The Pennsylvania Freemason - Summer 1982

Page 1

Itinerary of Elected Grand Lodge Officers for Next Three Months

The sched ule for the Gr and Lodge Offi cers includes:

August 14, 1982 - Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge officers, will attend the 1DOth anniversary of Mario n Lod ge No. 562 , Scottdale.

August 21, 1982 - Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge officers, will attend a special communication of Grand Lodge for the cornerstone placing and dedication of the lodge room of Cromwell Lodge No. 572 , Orbi sonia.

August 27, 1982 - Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes meeting, Masonic Homes, Eli zabe thto wn.

September 1, 1982 -Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication, Philadelphia.

September 4, 1982 - Grand Mast er, Jaffa Temple , Altoona.

September 9, 1982 -Grand Master will attend an informal vis itation to a stat ed meeting of Zaradatha Lodge No. 448, Millval e.

September 11, 1982 - Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge officers, will attend the 125th Anniversary of Warren Lod ge No. 310, Collegeville.

September 15, 1982 - Grand Master to visit Lu Lu Temple, Philadelphia.

September 17, 1982 - Grand Master, accompan ied by Grand Lodge officers, will attend the 125th anniversary of Portland Lodge No. 311, Portland

September 18, 1982 - Gr and Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge off icers, will attend the 125th anniversary of For t Washington Lodge No. 308, Fort Washington.

Attendance Record Set at June Quarterly

The June Qua rte rly Communication set a record for attendance when more than 2,100 masons attended the meeting held in the auditorium of the Zemba Mosque in Harris burg.

Another attendance record was set when almost 2,000 masons were present for a dinner prior to the communication that was served in the dining areas of the neighboring Scottish Rite Cathedral.

The Gran d Master accepted the invitation to meet in Harri sb urg so that Ma ster Masons in the central area of the state might witness a meeting of their Gra nd Lodge without the burden of travel to Philadelphia They responded in record numbers to the credit of the officers of the Grand Lodge , Zemba Temple and the Valley of Har risburg who worked long and hard to make the communication a success.

A highlight of the communication was the presentation by the Grand Master of awards to those individuals, lodges and other masonically -re lated organizations who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation during the current fund drive.

Reflecting the support the foundat ion is receiving from virtually every masonic organization in the state, the walnut plaques imbedded with a specially struck bronze medallion were presented to:

September 20, 1982 - Grand Master will attend an in fo rmal visitati on to a stated meeting of Oa kdale Lodge No. 669, Oakdale.

September 21, 1982 - Grand Master will attend a stated meeting of J ordan Lodge No. 673 , Allentown.

September 23-24, 1982- Grand Master to hold semi na r for junior District Deput y Grand Masters at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethto wn.

September 24, 1982 - Gra nd Lodge Committee on Mason ic Homes meeting , Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown.

September 25, 1982 - Grand Master Grand Lodge officers , to attend a speciai communica t ion of Gra nd Lodge fo r th e corne rstone placing , dedicat ion of the lodge room and 125 th anniversary of Summit Lodge No. 312, Ebensbu rg .

October 2, 1982 - Grand Master to attend a special Rainbow Honor s Day in Monroe vi lle.

Bethel Lodge No. 789; Iva nhoe Lodge No. 449; Mozart Lodge No. 436; Meridian Sun Lodge No. 158, and Corinthian -Ph ilo Lodge No. 368.

Also, Lo wther Manor Lodge No. 781 ; Frankl in Lodg e No 221; Do rmon t Lodge No. 684; the Grand Hol y Ro yal Arch Chapt er of Penn sylvania; th e Valley of Pittsb urgh, An cient Accepted Scottish Rite, and the Delhi Grotto , Mystic Order Veiled Prophet s of the En chan ted Realm.

Br o. Luther E Pfi es t er, a member of Lan sdowne Lodg e No. 711 was also honored.



Phi ladelphia, Pa 19107

Post Master: Send add ress changes to abo ve

October 7, 1982 - Grand Master to atte nd an informa l visi t ation to a stat ed meeting of Susquehanna Lodge No. 364, Millersburg.

October 8, 1982 -Grand Master, accompanied by Grand Lodge officers, to attend the stated meeting of Williamson Lo dge No. 309 to observe the 125th ann iversary.

October 9, 1982 -Gra nd Master to attend a special assembly of the U.S. Prem ie r Conclave, Knights of Red Cross of Con stant ine

{Continued on Page 11 )


Grand Master Issues Four New Decisions, Revises Another

The R.W. Gr and Mas ter, Bro . Samuel C. Will ia mson, has issued four additional changes to the Digest of Decisions , bringing to 12 the numb er di stributed thu s far in 1982 .

At th e sam e tim e, a de cis ion iss ued last February allowing th e lodg es to put their name s and plac es of meeting on co mmunity sign s ha s been revi sed to include an approved masoni c symbol.

Bro . Williamson , noting that much of the instruction normally given the lodges is negative in character, that is, it states what cannot be done rath er than what can , has been making a conce rted effort to issue decision s that give the lodges greater freedom to engage in activities that will increase the visibility of the frat ernity as a whole .

The latest decisions reflect th at attitude

The first of th es e, issued officially on April 22, changes Article LX XXIII , Section 3, page 126 of the Digest of Decisions as follows:

LXXXIII Printing and Publishing and Press Releases

"3. Adve rt isemen ts and notices in newspapers, publications, rad io and television stat ions of t he time and place of meetings of the lodges is permitted so long as the advert isements and notices have t he prior approv al of the Distric t Deputy Grand Mas ter."

Th e second decis io n, al so iss ued on April 22, came as th e res ult of several request s from Pa st Mas t ers who sought permi ss ion to wea r Past Mast er' s je wel s wh e n vis iting oth er lodge s.

Th e Ahiman Rezo n a nd Digest of Decisi ons have , to thi s poin t , been conce rn ed wit h th e de sc ripti on of t he Pas t Mas te r's jewel a nd th e ma nn er in whi ch it is to be worn on t he left lap el or left bre as t pocket of th e coat.

A f ourth section has bee n added to Ar t icle XLVIII, page 63 as fo llows:

Th e third decision of the new group was iss ued on May 23, again in respons e to a number of sugge stion s that officers of t he lodge who condu ct funeral serv ice s be all owed to we a r reg ali a, as well as oth ers who asked th at th e dre ss for the mas oni c funeral se rvice be cl arified or standa rdized

LX Masonic Clothing and Dress


2 The normal d ress for masonic funerals shall be dark clothes, dar k neckt ie, blac k shoes, whi te gloves, apron and colla r and jewel for participating lodge otfi · cers, or those serv ing in their stead . It is recommended that attending bre t hren wear dark clo t hes, aprons and white gloves, if possible. Th is is in accordance with that part of t he Ahiman Rezon dealing with charges, ceremonies and forms ; in th is case , Masonic Funerals, page 151. However, if a lodge elects to have a lodge service in accordance with page 147 of the Ahiman Rezon, masonic dress shall be wo rn by lodge off icers, if ava ilable . If a visit to the funeral home, church or cemetery follows the lodge room service or lodge meeting , masonic dress (including collars and aprons) may be worn by lodge officers "

In con sequ enc e of th e above dec ision , certain portion s of th e Ahiman Rezon on pages 151 and 154 were changed to accommodate the provisions of the new deci sion. Decision four , iss ued on May 28 , was desi gned to give th e lodg es th e opportunity t o di splay ar t on th e wall s of the lodge ro om so long as it has sig nifi ca nc e and does not offend .

cated to Freem asonry or not. Such insignia must be removed from the lodg e room before the lodge meets If it cannot be removed, the lodge cannot mee t there . No except ion has eve r been taken to the ex istence , curtained back, of the veils of the Royal Arch Chapters in lodge rooms, where they exist. This is the only exception which proves t he rule, and th e excep t ion cannot be extended The Grand lodge is supreme in all t hat pe rtains to anc ient Freemasonry and its lodges and members must all conform to its usages and customs

This regulation is not meant to discourage the lodge from adorning its walls with framed paintings, portra its and t he li ke providing t he display has been approved by resolution of the lodge The practice of displaying grouped photo · graphs of Past Masters, memorials to deceased Past Mas ters, etc. in the anteroom of the lodge room , rather than in the lodge room itsel f , is encouraged. "

The revision rel ate s to a decis ion iss ued on Febru ary 19 and concerns Article LX I on pag e 87.

LXI Masonic Emblems, Names and Signs

" 8. Wit h t he app roval of t he Grand Master, the names of the lodges and their places of meeting may be made a part of those s igns posted along highways and streets at t he ent rance t o commun ities to denote the ex istence of serv ice clubs and ot her organ iza ti ons.

Special Youth Program to Precede September Quarterly


"4. The Past Master's jewel may be worn in visiting any lodg e in t his jurisdiction "

LVIII Lodge Rooms

"5 . Charters, certif ica tes, banners and ot her like insignia rel ating to Yo rk Rite and Sco tt ish Ri te masonry , or any other orde r or organi zat ion whatsoever, ca nnot appear on the wall s or el sewhere in a lodge room while th e lodg e is me eting whe t her th e lodge ro om has been ded i·

A spec ia l youth program will prec ed e th e Sept ember Quarterly Communic ation of th e Gr and Lodge of Penn sy lv ania to be held in th e Mason ic Templ e, Phil ade lp hi a on We dn esday, Se pt embe r 1.

The R.W Grand Mast er, Bro Samue l C. Will iamson, has in vite d the elected he ads of all t hree mas oni c y ou th orga niza t ions- DeMolay , Rai nbow for Girls an d J ob's Daugh t ers-to add ress th e Gra nd Lodge during the special program sc heduled for Corinthian Hall at 6 :3 0p m

A Past Gra nd Ma ster of th e Int ern ationa l Or der of DeMol ay ha s al so acce pted an in vit at ion to att end the quart erl y. Bro. C C Faulkner, Jr , no w serv ing as Senior Gra nd Warden of th e Gr and Lod ge of India na, will speak to th e Gr and Lodge du ring the actu al commun icati on whi ch will be gin prom ptly at 7: 00p .m.

Th e pro gram is de signe d to pe rmit t he Grand Lodg e to offer the sam e recogniti on t o th e youth organi za tion s t hat is re comm end ed to th e lod ges by Arti cle 58 of th e Diges t of Decisio ns iss ued by th e Gr and Maste r durin g hi s inau gural addre ss: " Lodges are encou rage d t o in vite the Or de r of DeMolay, Ord er of Rain bow fo r Girl s and J ob's Daugh ters t o pro vid e pro grams at the conclu sio n of an y mee t ings of th e lo dge."

The yo uth orga ni za t io n off ice rs a re be ing invi ted t o app ear before t he Grand

Lodg e me etin g in ord er t o ac commod at e oth er sch edulin g requirements

Th e Gr and Mas ter expec ts a larg e numb er of Maste r Mas on s will atte nd t he mee t ing to dem on str ate supp o rt of th e y outh orga ni zations .

A spec ial dinne r will be made available at 4:4 5 p m to all th ose who make reserva tion s by se nd ing t o th e off ice of th e Grand Master th e cou pon that accompan ies this article.

Th ere is no charg e fo r th e dinn er, but sp ace res t rictio ns require t hat reserva · ti ons be made on a first requ est bas is and cut off wh en th ey reach 1,000 person s, the limit imp osed by the amount of din ing s pace in t he Mas oni c Templ e.

Up on rece ip t of your coupon , a tic ket will be se nt to yo u Be cause an ove rf lo w crowd is expected, onl y th ose persons with t ic ket s wi ll be admitt ed to t he dining room s.

DeMolay will be repr ese nte d at t he specia l youth p rogram by Eri c Ull om, Stat e Maste r Councilo r, Ass ociat ed Chap· ters, Order of DeMolay of Penn syl va nia .

He will be acc omp ani ed by Br o

Tho mas R. Labag h in his ca paci t y as Exec ut ive Secreta ry of th e st ate organization and Br o John L. McCain, R.W. Pas t

Gra nd Mas t er, in hi s capa cit y as Depu ty of t he Int ern at io nal Supreme Coun ci l, Ord er of DeMo lay, and Execut ive Officer in Penn sylvan ia.

The Intern ati onal Ord e r of J ob's Daught ers of Penn sy lvani a will be re prese nt ed by Miss Kelli Morri s, Mi ss J ob's Daught er of Penn sy lvani a. Mi ss Mor ri s will be acc omp ani ed by Mrs. Betty Deite r, Grand Gu a rdian of th e In tern ati onal Ord er of Job 's Daughters of Pe nn sylv ani a. Rainbow will be repre sent ed by th e Grand Worthy Advi sor of th e Penn sylvani a Gr and Asse mbly, Intern ation al Ord er of th e Ra in bow f or Girl s. (Th e yo ung lad y who will hold t he po st in Se pte mber had not yet bee n electe d when th is re port was writt en ) She will be acco mp a ni ed by Mrs. Bery l L. Hogu e, Sup re me lnspect " r in Penn sylva ni a, In te rn ation al Ord er of Ra inb ow for Giri s

The t imes for ce rta in rou t in e ac ti vit ies sc hedul ed for the Sep temb er Qu ar t erly have had to be change d to accommo date th e specia l y outh program

The meeting of the District Deputy Grand Masters, no rmall y set at 2 :00p.m., wi ll be he ld at 1:30 p.m. in Gothic Hall . The elected Grand Lodge officer s and the floo r office rs will rehearse at 3:45 p.m. rather than at 4: 00 p.m. , and the dinner hour has been advanced 15 min· utes to 4:45p .m. . Gra nd Lodg e offic e rs ar e al s o remind ed t hey will enter Cor inthi an Hall f or t he spec ia l yo uth p ro gram by processi on al and are to be prepared t o for m shor tl y af t er 6 :00p .m.

Officers' Three Month Itinerary

(Co nt inu ed fr om Pa ge 12)

The only mason ic symbol that may appear on t he signs is the square and compasses in a form approved by the Grand Master . A copy of the de si gn to be used ca n be obtain ed from th e offic e of th e Gran d Master ."

All 12 deci s ion s iss ued by the Gr and Maste r to date a re now being reproduced in page fo rm to be pe rm anently add ed to th e Digest of Decisions

Office of R.W Gra nd Mas t er, Masonic Temple One Nor th Bro ad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19 107 Lod ge No.

1 pl an to att end the 4 :45 p.m. din ner preced in g the Special Yo ut h Prog ram and t he Se pte mb er Quart er ly Commu ni catio n to be he ld in t he Ma sonic Templ e , Philade lphia, on Wed nesday, Se ptem ber 1, 1982. Plea se se nd my tick et to:

Octob er 11, 1982 - Gra nd Maste r will atte nd an inform al vi sitation t o a state d meet in g of 0 ld Fo rt Lodge No. 53 7, Cent re Hall.

Octob er 16, 1982 - Gr and Master will att end th e reunion of th e Vall ey of Coude rsport.

Oc t obe r 22, 19 82 - Grand Lodg e Co mmitt ee on Maso ni c Ho me s mee ting , Masonic Homes , Eli zabet htow n Oct ober 23 , 1982- Grand Maste r, acc ompani ed by Gra nd Lodge office rs, to attend th e 100th anniversary of Garf ie ld Lodg e No. 559, Du Boi s.

Oc t ober 3 0, 1982 - Gra nd Maste r, accompa ni ed by Grand Lo dg e offi cers, to atte nd th e 1DOth anniv ersa ry of Greenl ea f Lodge No . 56 1, All entown .

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