Cla ss Postage Paid at Elizabe t h town Pennsylvania
Vo l. XXVII February, 1980 No . 1 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP
Manage ment a nd (Act of October 23. 1962: Section 4369. Till e 39. Unite d Stoles Code)
Feb runry 2. IU76 Tho Pcnns)•lvonio f'ruemnso n: published q unrlur y nl Dlslrlbulion Office. Mnsonic Ho mos. £1 1znhot ht own. Pu. 17022. with locution of hcndqunrters ot Mnsonlt: Tumplu. Onu t>:orlh Brond Stroot. Philndelphin. Pn 'I!J107. Publl shm: Tho Rig hi Worshipful Grund Lodge of tho Most Andont nm 1- o noru hl e Fruternih· of Frtm n nd t\cccptcd
Mn so ns of Pun nsv l\'nn ln. Editor: \ 1illln m A Cnrpe n lur.
Oll' n or Tho Rlsht ivors hlpful Gru n d Lodge of th o Most Andon i nnrll-lonoruhlo of Free nml At:cepted Musons of Ponns\'l\'nnln. Kn own bondholdurs. non e Stockh o lders. nonu NO nch'ur lslng h rmcilcn. Froa distribution a\ erages
224.000 ench c1unrtor. I c.:ortify thnt the statements made by me oro correc nnd com t lcte: Wllliom A Carpenter. Editor.
Grand Masters AintStronger Blue Lodges
Bro. J oseph E. Trate, Ri ght Worshipful Grand Mas te r , in hi s inau gural addre ss, foll ow in g his insta llation on Dece mb er 2 7, 197 9, declare.d that it w ill be hi s prime go al during hi s t erm in office to do a ll in hi s powe r to 11 ••• strengthen th e fo u ndations of Freemasonry in Penn sy lvan ia, n a m e ly t he Bl ue Lodges."
Sounding the ch a ll e n g ing alarm for a 11 ••• bac k to Bl u e Lodg e mov em ent a nd a better und er s tandin g of the le sso n s taught in the thr ee Sy mbolic Degr ees of Freemasonry," t h e Grand Master appea l e d t o a ll P en nsy lvania Masons II •• t o join hands in a co n ce rted effort to su pport and streng the n the basic and mo s t import an t leve l o f Freemas onry, the Sy mbolic Lodge s."
To accomplish th a t, th e Grand Master r emind e d th e Bre thr en: II ••• We must talk to each ot h er. We must li sten t o each other. We must understand each other. In s hort, Brethren, we must communi cate "
The tongu e is a very useful organ. Without it we could not speak. This valuable organ helps us in the selection of food and i s generally a fine and indisp ensible servan t . But in wagging .spitefully or irresponsibly it i s a sure breeder of trouble, both for the offender and the victim.
As a Master Mason we have already h e ard and learned about " th e tongue of good report." That is the only kind of tongue an y true Master Mason should have. The author of Proverbs wrote long ago: " The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright; but the mouth of the fools poureth out foolishness." Ther e i s no end of harm that may be done by an ignorant or vicious tongue. Nor, by the same token, ca n any limit be set to the good that " a tongue of good report " may bring about.
Lodge Officers Installed; New Homes Committee
Gran d Lo d ge Officers in s t a ll e d w ith th e R. W. Gra n d Maste r at th e Annua l Gran d Comm uni catio n o n Dece mb er 27, 1 979, included: Bro. Samuel C Williamson, o f Pitca irn , R. W. De p uty Gran d Master. Bro. Thomas H. Burgess, of Ha z let on, R. W. Se ni or Gra n d Warden Bro. William A. Carpenter, of Upland, R. W. Juni or Grand War d en. Bro Arthur R. Diamond , of Jenkint ow n, R. W. Gra nd Treasurer. Bro. Thomas W Jackson , Shippe n sbu rg, R W. Grand Secr eta r y. Memb e rs e l ect ed to th e Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes were: Bro. Ellis E. Stern, Coatesv ill e; Bro. Milton Fritsche , Dou glasv ille; Bro. The odore K. Warn er, J r., Devo n; Bro . Walter B. Wilson, Car i s le; Bro. P. Thomas Feeser, Schuy kill Ha ve n; Bro . Richard M. Wilson , Mansfie ld , and Bro . Kenneth E Thompson, New Wilmington.
Bro. Ellis E. Stern, died su ddenl y on Dec ember 3 0 , 1 979. Bro. Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Gra n d Master, has appointed Bro. Guy E. Walker o f Somer se t to fill th e vacancy.
T h e Elected Gra nd Lodge Officers a lso serve as members of the Grand Lo d ge Committ ee on Masonic Homes.
Appointed to the Homes Committee
R. W. Past Grand Secretary is Installed R. W. Junior Grand Warden
Bro. William A. Carpent er, R. W. Past Gra n d Secretary, has been insta ll ed as th e R. W. Jun i or Grand War den of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of Pennsy l va nia.
Hi s in sta llati o n took place at the An nua l Gr and Communication of t h e Grand Lodge, held in the Ma so nic T emp l e, Philad elph ia, December 27, 1979, t he date h e retired as R W. Gra nd Secretary
Bro. Carpenter i s a Past Master of Chester Lod ge, No. 236, Chester, Pa. He se rved as W o r s hi pful Master in 19 53. He was Treasurer of his Lodge for three years and then served as Secre tary fo r twenty years.
Bro. Kenneth E. Thompson Past District Deputy Grand Maste r
Br o. Kenne th E. Th om p son, Past Di s tri ct De puty Gra nd Master of the 26th Masonic District, comprising Lawrence and a p or t ion of But l er Coun t ies, i s no w a m ember of the Gra nd Lodge Committee on Masoni c H o m es.
Bro. Thompson, a prominent N ew W il m in gto n dentist, was appo inte d to the Committ ee on Masonic Homes in Sep tember 1979 by Bro . Walter P. We ll s, then t h e R. W. Grand Master, to fill the vacancy on t h e Committee ca u sed by t h e resignati on of Bro Robert E Woodside, Jr Br o. T h ompso n · i s a Member of Wilmington Lod ge, No 804, held in New Wilmington and served as the Warrant Ma s ter of th at Lo dge in 1965 and 196 6. He is also a P ast Mast er of Ke dr on Lodge, No. 389 , W es t Mi ddlesex, where h e was made a Ma so n i n 1953 In hi s capacity as Di s trict Depu ty Grand Maste r , h e was the guid ing hand and overseer in th e cons tituting of our ne wes t Lod ge, H e rmitage Lodge, No 810. t h a t took place o n April 7 , 1978, w ith 1 20 Warrant Members . A m emb er of the York Rite Bodi es, Scottish Rite Bod ie's, the S hrine, Bro. Thompson ha s be e n active in th e New Wilmington Un ited Presb yt erian Church an d variou s community organ i za ti on s Bro Th ompso n and h i s w if e, the fo rm e r Bi ll ie Hamilton of Be aver Fall s, are the pro ud parents of five childr en and the g randparents of three grand dau g ht ers an d one grand so n.
Appointed to the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture in 19 54, h e assisted in th e planning and d es ign in g of " The Penn sy lvania Freemason " and served as i ts editor from i ts first e d it io n in November 19 54 until the e nd of 1969
In 1961 h e was app o int ed Librarian and Curator fo r the Grand Lodge Library a nd Mus e u m , a full time pos iti on H e ser ve d i n that capacity throu g h 1969 a nd then served on the Grand Master's Staff dur ing 1 970 a nd 1971 H e was appointed Director of Masonic Ed u ca ti on in 19 72, a pos iti on h e held u ntil he was appo in ted and i nsta ll ed R. W. Grand Secre tary i n Se p te mb er 1973.
Bro . Carpenter served as a member of th e Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Cu ltur e f rom 1954 through 1961. H e serve d as Secretary to' the Commit tee from 1962 through 19 73. H e h as been a member of the Grand Lodge Com mi tt ee on Masonic H o m es si n ce 19 73 . H e was a member of th e Grand Lodge Committee on Finan ce from 1 973 thr o u gh 1975 and ha s been Secr e tary t o the Committee si n ce 1973. H e was an Administrator of the Grand Lodge Pension P lans from 1974 t hroug h 1977, a nd has been a m e mb e r a nd Secretary of the Grand Lodge Committe e on Youth Se r vi ces since 19 74 .
Bro . Carpenter i s a Member of all the Yo r k Rite Bodies a n d the Scotti s h Rite Bodi es i n the Valley of Philad e l p hi a, h avi n g served as Most Wis e Master of Kilwinnin g Chapter, Ro se Cro i x . He is a Me mber of LuLu T emple , A.A.O .N .M .S., was made a Tall Ce d ar at Sigh t in 1958, is a recipient of the "Chri stophe r Champlin Meda l " from the Grand
Grand Master Appoints Committee on Finance
The new Grand Lo dge Committee on F inance, cha rged with overseeing " . .. all matte rs r elating to the finances of the Grand Lodge ... " is as follo ws:
Th e four El ected Line Officers of the Grand Lodge, in accordance with The Ahima n Rezon , and the following appointments by Bro. Joseph E Trat e, R. W . Grand Master: Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R. W . Grand Treasurer, Lodge No. 527 , Phil ade lp h ia.
Bro. Edward E . To urje, Lodge No. 4 72, Uniondale.
Bro. William J. Eb ertshauser, Past Di strict Deputy Gra nd Mas te r , Lodge No. 731, McKeesport.
Bro. Harry E. Heatherby , Lodge No. 543, Philadelp hia.
Bro John R. Ro use, Past District Deput y Grand Master, Lodge No 366, Un ion City.
Bro Robert G. Wharton, Lodge No. 106, Wil li amsport.
Bro. William A. Carpenter
R. W. Junior Grand Warden
Lodge of Rhode Islan d, and is a member of most of the Allied Maso ni c Degrees.
He was Execut ive Secretary of the Northeast Conference on Masonic Education and Libraries from 1958 through 1969 a nd was the Chairman of the program fo r the 1979 Conference of Grand Secretaries of Nort h America.
Bro. Carpenter was coroneted a Thirty-third Degree Mason in Bosto n in 1969.
A graduate of the public schoo ls of Chester , Pa , he later attended courses at the University of P ennsy lvania and Pri n ceton Un iversit'y. He is a veteran of World War II having served for four years as cryptograph tech n ician in the Air Force Inte ll igence.
Alwa ys active in h is comm uni ty, he has held many elected off ices in his church, the Fi rs t Baptist Church of Chester, and was preside nt of the Pennsyl va n ia Baptist Convention in 1960 and 1961. Long associa t ed wit h the printing industry, he was the Composing Room Superintendent at th e Wilmington, Delaware, JournalEvery Evening prior to co ming to the Grand Lodge in 1 961.
Bro. Carpenter and h is wife , the former Dorothy T. Roberts, reside in Up land, Pa.
Bro Andrew 0 Friedrich, Past District D eputy Grand Master , Lodge No. 569, Parkesburg.
Nearly 96 Years OldA Mason Nearly 74 Years
Bro. Wes ley G. A mbill, a Member of Hailman Lodge, No. 321, he ld at Pittsburgh , is approaching his 96th birthday. Proud as he is with the l ongevity he e njo ys, he is more proud of the fact that he has been a Mason for nearly 74 years.
Guest and Building Fund
Remember It Always
It is always in order to con t r ibute to t h e Gu est and Building Fu n d of the Masonic H omes at Elizab e thtown , Pa Your con tributi ons e n able the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes to provide a real home for the more than 700 Guests s p e nding the sunse t years of t h e ir lives at the Homes. Make you r c h ecks payable to : Masoni c H omes , Elizabethtown, Pa.
Mail to the Masonic Homes, Eli za bethtown , Pa. 17022 or to Offi ce of Grand Master , Masonic Temp l e, One North Br oad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
Give til y ou fe e l real good.
A GROUP OF HAPPY DeMO LAYS- Here we have a group photograph of most of th e DeMolays and their advisors who enjoyed a thre e-day workshop using th e facilities on th e Patton Campus dir ec tly across Bainbridge Road from th e Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa ., last November. Organized by Bro. Sa mu e l C. Williamson, R. W. Deputy Grand Master, standing proudly on the far left , the young men and their ad visors. were from DeMolay Chapters in the southwestern area of Pennsylvama a.nd were the guests of yo u r Grand Lodge for their lodging, meals, recreahon and the several leadership workshop sessions Sim il a r threeday sessions are being scheduled in coopera tion with other DeMolay Chapters throughout Pennsylvania, as part of the broad program of the Grand Lodge Committee on Youth Services.
Judge Woodside Retires from Homes Committee
Having Served for a Record 36 Years
Br o . Robert E. Woodside, Jr., a Past Master o f S usqu e hanna Lodge, No. 364. h e ld at Mi ll e rsburg, rounded ou t an unequaled term of 36 yea rs as a m e mbe r of the Grand Lodge Comm it tee o n Masonic Homes las t August whe n he resigned fr om th e Co mmi ttee. A testimonia l dinner w ith an appropriate gift , atte nd e d by members of hi s famil y a nd th e members of th e Comm i ttee and th e ir ladies, was held at A lfred's in Middletown follo w in g the Co m mi tt ee Meeting in August 1979.
Jud ge Woodside, as h e is bette r k n ow n in Harrisburg and throug h out Dauphin a nd the other s urroundin g cou ntie s, was a devoted a nd dedicated member of the Committee on Ma son ic H o m es during hi s l o ng tenure. Joinin g the Commi t tee fo llo wing it s for mativ e yea r s, h e had been involved in th e many yea r s of progress and expans ion that ha s mad e our Hom es at Eli zabe thtown , Pa., one of th e gre at Masonic Hom es in th e Nati o n and our grea test c harity. Th e r e have b ee n so me outstanding law careers produced in Dauphin County, but Judg e Wood s ide 's is unmat c h ed. A graduate of Dickinson Co ll ege Law School , he started a 10year stint on th e Dauphin County Bench a t age 37. Then he wa s Attorney General for Governor Fine. H e s ub se qu en tl y se r ved 11 years on th e Penn sy lvania Superior Court. H e served five term s in the Genera l Assembl y and was twi ce co n s id ered for the gubernatorial nomin a tion. He
Bro. Robert E. Woodside, Jr.
was Chairman o f the Woodside Commi ss io n which promot ed co n s tituti ona l refo rm. The n ew Dauphin County Juvenil e De t e nti o n facil it y in Swatara Township is named The Wood s ide Center in hon or of Bro Woodside.
Bro. Wood s ide ha s always been a n ac ti ve Mas on. H e was co roneted a Thirty-third Degree Mason in September 1946. We wish him we ll and continued good h ea lth during his much earned r e tirement and we' ll be eve r grateful for the many yea rs of service he ha s given to our Grand Lodg e in particular and Freemasonry in ge n eral.
Introducing New Grand Lodge Officer
Bro. Jackson, R. W. Grand Secretary
Bro . Thomas W. Jackson , Pa s t Master of Cumberland Vall ey Lodg e, No. 315, h e ld at Shippensburg, was elected R. W. Grand Secretary at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lod ge, De cember 5, 1 979, and insta ll ed at the Annua l Communication on December 27, 1979.
He succeeds Bro William A Carpenter who retired from that offic e on Decemb e r 27, 1979.
Bro. Ja c kson is a pa s t presiding officer of a ll the York Rite Bodies and a Past Most Wi se' Master of Harrisburg Chapter of Ros e Croix, Va ll ey of Harrisburg , where he has also served as a Degree Master.
17 New Past District
Deputy Grand Masters
The following Brethren have been created Pa s t Distri c t Depu ty Grand Masters in ac corda nce with Art icl e XII , Section 13, of Th e Ahiman Rezon:
Bro. Arthur B. S tit ze r , Jr., Lodge No. 51, Masonic Distric t "A . "
Bro. Ell wood L. Hun s be rg e r, Lodge No 450, Masonic District " B."
Bro. Herb ert J. Garbe r , Lodge No. 782, Mason i c Di str ict "E."
Bro Arthur J. Kurtz, Lodge No. 464, 2 nd Masonic Distr i ct.
Bro. H a rr y L. Oyler, Lodge No. 1 43, 4th Masonic Di s tri ct.
Bro. A. Ra lph Tay l or, Lodge No. 240, 15th Masonic Di str ic t.
Br b. John A. Yost , Jr. , Lodge No. 199 , 21st Masonic District.
Bro. Gordon G. Burdick, Lodge No. 388 , 22 nd Masonic Di st ri ct.
Bro. Loui s H. Osenider, Lodg e No. 363, 23rd Masonic District.
Bro. Kenneth E. Thomp son, Lodge No. 804, 26th Masonic District.
Bro. Rexford F. Cox, Lodge No. 601, 30th Masonic District.
Bro . R. Kirk Cove r , Lod ge No. 774, 34th Masonic Di s trict.
Bro. Robert E. Spriggl e, Lodge No. 619, 46th Masonic Di s trict.
Bro. Willia m J. Ebertshauser, Lodge No 73 1, 49th Maso nic District.
Bro. H enry B Ku l p, Lodge No. 325, 50th Ma so ni c Di str ic t.
Bro. Jo sep h I. Greenberger, Lodge No. 712, 51st Masonic Di st ri c t.
Bro. Herbert C. Wolstoncroft, Jr., Lod ge No. 5 1 3 , 57th Masonic Di strict.
He is current l y the Puis sa nt Sovere ign of York Conclave, Knights of the Red Cro ss of Cons tantin e. Holding membership in many of the A lli ed Masonic Degr ees, he is presently the Sovereign Master of Rex Counc il , No. 47, A lli ed Masonic Degrees.
A Past Grand Tall Cedar of Valley Forest , No. 145 , he has been active in the Ord e r of DeMola y and severa l Masoni c Re sea r c h Lodge s.
Born in McKeesport in 1934, h e has been a resident of the Shippensburg area si nc e 1945. He earned a B.S. Degree in Biology and Ch emistr y from Shippensburg Sta t e College and later received a M. S. Degree in Zoo logy from Th e Penns y l vania Sta te University.
Bro Jac kso n spent more th an 16 yea r s in the tea c hing three in the pub li c sch ool system and 13 years as chairman of the Bio logy Departm e nt at the co ll eg i ate l evel. Hi s most r ecent emp loym e nt has been Sales Manager of F l ohr Pools , In c , Chambersburg, Pa.
Active in his c hurch and many community pro jec t s, Bro. Ja c ks on i s a member of the P enns y lvania State Grange and also hold s membership in several scientific organizations. He has been r ecogni ze d in several biograp hic a l publications and was recently nam ed a F e ll ow of the Ameri ca n Bio gra phical I nstitute.
Bro. Ja ckso n i s married to the former Linda L. Canfie ld of Sommervill e , New Jersey
Because Freemasonry has such a wonderful and rich h e ritag e, there is th e added responsibility of each and every Member of the Craft to hand it down in its puri ty
Schedule of Grand Lodge Communications in 1980
The Quarterly Communications of Gra nd Lodg e for 1980 are sc heduled to be held as fo llo ws: Wedne s day , Mar c h 5 , 1980, at the Masonic Templ e, Philadelphia , at 7:00 o ' clock, P.M.
We dnesday , Jun e 4, 1980 , in the Ma in Aud it ori um of the Scottish Rite Cathedral , Williamsp ort, Pa. , at 7: 00 o'clock, P.M.
Wedn es da y, Sep tembe r 3, 1980, at the Rajah Temple , 136 Nor th Sixth Street, Rea din g, Pa., at 7:00 o' clock, P.M.
Wednesday, December 3, 1980, at th e Masonic Templ e, Philadelphia, at 10:00 o'clock, A.M. El ecti on of Grand Lodge Officers.
The Annual Grand Commun i cation of Grand Lodge will be held at the Masoni c Temple, Philadelphia, on Saturday, De ce mber 27, 1980, at 10:00 o'clock , A.M. Installation of Grand Lod ge Officers.
Eighteen New District Deputy Grand Masters
Eig hte e n n ew Di s tri ct Deput y Grand Masters have b een appointed b y Bro. Joseph E. Trat e, R. W. Grand Ma ste r. ·
The new Di s trict Dep ut y Grand Masters r ece iv ed th e ir Comm iss i o n s from the R. W. Grand M as t e r , were inv es ted with their Co ll ars, Jewe l s and Aprons and officia ll y presen t ed to th e Officers of the Lodg es in th e ir respecti ve M as oni c Dis tri cts in a Masonic Ceremony conducted at an Extra Commun ication of Grand Lodge held in the George H. Deike Audi t orium a t the Masonic Hom es, Elizab e thtown, Saturday afternoon, January 26 , 1980.
Th e n e w Distri c t Deputy Grand Masters are:
Bro. Carl D. Hom a n, Lodge No. 487, Phi l adelphia, Masonic Di s trict II A."
Bro. Les t e r Mann, Lod ge No. 605, Philade l phia, Mas onic Di s trict "B."
Bro. No rman A. Fox, Lodge No. 703, Ph il a delphia, M aso nic Di strict "E."
Bro. Donald L. A lb ert , Lodge No. 698, Harri sb urg, 2nd Ma so ni c Distri c t.
Bro. G len L. Roll e r, Lod ge No. 348, Hanove r , 4th Masonic District.
Bro. Bertine B. S t e i gerwalt , Lod ge
No. 648 , Be thlehem , 9th Masonic Di s trict.
Bro. Robert K. M o ntross, Lodge No. 240, Montrose, 15th Masonic Di s tri ct.
Bro. Jam es E. Williams, Lodg e t;-Jo. 268 Bellef onte, 21st M aso nic District.
Bro. James T. Amacher , Lodge No. 749, Bradford , 22nd Masonic District.
Bro . Donald L. Joll ey, Lod ge No. 316, Franklin , 23rd Masonic Di stri c t. Bro. Norber t L. Rossman , Lodge No 599, Ellwood Cit y, 26 th Mason ic Distri c t.
Bro. Ri c hard L. McAlpine, Lodge No. 225, Greensburg, 30th Ma so nic Di s tri c t.
Bro. Rob e rt E. Louder, Lod ge No. 300, Huntin gdon, 3 4th Masonic District.
Bro. John I. Kebach, Lodge No. 22, Sunbury, 46th Masonic Distri c t.
Bro. A lbert G. Lebedda, Lodge No 641, M cKees port, 49th Masonic District.
Bro. Will a rd W. Waltz , Lodge No. 413, Bath , 50th M aso ni c District. Bro. Lew is Kaye, Lodg e No . 535, Pittsburgh, 51st Ma s oni c Distri c t.
Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. , Lodge No. 794 , Pl easant Hills, 57th Maso ni c District.
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania los t a dedicated Mason in the death of Bro. Elli s E. S tern, Past District Deput y Grand Master for th e 5th Mason i c District.
Bro. Stern, known far and w id e as th e "prominent Coatesvi ll e Banker" and a dedicated Masonic l eader, died on Decemb er 3 0 , 19 79, in the Coatesville Ho spita l after a brief illness.
Born in Compass, Lancast er Cou n ty in 1892 , Bro. Stern resided in Coa tesville mo s t of hi s li fe and began hi s ba nking career in 1906 a t the Nat ional Bank of Coatesv ill e, which l ater merged wi th the Industrial Va ll ey Bank wh il e h e was president of the Coatesville Bank. As a v i ce presid ent of the Indu s t ria l Va ll ey Bank, h e served as a director of the tru st investmen t c ommittee , trust co mmitt ee and exec uti ve comm itt ee. He remained act i ve un til hi s death.
On his return from m ilit ary service in Wor l d War I, he married the former Anne Pennegar who survi ves h im a l on g with a so n , Bro. Elli s E. S tern, Jr. , w h o followed hi s fat h er in the bankin g profe ss i on.
Long act i ve in hi s c hurch and in vario u s co mmun ity end eavo rs, Bro. St ern was a lso e lected t o high offices in many stat e and n a ti onal banking groups. H e was infl uentia l in having the large Veteran's Admi ni s trat i on Ho spita l l ocated i n Coatesv ill e in 1930.
A Pa st Master of Coa tesv ill e Lodg e, No. 564, Bro. Stern's talents a n d de di cation to Freemasonry were soon recogn i zed by our Grand Lod ge . Fo ll ow ing hi s years of service as a Di s trict Dep uty Grand Master, h e was appoin ted to the Gra n d Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes and at the tim e of his death
Past Masters for 120 years
Bro. Earl E. Cooper, Secretary of Cowanesqu e Lodge, No. 35 1 , h e ld at Knoxville , Tioga County, wri t es and tells u s that hi s Lodge h as two Memb ers w h o have serve d the Lodge for q uite a few years. They are: Bro. Ivan W. Edgcomb, Entered in 1910 and Worshipful Master in 1915; an d Bro R. Hugh Lu gg, Entered in 1918 and Mas t er in 1925.
Grand Lodge Officers
Three-month Itinerary
Th e schedule for the Grand Lodge Officers for the next three mon ths includes:
March 4- Meeting of Grand Lodge Elected Offi cers, Philadelph i a.
March 5-Meeting of Grand Lodge Committe e on Finance , sess i on with Di s trict Deputy Grand Mas t ers, Quarterly Communication , Ph il ade lphia.
March 11-Meeting of 1981 Committee , Phil ade l p h ia
March 14, 15- Seminar fo r Di strict Depu t y Grand Masters, Harrisbur g.
March 27- Meeting of Grand Lodge El ec ted Officers , Mason i c Homes , Elizabetht own.
h ad served on that Committee for 25 consecutive years.
Serv i ng as Chairman of th e SubComm it tee on Finance for most of his 25 years on the Committee on Mason i c Hom es, Bro. Stern was a l so appointed a member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance an other Comm ittee he served faithfull y a n d we ll until hi s death. When mo st of the man y trust funds of the Gr and Lodge were conso lid ated by a Reso lu tion adopted by th e Grand Lodge, Bro. Stern was appoint ed Chairman of th e Tru stees of the Grand Lodge Consolidat e d Fund and h e continued to oversee th e dail y activ ities of that important fund of Grand Lodge. He was al so Ch airma n of the Tru s tees of the Joseph W. Murray Fund.
Coronet ed a Th irty- third D egr ee Mason in 1959 for his outsta nding serv i ce in Freemasonry and for his community service whi ch brought much credit to the Cr aft, Bro. Ell i s E. Stern , Master Mason and a friend to mankind, will long be rememb ere d as a giant in the dedication a nd service he afforde d our Grand Lodge.
Unique Record Among 31 Past Masters
We learn from S unset Lodge, No. 623 , held at Washington, Pa., that all the Worshipful Masters that have served the Lodge since the b eg inn ing of 1949 and throu gh 1 979 are still li ving. Thi s m ea n s a lis ting of 31 Past Masters without a break in th e line
March 28- Meet i ng of Gr and Lod ge Committee on Masonic Hom es, Masonic Hom es.
March 29-Se ctiona l Meetin g of Schoo l s of Instruction , Harri s burg in morn i ng. 200th An ni versary of Bri stol Lodge, No. 25 , Bristol , late af ternoon and evening.
April 12-Special Communication , Dedi cation of new Lodge Room, Pal est in e-Roxboroug h Lodge, No. 135, P hil ade l p hi a.
April 24-Meet i ng of El ecte d Grand Lodg e Officers , Masonic Homes, Eli za b ethtown .
April 25- Meeting o f Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes , Mas onic Home s.
April 26- 10oth Anniversary of Nor th ern Star Lodge , No. 555, Duke Cent er.
May 10-125th An nive rsa r y of As h land Lodge, No 294, As hl an d.
May 22-Meeting of Grand Lodge Elected Officers , Masonic Homes . May 23 - Meeting of Grand Lodge Comm ittee on Masonic Homes, Mas on i c Homes, Eli zabet ht own.
Union Lodge, No. 334, Bradford Claims to have Top Recruiter Bro. Jame s A. Sc heff er, a Member of Union Lodge , No. 334, Bradford, and st at i on commander of the Unit ed States Ar m y Recruiting Stati on in Bradford, ha s been se lected as the top recruiter in the Ni aga ra Fa lls Di st rict whi ch co mp r ises a fifteen c ount y area in Western New York and Nor th ern P ennsylvani a Th e award i s gi ve n each quarter of th e year to the recrui t er who ach i eves th e high est percentage of enlistments.