sical group -- a ll Ma so n s - p e rf o rme d at L od ge mee tin gs a nd social eve nts s pon sored b y Ma s te r M ason s O ve r the year s, w ith the additi o n s o f oth e r Masons, th e gr o up has b ecome a full-fl e d ged br ass band.
The group we nt o ut of exis te nce in 1944 but in 19 56 it w a s again s tarted as Wili a ms po rt Co n si stor y Ba nd.
Th e p e rsonne l of the band , all Masons, tra vel as mu ch as 50 mil es to at te nd r e h e ar sal s lts mus ical dire c tor and p nnc1 pa l co ndu c tor is Br o Don a ld C. Br e n en ge r , a nd it s busin ess m a n age r , Bro H Carlton S wee ley
Grand Lodge Officers Have Busy Schedule Planned
The sch edule for Gra nd Lod ge Officer s for the ne x t three months includ es: March 3 - Qu a rte rl y Communic ation , M asonic T emple, Philadel phia.
March 6 - Gr a nd Mas te r , 125th Anni versa r y, Milton Lodge No. 25 6, Mil· ton.
M a rch 13 - Gra nd M as ter, Sy ria Templ e's Mas te rs ' N ight , Syri a Mos que , Pi t tsburgh.
M a r ch 26 - Grand L od ge Officers , m ee ting, Committee o n M aso nic H om es, Eliza b e th tow n.
April 3 - G r a nd M aste r , 100th AI2ni ve rsary, New Lo n do n L od ge N o. 54 ::J, W est G r ove.
April 10 - Grand M as te r, tOOth Anni ve rsa r y, Wa ymart Lod ge N o. 542 , Waymart. April 23 - Grand Lo d ge Office rs, mee ting, C ommitt ee on Ma so nic H ome s , E li za b e thto wn.
Ap ril 2 4 - Gra nd Ma s te r Sprin g R e uni o n , Sco tti s h Rite Bo di es, Valley of Pitts bu r gh.
M ay 1 - Gr a nd Lo dge Office rs, vis ita ti o n o f Offi cer s o f the Gr and L od ge of N ew H a mp shire, Philad elphia.
M ay 6- 7-8 - Grand Lodge Officer s, No rtb.e as t Co nfe rence o n Masoni c Educa ti on a nd Librar ies, Philad elphia.
M ay 15 - G r an d L odge Office rs, Co m m uni ca tio n , dedi catio n of 4
Lo d ge Room , for Le hi ght o n Lod ge N o 621, Le hi ghton. . May 21 -22- Grand M as ter, Spnn g R e uni o n , Sco ttish Rite Bodies, V alle y of Re adin g . Ma y 23 -24- 25 - Gra nd M as te r ,
G ra n d C on c la ve, Gr and Comm a nd e r y of Kni gh ts T e mplar , Y ork, P e nna.
M ay 28 - Grand Lod ge O ffice rs, Committ ee on Ma so nic H om es, Eli z abethtown.
Ma y 29 - Grand O.fficer s, S pec ial Co mmuni c ation , d ediCa tiOn o f
Lod ge Ro o m for Argy le L od ge No . 540 , C hi co ra.
Ju ne 2 - Q u arterly Communicat io n , Mason ic Te mple, P hi ladel phi a .
I am inviting you and your Lady to join me and Mrs . McCain on a dream v acation to London - and to visit the Grand Lodge of England - the "Mother" Grand Lodge of Freemasonry.
In this Bicentennial Year 1 we will have the opportunity to extend the hand of Brotherhood to our English Brothers .
London is a city for all seasons - - year-round theater, ballet, concerts; museums enough for a lifetime of browsing There is the worldfamous Madame Tussau d 's waxen Chamber of Horrors. Fantastic shops for men a nd women, Charles Dickens' hous e an d haunts 1 and Sir Christophe r Wren's rna s terpi e ce, St. Paul's Cathedral.
Queen of cities 1 ablaze w ith heraldry 1 pomp 1 and pageantry, London a lso s w ings to a tr e ndy tune. Soho's cosmopolit a n c a fes throb with raffish night life. Saturday afternoons bring a pa r ade of flower people, shapely "bird;:;" 1 and my stics of minimal income along the King's Road in Chelsea.
We w ill ha v e an opportunity to meet and ' talk with our English Brethren. We will visit Freemason's Hall for a special program at which Officers of the Grand Lodge of England will participat e .
Bec a use we expect an overwhelming response to this trip, we ha v e reserved rooms at two of London's top hotels -r the Gloucester and the Penta Hotels, both of which are equipped with ,every convenience possible.
So registe r now a nd don't t a ke the chance of being left out of this once in a lifetime opportunity of se e ing London and visiting the "Mother" Gran d Lodge of Freemasonry.
Sin c er e ly a nd fraternall y 1
• Round trip jet transportation via certified supplemental airlines with inflight dining
• All flight reservations and tickets
• Pre-registration at your hotel
• Deluxe hotel accommodations at the beautiful Penta Hotel or comparable for 7 nights
• All transfers and baggage handling between airport and hotel
• Half day sightseeing tour of the highlights of London
• All taxes and tipping for services included in the program
• A special banquet for the gentlemen with a visit to the Grand Lodge of England
• A night out for the ladies to London ' s famous Paladium Theater
• A traditional banquet for all with English pageantry , sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
• A hospitality desk located in the hotel lobby staffed by a team of Trans National on-site professionals
Optional Tours
Exciting optional tours are available.
Besides seeing London s famous Tower of B ig Ben , Parliament, The Changing of the Gua r ds, the Royal Palace , Piccadilly, and many others; you can vis it famous Shakespeare ' s Coun t ry-Oxford!
See historical Winches t er Cathedral and mysterious St onehenge. Walk down Petticoat Lane-listen to soap box orators at Speakers Corner. Feast yourself as in days past in Elizabethan Fashion-or perhaps hop over t o Pari s for a day !
All this and more are yours. Complete details and prices will be sent when you register for your vacation.
Special Dine-Around Option
A spec i al dinner opt ion which includes five dinne r s at a selection of London s t ypical res t aurant s.
To register, just check box on reg i st ration f orm $49.00 per person.
Deluxe Hotel Option
Accommodations at the deluxe Gloucester are also available . See back page for details.
Your home away from home!
Deluxe Hotel Option
Optional deluxe accommodations at the Gloucester Hotel are availab le The price for this de luxe hotel package is $469.00 plus $75. tax and services. Single supplement is $90.00.
Deluxe Hotel requests will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. P ease check the appropriate bo x on the registration form if you desire this option.
Travel Tips
will not insure it.
Insurance fo r h ealth , luggage and air fare ref u nds s optional but recommended Informati o n will be sent to you upon recei pt o f your reservation.
Tips and Taxes
B aggag e handling , hote l taxes, tips to ch amberm aids are inclu ded Tips to guides, esco rt s and d rivers are not included
Hosp itality Desk
A hospital ity desk will be located in your hotel o bby, staffe d by info rm ati ve lo cal guides Opti o nal tours availa bl e each day w ill be posted there as we ll as up to date information and departure times
S tandard currency s the Bri ti sh pound. Your gro und
represe ntat ives w ill inform you o f the prevailing rate of exchang e during your vacatio n
London is normally chilly. A rai n co at is a must as well as comfortable shoes Aver age Temperatu re in September is 60°
Responsibility Clause In endeavo ring to make arrangements with var ous persons firms and corpo rations for th e serv ces and accommodations described in this brochure to be inc luded n thi s trip, Trans Nat ional Trave Inc. (The " Travel Agent " ) acts only as agent for the parti ci p ants in the trip and, as such the Trave Agent shall no t be re spo nsible o r li ab le for, any loss, cost , inj u ry, expen se or damage to person or property which re sults, directly or ndirectly from any act , whe ther negligent or otherw se of commission or omission (inclu d ing but n ot limited to delays) , o any person , firm or corporat ion which is to shall , or does provide produ cts o r services in connection with th e t r p including but not lim ited o tran spo rtat ion serv ces (wh eth er by air sea , or la nd) odging food and beverage en ertain ment si ghtseeing, luggage handling or tour g uid ng or escorting
The Travel Agent reserves the right in its discretion to change any par t of the itinerary or th e carrier o r the aircraft when due to an act of God The passage con t rac n u se b y the air lin es con cern ed, when iss ued sha ll constitute the sole contract b e -
tween the ai r lines and th e purchasers o these tours and/or passe ngers. Th e pri ces advertised in this broc hure are subject o change accordi n g to unforeseen pri ce increases such as g aso line pri ces and devaluation of the dollar.
Cancellations, Refunds and Final Payments
Payment o the final balance s due sixty (60) days in advance o f depart ure. Reservations may on y be cancelled by w r itten notice sent by reg stered mai (returnreceipt requested) to the Trave Agent. f su c h notice is received by the Travel Agent no later th an sixty (60) days before departu re , the Travel Agent will a ccept s uc h cancellation s and re fund all monies except $25. per person ad min i strativ e process in g c h arge If su ch no ti ce is rece ved within sixty (60 ) days before departure , th e Travel Agent will accept such cance llat o n an d re fund mo n ies only if t he cancel ling pa rty finds eligible subst itute(s) for th e reservati on(s) bein g cancelled. If the canc elling party find s no e ligible subst tute(s) 60-30 days be o re depart u re t here w ill be a $100 per person cancella ti on fee ; 30-0 days be fore departure there will be a $200 per person cancellation fee In case of cancellatio n by th e tou r o perator for any reaso n , incl ud ing but no t li mi ted to stri kes government action, fu e shortage, an d ac ts o God , th e ope rato r's liab il ty shall o nly n cl ude full refund for monies paid by th e passenger. Air fare is pro rata Charter cost sub ject to ch ange Land $214., Air$250.
"Second Celebration"
Bicentennial Dedication In Ligonier June 26
Ligo nier w ill b e th e "Dedicati o n Capitol" of Pennsylvania on Saturday, Tun e 26.
It w ill b e Grand Lodge's second d e di cation prog ram in recogn iti o n of our coun try 's Bi ce n tennial year.
Bro Samuel C Williamson, Junior Grand Ward e n , i s h ea din g the Commi t tee makin g el aborate plan s f or an all-clay cele bratio n.
Hi ghlights of the day w ill includ e :
• A huge Masonic parade.
• Dedication program at Fort LigJ.Tlier.
• Musical program from the bandstand in the town's square, including a two holll' concert bv the world famous Glenn Miller Orchestra Address bv Bro. Stanley F. Maxwell , M. W. Grand Ma ste1· of the Grand Lodl!'e of Massachusetts, and Sovereign Grand Commande1· of Suoreme CoUiicil , Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Bro. Willi a m s on repo rted th a t a ll organ iz ation s a nd g r o uos in Li gon ie r , in c ludin g th e town's offi c ia ls, are d o in g eve r ythi ng poss ibl e to mak e thi s o ne of the o ut s tandin g d edi cat ion prog ram s in th e countr y
Tra ffi c thro ug h th e " hea rt " o f Li goni e t· w ill b e re r ou te d ar o und th e town
Special efforts are be ing m ade to provid e eatin g pla ces thro ugh out the comm uni ty
Th e para de w ill start at 1:30 und e r th e directi o n of Bro. G eo r_ge Holm es , Gra nd Mars hal and hi s s taff.
Tt is b e li eved it wi ll las t fo r approximate ly two hour s and w ill includ e uni ts fro m Syria T em p l e . Jaffa Tem ple. Z e m
Th e Fo r t Li go ni er program w ill s tHrt at 4:3 0 p m. Tt w ill in c lu de:
• Processional
• Ba nd Selections
• Invocation , Flag Sal ute and Nati,) nal Anthem
Glenn Miller Orchestra To Play In ,Town Square'
Departure Date: Sept. 9, 1976
Return Date : Sept. 17, 1976
Price: $399 + $65. = $464. c heck one D D D Departure City Phi ladelphia Pittsburgh Harri sb urg
D I would li ke to go to LONDON. Enclosed please find $__ as deposit for __ number of perso n s ($100. per person).
D Enc losed please find $__ as full payment for _ numb er of persons.
D Please c h arge my deposit of$__ ($100. per person) to MASTER CHARGE . Acc t # _ Valid thru
Please Pr int (if more than one co uple , attach a sepa rate list with comp lete information as be low). Full Nam e
Street _____ Te l. No. Office(__) Home No.( __)
City Stat e ZiP
D Single Occupancy (add $90 . 00 to my final bi II). If sharing room with another person (Name) _ _
D I want th e de lu xe Gloucester Hote l. Please bil l me for $469 + $75 = $544 per person (double occupancy).
D I want the "S pec i a l Dining
Z e m T e mple, K nig ht s T emplar , Grotto and Tall Cedar s, Rai nbow Girls Dr ill T ea m Rainb ow Girl s C h a mpion Choir a nd Gra nd Lod ge Offi cers and office r s of Ma son ic Lodges in Ma so nic dress
• Cho ral Selection by Chante1·s of Sy1·ia Temple
e G1·and Master, G1·and Lodge presentation to Fort Ligonier
• Address by Bro. Stanley F. Maxwell, M. W. Grand Master of Massachusetts. '
• Following the Fort program , the re will be continuous ente1·tainment from the Town Square.
• Music will be provided by the musical units from the participating Shrine Temp les .
• The Glenn Miller Orchestra will play from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
• At 7:30 p.m. the Mayor of Ligonier and Bro. John L. McCain will extend greetings to the gathering .
• Musical units will perform until 8:30 p.m. w h en the Glenn Miller Orchestra will play until 9:30 p.m.
Th e world f amou s Gle n n Mill e r Orchest r a w ill p r ov ide the dance mu s ic in t he Li goni e r Sq u are on Sat urda y, Tu ne 26 for Grand Lod ge s de dic ati o n day prog ram.
Th e O rchest r a, und e r the direc t io n o f Tim my H ende rso n , is the o nl y a uth en tic Gl e n n Mill e r O r ch es tra.
I t was in the earl y f o rties o f the " bi g band e r a" that Glenn Miller produ ced hi s unique mu s ical sound.
T oday, so m e 30 yea r s la ter , th e a uth e nti c Gle nn M ill e r so und is ve ry mu c h a li ve.
At the star t of th e con ce r t , the m ome nt the b an d hits th e firs t notes of it's the me "Moon li g ht Se r e nade," the r e's ioy from you ng and old.
Th e Mill e r brand o f mu s ic h ol d s a lot o f n os ta lg ia f o r old er peopl e, but th e yo un ge r ge ne r a ti o n is agai n sw ingin g to su c h M ill er hits as " Tu xe d o ju n c tio n ," "C h at ta nooga Choo C hoo ," " Se re na de in Bl ue ," "At L ast, " " Little Brown Ju g ," an d "S t r in g of P ea rl s ."
The Cornerstone will be placed for the new Replacement Building for the Masonic Health Care Center at the Masonic Homes at Eliza·
bethtown on Saturday, July 24. Masons and families are invited for the day-long c elebration
"Third Celebration" Masonic Homes Dedication-July 24
Masons, families and friends are invited to attend a picnic and cornerstone laying ceremony at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown on Saturday, July 24
It will be a fun-filled day for all of tho se who attend.
It is the third special celebration and dedication in r ecognition of the Bicentennial year of this nation.
Bro. John L. McCain , Grand Master , urges all Masonic Lodges and all Masonic organizations r equiring Masonry as a prerequisite in Central Pennsylvania t o participate in this activity.
The full day of activities will start in the morning w ith tours through th e Masonic Homes and grounds.
There will be entertainment by award winning band s, choral groups and clown units from various Masonic Bodies.
The 1600 acres of the H omes w ill be set aside as a giant picnic area for Lodge groups and visitors.
Groups are urged to pack their ow n picnic lunche s and take card tables and folding chairs for added comfort.
Masonic Lodges are urged to charte r buse s for their Brethren and famili es. Bro. McCain pointed out:
"This is a day we can relax and visit with our Guests and all Masonic friends."
The cornerstone ceremony will start at 2 p .m. and will be concluded by 3 p.m. District Deputies and Lodge officers desiring to fully participate in the corn erstone ce remony should b e dres se d Masonically. Dress ing facilities w ill be avail able at the Masonic Homes.
Special bus es will be provided for th ose des irin g riding tours of the 1600 acres at the Ma soni c Homes Patton Masonic School.
Additional details will be provided at a later date, and fully detailed in the next issue of the Freemason. Mark the date - and be sure you participate in at least one of the four special Bicentennial programs sponsored b y Grand Lodge.
Grand Master Named Nine Floor Officers
The Grand Master appointed the following Brothers to act as flo or officer s of Grand Lodge:
Bro . George A. Hott, Jr.; Past Master of Charleroi Lodge No. 615 , Charleroi. Senior Grand Deacon.
Bro. Wiliam L. Carey. Past Master of Eul alia Lodge No. 342, Coudersport , Junior Grand Deacon.
Bro. Carl D. Homan, Past Master of Robert A. Lamberton Lodge No. 487, Philadelphia. Grand Steward.
Bro. William D. Spargo, Past Master of William D Mcilroy Lodge No. 758, Dormont, Grand Steward.
Bro. George N. Holmes. Past Master of Col. Henry Bouquet L odge No. 787, Pitt sb urgh, Grand Marshal.
Bro . John L. McCain, Jr., Past Mast er of Milnor Lod ge No. 287, Pittsburgh, Grand Sword Bearer.
Bro. Daniel S. Brown, Past Master of Dallas Lodge No. 508, Pittsburgh, Pursui vant.
Bro Charles S. Reyner, Pa st Master o f Fort Washington Lodge No. 308, Fort Wa shin gto n, Grand Tyler.
Bro. Henry F. Huettner, Plea sant Hills-Guthri e L odge No. 759, Pl ea sa nt Hill s , aide to the Gra nd Mas ter
"Fourth Celebration"
Freedoms Foundation On October 9
-The fourth and last Masonic dedication program will b e held on Saturday, October 9 , at th e George Washington at Prayer Statue at Freedoms Founda· tion , Valley Forge.
This will be the highlight of Masonic dedication programs b y Grand Lodge in 1976.
It will includ e:
• Dedication program at the George Washington at Prayer Statue .
• Participation by all Masonic Bo· dies.
• Address by Bro. James W. Stubbs. Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of England .
iss ue of the Freemason.
Masons, families , and fri ends are invited to participa te
Tickets f o r the outstanding dinner will b e $ 12.50 each , or $ 25.00 a coupl e
If you want to get in on the grou nd flo or , comple te the coupon and send it with your check to the Grand Master's Office.
Th e Washington at Prayer statue was a gift from Masons in Pennsylvania to Freedoms Foundaton at Valley Forge in 1976.
Grand Master Appoints Committee On Finance
The Committee on Finance, charged w ith overseeing "all matters relating to the finances of th e Grand Lodge " will include the following:
The four elected line officers of Grand Lodge in accordance with the Ahiman Rezon
Bro. John L. McCain , Gra nd Master, in accordance with Masonic Law, appointed the fo llowing members:
Bro. Hiram P. Ball, Pa st Grand Master. Past Maste r of Col. Henry Boquet Lodge No. 787, Pittsburgh, Chairman.
Bro. Paul R. Swab, Past Master of Euclid Lodge No. 698 , Harrisburg.
Bro. Ellis E. Stern, Past Master of Coate sville Lodge No. 564, Coatesville, a nd a Past District Deputy Grand Mas· ter.
Bro. Arthur A Krudener, Past Master of Milnor Lodge No. 287, Pittsburgh.
Bro James W. Fry, Past Ma ster of University Lodge No. 610, Philadelphia , and a Pas t Di strict Deputy Grand Master
Bro. John S. McCans, Past Master of Donora Lodge No. 626, Donora.
Bro. Robert J. Hazley, Past Master of Corinthian Lodge No. 573, Millvale.
Masonic Education Meeting
The Twenty-first Annua l Northeast Conference on Masonic Education and Librarie s will me et in Philadelphia on May 6, 7 and 8
It will include delegates from Grand Lodges in Maine, Vermont, Ne w Hampshire , Massachusetts, Rhode I sland, Connecticut , New York, N ew Jersey, D elaware , Maryland , Dis trict of Columbi a, Virg ini a a nd Pennsylvan ia.
• Bicentennial Banquet at Sunnybrook Ballroom, Pottstown. Entertainment will be provided by the "Singing Cedars" from Washington, D.C.
Bro. David J. Godschall, District Deputy Grand Master, 6th Masonic Distrct, is ge neral chairman of thi s daylong celebration.
The program at Freedoms Foundation, includes:
Proces s ional , 3 :30p.m. The three top offic ers of all Masonic Bodies in the Eastern part of Pen nsyl vania a re invited to dress in their r espective regali a .
Spe_cial ceremony at the George Washmgton at Prayer Statue, including p lacing a wr eath. Mu sic will b e provided by a Shrine Ba nd a nd a Scottish Rite chorus .
Grand Lod ge Offi ce rs w ill participate, w ith Bro James W. Stubb s , Grand Sec re tary of the Grand Lodge of En gland , d elivering the address.
A Dedication dinn er at 6: 3 0 p.m. at Sunnybrook Ballroom , Route 422 , P ot tstown , about 7 mile s from Fre edoms Foundation.
The famou s Singing Cedars fr om Washing ton, D.C. will provide the entertainment.
Further plans on thi s outstandin g prog ram will be detailed in the next
Quarterly Communication In Philadelphia Temple
The March Qu ar terl y Communi ca· tion of Grand Lod ge w il be held Ma rch 3 in the Ma so nic Templ e, One No rth Broad Stre t, Philad elphia.
Gra nd Lodge w ill conve ne at 7 p.m. in Corinthian H a ll. Follow in g Gra nd Lod ge , refresh ments w ill b e ser ved in the Grand Banqu et Hall.
All Maste r Maso ns a re invited to attend.
Grand Lodge Installed Officers at Annual Communication On Dec. 27
Grand Lodge Officers in stalled with the Grand Master at the Annual Grand Communication on D ece mber 27 included:
Bro. Waltet· P. Wells, of Coudersport , Senior Jud ge of the 55th Judicial District in Pennsylvani a, Deputy Grand Master.
Bro. Joseph E. Trate, of Philadelphia , a Bell Telephone Company eng ineer , Senior Grand Warden.
At the dedication program in September , 1967, m ore than 20,000 Mason s and th eir famili es attended the ceremon y .
Bro Samuel C. Williamson, of Pitca irn , superintendent of the Chemica l s Department , U. S Steel Corporation_. Juni or Grand Warden.
Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, a Philad elphia e ngineer, Grand Treasurer.
Bro. William A Carpenter, of Chester, G r and Secretary.
All t he elected Grand Lodge Officers will serve as members of the Committee on Masonic Homes which operates the Masonic Hom es at Elizabethtown, Lancaste r Co unty , Pen nsylvania.
Oth e rs elected to th e Committee on Ma sonic H omes are: Bro. Robert E Woodside, Jr ., o f Harrisburg; Bro. Ellis E. Stern, of Coatesville; Bro. Milton Fritsche, of Douglas ville; Bro. Theodore K . Warner, Jr., of Devon; Bro. Walter f. Heim, of Montoursville ; Bro. Walter B Wilson, of Carlisle; and Bro. P. Thomas Feeser, of Schuylkill Haven.
-ATTEND YOUR LODGE"How can you be a Brother to someone you don't even know?"
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