The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1981

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Did You Know

That more th a n 60 yeo/s ago , in 1919, the Ord er of DeMo lay was found ed in Ka n sas City by Bro . F rank S. Land a nd ni ne teenage bo ys, as an ongoing force f or buildi n g better character and molding better citizens amo n g you ng men?

Th a t more than 3 mill ion yo un g men have kn e lt at the Altars of DeMola y around th e world, and th a t th ere ar e m ore t han 111,000 DeMolays today in 1 2 coun t ries and te rritor i es?

That membership for yo u ng men betw ee n the ages of 13 and 21 years is not restricted to th e so n s or relatives of Maso n s?

Th at DeMolay is an organizatio n that insp i res yo un g men to be co me better so ns , bett er m e n , and better leaders?

Th at Senior DeMolays (t h ose over 21 years of age) such as John Wayne, Walt Disney a nd Sena tor Mark Hatfie l d, have gone on to become leaders i n a ll wa l ks o f life ?

That an esti mat ed 50% of all DeMolays bec o m e Master Masons?

That mor e than 150 DeMolays hav e beco me Grand Masters of Grand Lodges and numerous ot h er D eMo l ays have attaine d e xa lted Masonic hom ors in th e va ri ous bodies?

That the Order o f DeMolay is th e l argest fraterna l yo uth organi zation in th e world today?

N ote: Whenever or wherever you ca n hel p, aid and ass ist in th e a dvancem e nt of the Order of DeMolay, please do . These are the y oung men who will be taking our places a genera tion or so h ence. The most important thing needed by the Or d er of DeMo l ay is th e time a nd effort of Master Masons. And, th at means thee a nd me Brethren!

GRAND LODGE OFFICERS ELECTED AND INSTALLED-The photograph above shows the Gran d Lodge Officers elec ted and installed to serve for the current Mas onic Year. Reading from left to right , they are : Bro. Carl W. S tenb erg, Jr. , R. W. Junior Grand Warden; Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, R. W . Grand Secretary; Bro. Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Gra nd Mast er; Bro. William A. Ca rpente r, R. W. Senior Grand Warden· Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, R. W. Deputy Grand Master , and Bro. Arthur R. mond, R. W. Grand Treasurer .

Your Correct Address Is Always Needed!

When you change your mailin g address, please take the time to promptly notify your Lodge Secretary so he can report the change to us on the proper form. The United States Postal Service . Department is now charging us 25-cents for each copy of "The Pennsylvania Freemason" re- , turned due to an incorrect or incomplete address imprint. Your cooperation in helping us eliminate this unnecessary expense is appreciated.


bers of one fam il y, shown a b ove, are current Officers i n Manoquesy Lodge, N o 413 , Bath, No r thamp ton Co unty. Read in g left to rig ht , the y a r e : Bros. Dav id G. Re iner t Sen ior Deacon; Bro. Donald C. Re in er t, Purs ui va nt ; Bro. Dale E. Reinert, Worshipful Master; and , Bro. Raymond E. Reiner t , Past Master and Treas· urer who is the proud father o f his three activ e Brother Masons. 2

Carl W. Stenberg, Jr., Elected and Installed R. W. Junior Grand Warden

Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr., Past Mas ter of Whitehall Lodge, No. 794, h eld a t Whiteha ll , A ll eghe n y Coun ty, and fo rme r Distr i ct Deput y Grand Master for the 57th Maso ni c Di strict, was elec t ed R. W. J unior Grand Wa r den at the Quarterly Comm unication of Gr a nd Lodge, December 3 , 1980 , and was insta ll ed at the An nu al Grand Comm uni cati o n on Dece mb e r 27, 1980 . Bro. Stenberg was born in Sewi ck le y, P a., in 19 16, and has r es id ed in Whitehall Bo r oug h , Pittsburgh , s ince co mpleting militar y serv ice with the Un it e d S t ates Ar m y in 1946. Edu cated in the pub li c sc hool syste m of the City of Pit tsburgh, h e then co ntinu e d hi s e du cation a t th e Un i ve r si ty of Pit tsburgh w h e r e h e gra d uated in 1 953.

QUITE A MASON-Bro. John J. Kessler, s hown a bo ve fl anked by Bro. Lester W. Sass am an, Wors hipful Master of Stichter Lod ge, No. 254, Pottstown, and Bro. George E. Boyer, D D.G.M. of th e 40t h Mason ic District, was honored recently by Stic ht er Lodge for his 50th ye ar as a Past Master. Bro. Kessler, now in his 80th year, h as been a power of strength in his Lodge for nearly 60 years. Sec· re tary of hi s Lodge for 4 0 years, he has also b ee n Secretary of the Masonic Temp le Asso· cia tion for 55 years.

A "Knife and Fork Degree ?"

I se ldom a tt e nd my Lo d ge Mee ti ngs, For I've not the t i me to spare; But every time the y ha ve a b anq u et, You will s urel y find m e there. I ca nnot help with th e Degrees, F or I do no t know the Wo rk; Bu t I can ap plaud the speakers, And handle a knife and fork. I'm real r usty in the Ritual, It all seem s like Greek to me; But practi ce has made m e perfect, Wi th the "Kn ife and Fork Degre e ."

A membe r of the Baldwin Comm unit y Un ite d Method ist Ch urc h , h e h as serve d as Trustee and o n sever a l other c h urch co mmittees. Ac ti ve in hi s comm unit y , Bro. Stenberg served as trea surer of the Ba l dw in -W hit ehall Schoo ls A uth o rit y fo r 25 years. H av ing ob t a in e d the Eag le Scout Award in Scouti ng , h e serve d as a Neighbor h o od Comm issioner fo r th e Bo y Scouts of Amer ica for man y yea r s in h is Co un c il. Bro S tenberg is a past adv isor o f the Temple C h apt e r , O r der of DeMo l ay and a past pre s id ent of t h e Whit e h a ll Ath let ic Associat i on.

E m p loyed by th e Me ll on Bank, h e is prese ntl y se r v ing as a v ice pr es ident and manage r o f the Estates Secti on of t h e Trus t De pa rtment.

Bro. Stenb e rg serve d as Worsh ipful Master of Whiteha ll Lodge, No. 794 , in 1 966 He was elected a Tru s tee of th e Lodge in 196 7 a n d a lso served as Representative in the Gr and Lodge for thi s Lodge from 1968 throug h 1979. H e was a ppoint ed Distric t De put y Grand Master for the 57 th Masonic Di str i c t for 1 980.

A member of Crafton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 312, Bro . Stenberg i s pr esentl y serving as a Trus t ee of th e Masonic Fund Society for the County of A ll eg heny. He i s a memb er of the Scottish Rite Bodies , Valle y of Pittsb urgh and i s pr ese ntly servi n g as a Trustee. He is a Pas t T hr ice Potent Master of Gourgos Lodge of Perfect ion . He is a l so

R.W. Grand Master

Grand Lod ge appointm en ts made by Bro Joseph E. T rate, R. W. Grand Master, since th e Novembe r 1980 i ss ue of "The P en n sylvania Freema so n ," include the fo ll owing :

Bro. Frank W. Podrebarac, Ke ys tone Lodge, No. 271, as Di str i ct Depu ty Grand Mas ter for M asonic D is tr ict " C," v i ce Bro Robe r t G. Boone, re s igned and creat ed a Past Di st ri c t Depu t y Grand Mas ter. Bro. Robert H Mason, Pe rs everance Lodge , No. 21, as Dis t ric t De put y Grand M as ter for th e 2nd Maso ni c District, v ice Bro . Donal d L. Al b ert, resigned. Bro. Alfred R. Dud l ey, Dormont Lodge , N o. 684 , as Di st r ict Deputy Grand Mas ter for the 57t h Masonic Di strict, v i ce Bro Carl W. Stenb erg, Jr., ne w l y e l ecte d R. W. Jun ior Grand Warden.

Bro. William H. Kley, University Lodge, No. 51 , Tru stee of the Grand Lodge Consolidated Fu nd , vice Bro. Russell A . Harri s, resigned.

Bro. William R. Lessig, Jr., Lodge No. 62, Trustee of the Grand Lodge Con so lidated Fund , v ice Bro Ralph W. We l s h, res igned.

Bro. William A. Ca r pen ter, R. W. Senior Gra nd Warden, Chester Lodge, No. 236, as a member of the Grand Lodge Committe e on Correspondence and an Adm ini str a tor of Grand Lod ge Pe n sio n Plan. Bro . Frank W. Bobb , Grand Lodge Curator and Librari an, George W. Ken d r i ck, Jr. Lodge, N o. 690 , as a mem b er of t he Gra nd Lodge Committee o n Correspo ndence.

Bro. Carl W S tenberg, Jr. R. W. Junior Gr and Warden

a membe r of Syri a Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S.

Bro. Ste nbe rg and h i s w ife , the forme r Mildred G Baggs, are th e proud parents o f three married so n s.

98 Plus and 70 Years a

Past Master of His Lodge

Congratulations are due Bro. William L. Stow, Past Master o f North East Lod ge, No. 399, Nor th Eas t , Erie Co u nty, w h o is loo king forw ard to his 99th birthday in Oc tober and who h as the di st inctio n of be ing a Past Maste r o f hi s Lodge for 70 years. Bro Stow ge ts o ut to Lodge and Bro. Ronald Lebol d , Wo rshipf ul Master, tells us that i t is an inspiration and a ra re privilege to listen to Br o. Stow relate hi s past Maso n ic ex p erie nc es to t he Brethren. The Breth ren agree una nimou sly that Bro. Stow is a r emarka b le Master Mas on.

Bro. Gregory L. Cheesebrou gh, Oakdale Lo dge, No. 669, a s Dis trict Chairma n for the Gra n d Lodge Committee on Ma'son ic Cultu re for th e 47th Masonic Di st ric t , vice Bro. James E. Fr ee man , r es i gne d . Bro. Eugene W Fobes, S h a rp sville Lodge , No . 51 7, as Di s trict Chairma n for th e Grand Lodge Co mm ittee on Masonic Culture for th e 53rd Maso ni c District.

A REAL FAMILY AFFAIR- T he Koenig Brothe rs really have the th ree Throne Ch airs i n Joppa Lod ge, No. 608 , Pittsburgh, tie d up thi s year shown above is Bro David H. Ko e nig , Worshipful Master, w ith Bro. Daniel C., on the left his Senior Warden, and Bro. Josep h N., on th e rig ht , his Junior Warden. Dan and Dave w ere Ent e r ed on November 8, 1977 an d Joe was Ent ered on Ma rch 14, 1 978. He re are thr ee blood Brothers goi n g a ll the way in Freemasonry.

Commuter Tunnel Causing Cracks in Our Temple

Conceived and planned by eminent Freemasons whose ambition was to erect an enduring and fitting monument to Freemasonry, our Masonic Templ e, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, truly a perfect spec imen of authentic Norman architecture, ha s stood for more than 110 yea rs with but few minor structural blemishes.

The physical structure of our world-renowned Masonic Temple has been threatened, however , by circumstances conceived by local and federal governments. We refer to the Center City Commuter Tunnel now under construction for the purpose of c onnecting the former Penn Central and Reading Railroads. This controversial project was, at one time , estimated to cost $307 million. More recent figures now rate the completed project to exceed five to six-hundred million dollars-if it i s ever completed

As s h own in the photographs to the right , th e excavation under the t hick wooden deck used to accommodate traffi c has res ulted in the removal of so il that was righ t up agains t th e ori ginal fo undation along the south wall of our Masonic Temple. During th e ea rl y stages of the drilling and excava ti on n ea r the Temp le , a seismograph was ins ta ll ed on th e south wa ll of th e Temple and it register e d vibrations beyond a reaso n ab l e to l era n ce on a few occasions

The rea l tra ge dy of th i s project thu s far, other than the daily noise and incoveniences caused those v i siting the Temple, has been the appearan ce of large cracks in the floor s, and int erior wa lls and ceilings with in th e Temp l e along and adjacent to th e south wa ll. These damages star ted to appear about t h e m id d l e of January thi s year. Sin ce February 2n d , 1981, a ll excavation, h eavy drilling and pile driving ha s been stopped in th e area of the south wall of the Temple .

Several of the top-level engineers assigned to the project ha ve been review in g the damages encountered and we certa inl y hope th ey are ab l e to correct the p r obl e ms ca us e d b y

USING PHOTOGRAPHS TO TELL THE STORY-To better relate what is happening along the south wall of the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia , headquarters of our G rand Lodge , the photograph above shows the extent of activity and excavation on the Center City Commuter Tunnel. The photograph below is a close-up showing that the soil has been removed right up to the original foundation of the Temple which was laid in 1868. The accompanying article covers more detail on this unfortunate experience.

Three-month Itinerary of Grand Lodge Elected Officers

The sch edule for the Grand Lodg e Offi cer s for the next three months includes:

April 2-27th Masonic District Meeting, Butler Lodge, No. 272, Butler, Pa.

April 3-54th Masoni c District Meeting, Plum Creek Lodge, N o. 799, Plum Borough, Allegheny County.

April 4-Sectional Meeting, School of Instruction , New Castle.

April 6-35th Masonic District Meeting, Syl vania Lodge, No. 354 , Shickshinny.

April 7-42nd Masonic District Meeting, York Lodge , No. 266, York.

April 8-19th Masonic District Meeting, Lewistown Lodge, No. 203 , Lewistown.

April 11-Sectional Meeting , School of Instruction , Sc ranton.

April14-6th Masonic District Meeting , Shiloh Lodge, No. 558, Lansdale, Montgomery County.

April 15-1 6 th Maso ni c District Meeting , Union Lodge No. 108 , Towanda.

April 16-15th Ma so nic Di stri c t Meeting, Warren Lodge, No. 240, Montrose , Susquehanna County.

April 18-125 th Anniversary , Chartiers Lodge, No. 297, Ca nnons burg Washington County.

April 23-60th Masonic Di stri ct Meeting, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge , No. 682, Mason i c Hom es, Elizabethtown.

April 24-Grand Lodge Committee on Masoni c Hom es Meeting, Masonic Homes, Elizabethto w n.

April 25-Sectional Meeting , Sc h ool of In struct ion , Joh nstown.

April 30-Annual Maxwell Sommerv ill e

B a nqu et, Union Lodge, No . 1 21 , Phil ade lp hia.

May 1-Worshipfu l Master 's Nigh t , Zemba Temple, A.A.O.M N.S., Harrisburg.

May 2-Sectiona l Meeting, School of Ins tru ction , Kane.

May 4-30th Masonic District Meeting, Lo yalhanna Lod ge, No. 275, Latrobe, Westmore land County.

Two 50-Year Past Masters Honored at Testimonial

On the evening of Saturday, December 6, 1980 the Officers and Members , accompanied by their lovely Ladies, of Corin thian-Philo Lodge, No. 368, Philade lp hia, assembled for a tes t imonial banquet in honor of it s two Past Masters of fift y yea rs The honored Brethre n were Bro. Althis unpopular bur eaucrati c multimillion dollar project. We w ill e ndea vor to k ee p you informed on future developments as the proj ec t p ertains to our Temple and our tempe r s 4

fred M. Hoffman who se r ved a s Worsh ipful Master of the former Phil o Lodge, No. 444, in 1930 and Bro. Herbert M. Packer who se r ved a s Wors hipful Master of Corinthian Lodge, No 368, in 1 930. It was an evenin g long to be remembered. As Bros. Hoffman, age 94, and Bro. Packer , age 90 , r e minisced during the "This Is Your Life" even ing, it was most revealing just ho w t heir lives had pa rall eled even to t h ei r schooling, milit ary se r v i ce a n d professions. It was a great evening for two g reat Master Masons.

A wound from the tongue is worse than a wound from th e sword; the latter affects only the body th e former, the body and soul.

May 6-43rd M as onic Di st ri c t Meeting , Blyth Lodge, No. 593, West Newton, Westmoreland Co u nty.

May 7-45th Masonic Di st ri ct Meeting, Le hi ghto n Lodge , No. 621 , Leighton , Carb o n Count y.

May 9-15oth Anniversa r y of Pulaski Lodge, No. 216, Pottsville, and Sectional Meeting, School of Ins tru ction, Williamsport.

May 14-Dis tri ct Mee t ing for "G" Maso ni c Di s tri ct, Union Lodge, No. 121 Philadelphia.

May 16-75 th Anniversary, Bell e Vernon Lodge, No. 643 , Bell e Vernon, Fayette Count y, and Sectional Mee ti ng, School of Instru ct i o n , M eadvi lle . May 22 -G ra n d Lodge Committ ee on

R. W. GRAND MASTER IS IN GOOD HANDS-Always smiling and in good spirits around the ladies, Bro Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Grand Master, and his wife Isabel , are shown with Miss Marie Stevens, Grand Worthy Adv isor for the Rainbow for Girls in Pennsylvani a, on the l eft, and Mrs. Beryl L. Hogue Supreme Inspector for the Rainbow for Girls in Pennsylvania. The occasion was a special meeting of the Rainbow for Girls , attended by 63 Rainbow Girls and 58 adults , and held at the Masonic Temp e, Woodside, Lower Bucks County, for the purpose of extending special recognition to the Gran d Master and Mrs. Trate , and also for conferring the Grand Cross of Col<1r on the R. W. Grand Master, the highest honor the Order of Rainbow for Girls may confer upon a Ra inbo w Girl or an active adult. The Grand Master is wearing his award around his neck proudly.

Masonic Homes Meeting, Masonic Homes , Elizab ethtown.

May 23-100th Annivers ary, Lewisvill e Lodge , No 556, Ulysses, P otter Co u nty.

May 26-100th Anniversary Masonic Veterans of Pennsy lva nia, Philade lp hia.

May 28-75th Anni ve r sa ry, Joppa Counc il, No. 46, Ro ya l a n d Sel ect ' Mas t ers , Philad elp h ia.

May 30-Sectional Meeting, School of Instruction , Mt. Union.

June 2-13th Masonic Di stric t Meeting , Peter Williamson Lodge, No. 323 , Scranton.

June 3-Grand Lodge Committee on Finance Meeting ; Di st ri ct Dep ut y Grand Master' s Session; Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge.

June 5-7 5t h Anniversary, Tyri an Lod ge, No. 644 , New Kensington, Wes tmor eland Count y

June 6-100th Anniversa ry, Oli ve Lodge, No. 557 , Tionesta, Forres t County

June 8-12th Masonic Di stri ct Meeting, Landmark Lod ge, No. 44 2, Wilkes-Barre.

June 18-41 st Masonic Dis tr ict Meeting, Somerset Lodge, No. 358, So m ers et.

June 19-34th Ma soni c Di strict Meeting, Everett Lodge, No. 524, Evere tt, Bedford County

June 20-Special Communication of Gra nd Lo dge, Dedic ation of new Lodge Room, Laying of Cornerstone, Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 300, Hun t ingdon.

June 24 to 28-250th Anniversary Celebration of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania, Philade lphi a.

June 30-5 2n d Masonic Di s tri ct Me eting, Garfield Lod ge, No 559, DuB o i s, Clearfie l d Count y.

Room for More Children At Our Children's Home

We are pleased to report we now have sixteen girls and bo ys enjoying the excellent care, comforts and security at our well supervised Children's Home at the Masonic Homes, Eli zabethtown, Pa. It was less than a year ago that we made it known to the Masons of Pennsylvania that our Children's Home en rollment had dropped to only seven. An expression of appreciation is in order for the Brethren and their respective Lodges for the efforts put for th to locate these additional children who needed us and are now our Guests.

We learn that two and possibly thre e more applications are being processed for children to be considered by the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes a t its March 1981 meeting. However, we still have accommodation s for appr oximately forty more orphaned children or c hildren from broken homes who are in need of a better way of living. A fulltime Staff, headed by an experienced and well qualified Children's Home Supervisor, over-sees the specia l care and training of our c hildren.

If you are acquainted with a case or cases where a young girl or boy is really in need of a good home; where it will receiv e proper supervision, and good disciplined care in the ways of life; plus sincere love , contact your Lodge through the Secretary for the required sponsorship and application. It is not necessary for the child to be Masonically related. Bro Josep h E. Trate, R W. Grand Master, says it this way: "All we are attempting to do is to reach out and touch the lives of young people w ho may need a nudge in the right direction."


TYPICAL GROUPS OF "WONDERFUL GOOD " PENNSYLVAN IA YOUNG PEOPLE- Shown above and below are just two of the group pictures of the several sessions of leadership training and recreational programs conducted at the Patton School Campus last year as part of the Program spo.?sored our Lodge. Relative to the dress: The young ladies, noting the agenda called for a group picture at a hme, JUst had to get all prettied-up. The young men, all set for some recreation, wh en the photographer arri ved, said: "OK, let's gel it over


T h e Gran d Lodge of Pennsylvania an d F re emasonry in general have been sadd ened by the dea th of Bro. Walter P. We ll s, Right Wors hipful Past Grand Mas ter.

Bro. Wells passed away d u ri ng the early morni ng ho urs of March 19, 1 981. Hi s death ended a nota ble car ee r as a la wyer, a judge, a ch u rchman, a pub li c official an d a Masonic le ader.

Bo rn May 10 , 1905 , Bro. Wells resided in Coudersport, Pa., w her e he d isting ui s h e d him se lf for mo st of his ear t hly life in civic groups, comm unit y pro jec t s , c hur c h work a nd frat e rnal activ iti es. He was a m em ber of Chr ist P ro tes t a nt Ep iscopa l Church a nd se r ved for man y yea rs as a vestryma n. A Pas t Maste r of Eul a li a Lodge, No. 342, he later se rve d as Mos t Wise Master of Coudersp o rt Ch apter of Rose Cro ix, Anc ien t Accep te d Scottish Rit e Bod ies, Valley of C o uder spo rt. A tru stee of t he Va lle y of Couders po r t for over thi rty years, h e a so served as Comman der -inChi ef of Coudersport Consistory

Bro . Wells was a member of all the York Rit e Bodies in Co ud e rsport and se rved as Hi g h Priest of Co u ders port Roya Arch Cha pte r , No. 263. Active in the Royal Ord e r of jesters of jaffa Temp le , A.A.O N.M.S., he w a s also an ac ti ve memb er of the Pennsy l vania Co ll ege Society of Rosicr u cia ns and h e Maso ni c S ta mp C lub of New York.

Bro Wells served as Dis t rict Attorney of Potter Coun t y , resigning in 1952 t o becom e a judge. He b ecame the Pres ident ju dge of th e 55th jud icial Distr ict a nd served in t hat capacit y until his retireme n t in 1975 . whe n he became a Senior judge.

A g rad uate of the Wharto n Schoo l o f th e Uni vers it y o f P en n sy l vania, he was also a grad uat e of the Dickinson Sch o ol of Law. He was a direc t o r of the First Natio nal Bank o f Coudersport a nd at one time was p res iden t and d i rector of t h e Coud ersport & Port A ll eghe n y Ra i lroad. He was a past p res ident of t h e Potter County Mem orial Hospi t al.

Bros We ll s was h onore d in 19 55 for ou tstanding serv ice in Freemas o nry and excellent services fo r the bene fit of his c ommunit y,


Youth Program

Proves a Sound Investment

Our Grand Lodge w ill enjoy ano th er "fi r st" this S umm er w h en we hos t one of th e National Leadership Tra ining Confere n ces condu cte d by th e Internatio n a l Su preme Counc il , Order of DeMolay. The conferen ce will be h e ld at th e Patton School Ca mpus A u gu s t 9th through August 1 5th wit h members of th e Staff arriving August 7t h an d 8th. Approximate l y 125 l eaders of th e DeMo la y mo vement w ill be in sessio n s during th at week in Aug u s t an d we a r e pleased to h ave t h em as our gues ts.

Ot h er session s b ei ng h e ld a t Patton Schoo l in this six th year of ou r Specia l Youth Program ou t reach include:

A Key Man Workshop for DeMo lay Chap t ers of Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon

and Sch u y lkill Counties, he ld Janua r y 2 nd 3rd a nd 4t h , thi s year.

A Sta te -wide DeMolay Bas ketba ll Tournament held at Patto n School on March 13th , 14th and 15th, t his year.

A DeMolay Leadersh ip Conference for C h apters of the 20 th and 22nd Regional Di stri cts o n March 2 7th , 28th a n d 29 th, thi s year.

Fou r sessions of f our-d ays each for t h e gi rl s from the va rious Assemblies of the In te rna tio n al Or d e r of Rainbow f or G irl s in Pennsylvania fr om June 7th thro u gh Jun e 21st, 1 981. This w ill b e th e si xth year for th e Rainbow Girls and their ad ult advis ors t o r e tu rn to the Patton School Campus . Two sessions of four-days each for t h e girl s from the various Beth e l s o f th e International Order of Job's Daughters in Pennsylvania from July 16th through July 22nd.

Three-d ay week-end Training Co nf eren ces h ave also been schedu led for DeMolay Chapters throug h ou t Pen n sylvan i a on a selectiv e bas i s for Sep tember 11th , 12th and 13th; Sep tembe r 25t h , 26t h and 27th; a nd O ctober 9th, lOt h and 11th, this year. And t h ere could be more.

Arra n ged a n d coordinated as one of the du ties of t h e Grand Lodge Committee on Youth Serv ices , thi s Spec i al Youth Program is th e will and pleasure of Bro. Joseph E. Trate , R.W Grand Master a nd i s de s igned t o reach out a nd t ouch the lives of our you n g me n and ladies Alr eady we hav e seen tha t it is one of ou r best in vestments.

Our one chan ce of real world improvement is with th e growing genera tion . A nd th ey incl ude DeMolays, Rainbow Girls and fob 's Daughters.

Silver Beavers are Good Scouts and Busy Brethren

Anothe r "fi r st" for our Juris di ct ion took p lace at the Janua r y Stated Mee t ing of Eureka Lodge, No. 335 , held a t Mon t o u rsv ill e , Lycomi n g Cou n ty.

At t h e me e ti ng, the S u b li me Degree o f a Master Mason was confe rr ed on Bro. Melvin D Hunt er, an exec u t i ve in t h e Bo y Sco u ts of Ameri ca . The Brethre n occ up ying th e va ri ous statio n s and places in th e Lodge for the co n fe rrin g of the De-

Th e Mason w ho gets th e mos t out of his membersh ip i s th e one who is fa ithf ul in attendin g a ll Lodge Me etings, and willing to serve hi s Lodge w h en called upon. Such a Member is indispensable to his Lodge And to him comes the honor and s atisfaction that he has don e his du ty

Oh, Just to be Sincere

Remember how no t too l o n g ago we didn t hav e to l ock our doors whe n we left home ? Re m e mber how t he majorit y of us knew and coul d t ru st our neighbors? A man 's wor d a n d a handshake made contra cts. Common sense told yo u if it was ri gh t or wrong and fai ling t o c ro ss a "t" o r do t a n "i" didn t set criminals fr ee.

Brother Walter P. Wells Right Worshipful Past Grand Mas ter when he was c oron e te d an Honorary Thirt yhi rd Degree Mason.

Serving as Right Worship fu l Grand Mas t er in 1978 and 1979, Bro. We ll 's two-year term was hi g hli gh te d by the cons ti tuting of a new Symbo lic Lodge in Hermitage Tow nship , Merce r Coun t y; conducting seve ra l leaders h ip training seminars for Sy mboli c Lodge Officers throughout t he ju r isdic ti o n ; an d th e creation of a Grand Lo d ge of Pe n nsylva n ia Go ld Be n jamin Frank lin Me d a l fo r p resentation o di s ting ui s h ed Maso n s. Sur vivi n g a re his wi fe, th e form er Anne Mull iga n, four c hildren, john Walt e r, II , Rosemary Anne C hr is to ph er Ar th u r a nd Mrs Patricia We ll s Kapte in a, t wo grandchildren a nd two sis te r s, Mrs Ho wa rd Schutt a nd Mrs. H. Hol li ngswor th Pett. Masonic se rvices were conduc t ed at th e Fickinger Fun e ral Home, Co ud ers port , Pa ., o n Sunday eveni ng, March 22ncl and the fu neral was h e ld Monday , March 23rd , foll owi n g a memo rial se rvice in Chr ist Episcopa l Chu rch , Coudersport.

gr ee each ha d the dis t ictio n of be in g r ecip i e nts of t h e co vet ed Silver Beaver Awa r d, the hig h es t recog ni tion in Boy Scou t ing gi ve n to adult vo lu nteers.

Mo r e t ha n 495 years o f service to t h e Bo y Scou ti ng p rog ram was represe n te d b y th ose Bre thr e n participating in the Degree. Dean of t h e gro u p was Bro . F. P ars on Ke p ler, Sr., Past Mas t er of Milton Lodge, No. 256, w h o ha s been servi ng in Sco utin g for 64 years.

Bro. Robert H Ch ristie, Pa st Master of Eu reka Lodge, No 335, conferred t h e Degree H is Wa r dens we r e Howard R. Baldw in and Bro . Pa ul L. Seeling, Past Masters and members of Ivy Lod ge, No. 397 a nd Lodge No 106 , respect i ve l y, both o f Wi lli amspor t. Mu n cy Lo d ge, No. 299, was the fifth Lodge w ith S i lve r Beavers particip a t ing. A nd , mo st o f the 100 Breth r en i n a t tendance we re former Boy Scouts.

It would b e great if we co ul d return to tho se t imes o f truth a n d love and goodne ss. There is still a place for in tegrity i n the busin ess o f liv ing and our F ra t ernity, to get h er with co un t l ess others sure l y can b e n um be r ed on the side o f si ncerity. We m ay n o t be p erfect a nd w ithout blem is h bu t we sho ul d a l ways be s in ce re. Webster define s "s i nce re " as: Without pretense or deceit, gen u ine. We rece i ve letters whic h close wit h "si n cere l y" and perhaps we ha ve u sed tha t cl osing w ithou t giving it much t ho u g h t.

The word "sinc ere, " w e are in formed, is the English tr ans l a ti on of t wo Latin w ords, "sine" and "cera ," meaning "without wax." These wo r ds were u sed frequentl y in t h e b uildin g t rade of yes teryea r In the preparation a n d s hipment o f marble , a bloc k mi ght receive a c hip or be marred in som e fash i o n It was po ss ibl e to hide or conceal th ese i mpe rfe cti o n s b y the use o f w hit e wax. This procedu r e co uld not withs t and tim e an d wea th e r , h oweve r , and t he imperfection woul d s oon appear. To insure against this practi ce , it was c u stoma r y t o mark the ma rble bloc ks or pieces "Si nece ra "-mea nin g w it hout any wax added. How gr eat it wou l d be if we could sign a ll of our works "Sine-cera " an d m ake S h akespeare's defin it ion o f s in cerity ou r goa l : " His words are bonds , hi s oat h s are oracles, hi s th o u g h t imm aculate, his tear s p ur e messenge rs se nt from th e h eart. "

The Apost l e Paul said: " Though I s p eak with th e tongues of men and a nge ls a nd hav e n ot c h a rit y, I a m b ecome as sounding brass or t inkling cy mb a l. " What Paul was say ing th at even t ho ugh I gi ve away eve r yt hing and eve n sacrifice my l i fe , a nd am n o t sincere , but do things to be see n of men , it mea n s no t h ing. Th e Phari see s were co n dem n e d fo r t h e ir insi n ce rit y. The widow, however , who gave of what s h e had was commfm d e d for her s incer it y.

Brethren , we a r e kn ee-dee p in a n other Masonic Year So, let u s pa u se and refl ec t a nd then reso l ve to take th e ingredients for t rue Brotherho o d a nd put t h em toge th e r so that all men m ay kno w t ha t Fr ee mas ons ca n be s ince r e.

The la ck of atte ndan ce and interest in Symbolic Lodg es indicates th ere are a grea t number of thin gs more popular amon g Mas on s tha n Freemasonry.

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