The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 1980

Page 1

Mason ic Homes Policy Listed for Regulations

Th e foll ow i ng is inse rt ed to compl y w ith T itl e VI of the Civil Ri ghts

Ac t of 19 64 a nd th e Penns y l van ia

Hu m an Re lations Act:

Adm i ssions Po li cy, Mason ic Hom e s Eli zabeth town, P en ns y Iva ni a

The Mason i c Homes at Elizabe h tow n , Penns y va nia a re ow ned and opera t e d b y th e Grand Lodge of Free and Acc epted Masons of Penns y va ni a wh o se exi s tence a n tedate s both th e Common wea lth o f P en n sy lva ni a and t h e

Un i ted S tales o f A me r ic a There a re h o u se d a t the Masoni c Hom es m e mbers. heir wives.

w idows a nd mo thers of deceased membe rs of the 588 Lodges with in t he Common wealth havi n g a to tal member s hi p o f 218 286 as of Decemb er 27 1979. Th ese Lodges ope rat e und er the jur is di c tion of t h e Grand Lodge.

Ne it h e r t he Con s t i tu ti on of th e Grand Lo d ge nor th e By-La ws of the Sub o rd ina e Lodges restricts membe rship b y reason of race. c o lor, nat ona l orig in. ancestr y. or re l ig ious c ree d and t here are man y am o ng our memb ers w ho are n ot o f t he Caucasia n race a lth oug h no re cord is ke pt o f our m em bers hip on a basis of race. c olor. national ori gin. a n cest ry. or religious creed

T he admi ss ion o f ou r mem bers. or th e ir wives. w id ows. or mothe rs of deceased members. to th e Maso n ic Hom es s go ve rned by a n e e ct ed Comm itt ee on Masoni c Homes T his Comm itt ee a ppro ves or di s appro ve s appl i ca -

ti o ns fo r the a dmis s io n of m e mbers t heir re ati ves re fe rred to ab o ve a nd c hi l dr e n sponso red ou r Lodges. s o l e l y on th e basis of n ee d and t h e Co mmitt ee d oes n o t di sc rimin a te b y reaso n o f th e race. colo r. national ori g in a n ces -

tr y age. sex. or religious creed o f th e applica n t.

By v i rtu e of th e foregoi n g. th e Masonic

Homes is in co mpli ance w ith T tl e VI o f the Ci v il Rig h ts Act of 1964 and ag rees to comply w it h th e prov isi ons of tha t ac t a nd all requ irements impo sed pursuant h ereto to the end th at no pers on sha ll on the grounds of race c ol or. national origin ancestry, age, sex. o r reli g io u s c reed be e xcl ud ed from participation in be de n ied the benefi ts of o r otherw ise be su bjec ted to di sc rim ination in th e provis ion o f a n y ca re or serv i ce at th e Masonic Hom es at El i zabe th town.

Specifi call y th e above includes. but is not li mited to. the follow i ng c h aracteris ti cs:

1.lnpa tie nt and out pa tient c are w ill be pr ov id e d o n a nondis c riminatory basis all patients w il l be admitted and recei ve care w ithout regard to race. co o r . nation a l or igin. ancestr y age. s ex. or religious creed.

2. A ll pati e nts w ill be assig ned to rooms. fl oors and section s wi tho ut rega rd to r ace , co lor. national ori gin. an cest ry. age. sex or reI igio u s c reed.

3 Patients w il l n o t be aske d if th ey are willi ng or des ire to share a ro om wi th a person o f another race.

4. Employees wil l be ass igned to patient se r vices wit h out regar d to the race, c o lor nationa l origin. ancestry, age sex, or reli gio u s c reed of either the patient o r emplo y ee

5. S taff priv il eges wi ll no t be d e nie d p ro fesqu a lifi e d p ers onnel on the bas is o f ra c e. co lo r. n ational ori g in, a n cestry . age, sex o r re ligiou s c re e d.

6. All fa c iliti es of this instit u tion w il l be u tiliz ed wi th ou t re gard t o race color. n ational o ri g n. a n cest r y. a ge , sex , or re li gious creed.

7 Transfer o f patients from h e rooms ass ig n ed a nd /o r s elected will not be mad e for racial r easo n s: however. an y pa t i en t m ay requ es t to up g ra d e th e room assigned a nd /o r se-

l ec ted a time for a n y reason prov ide d that t he roo m reques ted is rea di ly ava il ab l e



When You Move

Please Let Us Know

Copies of "The Pennsylvania Freemason " returned to us by the Post Offices, due to incorrect addresses, ha ve become rather costly.

When your address panel on the back page is returned along with a Postal Form 3579, we are charg e d 25 cents. This is in accordance with the Second Class Mailing Permit we use in di s tribu ting "The Pennsylvania Freemason" to y ou fr ee of charge.

You can help us greatly in reducing this additional and rather unnecessary postal f ee by notify ing your Lodg e Secretary as promptly as you can when your mailing address i s to be changed

Acting promptly wh en your address changes a lso assures yo u a copy of the n ex t edition of "The Pennsylvania Freemason. "

Copies of th e publication mailed with incorre ct addre sses are destroyed by the Post Offices except for the address panel returned with the Form 3579

Your cooperation and understanding is appreciated.

An old-tim er whose in come was from ferry ing pass eng e r s across a river was ask e d : " How many times a day do you cro ss the river?"

" I go a s often as I can " h e re plie d. "The more I g o the more ge t If I don t go, I d on 't get."

So it is w ith attending Lodge Mee tings. The more w e g o, the more we ge t out of our Lodge Membership.

Freemasonry Can't Afford



Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022

(Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)


David M Clawson , Pas t District

Deputy Gra nd Master for the 48th Masonic District (right ) had the rare privilege and pleasure of presenting a Grand Lodge Fifty Year Masonic Servi ce Emblem t o his father, Bro. Frederick M. C lawson , Past Master of Acacia Lodge, No . 355, Blairsville, in the 39th Mason i c District. The occas ion just happened to be the 72nd bi r thda y of our new Fifty Yea r Mason. It was a gr ea t eve ning fo r all . POSTMASTER :

Second Class

POST AGE PAID AT Elizabethtown P e nns ylva nia

To Take Time Off

The mission o f Freemasonr y i s ne ve r e nding. It requires a 24-hour da y; a seve n-da y week, and a 12month year.

As ha s long been the custom, man y Masonic meetings are "calledoff" for certain months. And, with a "call-off ," there is a l ways that possibility that some may t end to rela x or let-up in the p e rf o rman ce of our Mason ic r espo n s ibiliti es

Li vi n g t h e life of a true and worthy Mason i s a full-time endeavor.

H en ce, th e " c a ll- off " of Maso ni c meeting s and the bri ef l et - up in th e mailing of m ee ting noti ces s hould n ot cause us to re l ax in th e p erformance of a Ma so nic way of life.

Whether it b e durin g th e mo s t active months of a Masonic Year or durin g th ose weeks , so often needed for re creation a nd r e l axation , a Mason s h o uld be ever mindful of his r espon s ibiliti es as a Mason and the m i ssio n of Fr ee masonry.

We s h o uld continually remind ourse lv es that we are full-tim e builders of one of Go d 's t emples- a t emple not m ade w ith hand s but maje stic in our h ear t. S u ch a temp l e is an id ea l templ e and h e i s a true a n d wort h y Ma s on w h o works fulltim e on s uch a m as terpiece.

We s h o uld c ontinuall y remind o ur se lves that a templ e in th e h ea rt of a man a nd Ma son is, in a sen se, an unfinishe d t empl e It i s a lwa ys on th e ri se, wi th n o a ll owanc es fo r c offee -b reaks , days off , h o lid ays , "ca lloffs ," va c ati o n s or ev en retirement. In a da y a nd age w h en indiffer en ces, se lfi s hn ess , comp l acenc y and apat h y a r e for ever t emptin g th e h eart s and mind s of man y

GRAND LODGE O F F ICER S ELECTED AND INSTALLED- A rec e nt pho to shows th e Grand Lodge Offi ce rs elected a nd installed to serve for the c urrent Masonic Year. Reading left to right, th ey are Bro. Arth u r R . Diamond , R.W. Gr a nd Treasurer; Bro. Thomas W . Burgess, R.W . Senior Grand Ward e n; Bro. Joseph E Trate, R.W. Grand Master; Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, R.W Deputy Grand Master; Bro William A Carpenter, R W. Junior Grand Warden , and Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, R.W. Grand Secretary.

Ours is a p eculiar Fraternity. It' is in no sense a club or an insuran ce society and it offers nothing to any man b y way of return. It is, on the other hand, a Broth erhood, a Fraternity of high idea ls, seeking to place before the indi vidual a pra cti cal theory of living and to h elp m en to r ealize the high e r and better things of life.

me n and Ma sons, th e m iss ion of Free m aso nr y-with it s f undame nta l pr in c i p les , its r itua li s ti c t eac hin gs , a nd its tim e -t es ted id eal s for the b e tterment of m a nkind-i s both ur ge nt a nd n ever-e nding. Freema s onry n o r Free m aso ns ju s t c an't affo rd to take tim e off at a n y t ime .

June QuarterlyWilliamsport, Pa.

The Quarterly Communication, Wednesday, June 4, 1980, will be h e ld in Williamsport, Pa . The Communication will b e h e ld in the Main Auditorium of the Scottish Rite Cath e dral, 348 Mark et Street and will begin promptly at 7:00 o'clock, P.M. (E .D.T.)

You do not have to b e a Member of Grand Lodge to attend. A ll Master Masons are welcome Our Right Worshipful Grand Master was born and raised in William sport. Hence, it i s his will and p leasure that a go odly number of th e Brethren j oin him in his r eturn to the " old hom e town."

Mason and His Wife, Guests at Homes

Contribute Savings to Furnish New Room

Have You Paid Your Dues?

Your current "Blue Lodge" Dues should have been paid on or before the last Annual Meeting of your Lodge. Most Annual Meetings, with the exception of a few Moon Lodges, are held in the month of December.

If you are not carrying a current " Blue Lodge " Dues Card, why not forward your check to your Lodge Secretary now and preserve your Good Masonic Standing.

If your most recent Dues Card reads to the Annual Meeting in 1978 , avoid being suspended by making a prompt payment. We do not want to lose you .



Family of Ritualists

Bro. Harry C. Schauweker, Past Master of Crafton Lodge, No. 653 , Pitts burgh, was Worshipful Master in 1944 . Earlier this year, Bro. Schauweker had the privilege . of conferring all thr ee Symbolic Degrees on his son, Bro. Philip A. Schauweker, in Crafton Lodge. An intere s tin g point is that Bro. Harry C. Schauweker, Pa s t Master, received all his Sy mboli c Degrees from his father, Bro. William C. Schauweker, in 1930 when hi s fath er was Worshipful Master of Crafton Lodge. The fir st of a family of Mason i c Ritualists, Bro. Will i am C. Schauweker, Past · Master, conti nued to confer d egr ees in hi s 80th year H e r e mained acti ve until his death in his 101 s t year and died on Octob er 23, 1 968, a mo s t significan t Masonic date. The gr andfather of our newest Master Mason in the Schauweker famil y, Bro Andrew P. Martin, was the yo ungest Master of Guyasuta Lodge , No. 513, Pittsburgh , in 1910, and l ater became one of the Warrant Members of John A. Bra sher Lodge , No. 743, Dormont, where h e remained most active until his death in 1941.

There is no known ruling on how a Ma· s onic ring should b e worn. How you wear your Masonic ring is your business and no one elses. How ever, it is highly recommended that you wear y our Masonic ring honorably.

MASTER AND HIS FLOOR OFFICERS - Shown (left to right) in the front row are Bro. Mark H. Ferren , Grand Steward; Bro James A. Gaiser, Grand Chaplain; Bro. Joseph E. Trate, R.W. Grand Master; Bro. Joseph F. Palmer, Grand Sword Bearer, and Bro. George H. Hott, Jr. , Grand Pursuivant. In the back row (left to right) are Bro. William L. Carey , Junior Grand Deacon; Bro. P. Franklin Hartsel, Sr., S enior Grand Deacon; Bro. William H. Siegel, Grand Chaplain, and Bro. William D Spargo, Grand Steward. Missing when photo was taken were Bro . George N. Holmes, Grand Marshal, due to illness, and Bro. Ralph B. Rogers, Jr., Grand Tyler, who was at his place Tyling the outer door as the Brethren were arriving for the March Quarterly Communication.


(Before Co mplete Examination of General Returns)

Number of Lodges, December 27, 1978

Number of Mergers during 1979 , . , , ,

Number of Lodges December 27, 1979

Membership December 27, 1978

Net Decrease for 1979

Membership as of December 27, 1979

A review of the membership records spread over the past fifty years reveals that the total membership of 218,286 as of December 27, 1979, is the lowest it has been since 1948 when it was 217,581. In 1966 our total number of Symbolic Lodges had reached 611. Since 1966 five new Lodges have been Constituted . However, the increasing number of mergers has reduced the numb er of Lodges to 588 as of the end of 1979. Two mergers thus far this year has brought the number down to 586.

Although the number of deaths

each year accounts for the greater part of our net decrease, the number of deaths reported fo r 1979 is the lowest number since 1961. The number of suspensions reported in 1979, however , revea ls the la r gest number per year s ince 1941 .

One by o n e we l ose the handcla sp

That so warm a wel come gave,

One by one th ei r vo i ces silence d

In th e stil ln ess of th e g rave .

One b y on e we mi ss the f aces

Of the form s we once c aressed,

One by one th e ir nam es are written: Ceased to labor, H o m e at Re st.

The mail that arrived at the Grand Master's Office one day about the midd l e of Februa ry thi s yea r contain ed a graciou s l e tt er and enclosure from two of our wonderful Guests at the Masonic Homes. They are Bro. and Mrs. Wil liam M. Bri g htm eye r who were admitted to th e Home s on December 1 5, 1975. Bro. Brightmeyer has b ee n a Member of Lodge No. 62, held at Reading , Berk s County , Pa., s inc e January 25, 1928.

Both Bro. "Bi ll " and hi s lo ve ly w ife h ave bee n happy and contented dur in g thei r four yea rs and two mont h r es id e nce at the Homes. And, to ex press their gratitude for the secur it y , care and comfort provided th e m , the y en clo sed a check in the a mount of $ 1,500 00 with th ei r letter a s a co ntribution toward the renovation program now underwa y for the buildings at the Home s now hou s ing th e res id e nti al Guests.

True, thi s is a generous and gracious gesture on the part of Bro. and Mrs. Brightme ye r. But, when you co n side r th e co ntribution was accu mmulated fr om th e monthl y spe nding allowances they have each rec e ived plus a few ex tra cash gifts for spec ial days over the pas t four years, their ge n e rou s contribution be comes mor e impress ive. Ye s, we have wonderf ul good Gues t s in our Ma so ni c Hom es

Grand Master Attends Sectional Meetings

Bro. W. Harr y Shaw, Jr. , Instructor of Ritua li s tic Work , reports that the seve ra l Sectiona l Meetings of the Schoo l of In s truction conducted thu s far th i s year h ave enjo ye d exceptional Lodge repre sent at ion and attendance.

An added highlight at several of t h e Sectional Meetings ha s b ee n th e a tt e nd a n ce of Bro Jo se ph E. Trate , R.W. Grand Master accompani e d by one or more of hi s El ec te d Grand Lodge Officers. Th e Grand Ma s ter ha s been r ea l p l eas e d with th e procee din gs of th e four Sec tion a l M eetings he ha s attended and says h e w ill continue t o attend th ese im po rt a nt Ri tu a li s ti c sess ion s w h e n hi s schedule permits.

Th e Sectiona l Meeting at Pitt sburgh on March 1 5th attracted 226 with 65 Lodges be in g represented.

The Sect ional Meeting at Uniontown on March 22nd was attend e d by 189 with 39 Lodges re pres e nted

The sess ions at Harri s burg on March 29th was attend ed by 431 w ith 84 Lodges repre sent ed.

The meeting at Scra nton o n Apri l 12th was a tt ended b y 364 wit h 81 Lodges re p resented.

The m ee tin g at New Cast l e on April 19th was attended b y 18 7 wit h

Keeping your "Blue Lodge" Dues paid when due is not only a Masonic obligation - it is a Masonic privilege.

Prominent Mason Also

An Active Ritualists

Word comes through that Bro. Floyd E. Mummert , Past Master and Trustee of Robert Burns Lodge, No. 464, H arri s burg, and Secretary of the Scott ish Rit e Bodie s, Vall ey of Harri sbu rg and also Secretary of the Pe nnsylvania Co uncil of Deliberati on , is quit e a Sy mbolic Lodge Rituali s t. ·'

Bro. Mumm ert ha s rec e ntl y conferr ed a ll th ree Symbolic Degree s upon hi s so n , Bro. Paul R. Mumm ert in Robert Burn s Lodge.

The privilege of conferring the Symbolic Deg rees on a so n i s n o t exp e r i en ce d by many Ma s ons. We are cer tain both father and son will alway s c h e ri s h the pride and emoti o nal feeling s that gather on such oc c as ion s.

39 Lodge s b e ing repre se nt ed. The sess ion at John stow n on April 26 th wa s attended by 127 wi th 29 Lodges b e ing r ep r esen ted. The Se r:tiona l Meet in g at St. Mar ys on May 3rd was attended b y 105 w ith 25 Lod ges b e ing represented. The rem ai ning Sectional Meet in gs this yea r ar e sc hedul ed fo r Wi lli amsp ort o n May 10th ; Oil City on May 1 7th ; C learfie l d on May 24th and th e final o n e at Phi l adelphia on October 4t h .

Bro. and Mrs. William M. Brightmeyer Guests at the Masonic Homes

Two-day Seminar for District Deputy Grand Masters Well Received

pared i? a?vance of th e Seminar, were distributed to each D1stnct Deputy Grand Master pr1'or to h · h ld A 1 eac sesSI?n . e . arge th ree -ring binder i ss ued to each Di stnct Deputy Grand Master when h e · t d d fil regis ere serve e th e pap er s and booklets handed out. When fill ed, the three-ring binder weighed fourteen and a half pound s.

The dates of Friday and Saturday , March 14th and The covere d at the vari ous sessions were 15th, 1980 , w ill long be remembered by our present man y. They mcluded : Lodge v i s it s, dispensations c orp s of Di s trict Deputy Grand Masters, all the Grand r ec ord keeping, audits,

Lodge Elected Officers, several of our R. W. Pa s t Ill es of Lodge Secretaries, processing reports for Grand Masters, members of the Grand Master's a nd Grand Lodge, of In s truction and the Ritual, Grand Secretary's Staffs, the Grand Lodge Commit- Gran? Lodge VISitatiOn s, pro gramming for Lodge t ee on Masonic Culture, the Instructor of Rituali s tic iv!eetmgs , qualifications of Lodge Offic ers, the ProfiWork, and a few of our friends who are e xpe rts in cwncy Progra.m , Masoni c Temples, Hall s and Lodge th e ir chosen professions. H.o oms, apph.cants for admission to th e Masonic

The occasion was another first for our Grand ?h ys lcal qu a lifi ca tion s of candidates, our Lod ge . It was a well-planned and excellently ex- Children s H?me , our Youth Program, Home Assistecuted Tr a ining Seminar for Distri c t De puty Grand ance , Law, required t ax form s and other Masters , designed by Bro. Joseph E. Trate, Right gove rnm e nt f or m s t o be fil e d , Lodge financ es and Worshipful Grand Master. ways to in ves t funds , a nd m a n y other

The site se l ec t ed was the ever -popul a r an d spa- that were prompted b y questions posed by the cious Ho st Inn , loc ated a long many approa c hing Dl s tn c t Deputy Gra nd Ma st ers. high ways n ear H a rri sburg , Pa. Despite a n As you w ill n o t e from th e accompa n yi n g photos unwelcome intrud er, th e ye ar 's h eav i es t s now fall the dre ss, as directed by the Grand Master, was that made its appeara n ce in Penns y l va nia on T hur s - and cas ual. The Gra nd Master wa rned th e Disday, March 13th , si x ty-three of our seve nt y Di st rict tnct Deput y Grand Mas t ers that th e Seminar was to Deputy Grand Masters registered a nd participated in be a re a l working session and h e wa nt e d all t o b e th e rather rugged agenda that began following a comfor t ab l e and a t ease. We ll, there were a few ja c klun ch eo n se r ve d at Noo n Friday. ets a nd .a few tie s, not m any . The Junior Grand WarThe agenda for the Seminar, desi gned b y th e penalty by ha v ing hi s $17. 00 Pierre Grand Master and his Committee on Arrang em ent s, ar 111 ti e c 1p ped r ight be lo w the knot. co n s i s t ed of t we lv e 50-minute sess ion s spread over a . lt was the o f all w ho participated in thi s 5- hour period on Friday a ft e rnoon; a 3- hour period fir st of all s uch S emmar s for District Deputy Grand on Sa turda y m ornin g; and a 4-hour period on Sa tur- Ma s ters it was a s u ccess ful e nd eavor. Just h ow day afte rnoon. The Grand Master co nduct ed interest- s u ccessful 1t was, only t i me w ill tell. It i s th e hop e of i ng critiqu es and ge n e ral di sc u ssion periods a.ll that. the Sy mb o li c Lodges th ro u gh o ut the Juri sd i cfo llo wing dinner on Saturday eve ning and al s o fol- w dl prosper from th e knowledge and inspiralo w ing th e Noon lun c h eon an d evening m ea l on Sat- twn Deput y Grand Masters ca n n ow

urday. s h a re With the1r respective Lo d ges. Eac h District Deputy Grand Master was ass i gned One of th e ?1any hi ghli ghts of th e two-d ay Semito one of three con fer enc e rooms set up for th e s ev- was th e lugh l evel of soc iability and fe llows hip era! sessio n s. The seve ral ins tructor s, most of th em among a ll who part i cipated. It was grea t. our own Grand Lod ge Officers, Staff members, Ma- e hour s together e n a bled us to ge t b e tter son i c Culture lead er s, Rituali stic authorities , a nd a ?1cqu a mt ed and, in a se ns e , become a close-knit famfew experts on finances, inve s tment s and taxes, th e n Y. o f Brother s working fo r the cau se and th e we llrotated on schedule so that all thr ee c onference of Pennsy lvan ia Masonry. Of th e m any cas u a l rooms th e same instru c tion. one to sum it all up. It

Packet s of lit erature, forms , bookl ets, etc ., etc ., pre- · W h y don t we do th i s more oft en? "

Explanation of the Two Masonic Homes

In answe r to a question rai sed n ow and th en r e l ati ve to th e Masoni c Homes l ocated at Eli zabethtown, Pa. , and the Masonic Hom e of P ennsylvania located now at 80 1 Rid ge Pike, Lafayett e Hill, Pa., ju st outside of Philadelphi a, we offer the fo ll ow ing ex pl anat i on :

The Masonic Hom es a t Elizabethtown, Pa., are own e d and operated by th e Grand Lodge of Fr ee and Accepted Maso n s of P enn sy l va nia wi th it s headquarters lo cated i n the Masonic Temple, On e North Broad Street, Philadelphia , Pa. A Committee on Masonic Hom es compo sed o f t h irt een Members of Grand Lodge i s elected annua ll y by the Grand Lodge to ov ersee th e admini stration of th e Maso n ic Homes at Elizabethtown.

We rely on a ll Pennsylvania Symboli c Lodges , Pe nn sy l van i a Masons and int er ested friends of Penn sylvania Masonry for contributions to help mainta i n the Masonic Hom es at Elizabet hto w n .

The Masonic H ome of Pennsylvania, Lafayet te Hill, P a . , and fo rm e rl y l ocated at 3333 Nort h Broad S treet, Phil ade l ph ia, i s co nducted by Mas on s and is for Masons a n d th e ir dep en dents. It i s a p ri vate corporatio n and re ce ives no financial s upport from th e Grand Lodge Howe ve r , P e n ns y l va nia Maso n s, es peciall y tho se residing in the Gre ate r Philade lp hia Ar e a and parts not too di sta nt , ha ve been co ntrib u tin g to th e Ma s oni c Ho me at Lafayette Hill for man y yea r s

Grand Master Plans to Hold 6 8 District Meetings

In hi s determination to help s tr en gth en Fre em asonry at t h e "B lu e Lodge" l eve l , Bro. Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Grand Mas ter, is addi n g anot h e r facet to hi s a mbi t iou s program a n d sc hedu l e . The Grand Master ha s a de s i r e to r eac h e ve ry Sym bolic Lodge in our jurisdi c tion t hrou g h a co n cep t of " Di s tr ic t N ight s," in w hi c h o n e Lodge w ill act as ho st for the remainder of th e Lodges in a g i ve n Mason i c Di s trict.

Two such "Di s tri ct Nights" ha ve been he ld thus far and eac h one prov e d to b e a succe ssful a nd r ew arding o ccas ion.

Bob Wood of Carlisle is Outstanding Competitor

Grand Lodge Officer's Three-Month Itinerary:

The sc h e dule of activities for the Grand Lodge Officers for th e ne xt three mon ths incl udes :

June 4-Meeting of Grand Lodge Co mmitt ee on Finance; session with Di st ri ct Deputy Grand Masters; Quarterly Communication, a ll h eld i n W illia msport , Pa .

June 20-0rder of DeMolay Annua l Conclave at Tamiment in the Po co no s

June 21-Grand Maste r att e nd s Cerem onial of Lulu Temple, A.A .O. N.M.S . New class nam e d in his hon o r.

June 26 and 27-Committee on Masonic H omes, Eli za be thto wn, Pa.

July 11 and 12-P e nn sy lva ni a Counc il of Deliberation at A lto on a.


Bro s. Robert and Richard Wood

A Son and a Proud Father

We l earn from r ece n t news coverage arou n d th e cou n t r y t h at Bro. Ri c hard S. Wood, Di s trict Deput y Grand Mas t er for th e 3rd Ma s oni c Di s tri c t, and Mrs. Wood ha v e ra i se d a so n w ho ha s become one of our N.C.A.A. Di v in g Champi o n s . Bro. Rober t W o od , s ho w n above w ith hi s Dad , was Enter e d , Cra f ted an d Rai sed b y hi s Dad i n Cu mbe rland Star Lodge, No. 19 7, Ca rli s le, in 197 9 . Active i n the Order of DeMola y pr ior t o petiti o nin g th e Craft, Bro Robert Wood was a Se ni or De Mo l ay and Pas t Maste r Counc il or of the Carl i s l e Chapter, Order of DeMo l ay. He rece i ve d bot h th e R e presentat ive DeMola y and Honorar y Ch e v a li e r Award s Bro. Robe r t Wood is no w a se ni or a t Shipp e n s burg Sta t e College and ha s been ma jo r in g in acco untin g. Attra cted to div i ng, a sport in w h ic h h e ha s e xce ll e d , he is a three -tim e A ll

Am er ica n di ver. Durin g t h e 1979

N.C A.A. c ompeti ti ons, Bro Bob earn e d A ll Am er i can by plac ing in th e ninth po sit i on in one m e t er di vin g. Thi s ye ar h e ha s earn e d two A ll Amer i can h onors by pla c in g seve nth in bo th one meter a nd three meter co m petit i on. In the one m e t e r and three m e te r c ompeti ti ons of th e Di v is ion II, of the PSCAC Penn sy lv an ia Confe re n ce C hampi o n s hip s h e l d r e-

July 13 and 14-Eleventh A nnual Nor thea st Conference of Gran d Mast ers, Deput y Grand Masters ar1d Grand Secr e tarie s, Philadelphia.

July 13 and 14-Supreme Asse mbl y (National) Int ern at ional Order of t h e Ra inb ow for Gir l s.

Jul y 24 and 25-Committee o n Masonic Hom es , Eli zabethtown , Pa.

August 8 and 9-0rder of DeMo l ay tra inin g sessio n s for key members a t Patton Campus.

August 14 through 1 6- Gr a nd Assembl y , Pe nnsyl va ni a, Ord er of t h e Rain bo w for Gir l s at Penn sy lv an i a State University , State Co ll ege.

August 21 and 22-Committee on Mason ic Hom es, Elizab e thtown , Pa.

ce ntl y at Indi ana Univ e rsit y, Bro. Bob ea rned go ld medals , tak i ng first in both eve nt s

At a recent awards banq uet of Shipp e n sburg S t ate Co ll ege, Bro. Bob was awarded th e Outs tanding Compet itor Awar d for the national recog niti o n h e h as ea rn e d

A lthough Bro. Bo b i s n ow cons idering hi s career plan s de s irin g t o mo ve int o corporation management , he t e ll s us that he h as already had offe rs from three universities to serve as d i v ing coach w hil e doing graduat e work for an MBA.

We congratu late Bro. R ichard Wood, Di s tri ct D eput y Grand Ma ster , Mrs. Wood and Bro . Bob for a ll they h ave acco m p li shed and w i s h them cont inu ed success in every effort.

SCHUYLKILL LODGE EARNS ENERGY AWARD - Bro. John R. Zimmerman, Trustee and Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee for Schuylkill Lodge , No. 138, Orwigsburg, Pa., looks on while Mr. Paul Stewar t of the Pennsylva nia Power and Light Company presents an engraved clock to Bro Phaon R. Herb, Past Master and Preside n t of the Schuylkill Ma sonic Temple Associatio n, in recognition of the energy saving efforts of the Temple Associatio n Mr. Frank Rogers of the P. P & L., on the adds his approval. The new Masonic Temple of solid mas onry construction is well insulate d and is heated and air conditioned by two fiv e ton heat pumps. They are backed- up b y a series of conventional electric heaters. The ne w Lodge Room was dedicated on November 10, 1978

Summer Youth Program Ready to Go at Patton

Plans and ar rangeme nts fo r the S u mmer Yout h A c ti v iti es Program, spo n s ored by o ur Gr and Lod ge and ar ran ged by t h e Grand Lodge Committe e on Yo u th Services , have bee n fin a li ze d a nd s oo n th e Patton Campu s w ill come alive wit h activity.

The Pennsy lv an i a Order of th e Rainbow for Girls and th e ir Adv isors w ill a rri ve for t wo separat e four-d ay sess ion s between June 12 a nd June 18.

The Penn sy lvan ia Order of Job ' s Daught er s and th e ir Adv i sors wi ll arr ive fo r two se p arate four-day s ession s be tween Jul y 17 a nd Jul y 23. Then the P e nn sy l va nia Order of the Rai nb ow for Girls a nd their Adv i s ors wi ll arrive for two more se parate fou r-day sess ion s between Ju ly 24 and Ju l y 3 0

It i s est imated t h at n ea rl y 600 of the girls and the ir Ad v iso rs w ill participa te in these Summer sess ion s d es ign e d for re creation , tra ining a nd c hara ct er building.

On th e wee k- e nd of Aug u st 8 , 9 and 10 , a f ull capacity of 120 DeMola ys repre se ntin g th e key

Members Blessed with Long Life and Service

Bro. Robert L. Cr um, Jr. , Sec retary of St. Jo h n's Lod ge, No. 2 1 9, Pittsburgh, s hares wi th us a li sti n g of sixteen Me mb ers w h o have s i x t y or more y e ars of Mason i c service. They are as follows, show in g the year of th e ir birth and the yea r they were Entered: Bro . Ed wa rd P. Sc hempp 188 3, 1906; Bro. Sh erwood A. George 1886, 1910; Bro. Earl W. Gardne r 1890 , 1911 ; Bro. Wa lt er W. Aulenbacher 1889 , 1916 ; Bro. Harr y G. McComb 1892, 1 916; Bro. W illi am A. Schm e l z 1888, 1916 ; Bro. Arthur Sc ho e nberge r 189 2, 1916; Bro. Jo hn D. C. M ill er 1890 , 1919; Bro . W illi am S. Brown 1 893, 1920; Bro. Raymond W. Moore 1894, 1920; Bro. Howard W. Curr y 1899 , 1920; Bro. Jesse 0. Daker 1887 , 1920 ; Bro. Allan R. H erl eh y, Past Master 1899, 1920; Bro. Henry H. Tull y 18 99, 1920 ; Bro Elmer Wag n e r 18 93, 192 0 , and Bro. Walt er Zimm er man, Past Master, 18 93, 1920.

member s of t he DeMolay Chapter s thr ough o ut P e nns y l vania, will inva de th e Patton Campus for a Leaders hi p T ra ining Sem inar as the gues t s of our Grand Lod ge. Additional DeMola y act i v ities, u s in g the Patton Ca mpu s, are i n th e pl anning stage fo r the b a lance of the year and earl y n ext yea r.

A New M e mber Speaks

I see y ou at the meetings, but yo u ne ver say hello ; You're busy all the tim e witl1 Members you alrea dy know. , I sit among the Brethren, yet I'm a lon ely guy; Other new Members sit with me as you pa ss us by You accepte d us and you talk of f ellowship ; Surely, you could cross th e room, but y ou've never made the trip. Why can't yo u nod and say hello, or stop and shake a hand; Then join your other friends, we would understand I'll try to attend more me e tings , on that you can depend; So, why not introduce yourself, I want to be your Broth er and y our frien d. 9


HONOR - Bro Rob ert G. Hibberd , Past Master a nd a Warr ant Member of Unity Lodge, No. 719 , held at Ard mo re, Pa. , is s hown on the left receiving an engrave d pl aque in recogni tion of his 51st year as a Past Master of Unity Lodg e . Making the presen t ation is Bro. Edwa rd W. Whi t e , who was the Worshipful Master on the ev ening of Novem ber 9, 19 79 , th e Stated Meeti ng, w h en the recognition was made. On that sa m e eveni ng, Past Master's Night, fifteen Past Masters were present representing 286 years of Masonic se r v i c e.

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