No matter what its foes may say ...
cou ld no t but esteem it. They wo uld be convinced that it s founded on th e most exa l ted principles of morality and socia virtu e. They would realize that Freemasonry strives to promote the true happiness of mankind in general and the peace and sat isfac tio n of every individual in particu l ar.
To censure , then, and vilil)r wl1at they are e ntire ly ignorant about, r evea l s th e baseness of th e ir dispositions, and how littl e they are qualifi ed to pass judgment in matters ofs uch importance and scope
Th e refore, though we pity the ir defects we must, at the same time, take occasion to pronounce them unworth y of our future co ncern and attention.
Proud and ea ous as am a b out the Ma s on c Fraternity, with a ll s meani n g and th e g r ea t influen ce it h as been , es p ecially during th e forma tive years of thi s great Nation, am prompte d at this writing to tak e ss u e with th at malignant group who s eve r w illing to rate Freemasonry as a so mew hat trifling organizat on with prin ciples that contain nothing va lu ab e.
T h e st ud e nt of Maso ni c hi story w ill attes t to the fact that the profane, the enviou s, the curious and th e li k e, have existed ever s in ce Freemasonry was conce ive d . And, m ethinks these so -called ce n s ure rs wi ll be around for many, many years to co m e.
Th ese sa m e ce n sure rs will a lways find it eas erto d ecry something worthy ra th e r than try t o und e r s tand it. And, w th their wicked e ndeavors they wi ll contin ue to deprecate what they ca nn ot a t tai n and then make th e ir n ecess i ty a ppea r a v irtu e and their i g nora n ce th e e ffect of c hoice.
Such an attitud e s t h e d espicab l e o ffspring of e nvy, and so se lfi s h a r e s uch persons, that th ey wou ld rather prefer to h ave the entire circl e of the arts and scie nces abolished , were it in th e ir power, than that others s hould b e poss essed of a knowl edge which they do n ot have and do not d eserve.
I ftho se who Free m asonry kn ew anyth i ng at a ll abo ut our frate rnity, they
Had the Masonic Frate rnity contained nothing commendab l e or va lu ab l e, it woul d not ha ve ex i sted for so long nor have been patronized by the wise, the good , and the g r eat. I t s mo s t difficu lt to s uppose that men , distingui s h ed by every accomplishm e nt th at ca n adorn hum an nature, would eve r co ntinu e to e mb race principles whic h they found to b e nugatory, erro neous or c onte mptibl e. Therefore, th e advice which Gamaliel, the earned president of the San h edrin and Paul's confidan t and l ega l pre ceptor, wi se y gave th e Apostles, might with g r eat propriety, be r eco mmended to the rai e rs aga in s t Fre e m asonry. They may assume that if t h e r e was no mo re in o ur fraternity than th e ir li ttle mind s s uggest, it would h ave fallen to th e g round in ages past. But, the co ntra ry being the case, they may we ll conclude th at Freemasonry will c ontinue to exist for ages yet to come. Perhaps it can b e said that th e mora and socia l princip es we Free masons profess are equa lly n ecessary to the support of every well-regu ated form of society. The question, no doubt, ha s ofte n b ee n a d vanced a s to why Freema s ons appropriate th e merit of s u c h principles to themse ves ? B eca u se thi s question s o ften asked, t s more the r e ason why Freemason s n eed at all times to r e flect a nd generate moral and socia l p r incipl es to a ll with whom we come into c ontact at hom e, in the co mmuni ty a nd th e market p ace. No man ca n d escrib e by word s th e influ e nce of Free masonry from time imm emor a l. No one ca n t e ll just w h at Free -
masonry has meant in the lives of countless millions. Yet we lmow from our own experience that any man who has come under its influence and li ved up to its teachings has thereby become a better member of society and a more worthwhile individual in the plan ofhuman existence. Freemasonry has evo lved through the centuries. It is a growth comparable to th at of a great tree, its roots deep down in the hearts and lives of men , its branch es lifting high and spread in g wide in the sunlight of God 's Eternal Truth.
Within there will always be that certain percentage who make it their business to malign and ridicule whatever the y have reason to wonder about or suspect. These envious beings, having just se nse enough to perce ive that scanda is more prevalent than praise, and looking at our Masonic Fratern i ty through false an d narrow medi u ms, form judgm en t s th at are co ng e nial and ben e ficial to themse ves only.
If tho se who cens ure Free m aso n ry have any remain s o f modesty, f th e asse rt e rs of s uch ca l umny ca n eve r b lus h , they a r e now put to th eir tri al. For whi e they dea so free ly with the principles and action s of person s who h ave been accepted into our Ancient and Honora bl e Fraternity, they are onl y making known to the judi cious part of the weakn ess of th e i r own minds and the wickedn ess ofthe i r own hearts. How truly do th ey fit th a t d escription which Justus Lips ius, the e min e nt writer ha s given us of th i s type of person:
" Ca lumny," says Lip si u s, " s a filthy and p e rniciou s in fection of the tongue genera lly aimed by the most wicked a nd
Cont inued to p age 1 6.
Publication No. USPS 426- 140
Issued Quarterly
Distribution Office-Mailing Address MASONIC TEMPLE
One North Broad Street Phila Pa. 1 9 107
Post master:
Send add r ess changes to above.
Second C lass Postage Paid at Phil ade lphia, Pennsy vania
The first issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason, Volume I, Number 1 , came off the presses in November of1954, developed and ed ited by the man who now, 30 years later, serves as the Right Worshipful Orand Master of Masons in Pennsyl vania.
Bro. William A. Carpenter's very first connection with the Grand Lodge ofPennsyl van ia was his appointment in 1954 by the then Grand Master Bro. Ralph M. Lehr, to the Committee on Masonic Cu lture (now Education).
Bro. Carpenter hadjust completed his term as Worshipful Master of Chester Lodge No. 236, but it was his editing and publishing of a newsletter for the 36th Masonic District called The Key that brought him to the attention of the Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge wished to develop a publication that wou ld serve as a communications link between it and the subordinate odges. The job was assigned to Bro. Carpenter.
That first issue was just four pages and contained no pictures. Pictures did not b eco m e a part of the magazine until 1963. The· firs co lor picture was a cover photograph of Grand Lodge H a ll and the forma gardens at the Masonic Hom es a Eli zabethtown.
The early 1960s were important yea r s for The Pennsylvania Freemason. It had b ee n printed in Phi adelphia and mailed from there by the Gra nd Lodge Staff at the Maso nic Temple until 1962 when Bro. Carpenter was ca ll ed upon to esta blish a distribution office at the Masonic Homes at Eliazabethtown.
The move was made necessary b y an
The Pennsylvania Freemason Celebrates 30 Years of Service
order ofthe Grand Master in 1962, Bro. W. LeRoy McKinley, who directed a change in how the Masons of Pennsylvania wou ld receive the magazin e. Between 1954 and 1962 a Mason was required to request that his name be placed on the mailing list by sending a specia post card to the Grand Lodge Half the Masons in the state did not apply.
Grand Master McKinley demanded that a ll Masons be placed on the mailing list. The policy he established i s still in effect. Each Mason is automatica lly added to th e mailing list when he is made a member of the craft.
The move to Elizabethtown created severa l advantages A great dea l of s pace was r eq uired to store the ste ncil s u sed in ma il ing more than 256 thousand copies each quarter. Members of the Lancaster Post Office Square C lub volunteered hundreds of off duty hours in se tting up th e mailing system, and guests at the Masonic H o m es participated through a form of occupati ona l therapy.
Hom es' guests worked two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon , co n sta ntly updating the membership fil es by making the thousands of address changes required each month.
They also prepared each mailing for the addressing machine.
Guest involvement continued until 1982 when, with th e advent of computer maintenance of membership files and high speed lab e ling machines, the distribution operation was returned to the Masonic Templ e in Philadelphia
That four-page ssue in 1954 gave way to six pages and to eight pages by 1963. The pace of Grand Lodge activity in the la st three years has moved the number of pages to 12 then 16.
This anniversary issue estab lishes its own record in becoming the first 20-page e ffort in the history of the magazine. It a lso establishes a mod e rn record for the use of color.
Some things never change, however. The ed itor of the publication stil l writes and edits a ll the material except for the space allotted specifica lly to the Grand Master.
The Pennsylvania Freemason has n ever accepted advertising and has never charged a cent for subscription. It has always been popu l ar r eading material fo r ladi es of maso ns Th e highes t co mpliments come from wives who vie with husbands for first reading rights.
The Pennsylvania Freemason has prove n its va lu e as a n ecessaryco mmunicat ons link between th e Grand Lodge and th e subordinate l odges. It i s a so an excellent tool for the u se of th e Grand Master in exp laining his program s and in e nforcing th e rules and regulations ofthe fraternity.
Pe rh a p s most importantly it has made the Ma so ns of Pe nn sylvania th e best inform ed Ma so n s in the nation.
Grand Master Issues Decision On Applause in Lodge Rooms
The R.W. Grand Mas ter, Bro. William A. Carpe nter, iss ued a decision on September 11, 1984 that p e rmit s reasonable applause in the lodges and in the Grand Lodge.
The text ofthe Grand Master's letter to the Worshipful Mas t ers, Ward e n s and members of the l odges follows:
"T h e Grand Lodge of Pennsy vania by custom a nd tradition ha s long maintained a policy that discouraged applause in th e bod y ofthe open l odge and at communication s of th e Grand Lodge.
" During m y tra ve s throughout our jurisdiction , especia lly m y in formal v is itati o n s to th e odges, there have b ee n fr e -
quent occas ions when a rath er awl<;ward circumstance ha s been exper i e nc ed when a Brother, in many cases a visiting Brother from another jurisdiction , is inspired to r eac t emotionally to a particu l ar part of the proceedings by applauding Other Brethren would do lik ewise But, of cou rs e, m a ny of the Brethren would not applaud, even though they wanted to do so
" I a l so s ince rely bel i eve that when you are doing something nice you can't be to o wrong. And, rather than con tinu e to torment ourselves at times, both in our B l ue Lodges and in our Grand Lodge communicati o ns, in wanting to do something we fear we s houldn 't, I am ssuing the following Decis ion to be included in the Digest of Decisions:
" Applause, within re aso n , is p e rmi ss ibl e in the body of the open lodge and at communicat ion s of th e Grand Lodge when, in th e opinion of the Brethren asse mbl ed, they are s o inclined t o app laud."
" I have e nough fa ith and respect in Pen nsy lva nia Masons t o fe e l assured that the use of app l ause, when d eservi ng, in our tyled gatherings, wi ll not be take n to an excessive nor unru y degree that would m a r th e h a rm o n y and good orde r of o ur lodge me e tings and o ur Grand Lodge com munications.
Proposed Amendments to the Ahiman Kezon
The memb e rs of the Grand Lodge wi ll vote on 10 reso utions at t h e Decembe r
Q u arterly Commu ni ca t ion to be h el d at 10:00 a.m. o n Wednesday December 5 in the Gra n d Ballroom of h e Philad e l ph ia Centre H ote , 1725 Jo hn F. Ke n nedy Bo u evard, Ph il ade l p hia.
Each m embe r of t h e fra t e rni tywi ll h a ve r ece ved a copy of t h e p rop osed a m e n dm e n ts to t h eAhiman Rezon in res o l u i on form in t h e Nove mber o d ge notice.
T h e R. W. Grand Master, Bro . Willia m A. Carpente r, asked tha t h e n tent of eac h proposed amend m ent be stated i n forma lly here as a service to h e craft.
'' Each of th ese a m e n dments is p r esented n t h e best i nte res s of t he frate rn ty and to prese rve i ts fu tu re," th e Gr a n d Master said.
Artic es 3.03 a n d 3.04 p rovide for t h e electio n of a substitute Represe n ta ti ve n t h e Grand Lodge to serve i f h e p ri mary Representat ve i n t h e G ra n d Lodge s, for some reaso n , u nab e o serve.
Art cles 8.01 a n d 8.02 p rovi de fo r t h e e li m na ti o n of t h e Annua G r a n d Comm u ni cat o n in t h e seco nd year, th e yea r
Gra n d Lodge officers a r e ree l ected to office, and ca ll for t h e Gra n d Master t o se t the t i me of a ll meeti ngs of th e Grand Lodge except for t h e Decembe r Quarte rl y and the Annua Grand Commun cat o n s
Arti cl e 10.01 provides t h at t h e p rice of certa n Grand Lodge services, i.e. r ents, d i spensati ons, certificates, wi ll b e determined by h e Comm ttee on Fin a n ce.
Arti c l e 10.05 provides th at t h e mileage rate pa d to Re p resentat ves in the Gr and Lodge atte n d in g t h e Dece m ber
Q u a r ter y Commu ni catio n be de t erm ned by t he Com m i ttee on Fin a nce.
Art cl e 13.34 es t a b l i s h es a te r m of e g h t years fo r members of t he Co m mittee on Mason ic Homes.
Art cle 17.04 provides t h a Honorary Me mbers may be created on y upo n the paym e n of a sum of $600 to t h e perm anent fu n d of th e member's lodge.
Articl e 17.12 allows th e odge to change th e day o r ti m e of i ts stated meeting because of ho l idays or m eet in gs of th e Grand Lodge or th e Masonic D i str ct without amendme n t of its b y-laws.
Article 17.28 a ll ows t h e l odges to do co urtesy deg r ee
Art i cle 19.01 p r ovid es fo r t h e p aymen t of d u es a t t h e beg innin g of each yea r a nd th e s u spens o n, w i t h o u t n o ice, o f th ose owi ng du es a t t h e Jan u ary sta t ed meetng. T h e l odge may postpone s u s p e n si on to t h e Fe bru ary meetin g.
Art c l e 24.01 a ll ows v s tors to the odge to b e p rese nt dur i ng an e ect on of officers.
Grand Master Calls Extra Communication
The R.W. G r and Master, Bro. William A. Carp e n ter, has scheduled a n extra communicat i o n of th e G rand Lod ge o f Pennsy va n ia for th e pu r pose of mak i ng masons at s i g h t.
The com mu n cation wi ll be h eld i n the Mason i c Templ e n C h ester a n d is schedul ed t o beg n promp tl y at 1:00 p. m I t is expected the d egree work wi ll be co mpleted by 6:00 p.m.
The candidates are Dona l d B. Reeder, a nephe w ofthe Grand Master, and Robert J. Bruce, pres ide n t of Widene r Univers ty. Because oflimited seating in the o d ge room, the Grand Lodge party will be confined to tho se who are r equired to be prese nt to open and close the Grand Lodge so that space w il l be made avaiab l e for Ma so ns i n t h e immed ia t e a rea and h e m e mbe rs of the Schoo s of Instruction who will confer t h e degr ees.
Th e mak i ng of a maso n at s gh t is a r gh t that ca n be exercised on ly by t h e Grand Maste r an d t he h ree d egrees are co n ferr e d in his p rese n ce
T h is s the second t i me Grand Master Carpenter ha s opted to a mason at sight. The honor was conferred on Bro. Ra y mond A. H e i st in Wi liamsport on June 30.
Directly from the Grand Master FREEMASONRY IS HERE TO STAY!
From preced i ng page 2. abando n ed part of aga n st t h e most worthy and d eserv ing of estee m , and w hi c h wound s t h em unexpectedl y. And t o w h om is it p leas ing? To h e v l e, h e per fi d i ous, t h e But w h a t is i ts so urce? From w h at or i g in does it proceed? Fro m fa lse h ood , as ts fat h e r ; from e nvy, as its moth e r; a nd from id e curios ty, as its nurse."
Wou l d s u c h persons, partic ul a rl y that in c reas ing seg m e nt of certa in religious sects that have infest ed our society, exercise but a ve ry sma ll port on of reason and re fl ect on, they would readi ly perceive th e i n quityoftheir attempts to d e preca t e a frate rnity of m e n t h at h as always w i t hstood and r epe ll e d every attack mad e against t.
Wh e t h e majority of h e foes of Freemaso n ry a r e a mong t h e profa n e -t h ose o u t s i d e th e Ma so ni c circ l e - th ere a re an
unusua number of Master Maso n s, ncluding so-ca ll e d Maso nic l eaders, w h o h ave become m ore b ood clo t s t h an conservato r s i n t h e li fe- li ne of Freemasonry. T h ese p ous p e rn i cious perso n s are p r one to prom e nad e as Mason c a uh or t ies, as sc h o lars, a n d even as eaders, a ll w i th fixed a n d limite d minds r eflectin g lmow-it-a ll att t u des as to the way Fre ema sonry s h ou d or s hou d not be conducted and ad mi n is te re d.
T h e tragedy of h avi n g th ese self-appo i nted authorities fes ter ng wi t h i n th e Craft and e i th e r writ ng o r ta k ing as to w h at is wrong a n d w h at is nee d e d , s t h at mos t of t h e m a re t h e leas t quali fi ed to co m ment on or even eva l uate ce rta n p h ases of Free maso nry. Havin g a knowle dge o f Free m asonry s o n e hi ng. Hav ng an un d e rs tand ng o f what Freemaso n ry i s a ll about is so m e t h ing e l se.
December Quarterly Site Chang e d to Meet S e ating D emand
From preceding page 15.
C ay and Sa ll y Hart have a growing list of credits, reflecting t h eir ever n cr easing popular i ty and expand ng musical tale n ts.
They recent ly opened fo r Red Skelton at t he Nugget in Reno; have been the open ing act fo r A an King. Barbara and Louise Mandre L T . G Sheppa rt Sylvia, and h e Statle r Broth ers, and h ave been th e h ead lin ers at most of the nation's major fa irs a n d a t sco res of regional and co unty a i rs
T h e ded cat i on of this handsome young coup e to the i r music and their wide experie n ce in te l ev sion , records ,
Send to-
O n ce o u r Ancient a n d Hono rab l e Fraternity was estab l s h ed, fo ll owing t he r es p ect ive init ial con tr butions o f those g r ea t a n d d e di cate d found i ng fat h e rs w h o l abored thro u gh the for m ative years w h en we e merg ed from a n Op e rat ive A r t to a Spec u at ive Science, Free maso n ry, cease d to be th e v i c tim ofa ny one perso n ob sessed with arrogant do-as - 1-say tende nci es. I n other words, Freemasomy has b ee n, is n ow, and always shall be bigger and greater than any one person . For t h e r ecord, Freemasonry has enjoyed n ot only a good y heritage but an enviab l e h i story for n ea r y three hu n d r e d years. And, when our Project SOLOMON I I ge ts into ts hi g h er gear, I pre dict t hat Free ma so n ry, especia l y in Pennsylvan i a, s go ing o e nj oy its grea t est years
Ye s, Free masonry s h e r e to stay-no matter wha t i ts foes may say
commercia s and li ve pe rformances can only ead to ever growing success and a place of t h eir own among the super stars of the entertainme n t world.
Tickets for the Dinner Dan ce are now available from the office of the Grand Master at a cost of$12 50 per p erson.
They will be issued on a first request basis and lim ted to approximately 1,000 persons in o rder to insure comfortable seating. A coupon is provided on this page to assist you in making reservations.
P ease note that earlier responses w ill have the grea tes t chance of success i n gaini ng reservatio ns. Late requests wi ll be returned w ith a letter of regret.
Dinn e r D a n ce C o u pon
Offi ce o f R . W. Grand M a s ter, Maso n ic Te m p l e Lod g e No. _____
On e N orth Broad Street. Phil a d e lphia, PA 19107-2598
En c l osed s my c h eck fo r $ for reservations at $12.50 per t i cke t for the Gra n d Maste r' s Dinn er Dance to be held at 7 :00p.m., December 5 , 1984 in t h e Gra n d Ba ll room , Ph iladelphia Centre Hotel, Ph il adelph a , Pa.
Checks sh ou d be mad e payable to R.W. Grand Secretary. Pr i nt Na m e Addre ss City ----------State __ Zip _ _ (P ea s e include a stamped, self-addressed envelope )
Each table in the hotel ballroom will seat 10 persons. If a n u mber of persons expects to attend n a group, it is suggested that tha information be added to the reservation coupon with payment as a single response The staff in t h e Office of the Grand Master is prepared to provide any assistance you may require. You are i nvited to cal (215) 988 -192 0 o r wr i te to the Grand Master's Office, Masonic Temple, One North Broa d Street Ph i lade phia, PA 19107.
Please reme mber that ea rly reservation reques t s have he greatest chance of being filled.
D ecember Qu arterly C omm u n ication Free Men's L u ncheon--
Please send me ticke t( s ) to the DecemberQuarter yCommunication luncheon to be he ld n the Exh i bit Ha ll Rooms at t h e co n course level of the Phi l adelph ia Centre Hote l on Wednesda y, December 5, 1 984. My stam ped self-add ressed en ve ope i s e n closed
Signed - - - - -
Telephone -
Speci al B lue Lodge L i cense P late s F INALLY
Th e R.W Grand Master, Bro William A. Carpenter (left) and Past G rand M aster Samu e l C. Williamso n m eet wi h Go vernor Dick Thornburg h to ta k e possession of t h e fi rst issue of t h e special blue lodge lic en s e plates. Plate 00001 is registered to Bro Williamson The project was b egu n i n 1983 w h ile Bro. Williamson was Grand Master. The Department of Transportation is processing several thousand applications for the plates that have piled up since the project was announced in November of 1983
Holiday Gifts for the Mason
Grand Master's Record After 300 Days
pres i ded over 320 sepa r a e activiti es i n h i s fir s t 300 days in o ffi ce. Th e Grand Master o fte n covers two even ts in a s in g l e day. For exa mp e, on Monday, O c tob e r 22 h e m et w t h Gove rn o r D cl{
Thornburgh in H a rr i sburg i n t h e a fte rn oo n b e for e r e turn n g to Ph i l ade l phia to atte nd an i nforma vi sitation wi th th e members of Co umbia Lodge No. 91, Mason ic D istr ct C.
" With 320 eve nts in 300 days, " th e Grand Master sa d, 'I'm a lrea dy 20 days be h ind o n refres hm e nt and s l ee p "'
Grand Maste r Carpen te r h as v is ited 1 95 of th e 5 70 lodges in t h ose first 300 days and h as prese nted 215 Masons with t h e award h e designed t o honor th em as " Mason ic Sa in ts, " the unsung h eroes of the odges wh o h ave given so much of themselves to th e ir lodges and to Freemasonry ofte n with o ut recogn ition, over the yea r s. Th e Grand Maste r has prese nte d 351 of th e th r ee-i nch bro n ze m e d a lli ons, str u c k to m ark his ad mini s tr a ti o n as Grand Maste r of Ma so ns in Pe n n sy va ni a, t o th e Worshipfu l Ma s t e r s of t h e lodges a nd d is t ing ui sh ed Masons throughout the na tion
H s sc h edu e h as taken him to m eetings of every appe n da nt m aso nic body in th e sta t e severa tim es; to a dozen m ee ting s at th e Maso ni c H omes at E li zabethtown ; to 14 sessio n s involvi n g the Pe nn sy lvan a Youth Foundat o n at the Masonic Co nference Center Patton Campus, Elizabethtown; to half a dozen meetin gs invo ving the three yo uth groups D e Molay, Job s Daughters a nd Rainb ow for Girl s, and vis i tations to Veterans H os p ita ls, State H osp i ta l s, Shrin e Hosp tals a nd Burn Insti t utes
Grand Master Carpe nter h as eve n fo und time n hi s sch e dul e o s it for six sessio ns w i th portrait art s H e nry Cooper who i s c r ea ting th e oil pa i ntng of th e G r a nd Mas t e r th a t will e ve ntu a lly hang i n a spot of h o n or in the B e njamin Franklin Ro om in the Ma so n ic T e mpl e in Philad e lph a.
Th e m os t significant sta ti s ti c of th i s fir s t 300 days, however, h as to b e t h e fact the Grand Master h as m e t with over 36,000 Masons. More than 17 per ce nt ofth e Maso n s in th e e n ti r e state h ave had th e opportunity to m ee t t h e Grand Master, h ear a message from him and sh ake hi s han d.
To main ta in hi s sc h e du le, h e Grand Master ha s traveled a lm ost 11,000 mil es by a utomob il e and more than 66,000 mil es by a i r.
At th e outset o f hi s progra m Bro Carpe nte r promised that a n yo n e who wa n ted to find th e Gra nd Maste r co uld do so by l oo l{ i ng i n th e lodges He is keep i ng that p r o mi se.
Grand Master's Award
SEPTEMBER 1, 1984-0CTOBEK 31 , 1984
Pe r severance - Lodge No 21- Harr isbu r g Bro. Wi lliam S Sanford, P M Co lumbi a-Lodge No 91- Philad elphia Bro I rving J Fisch er, P M.
Mou n Moriah-Lodge No 155-Ph ade p hia Bro Harvey M Albright, P M. La Fayette-Lodge No 194-Se insgrove Bro. Ronald H Hoover, P M. Lew sto wn-Lodge No. 203-Lewistown Bro Russel R Walt er s H o nesdal e- Lodge No. 218-H o n esdal e Bro. Wyman B Fowler P.M. Phi anth ro py-Lodge No. 225-Greensburg Br o Robert F. O r r , P.M.
York-Lodge No. 266-York Bro. Paul N. Aubitz P.M.
Port er -Lodge No. 284-Catasauqua Bro. Wa r ren A. Holben
Porter -Lod ge No. 284 - Catasa uqua Bro Will am La u bach, P.M.
Frankfo r d-Lod ge No. 292-Philadelphia Bro. John W Dea n
Hawley- Lodge No. 305- H aw ey Bro. Fra n k lin J. Bebensee, P M
Myrtle-Lodge No. 316- Fra nl{lin Bro. Harry F. Newe ll, P M
Bedford-Lodge No. 320-Bed ford Bro Will am F Hark eroad
Eureka- Lodge No 335-Montoursvi lle Bro C. Larue Art ey P.M.
Eureka-Lodge No. 335-Montoursvi lle Bro. Ca rlto n Mar k Mende nh a ll P M.
Milford-Lodge No. 344-Milford Bro Richard Sm ith, P.M.
Mahanoy City-Lodge No. 357-Ma h anoy C ty Bro Pau S. Blankenhorn, P M.
Big Spring-Lodge No 361- Newville Bro Levan Loy Hoove r P M.
Big Spring-Lodge No 361-N ewville Bro Gordon D Rand, P.M.
Petrolia-Lodge No. 363- 0 il City Bro Ern est D el os Adam s, P.M.
Alliquippa-Lodg e N o 375-McKeesp ort Bro Wa t er Franks P M.
Newport- Lodge No 381-Newport Bro. Bernard B. Br tch er, P.M
Ked ron-Lodge No 389-Wes M d dl es ex Bro Luthe r W. Low, P M
Templ e-Lod g e No. 412-Tidioute Bro. Alton Z Hall, P M
Temp e-Lodge No 41 2 - Tidoute Bro. Wi lli am C. Snavley, P M
St. J ohn' s- Lod ge No. 435-West Read ing . Bro. Brooke Anso n Hart
Zered ath a-Lodge No 4 5 1-Yo rk Bro. Geor ge F. Kauffman
Zeredath a-Lod ge No. 45 1 - York Bro. Levere C. Wentz
Orienta -Lod ge No . 4 6 9- 0rangevi lle Bro. C. Harold Bankes, P.M
Ori enta l- Lod ge No. 4 60- 0 ra n gevi lle ....•....... Bro. Ezra W Harr s, P M
Ch arles M. Howell-Lodge No. 4 96-Mill er svill e Bro. Pa u F. Hoffer, P.M., P.D.D.G.M.
Sharpsvi lle- Lodge No. 517 -S harp svi ll e Br o Harold B. Co ga n, P.M.
Everett-Lodge No. 524-Ever ett Bro. Rob ert W Sh imer, P M
Waymart- Lodge No. 542-Wayrnart Bro Mu rrell W. Champion , P M
Ashl ar-Lodge No. 570-Lykens Bro. Rona d A Clouser, P.M.
Wilcox - Lodge No. 571-Wi cox Bro. Chr stopher Storrar, P M
Crescent-Lodge No. 576-M ill vale Bro. Guy M. Queen , P.M
Yough iogh e ny-Lodge No. 583-McKeesport Bro. Edwin R. Parsons
Hyndman-Lodge No 589-Hyndman Bro. Wayne Hillegass P.M.
Orien t-Lodge No. 590-Monroevi ll e Bro. Samue C. Markantone P M
Arbutus-Lodge No. 611-Freeland Bro. Wesley R. Miller, P M. Homewood Fort Pitt-Lodge No 635-Pen Hills Bro. Charles A. Garnes, P M.
George E. Wagner -Lodge No. 639-St. Mary's Bro Joseph W. Stormer, P.M.
McKeesport-Lodge No 641-McKeesport Bro. Herman H Beattie, P M
Tyrian-Lodge No. 644-New Kensington Bro Byrl J Johnson, P M and P D D G M 54th Masonic District
Red Lion-Lodge No 649-Red Lion Bro Ri chard E Weaver, P.M
Woodl awn- Lodge No 672-A iiqui p pa Bro Cloyd W Eppley P M
Ja m es W Brown-Lodge No 6 75-John son burg B ro Arthur L Nelson, P.M Pa rk- Lodge No 676-Millval e Bro Ke n neth James Faub P.M. Pa r k-Lodge No 6 7 6-MIIIval e Bro Ha rris W Sl u sser, P. M Wilkinsburg- Lodge No 683-Monroevllle Bro. Lyl e W Bake r , P M Ami ty-Lodge No 685-Pi easan t Hills Bro Russell C Cor d er , P M.
Delta-Braddocks Field- Lodge No 6 9 9-Pe nn Hills .• .•. Bro Carl H -6rln khof[ P M
Pe nn-Lodge No 709-Che s er .•. Br o Harold H Wha ey, P M
Lan sdowne-Lodge No 711-Lansdowne
Lansdowne- Lodge No 711-Lansdowne
East U berty-Lodge No. 725-Pi ttsburgh
East Uberty-Lodge No 725-Pittsburgh
Duquesne-Lodge No. 731-McKeesport
frackville- Lodge l'lo 737-frackvllle
Matamoras-Lodge l'lo. 752-Matamoras
Pleasant HDis-Outhrie-Lodge no. 759-Pieasant Hills
6ethei-Lodge no. 761-6ethel park
Bro Robert's. Calhoun
Bro Luther r:. Pfiester
Bro r:leftherlos Sllvestros, P.M
Bro Walter H. Sarrat; P.M.
Bro Henry f Ebertshauser P.M.
Bro. William C. Heller, P M
6ro. 6ruc:£ Struthers. p.M
6ro.Uo)'d P Shipley
Bro. John William Waddle Penn Justice-Lodge no. 766-Penn Hils Twp.
6ro. Donald W. Best. P..M. r.dward f. Roberts-Lodge no. 772-chester
6ro. Adolph Bleier, p..M. Mount Zion-Lodge No. 774-Mc:Connellsb urg
Bro Alexander D. f'o ster Olenshaw-L.odge No. 793-0 enshaw
Bro Maynard C. Oordo n , P.M. Accord-Lodge No. 7 8 5-Mckeesport
Cooper, P M Whitehall-Lodge No 794-Pieasant
Jacob r:. McColly-Lodge No 798-Harrlsburg
Bro. Willia m E. Weid man
Bro Charles W Hauser, P.M. -Orand Lodge A.f' 8t A.M of Delaware
Bro Lewis J. Blackwell, M.W Orand Master