Questions & Answers
Questi o n: Can a P ennsylvania Mason be a Me mber of more than one "B lu e at the same time as permitted 111 varwu s Gr and Juri s dictions?
Answer: It is not pe rmis s ible for a Pennsyl va nia Mason to be a Member of two " Blue Lodges " at the same time, eit her in th e Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, or o.u r Juris di ction and another Jurisd ict iOn Dual membership ha s been pr o hi b it ed since 1804.
Question: Was Freemasonry invol ved in the fir s t oil well s c redited to Pennsyl- vania?
Answer: Onl y th e fac t that the world ' s firs t oil w e ll was s uccessfull y drilled on A ug us t 27, 1859 , at Titusville, Pa. by " Co lon e l " Edwin L. Drake, a retired railroad conduc tor, and a Member of our fo r m er Oil Cree k Lodge, No. 303 , n ow T itu sv ille Lodge , No. 754 , held at Tit usv ille , Pa
Question: I hav e heard that John Wanamaker , prominent Ame ri can merchant and founder of the Wanamaker Departme nt Stores, was opposed to Freemas onry. Can you enlighten me on this rumo r ?
Answe r: Jo hn Wanamake r was not only a p romine nt Am eri can merchant and f o und er of the Wan a maker Department S to res, b ut h e wa s a prominent Mas on Bro Wanama ker was made a Mason at Sig ht by the Ri ght Worshipfu l Grand Mas ter of Pennsylvania on March 30, 1898 He was then accepted by Friends hip Lod ge , No. 400 , held at Jenkintow n, near Philadelp hia, and !ate r wo rke d through the chairs , s ervIng as Worshipful Ma s ter in 1905. Bro. Wanamake r later financed the beautiful I?orlc s tyled Mas onic Temple in Jenkintow n , Pa., and presented it to his Lodge on Janu ary 11 , 1913. A powe rful influe nce in the e s tabli s hment of th e w id e ly acclaim e d Library and Muse um of our Masonic Temple, Philade lphi a, and a generous contributor in th e earl y da ys of our now famous collec ti o n of Ma s oni c memorabilia , Bro. Wa n a m a ke r s erved as Chairman of the Gra n d Lod ge Committee on Library and Mu seum for many years.
Is there so mething printed in bn e f form that would exp lain ju s t w h at Free masonr y is to a non -Ma s on ?
T he Grand Lod ge of Pennsylvah as produced a folder, enti tl ed Free ma s onry , A Way of Life ," that ca n be rea d in a fe w minutes. Thi s a ttract ive fold e r was des ig ned and pr odu ce d as a broad d e finition of Freemasonr y fo r the Maso n and non-Mason ali ke. It is fre e up on request either thr o ug h your Lod ge Se c retary or by
writing to the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Culture, Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia Pa. 19017.
Question: In addition to showing a " Blue Lodge " current Dues card, when visiting Lodges in American and foreign Jurisdictio ns, do we have any other type of confirmati on of a Pennsylvania Mason's Good Masonic Standing?
Answer: There are two items. One is a Grand Lodge Certificate, a beautiful printed-type document with a gold Grand Lodge embossed sea l attached which sells for $5.00. A second is Commission to a Brother to Visit Foreign Grand Lodges and Lodges which is typewritten on a Grand Lodge 8 %xll letterhead and issued free of charge. Each of these documents must be processed through your Lodge Secretary w ho, in turn, obtains them from the Office of the R. W. Grand Secretary. Please allow reasonable time before you depart on a trip.
Question: Has there been any progress in solving the damage done the south wall of the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, created by the construction of the Center City Commuter Tunnel?
Answer: When cracks began to appear on th e interior of the south wall of the Masonic Temple, construction was suspend ed on the tunnel near the Temple for several months. Since early June the contractor has been drilling a series of ninty-five holes along the south wall of the Temple near the original foundation. These holes, each fift y- feet deep , will contain a steel I-beam encas ed in concrete When this process is completed, additional concrete abutments will be poured to g uarantee the maximum shoring up of the south wall of the Temple.
THE PENNSYL V ANJA FREEMASON Distribution Office MASONIC HOMES Eliza bethtown , Pa. 17022 (Send FORM 3579 to Above Address)
9? PLUS and 72 YEARS A P. M.-Relaxing in h1 s favorite chair is Bro. Walter K. Thorne , Past Master of Coatesville Lod ge No. 564. Bro. Thorne wa s Worshipful Master 72 years ago and is looking forward to his lOOth birthday which he hopes to ce lebrate this coming September. The Brethren wish thee well Walter. You have been a real inspiration to the Craft.
Editor's Note:
As we go to press with this belated edition of "The Pennsylvania Freemason," delayed to carry articles on the five-day 250th Anniversary Celebration of Freemasonry in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the September Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge to be held in the Cumberland Valley High School Sports Center near Mechanicsburg, we are aware of several articles in our pending file that will not appear in this particular edition. A 12-page edition of "The Pennsylvania Freemason" is being considered for the August-September edition and will be circulated during September. Your patience and understanding is appreciated.
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