The Pennsylvania Freemason - Summer 1984

Page 1


24 Com mittee o n Maso nic Homes


1 Lodge Nos .320, 524, 589 and 774, Everett

5 Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication, Tamim e nt

6 Lodge No. 649, Red Lion

7 Lodge No. 284, Catasa uqua

8 Masonic Co nfere n ce Center, Repres e ntatives to Pennsy van a Youth Foundation Elizabethtown

8 United States Premier Conclave, Red Cross of Constanti n e, Pittsburgh

10 Lodge No 21, H arrisb urg

11 Lodge No .381, Newport

12 Lodge No. 759, Pl easa nt Hills

13 Lodge No .361, Newvi ll e

14 Lodge No. 496, Millersvill e

15 Lodge No. 570, Lyke ns

16 New Jersey Cr ippl ed Chi ldrens Hospital and Ma so nic Home and Charity Foundation of New Jersey

17 Lodge Nos. 725 a nd 676, Pittsburgh

18 Lodge Nos. 58.3, .375, 641, 685, 7.31 and 785, McKeesport

19 Lodge No. 709, Ch este r

20 Lodge Nos. 752 and .344, Matamoras

21 Lodge No. 672, Aliquippa

23-27 Supre me Co uncil , A.A.S.R. , N.M.J.,

29 Boston 125th Annive rsary, Sa em Lodge No. .3.30. Lodge Nos .3.30 218 and .305, Salem

Grand Master's Itinerary



1 Lodge No .316, Frankl in

2 Lodge No. 266, York

.3 115th Anniversary, Lodge No. 451, York

4 Project SOLOMON II Ra lly, He r sh ey

5 Lodge No. 4.35, West Reading

8 Lodge No. 225, Greensburg

9 Lodge No 644, New Kensington

10 Lodge No .36.3, Oil City

11 Lodge No. 79.3, Glenshaw

12 Lodge No. 711, Lansdown e 1.3 125th Anniversary, Lodge No .3.35, Montoursvill e

15 Lodge No. 772, Chester

16 Lodge No. 611, Freeland

17 Lodge No. 798, Harrisburg

18 Lodge Nos. 766, 6.35 and 699, Pe nn Hill s Township

19 Lodge No. 694, Butl er

20 Mortgage burning, Lodge No. 4 60, O ran gevi ll e

22 Lodge No. 91, Philadel phia

2.3 Lodge No. 155, Phi ade lphia

24 Lodge No. 412 , Tidio ute

25 Lodge Nos. 68.3 and 590, Monroeville

26 Comm ittee on Masonic Homes

27 Board of Direc to rs, Pennsylvania Yout h Foundation

27 Specia l Communication of Grand Lodge, Dedication of Lodge Room, Lodge No. 194, Se lin sgr ove

29 Lodge Nos 6.39 , 571 and 675 StMary's

30 Lodge Nos. 7.37 and .357, Frackvill e

31 Lodge Nos. .389 and 517, West Middlesex


1 Lodge Nos. 2.34 and 258, Meadvill e

2 Lodge Nos. 688, 572 and .300, Mo unt Union

.3 Lodge Nos. 299 and 401 , Muncy

.3 Lodge Nos .397, 106, 2.32 , 299, .3.35, 401, 707 and 755, Williamsport

5 Lodge Nos. 521 and 520,

6 Lodge Nos. 4 76 and 764, Lancaster

7 Lodge No. 619, Middleburg

8 Lodge No. 802, Hers h ey

9 Lodge No 57.3, Millvale

10 Va ll ey of Allentown, A.A.S.R.

12 Lodge Nos. 1.38, 222, 285 a nd 426, Orwigsburg

13 Lodge No. 144, Lewisburg

14 Lodge Nos. 79 5 , 152 and .396, Eas ton

15 Lodge No. 221, Pittsburgh

16 Lodge No. 586, Waynesboro

17 125th Annive rsary, Lodge No .3.3.3 Allentown

19 Lodge No. 246, Philadelphia

20 Lodge No. 420,

23 Lodges Nos .362, .392, 4 55, 695 and 708, Erie

24 Ext ra Communication of Grand Lodge Mason a t Sight Ch ester

26 Lodge No. 769, Butl e r

27 Lodge No. 540, Chicora

28 Lodge No. 796, Wexford

29 Lodge Nos. 220, 282 and 5.39, Hollid aysburg

30 Lodge Nos. 574, .314, .391, 480 and 515, Coalport


5 6 7 Grand Lodge Quarterly Communica ti on, Phi adelp h ia Grand Royal Holy Arch Chapter of Pe nnsylvania, Philadelphia Committee o n Masonic Homes

The Pennsylvania Freemason

Pa. 19107

Second C lass POSTAG E PAID Philadelph ia Pe nnsylvan ia

SOLOMON II Rally-Hershey • .• October 4

There Has Never Been a More Exciting Time To Be a

Throw off the lethargy of the l ong, hot summer! Renew your sp irit! Feel the rus h ofenthusiasm ! Be uplifte d! Become a part of that which is good and wholesome! Join with thousands of others who a re taking an active part in t h e rebirth of fraternalism! Ce ebrate th e success of Proect SOLOMON II® th e Rebuilding of Freemasonry in Pe nnsyl van ia!

The SOLOMON II Rally at the H ersheypark Arena on Thursday, October 4 is expected to be the largest gathering of Masons, their famili es and friends under one roo fin the history ofthe Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.

Thousands of Mason s, representatives of all the bodi es that are part of the masonic family, i ncluding the youth groups, will come together to celebrate the bright new beginning that s the promise and substance of Projec t SOLOMON II.

Never before has a n idea been so widely accepted. Never befo re has an id ea sprea d throughout the fratern ty in so short a time. Never before have the eyes of virtually every ma so ni c orga ni zation in the cou ntry been focused so squarely on the Grand Lodge of Penn sy van a.

Project SOLOMON II is working. All the working too l s are in pla ce. Each l odge has its operati ons manual in hand and its force i n place to put the program in high gear.

The computer tracking programs h ave b een refin ed o ver the s umme r months and th e free flo w of informati on b etween th e lodges, the overseers, and th e director of the project wi ll begin with th e first activity after the end of the summer call-off.

Now we will reverse the decline in membership. Now we will each do our part to guarantee th e goa of Project SOLOMON II, th e addition of 50,000 new members over th e next four years We w ll

restore the fraternity in Pennsylvania t o 250,000 m em bers by th e en d of1987.

The SOLOMON II Rally in Hershey will provide t h e first o pportuni ty to cel ebra te the early indications of success that grow stronger each month as new statistics are gathered. I twill provide a publicforum in which to recognize th ose individuals who are setting records for performance along with the odges and districts tha t are taking leadership positions.

Members of th e fraternity are encouraged to appear at t he rall y in the regalia of their offices

A controlled processional will be formed to begin the festi viti es, with r epresentatives of a ll the masonic bodies in t h e central region o f the sta te taking part

A number of surprises have been

planned for the rally, including professional entertainment, audio -visual presentati ons, an address by the RW Grand Master, and a closing ceremony th at will be remembered for years.

The yo uth groups, DeMo lay, Job s Daughters and Rainbow for G irls, will be asked to act as ushers and will p lay an important part in the c los n g ceremoni es. There wi ll be no cha rge fo r admi ssi on to the Hersheypark Arena, but all seats will be reserved. A coupon accompanies this article (see page 15 ) for use in ordering the free tickets. Tickets will be nu mbered according to the usua l a rena seating plan and will be assign e d on a first request basis

A computer program has been estabContinued on page 15.

September Quarterly to be Held at Tamiment in Poconos

In order to provide a more centra l location so that more Masons in the eastern partofth e state may easi ly attend a meeting of their Grand Lodge, the site of th e September Quarterl y Comm u n icat ion to be held on Septe m ber 5 , has been changed from Scranton to Tam iment

Tamiment, a Pocono resort property located on Bushk ill Road ofT Route 209 i n Pike County ( see the ma p on page 1 5 ) is easily accessibl e from I nterstate 84 from the north and from Interstate SO byway of the Northeast Extension of the PennsyiContinued on page 15.

June Quarterly Grand Communication

More th an 1,400 Masons, m e mbers of 179 lodg es, were present at the Harborcreek High Sc h oo in Eri e for the Jun e Quarterly Communication of the Orand Lodge of Pennsylvania on Wednesday, June 6.

The r ecord atte ndance was accomp ished despite temperatures in the high 90s In the auditorium of the high school where th e comm unica tion was convened at 7:00p. m.

An overflow crowd of several hundred members witnessed the proceedings by c los ed cir c uit t e l ev ision in a nearby room.

Th e Oran d Mas t er provided what urned out to be th e highlight of the meeting wh e n h e decided during th e ope ning ceremonies to hon o r th e men who, 40 years ago to th e d ay, h ad s torm ed th e beaches of Normandy, s ign a ling th e beginning of th e e nd of World War II

Ora nd Master Carpenter h a d already ask ed one veteran of th e invasion, Bro. Donald L. Jolley, Distric t D epu ty Ora nd Master of th e 23rd Masonic Distri c t, to b e prepared to ead the pledge of allegiance to th e flag,

when it occurred to him that other ve t era n s of th e coas t a l l a ndings would b e part of so l arge a gathering.

Thirteen men accepted his invita tion to j o in the ceremo ny on s tage as evidenced in th e pictures that accompany this article.

Anoth e r highlig ht of the communication was the presentation of a fiv e- y ea r ce rtifica te of appr ec a tio n t o Bro. Ch a rl es F Rose, a m e mber of Pe nn -Ju s ti ce Lodge No. 766, f or his work as a Service Association Fi e ld Agent a t the Aspinwa ll Veterans Hospita l The se rvice a ward w as pres e nted by Bro. Thomas R Dougherty, Past Orand Master of th e Orand Lodge of New J e rs ey and Direc t or of th e H osp ita Visit a tion Program co ndu ct ed by the Ma so nic Serv ce Association.

Space Available at Masonic Homes for Elderly and Children

The Maso nic Hom es a Eli za b e thtown h as in c r eased its a bility to ca re for th e needs of both elderly g u es ts a nd children upon the co mpl e tion ofa ser ies o f renovation project s.

With r e novati ons now comp l ete in t h e Masonic Hea lth Care Ce n te r, the r e i s room for .30 additiona g u ests requiring s kill ed or interm ed i a te nursing ca re

A like numb e r of add itional youngs t ers ca n be cared for in the Masonic Children's Homes as the result of the renovation o f the Louis H Eisen l o h r and Joh n Sm i th bui ld ings.

I mprovements at the H eal th Ca r e Cent e r were direct ed at those secti o ns constructed in 1916, 1 9.31 a nd 1955. They in clud e individually co ntrolled a i r conditi o nin g, color e ev s ion and upgraded avatori es and bathin g faci liti es.

New handrail s, ce iling til e, lighting a nd wa ll coverin g h ave been ad d e d The re n ovated nurses' station i s a model of efficie n cy a nd the insta ll at o n of a s moke detect io n system provides added safety.

Co mpl e tion of the project m ea n s th e Mason i c Health Care Ce nte r i s ab e to funct o n at full capacity, acco r ding to th e Executive Director of the Mason c Hom es at Elizabethtown, Bro. Josep h E Murphy.

" All 482 beds are agai n ava ilab le t o our dedica t ed ph ys cian s a nd nurses t o provide qua li ty m ed i ca l care."

Bro. Carl W. Stenberg Jr , R.W. Deputy Gran d Master and C hairm a n o f th e Committee o n Masonic Ho m es, sa id the committee exp ects to r eceive in crease d numb ers of ap pli ca tion s fo r adm iss ion from Mast e r Maso ns, their wives and widows, who req uire intermediate or sk ill ed nursn g ca r e

Perso n s see kin g ad mi ss i o n to the Masonic Ho mes s hould secure a n app i-

ca tion for m from th e Sec r etary of t h e lodge as the first ste p in th e procedure," th e c h a r man sa id. Improve m ents at t h e Masonic Ch ildren's Homes includ e t h e u pgradi n g of bathrooms, new car p eti ng, ce iling i le, lighting, a nd living room and b e d room fu rnitu re. A smoke d e t ection sys t em has a lso been included.

Renovat on ofthe Ei se n o h r and Smith bu ild in gs has focu sed atte ntion on an aspect of care provid ed at the Masonic Homes a t Elizabethtown that i s often not understood.

Curren tl y, 2.3 you n gsters res ide in the C hildre n 's Hom es o n theMaso nicHom es grounds. Th ere s room for .33 more yo un gs t e r s Profess ionally staffed, the Ch ildre n 's Homes provide far more than the essential need s of food clothing, s h e lte r and m ed ica ca r e. A n equa lly m p ortan t effort is m ade to create a pos iti ve a n d beneficial e nvironment in wh i c h c hil dren can grow a nd ea rn.

A series of goals h as been developed through w hi c h th e success o f th e program ca n be m easured:

1. Estab li s hing t h e lmowle d ge, tra ining a nd skills n ecessary to be ab e to earn a live lih ood and care for one s own family n adult life.

2. Teaching th e value ofta kin g pride in one' s se l f and one's accom pli shme n ts so as t o be ab e to vi ew li fe i n a h a ppy and meaningfu l mann e r.

.3. Helping to estab li sh a va lue system wh i c h is normally considerate and ethica lly sound as we ll as one in wh ch the indiv id u al is ab l e to fi n d full m ea ni ng in ife.

4 Teaching th e bas i cs of prob lem so l vin g a nd d e ci s i o n so that each

youngster is able to g row into a matu re, adult.

5. Rea li z ing t h e i mportance of pos itive and heal th y interpersona l re l ationships.

Who s eligible and w hat are the requirements for admission?

The Masonic Chi l dren 's Home is ava ilable to th ose c hil d re n who, in t h e op nion of th e members of t h e Com mittee o n Masonic Homes:

1. Are not r ece iv ng adeq uate care in their curre n env ronment

2. Are of school age and have at east one or moreyearsofhigh sc hool to comp ete.

.3. Have potent ial for schola st c ach i evemen t

4. Are of good c h arac t er a nd behavior

5. Are li kely to benefit from the programs offered

6. Are sponsored by a Blue Lodge in Pennsylvan i a.

It s important to reme m ber tha t no maso nic a ffi l iation s required for a child to be e ig i b e for adm i ss on to the C hild r e n 's Home nor is t necessa ry that th e ch il d b e an orphan

As is the case with adu lt app li cations to the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown, th e first ste p in the application process i s to contact the Secretary of the odge that wi l spo n sor t h e ch il d.

Should you have any q uestions conce rning the Maso ni c Homes at Eliza bethtown or t he Maso ni c C hil d r e n s Homes, you are invi t ed to ca ll the office of t h e Executive Director or the Secretary to the Committee on Masonic Homesat (717 ) 367-1121 o r write to the Masonic H omes, El zabe thtown, PA 17022

Pennsylvania Host Northeast Conference of Masonic

T h e 29t h Annual North east Con fere nce on Masonic Education a nd Lib ra ri es was h osted by th e Grand Lodge F. & AM. of Pe nnsylvania, May 10-12, 1 984. It was h e ld at the Sheraton Inn - East Harrisburg, Pa. Our Right Wors hipful Grand Master, wh o h as been associate d with th e orga n izat on s in ce its in cept on and w ho was its first Executi ve Sec retary, was h e Confe rence speaker. T h e Conference theme was " Free masonry- let's do som e thin g abou t it!"

Th e keynote address was g ive n by Bro. Roger Zinszer, Executi ve Officer of New De Molay; Bro. T. K. Griffi s, Grand Sec re tary, Grand Lodge o f Mi ss ss ippi, spoke on " Making Freemasonry Vis ible 12 and Viable"; Bro. Ralph A Herbold, Corres ponding Secretary, Southern Cal ifornia Researc h Lod ge, s p oke on "Making Freem aso nry a Driving Fo rce a n d no t a Form." Bro. Ha ro ld A Dunke lberger, Most Exce le nt G ra nd Hi gh Priest, Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pe nn syl va nia, and a Chap l a in, Grand Lodge of Pe nnsy l va nia, s p oke on " Mak ing Freemasonry a Builder o f C h aracte r." T h e featu r e of t h e Confere n ce banquet was t h e sha ring of " So omon Jl®," with commentary by Bro. Me lv in S. Mundi e, Assistant to the Grand Master and Directo r of th e proj ec and Bro. D ea n E. Vaughn, co-author of th e project Me mber of Com mittee on Publi c Informatio n. Th e Saturday morning

Special Blue Lodge License Plates- Round Three

Th e Penn sylvan i a Department ofTransportation ( PennDOT) is now acce ptin g applications for the special B ue Lodge ce n se plates that were origi nally an n ounced by t h e Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia i n November of 1 983. With but one detail to be resolved- agr eement betwee n the state and the Grand Lodge on the design of the square and compasses symbol- Penn DOT has asked that application forms be sent to the nearly 5 , 000 persons on t h e re q uest list h at has b een mainta i ned in the office of the Grand Master s in ce J anuary.

Pe n nDOT has also approve d reprod uction of the form h ere as a servi ce to those who may wish to participate now th at the program is in place

T h e staff in the office of the Grand Master has had to deal with a num be r ofmistakes made in completing the appl icat o n form s

Seve ra l c h ecks for the $20 fee have been made payable to t h e wro n g department Plea se note that checks are to be made p ayab le to th e Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia

Verifica ti on of mem bership is to be made by the indi vidual's l odge Secr etary, not b y the Grand Lodge

The applicant must complete sections A and B (the Gra n d Lodge has already filled in section C in printing the form) and then take th e form to his lodge Secretary who will co mpl ete sect on D.

The form i s h en returned t o the appl cant who makes sure h e has s gned t (sect on E) and attached the check for th e $20 fee ( m ade payab l e to the Commonwea l th of Penn -

syl vania ) before mail ng t to the Special Tag Un it B ureau of Motor Vehicles and Licensing, G-100 Transportati on & Safety Bu lding, Harrisbu rg, PA 17122. It is important t hat those making applica tion for the special vanity p late maintain their regu ar a nnu a l registration. The $20 fee for the Blu e Lodge plate i s in addition to annual registration fees.

Applicants are also reminded that requests for the special plates a re restricted to ve hicles other than motorcycles and trai ers with a regis t ere d gross weight of not more than 9,000 pounds.

The plates can be ordered for l i ght trucks that do not exceed the gross weight requirements

meeting was held at the Masonic Conference Cente r, Patton Cam pus, El iza b et htown. The delega tes we r e shown the film " T ra nsitions" by Bro. T h omas R. Labagh, Exec u tive Directo r of the Pen n sylvan a Youth Foundat i o n, w h o addressed th e de egates on the activ ties o f the Yout h Foundation Seve nty fi ve de egates and their lad es were in attendance. The Co nfe rence cons sts of th e following MasonicJurisdiction s compris ing th e Northeas t sect on o f the Un ted States: Con n ecticut De aware, Distri cto fColumbia, Maine, Maryland Massachusetts, New Ha mps hi re, New Jersey, New Pe nn sylva ni a, Rhod e I s land, Vermont Virginia.

Master B uild e rs


Lod g e No. 315

3 rd Masoni c Distr c


Lod ge No 255

58th Masonic Dis t r i ct


Lodge No. 462

35 t h Masoni c Distri c t

Lodge No. 70 7

1 8th Masoni c Distri ct


Lodge No. 621

45th Masoni c Distri ct


Lod ge No. 5 1 Ma sonic Distric " A"


Lodge No. 383

5 th Mason c D istr ct


Lodge No. 641

49 th Masoni c Dis tri ct


Lod ge No. 254

40th Mason ic Dis trict


Lod ge No. 506

Masonic D str ct D


Lodge No. 2 54

40th Mason c D s trict


Lodge No. 662

3 7th Masoni c D s trict


Lodge No. 65 7

3 2n d Mason ic Distri ct


Lodge No. 252

3 1 s Maso n ic D strict


Lodge No. 1 8 7 Mason ic Dis tri ct " A"


Lodg e No. 3 69 Maso nic Dis tri ct " E"


Lodge N o. 687

45th Masoni c Distri ct


Lodge No 266

42 n d Maso n c Di s tri ct


Lodge No. 245 8 th Maso nic Dis tri ct


Lodge No. 2 5 4

40th Ma son c Distr ict

APPOIN TE-D GRAND LODGE; OFFICERS-Floor officers and a numbe r of other appointed Grand Lodge officers for1984 include (left to right) in row one Roy A. Mc Cullough. Aide to the Grand M a ster; Dani e J. Hinds, Aide to the Grand Maste r; William D. Spargo, Aide to the Grand Master J a mes A. Gaiser, Grand Chaplain; Jam es L. Emette Senior Grand Dea c on; H. Dean Smith Grand Sword Bearer and David C. Adams, D eputy Grand Sec r e tary. Row two includes Harold A. Dunke · berger Grand Chaplain ; Wiltiam F. Walton, Jr. , Grand Ste ward; Earl R. Whitmore, Aide to the GrandMaster; David R Hoov e r, Grand Chapla in; George N Holmes, G r a nd Mars hal, and R. E-mm e rt Aldinge r, Grand Stewa rd In r o w thre e are Lewis M. Mowdy, Gra nd Chaplain; Charles H Lacquement, Grand C h a pla in Ca rl W. Feick, Jr., Grand Pursuiuant, a nd Ralph Rog e s , G r a nd Tyl e r.

S e ptember Quarterly

Co ntin ued from p age

va ni a Turnp il\ e from th e south T h os e d r iv ing I nte rstate 8 0 a re a dv se d to take Exi t 52 ( Ma r s h a ll s Cree k ) to Route 209 No rth to B u shkill Road a n d th e n fo ll o w th e s ign s to Ta mi me nt. T h e res p o n se t o th e ext e ns ive v i s itat on pro gra m b e in g co ndu c t e d by Gr a nd

Mas t e r Willi am A. Ca rpe nter t h ro u g h o ut

h e state in c o mbin a ti o n w i t h th e inte r es t

a nd e nthu s asm b e ing ge n e r a e d

th ro ugh Pro ect SOLO MO N JJ® re quires a faci lity th a t ca n h a ndl e upwa r ds of 2.00 0 Maso n s.

Mo r e th a n 1,400 Mason s se t a re cord

fo r a tte nd a n ce at th e Jun e Quart erly Communi ca ti o n h e ld a t Eri e a nd th e G r a nd

Ma ster exp e cts th at th e east e rn h a lfo f th e s tate w ill resp o nd in like as hi on.

Th e T a mim e nt r esort h as th e s p ace t o

prov id e fo r th e fre e dinn e r th a t preced e s

th e m ee t ing as we ll as th e se p arate fa cili ty r eq u ired for t he a ctu a l c ommunica ti o n

Us e o f t h e facili t ie s a t t h s poin t i s fl ex-

i b l e, but th ose w ho ex p e c t to a tte nd t he

dinn er sh o uld a rri ve by 4 :45 p .m. in o rd e r

to b e sea t e d for t h e 5: 0 0 p. m. s tart.

Gra n d Lo d ge wi ll c on ve n e prom p t ly a t

7 :0 0 p m. in th e S umm e r Dinin g Ha L a

b uildin g se p a r a te f rom th e m a in co mpl ex

but w i t hin e a sy wa lking di s tan ce S ign s

w ill b e po s e d for d irectio n a n d m e m b e r s

of th e Gu est Co m mittee a nd th e Securi ty

Commi ttee w ill b e on h a n d t o p rov i de

a s s i sta n ce.

Whil e th ere s n o cha rge for th e din ne r, it s n ecessa ry th at a d va n ce reserva ti o n s

b e m ade in o rd e r to control c o s ts as mu ch

as p oss ibl e.

A s p ecia l n ot ic e h as a lrea d y b een

m a il e d to all Ma son s in th e s tate w hi c h

co n ta in s a c o u po n t o b e u se d n ma ki ng

d inn e r rese r va ti ons. Tho se rese1va tion s

w ill b e h o n ore d on a fir st requ es t b as i s up

to th e li m it of2 ,000 p e r s o n s Ti c kets w ill

b e se nt t o you u po n re c e ip o f yo ur o rd e r

D nn e r will beg n p r om ptly in th e Ta mim en t

Hous e D i ning Room - G r a n d H a iL

a nd w ill b e c oll ect e d a t t h e e n t r ance to

t h e d ini ng ro o m.

A ll Mas t e r Ma so n s a r e we lco m e at a

c o mmuni ca ti o n of th e Grand Lod ge Yo u do not h ave to b e a m e mbe r of th e Gra nd

L o dge, i. e a Worshipful Ma s ter Se nior or Junior Ward e n , or a Past Mas t e r, to atte nd.

A s p ecia co mmittee h as b e en a pp o in ted b y Gr a nd Mas ter Carpe nte r o worl\ w ith th e Assistant to t h e Gra nd Maste r. B ro Me vin S. Mun d e, in organi z ing t h e c o mmuni ca tion activ ities. Th e fo llow ing Di str c t D e pu ty G ra nd Ma sters are m e mbe r s of h e co mmittee: Nor m a n A. Fox Di s tric t E; J Wa lte r Pri c e, Di strict G; Willi a m E. Ril ey, Distr ict H; Rob e rt H Ma s o n , Di s t r i c t 2 ; Ea rl G. Ha se nu er, Di stri c t 7 ; Be rtin e B S e igerwa lt, Di s t ric t 9 ; M il a n Mih oc h, Di s tri ct 1 2; J o hn D. Wil so n , D i s tri c 14, El woo d P. Sc h o ll e nb e rg e r, Di s t r i ct 36; C lin to n E Sh r ive, Dis trict 5 9 , a nd Ma rv in G. Spe ic h e r, D istr ic 6 0

• Fee required with this application is $20.00. Payment is to be made by check or money order payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania DO NOT SEND CASH

• No special registration plates will be duplicated, e x cept when defaced. In such cases the defaced plate must be surrendered to the bureau Charge for replacement will be $20.00

• In addition, s o that the vehicle may be legally operated pending receipt of the duplicated plat e , application mu st be made for reissue of a plate from th e regular series for which there will be a charge of $5.00 .

• Requests for special regi stration plates are restricted to vehicle s other than motorcycles and trailers with a regist e red gross weight of not more than 9,000 lbs.

• No refund of fee will be issued when applicant cancels request after order is placed.

• This application , completed in full, along with check or money order should be mailed to the Special Tag Unit, Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Licensing, G-100 Transportation & Safety Building, Harri s burg, PA 17122.

• When the applicant cease s to be a member in the aforementioned organization the registration plate must be returned to the department and a form MV -44 completed and submitted with a fee of $5.00 for a regular registration plate.

• Al l telephone numbers will be held in confidence and used only in the event of a problem with your application.

Special organization registration plates will be issued only to membe rs in good standing of qualifying community & social organizations. Plates will be issued in the current stand a rd plate color s b

a tion th er eo f, will b e print ed acro s s the bottom

T h e re Has Never Been a More Exciting Time To Be a Freemason!

Conti n ued from p age 1

li sh e d t o l\ ee p t ra cl\ o f ti c k e t r e q ues t s a n d

w ill b e u sed t o dis t r b u te th e t c k e t s 10 to 1 4 d ays b e for e th e r a lly

If yo u w i s h t o atte n d t h e ra lly w i t h

fr e n d s in a gro u p, it s imp o r ta nt t o re -

qu e s t t h e t ic k e ts u s in g a s in g l e co upo n, b ut indi ca ti ng i i s a gro up r eq u est. Oth e rw se, r equ es t s fo r l arg e nu mbe r s o ft cke t s w ill b e qu es t ion ed b e fo r e b e in g a cce pte d and thi s m ay d e lay s ea t ng ass ign m e n t s

u nd e r th e fir s t r eq u es r ul e

Th e arena ga t es wi ll be o p e n e d at 6 :30 p .m. a n d seats n o t fil l e d b y 7:00p.m.

w be m ad e a va il ab le t o h o ld e r s o f le ss

d e s irab l e se a ti ng Th e manage me nt of

t h e He r sh eyp a rk a r e n a w ill op e n h e r e -

fr es h m en t s ta nds fo r th ose w h o w i s h to purch ase food

Pl ease se n d h e cou p on, a lon g w i t h a sta m p ed , addresse d , ong e n velo p e to SO LOMON I I. P O Box 3 44 7, H a rr i s b u rg, PA 1 7107 -3 44 7

T h e r a lly pro gra m wi ll begi n pro m pt y

a t 7 :00p. m a nd is ex p ect ed to c o n cl u de

at a b o u t 9 :30p. m s o th a t as m a n y yo un g

p eo p e as p o ss b l e ca n a t t e nd. , ----------- ----, coupon - - -coupon


Pl ea se se n d m e t ic k e t s

Nan1e S r ee t o th e SOLO M ON II RA LL Y t o be he ld a t th e

H e r s h eyp a rk A r e n a, a t 7 :00 p m. o n Th u r s d ay , Octo be r 4, 1984

C ty Sta e/ Z p c o de

T el e ph o n e n u m be r

S end tick e t r e q u est s to: SOLOMON II , P.O. Box 3447,

Ha rr i s b u rg PA 1 710 5-3 4 4 7

Th e r e a r e fi ve Pas t Di s tri ct D ep uty G r a n d Mas t ers in c ludin g Ed wa rd 0. Wei ss e r, Di s tr ic t S; Pa ul F Kun k el, Di s tri ct 1 0 , Jose ph Ge n t il e, Di s tri c t1 1 ; He r ma n A. D ott er, Di s tri c t 4 5, and H e nry B. Kulp, Di s tr i c 50. Oth e r b r e t h re n on t h e co mmittee nc ud e J o hn E So lti s, a n As s s tan t Ove rsee r fo r Pr oj ect So lom o n II ; Wil fr e d E. Oa k ey of t h e Co m mittee on Educa tion ; D o na d E. Br tt, Po e n ta t e of I r e m S h r in e T e mp e, a n d Ern es t J . G a zd a, Jr , Comm ander in C hi e f of K eys to n e Co n s s t01y, Va ll ey of Scr a n t on C o m m i tt ee m em b e r s w ill provi d e a nu m b er o f se rvi cess u ch a s t h e b

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