Itinerary of Grand Lodge Officers for Next Five Months
The schedule for the Grand Lodge Off icers includes:
April 3, 1982 -Grand Master will attend the 125th Anniversary of Wi lli amson Lodge No. 307, Womelsd orf .
April 3, 1982- Sectional Meet ing , School of In st ru cti on , New Castle.
April 12, 1982- Grand Master will make an informal vis itat ion to a Stated Meeting of Fayette Lodge No. 228, Uniontown.
April 17, 1982 - Grand Master wi ll at t end the 100th Ann ive rsary of Sh iloh Lodge No. 558, Lansdale.
April 17, 1982 - Sectional Meeti ng, School of Inst ructi on , Scranton.
Apr il 19 , 1982 - Grand Master will make an informa l vis itation to a Stated Meeting of Homewood-Fort Pitt Lo dge No. 635, Pittsburgh.
April 23, 1982- Grand Lodge Committee on Maso ni c Homes Meeting, Masonic Homes, Eli zabethtown.
April 24, 1982 - Gran d Master will attend the Sp rin g Reunion of Lancaster Lodg e of Perfection , Lancaste r.
April 24, 1982 - Sectional Meeting, Schoo l of In st ru ction, Kane.
May 1, 1982 - Grand Maste r to attend the 175th Anniversary of Union Lodge No. 108 , To wan da.
May 1, 1982 -Sectiona l Meeting, School of Instruction , Oil City.
May 7, 1982 - Senior Grand Warden, rep rese nting the Grand Ma ste r will make an informa l visitation to a Stated Meeting of Bethel Lodge No. 76 1, Bethel Park .
May 8, 1982 - Gra nd Master wi ll attend the 75th Anniversary of Crafton Lodge No. 653, Crafton .
May 8, 1982- Sectional Mee ting , Sc h oo l of In structio n, Will iamsport.
May 13, 1982 -Grand Master wi ll make an informal visi t at ion to Leechburg Lodge No. 577, Leec hbu rg.
May 15, 1982 - Grand Master wi ll vis it Val ley of New Castle.
May 15, 1982- Sect ional Meeting, School of In struc tion , Somerset.
May 22, 1982- Cornerstone Placing a nd Dedication of Lod ge Room, Elk Lo dge No. 379, Ridgway, Specia l Commun ic ation of Grand Lodge.
May 22, 1982- Sect iona l Meeting , Sc hool of Instruct ion, Mt. Uni on.
May 28, 1982 - Grand Lodge Committee
on Mas on ic Homes Mee ti ng, Maso ni c Homes, Eli zabet hto wn
May 29, 1982- Grand Master wi ll attend the 95th Anni ve rsary of Ash la r Lodge No. 57 0, Lyke ns.
June 2, 1982 - Grand Lo dge Quarterly Communicat ion , Harrisb urg.
June 12,1982- Grand Master will attend the 100th Anni versary, Eldred Lodge No. 560, Eldred.
June 12, 1982- Sectional Meeti ng , Sc hool of Instruction, Philad el phi a.
June 14,1982- Grand Master will attend th e ann ual sess io n, Sup reme Tem ple, Daughters of the Nile, in Pittsbu rgh.
June 17, 1982 -Gr and Master will make an informa l visi tation to a Special Meeting of Penn-Justice Lo dge No. 766, Penn Hi lls Township.
June 25,1982- Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes Meeti ng , Masonic
Homes, Elizabethtown.
June 26, 1982 - Patriotic Pilgrimage to Gettysburg, ce leb rati ng th e 250 th Anni_ versa ry of the birth of George Washington and the 30 0th Anniversary of the founding of the Commo nwealt h .
July 9, 1982 - Council of Deliberation, Sc ranton.
Ju ly 14-15, 1982 - Grand Master will attend th e opening session of the Gra nd Assembly, Int ern at ional 0 rder of the Rainbow for Girls at Penn State.
July 23, 1982- Grand Lodge Comm ittee on Masonic Homes Meeting, Maso nic Homes, El izabethtown.
August 14, 1982 - Grand Master wil l attend the 1OOth Anniversary of Marion Lodge No . 562 , Scottda le.
August 27, 1982 - Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes Meeting, Masonic Home s, Elizabethtown.
'Pilgrimage' Gift to Assist Handicapped
Gran d Lodge has entered into a contrac t with the Baltimore Elevator and Du mbwaiter Co., Inc. to purchase and instal l a wheelchair lift in the Cyclorama Bu ilding at Gettysbu rg National Milit ary Park.
Th e wheelchai r lift wil l be presented to a represe nt ative of the United States Department of the Inte rior as a gift from the mas on s of Penn sy lva nia during the Patriotic Pilgr imag e ce leb rat ion in Gettys-
Eli zab ethto wn, Pa. 170 22 (Se nd FORM 3579 to Above Address)
burg on Saturday, June 26.
A specia l ceremony will be held in the stadium area on the campus of Getty sb urg Col lege at 4:30p.m.
The electric wheelchair lift will travel along eight rise rs of a sta irway to an ove r· look area.
It will serve many thousands of handicapped vis ito rs to the center in the future.
The co ntribution will be recognized by a bronze pl aq ue.
Second Class POSTAGE PA ID AT Eli zabethtown Pennsy lvania
Parade to Highlight June 26 Activity
Masons and Families Urged to Attend Patriotic Pilgrimage
Excitement is bu ild ing toward Saturday, June 26 when it is expected tho usands of maso ns , the ir fami lies and friends wi II travel to Gettysburg to take part in a PATRIOTIC PIL GR IMAGE sponsore d by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Th e unabashed exhibition of love for co unt ry will mark two important anniversary dates fo r ma sons and Amer icans eve rywhere - the 250th anniversary of the birth of Bro. George Washington, and the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth.
Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, R.W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania, has been elected chairman of the Conference of Grand Masters of Masons in North America for 1982
The conference, designed as a forum for the exchange of infor· mation and ideas, is comprised of the Grand lodges in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Grand lodges in Europe and the East are informally represented.
Bro. Williamson was elected chairman durin g the conference held on February 22-24 at the Shore ham Hotel in Washington, D C. He will preside over the busin ess of the conference until it next meets in 1983 at Dallas, Texas.
The last time the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania was so honored was in 1968 when then Grand Master John K Young was elected chairman.
A numbe r of events are be ing pla nned with the id ea th e entire masonic family will participate. The Gran d Maste r ha s urged every masonic body and masonic orga nizat ion to get invo lved.
The one activity that promi ses to attract the great es t dea l of attenti on is a masonic para de through the st reets of the Borough of Gettysburg that is scheduled to begin at 1:30 p.m. on Sat u rday.
The las t issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason (Febr uary 1982) contained a color -co ded map of the 1.9-mile parade
route incl udin g staging areas for the four parade div isions. A report of the divis ion setup is pub lished on page seve n.
Another impo rtant event has been ad ded to the schedu le for those who will arrive a day early on Friday, Jun e 25. It has become a custom to beg in import ant Gra nd Lodg e celebration s with a Vesper serv ice as the means of aski ng God's bl essi ng on the undertaking To that end, a Vesper se rvice ha s been sc heduled for 5:30p.m. on Fr iday, Ju ne 25 in (Cont inued on Pag e 11)
Investment in Tomorrow' Youth Foundation Fund Drive Begins
"T he Pennsylvania Youth Foundation can provide to us as masons two impo rtant se rvices.
" It can provide the means through which we wi ll support ou r young peop le in recogn it ion they are ou r fut ure ... and it can provid e the means for all of us to un ite as a family; pulling togethe r as one for an idea that require s th e support of all maso nic bod ies and organizat ions."
Grand Maste r Sam uel C. Wi lliamson
Chairman, Pen nsylva nia Yo uth Found ati on
Th e opening lines of the fund raiser for the Pennsylvania Yo uth Foundation that was ma iled two weeks ago to all Penn sylvan ia masons sets the sta nd ard by which the Grand Master hopes to raise $500,000 this year so that the organiza· tion might become se lf-sufficient as soon as possible.
The purpose of the nonprofit, cha ritab le corporation is to provide gu id anc e to the youth of Pennsylvania in t heir mental, physical and religious or sp iri tual deve lop · ment through programs in t he fi elds of physical educatio n, sportsmansh ip , c1t1 · zensh ip , moral it y, public speaking and the arts.
Head quart ered at t he Patton School campus ad jace nt to th e gro unds of the Maso nic Hom es at Eliza be t hto wn, the foun dation wil l supp ort the varied programs al ready being conducted each summer by t he Rainbow for Girls, Job's Daughters and the Order of DeMo lay. The Penn sy lvania Youth Fo undat ion is gover ne d by a seven -membe r bo ard of directors that is assisted by a 21-member adviso ry boa rd. Virt uall y eve ry masonic bod y an d organization is rep resented. A number of innov ative programs have (Cont inued on Page 7)
Thi s fir st year of operation is being su bsid ized by a $6 0 ,0 00 gra nt app rov ed by the masons of Pennsylvania in the 198 2 Grand Lodge budget.
Rush Carvings Loaned to Academy
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will loan its seven works by William Rush to t he Pen nsy lva nia Acade my of the Fine Arts fo r an exh ibition that will open on June 22 in ce lebration of the 300th annive rsary of the founding of Philadelphia William Rush ( 1756 -1833) , a celebrated ships' figurehead carve r, is regarded as Amer ica's f irst native-born scul ptor.
A native of Philadel phia, Rush was the so n of a shi p 's carpenter and la t er became an appre ntice to a carver. He first made figureheads that are general ly regarded as the finest sculptural work of the time.
The works to be loaned by the Grand Lodge were originally comm issioned in 182 0 for the Masonic Tem pl e on Chest nu t Stree t . Amon g t he works are "The Cher ubim", a pa ir of carved angels, each with one wing outs pread. " The Cherubim " will form an important part of the exhibition since the car vi ngs had never been documente d or published before.
Also incl uded from the Grand Lodge colle ction wi ll be " Fai t h", "Ho pe", "Charity", "V irt ue" and "Sile nce."
Curator for the exhibition is Linda Bantel who did a great deal of research in the records of the Grand Lodge, unco ve ring new information and ne w documentation. Her work has created a def initive pers pect ive of the life and wor ks of Will iam Rush
The Pen nsy lvania Aca demy of th e Fine Ar ts wil l publish a catalogue to
Publi ca t ion No. 426- 140
Issued Quarterly
February, May, August and November at Mason ic Homes, El iza bethtown, Pennsylvania, by The Ri ght Wo rs hipfu l Grand lodge of Th e Most Anc ient and Honorable Fraternity of Fre e and Accepted Ma so ns in Pennsyl van ia and Masonic Juri sdiction Thereunto Belonging.
Grand lo dge Office rs
Samuel C. Williamson, R.W. Grand Maste r
Wil liam A Carpenter, R.W. Deputy Grand Master
Car l W. Stenberg, Jr., R.W. Sen ior Grand Wa rd en
Art hur J. Kurtz, R.W. Jun ior Grand Warden
Arthur R. Diamond, R.W. Grand Treasu rer
Thomas W. Jackson, R.W. Grand Secretary
Mai lin g Address
One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19 10 7
Send Form 3579 to Distribu t ion Office
Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pa. 17 022
Second Class Postage Paid at Elizabet htown, Pennsylvania
Vol. XXIX May 1982
(Act of October 23 , 1962 Section 4369 , Title 39 , United States Code)
Harrisburg to Host June Quarterly Communication
The Grand Lod ge of Pennsyl vania has accepted an in vitat ion to conduct the J une Quar t erly Communica tion scheduled for Wednesday, June 2 in the auditorium of the Zemba Mosque at Third and Div ision Streets in Harrisburg.
The invitation, exten ded by the masons of the greater Harr isb urg area, includes the use of the facili t ies of the neighbor ing Scott ish Rite Ca t hedra l.
The central Pennsy lvania locat ion provides the opportu ni t y fo r many masons who are unab le to trave l to Ph ilade lphi a to conveniently witness a commun ication of their Grand Lod ge.
accompany the ex hibition.
The Academy is open Tuesday th rough Sat urday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m , and on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Tours are given daily at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and weekends at 2 p m.
Admission is $ 1.5 0, gene ral, $1.0 0, senior citizens, and $.50, st udents
May 1, 198 2. The Pennsylva noa Freemason: pub lishe d quaterly a Distri bu ti on Off ce. Maso nic Homes, Elizabe thtown, Pa. 17022 wit h loc at ion ol head quar ters at Mas ot lt c Tem p e
On e Nort h Broad Stree t Phila delphia, Pa 19107. Publi shet: The Right Wo rsh ip ful Gr an d Lodge of the Mo st An cient an d Honora ble Fratern ity of Fr ee and Acc epte d Masons ol Pennsyl va nia. Ed itor: Me vin S Mun die. Owne r: Th e Ri ght Worsh ipful Gran d Lo dge of the Most Ancient and Honot able Frat ern it y of Free and Acce p ted Masons ol Pen ns yl vanoa. Know n bo ndhol ders, no ne. Stockholders, no ne. No advertising handl ed. Free dis ributton averages 220.00 0 each quarter I ce rtif y tha t he sta eme n ts made by me are correc and comple te : Me vin S Mundie, Edi or.
DeMolay Project Benefits Masonic Homes
Debris from 1972's Hurricane Agnes clogged Canoy Creek on Mason ic Homes' Serpen -
DeMo lays from Westmoreland and Geo rge Miles Dun n chapters gave 45 hours of ha rd labor to clear the st ream bed.
The boy s asked for the work. They used their labor as a practical way to thank the Grand Lodge f or its support.
Grand Master Sam uel C. Williamson remi nd s all Mas te r Masons that they are entit led to at tend meetings of the Grand Lod ge. It is not nec essa ry that those attending be members of the Grand Lodge. Communi ca t io n act ivities that are open to t he general membe rship (the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance and the Di strict Dep uty Grand Masters will meet ea rlier in the day) will beg in with a dinner in t he ball room of th e Scottish Rite Cathedra l at 5:00p.m.
Eight hu ndred pers ons can be comfo rtably seated in the ba llroom and additiona l dini ng space is availab le elsewhere in the cat hed ral if requ ired.
There is no cha rge for the dinne r, but each lodge will be ask ed to ind icate to th e off ice of t he Grand Maste r the numbe r of members it is expected wil l attend
so that waste, and the correspon ding expense , can be avoided
A speci fic form wi ll be se nt t o the lodges f or that purpose . Ind ividual masons can assist the procedure. by notifying their lodge secretaries of the ir intent to pa rticipate as soon as possib le.
The actual communicatio n will beg in promptly at 7:00 p.m as dictated by
1982 Travel Program Yields $6,000 to Pennsylvania Youth Foundation
The Pennsyl vania Youth Foundation has received $6,000.00 in comm issions from t he first phase of the 1982 tra vel program sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania.
The ret urn was from the Hawaiian depar t ures scheduled for February and March
The second phase of the t rave l program, t hree departures fo r Sw itzer land , was announced in the February issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason and gene rated a gr eat deal of inte rest.
Dep ar tu res are schedu led f rom Ph il ade lphi a, Pittsbu rg h, Harr isburg and New York on July 1, J uly 22 and August 12
fo r an eight-day, se ven-n ight centered in Zu rich, Switzerland.
An optional one week extension to lnnsb ruck and Vienna, inc lud ing a cruise on the Danube and the Thiersee Passion Play, is also ava ilable.
Anyone see king further inf ormation on the Switzerla nd trips can contact the office of the Grand Maste r at th e Mason ic Temp le in (215 /988-1920)
or call the t ravel agency's tol l-free numbe r (1-800 / 225 -7696).
The f inal phase of the 1982 tra vel program, a one -week trip to London with an opt iona l wee k in Scot lan d and Ire land, is conta ined on pages 8 and 9 of t his issue.
mason ic law.
The Grand Lodge wi ll be se t up on t he floo r of the Zemba Mos q ue audi t oriu m Seating for 1,500 to 2,000 pe rs ons wi ll be ar ranged.
Masons dri ving to th e Gra nd Lodge communicat ion will find ac res of fr ee parking on lighted lot s on Th ir d Street opposite the mosque and th e cat hed ra l.
Those requiring ass ist ance in find ing hotel acco mmodat ions are inv ited t o write the office of t he Gra nd Master at the Masonic Temp le, One Nor th Broa d Street, Ph ilade lphia, PA 19107 o r ca ll 215 /988-1920
The off ice staff will be please d to ass ist you
New District Deputy
Bro. L. Eugene Pauli ng, a Pas t Ma ster of Muncy Lodge No. 299 , has bee n appo inted the Distri ct Deputy Gran d Master for the 18th Masonic Dist ri ct. Bro. Pauling succeeds Bro . A Ken neth Dunlap who asked to be rel ieve d of his duties for reasons of heal th. Bro. Du nlap, in keep in g wit h the dicta tes of Art ic le 12, Se ct io n 13 of th e "Ahiman Rezon, " has been cr eat ed a Past Di strict Deputy Grand Mas t er by virtue of his mo re t han eight yea rs of ser vice.
The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, located at Broad and Cherry Streets, two blocks from the Maso ni c Temple, will exhibit more tha n 50 works by America's first native -born sculptor, William Rush, inc luding seven on loan from the Grand lodge of Pennsylva nia.
Th e ballroom of t he Scottish Ri te Cathedral in Harr is burg will be used fo r a 5: 00 p.m. dinner on We dne srlay, J une 2 as part of the activity surrounding the Jun e Uuarterl y Co mmunicat
Gettysburg College Welcomes Masons to Its Sesquicentennial
Founded in 1832 , Gettysb urg College 1s the oldest Lu t he ran affiliated libe ral arts college in America. Th is year it is celebrating 150 years of ac t ive exis t e nc e and service to the co mmunity , state, natio n and church.
Th e College e nroll s about 1850 st udents with a full -time faculty of 137 The Bac helor of Arts degree is awarded in 21 major areas a nd the Bache lor of Science in Mu sic Educ ation . In addit io n ther e are five interdi sciplin ar y studie s prog ra ms, and stud ents can complete requirem ents for adm iss ion to prof ess iona l sc hool s including dentistry, law, med icin e, and the mini st ry .
Th e present 4-1-4 course calendar enab les studen t s to take fou r courses in each of the Fall and Spring Te rm s and one course du rin g t he J anua ry Term. Thi s "m ini " t erm offers oppo rt unity to experiment with co ur ses outsi de th e f ield of concentration , to have an intern experience in indu st ry or government, to st ud y on ot he r co lleg e ca mpu ses , a nd to enroll in off -ca mpu s sem in ars including study abroad.
Gettysb urg 's 200 -ac re campus includ es 44 buildings, a stadi um and numerous pl ay ing fields Penn sylva nia Hall, built in 1837, served as a hospital for both Un ion and Con fe derate armies at the Battle of Gett ysb urg and is list ed on the National Reg ister of Hi stor ic Pl aces. Cl assroom buildings range from state ly Glatfelter Hall, built in 1889, to McCreary Hall, built in 196 9 , which houses the life scien ces. At the center of the ca mpu s is the newest building, th e Musse lman Library , compl ete d in 1981, a nd providing room for ov e r 400,000 volu mes and
BOO individual study areas The Colleg e has ju st renovated Schmucker Hall , named aft er the founder of the institution, to serve t he music a nd art departments, and has plans to remode l nearby Brua Hall as a theatre arts center.
Attractive facilities are also available for extrac u rric ular ac t iv ities and fo r sports inclu di ng the College Union , Chri st Chape l, th e Brea m Athleti c Building, Hau se r Fie ldhouse, Eddie Plank Gym , and Mus se lm a n Stadium Students are encouraged to parti cipate in both intercollegiat e and intramural sports programs. Th ere are twenty different intercollegiate teams fielded each year, nin e for men , eight for women and three for both men and women. In 1980, the women's ho ckey team won the national cham pio nshi p fo r small colleges.
More than 150 special program s are offered in the course of any academic year as extrac u rricular opportunities in-cluding lecture s, per for ming groups, arti sts -in -res idence , film serie s, as well as recital s by talented student s and faculty . Num erous stud ent organization s, inc luding eleve n socia l fraternities and seven sororities , also sponso r special eve nt s. Gettysbu rg was one of the early in stitutions in Pe nn sylva ni a to secure a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa and has over 1000 living grad uates who have attained this distinguished election.
Getty sburg Coll ege views its educational process as an in tegra t ed whole in wh ich the indi vidu al has the opportun ity to develop character as we ll as intellect.
Th e " Getty sbu rg Ex per ience" is viewed as a tim e for exa mining and establishing va lues , lea rning to reason , confronting
Gettysbu rg Coll ege , Gettysburg, PA 17325 Attention: Admissions Office
I would lik e to participate in th e follow in g program:
The College Planning Program 10 :00 a.m. Ei senh ower House- No of per sons ______ Campus Tour beginning a t Eisenhower Statue - 9:00a.m.- No of persons _ _ 10 :0 0 a.m. - No. of per sons ______
Pl ease sen d me the foll owing lite ra ture :
The Pictorial Vi ew-Book of the College ___ Application and related ma te rials ___
new idea s, ga inin g certain bas ic ski ll s and learni ng to think critically . Yo u are in vited to take ad va ntage of programs offered by the Admissions Offi ce on Jun e 26 or to receive more information abo ut Gettysb ur g College by sending in the co upon o n t hi s page.
Young people and th eir parents who attend the Pat riotic Pilgrimage can take adva nt age of a usef ul sessi on on "Choosing a nd Goin g to College ." Admi ssio ns officers of Gettysb urg College will conduct the progr am beginning at 10:00 a.m for those anticipati ng going to college anywh ere. Costs, fina ncia l aid opportunities, a pp lication procedures, re quirements for adm ission and similar matters will be reviewed with a mple opportunity for questions.
The sessio n will be conducted at Ei se nhower Hou se (the Admi ssi ons Office) on ca mpu s. The building on Carlisle Street served for almo st a decade as an offic e for Pres id ent Dwight D. Ei se nhower . Ju st in front of it stands a statue of that illustrious American. It is in easy wa lking distance to the areas where the parade wi ll for m.
It is import ant to know how many people and parents will pl an t o attend the p rogram. If yo u are intere sted in atte nding , mail in th e coupon, bei ng su re to f ill in a ll req ue st ed information
General Orders Issued
Marshal Establishes Parade Divisions
Bro George N Ho lmes, Grand Marshal and Parade Marsha l fo r the June 26 Patrioti c Pilgrimage Parade, has released a tentative draft of the divisions of the parade along with the following list of ge neral orders:
Actual size of medallion is two and onehalf inches
An Investment In Tomorrow
(Conti nu ed from Page 1)
been establ ished to aid th e f und ra1 s111g includin g a pl an in which all returns from the 1982 Gr and Lodge tra vel program will be appl ied to the foundation.
To da te , more than $ 6,000 has been gat hered from th e Hawa ii trips , the first of three destinations in the travel prog ra m. (S ee st ory on page three .)
A speci al program has be en de vised to receive and acknowledge contribut ion s to the Penn syl va nia Youth Foundation . Each contributor will receive a person al letter recog ni zi ng his gift.
Contributi ons of $ 500 will be not ed by the iss uin g of a silver a nd pewter certificate su itable for fram ing Those ind ivid ua ls or organizations able to contribute $ 1,000 or more will rece ive a special bronze medallion th at is being str uck in the ne xt few weeks. (See illustration above ).
T he two and one-half inch diameter medallio n is im bedded in a four inch by eleven in ch piece of wa lnut wood.
A walking tour for those interest ed in viewing the Gett ys burg College campus and in reviewing a bit of its 150 year hi sto ry will be available during the morning of June 26. Planned to la st about an hour, the tour is sc heduled to start from the Ei se nhowe r sta tue at 9:00 a .m. and to be repeated at 10 :00 a m. In cl uded will be Penn sylva ni a Hall , bu ilt in 18 3 7 a nd used as a hosp it al a nd observation towe r d ur ing the Battle, Glatf elte r Hall , a stately gothic struct ur e complet ed in 1889 , Musselman Librar y, finished last year prese nting a new functional concept of a learning center, and c lassic Schmucker Hall , named for the fou nder of the college. Tho se interes ted in the tour, mail in th e coupon, being su re to indicate th e hour des ire d.
A b rass plat e is atta ched to the wood on which the name of the contr ibut or is to be engraved.
Th e Gra nd Master ha s authorized t he use of lodge charity funds to support the foundation.
A number of sign ific ant contributions have already bee n rec ei ved . The Valley of Pittsb u rg h, Ancient Acce pt ed Scott ish Rite, for exa mple , ha s contributed th e sum of $2,5 00 as the first ins t al"lment of a $ 10,000 pledge of suppor t t o the foundation
A number of Ra inb ow for Girl s assemblies an d chapters of the Ord er of DeMo lay have established fund rai sing projects and pl edged the retu rns to the foundation. Application has been made to make all contri butions ta x deductible
13 Tr easurers
14. Secretaries
15. Junior Officers an d Pa st Ma sters
16 . Lodg e Members
• Parad e units will form promptly at 12:3 0 p m. in the staging area s designated in the last issue (February, 1982) of The Penn sylvania Freemason
• Staging area s will be marked by signs usin g the designated color codes.
• The pa rade will begin promptly at 1:30 p m.
• With the exception of th e bands, off ice rs of va riou s un its, vehicles, horses, Shrine units and masse d colors, all un its will march eithe r three or six abreast.
• Maso ni c dress is tail s, white sh irt , black bow tie, apron and white gloves
Tu xed o can be used in place of tail s, if nece ssar y A dark su it may be used in plac e of tu xe do , if necessary
• Offic ers of the lodges wi ll wear the rega li a of their offices . Worshipful Masters will not wear top hats.
• Lodge memb ers who are not offi cers of the lod ge will be pro vided , a white paper ap ron.
DI VISION I of th e parade (color-code : purpl e and blue )
1. Parade Ma rshal
2. Massed Colors
3. Syr ia Temple Brass Ban d
4. Di vis io n I Comman de r
5. Gr and Sword Bearer
6. Open car section for:
a. Grand Mast er
b. Deputy Grand Maste r
c. Senior and Junior Gr a nd Wardens
d. Gran d T reasu rer and Gr and Secretary
e. Past Gra nd Masters
f Di sti ngui shed Gu es ts
7 Appointed Gr and Lodge Floo r Office rs, Gr and Chaplain s and appointed Gra nd Lodge Officers
8 Distr ict Deputy Gr and Maste rs a nd Past Dist rict Deputy Grand Masters
9. Brass Ba nd
10 Worshipful Ma sters
11 Senio r Ward ens
12. Junior Wardens
DI VISIO N II of the parade (color-code: re d)
1 Divi sion II Commander
2. Ma ssed Co lors
3. Brass Ba nd
4 . Most Ex cellent Grand High Prie st , Gr and Ho ly Royal Arch Chapter
5 . Grand Chapter Officers
6 Subordinate Chapter Offic ers a nd Past Officers
7 . Most Pui ssa nt Grand Mast er, Gran d Council of Royal and Sele ct Ma st ers
8. Grand Council Officers
9. Subo rd inat e Council Offi ce rs and Past Officers
10 . Float s or Massed Colors 11. Right Eminent Grand Commander, Knight s Templ ar
Grand Commandery Officers 13 . Subordin at e Commandery Officers and Pa st Offi cers
14 . Floats or Ma sse d Col ors 15 Bra ss Band 16 Acti ves, Supreme Council , A.A .S. R.
Officers, A A S.R. Valleys .•
A A.S.R Floats
Brass Band
Grotto Officers and Memb ers
Floats 22. Tall Cedars Officers and Memb ers
Ban ds and Float s
DIVISION Ill (color-code: ye ll ow) and DIVISION IV (color-code: green) are still being developed but w ill be de vot ed to the Shrine organizations and the three youth organization s - DeMolay, Jo b's Da ughters and the Rainbow f or Girl s. It must be remembered that the above division formations are tentative and s ubject to change.
Many groups and organi zatio ns have not yet been abl e to determine how fully they will be able to participat e and addi ti rJ nal req ue sts are being re ceived al mo st dai ly.
All group s and organizations will rec eive dir ect informatio n as to th eir place in the activitie s as we move closer t o the date .
Th e haunt ng tunes of bagpipers drift over the heathered landscapes of Scotland.
7 LUXURIOUS NIGHTS in LONDON at the Superior First Class TOWER HOTEL
$699* $769* $769* from from from Philadelphia Harrisburg Pittsburgh
Choose from 3 Convenient Departure Dates: September 16th* * or 30th**, 1982 or Oct ober 21,1982
This Special Low Price Includes:
e Round trip Jet via Northwest Or ient Airlines or other scheduled service from departure city to London, England
• Hotel accommodations: 7 nights at the gracious Tower Hotel, rated Superior First Class
e All transfers and baggage handling between airport and hotel
e complimentary Educational briefing on your tour
e city sightseeing tour of London
e Pre-registration at your hotel
• All flight reservations and tickets
e welcome get-together in London
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• A hospitality desk in the hotel, staffed by a Trans National staff member
e Check-in facilities at the major airport nearest you, supervised by a Trans National team of professionals
e complete travel and tourist information, including baggage tags and itineraries mailed to each passenger prior to departure
3 Nights in Glasgow, Scotland
3 Nights in Limerick, Ireland
Explore the bo nni e highlands and lochs of Scotland , shop for tweeds and treasures. Enjoy the roman tic "G reen Heart" of Ireland. MaH in this co upo n and we' ll send you all the details in our 4 -color broch ure. Send for it today!
The Tower Hotel, on the b anks of the Rive r Thames is the ideal place to stay in London.
The Trip of a Lifetime!
Available onl y to memb ers of The Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania and their families and frien d s Compare our price with the cost of this vacation if you planned it you rself .
e Round t rip far e via com mercial airline to London from Phil adelphi a $783.00
e Hote l accom mod ations, transfe rs, baggage handlin g, taxes & services $508.85
Grand Master Issues Four Changes to Digest of Decisions
The Grand Master, in carrying out an inaugural pledge, ha s issued two additions to the Digest of Decisions that will, if properly implemented, aid and support Pennsylvania's yout h organizations.
Bro. Samuel C. Willi amso n has also is· sued two other decisions; one that serves to improve the financial potential of certain temples and hall associations , and another that allo ws lodges to add their names and places of meeting to community signs.
The first of the decisions, all under the date of February 19 , 1982, notes that the lodges have been autho rized since 1959 to sponsor chapters of the Order of DeMolay.
The Grand Master believes the lodges ought to support all masonic youth organizations and has, according ly, rescinded Decision Llll, Section 13 of the Digest on page 73 and inserted the following in its stead:
Llll Lodge Funds
13 . " Th e maso ni c yo ut h organizat ions req uir e our financ ial supp ort as we ll as guidan ce and enco ura gement. I have dec ided t hat any subordi nate lodge or group of lodges work in g und er t he jurisdic t io n of the Grand Lodge of Penn syl va ni a ma y sponso r a chapter of t he Int ernat ional Orde r of DeMolay , a bet hel of t he Int ern ationa l 0 rder of Jo b's Dau ght ers, or an asse mbl y of t he Interna t ional Orde r of t he Rai nb ow for Gi rls. "Such lodge or group of lodges
sponsori ng a chapter, be th el or assemb ly is aut horized to ex pe nd, wit h the approva l of t he lo dge me mbe rship, such sums as a re reasonably necessa ry for pro per su pp ort by use of curre nt lod ge funds. Th e lodge or gro up of lodges is au th or ized to rece ive contrib utions from individua l members who w ish to create a fun d to be used for the above purpose."
Th e second decision to benefit the yo uth organizations will assist them in gaining atte ndance at their meeting s.
LVI I Lod ge Notices, Section 13- 10 , page 82 13 -10 "Matters relat ing to a chapter of Inte rn ational 0 rder of DeMo lay, a bethel of t he International Order of J ob's Daught ers, or an assembly of the In te rn at ional Orde r of Ra inb ow for Gi rls, partic ul arly time and place of meeti ngs."
Th e fact that many lodge notices are f illed to capacity is recogni zed. The decision is not meant to be mandatory, but all lodges are enc ouraged to consider the use of an insert to the lodge notice for th e above purpose or the expan sion of the lodge notice to si x page s, where possible.
The f irst of the lodge dec isions concerns tho se temples and hall as sociations who argue that cu rr ent restrictions on the use of alcoho li c beverages cause them
financial hardship in that they are unable to rent their fac iliti es for wedd ing receptions, etc., where alco h olic beverages are likely to be· introduced.
Affirming his belief t hat we ought to do everythi ng possible to assist the temples and hall assoc ia tions in meeting their fin ancial needs , the Grand Master added the following to the Digest of Decisions on page 63:
XLVII Intoxicating Li quors
2. "S hould a lodge or hall association wish to rent its facilities, othe r than the lodge room, to the pub lic where alcoho lic beverages are to be served, i.e. a wedding re ception, etc., the following conditions must be met : a. that the activity is not contro ll ed by the lodge or the hall asso ciation, but by a respo nsib le outsi de cate rer b. that alcoholic beverages are not purchased by the lodge or the hall assoc iation or stored on the premises."
A number of lodge s have asked for permiss ion to inc lu de their names and addre sses on community signs , prompting Bro. William son to issue th e following add iti on to the Dig est on page 87.
LXI Masonic Emb lems, Names and Signs
8. "With the approval of t he Gra nd Master, the names of th e lod ges and t heir places of mee t ing may be made a part of th ose signs poste d alo ng highwa ys and st reets at the entrance to co mmunit ies t o de note t he exis t ence of serv ice cl ub s and other organizations. Masonic emblems an d symbo ls may not be used on th e signs."
All four deci s ions ha ve been for warded to the lod ges under the hand and seal of the Grand Master to be read at the ne xt stated meeting of each lodge. The changes wi ll eventually be reproduced in page fo rm to be permanently added to the Digest of Decisions.
FLOOR OFFICERS - Front row: David S. Nagle, Grand Steward;
Be arer; Ralph B Rog ers , Grand Tyler; George N Holme s, Grand Mars hal.
Patriotic Pilgrimage Includes Vesper Service
(Cont in ued from Page 1)
Chri st Chapel on the Getty sburg College campu s.
The service will be conducted by Grand Chaplain David R. Hoover. The me ssage will be deliv ered by Dr. Harold A. Dunkelberger , professor of religion and director of church relations for Gettysburg Colleg e Bro. Dunkelbe rger, who wa s made a Grand Chaplain at the March Quarterly Communication held in Philadelphia, is chairman of the 1982 Committee that is charged with over all re spon sibility for the celebrat ion.
The chapel will sea t up to 1,200 persons and will provide adequate space for Gettysburg area ma sons and their familie s to share a unique Grand Lod ge exper ienc e.
Following th e parade which is expected to end at about 3:30 p.m on Sat urd ay , all activity will swit ch to the stadium area of the Gett ysburg College campus.
Color ful booths for food , disp lays , crafts, sou venirs, etc., many of them mann ed by DeMolay Boys , Rainbow Girl s and Job's Daughters, will he lp to create a fe stive, fairground atmosphere.
A schedul e of con t inuou s ent ert a inment is being pl ann ed befor e and aft er a special ce remony schedul ed for 4 :30p.m
Grand Master Honored by Pitcairn Council
Editor's note- The Right Worshipful Grand Master was elected to Pitcairn Borough Council in 1969-1913. After he was elected and installed Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania on December 28, 1981, the members of the Borough Council adopted the following resolution at their regula r meeting on January 4 , 1982:
in wh ich the Grand Master, on behalf of all the ma sons of Pennsyl van ia; will prese nt a gift to the National Park Service.
(See report on pag e twelve.)
The Worsh ipful Ma sters of the lodg es will be asked to gather outside the stad ium at 4 :00 p.m. to form the processional in preparing for the presentation ceremony.
The day's activities will conc lud e with a free concert by Danny Davis and the Nashville Brass scheduled fo r 6:30p.m.
Because the stadium area is not light ed, it will be necessary to conclude all activities during daylight hours . Those families expecting to drive home on Sa'tu rday evening can expect to depart as early as 8:30p.m.
It wou ld not be possible to engage in a project of this magnitude without the help of literally hundr eds of masonic lead ers in all branches of Freemasonry.
The amount of effort that has been and is being ex pend ed has not escaped the attention of the Grand Master. " You r zeal in carrying out your va riou s ass ign· ment s is great ly appr eciate d, " said Bro. Williamson, adding , "The opportunities for all of us to work t ogether are ra re Let us hope we are establi shing ha bits th at will strengthen our mas onic fami ly."
WHEREAS , Samuel C. Williamson, is a life long resident of Pitcairn Borough , ANDWHEREAS,Samue l C. Williamson is a former member of Pitcairn Borough Cou ncil, AND WHEREAS, Samuel C. Williamson has served the citizens of Pitcairn as a Director of Sentinel Sav ing s and Loan, and as a life member of Pitcairn Hose Co. #1, AND WHEREAS , Samue l C. Williamson, having been duly elected was installed as GRAND MASTER OF MASONS IN PENNSYLVAN IA , in Pittsburgh on December28, 1981, AND WHEREAS , by serving in this capacity, Mr Williamson w ill bring honor and recognition to Pitca irn Borough, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Borough of Pitcairn, that in recognit ion of this high honor attained by Mr. Williamson, We the Officials of Pitcairn Borough, as repres ent atives of all of our citi zen s, do hereby extend our official congratu lat ion s to Mr. Samuel C. Willi amson.
ADOPTED , this the 4th Day of January , 19 82 A.D.
Signed by Orelio S. Vecchio President of Borough Council
Attested by George H. Myers Borough Secretary
Sign ed by Fred F. Mendicino Mayor
William F. Wal t on, Grand Steward; James L. Ernette, Senior Grand Deacon; Ralph F. Spearly, Junior Grand Deacon. Back row: left to right, George H. Hott, Jr., Grand Pur suivant ; Donald L. Mitcheltree, Grand Sword
GRAND LODGE OFFICERS- Bro. Samuel C Williamson, Grand Master, stands before his elected Grand Lodge officers, left to right : Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, Junior Grand Warden; Bro. William A Carpenter, Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Thomas W Jackson, Grand Secretary; Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr , Senior Grand Warden and Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, Grand Treasurer.