30 Knights of th e Re d Cr oss of Cons tantin e & Appe n da n t Orders, Phi ladel phi a
31 25th Ann v. Banquet, Ch ester Ch ap t er Order of DeMo lay
2 Lodge No. 778, Woodside
3 Lodge No. 534. Punx s utawney
4 Lodge No. 483, Rousevil l e
5 Lodge No 272, B utl er
6 Lodge No 9, Tacony
7 Lodge No 572. Orb sonia
8-9 Grand Council, R_ & S.M., Harri sburg
9 Lodge No. 765. East McKeespo r t
10 Lodge No. 400, Jenl,intown
11 Lodge No. 4 72, Woodside
12 Lodges Nos. 324 & 371 Mimintown
13 Lodge No. 532, Driftwood
14 Ded cat on of Lodge Room. Lodge No. 625, Conco r dvi lle
16 Lodge No. 355, B a irsvil le
17 Lodge No. 767, Pr ospect Pari'
18 Lodge No. 238, Tamaqua
19 Lodge No. 464, Harri sbu rg
24 Lodge No. 332, Plymouth
25 Lodge No. 775, Midd l etown
27 Committee o n Mason c Homes
28 Boa r d o f Directors, Pennsy vania You th Fo un dation
28 Lodge No 315, Sh ip pe n sbu r g, 125th A nnive r sary
30 An nu al Maxwe ll Sommervill e Banquet, Lodge No. 121
1 Lodge No 657, Be ll evue
2 Lodges Nos. 566 & 627, Kane
3 Lodge No 7 40, West Read in g
4 Lodge No. 229, Rocheste r
5 Va ll ey of Will amsport, A A.S.R.
6 Vesper Se r vice, 36th District, Che s t er
7 Lodge No. 2 75, Latrobe
8 Lodge No. 754, T itu sv ll e
9 Lodges Nos 637, 567 & 563, Catasa u gua
10,11 Northeas t Co n fer e nce on Masonic &12 12 14 15 Ed u cation a nd Lib ra r es. Harri s burg
Lodge No. 310, Co ll egevi ll e Lodge No. 596. Souderto n Lodge No. 509, Pleas a nt Hills Seco nd POSTAGE PAID Plli adel p llid Pe nnsylva n ia
IWilliam A. Carpenter Made Pennsylvania Grand Master
Bro. William A. Carpenter of Uplan d , former Grand Secretary, h as been installed as R ght Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Pennsy vania.
Bro. Carpenter ass um ed the h i ghest masonic office in the state at no on on Tuesday, December 27. He succeeded Bro. Samuel C. Williamson of Pitcai rn , who served as Grand Maste r for 1982 a nd 1983.
The i nstallation ceremo n y t oo place during the Annua l Grand Communicati on held in the auditorium of Founders Hall on th e campus of the M ilton Hershey School in H ershey, Penn sylvania.
A l so in stalled were Bro. Carl W. Ste nb e r g, Jr. of Pittsburgh as Deputy Gran d Mas t e r; Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz o f Harri sburg as Senior G r and Warden, and Bro. W. ScottStonerofLancaste r as Jun or Grand Warden.
Bro. Arth u r R. Diamond ofJenkintown and Bro. Thomas W. Jackson of Audubo n were ree ected Grand Trea s u rer and Grand Secretary, respect ive y.
Bo rn in C h ester, Bro. Carpe n ter became a r es dent of Upland, th e o ld est set tl emen t in Pennsy van i a, following compl etion of h s mi li tary service after World War II He was ass gned to the Mi itaty Intelligence Offi ce at th e Pentagon in Washington, D C. from 1940 to 1 9 46. He was ed u cated i n th e pub! ic schoo l s of Chester and atte nd e d Prince ton
University a nd th e Univers ity of Pennsyl va nia.
Bro. Carpe nter deve l oped an interest in printing and n ewspaper worl' through an ea rl y associatio n wi th The Chester Times and late r with th e News -Journa l Co. o f W il mington, Delaware. He was the co mposing room superintendent of the Wilmington Joumal-t:uery t:uening i n 1961 when h e res ig n ed t o accept employmen w th th e Grand Lodge.
A member o f Chester Lodge No. 236, Bro. Carpenter served as Wo r s hipful Master in 1953; as Treasu r e r from 1 954 thr oug h 1956, and as Secretary from 1957 through 1 973
He was a member of th e Board of D i recto r s o f th e Cheste r Ma sonic Te m p le Association, hav ing se rve d five years as c h a irman and 11 yea r s as secretary.
Acceptin g fu ll - tim e service as Grand Lodge Librar an a nd Curator in 1961, h e served in that capacity hrou gh 1969 when he joi n e d the Grand Maste r 's s taff for two years a nd then served as D i rec or of Masonic Ed ucation unti hi s e l e cti o n in 1973 as R.W Grand Secreta1y Bro. Ca rp en ter was e di tor ofThe 'Pe nns ylvania Fre e ma so n from i t s incepti on in 1954 t o 1969, a nd a gain i n 1 980 a nd 1981
H e h as served on th e Comm ittee on Masonic Educat i o n , t h e Comm ittee on Finance an d th e Comm ttee o n Youth Serv ces. He h as also se rved asanAdmi nistraContinued on page 1 .3
Grand Master's Program Will Recognize 'Masonic Saints'
Gran d Master Willi am A. Ca r p e n t e r has developed an amb itiou s program of informal v s ita ti o n s that wi ll bring him into co ntact w ith vir tu a lly every one of th e 574 odges in h e juri sdict ion duri n g his expected t i m e as Grand Master for 1984 and 1985.
Mort:: than 300 m eeti ngs w i t h th e odges h ave already b ee n estab li s h ed for t h e two yea r period. The tinerary pr nted on page 1 6 s e lo que nt te s timony o il e pace th e Grand Ma s t e r !la s es ta bli s h ed.
" I have spen t a great dea l o f my more t h an 30 years of abo r in th e vi n eya rd s o f F r eemaso n ry-i n the o d ges throughout th e state," said the Grand Maste r in expla inin g the p r ogra m h e w ill m ai n ta in " I spo l'e in t h e lo d ges w h e n I was Lib r a ri a n and C u ra t or; whe n I was th e Director of Mason c Edu cat ion , and when I was th e Gra n d Secr eta1y," Bro. Carpen t e r sa id , add in g, " I f a n yo n e wa n ts o find the G r a n d Ma s t e r in h e n ext two years, th ey' ll Co ntinu ed on page 15.
Grand Master Uses Masonic Symbols in Bronze Medallion
Bro. Will i am A Carpenter, in design i ng a three-inch bronze meda llion to comm emorate his term as R.W. Grand Master, incorporated the symbols offreemasonry to, i n his words, "excite curiosity and conversation among Freemasons "
In a copyr ghted brochure h e wrote to exp a in the sym bols, t h e Gran d Master states th e m eda lli o n "co uld serve as a r e mind er of masonic esso ns once learned a nd eve n forg otten."
Ord in aril y, a very limited number of medallions are stru ck (200 to 300 pieces) and a Grand Master presents t h em to the lodges and masonic bodies h e visits. He also uses them as personal gifts to his p eers w h en visiti ng other jur sdict ions and as measures of gratitude for officers and members who s trongl y support th e p ans a nd programs of hi s adm i n strat ion
The rever se of th e limi ted medallions contain th e sea l of the Gr a nd Master and the years h e served n that high office.
Because of h e universa appea l o f t h e d es ign of hi s meda lli on, Gra nd Maste r Carpente r has d i rected that 2,000 p eces be a nd made ava il ab l e to th e members a nd fr i e nds of th e c raft at cost
Th e same dies were u sed to create the obverse of th e 2,000 pieces, but the reverse contains the sea l ofthe Grand Lodge rather than that of the Grand Master.
A specia coupon accompan es this arti cle for your conven i ence in p l acing an order. The price ofthe meda llion has b een set at $15 p e r pi ece and covers the costs of handling, mai lin g and state sa l es tax.
Th e medall ons w ill b e mai ed n an attr active box co ntaining a walnut d i sp lay sta nd
The brochure exp a in n g th e meda lli ons a nd t h e sea l s will b e placed ns id e t h e
I n ca u sing th e medal li on to be Grand Mas ter Carpen er continues the practice of modern Grand Masters to so mark their administrations.
Bro Jo hn L. McCain, Grand Master durin g th e American Bicentennia celebration in 1976, struck a medallion showing a profi e vi ew of the statu e of Washington at Praye r. The statue was a 1967 gift by the Masons of Pe nnsy van i a to the Freedoms Foundation at Va ll ey Forge.
Judge Walte r P. Wells, Grand Master n 1978-19 79, because of his adm i ration for a Grand Master of th e Provincial Gra n d Lodge of Pe nn syl vania, used a li kene ss of Bro. B e njam in Franklin for his m eda lli on.
Th e same d esign was later used to crea te the Pe nnsylvania Franklin Medal, a gol d meda l use d by the Grand Lodge to honor thos e who have made sign ifi ca nt contr butions to Freemasonry.
Bro Jose ph E. Trate, w ho ce l eb rated th e 250th anniversary of Freemaso nry in Pe nnsylvania in 1981 by dedicating th e statue, B e njamin Franklin-Craftsman , to the City of Ph iladelphia, used a representation of th e statue on hi s bronze medallion.
The imm e diate Past Grand Master, Bro. Samue C. Williamson, used a fiv e figur e inte rpreta tion of Will ia m Pen n 's si gn ng of a tre a ty with t h e Indi ans as the design for hi s m e dallion in ce l eb ra tion of th e 300th an ni versary of the founding of th e Commonwea lth.
Bro Carpenter s meda ll ion takes note of th e defin i tion of Free masonry as "a system of morality ve il ed in allegory and illustrated by symbols."
Th e Grand Master writes in the accompany i ng brochure, " Wi thout symbols, co mmun i cat o n among Freemason s would b e impossib e. The symbolism of Freemasonry is th e sou l of Free ma so nry."
Th e brochure ex p a in s the sign ifi ca n ce of eac h of th e symbol s w h e aclmowledging that m a ny oth ers in use throug h out th e wo ul d could not be incorporate d
Those includ ed do h ave specific m ea ning for Penn sylvania Maso n s in particu l a r, and for a ll Maso ns in general. Careful exa mination of the photographs accompanying this article may revea l one or two sym bols with which you are not acquainted
Ord e rs w ill b e filled promptly from ex i sting s to c k Shou ld you have any question s, you a r e invited to co ntact th e Offi ce of th e Gra nd Maste r at the Masonic Temp l e, On e North Broad Street Ph il adelp h ia, PA 19107.
Send to -
Offi ce of R.W. Grand Maste r Masoni c T e mpl e On e North Broad Street Phil a d e lphia , PA. 19107
Enclosed is my c heck for$ ______ fo r Grand Master's 1984 Me dall on(s). Check s h o uld be made payab le to the G rand Secretary
NAME _______
ADDRESS _______
'Why I Want to be a Mason'
Th e third and final winner of an essayoratorical contest for mason ic youth groups sponsored by the Grand Lodge through th e Pe nnsyl van i a Yout h Foundation is Paul F. Malinich, Jr. 18 a memberofCarlisle Chapter, Order of DeMo l ay.
Paul, son of Mr and Mrs. Paul F. Malinich, Sr. of 10 We st Pine St., Mt. Holly Springs, PAis a student at Shippensburg UniversityofPennsyl vania. A !Teshman, h e is major ng in busin ess adm ini stration and accounting.
He is a Past Master Councilor of Carlisle Cha pte r and holds th e Mer itorious Service Award
The competition among DeMo l ays was the final phase of t h e contes t that b ega n last s pring.
M e mbers of each youth group, Rainbow for Girls, Job ' s Daughters and DeMolay, were invited to s u bm i t orignal essays of 500 to 1000 word s. Top prize in each gro up was a $500 cash award from the Grand Lodge
I n addition, each winner was afford e d the opportun ty to deliver his or h er address b e fore the members of th e Grand Lodge
K e llyJo Sizer, winner ofthe Rainbow competition for an essay on th e subj ect " What Freemasonry Means to Me," appeared at a special program in the aud itorium of Syria Mosque in Pittsburgh imm ediately follmving the J une Quarterly Commun i cation.
The \vinn er of th e Job's Daughters contest Marie L. Plank, s poke on the subj ect Tm Proud ofMyMason c Heritage," and presented h e r essay dur ng a special yo uth program precedin g th e September Quarterly Communication at the Masonic Templ e n Philad e lphia.
Th e Masonic T em ple in Philadephia was the same place wh e re Paul F. Malinich, Jr. d e live red his work on the subject, " Why I Want to be a Mason," prior to the start of the Dece mber Quarte rly Communication
Accompanied by his parents, Pau a ddressed the officers a nd m embers of the Grand Lodge and a gro up of distinguishe d guests !Tom oth er jursd ction s.
The complete text follows : Th e r e are severa r easo ns why I wou d li k e to join t h e masonic odge in t h e future. I eel that in joining the lodge, it wou d grea tly be n e fit me,ju st as m e mbe rs hip in th e Order ofDeM o lay h as strengthened my life. Being a lin e office r in th e Carlis l e Chaptero fD eMo lay has i mproved my ead e rship qua liti es I have h ad to take on many r espo nsibilities for th e sustainment and advancement of the chapter. My prime motivation in fulfill ng th ese r es ponsibil t i es was to ma ntain th e trust that th e oth er members had place d in me .
I n add i tion to ga in ing l eadersh p , I h ave b ecome more confident i n p ubli c s in cejo in ing DeMo ay two years ago. My ability to l ea rn t h e ritua of our ord e r assisted me in gaining confidence in my public speaking; now I am more com fortab le i n speak ng, even if I do n ot have pre pared notes. Because of my in creased r es ponsib ili ty and ga n of co nfid e nce, my exper ences in DeMo l ay h ave together to me a bett e r p e rson.
Paul F. Malinich, Jr.
Wins Order of DeMolay Essay Contest
Another bene fici al aspect that I wou d find from membership in Masonry is th e broth e rhood that i s involve d. In D e Mo ay 1 have b ee n gratefu l for the new !Tie nds th a I have mad e because we are m ore than !Tie nds. We h ave becom e broth e rs through o ur initiation into the order. At th e altar we dedicated ourselves to God and our co untry. Now we share a special brothe rhood that ca nnot be found outs de of a !Tate rnal organ i za tion As a n a dult I wou d i ke tojo in t h e best !Taterna l body avai a bl e, the masoni c lodge, so th at I cou d co ntinu e to expe rienc e th e co mrad eship amon g broth ers ater in li fe I value brotherhood g r eatly because I ca n turn to my brothers, w h e n I am h aving d iffi c ulties, to help m e overcom e my prob e m s.
Although th e l ea d e rship and t h e brothe rhood of the Mason s is very important the most convinci n g reason for my petitioning the l odge wou ld be that th e actions of the Masons in their da i ly re fl ects th e ir essons. The Masons I h ave known h ave always been a very h e l pful a nd enco uragi ng part of my li fe. T h e members of o ur advisory council have a ways been willi ng to h elp me, within a ll areas of my life a nd n ot only those perta ning to my De Mo ay invo vement. Even Masons who are not advisors h ave demon strated th e ir care to me. I have rece i ved both adv ice a n d ass sta nce !Tom many Masons w h o he l ped m e at times when I n eeded most.
A ll organi zations ta k abo ut t h e way th e i r members should live, but i t is often hard to see thos e qualit es s h ow throug 1 in the members ' li ves. However, n th e ma son ic lodge, its m e mbers do l i ve th e way that they profess. One of th e ir most i mportant id eas is a b e l ief in God, and thi s h e lps them t h rough th e ir dai l y ives s nce they are trying to please Him Because Masons are rea lly li v in g a life of service to God and th ei r fe llow m e n , instead of just ta king about it Ma so nry appea l s to m e. I ook at Ma so ns with res pect fo r th e ir li ves, a n d I wou ld to becom e a m e mber of that proud organ i zatio n.
I view th e masonic odge i n a s milar mann e r as DeMo ay because there are officers who p e rform r itua l in th e ce r emoni es of both o rgani zat ion s Therefore I would be e n counte ring a similar s i tuation in Maso n ry, and it wou l d e nhance m y life to make me a bet e r citi zen, just a s part icipatio n in DeMo ay d id. DeMolay h as molded my background for e nte rin g manhood, a nd the Masonic Lodge wou l d continue my i nstruction o f life as I faced th e future and the ex perien ces ofhaving a fu ll -ti m e job and rais in g a fami y.
Front V ew (actua size)
The construction of a portion of new sidewalk a l ong the south side of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia provides visible evidence that the building of the commuter tunnel connecting the former Pennsylvania and Reading railroads is nearing completion
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Grand Lodge Committee Appointments
• Grand Lodge Committee on Finance for 1984:
Bro. William A. ca rp e nter,
R.W. Grand Master, chairman
Bro Car l W. S t e nb e r g, Jr. ,
R.W. Deputy Grand Master
Bro. Arthur J Kurtz ,
R.W. Se nior Grand Ward e n
Bro. W. Sco tt Stoner,
R.W. Jun i or Grand Warden
Bro. Samue l C. Willi amson,
R.W. Past Grand Ma ste r
B ro. William J. Ebertshau ser
Bro. Robert D. Hanson
Bro. William H. Dickey, Jr.
Bro. Mic h ae l J. Peters
Bro Norman A. Fo x
• Committee on Temple
Bro. carl D. Homan, c hairman
Bro. Joseph E McQueen
Bro. John J. Lotz
Bro. Robert A. Detwei e r
Bro. Char es A. B l ackman
• Committee on Masonic Education:
Bro. John K. Young,
R.W. Pas t Grand Master, cha i rman
Bro. Walter L. Sykes
Bro. J. Ke ith Howe
Bro. Robert Batto
Bro. Wilfred E. Oakey
Bro. Jose ph Ge ntil e
Bro. P. frank lin Hartz e l , S r.
• Com mittee on By-Laws:
Bro. Henry G. Schaefer, Jr., c h a rman
Bro. Harold S. McGea r
Bro Wayne W. Thompson
Bro Raymond J DeRaymon d
Bro. Rollin C. Ste inm e tz
• Comm ittee on Masonic Temp l es, Halls a nd Lodge Rooms:
Bro. Jos e ph I. Greenberger, chairman
Bro. Paul f. Kunkel
Bro. Wi lli am H Alexander
Bro. Richard f. Flickinger
Bro. Da l e McConne ll
Bro. Ch a rl es L. Alb r i ght Jr.
Bro. Eugene G. Painter
• Committee o n Youth Activities
Bro. Samue C. Wi lli amson,
R.W. Past Grand Master, c h a rman
Bro. Hiram P. Ba ll ,
R. W. Past Grand Master, co-cha irm a n
Bro. Arthur J. Kurt z,
R.W. Senior Grand Warden
Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R.W. Grand Treasurer
Bro. Jo hn L. McCa in,
R.W. Past Grand Mas t e r
Bro. W. Edward Se ll
Bro. Ralph R. Hunt Jr.
Bro. Jon D ePoe
• Committee on Correspondence:
Bro. John L. McCain , R.W. Pa s t Grand Ma s t e r, c h a irman
B ro. Carl W. St e nb e rg Jr
R.W. Dep uty Grand Maste r
Bro. Arthur R. Diamond ,
R.W. G ra nd Treasurer
Bro. Thom as W. Jackso n, R.W. Gra nd Secretary
Bro. Fran k W. Bobb
• Committee on Appeals:
Bro. Rob ert D. Hanson , ch a irm an
Bro. Will a m A. H e rd, Jr.
Bro. Fra nk f. Troup
The Grand Lodge h as received $500,000 from insurance carri ers to date in partial se ttlement for costs to repair damage to the temple. The full extent of damages will not be known until all construction is comp leted and the tunnel is in service, probably in the spring of 1984.
Masonic Disbicts Realigned in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Number Now 67
A re a lignm e nt of the lodg es in the Philade lphia and Pittsburgh areas h as result ed in t h e e limin at on of two masonic d i stricts, I and 32, reducing to 67 the numbe r of d is tricts in Pennsyl va nia
Th ere had b ee n 70 mason c di s trict s until another Philad e lphia area d strict was e liminated by a r es tructuring of l odges at the end of1982.
Th e e limination of d strict s I and 32 was made e ffecti ve at th e start of the n ew masonic yea r on D ece mber 27, 1983.
Th e changes ca m e as th e result of a mid -1983 study r eques t e d by th en Grand Master Samue l C. Wi lli amson. It was conducted by th e prese nt Grand Master, Bro. Willia m A. Carpenter, and the Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Car l W Stenberg, Jr., the n t h e Sen or Grand Warden.
The elimination of District I required changes in Mason i c Districts C. E, f and G as follows:
1. Lodge 724 was transfe rre d to District C
Bro. Paul S. Kras ey
Bro. John E. Miller, Jr.
• Committee on Public Information:
Bro. B l aine F. Fabian c hairman
Bro Rollin C. Steinmetz
Bro. Melvin S. Mundi e
Bro Dean E. Vaughn
• Trustees of Title to the Masonic Temple and othe r Real Estate of Grand Lodge:
Bro. W. Edward Se ll cha i rman
Bro. Jam es G Law
Bro. Pau G Murray
Bro Emanue l cassima ti s
Bro. Newton C. Tayl or
• Trustees of the Consolidat ed Fund:
Bro. John L. McCa i n,
R.W. Past Grand Master, c hairm an
B r o. Carl W Stenberg, Jr.,
R.W. D e puty Grand Ma s ter
Bro W Scott Stoner, R.W. Juni or Grand Ward e n
Bro. Harriss A. But er, Ill
Bro. William R. L ess g, Jr.
• Trustees of Joseph W. Murray Fund:
Bro. John L. McCain,
R.W. Pas t Grand Ma s t e r, c hairman
Bro. Step h en R. Newman
Bro. H e rman Witte
Bro Josep h R. Szymanski
Bro. William R. Less ig , Jr.
• Trustees of Lehigh County Memorial Endowment F und
Bro. f ranci s D. Bre i sc h , chairman
Bro. carl W. Frantz
Bro. George B. Re in ert
Bro. Ray L. S hive
Bro. Or lando M. Bowen
2. Lodges 71 and 115 to District E
3. Lodges 155, 289 and 659 to Di s trict f
4 . Lodges 402, 732 and 773 to District G
Th e e limin ati on of Di s trict 32 r equi red c hanges in Maso ni c Districts 28, 48 and 55 as fo llo ws:
1. Lodges 288, 430 and 65 7 were transferred to District 28.
2. Lodges 576 and 676 to District 48
3. Lodge 318 to Distri ct 55
A further consequence of the elimination of Di str i ct 32 was th e transfer of i ts District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. David K. John s tone, to th e Distr ct Deputy pos ition of Di s trict 55 as a rep l acement for Bro. Donald V. Pritchard, who has been created a Past District Deputy Grand Maste r.
One other transfer of lodges b etwee n di s tricts was accomplished at the same im e when Lodges 248 and 341 of Dis-
Members Elected To Committee On Masonic Homes
Th e follo wi ng we r e re-e l ect ed m embers of th e Grand Lodge Committee o n Masonic Hom es dur in g th e Decem b er Quarterly Commu ni ca tion h e d in Philadelphia on Wednesday, Decem b er 7, 1983:
• Bro. Theodore K Warner, Jr. J osep h H. Bro wn , No. 751, Ph il ade lphia.
• Bro. Wa ter B. Wil son, Eu rel\a Lodg e No. 302, Mechanicsburg.
• Bro. P Thom as Feese r, Page Lodge N o. 270, Sc huylkill Haven.
• Bro. Ri ch ard M. Wilson, Lewisville L odge No. 556, Ulysses
• Bro. Ke nn et h E. Thompso n, Wil mington Lodge No. 804, New Wilmi ngton.
• Bro. Guy E. Wa lke r, Somerset Lo dge No. 358, So m erset.
• Bro. John J Taylor, La k e Erie Lodge No. 347, Girard.
The Grand Lodge l ine officers and th e Grand Treas urer and Grand Secre tary are a so members of th e Grand Lodge Committee o n Masonic Hom es as d ctated b y th e Ahiman Rezon.
Bro. Carl W. Sten b erg, J r., D ep u ty Grand Master, was elected c hairm a n of th e co mmittee for 1984 during th e me e tin g of th e Co mmittee on Masonic H omes
o n Dece mb e r 9, 1983
trict 59 were move d to District 15.
The Grand Lodge officers expect that the number of masonic di s tricts wi ll continue to decline over th e next severa years b eca use of the ever increas ing numbers of l odge mergers. As the number of lodges les se ns, th ere is a corre· spending l esse nin g of the need for district supervision.
Two mergers were accomp li shed at the end of1983, r educing th e number of lodges in the state to 574.
Lodge m ergers are caused for the most part by econo mic conditions As the costs to maintain the odge and its h oldings in crease, tho se lodges in poor financial condition see \ t o merge with oth ers in b ette r shape.
A esser number o f lodge s seek to merge b eca u se they acl\ leadership or are unab le o a ttr act n ew m e mbers. Urban areas have more m e r gers than the r ura l areas of the s tate.
Grand Master Names Aides
Bro. Wi ll iam A. Ca rp en t e r ha s a ppointed five Brethren to assist him as A ides to the G ra nd Master. Th ey are:
• Bro. William D. Spargo, Past Maste r of William D. Mcilroy Lodge No. 758.
• Bro. Roy A. McCu ll o u gh, Pas t Master of S un se Lodge No 623.
• Bro. Earl R. Whitmore, Past Master of Chest er Lodge No. 236.
• Bro. Lar ry Emigh, Pa s t Master of Old Fort Lodge No. 537.
• Bro. Da ni el J. Hind s, Past Master of Excels or Lo dge No. 491.
Pension Administrators
The Grand Master, Bro. Wi lli am A. Ca rpen t e r, h as appointed th e following as admin strators of the Grand Lodge p e n s ion p an:
• Bro. Carl W. Ste nbe rg, Jr., R. W. Deputy Orand Master, chairman
• Bro. Arthur J Kurtz, R. W. Sen or Orand Warden
• Bro. Thomas W. J ackso n, R. W. Orand Secreta ry
Sectional Meetings for Schools of Instruction
The fo ll ow ing i s the sch ed ul e for 1984 of t h e Section a l Meetin gs of th e Sc hools of Instruction:
March 17- Pittsburgh
March 24-Uniontown
March :51-Harrisburg
April 7 - New Castle
April 28-t:verett
May 5-Meadville
May 12-Wil/iarnsport
May 19-Ridgway
June 16-Philadelphia
Speci fic information co nce rning each sect ion a meeting will b e sen t to th e Schools of In struction by the In· structor of t h e Rituali s tic Work and th e Reg ional In s tru c tor s.
The Section a l Meetings provid e an opportunity for th e officers and m e mb e r s of the lodges in s p eci fic areas to s how their proficiency in t11 e work. In terested Ma so n s are welcome t o attend.