Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Grant Used to Defend Fraternity
The Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania provided $25,000 in its 1982 budget to underwrite the cost of a promotional program for the George Washington Masonic National Memorial in Alexandria Virginia.
The funds were used to create printed and television material th at enabled the general public as well as the members of the fraternity to learn more about the memorial and how it is operated. At the same time, they learned a little about Freemasonry.
A second S25,000 grant from the Grand Lodge in 1983 has been used to pre pa re a ser ie s of information al ad·
Itinerary of Elected Grand Lodge Officers
November 5, 1983 - Grand Master will attend the constitutin g of Fay-West Chapter, Order of DeMolay in Scottdale.
November 10, 1983 -Grand Master wi ll atten d an Anniversary Banquet of Lehigh Lodge No. 326, Germansville.
November 12, 1983 -Grand Master will atte nd th e Fall Reunion of the Scottish Rite Bodies, Va lle y of Allentown.
November 18, 1983 - Grand Master will attend Fall Reunion of Caldwell Con · sistory, A.A.S.R., Blo omsburg.
December 1 & 2, 1983 - Grand Master will attend the Grand Lodge of Texas in Waco.
December 3, 1983 - Grand Master, accompanied by the Grand Lodge Officers, wi ll attend the dedicat ion ceremony of the Tall Cedar Room in the George Was hington Masonic National Memorial, Alexandr ia , Virginia.
December 7, 1983 - Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, at 10:00 a.m.
December 8, 1983 - Grand Master, accompan ied by the Grand Lodg e Officers, will attend the Annual Communication of the Grand Hol y Ro yal Arch Chapter of Pennsylv ania , Masonic Temple, Phil · adelphia, at 10:00 a.m.
December 9, 1983 - Gra nd Lodge Committee on Masonic Hom es meeting, Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
December 26, 1983 - Annual Gra nd Communication, Founders Hall , Milton Hershey School , Hershey, Pennsylvania at 10 :00 a.m.
vertisements for use in local newspapers.
The four advert is ements are titled "A Symbol of Personal Responsibility, " "We' re Proud of Our Masonic Heritage, " "There 's Nothing Secret About Free· masonry" and 'Wh at Does a Mason Do? "
Designed to communicate a better understanding of Fre emasonry to the general public, the four advert ise ments gre w out of request for informatio n in light of increased attacks against the fraternity by a number of groups.
In some instances men are ad vise d
(Continued from Page 13) the Grand Master
A coupon accompanys this article for convenience in placing orders.
The full range of items wil l be an· nounced in the February 1984 issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason. This early announcement is designed to accommodate those who might wish to include t he temple plate on the ir Christmas gift lists.
Wendell August Forge has stated the dies of the Masonic Temple required more man -ho urs than any other pr oject in the firm's history.
A great deal of skill and craftsmanship is evident in the design. It accurately portrays the Masonic Temple as one of the most signif icant masonic bui ld ings in the world.
Also available for sale are two medallions struck to mark the adminis· tration of Bro. Samuel C. Williamson as Th e first, a coin-sized bronze medal lion, contains on the obverse a representation
Dist ribut ion Off ice MASONIC TEMPLE
One No rth Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
Postmaster: Send addre ss changes to above
to avoid seeking membership; in other cases they are urged to lea ve the fraterni ty.
The ne wspaper advertisements, the re · fore, can act as rebuttal to unfair and irrespons ible criticism .
A set of the advertisements has been sent to each Grand Lodge in the United States and are available to any ma sonic group by writing to the Public Relations Office, Ge orge Washington Maso nic Memoria l, 440 Hancock Street, Quinc y, MA 02171.
of the statue of Bro. Geo rge Washington that stands in the George Washington Mason ic National Memorial in Alexandria, Vir gi nia, and on the re vers e, an image of the Grand Master's lodge building, Tyrian Lodge No. 61 2, in Level Green.
The second is a two and one-half inch bronze medal lion that was struck in lim it ed edition to mark the Patriotic Pilgrimage celebrat ion in Gettysburg in June of 1982.
A small number of this medallion is still in stock and it is re commended pa rticularly to thos e wh o main t ain a complete collect ion of the various meda llions struck by the Grand Lodge over the years.
Both medallions are made available at cost plus handl ing. The coin-sized medallion is priced at $2.00 and the large r Patriotic Pilgrimage medallion at $4. 00
Use of the coupon on page 13 will facil itate your order
Second Class POSTAGE PA ID AT Philade lp hia Pennsylvania
Brother Carl J. Finney Made a Mason at Sight
Bro. Carl J. Finney , a personal frie nd and business as soc iate of the R.W. Grand Master, was made a mason at sight du ring a specia l communication of the Grand Lod ge held on September 17 in Eg ypt ian Hall of the Masonic Temple in the Oakland secti on of Pitt sb urgh .
The oc casi on marked th e sec ond time Gr and Maste r Samuel C. Wi lliamso n has caused a mason at sigh t to be created. The authority to make a maso n at sight can be exercised only by a Grand Master. Bro. Jo hn E. Ra kar, a professirJnal pilot who has traveled more than 170 thousand air miles with th e Gra nd Ma ster in the pa st 22 mo nths, was made a mason at sight du ring a meeting of the Grand
Concerning the cover
Henry Coo pe r has pain t ed t he portraits of Grand Ma ste rs of Mas c.n s in Penn sylva nia s inc e 1973 Hi s wo rk covers the adm inis t rat io ns of W Orv il le Kimmel, th e la te Ro chester B Woodall, John L. Mc Cai n, the late Wa lt er P. Well s, Jos eph E Trat e, and now, Samu el C William son
The 30 x 40-i nc h oil on canvas painting will be displ ayed in th e Gra nd Foyer of t he Maso nic Te mple in Ph ilad el phi a fro m Dece mb er 7 (the date of the December Qu ar t erly Commun ic at ion) , t o Dece mber 27 when it will be per man entl y hung in the Ben jami n Fra nk lin Roo m where the port raits of all Iiving Pas t Grand Mas t ers are main tained
Concerning the color ...
The eight cen t er pages in color are divi ded betwe en act iv it ies surrou nding the Grand Mas t er's Days held at Maso nic Ho mes at Eliz abe t htown on six con se cutive Sa tu rda ys in Ju ly and Augu st -and t he corne rstone and dedic ati on cere moni es for t he swimming poo l ad diti on t o t he fac ilit ies of the Maso nic Confere nce Cen t e r, Patto n Cam pu s, on September 10. More th an 4, 00 0 Maso ns and t he ir fami ly membe rs attend ed th e Gr and Mas ter's Days whil e a cro wd in ex cess of 1,600 personsw it nesse d t heceremonies at t he for mer Thomas R. Patton Mason ic In stit uti on for Boys, no w the headquarte rs of th e Penn sylva n ia You t h Foundat ion.
Temp eratur es for th e sev en dat es averag ed in t he mid -90 s, but th e ext reme hea t fa iled t o lim it th e de gr ee of enthu siasm th at was in ev id en ce each day .
Ma st er' s lodge, Ty rian Lodge No . 612 he ld at Leve l Green , on August 28, 1982. An element of drama and human inte rest was added to the pro ce edings when the Grand Master announced that Bro . Rakar would confer the second of the three degrees.
" I could not have served thi s Grand Lodge as Grand Maste r had I not been able to rely on Carl Finn ey fo r a thou sa nd and one kindnesse s," the Grand Master said, adding, "N o r could I ha ve maintained an effect ive sc he dule of tra vel t hroughout th e juri sdict ion in meeting my respon sibilities as Grand Mas t er wi thou t t he skills of John Rakar. "
" If I appear to be beaming, it is because the person I chose to mak e a mason at sigh t last year is able to come before the Gran d Lodge, a circ um stance with a cons id erab le amount of pres sure , and confer a degree for the first time on my second candidate," the Grand Master continued.
"I could not be happie r for both my good friends. Perh aps we should make more masons at sigh t if thi s is an example of how th ey can turn out ," he stated .
Th e practice of making masons at sig ht wi t h t he exclu sive authority of the Grand Master dates to 1885. A study of Grand Lodg e re cords con ducted in 1978 indi cate d a total of 62 men had been honore d to tha t poin t , but because Grand Maste rs ha ve be en known to have created maso ns at sight in th e symboli c lodge s on short notic e th e number may be greater
Bro. Finney , who has be en associated with th e Grand Master sin ce 196 2, is emp loyed by US Steel in Clairto n as a supe rvi sor in the Chemical s Depa rtment.
He is married to th e former Donna J. Sgro i and they are the parents of two da ught ers, Lisa and Carla.
Lisa is a medical secret ary at Jefferson Center Hos pita l in Jefferson Borough.
Carla is a se n ior at Thom as J effe rson Hi gh School.
Much of Bro. Finney 's sp are t im e at present is ta ken up wit h Carla , who at 16 is an accomplished arc her.
Carla is th e Pennsylvania Ind oorautdoor Intermediate Giris champion and is ranked second nationally by th e Natio nal Arc hery Associat ion among Int ermedia te Gi rls.
She is also th e Penn sylvani a Junio r Oly mpic Ar chery Deve lopm ent champion
Grand Master Williamson Presents Final Message to the Craft
Editor 's Note - Bro. Samuel C. Williams on prepared the following as his final message to the craft in general in preparing to close his administration as Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania for 7982 a.7d 7983.
The comple te tex t is published below.
Bro . Carl J. Finney
and a member of t he Ea ste rn Wo mens Sports Festival tea m
Carla's greatest achievements as an archer may be on the horizon. She recently qualified for the tryouts for the United States Womens Olympic Archer y Team.
Bro. Jam es L. Ernette, Senior Gr and Deacon , conferred the f irst degree; Bro. John E. Rakar, the second, and Bro. Roy A. McCullough , Aide to the Gr and Master, t he third.
Broth e rs Ernett e and McCullough co nferred the same degrees last Augu st on Br o. Rakar.
{Conti nu ed on Page 4 )
Publ ication No. 426·140
Issued Qu a rt erly Februa ry , May , August an d Nov ember at Mason ic T emple , Philad elph ia , Pennsyl · vania, by The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most An cien t and Hono rab le Fra t ern ity of Free and Accepted Mason s in Penn sylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Th ereunto Belonging
Grand Lo dge Off icers
Sam uel C Willi ams on , R W. Grand Maste r
Wi lli am A. Carp ent er , R.W. Deput y Gr and Mas t er
Ca rl W. St enb erg , Jr ., R.W. Se nior Gran d War den
Art hu r J. Ku rtz, R.W. Ju nior Gr and Warden
Arth ur R. Di amo nd R.W. Grand Treasurer
Thomas W. Ja cks on, R. W. Grand Sec ret ary Ed itor
Me lvi n S Mundi e
Ass ista nt t o the Gra nd Maste r
Distribution Office- Mai lin g Addr ess
One No rth Broad Street, Ph iladelphia , Pa. 191 07
Pos tmaster: Send addre ss change s to a bo ve
Seco nd Class Po st age Pa id at Phi lade lp hia, Penn sy lva ni a
Vol. XXX Nov emb er 1983 No.4
Two years ago you conferred upon me the honor to serv e as your Grand Master. My tenure as Grand Master of Mason s in Pennsy lvania has been the greatest challenge and experience of my masonic life I deeply appreciate the cooperation exten ded me by the craft during the yea rs 19 82 and 1983.
During this admini st ratio n, your Grand Lodg e officers, work ing as a team, have made cha ng es wh ich have been well received by the members of the craft A continuing effort has bee n made to gi ve our f raternity a ne w di re ct ion, to improve its app ea l.
The major areas of concern we re divided into three group s - our lodge meeting s, enlightenment of our members and the public, and our masonic-related youth group s.
First, our lod ge meeti ngs hav e, in many in sta nces, bee n too long and without su bst ance. To a large extent they have excl uded our famili es and our young pe ople . Seve ral dec ision s were iss ued to permit the lodges to limit t hei r form al meetings and spend more time soc ializing Minut es may be summ ariz ed in st ead of being read in th eir entirety. Family members may be in th e lodg e buildin g on the meeting nig ht of the lodge with a short business meeting rec omm ended and a combined socia l act ivi ty to include all the family.
Our masonic related youth groups are permitted to be in the lodge building on meeting nights and lodges are encou raged t o have the se group s pro vide programs . Re cently a decision was issued to reduce th e time required for the election and in st allati on of officers by permitting a voice vote for un co nt es t ed offic es and eliminating the requirement to in st all re-elected off icers.
On Apri l 16, 19 83, I declar ed a moratorium on all physical requirements for membership in our fr at ernity. Lodges may now accept petition s from those handicapped individual s that they deem wor t hy of membership in their respective lodg es
This decision was ma de to return to th e lodge the right to decide which han dicapped indi vidu als should be acce pted for membership. I firmly bel ieve t ha t each lodge is be tter qualif ied to decide who should be permitted to petition than I as your Gr and Maste r.
Secondly, a publ ic rel ations program has been created to impro ve our image among our members and the public The fo llowing deci sion s were authori zed:
1. The posting of mas onic signs at the entrance to communities.
2. Use of the media - newspap er , radio and television - to announce the time of lodge meetings and other pertinent information.
3. The wearing of masonic emblems on appropriate clothing approved.
4. Appearance in public procession s and church services in masonic dr ess.
5. The formation of a Public Information Committee. This committee is having prepared a television documentary that will be aired on public broadcasting stations ea rly ne xt yea r.
Ne go ti ation s are currently und er way with the Commonwealth Department of Transportation to have a spe cial li ce nse plat e iss ued with the squ are and compasses on it. We hope t o co nclude this agreement lat e this year.
For the first tim e in many years, your Grand Lodge laid the cornerstone of a public building. This occurred on August
27, 1983 at the Salvation Army Community Cen t er in Punx sut awney. Grand Master's Days were held at the Masonic Homes where members of the lodge an d their fami lies were invited to att end. Four thou sa nd masons and their famili es attended these sessions.
In the belief that we as Masons mu st become more visible in our communities and make so me tan gible contribution I is sued the following deci sion : Lodges may make contribution s to a co mmunit y project us ing lodge funds wit h the prior appr ova l of the Gr and Mas ter.
I strongly believe my brethren that we mu st become an active part of our community and I urge each masonic lodge to ta ke on one community project.
A Masonic Congress was held on April 16, 198 3 whe n all the masonic bod ies, work ing as a family, met at Elizabethtown to formul ate a unite d effort for our fraternity. A follow-u p session to impl emen t plan s was held on September 10 and will aga in me et in Decem ber.
Last ly, our youth outreach was ex panded by the form ation of the Penn sy lva ni a Youth Foundation a nd contributions to the National Center for Ju ve nil e Ju st ice. The Masonic Conference Center reh abilitati on program was co nclud ed in Jun e. Over 2, 000 {Continu ed on Page 4 )
Youth Foundation to Benefit Grand Lodge
Wendell August Forge Strike Bargain
Wendell August Forge of Grove City, Pennsylvania, the firm that created the limited edition pewter plates bearing the image of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia that s old out within five days of their being offered last May, has agreed to create a series of items, using the same dies , in pewter, bronze and silver.
The Grand Lodg e has agreed to allow the use of the dies and will make the items available to its membership in exchange for a portion of all profit; that profit to be given to the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation .
The first phase of the new agreement will be the striking of a pewter plate similar to the limited edition announced in May . The price ha s been established at $ 100 per plate.
Send to -
Office of R. W. G rand Ma s ter Masonic Tem p le One North Broad St re et Philadelphia , Pa. 19107
Encl osed is my c h eck fo r $ ___ for __ Masonic Temple Plate(s). Check should be made paya bl e t o the Grand Secre t a r y.
Hundreds of requests had to be tu rned away. This offering , then, is made primarily to atte mpt to sa ti sfy th ose who were unabl e to purchase the limited edition. Thi s strikin g, while using the same die s, will not be mark ed with se quential numbers or bea r the sea l of (Cont inu ed on Page 1S )
Send to-
Office of R W Gra nd Ma ste r Ma s on ic Tem p le One Nor th Bro ad Street Philadelphia , Pa. 19107
Enclo sed is my c h ec k for $ ___ for __ Pat r iot ic P ilgrimage Meda ll ion(s ) and/or __ Was h ington Medallion( s) Chec k sho uld be made payab le to the G r and Secretary.
Patriotic Pilgrim ag e Med a llion
Marie L. Plank Wins Job's Daughters' Essay Competition
Marie L. Plank , 18 , daughter of MI. and Mrs. Rodney W. Pla n k, 402 Beechwood Road, Lithicum, Maryland, is the winner of the International Order of Job's Daughters portion of an essay contest sponsored for the youth organizations by the Grand Lodge of Penn sylva nia.
Marie, a Past Honor Queen of Chambersburg Bethel No. 16 , is a sophmore at Carlow College in Pittsburgh . She will apply the $500 cash award to the cost of her studies toward a degree in nursing.
Th e Job 's Daughters' competition was the second of three identical contests conducted by the Grand Lodge through the offices of the Penn sylva nia Youth Foundation.
The first contest, among the members of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls, was wo n in June by Kelly Jo Sizer, a member of New Castle Assembly No.1.
The last phase of the program will be completed in December when the winner of the competition among member s of the l!lternationai Or.der of DeMolay will be featured in a spec ial program prio r to the December Quarterly Communication.
Marie L. Plank pres ented her winning essay to the members and officers of the Grand Lodge in Corinthian Hall at the Masonic Templ e in Philadelphia just before the start of the September Quarterly Communication.
She was received by the Grand Master, Bro. Samuel C. Williamson, and accompanied by her fath er and by Mrs. Hellen Gochenour, the Grand Gu ard ian of the International Order of Job's Daughters in Penn sy lvan ia.
Marie addressed the subject, "I'm Proud of My Masonic Herit age." The complete text follo ws:
Believing in one God, helping others, respecting my elders: these th ings are all a part of my masonic heritage , of wh ich I'm very proud.
Masons have taught me many good beliefs and virtues and wit hout them I wou ld not be the person I am today.
Becau se of my masonic her it age was able to join the International 0 rder of Job's Daughters over five years ago. Durin g that t ime I learned to respect my pa rents and guardians. I listened to them and did my very bes t to do as th ey sa id . Eve n when I fa il ed they
pointed out my mistakes and helped me to better myself by learning from my mistakes.
I learned respe ct for God. It didn't matter what religion I was just as long as I believed in and loved God with all of my heart.
I learned respect for my countrythat to salute our nation 's flag was a privilege and an honor which should be taken very seriously. Each time I carried the flag into the bethel room during my term as Marshal I felt important and honored to be bearing such an emblem.
I also learned to respect the other bethel members. By doing this I gained their support and lo ve during my reign as Honored Queen.
Through all of this learning I gained a great deal. I have a great passion to live life to it's fullest by helping and loving others.
Each yea r that I went to the Patton School and helped the guests at the Masonic Homes I wa nted to always help people even more. Especially the year I helped with th e country fair It was then I decided I really wanted to be a nurse so that I co uld alw ays help people.
I also have gained many lifelong friendships in Job's Daughters. Not just girls my own age, but also adults who have always been eager to help me. While my father was in the hospital many adults made known to me that they were always there if I needed anything at all For all of their help I will ever be in debt to them.
One of the things I am most proud of about my masonic heritage is the way Masons help people. When I first heard of the Masons I was impressed with the Shriners' hospitals, the Masonic Hom es at Elizabethtown, and their ever growing interest in helping the less privileged people , especially yo un g people.
I'll never forget the great feeling overflowing from my grandfather when he returned from helping crippled children in and out to see the Shrin e Circus. I rememb er how happy he was that he cou ld help make t heir lives a little bri ghter. Just a few years after that I had that same rew arding feeling when I vis it ed guests at the Masonic Homes and I made their day brig ht er.
Annual Communication, Dinner-Dance Set for Hershey - December 27
The Annual Gran d Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, December 27 in the auditorium of Founders Hall on the campus of the Milton Hershey School.
The communication will mark the end of the administration of Bro. Samuel C. Williamson as R.W. Grand Master and the beginning of the expected se rvice in the highest office of Freemasonry of Bro. William A. Carpenter.
The meeting of the Grand Lodge will begin promptly at 10 a.m. to allow for the installation of the Grand Master at noon. All Master Masons are welcome to attend. It is not necessary that you be a member of the Grand Lodge to be present.
Marie L. Plank
much closer to my parents, grandparents and guardians.
I feel we share common interests in helping people, and by joining together we can help even more people. But, at the sa me time , my respec t grows even more.
I have realized that from my parents and guardians I can gain a great deal of knowledge. As long as I am willing to listen and learn, they are willing to teach.
At almost every meeti ng during my reign as Honored Queen someo ne was honored. Each Honor ed Queen usually did thi s during her term, when I was the one thanking Masons, Ea ste rn Star or parents for coming, it brought new meaning to me
It made me feel very proud when someo ne came up and told me that my girls and I did a ve ry good job .
I was always pleased when we were asked to do our closing and specia l ceremony for various mason ic lodges and Eastern Star chapters after they had seen us perform our ritualistic work to our very be st ability for them. Then, I realized that someday I too might join Eastern Star and benefit even more from the opportunities offered to me because of my masonic heritage.
I am constantly reali zing all of the benefits my masonic heritage has bestowed up on me.
that information known on the reservation coupon with payment as a single response. A coupon is included with this article for your convenience in responding. Please be sure to enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your reservation. Your tickets will be mailed to you promptly.
Dinner will be served at 6:30p.m. The Original Four Aces will ap pear at about 8:30p.m.
If you ha ve any questions you are invited to write th e Grand Master's Office, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa . 19107, or call (215) 988-1920.
Masons and their ladies are also invi ted to attend a dinner-dance Tuesday even ing in the Chocolate Ballroom at the near by Hershey Lodge and Convention Ce nter.
The featured entertainment for the eve ning will be an appearance by the Original Four Aces featuring AI Alberts to be followed by dancing to the music of the Joe Martin 0 rc hestra.
Tickets for the dinner-dance are ava ilable at a cost of $12.50 per person and will be distributed on a first req ue st basis. Reservations will be limited to approximately 1,200 person s in orde r to assur e comfortable seating.
Tables will be set to accommodate 10 pe rs ons. Should you wish to attend in a group, it is suggested you make
The original Four Aces gained national attention in 1946 when Lou Silvestri, Sod Vaccaro, Da ve Mahoney and AI Alberts recorded the million -seller hit, "It's No Sin."
Togethe r they have sold more tha n 30 milli on records and albums, including eight gold records and two Academy Award winning songs, "Three Coins in the Fountain" and "Love Is a Many Splendored Thing ." They were able to t urn almost any song into a hit. A distinctive sou nd with unusual harmonies made them a group apart. They set the pattern fo r all vocal groups to follow.
Alberts left the group in 1958 to pursue a show business career on his own (he's been a fixture on Phi lade lphia weekend television with the 'AI Alberts Showcase' for ta lented youngsters for the pa st 16 years) and was followed short ly
Send to-
Office of R.W Grand Master, Masonic Temple Lodge No.----One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598
Enclosed is my check for$ fo r rese rvati ons at $12.50 per ticket for the Grand Master ' s Dinner-Dance to be held at6:30 p.m. , December 27, 1983 in the Chocolate Ballroom, Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, Pa. Checks shou ld be made payable toR. W. Grand Secretary. Print
The Original Four Aces by Vaccaro and Mahoney. By the end of the 1950 's, the original Four Aces was no more.
Alberts started the somewhat difficult task of putting the group back together in the late 1970s only to find the name "Four Ac es" had not been protected by trademark when establish ed in the 1940s. Thu s the name , The Original Four Aces. Believe it or not, except for being older and grayer , nothing much has changed. "The arrangements we use today, " Alberts says, "are in the exact same keys as they we re 30 years ago." The choreograp hy, it must be admitted, has become less ambitious, but the inimitab le so und is still th ere. Mo st of the dinn er-dance audience, in all probability , will remember the word s to every Four Aces' song. These are, after all, the same men who recorded "Heart of My Heart" at a time when we used to harmonize all summer lo ng on the back porches of most hames in Ame ri ca. The group has bee n performing to rave rev ie ws, making the sam e impression on groups of youngsters as they have made on the ir contempo raries
is closed . I feel
I believe from the Masons that the great
For all these things I am very greatful. For all that I have been taught, all that I have gained, and for all that I have yet to lea rn, I owe a very dee p gratitude to my masonic herit age.
Th e ente rtainm ent pr omises to be live ly and rewardi ng.