The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 1979

Page 1


Am Symbolic Masonry

I was born in antiquity, in the ancient da ys w hen men first dreamed of God. I ha ve be en tried through the ages and found to be true. The crossroads of the world bear the imprint of my feet, and the cathe drals of all nations mark the sk ill of my hands. I strive for beauty and for symmetry.

In my heart is wisdom and strength and courage for th ose who ask. Upon m y altars is the Volume of the Sacred Law and my prayers are to an Almighty God. My so n s work a nd pray together, without rank or discord.

By signs and symbols I teach the l ess ons of life and of death, a nd the re lation ship of life and death , and of man with man.

My arms are widespread to receive those of lawful age and good report w ho seek me of their own free will. I accept them and t each them to use my tools in the building of men, and thereb y, find dire ction in their own quest for perfection so much desired and so diffic ult to attai n.

I lift up the fallen and shelter the s ick. I hark to the orphan's cry, the w idow' s tears, th e pain of the old and d estitute.

I am not a church, nor a political party, nor a school, yet m y sons bear a full share of responsibility to God, to country , to neighbor and themselves . My sons are fr ee men , tenacious of their lib erties and alert to lurking dangers At the end I commit them as


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Circulating Library Increases in Popularity

A number of requests for the rules and regulations and list of the books available a t the circulating library of the Grand Lodge were received as a res ult of the information co ntained in the last iss u e of The Pennsylvania Freemason.

each one und ert akes the journey beyond the vale into the glory of l asting life. I ponder the sand w1thm th e glass and think how small is a s ingle life in the etern a l Universe.

Always have I taught immortality, and even as I raise men from darkne ss to true Masonic Light, I am a way of life. Yes, I am Symbolic Masonry.

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The articles appearing from time to time have produced a steady increase in the numb er of readers , but the response to the last issue far exceeded all previous responses.

This may be due to our members increasingly becoming aware of the ease by which books may be borrowed and that the mails may be used in borrowing and returning the book s as well as in applying for them. All mail inquiries receive prompt attention . Regardless of the desires or needs of any Freemason- whether it be history, biography, symbolism or the romance of the fraternity - outstanding works by distinguished Masonic authors are available.

Books are loaned for a period of three weeks, no c harge being made for the service.

Every Master Mason is invited to use the facilities of the circulating library - especially the newly raised brother.

Father Installs Son

Bro. Clyde 0 Burns, a past master of Cassia Lodge No. 273 held at Ardmor e, had the honor and privilege of installing his son, Bro . Richard C. Burns, as worshipful master at the s tated meeting of Decemb er 7, 1978.

It was the first time in the 125 year history of Cassia Lod ge that a pas t master has installed his son to the

of worshipful master.

Pennsylvania Ladies' Pin Approved by . Grand Lodge

Following many months of research and design work, the d es ire of Penn sy lvania Masons to provid e to their ladie s a tangible expression of appreciation for their understanding and devotion has resulte d in the creation of an attractive new ladies' pin.

In announcing the creation of the pin, Grand Master Walter P. Wells expressed his hope that it will be worn by wives, widows of Master Masons, and all ladies of families with Masonic connections.

The Grand Master al so s ugg ested that the lodges consider presenting th e new pin to w ido ws of former members as a means of recognizing th eir contributions t o the frat ernit y.

"Too oft en the wives of our deceased members feel that their conn ec tion to th e fraterni t y has ended," he said, adding, "They r emain a vital part of thi s frat ern it y and the presentati on of this pin may provide the opportunity to regain contact where it has been lost."

The Pennsylvania l adies ' pin i s comprised of Masonic symbol s.

Designed in a metal of gold color, it is three-quarters of an inch in diameter and featur es an unbroken wreath of acacia with a Masonic emblem overlaid on a keystone.

The unbr oken wreath of acacia, or evergreen, es t eemed as a sacre d wood, symbolizes th e mysteries of life and d eath; of tim e and eternity, and of the present and future.

The square and compasses with the l etter "G," for God , is recognized wo rldwid e as the mark of a Master Mason.

The center area of blu e enamel i s th e co lo r of s ymbolic Masonry , the "B lu e Lodg e, " and stands as a sym-

bol of virtues as expansive as the blue arch of heaven itself.

The keystone has lon g b eeq the sym bol of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and specifically id e ntifies the pin with Freemasonry in Pennsylvania.


The purchase price of the pin has been established at $3 00, covering the actual cost of manufacture and distribution.

Freemasonry is a fraterm;tl organization, universal in scope, teaching through symbols the garnered wisdom of the ages. It has as its purpose the gathering of men from all strata of life that they may meet on a common level, and strive to live together for the predominance in the human race of the ideals of brotherhood , trust , altruism , charity, honesty, morality and education, that the progress of man be onward and upward.

The Grand Lodge adopted a resolution during the March Quarterly Communication that provides the ne cessary su m for th e initial purchase of th e pins, with th e proceeds from sales to be used as a rotating fund to replenis h inventory.

Those lodge s or indivi su als wishing to purchase pins may do so by completing the order form on page 4 of this i ssue. Checks should b e mad e payable to th e Grand Secretary.

It is e xpec ted the pin will gain wide acceptance and provid e th e opportunity for ladi es of Pennsylvania Masons to r ecognize one another and know that th ey share a common bond

They will know they share the pati ence and th e sacrifice of time and companionship that a llow s us th e opportunity to practice the principles of this great fraternity.

Architect's drawing furni s hings to be used when renovation ofresidential guest quarters at Masonic Homes is completed. See story on page

Febr uary, May, August and November at Masonic Homes Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, bv T h e Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most A n cient a n d Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsy vania and Masoni c Jurisdi ction Th ereun t o Belonging.

Approved and Authorized To Be

ed By

Preliminary Membership Report for 1978

(Before examination of the General Returns)

Number of Lodges , December 27, 1977

Number of Mergers, 1978

Number of Lodges Constituted during 1978

Number of Lodges, December 27, 1978

Decemb er 27, 1977

Admitted during 1978

Initiated during 1978

Su spended during 1978

Resigned during 1978

De ceased during 1978

Decrease (net) 1978

Membership, December 27, 1978

Grand Lodge Officers' Schedule

Portable Exhibit Provides Lodges Cultural Treasures

A po r table , traveling exhibit of Masonic articles is available through Grand Lodge for us e by Symbolic Lodges throughout the Juris diction. The exhibit, which is arranged by the Committe e on Masonic Cu lture, consists of two disp l ay cases of articles from the Grand Lodge Museum in the Maso nic Templ e, Philadelphia. The museum has one of the fines t collections of Masonic treasur es in the world.

Equipped w ith lighting fixtures, the folding cases meas ure four by six feet when opened for showing.

The exhibit a lso co ntains a framed fac s imile of Bro . George Washington's Masonic apron. The original apron is considered Grand Lodge's most pri celess possession. The apron was embroidered by Madame Lafayette, and her husband, Bro. Marqu is de Lafayette , presente d it to Bro. Washington in August 1784 For viewing purposes, the d isplay cases may be placed on metal easels which come with the exhibit.

Lodges desiring to use the traveling exhibit should make the request thr ough their District Deputy Grand Master

The lodge must arrange for transportation of the portable cases and assume respons ib il ity for t heir secur ity until they are returned to the Masonic Temple in Philadelphi a

The schedule for Grand Lodge officers for the next six months includes:

May 12 - Grand Master , tOOth Anniversary, Meyersdale Lodge No 554, Meyersdale.

May 25 - Grand Lodge officers, meeting , Comm itte e on Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown

May 26- Grand Master, International Ord e r of Rainbo w for Girls, honoring him in Coudersport.

June 2 - Grand Lodge officers, Special Communication , Dedication of Lodge Room , Claysv ille Lodge No. 447, Washington .

June 6 - Grand Lodge officers, Quarterly Communicatio n, Scottish Rite Cathedral, Coudersport.

June 16 - Grand Lodge officers, Special Comm uni cation, Corners ton e Laying and Dedication of Lodge Room, Mount Un i on Lodge No. 688, Mount Union

June 22 - Grand Lodge officers, me e ting , Comm itt ee on Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.

June 23 - Grand Lodge officers, Special Commu ni cation, Cornerstone Laying and Dedication of Lodge Room, Tyrian Lodge No. 612, Leve.l Green.

July 8-9- Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Secre tar y, Northeast Conference of Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Masters and Grand Secretaries, in Cockeysville, Maryland.

New Masonic Temple a Tribute to Perseverance

Hermitage Lodge No. 810, held at Hermitage Township in County , was constituted on April 7, 1978, follo w mg years of struggle .

Almost as .a matter of physical proof that the lodge deserved to ex ist, the cornerstone was laid and the temple dedicated by th e officers of the Grand Lodg e on April 6 , 1979, one day short of a year from the date of constituti on.

The beauty of this newest temple is a tribute to the and imagination of the man y men who contributed m so many ways to its erection.

Construction began with the excavation for the foundation of the temple on April 8, 1978. The Grand Master, Bro Walter P. Wells, participated by taking the controls of a diesel s hovel.

The temple and its l odge room we re completed in record time. The members of the lodge were able to hold their first meeting in the building on September 12 , 1978 .

There were 120 warrant members present on the day the lodge was constitute d.

The impact of the l odge building on the community is evidenced in that fact that 42 men have been made Masons in Hermitage Lodge No. 810 in its first year of existence.

NEW HOME OF "£RM1T.o4c;£ LODGE 810

July 27 - Grand Lodge officers, meet ing , Co mmit tee o n Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown

August 16·19 - Grand Master, Grand Assembly, International Order of Rainbow for Girls at Penn St ate University.

August 24 - Grand Lodge o fficers, meeting, Committee on Maso nic Hom es, Elizabethtown.

September 1 - Grand Lodge officers, Special Communication, Dedication of Lodge Room, Lamont Lodge No. 568, Derry.

September 5 - Grand Lodge officers, Quarterly Communication, Masonic T e mple, On e North Broad Street, Philadelphia.

September 22 - Grand Master, 125th Anniversary, Eureka Lodge No. 290, Greenville.

September 28 - Grand Lodg e officers, meeting, Committee on Masonic Homes , Elizabethtown.

October 10 - Grand Master, 75th Anniversary, Acacia Lodg e No. 633, Marienville.

October 13- Grand Master, 200th Anniversary, Lodge No. 22 , Sunbury.

October 17- Grand Master, 125th Anniversary, Porter Lodge No. 284, North Catasauqua.

October 20- Grand Master, 125 th Anniversary, Anthracite Lodge No. 285, St. Clair.

October 26 - Grand Lodge officers, meeting, Committee o n Mason ic Homes , Elizabethtown.

depict n ew temple under construction (above) and as a f1mshed product. The modified Colonial architectural style is drama.tized. by a large portico or porc)l at th e front e ntrance The lodge room mter1or (upper left) is enhanced by crystal chandeliers and the aJ!ar was handmade o f walnut wood Because man y members ot the lod&e donated materials as well as labor, the remaining debt for the temple 1s less than $75,000.

Deserved Recognition for a Mason Who Cares

Bro. Paul S. Stewart, a past master and former secre tar y of Cresce nt Lod ge .N.o. 493, Philadelphia, was the recipient of a special award certi.ficat e issued by the Masonic SerAssociation of the Un ited States m re cognition for his co mpl et ion of ten years of continuous service as our first fi e ld agent for the Veterans Hospital Visitation Program provi ded by the M.S.A.

The pr.esentation was made by Bro Wilham E Riley, District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District "H," at the stated meeting of Crescent Lodge No . 493 held February 12, 1979.

Bro. William A. Carpenter , R.W . Grand Secretary, participated in the presentation and spoke briefly of Bro. Stewart's many Masonic accomplishments and services.

. Bro. Stewart was appo inte.d th e fnst field agent fo r the Veterans Hospital Visitation Program in =

50-Year Emblem on Long Journey

.Bro. William A. Mye rs, a member of Craft on Lodge No. 653, Crafton, and a practicing pediatrician at age 76, has been a resident of Honolulu Hawaii, for the past 30 years. '

. Due to receive his Grand Lodge F ifty Year Masonic Service Embl em a few months ago, arrangements were made for Bro. Eugene L. Balli nger, Sr., sec retary of Crafton Lod ge, to present the emb l em t o Dr. while Bro. Ballinger and his Wife were visiting the islands celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary It was a happ y occasion. Besides his pediatrics practice, Bro. Myers treats the gorillas in th e Honolulu Zoo and is also prepari ng to travel to the Galapagos as a member of a Jacques Cousteau expedition .

Bro. William E. Riley Distric t D t G d · the Award of the Maste r, .M?soruc District "H," is shown presenting Stewart, field agent for the Philadelphia Na;:1Asdova,tion to Bro. Paul s. A. Carpenter, R.W. Grand Secretary who ti ": ertands. oilispilals. At rlqht is Bro. William •

Pennsylvania on October 2, 1968 . He has not only served continually at the Naval and Veterans Hospitals in Philadelphia, but has been most active in training other field agents who have served and are still serving seven other Veterans Hospitals included in the program throughout the state.

. We congratulate Bro. S tewart for h1s long and dedicated service in the name of Freemasonry. The endless h o urs devot ed to h e lpin g and assisting others has been Bro . Paul's life since his retirement from the post office at Merion Station. And, he says, he has loved

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Office of R. W. Grand Master Masonic Temple

One North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19107

Enclosed is my check for$ Pennsylvania. la-d-ie-s pm(s). Check sho uld be payable to th e Grand Secretary.



73 Years a Mason

prese ntahon ceremony.

every minute of it. The Visitation Program m our Junsdichon is su pported by the Masons of Pennsyl vania who annually contribute in the neighborho od of $25,000.00 to this worthwhile program.

Senior Members May Need Help on Dues

Retirement on fixed inc om es and ever increa sing costs in thi s inflaage make it extremely difficult for many of our senior members to co pe with certain financial obligations - including annual l odge dues.

Every effo rt s hould be made to ascertain i f senior mem bers are able to pay their dues. If not, the lodges surely can find ways and means to reso lve such a condition. Th is wo uld be Masonic charity at its best.

Another Father and Son Act

Bro . Elmer Paul Spahr, who serve d as worshipful master of Big Spring Lodge No. 361, Newville, in 1970 has had the privilege of all three symbo li c degr ees on his son, Bro. Bradley W . Spahr, and on De cember 14, 1978, had the pleasure of installing his son as worshipful master.

Bro. Wesley G. Ambill, a member of Hailman Lodge No. 321 held at Pittsburgh, is approaching his 96th birthday.

Proud as he is with the longevity he enjoys, he is more proud of the fact he has been a Mason for 73 years.

He petitioned Hailman Lo dge on September 17, 1906 and was entered November 26, 1906. Bro . Ambill now resides in Torrence, California

Another 50-Year Past Master

Bro Joseph C. Hess , Jr ., a past master of Integrity Lodge No. 187, Philade lphia , was 21 years old 59 years ago when he petitioned for the degrees of Freemasonry

Receiving his three degrees the early part of 1920, he was attrac ted to the ritualistic and lodge work and was soon working on the floor of his lodge.

He labored and persisted until he became worshipful master of his lodge for the Masonic Year 1929, just 50 years ago.

A Real Adopted Mason

Bro. Luther M. Bittner, a memb er of Jephthah Lodge No . 222 held at Essex, Maryland, seldom has the pleasure of attendin g his own lodge . However, h e seldom misses a meeting of Pocono Lodge No 78 0 held at Cresco in the Poconos.

Bro. Bittner, a resident of Cresco, says he has been privileged to attend the special communication of Grand Lodge on June 7, 1956 when Pocono Lodge No. 780 was constituted. Then he says he attended the first stated meeting in the o ld l odge hall and also the las t s ta ted meeting.

He was on hand when the new lodge room was dedi cat ed b y the Grand Lod ge officer s on September 9, 19 78 and he attended the first stat ed meeting in the new Masonic hall.

Although a regular visitor to the lod ge, Bro Bittner says he is so proud to be an adopted brother of the cr aft.

Bro. William A Carpenter R. W. Gr and Secretary

attend the s t ated meeting of Eulalia No. 342 , •. to be on hand when our Grand Master r eceived his Grand I:od ge F1fty Year Serv1ce Emblem. Bro. Wells is the first Grand Master to receive this coveted while m office. Shown in the first row (left to r ight) Bro . Samuel C. Williamson, R.W. Semor Grand Warden; Bro Larry J. Boardman, Worshipful Master of Eulalia Lodge; the Grand Master; Bro. John W. Wells, II, Grand Sword Bearer and Bro. Joseph E. Trate, R W. Deputy

(left to right) Bro . William A. Carpenter, R W. Grand Secretary ; Bro. Rol:lert W. Cooney, D.D.G.M. for the 44th Masonic District; Bro. John K. Young , R.W Past Master Arthur R Diamond R.W Grand Treasurer Several othe r Grand Lodge officers and Past DIStrict Deputy Grand Masters attended t his memorabl e meeting .

When Is A Man A Mason?

When is a man a Mason? When he can look out over the rivers , the hills, and the far hori zo n with a profound sense ofhis own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet h ave faith, hope and courage . When he knows that down in his heart every man is as noble , as vile, as divine , as diabolic, and as lonel y as himself, and seek s to kno w, to forgive, and to love his fellow man When he kno ws how to sympathize wi th men i n their so rro ws, yea, even in their sinsknowing that each man fights a hard fight against many odds. When he has l earned how to make friends a nd to keep them , and above all h9w to keep friends with himself. Whe n he loves flowers , can hunt the birds witho u t a gun, and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy w h en h e h ears the laugh of a little child . When he can be happ y and highminded amid the meaner drudgeri es of life When s t ar-crowned trees and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters subdue h im like the though t of one much loved and long dead. When no voice of distress reach es hi s ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without r es p ons e When he find s good in every fa i th that hel ps any man to la y

ho l d of higher things, and to see maj estic meanings in life, whatever the name of tha t faith may be. Whe n he can look into a wayside puddle and see something besides mud, and into the face of t he most forlorn fello w morta l and see something beyond sin. Wh e n he knows how to pray, how to love, how to hope. W h en he has kept fai th with himself, w ith his fellow man , with his God; in h i s hand a sword for evil , in his heart a b i t of a song - gl ad to live, but not afraid to die! In such a man, whether he b e rich or poor , scholarly or unlearned, famous or obscure, Freemasonry has wrought her sweet ministry ! Such a man has found the only real secret of Freemasonry, and the one which it is trying to give to all the world

FO RT NEWTON, 1880-1950 =

ANOTHER FIRST FOR OUR GRAND LODGE-Bro Walter P. Wells, R.W. Grand Master, [front and center) is s hown flanked by a few of his Grand Lodge officers who braved a snow storm on Wednesday, February 14 to

Residential Renovation Project Maintains Schedule

Renovation of two re side ntial guest buildings at the Masonic Hom es in Elizabethtown is proceeding acco rding to schedule and barring unforese en delay will be completed by year end.

The reno va tion project, authorized by th e Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes , is designed to bring guest quarters in the Dauphin County and John Henry Daman memorial buildings in lin e with all modern life-safety standards.

The contractor, Warfe l Construction Co. of Lan cas ter, is now in the proces s of installing stair towers and elevator shafts in the Dauphin building.

It is expected the Dauphin portion of the $966,300 project will be completed by midsummer with work on the Daman building to be finished by year end.

A comp l ete gutting of the interiors of b oth buildings is being accom pli s hed without alte ring th e stone facades or rooflines in order to maintain aesthetic harmony with o ther buildings in the Homes ' complex.

Both the Daman and Dauphin buildin gs (d ating to 1914 and 1922, re s pe ctive l y) we r e con s tru c ted of

Holmesburg granite and trimmed with Indiana limestone. It is tha t material and the architectural integrity of the building s that is being protected.

Both buildin gs were constructed in keeping with the life style of the period; meaning re sidentia l guests were forced to sha re certain facilities, particularly baths.

As indicated in the accompanying drawings prepared by the architect for the project, John Hoffman, each renovated guest unit will have its own private bath facilities. (See below)

All rooms w ill be air conditioned and fully carpeted.

The drawing of the furnish in gs (See page 8) is accurate in that it depicts the s t y le to be u sed. The cost of the furnishings is not included in the cost of the project indicated above a nd the Comm ittee on Masonic Homes will be pl ease d to rec eive any contributions, large and small, t o help defra y the additional exp ense

The total cost of furnishing a s ingle room is es timate d at $1,500 an d at $2,50 0 for a double room.

Tho se individuals, lodges or organizations w ho wish to tak e part in this great work of Masonic charity

June Quarterly, Dinner-Dance Set for Coudersport


and responsibility a r e invited to send the i r c ontributions to the Offi ce of the Grand Master in th e Masonic Temple , One No rth Broad S tr ee t , Phil adelphia, Pa. 19107.

All contributions are tax deductible and will b e gratefully acknowle dged.

The c u rrent r enovation pro je ct is the first phase i n a plan t hat t he Committee on Masonic Homes h opes to extend eventually to all res id ential buildings in the com plex.

Should this proje ct re c e i v e the s upp ort of the Masons of Pennsy lvania as expected , the committee intends to renovate th e re si dential units in th e All eg hen y County , Pa ul L. Le vis, Lancaster County and Berks Co unt y memori a l buil dings as well as t h e Edwa r d W. Kuhlemei e r Memor ial Cottage and the McKee Cottage in future years.

Others Are Watching

Th e non-Mason m ay never h ave the opportunity or th e in clin ati on to read a bo o k o n Freemasonry, o r stu d y its hi s tory .

The conception of Freemasonr y gai ned b y t he no n- Mason comes largely from w h a t h e sees i n u s as Freemasons.

It is generall y known b y the o utside world th a t Masons are bound together by th e stro n g ti e s of broth erly l ove, reve r ence to an Almig ht y God , and tha t Masons are me n of integrit y; me n w ho se lives are directed b y Th e Grea t Light of Freemasonry.

These are th e things that the non-Mas on is awar e of and are important to the welfare of Freemasonry, especially in this d ay and age. Ho w well we carry o ut our obligation s, how well we demonstrate in our lives the effect iv e n ess of Masonic t eachin gs, w ill a lways be th e m eas ur e b y whi ch the outside world judge s Fr eemasonry. The habit of speaking we ll of others , more especiall y our brethren in the craft; of ha ving a ju st concern for their happ i n ess and welfare; of having th e p rope r respect for th e op ini on of oth e r s, and our u ny i el ding belief in the gr eatness of God are ways in wh i ch we communicate Fr eemasonry.

Th e Grand Lodge of Pen nsylvania has accepted an in vitatio n from the Va ll ey of Coud ers p ort to hold the Jun e Qu ar terl y Communication in th e Scottis h Rite Cathedra l, Eas t Seco nd Street, Co ud ers port.

Th e inv itation was issued by the Va lley as a mean s to hono r Bro Walter P. Wells in his home town during the las t year of his term as Grand Master of Pe n nsy lvania.

The communication will begin on Wednesday, June 6 at 2:00p.m. and will take place in the c athedral auditorium. The Grand Master urges every Master Mason to attend. It is not required that you be a member of the Grand Lodge.

Ti ckets a r e available fo r Masons and their ladies to attend a dinn e r that evenin g t o be followed by entertainm en t and dancing. The c os t of th e di n n er h as b een established at $6 per person and reservations w ill be a ccepted on a firs t reserve basis due to lim ited seati n g .

Bec ause th e a udi torium is limited to approximately 1, 100 seats, it w ill be n ecessary for th ose per sons wis hing to attend only the ent er ta inment to have a ticket for admission.

T here is no charge for th e entertainment , but thos e attendi n g the dinner will have priority sea ting. Th e re m a i ni n g e nt erta inment ti c kets, if an y, will b e issued after all d inn er reserva tions have been comp l eted.

The dinner will be served on a continuous bas is with the first sittin g scheduled for 5:30p.m. The system is one developed by the valley during its class reunions and works well.

It is suggest e d that those wh o are unab l e t o make the first sitting plan to arrive for dinner no later t han 6:15 p m There will be open seatin g and th ose waiti ng to dine will have use of th e lou nge a r eas

Motel accommod ations are limited in t h e im me di ate area of Coudersport. It is suggested tha t th ose plann in g t o stay overnight on W ednesday, June 6 make r eservations in the ad jace n t comm u nities of Kane, Well sb or o, Smethport, Ga l eton , Emporium and o ther towns enroute to Coud er s port.

Those planning to take part are requested to c omple te the coupon

form on this page, marking it and your check as indicated Please be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped enve lope.

The entertainment , beginning at approximately 8 :00 p.m., w ill b e p r ovided by the Ch opin Singin g Society, a 130-voice choir based i n Buffalo, Ne w York.

The soc i e ty, organized in 1899, is composed of Po li s h Americans from every walk o f life. It is de di cat ed to the preservation of Po lish culture in

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general, and Polish music an d song in particular.

The Chopin Society was invited by the Polish Min istry of Culture to presen t a seri es of concerts in various cities in Poland in 1975 and was so well received that it was invited t o return in 1977.

The choir h as performed in major cities throug h out the United States . The music for dancing follow ing t h e entertainment will be p ro vided b y the orchestra of Bro. Jo e Martin.

of R. W. Gra nd Master, Masonic Temple Lodge No

On e North B road Street, Ph ilat;Jelphia, Pa 19107

Enclose d is my chec k fo r $ fo r a t $6 00 per ticket fo r t he dinne r to begin at 5 :30p.m. on Wednesday , June 6, m the din ing area of t he Scottis h Ri te Cathed ral , Eas t Second St., Co ud erspo rt. Che cks should be made payab le to William A. Ca rpenter , Gra nd Sec re tary. 1 cannot att end th e dinner Please send ti c kets fo r the e nter ta inmen t o nly, if availab le

Cit y State Zip

Note: Pleas e enclose self-addressed, stamped enve lope.

The Chopin Singing Socie ty will e n te rt ain a t th e June Quarterly in on the evening of Wednesday, J une 6. trave led, the 130-vOJce c orr IS s ow n received at t he White House by Betty Ford m 1976.

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