The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1978

Page 1

Education Conferences Highlight Grand Master's Program

The Grand Master has schedule d a series of 12 conferences throughout th e state during 1978 in keeping with hi s theme of "Freemasonry through Education."

In his inaugural address Bro. Walter P. Wells said, "In knowledge there is power, and once membership becomes more meaningful one better understands what he has heard, and knows more of the fraternity he has joined.

Our slogan may well be 'Let's be Masons - not just members.' Better knowledge should increase our Brothers' interest in their fraternity and hopefully their desire to become officers.''

To that end, the conferences will be attended by the District Deputy Grand Ma sters ; th e Masters , Wardens , Trea surers and Secretaries of th e Lodg es, and Chairman of each Lodge Committee on Ma sonic Culture

The conference schedule, including date, place and districts involved, follows:

February 25, Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, Pa., Districts 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 19, 42 and 60.

March 11 , Washington , Pa., Di stricts 29 , 30 , 31 and 43.

March 18, Mansfield, Pa. , Di stri cts 16 , 17, 18 and 44.

April 15, Pottstown , P a ., Di s tri cts 5 ,. 6, 36 and 40.

April 22, Bloomsburg, Pa. , Di s tricts 11 , 21, 35 , 45, 46 and 58.

May 27, Philad elphia , Pa. , Districts A, B, C , D , E, 8 (and p oss ibly 6 and 36).


Distribution Office


Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022

(Send FORM 3579 to Above Addres s)

June 24, Philadelphia, Pa. , Districts F, G , H, I, J, 9 and 10

September 9, Scranton , Pa., Districts 12, 13, 14, 15, 50 and 59.

September 16, Meadville, Pa., Districts 22, 23, 24 , 25, 33, 52, 53 and 56

September 30, Pittsburgh , Pa., Districts 47 , 48 , 49 , 51 , 54 , 55 and 57.

October 14, Butler, Pa , Districts 26 , 27 , 28, 32 , 37, 38 and 39.

December 9, Bedford, Pa., Districts 20, 34 , 41 - (and may serve as a catch-up for those not able to attend prior meetings) .

The education conferences are, in most cases, being coordinated with oth-

Bro . Thompson Named Regional Instructor

Bro . James K. Thompson, Past Master of Johnstown Lodge No. 538, John s· town, ha s been appointed Central R egional Instructor b y Bro. Walter P. Wells, R. W Grand Ma st er.

A long-time instructor of th e rituali stic work , Bro. Thompson served as assistant principal and principal of th e 41 st Masonic Di strict School of Ins tru ction at Johnstown

H e was named t o r eplace Bro William L. Seabury of N ew Alexandria, who h as been appointed District Deput y G rand Mas ter for th e 39th Ma sonic Di strict.

AT Elizabethtow n Penns ylvania

er Masonic activities in the areas. Responsibility for the coordination has been assumed by the Grand Lodge Committee on Mas onic Culture through its chairman, Bro John K. Young, R. W. Past Grand Master.

13 Brethren Created Past District Deputies Under Masonic Law

Thirteen Brethren have been created Past District Deputy Grand Masters in accordance with Masonic law. Th ey are:

Bro. Robert W Castner, Past Master of Covenant Lodge No. 456, Philadelphia, Masonic District "G."

Bro. George Nichols, Past Master of Radiant Star Lodge No. 606, Philadelphia , Masonic District "I."

Bro. Charles A Achey, Jr. , Past Master of Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, 1st Masonic District.

Bro. fohn E. Nieweg, Pa st Mas ter of New London Lodge No 545, W es t Grove , 5th Masonic District.

Bro. David f. Godschall, Past Ma ster of Shiloh Lodge No. 558, Lansdale, 6th Mas onic District.

Bro. Robert M. Klinger, Past Ma ste r of Valley Lodge No. 797, Valley View, 11th Masonic District.

Bro. William G. Farre ll, Past Mas te r of Fri endship Lodge No. 247, Mansfield , 17th Masonic Di strict.

Bro. Everett J_ Elliott, P as t Ma ster of Leechburg Lodge No. 577 , Leechburg, 27th Maso nic District

Bro. Kryl W. Richards, Pas t Mas ter of Laurel Lodge No. 651 , Uniontown , 31 s t Masonic District.

Bro. Frank F. Troup , Pa st Ma ster of Homewood-Fort Pitt Lodge No. 635 , Penn Hills Township , 38th Maso nic District.

Bro. D Eugene Lo sasso , Past Mas ter of Kiskiminetas Lodge No. 617, Va ndergrift, 39th Masonic District.

Bro Byrl f. Johnson , Pa st Ma st er of Tyrian Lodge No. 644, N ew Ke nsington , 54th Masonic District.

Bro. Gregory L. C hrist, P as t Mas te r of Mah an oy City Lo d ge No . 35 7, Mah anoy City, 58th Mas on ic Di stri ct.

Bro. Wells Takes Office As State's Grand Master

Bro. Walter P. Wells of Coudersport, senior judge of Pennsylvania's 55th Judicial District , Potter County, has been installed as R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania.

The installation to the highest office in Freemasonry in the state took place during the Annual Grand Communication held in Founders Hall at the Milton Hershey School in Hershey, on December 27 , 1977.

He succeeded Bro. John L. McCain of Pittsburgh.

A graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Dickinson School of Law , Bro. Wells first entered the practice of law in Coudersport with his late father, John Walter Wells.

Admitted to the bar in 1931, he was elected district attorn ey for Potter County in 1933 and served .in that post until 1952.

Bro. Wells became president judge of the 55th Judicial Di strict in 1952 and serve d in that capacity until 1975

A member of Eulalia Lodge No. 342, Bro W ells served as Worshipful Mas ter in 1940. He is a Past High Priest of Coudersport Royal Arch Chapter No. 263 ; a member of Coudersport Council No. 63, Royal and Select Masters, and a member of Potter Commandery No. 69, Knights Templar . He wa s Commander- In-Chief of Coudersport Consi story from 1963 to 1966 and has been a trustee of the Scotti sh Rite Bodies , Valley of Coudersport , for more than 30 year s .

A Past Most Wise Master of the Coudersport Chapte r of Rose Croix, he was coroneted an honorary Thirty-Third Degree Ma son in 1955

Hi s other Masonic affiliation s include memb ership in the

(Continued on Pa ge 3)

Details: Pages 5-8 and 9-11

Grand Master Schedules Summer Travel Program

The Grand Ma ster ha s schedul ed a summer travel program designed to t ake into consideration the varied amount s of time memb er s of th e fr ate rnity and their fri end s may be able to devote to vacations .

T o accomplish that go al , tw o separate trip s have b een plann ed - a t wo-week tour of th e Scandinavian countri es and a one-week trip to Sw itze rl and

D eta il s of th e Sca ndina vian tour , coverin g nine departure dates fr om

earl y May to late September, are presented on pages five through ei ght, a nd details of the Switzerland trip , with four departure date s in Au gust and Septemb e r, are presented on pages nin e through eleven.

Plans are now being made to have Grand Lodge Officer s host each of the individual trip s and efforts are b ein g mad e t o provide th e opportunity to visit places of Ma soni c inter est and e ngage in Maso nic fell ow ship w h en poss ible. Fo r exa mpl e , pl an s have alread y b een

established for tours of the Masonic Temple in Stockholm

The Grand Master will ho st th e Scandinavian tour dep arting July 20 and th e Switzerland tour departing Au gus t 14.

It is suggested that reservations fo r all trips be made as s oon as poss ible bec au se of limitations on th e amount of travele rs that can b e accommodated o n individua l trips

Application s will b e processed o n a firs t received ba sis .

Bro. Walter P. Wells R. W. Grand Master


Issued Quarterly

February, May, August and November at Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, hy The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Ac· cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.

Approved and Authorized To Be Printed By The Grand Master

Grand Lodge Officers

Walter P. Wells, R W. Grand Master

Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Deputy Grand Master

Samuel C. Williamson, R. W. Senior Grand Warden

Thomas H. Burgess, R. W. Junior Grand Warden

Arthur R. Diamond, R. W. Grand Treasurer

William A. Carpenter, R. W. Gra nd Secretary



One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19107

Send Form 3579 to Distribution Office Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 1 7022

Second Class Postage Paid at E izab ethtown, Pennsylvania

Northeast Bank Executive Installed As

Junior Grand Warden of Pennsylvania

Bro Thomas H. Burgess of Hazleton, a vice president and trust officer of the Hazleton National Bank, has been installed as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania.

His installation to the office took place on December 27, 1977 during the Annual Grand Communication of Grand Lodge held at Hershey.

Bro . Burgess is a Past Master of Azalea Lodge No. 687, Hazleton , having served as Worshipful Master in 1964 and as a Trustee for the past 10 years.

Appointed the Junior Grand Deacon from 1971 to 1973, Bro. Burgess was named to the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture in 1974 and became the District Deputy Grand Master for the 45th Masonic District in 1975.

He is a member of the Scottish Rite , Valley of Bloomsburg.

Management and Circulation

( Act of October 23, 1962; Section 4369 , Title 39, United S tat es Code)

Febru a r y 2 , 1978. The Pe nn sy va nia F r eemason; published qu

Pa. !9107. Publisher; The Right Wors hipful Grand Lo dge of the Mos Anc ient and H o norabl e Fraternity of Free and Accepted Maso ns o f Penn sylvan ia. Edito r : Me lv in S. Mundie As sistant to The G a nd Master. Owner: The Right Worshi p ful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Hon orable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons or Pennsylvania. Known b ondholders , n o ne Stockholde r s, non e. No adve rti sing handl ed. Fre e di s tribu ti on averages 250,000 eac h quarter I certify th a the statem ents m ad e by me are co r rect and co m p le e Mel vi n S. Mundie Editor

Born in Hazleton, Bro. Burgess was educated in the city schools, attended The Pennsylvania State University, and graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster

In addition to active membership in various banking as sociations, Bro Burgess i s active in his commun ity.

'He is a pas t pres ident of the Vi siting Nurses Association of Hazleton and V icinity; past president and a m ember of the executive committee of the United Way of Greater Hazleton, I n c . , and i s a member of the advisory boards of the H azleton Salvation Army and the Hazle-

Bro. Thomas H. Burgess R W Junio r Grand Warden

t on Lions ·Club

A member of Grace United Church of Christ, Hazle ton , he has served as secretary and a teacher in th e church Sunday School.

Bro. Burgess and his wife, the former Katherine L. Pensock, reside at 513 W. Diamond Avenue , Hazleton.

Grand Lodge Officers to Have Busy Spring Schedule

The schedule for Grand Lodge Officers the next three months includes:

March 1 Quarterly Communication , Masonic Temple , Philad elphia

March 18 Grand Lodge Officers, Special Communication, Cornerstone Laying and D e dication - Ossea Lodge No. 317, Wellsboro.

March 24 Grand Lodge Officer s, meeting, Committee on Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.

April 7 Grand Lodge Officers, Constituting of Hermitage Lodge No. 810, Mercer County.

AprilS Grand Master, Syria Te mple Masters' Night.

April15- Grand Ma ste r , toOth Anniversary, Spring City Lodge No. 553. Spring City.

April 18 - Grand Mas t er , 75th Anniversary, J. Simpson Africa Lodge No. 628, East Stroudsburg.

April 22 - Grand Lodge Officers . Special Communication, Cornerstone Laying and Dedication - Oriental Lodge No. 460, O rangeville.

April 28 - Grand Lodge Officers m eet ing, Committee on Masonic Homes ,

April 29- Grand Master, 75th Annive rsary, Donora Lodge No. 626, Donora.

May 2 Junior Grand Warde n , 75th Anniversary, Maclay Lodge No. 632, Sunbury .

May 9 Gra nd Master ,125th An niver sary, Hobah Lodge No. 276, Brookville.

May 10 - Grand Master, 75th Anniversary, Harrisburg Lodge No. 629 , Harrisburg.

May 13-- Grand Master, 125th Anniversa ry , Bellefonte Lodge No. 268 , Bellefonte.

May 18-- Grand Master, Spring Reunion, Valle y of Ha rri sburg.

May 26 - Grand Lodge Officers , meeting, Committee on Masoni c Homes , Elizabethtown.

Fourteen Appointed District Deputy Grand


May 27 - Grand Master, Reunion, Va lley of Abington .,

Fourteen new District Deputy Grand Masters have been appointed by Bro. Walter P. Wells, R W. Grand Master. They are:

Bro. /. Walter Price, Pas t Ma ster of Pilgrim Lodge No. 712, Philadelphia , Masonic District " G."

Bro. Wallace F Richter, Past Master of Thomas R. Patton Lodge No. 659, Philadelphia, Masonic District "I."

Bro. W. Scott Stoner , Pas t Master of Casiphia Lodge No. 551 , Mt. Joy, 1st Masonic District.

Bro. Harriss A. Butler, Ill, Pa st Master of Keystone Lodge No. 569 , Parkesburg, 5th Masonic District.

Bro. Nelson M. Baird, Jr., Past Master of Norristown Lodge No. 620 , No rri stown, 6th Masonic District

Bro. Joseph Gentile, Past Master of Pottsville Lodge No . 730, Pottsville, 11th Masonic District.

Bro. Jos eph R. Borden , Past Master of Tioga Lodge No. 373, Tioga , 17th Masonic Di strict

Bro. Hubert L. Stivason, Past Master of Kittanning Lodge No . 244, Kittannin g, 27th Masonic Di stri ct.

Bro. George A. Chapman, Pa st Ma ster of Gummert L odge No. 252, Faye tte City, 31 s t Masonic Di strict.

Bro. Charles W. Doege, Pa st Mas ter of Beta Lodge No. 647 , Wilkinsburg, 38th Mason ic Di strict .

New Appointments

The following new appo intm e nts were announce d at the Annual G rand Communication on D ecembe r 27, 1977 :

Bro. Donald H Feick, Lodge No. 342 , Grand Chaplain

Bro. John W. Wells, II , Lodge No. 342, Grand Sword Bearer.

Bro. Gershom G. Krom , Lodge No. 405 , Grand Pursuivant.

Bro. Christopher A. Wells , Lodge No. 1112, Aide to Grand M aster.

Bro. Richard M . Wilson, Lodge Np. 556, Aide to Grand Ma ster.

All other floor officers have bee n reappointed. =

Bro. William L. Seabury, Past Master of Acacia Lodge No. 355, Blairsville , 39th Masonic District.

Bro. David R. Benjamin, Past Master of Fellowship Lodge No. 771, Hazleton, 45th Masonic District.

Bro. Vern A. Henery, Past Master of Plum Creek Lodge No. 799, Plum Borough, Pittsburgh, 54th Masonic District.

Bro. William A. Clark, Past Master of Elysburg Lodge No. 414, Elysburg , 58th Masonic District.

Quarterly Communication Schedule Set for 1978

Grand Lodge ha s accepted an in vitation from the Valley of Coudersport for the u se of its facilities in conducting the June Quarterly Communication.

A like invitation has bee n accepted from the Valley of New Castle for activities surrounding the Septe mber Quarterly Communication.

Grand Lodge will convene at 7 p.m in Corinthian Hall Refreshments will be served in the Grand Banquet Hall following the Communication.

The Decemb er Quarterly Communication and the Annual Grand Communication will b e held at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.

The March Quarterly Communication will b e held at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. Activity on March 1 will begin at 10 a.m with a m eeting of the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance. A meeting of the District Deputy Grand Masters is scheduled for 2 p.m.

Officers Installed; Homes' Committee Elected

Grand .Lodge Officers in st a lled with the Grand Master at the Annual Grand Communication on December 27 included:

Bro. Jo seph E. Trate of Philadelphia a Bell Telephone Company enginee r, R. W Deputy Grand Master.

Bro. Samuel C. Williamson of Pitcairn, superintendent of the Chemical s Department, U.S. Steel Corporation . R. W. Senior Grand Warden.

Bro Thoma s H. Burgess of Hazleton. vice presiden t and tru st officer of the Hazleton National Bank , R. W. Juni or Grand Warden.

Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, a Philadelphia enginee1:, R. W. Grand

Bro. William A. Carpenter of Chester, R . W. Grand Secretary.

All elected Grand Lodge Officers also se rve as members of the Committee o n Ma sonic Homes . Others ele cted to the Committee on Masonic Homes are:

Bro. Robert E. Woodside , Jr. of H a rrisburg.

Bro. Ellis E. Stern of Coate sville.

Bro. Milton Frit sch e of Douglas sville

Bro. Theodore K. Warner, Jr. of Devon.

Bro . Walter J. Heim of M ontoursville.

Bro. W alte r B Wil so n of Carlisle.

Bro. P. Thomas Feeser of Schuylkill Haven

Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, R W. Senior Grand Warden, has been elected by the Committee to serve as chairman.

Bro. Wells Takes Office (Co ntinue d from Page I)

Jaffa Shrine Temple, Altoona; Royal Order of Scotland, and Quatuor Coronati Lo dge No. 2076 , London. He has recei ved the honorary Legion of Honor Degree from the Inte rnational Supre me Cou n c il , Order of DeMolay.

Active in community and bus iness , Bro. W ells is a director of th e adv isory board of the Commonwealth Bank and Trust Company of Coudersport and was the president and a director of the fo rm e r Coudersport and Port Allegany Railroad.

He has served a s a vestryman of the Chri st Episco pal Church in Couderspo1:t and holds m e mbe r ship in th e Pennsylvan ia Society of the Sons of the Ame rican R evolution and the Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania.

Bro. W ell s married the former Anne Elizabeth Mulligan in 1937. They res id e at 204 Allegany Avenue, Coud e r sport , and are th e parents of four c hildre n : John Wa lter II , Rosemary Anne , C hri stophe r Arthu r a nd Patrici a Ann e



Dear Friends:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to invite you to participate in a unique summer travel program scheduled by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania .

The program is unique in that it is designed to consider the time you have available for travel this summer. To that end, the program offers a two-week Scandinavian tour and a one-week Switzerland tour. Departure dates are so varied you may wish to take advantage of both trips.

The trips are detailed in the following pages and represent exciting opportunities for those who l ook forward to the enjoyment, f ellowship and educationa l experience of travel.

The itinerary of the Scandinavian tour includes stays in each of the four Nordic capita ls with city sightseeing -- plus a cruise of breathtaking deepwater fjords, a drive through spectacular Norwegia n mountain and valley countryside, and an evening cruise of the romantic Baltic Sea.

The tour of picture-book Switzerland, land of the Alps, will radiate from the cosmopolitan metropolis of Zurich. The program is unregimented, providing ample opportunity to tour the lovely Swiss countryside with its quaint villages, deep lak es, pastoral valleys and lofty mountain ranges.

Mrs Wells and I cordi ally invite you and your friends to enjoy the· best of Europe with us in 1978.

$1399 complete per person double occupancy from New York


Please refer to back of brochure for additional departure cities and dates.

Grand Master

All the best of beautiful, fascinating Scandinavia This is a wonderful tra vel opportunity- tru ly a Storyland Adventureand w e invite you to join us! We'l travel to and through Scandinavia in comfort and style Fin nair w ill be our host for the transatlantic flight to Copenhage n. We' ll fly aboard a room y, wide-bodied DC-10 jet wi th complimentary meal and beverage service en ro ute. We' ll spend four nights in Copenhagen . then irs on to Oslo by air. Our night in Oslo w ill be followed b y a motorcoach drive across Norway's pastoral countryside and majestic mountain ranges to rea c h the deepwate r we stern fjords. We'll enjoy two days of unparalleled scenic vista s, return from fjord country to Oslo (ove rl ooking a fjord of its own!) by way of a different land rou te. Then we fly via Finnair's jet t o Stockholm f o r three nights in the Swedish capital, followed by an overnight Baltic Sea cruise to reac h Hels inki. We' l have two nights t o rela x in Helsink , Finland, climaxed by a special farewel l dinner. In the morning we board a Finnair DC-10 jet for o ur hom ewa rd flig ht, and fitt ingly, w e ' ll f o llow by air the North Atlantic ocean ro ute which V iking mariners sailed on their epic voyages of discovery. Two weeks, four destinations- combining u nforgettable sights, people, experie nces and the happy spirit of HYGGE-a Danish word for heartiness well -being , love of life and love of people. You wil l find the happy spi rit of hygge in all f our st orybook cou ntri es. and you will find that t is ca t ch ing It wil l go tar toward mak ing you r t rip an unforgettable experience!


Copenhagen This is the c apital city of the outgoing Danes. known as "the Paris o the North". Copenhagen's doorway to the world is the h stor c Nyhavn waterfront area and its symbol is the Little Mermaid statue on the Langelinie harbor promenade. For un, there's fabulous Tivoli Gardens. Denmark's colorfu and exciting international amusement park. For royal pomp. there's Amalienborg Palace with its noontime changing o f th e guard. For incomparable shoppi ng, there's the pedestrian-only Stroget, lined with dozens of appealing shops and boutiques. And Copenhagen s so much more: the world-famous Tuborg and Carlsberg breweries, ballet and symphony discos and bistros, also sumptuous food a nd Europe's friendliest cit zens Conveniently close by in little compact Denmark: Hans Christian Anderson's storybook town ofOdense. Hamlet's brooding castle at Elsinore and spotless, picture-book pastoral scenery everywhere you turn


O slo and the Brea thtaking Fjord Country First we' enjoy Oslo the 900-year-old capital of Norway, in a picturesque location overlooking a fjord and set against wooded hills. This is a city of university students, artists' quarters. lovely parks a state ly roya palace and striking works of art. Sculptor Gustav V geland's fantastic stone iron and bronze figure groupings are in the 75-acreexpanseof Frogner Park. The National Gallery and Nobel Institute are impressive landmarks. and the maritime m useums of Bygdoy across the fjord recall Norway s epic seafaring past. Here you'll see Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki raft and a 10 century-old Viking longboat. From Oslo we'l l continue into the stunning moun ain reg ons. countryside and fjord- slashed coast of Norway for unpa ralleled scenic v stas and sparkling-clear air. Noth ng anywhere can match this kind of scenery! Mountains and verdant valleys idyllic farms. quaint wooden vil ages with a flower box in every cottage window. waterfalls and glacier-fed rivers. crystal -clear fjords walled in by towering granite cliffs. Spectacular!


Stockholm The SWedish blend bright. u l ramod ern architecture and urban planning with graceful reminders of the past The medieval section of the capital - called the City Between the Bridges - is on ts own little Balt c Island and is a picturesque clustering of 17th-cen ury baroque gables and s eeples Stockholm is one of Europe's great cu ltural centers. with a renowned opera house fine galleries and he terraced sculpture gardens of Carl Milles You ll want to see the fascinating open-ai folk museu m and zoo at Skansen. the Wasa Museum with its salvaged 333-year-old SWedish worship and Dtorringho m Palace so luxurious a nd o pu e nt th a t irs c alled the SWed sh Ve rsailles


Helsinki This capital city o f the proud Finns is known as "the White City of the North" because it's bui of white granite in the grand classical manner. This feature. combined wit h a wealth of greenery and u ncluttered space. wide boulevards. m onumental public statuary and vistas of the Baltic makes Helsinki a pleasure to behold and explore The morn ng activity of the market stalls at South Harbor is on old radition. You'll f nd epic paintings in the Athene u m Art Ga lery, you'll enjoy the pavil ons. museums and seaside walks of the island fort ress of Suomenlina. A He sinki "musr·: shopping and b rowsing in stores specia izing n products of colorful functional Finnish modern design. inc uding glassware ceramics and textiles wh ich have become famous all over the world. Just beyond Helsink i: the garden city of Tapiola and Fin land's glorious landscape of lakes and forests.

IA Unity of History and Brotherhood

There s an important, h storic relationship between Pennsylvanians and Scandinavians wh ich adds specia l si gnificance to o ur t rip. Under a c ha rter granted by King Gustavus Adolphus. his SWed sh countrymen established the first permanent sett ement in wha is now Pennsylvania in 1643. It was situated at Tinicum on t he banks of the Delaware just to th e south of present-day Philade phia. Along wi t h Jamestown and Plymouth. T n icum is one of the t hree birthplaces of America

Long -standi ng tradit ions of Freemasonry throughout the Nordic lands will add a memorable spirit of in ternational brotherhood to our travel experience. Denmark's first odge. "St. Martin". was established n 1743. In 1792 Freemasonry was o fficially recogn zed by the Danish crown and the ruling prince henceforth became Grand Master. A Danish king. Christian X. was Grand Master from 1912 o 1947

In Sweden. Masonry dates back to 1735 and the nation's "Mother Lodge", St Jean Auxiliare was founded n 1752 An orphanage founded by the fraternity in 1753 is a pride o the Swedish C raft today A roya decree of 1796 declared that a l SWedish princes are by right of birth Freemasons. Th e present Grand Master s His Royal Highness Prince Berti!. There are more than 16.000 brethren and 2 7 lodges in Norway where the fi rs lodge, "S Olous of the White Leopard". d ates from 1 749 Since Norway was part of Denmark until 1814. then a dependen cy of Sweden until 1905. Masonic ties between the three kingdoms are exceptionally strong Stately Freemason's Hall in Oslo s a landmark of that lovely capital c ity

Some 3.500 proud F n ns in 78 lodges are Masonic brethre n though ancient rites of Freemason ry have been interrupted by Ru ssian mperial dom ination a nd ater by Nazi violations. Finland has a 220-year Masonic history. for the f rst odge , "St. Aug u stin". was founded in 1 756 unde r the Grand Lodge of SWeden.

we're going ...

4 Nights Copenhagen. Denmark- Sherat on Hotel o r similar


1 night Os o - Grand Hote or similar

1 night Flam- Vatnahalsen Hote or si mi lar

1 night Fagemes-Beitost eolen Hotel or similar

3 Nights St ockholm. Sweden-Sheraton Hote or similar

1 Night C ruising between Stockho m and Helsinki. Finland

2 Nights He lsinki. Fin and- Intercontinental Hotel o r similar

On rare occa sions ci rcumstances may make it necessary to substitute a d ifferent but equa lly t ine hot el.

At your service

We want your vacation n Sca ndinavia t o b13 care free, and we have made arrangements accordingly. An experienced Selectiveworld Tour Escort will meet you a t the ai rport in the U.S. and will accompany you throughout the entire trip. Hospitality desks in the lobbies of our Copenhagen , Oslo, Stockh olm and He lsinki hotels wi ll be st affed by fr iendly knowledgeable, English-speaking local gu ides who will be at the exclusive service of Se lectiveworld Tour pa rti c ipants

Here's what's included in your Scandinavian Storyland ...

• Round trip jet transportation v ia Finnair scheduled service on a wid e body DC- 10 jet liner with complimentary inflight dining a nd beverage service (movie available)

• Luxury hote a nd c ruise accommodations for 13 nights as listed on previous page

• Scandinavian -style smorgasbord breakfast every morning

• Dinners included 9 eveni ng s o n o ur Storyland Tour Copenhagen-Welcome d in ner at Tvoli G ardens with wine Viki ng dinner w ith entertainment and wi ne


Stockholm Cru i se

Helsink i O ne d in ner on a dine-around

-2 dinners at your hotel in the Fjord Country

- 2 dinners on a dine-around

-Extensi ve Smorga sbord dinner aboard shi p between Stockholm and Helsinki -Gala Farewell dinner wi t h w ine

• All transfers and baggag e handling between hotels, airports and ship

• Overnig ht cruise via Silja Lines w ith dancing and entertainment aboard sh ip between Stockholm and Helsin ki

• Half-day sightseeing tours in Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki

• Comprehensive sightseei n g in Fjord cou ntry

• Ai r t ran sfers between Copenhagen. Os lo and Stockho m

• All hotel and transportation taxes

• Tips tor maids. be lmen and wai ters

• Hosp tali ty desk hosted by local English-speak ing guides

• Selecti veworld tour escort throughout

• Complete selection o f opt o nal tours


Ti pping : Gratu t ies for maids. bellmen. wai ers and porters ore ncluded Cance llatio n s The deposi is reh.Jndoble in h.JII up to 45 days prior to departure less $12 50 per person administration fee. Cancellations received between 45 and 30 days be ore will be subject to a penalty of 10% of the tour price Cancellat ons received b y the lour operator less tha n 30 dcrys before departure will be sub ect to the above. p us expenses incurred which will be dependent upon the ability to obtain eh.Jnds o f deposits already paid out n behalf o f the canceller Cancellations received within 15 days of departure o e subject to a cancellation fee of 25% ot land and air fore costs

Responsi bili ty C a u se: Selectivewortd Tours Inc operator of he ours desc ibed in th s folder and or ts associated agent s oct as agent only for all services h.Jmished and expressly d isclaims all responsibil ty or liability of any nature whatsoever for loss damage or injury to property or to person, caused b y a failure o f faci lities delay, or by a transporta tion company or due to any cause whatsoeve r occurring during a tou r under Its managemen sponsorship. procurement or otherwise. Al ti ck ets.

Switzerland Tours

and Departure Cit ies And Add-On Pricing

Departure Dates



y 27 A u g u st 3 A u g u st 31

All p rices are based on tariffs n effect 10/1/77 and a re su bject to c hange in accordance w ith lATA tariffs in effect at time of departure.

This is a special group rat e requ ring a minimum of 10 passengers ( pending CAB approva l ).

Prices Av a i lable From O ther Cities Upon Request. Departures Av a il ab e From Above Cities On All Depa rtu re Dates

ember 7 Septe m ber 21 Oct obe r 12

G rand Lodge of Penn sylvania 11 0 North Main Street Coudersport, PA 169 15 Depa rt ure Date

ATTN : Wi lliam Carey , To ur C h ai rman Departure C ty

Enclosed p lease fi nd $ as depos it 0 as paym e nt 0 o f persons $200 m n imum deposit per person. Fina paym ent d u e 45 d ays before departure. Please p rint and if more t h a n one cou p le. a ttach

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