15-21 Con ference of Grand Masters in North America, Myrt le Beach, South Carolin a 23 RitualiStic Seminar, State College
25 Lodge No. 786, Mon ro evi ll e
26 Lodge No. 729, Mars
27 Penn Forest No. 21, T.C. L., G ran d Lodge N ght Progra m , Chester
28 Lodge No. 479, B irdsboro
1 Lodge No. 291, Scranton
2 Lodge No. 236, Annual Banquet, Chester
3 Dauphin Cou n ty Bice ntenn i a l Opening ceremon es, open house, Cou r t House, Ha r risburg
4 Lod ge No. 575, Me r cer
5 Lodge Nos. 749 a nd 334, Bradford
6 Grand Lodge Quarter y Commu ni cation, Philadelphia
7 Lodge No. 364, Millersburg
.8 Lodge Nos. 653, 5 1 3 a nd 747 , Crafton
9 Masonic Temple, Oakland, Rainbow Honor Day or the Grand Master, Pittsb urg h
9 Syria Sh r n e T empl e, Mast ers' Night, Pitts burgh
11 Lodge No. 115, Philade lphia
12 Lodge No. 59, Phi ade lphia
13 Lodge Nos 342 a n d 602, Coudersport
14 Lodge No. 598, Sh ngl eh ouse
1 5 Lod ge No. 348, Ha n over
18 Lodge No. 806, Hatboro
19 Lodge No. 231, Pittsb urgh
20 Lodge No. 789 , Lowe r Burre ll
21 Lodge Nos 712 and 1 3 1, Phi ade lphia
22 Comm ittee o n Masonic Hom es, Eliza bethtown-Cha rte r in g of th e Masonic Hom es High Twe lve Clu b at the Masonic Homes at Elizabet h town
23 Lodge No. 437, A pollo
25 Lodge Nos 494 and 658, Tyrone
Grand Master's Itinerary
26 Lodge Nos. 164, 237 , 447 and 623
Was hington
27 Lodge No. 628, Strou dsburg
28 Lodge No. 457, Beaver
29 Lodge Nos. 318, 288 and 430, Pittsburgh
30 Lodge No. 405, Honey Brook
1 Lodge No. 302, Mechanicsburg
2 Lodge No. 710, Oi l C ty
3 Lodge No. 462,
4 Lodge No. 771, Haz l eton
8 Lodge Nos. 674, 669 and 630, Coraopolis
9 Lodge No. 436, Phi l adelphia
10 Lodge Nos. 388, 555 and 560, Smethport
11 Lodge No. 543, Ph il adelphia
12 Lodge Nos 516 and 224, Danville
15 Lodge No. 503, Wrightsvill e
16 Lodge No 230, Carpen ter's Hall, Philadelphia
17 Lodge No. 386, Philadelphia
18 Lodge Nos 369 and 491, Philadelphi a
19 Va ll ey of Phil ade lphia, AA.S.R.
20 Va ll ey of Pittsburgh, AA.S.R.
21-22 Grand Assemb ly of Roya l a nd Sele ct Masters, Philadelphia
23 Lodge No. 135, Ph il ad e lph i a
24 Lodge No 260, Annua Banq u et, Carl is e
25 Lodge Nos 325, 3 11 a nd 594, Strouds burg
26 Comm ittee on Maso ni c Hom es
2 7 Lodge No 43, 200th Ann iversary Lancaster
29 Lodge Nos. 277 and 550, C ar ion
30 Lodge No. 326, T rexler own
1 Ann u a l Maxwell Sommervill e Ba n q u et, Lodge No. 121, Philad elphi a
2 Lodge No. 629, Harr isbu rg
3 Lodge Nos. 46 6 a nd 249, Olyphant
4 Specia Co mmuni cat o n of Gra n d L o dge, Dedication of a Lodge Room, Lodge No. 618, Wya lu s in g
6 Lodge No 409, Pin e Gro ve
7 Lodge No. 487, Phi adelphia
8 Lodge No 242, Jim Thorpe
9 Lodge No. 336, Gettysburg
10 Lodge No. 45, 200th Ann i versa ty, Pitts burgh
11 Specia Comm un ica ti on of Grand Lodge, Dedication of a Lodge Building, Lodge No. 304, A bion
13 Lodge No. 239, Freeport
14 Lo dge No. 197, Carlis l e
1 5 Lodge No. 633 , Marienville
16 Lodge No. 561, Allentown
1 9 Annua Maso nic Breakfast, Grand Lodge of New York, Buffalo, N.Y.
1 9-21 Annua Co n c ave, Grand Co mmand ery, Knights Templar of Pe nnsylvania, Er ie
22 Lodge No. 773, Philadelphia
24 Comm ittee o n Masonic Hom es
28 Lodge Nos. 477,351 and 421 , Westfie d
29 Lodge Nos. 281, 490 and 616, A toona
30 Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia
31 Lodge Nos. 70,418 and 471, Ath ens
An nu a Conventio n of the Ta ll
Cedars of Lebanon , Ocean City, Maryl and Grand Lodge Quarter ly, Communication , State College Lodge No 502, Tarentum
Lodge No. 312 , Ebens bu rg Specia Co mmunicati on o f Grand Lodge, Co rn ersto n e aying and dedicati o n , L o dge No. 294, Frac kvi ll e
Lodge No. 557 , T io n esta
Lodge No. 243, New Cas tl e
Lodge No. 511, Shenandoa h
Lodge Nos 2 96 a nd 6 24, J enkintown
Lodge No 331 , Ligon er Lo dge No 339 , Scranton
In terna tional Shrine Hosp tal Day, Philade phia
Lodge No 762 Pittsburg h
Bro. Carpenter Begins Second Year As Grand Master
The Right Wo r shi pful Grand Master, Bro. William A. Carpenter, has begun his second year as Grand Master of Masons in Pe nnsy van ia w ith the same d egree of energy and e nthu s as m that carri ed him to more than 400 meetin gs and into 253 of the sta t e's 566 lodg es dur ing 1984. His 1985 schedu e req uires a n even greater effort as h e con tinues an unprecede nted program of vis tat ons th at will cause him to trave l more miles, a nd a llow him to greet more Masons , than any Grand Ma ste r i n the hi storyofthisjur sd i ct ion.
Bro Carpente r was aga in e l ected Gra nd Master du ri ng th e Dece mber Quarter y Commun ca t ion of th e Grand Lodge held in the Grand Ba ll room of the Philad e l ph a Ce ntre Hote l on D ece mber 5. By tak in g advantage of l eg i s l ative c hanges that s mp li fy th e ba ll oting a n d insta ll at ion proce dures, the Gr a n d Mas ter and other e ected Grand Lodge officials retain e d their respect ve stat ons th ro ugh a vote b y acclamation.
Bro. Carl W. St e nb erg, Jr., was ree l ect ed R.W D e putyGrand Ma ster; Bro Ar thu r J. Kurtz, R.W. Se nio r Gra nd Warden, a nd Bro. W. Sco tt Ston e r, R.W Junior Grand Ward e n Bro. Arthur R. Diamond was e lec t e d the R.W. Grand Treasurer for th e 18th consecutive year, a nd Bro. Thoma s W. Ja c kson wa s r e tain e d a s R.W Grand Secr eta ry for the fifth time.
Bro Ca rpenter' s r ee ection as Gra nd Master h e b e g i n nin g of w h at wi ll b e his 25 th co n secutiveyearofd i rectservice to th e Grand Lodge of Pen n sy van ia.
A Pas t Master and lon g - tim e Sec r e tary of Ch es er Lo dge No. 236, h e join ed th e Grand Lodge fam il y as L i brar i an a nd
C urator in 1 961 and served in that capacity through 1 969 w h e n h e b e came a part of the Grand Ma s e r' s s taff.
Bro Ca rp e nte r was se rvin g as th e Dire cto r o f Ma s o n i c Ed u c a ti o n w h e n h e
was e lec ed in 1973 as t h e
His years of experience as the first ed itor of The Pennsylvania Freemason a n d as a member of num e rous Grand Lod ge co mmi ttees, most notably the Co mmittee on Masonic Homes and the Committ ee on F in ance, h ave served him we ll since his e ecti on to the Grand Lodge lin e as Junior Grand Warden in 1979.
In his in augu r a l address on De ce mb er 27 1983 Grand Maste r Carpe nter li s t e d 1 2 goa s h e h oped to accomp lis h during 1 984
H e so u g ht to imp rove th e dress of th ose a tt e nd in g th e lodges a nd to encourage th e wear ng of mason i c e mblem s H e s ugges t e d th e members of th e fraternity tak e a dvantage of th e r c h h e ri tage of edu ca ti ona l ma t er a s, and urged th em t o protect and prese rve ou r uniqu e rCtua l. The Grand M aster prom i sed to e r ec s gns id e nti fy in g the Maso ni c Temp e in Ph il ad e l ph a, t o pro mote The PennsylvaContinued to pag e 1.3.
Grand Lodge of Maryland Adopts SOLOMON II
The G r a nd Lodge of Pe nnsy van a has e nte r e d into an agreement to share Project SO LOMON fl ® i ts membership r ebuildin g progr a m, w t h the Ma so n s of Mary and. M e mbers hip loss s a n a lm ost u niversa probl e m amo ng th e Grand Lodges in the na ti on and th e Grand Lodge of Maryla nd is th e first juri s di c t on to ook fo r a so luti on in the program deve lo p e d by Penn s y lva ni a A ll prin ted a nd a udio-visua mater a s for SOLOMON II h ave been r evi sed to r efl ect c ond i i ons as th ey ex s t in Mary a n d. Th e provi s i o n s of Pennsylva ni a's copy-
right h ave b ee n m e t a nd the e ntire procedure doc umented so th a t other Gra nd Lodge s wi ll benefit from t h e ex peri e n ce Th e numb e r of o th e r juri s dictions h ave e vid e nced serious interest in Proe ct SO L OMON II a nd s t eps a r e b e in g take n o accommod a te them as tim e a nd cir c um s tances p e rmit. Membe r s hip p a tte rn s in Maryl a nd are s tr ikin gly s imil a r to tho se ex peri e n ced i n Penn sy va nia, exce pt for the size o f th e numbers Wh il e Penn sy va ni a enjoyed 18 co nsec ut ive years of growt h be g nn i ng in Co ntinued t o p age 1 9
Right Worshipful Grand Maste r Bro. Willi a m A. Ca r p e nter
R.W. Grand Secretary.
March Quarterly to be Held in Philadelphia Centre Hotel
The March Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Philadelphia Centre Hotel on Wednesday, March 6.
The hotel ballroom was succes sfully used as the site for the December Quarterly Communication (see article on page 9 ) and will be set up in the same manner for the March meeting
The R.W. Grand Master, Bro. William A. Carpenter, decided to again us e the hotel in anticipation of a crowd larger than can be comfortably handled in Corinthian Hall at the Masonic Temple.
Large attendances there require the use of closed circuit television to nearby Renaissance Hall, a consequence the Grand Master wants to avoid whenever possible.
The Grand Master has invited the lodges with new Distric t Deputy Grand Ma s t e rs to a tte nd in a group
and be seated in a reserved section for a special ceremony when the new Deputies will be presented.
Ordinarily, new District Deputy Grand Masters are presented individually in their home lodges, but the Grand Master's schedule of informal visitations to the lodges during 1985 is completely filled.
There are nine District Deputies to be presented.
Those who attend the 7:00p.m. communication are also invited to attend a 5 :00 p.m. dinner to be held in the hotel dining rooms, including the Pennsylvania Room , on the third floor.
The dinner is free, but it will be necessary to fill in the coupon in order to reserve a place. (See page 18.)
Up to 1 ,000 persons can be seated in the dining area and reservations will b e issued on a first request basis until all seats have b ee n assigned.
Lodges Number 566
Reservations will be accepted at the Office of the Grand Master at the Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 until Monday, March 4.
Please include a stamped, addressed envelope with your ticket request in order to speed the mailing process. Your ticket will be mailed to you as soon as the request is received.
Please realize that you do not have to be a member of the Grand Lodge to attend a Quarterly Communication. It is only necessary that you be a Master Mason in good standing and carry a 1985 dues card.
Master Masons are required to register with the Grand Tyler and fill out a slip that indicates their status as a member of the Grand Lodge or as a visitor.
Plea se call th e Office of the Grand Master at (215) 988-1920 if you have a ny qu estions or require assistance.
Publication No. 426 1 40 I ss u e d Quarter y
'lJirectfy from
tfze (jrand Master
Back-to-Basics of Freemasonry, and then
underlying structure. When we get down to th e word, " basic," we find the adjective defined :" of or at the base; forming a base or bas i s; fundamental; essential. "
''Freemasonry is A Way of Life"
Potter Lodge No. 441 merged with Phil a delphia Lodge No. 72, both held at Philadelphia, to be known as Philadelphia-Potter Lodge No. 72 , effective D ecember 27,1984. Potter Lodge No. 441 had been a part of Masonic District F. Th e m e rged lodge will be part of Masonic District G under the direc tion of District D ep uty Grand Master J. Wa lter Price.
Ori ent Lodge No. 289 merged with Richmond Lodge No. 230,
2 Three lodge mergers ap proved at the December Quarter ly Communication have reduced the number of lodges in Pennsylvania to 566.
both held at Philad e lphia, to be known as Ri c hmond Lodge No. 230, effective December 6,1984.
The merger took place within Masoni c District F under the supervision of District Dep uty Grand Maste r H e inz Wendt.
Oakland Fraternity Lodge No. 535 merged with Solomon Lodge No. 231, both held at Pittsburgh , to be known as Solomon Oakland Lodge No. 231, effective D ecembe r 15,1984.
Both lodges were part of th e 51st Masonic District and th e m e rg e d lodge will b e directed by District Deputy Grand Master Joseph F. Acton.
February, May, August a nd November at th e Ma so nic Templ e, Philadelphia, Pe nnsy va· nia, b y The R ght Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most Anci ent and H onorab e Frate rnity of Free and Accepted Maso n s ofPennsylva· nia and Masonic Jurisd ction There unto Be longing
Grand Lodge Officers
William A. Carpente r R. V. Orand Mas er Carl W Stenberg Jr R. I V. Deputy Orand Master
Arthur J Kurtz. R.W Se nior Orand Warden W. Scott Stoner R.W Junior Orand Warden
Arthur R. Diamond, R.IV. Orand Treasurer
T h omas W. Jackson. R. -11: Ora nd Secretary
Edi or Melvin S. Mundie. Assist an t to the Ora nd /"last e r Distributi on Address MASONIC TEMPLE
One North Broad Stree Phila Pa. 1 9 107
Send address c h anges to above.
Second Class Pos ta ge Paid at Philade lphia. Penn sylvania
Vo .XXXJ February 1985 No.1
My Dear Brethren: Havin g been e lected for another Masonicyear as your Right Wor s hipful Grand Maste r, I approac h thi s seco nd year with a great e r experi e nce , a broader v ision, and a sense of greater humility. I have realized , on y too well, during the past year that th e affairs and business of our Right Worshipful Grand Lodge are mo st exte ns ive. It wou ld be virtually imposs ible for any Grand Master to perform all that i s ex p ected ofhim we r e it not for th e support and ass i s tance found in the unswerving loya l ty of so many of the Brethren. For all of thi s am most grateful.
A Grand Master, followin g his election and as h e sta nds b efore his Grand Lodge, sea rc h es deeply for th e words that will a llow him to express how mov ing an ex peri ence it s to him. I am certain y no excepti o n in this situation. I do, with a se nse of great pride, accept the honor a nd the responsibilities yo u have aga in b estowed upon m e. It i s, howeve r, an awesome r es ponsibility, and I have a lready praye d th at sh a ll be endowed with s ufficient wisdom that will p e rmit me to administe r the affairs of our Grand Lod ge during 1985 s u c h that my stewa rd s hip will be plea s ing to the Great Archite c t of Th e Universe and sati sfactory to yo u. The ge neral theme of my firs t year as you r Grand Mas t e r wa s: "Da r e We b e
Masons? " To encourage this challenge, I have made informal visits to more than 250 " Blue Lodges" w ithin ourjurisdiction. We did manage to get our great renewal and r evival program for Pennsylvania Masonry off and running. I refer to the timel y and excellent program introduced by our previous Right Worshipful Grand Master, Brother Samuel C. Williamson, and already nationally l\nown as "Project SOLOMON II. " Then , we found the need after many months of research and study, to introduce a series of resolutions to amend theAhiman Rezon. Each of these l eg islative changes are calculated to improve and assure the future of Penn sylvania Masonry. A few decision s of the Grand Ma s ter were also introduced to provide better ways and means of fulfilling our purpose a nd ca u se as a Grand Lodge My theme for 1985 will favor a continued effort in seeing that all endeavors of 1984 are maintain ed a nd enforc« d, along w ith ano ther challenging th e me and program. That theme and program for 1985, in brief, i s: "Back to the Basics in Freemaso nry, and then A PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE. "
We be Masons?"
h ave lon g been of th e m ind th a t Freem asons ca n do no ess than s trive for A PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE a t all times. In r ea li ty, th e on l y purpose ofF reema so nry i s A PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE. What else i s the re for Freemasons to accomplish?
A r eturn to th e ba s cs cou ld very well
b e th e on ly direction o r ave nu e Pennsylvania Masonry s hould b e takin g now. The base of something i s t h e foundation , the su pport in g factor, th e principal const ituent and th e basic principle or s u c h as a system of l\nowl edge. When we r e fer to a ba se, we refer to that on whi ch something stands or rests; th e fo und at o n or most important e e· ment- s u ch as a system or se t of deas; a point from which a s tart i s made; anything that gets so mething on its way; th e ce nte r of operation s or sou r ce of s upply; th e
Having traveled over 100 000 miles throughout ourjurisdiction this past year and having chatted with over 4 7 ,000 members of the more than 250 " Blue Lodges" have visited , the joys and pleasures of the excellent receptions and hours of super fe llowship, have, in a way, been dampened by the rather sad experience of learning just how un-Masonic som e o f our Pennsylvania Masons have b ee n and continue t o be. True, with a membership bordering 200,000, you will encounter members of the Masonic fraternity who " li ed o n their knees" and have a llowed themselves to become entrapped in or a ttra c ed t o un-M aso nic co nduct. Some of these members h ave been caught. So m e of th e m are s till affiliated and may even tu a lly be ca ught, or they may m a nage to escape Masonic disciplineas lon g as th e irun-Ma sonic con duct remain s unknown to the proper Mason ic a uth or ty Fortunately thi s particular segment of our fra tern ty s but an infinites imal fraction or percentage point of our e ntire membership.
Howeve r th ere happe n s to be a much large r percentage of ou r m e mbers hip, and thi s segme nt even in c lud es m e mbers who have assumed o ffi ces of r es pons ibility and l eade r s hip, who, b y their immature a ttitudes wherein Free maso nry s co nce rn ed, have, no doubt forgotten what th ey rep ea te d wh e n th ey to ok th e i r oa th s a nd obligations. But their d e fiant and critical a ttitud es oward Pe nn sylvan ia Maso nry and their c onstant h ead -inth e - sa nd philosophy is , perhaps, the mo s t damag in g jolt our fraternity h as yet to e ndure
Not too lon g ago I ca m e a c ros s a rather caustic sta tement that we n t s omething lil\e this: " If yo u we re on t ri a l in a Cont inu e d on n ex page 3
Realignment Reduces Number of Districts to 63
As a result of changes the districts receiving lodges will be aligned.
A realignment of the Masonic Districts that we nt into effect on December 27 , 1984 has resulted in th e e limin ation of four districts and a reduction in the number of districts to 63. Those distr icts that have been e liminated in the new align mentare numbers4, 28,43 and44. Th e lodges in those districts have been reassig ned to other districts as follows:
DISTRICT 4 Lodges 1 43, 443 586 and 801 to District 3 and Lodges 336, 348 and 465 to District 42.
DISTRICT 28 Lodges 548 and 784 to District 38 , Lodge 657 to District 4 7, Lodges 288 and 430 to District 48 and Lodges 45 and 219 to District 55.
DISTRICT 43 Lodges .337 and 615 to District 29, Lodges 461, 626, 638 and 643 to District 31 and Lodge 593 to District 49.
DISTRICT 44 Lodges 556 and 602 to District 1 7 and Lodge s 342 , 505,580 and 598 to District 22.
In addition, several oth er lodges have been transferred from one district to ano th e r as follows:
DISTRICT F Lodges 368 and 519 to District B
DISTRICT 3 Lodges· 681 and 781 t o District 2
DISTRICT 22 Lodges 566 and 627 to District 33
DISTRICT 38 Lodge 746 to District 54
As a result of the above changes the districts receiving lodges will be aligned as follows:
DISTRICT B Lodges 114, 368, 384, 450 , 519 529, 543 605 723 and 745
DISTRICT F Lodges 125, 134, 1 55, 230, 359, 453 500 a nd 659.
DISTRICT 2 Lodges 21, 364, 464, 486, 629, 681, 698, 756, 775, 781 and 798.
DISTRICT 3 Lodges 143, 197 260, 262 302 315, 361, 443 586 and 801.
Bro. William A. Ca rpente r , R.W Grand Maste r has appointed nin e new Distr i ct Deputy Grand Masters as fo ll ows:
• Masonic District A Bro. B e nj amin Rubin ofPhiladelphia, a Past Mas t e r of Ath e l sta n Lodge No. 482 meeting in Philadelphia.
• Masonic District B Bro. John J. Hun t of Philadelphi a, a Pa st Master of H armony Lodge No. 52 meeting in Philadelphia
• 3rd Masonic District Bro George H. Hohens hildt of M echani csburg, a Pas t Master ofWillia m S. Sn yder Lodge No. 756 m ee tin g in Harrisburg.
• 5th Maso nic District Bro. Jam es T. Young of Paoli, a Pa st Master of Thomson Lodge No 34 0 mee ting in Paoli.
Grand Master Names Aides
Bro William A. Carpenter ha s appo inte d five B r e thren to assist him as Aides to the Grand Master. They a re:
• Bro. William D. Spargo, Pas t Mas t e r of William D. Mcilroy Lodge No. 758.
• Bro. Roy A. McCullough, Pas t Master of Sun se t Lodge No. 623.
• Bro. Earl R. Whitmore Past Master of Chest er Lodge No. 236
• Bro. Larry Emigh, Pas t Ma ster of Old Fort Lodge No. 537.
• Bro. Dani e J Hind s, Pa-s t Ma ster of Exce s or Lodg e No 491.
• 10th Masonic Di strict Bro. Robert S. Swoyer of A ll entown, a Past Master of Jordan L odge No. 673 meeting in Allentown
• 15th Masonic District Bro. Edward E. Tourj e of Union Dal e, a Pas t Master of Mount He rmon Lodge No. 4 72 meeting in Union Dale.
• 22nd Masonic District Bro. Garold M. Oakes of K a n e, a Past Maste r of Kan e Lodge No. 566 m ee ting in Kan e.
• 25th Masonic District Bro. W. J ack Yate s of Meadville, a Past Master of Lodge No. 408 meeting in Meadv ille.
• 51st Masonic Dist r ct Bro. Jose ph F. Acton of New Eag l e, a Pa s t Master of H e nry M. Phillips Lodg e No. 337 me e ting in Mononga hela.
* The Grand Lo dge of th e Di strict of *
Co lumbia, F.A.A.M., at a s p ecia l com- * * munication on Jan u ary 29, 1 985, * * unanimou s y adopted a r eso luti on to * * enter into negotiation s with the Grand * * Lodge of Pennsyl va nia to impl ement * * Proj ect SOLOMON II. * * The Di s tri ct o f Co lumbi a will b e -
co m e the second juri s di c tion (see *
articl e on the Grand Lodge of Mary-
: land on pag e 1 ) to adopt the member-
sh p p rogram.
Members Elected to Committee From pre ce ding page 6.
The Grand Lodge lin e officers a nd th e Grand Treasu rer and Grand Secretary are a so m e m bers of the Gr and Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes as dictated by th eA himan Rezon.
Bro. Car W. S t enberg, Jr., Deputy Grand Ma s t e r, was again e l ected chairman ofth e committee for 1985 du r in g th e meetin g of the Comm itte e o n M aso ni c Hom es on December 7, 1 984.
Members of the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance, c haired by the Grand Master, study the 1985 budgets for both the Grand Lodge and the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
Change in Quarterly Meeting Site Proves B eneficial
Th e site of the Dece mb e r Qu art er y Communication was changed from th e Masoni c T e mple in Philadelphia to th e Grand Ba llroom in the Ph il ade lphia Cen t re Hotel in ord e r to easi l y accommodate w hat was expected to·be a l a r ger than u su a attendance.
Those prediction s prove d to be accurate when more th an IS - hundred p e rso n s, r e presentatives of more than 420 lod ges and a lm ost 100 distinguished v s itors from Grand Lodges and maso ni c bodie s thro ugh out t h e wo rld a ttended the m ee ting.
They ca me to cast their ballots for the e l ection of Grand Lo dge o ffic e r s and th e memb e r s of t he Comm ittee on Ma so nic Hom es a nd t o vot e on no ess than 10 amendments to th e Ahiman Rez on , par· ticularl y those a m e ndments regarding h onorary m e mbers hip and th e payment o f dues.
Another a mendm e nt that h e lped swe ll the crowd e s p e ciall y the number of vi sitors fr o m oth e r juri sd i c tion s, ca ll ed for
the e liminat i on oftheAnnual Gran d Communica tion in the years w h e n the Grand Lodge officers are normally r ee l ected t o the same offices
All t h e proposed ame ndm ents we r e adopted.
The cha n ge in m eeting pl ace ca u sed a grea t dea ofh eavywork for th e staft; at the Maso ni c T e mpl e Th e maintenance an d custodial sta ffs und er .th e s upe rvi sio n of th e building superi ntendent B r o. Bi ll Vogt, moved odge furniture from th e Maso nic Temp e to the hotel, so m e four blocks away.
Some pieces, th e Grand Master 's cha ir from th e furniture group in Corint hi a n Hall as one examp l e, weighed several hundre d pounds and required four men to move th e m.
All the major pi eces of furnitur e in Corinthi a n H a ll were moved to the hotel. includin g the c h a irs and pedesta l s of the Sen ior an d Junior Grand Warden s, the a lta r and th e esse r lights, the desks ofthe Grand T reas ure r a nd th e Grand Secretary,
a nd th e sma ll er ben ch es from th e north and so uth s ides o f th e room.
Special platform s were co n st ructed for th e Warden ' s station s a nd much of the area of th e ballroom that was u sed a s a l odge room was carpeted It proved to be a very comfortab l e and fa miliar se ttin g with the use of the Cor inthian H a ll furnishing s, but the effo rt r equired to move t h e var ous pieces and th e n return th e m to th e Maso nic Templ e h as prompted a search for s ubstantia l , but lighter traveling furnitur e.
Th e c h ange in meeting place was well rece i ved, es p eci ally by tho s e memb e r s of th e Grand Lodge w h o were for ce d in the past to view th e proceed in gs b y clo se d cir c uit t e ev s ion in another lod ge room. There h as b ee n a tr e nd toward inc r eased attendance at Grand Lodge communications in recent yea rs prompting the Gr and Master to l ook for la rger m eei ng places th an th ose that .can be provide d in the Ma son ic T e mpl e
Eleven Are Created Past District Deputy Grand Masters
• Bro. Carl D. Homan, Masonic District A, a Pa s Master of Robe rt A. Lamberton Lodge No 481 in Philadelphia, served as Di s trict De puty Grand Maste r for five years.
• Bro. Richard S. Wood 3rd Masonic Di stri c t, a Pas t Master ofCumber l and Star Lodge No. 177 in Carlisle, served as District Deputy Grand Maste r for seven years.
• Bro. Glenn L Roller, 4th Masonic Di strict, a Past Master of Patmos Lodge No 348 in Ha nover served as District Deputy Gra nd Master for five years.
• Bro. Gershom G. Krom, 5th Mas oni c Di s trict a Pa st Maste r ofHowe ll Lodge No. 405 in Honey Brook, served as District Deputy Grand Master for s ix years
• Bro. C. DeForrest Trexler, lOth Masonic District, a Pa st Master ofBarger Lodge No. 333 in All e ntown , served a s District Deputy Grand Master for ten years.
• Bro Robert K. Montross, 15th Masonic Di strict a Past Master of Warren Lodge No. 240 in Montrose, served as District
Deputy Grand Mas ter for fi ve yea rs.
• Bro. James T. Amacher, 22nd Masonic District, a Past Master of Bradford Lodge No. 749 in Bradford , served as District De puty Grand Master for five years.
• Bro James 0. Campbell, 28th Masonic District a Past Master of Fox Chapel Lodge No. 784 in Verona, serve d as Di stri ct Deputy Grand Master for e ight years.
• Bro. William C. Wagner, 43rd Maso nic District a Pa s t Mast e r of Belle Vernon Lodge No. 643 in Belle Vernon , se rved as District Deputy Grand Mas ter for ten years.
• Bro Robert W. Cooney, 44th Masonic District, a Past Master of Arcana Lodg e No. 580 in Austin , served as District De puty Grand Master for six years.
• Bro. Lewis Kaye , 51st Masonic Di strict, a Past Master of Oakland -Fraternity Lodg e No. 535 in Pitts burgh , served as Di stri c t Deputy Grand Master for fi ve years.
Bro. Carpenter Begins Second Year as Grand Master
From preced ng pag e 1.
nia Freemason a nd to co m p e e th e renova tion of res id e ntial guest quarte r s a t th e Maso nic H o m es at Elizab ethtown
Bro. Carpenter as k e d u s to co ndu c t ourse ves as Maso n s by living exemp la ry li ves and e ncouraged u s t o dis p e l the myth that Freema s onry i s c loud e d in secr ecy.
He cha ll e n ged u s t o becom e proficient m aso n s a nd b ac ked his b e li e f that the paym e nt of lod ge dues is both a n o bligat o n a nd a privi l e g e by e ndors ing stri c t l egisl a tion on payme nt of dues
A nd finall y, h e ask ed us if we d a r ed to b e m aso n s a nd p e dged to waken the s eep ing giant of Fr ee m aso nry
Ha vin g accompli s hed th e 12 goa l s h e esta blis h e d fo r 1 984, the G r a nd Master deve l o p ed 1 2 n ew obj ectives for 1985 as foll ows:
Our Blu e Lodges
Pe nn sy l va ni a Ma sons mu s t d eve o p a priority that gives in crease d concern to th e ir r es p ect ve B lu e Lodges.
More Qualified Officers
We must e ect a n d appo int mor e qua lifi e d office r s s o t h ey m ay l ea rn a nd grow as th ey adva n ce to the stat ion ofWo r s hi pful Mast e r.
T horough, Absolute Screening
We mus t b e m ore res p o n s i b e in t h e scru-
Grand Master Appoints Floor Officers
The Grand Mast e r , Bro. William A. Carpenter, announced the following appointm e nts of floor officers for 1985:
Senior Orand Deacon-Bro. James L. Ernet t e of Latrobe, Westmoreland Lodge No. 518
Junior Orand Deacon - Bro. Arthur Lee Rankin of Saxton , Eve rett Lodge No. 524
Orand Steward-Bro. William F. Walton, Jr. of Glenolden , Prospect Lodge No. 578
Orand Steward-Bro R. Emmert Aldinger ofE iizabethtown, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No 682
Orand Marshal-Bro. George N Holmes of Pitts burgh, Lodge No 45
Orand Sword B ea rer-Bro. H. Dean Smith of Wilmington, Chester Lodge No. 236
Orand Pursuiuant-Bro. Carl W. Feick, Jr. of Pittsburgh , Homewood Fo rt Pitt Lodge No 635
Orand Tyler- Bro. Ralph Rogers of Philadelphia, Fe rnwood Lodge No. 543
t in y of those see kin g admission t o the fratern i ty.
Sufficient Time
We sh o uld discourage anyon e from petit o ning wh o does not o r will not commit to the minimum 120-daype riod requ ire d fo r du e a nd proper processing through th e three symbolic d egrees.
Improve Cash Flow
To imp rove cas h flow for op e r ati n g purposes a nd to e l iminate th e poss ibili ty of "se lling Freemasonry t oo cheap y," minimum fees for ini tiation a nd m e mb e r s hip must b e estab li s h ed A reali s ti c .fee for annua l dues mu s t a so b e esta blis h e d a nd th e paym e nt o f par ti a du eS o r redu ce d du es for a n y r e aso n mu s t b e e liminated if th e financial health of the odges i s o b e protect ed.
Make Freemaso nry
More Visible a nd Viable
The B lu e Lod ges a r e e n co urage d t o make th e frat e rnity more v sib e and more viab l e in th e ir co mmuniti es
Strengthen Youth Groups
T h e com mitment t o yo uth mu s t be o ngo in g; ev e r y po ss i bl e effo rt must b e m a de to d eve o p a nd s tr e n g th e n th e yout h g r o u ps and to incr ease adult invo lveme n t.
Understanding Masonic Law
We n eed to reaffirm our r espect, unders t a nding a nd o b e di e n ce to the ru l es a nd r e gulations, th e c u s tom s, u s ages a nd procedures of masonic law and t o the a uthority of th e Ri g ht Wors h ipfu Grand M ast er Deve oping Maturity
We mu s t improve our a ttitud es a nd accept th e r espon s ibility for our action s as m a ture adu lts.
A New Publication
A n ew pub li ca tion , The Exemplar, (A Guide for a Maso n 's A c tions ), i s d es ign ed to se rve as a compre h e n s ive r e fer e n ce for th e Blue Lod ge Maso n wh o truly wi sh es t o become a r es p ectab e, regu ar a nd proud Master Maso n Comp e tion of th e Chape Every Mason sh o uld tal\ e part in some wa y in t h e building of this hou se of worship a t th e Masoni c Con fe r e n ce Ce nte r, Patton campus, a n d in its dedication o n Sept e mbe r 14.
SOLOMON II , th e Re building of Freemasonry The s u ccess o f t hi s mo s t imp or tant project, thi s s urvi va l kit for Freemasonry, r equire s the a b so lute c oop e ration of e very symboli c lod ge and every individu a Mason. Are yo u do in g you r p a rt ?
Lodge No 660
7th Masonic District
Lodge No 665
1st Maso ni c District
Lodge No. 599
26th Masoni c District
Lodge No. 663
42nd Masonic District
Lodge No. 317
17th Ma so nic Di strict
Lodge No. 559
52nd Masonic District
Lodge No 649
42nd Masonic District
Lodge No. 673
lOth Masonic District
Lodge No. 506
Masonic District " D "
Lodge No 265
35th Masonic District
Lodge No. 262
3rd Masonic Distri ct
Lodge No. 163
16th Masonic District
Lodge No. 315
3rd Masoni c Distri ct
Lodge No. 585
40th Masonic District
Lodge No 538
41st Maso nic District
Lodge No. 515
21st Masonic District
Lodge No. 751
Masonic Di stri ct " D"
Lodge No. 796
48th Ma so nic District
Lodge No. 326
lOth Masonic District
Lodge No. 742
41st Masonic District
Lodge No. 327
45th Maso ni c District
Master Builders
Lodge No. 404
46th Masonic Distri ct
Lodge No.9
Masonic Di s t rict " D"
Lodge No 270
11th Maso nic District
Lodge No. 8 00
53rd Masonic District
Lodge No 6 57
28th Masonic District
Lodge No. 320
34th Masoni c Di strict
Lodge No. 297
29th Masonic District
Lodge No. 232
18th Masonic District
Lodge No. 409
60 th Masoni c District
Lodge No 549
7th Masonic District
Lodge No. 408
25th Masoni c District
Lodge No 362
24th Ma sonic Dis trict
Lodge No. 578
36th Mason i c Dis trict
Lodge No. 397
18th Masonic Distr c
Lodge No 772
36th Masonic District
Lodge No. 254
40th Masonic District
Lodge No. 373
17th Mas onic District
Lodge No. 548
28th Masonic District
Lodge No 299
18th Masonic District
Lodge No. 6 74
47th Ma so nic District
Lodge No. 660
7th Masonic District
Lodge No. 583
49th Maso nic Distri ct
Lodge No 742
41st Masonic District
Lodge No. 572
34th Masoni c Di stri ce
Lodge No. 794
57th Masonic D s trict
Lodge No. 547
56th Masonic Di strict
Lodge No. 397
18th Masonic Di s trict
Lodge No. 43
1st Maso nic District
Lodge No 551
1st Maso ni c District
Lodge No. 794
57th Ma so nic District
Lodge No. 798
2nd M aso ni c Di str c t
Lodge No. 131
Maso ni c Di s rict " G"
Lodge No 285
11th Masonic District
Lodge No 197
3rd Maso ni c District
Lodge No 561
lOth Masoni c District
Lodge No. 682
60th Masonic Distri ct
Lodge No. 490
20th Masonic Distr ict
Lodge No 595
40th Maso ni c District
Lodge No. 340
5th Masonic Distri ct
Lodge No. 440
lOth Maso nic Di str ict
Lodge No 307
60th Masonic Di s trict
Grand Master Makes Two Masons at Sight
Donald B Reed e r, a U S. Army p latoon
se rg ea nt. and Robe r t J Bruce pres id e nt of Wid e n e r Un ivers ty, were made m aso n satsight d uring an extra co mmuni cation of th e Grand Lodge of Pe nn syl vania h e l d at h e Masonic Te mpl e in Ch este r on Saturday, November 24, 1984.
Th e eve nt m arked the seco nd t i m e Grand Master Willi am A. Ca rpe nte r h as co n ve n e d a m eetin g of th e Grand Lodge to , as d esc rib e d in the Ahiman Rezon, th e Co n st itution of the Grand Lod ge, "ca use Maso n s to b e mad e in his ( th e Grand Master's) presence, at any tim e a nd a t any place, a Lodge being open ed for that purpose."
Bro Raymond A. He st. pastor of h e Ce n t r a Baptist C hurc h in William sport and a p e rsona fr ie nd of the Grand Mast e r , was made a mason at s ight on June 30,19 84
T h e auth ority to make masons at sight rests exclusive ly with th e Grand Maste r; a right th at h as been exe rci sed at l east 67 t im es s ince 1885 according to Grand Lodge r ecords.
Grand Master Carpenter noted th e record when introducing hi s cand id ates t o the more th a n 300 p e r so n s, o ffi cers of th e Grand Lodge and th e odges in th e 36th Masonic District, w h o atte n ded th e m eeting in Chester.
" I t often happens, " h e sa id , " that good m e n w h o o ught to be members of th e fraternity do not find th e ime in th e ir bu sy lives to fo ll ow the normal pat h to m e mb e rs hip."
" T h a t i s th e case in b oth instan ces h e r e ," th e Grand Master cont i nu ed , " with a n Army man w h o r ea lly doesn't know from d ay to day where his path will ead, and a university pres ide nt who we hop e i s finally ab e to settl e down after m any career moves as h e c limbed the acade mi c adder."
Bro Robert J Bruce graduated from Co by College in 1959 a nd taught hi st ory at Ke nts Hill School in Kents Hill, Ma in e and a t Brookl in e High School in Brookli ne, Massachuse tts until 1 964 when h e ea rn ed an MA. degree at Bos t on State Co ll ege.
H e t raveled t hroughout t h e Uni ted Kingdom n 1964-65 on a Fulbright Grant as a l ect ure r in Br tish and American history a Ch orl ey Tea ch ers Co ll ege, C h orley; Qu ee n Ann e's Co ll ege, Blackburn , a n d th e Cli t h e r oe Royal Gramm a r School , C lith e ro e.
Bro. Bru ce served as the deve l opment o ffi cer a nd d i rector of annua giving at Co lby Co ll ege in Wa t erv ill e, Mai n e from
R. W Grand Maste r William A. Carpenter presents to Army Sergeant Bruc e J R eed e r , l eft, and Wid e ner University Pres ide nt Rob e rt J. Bruce, right, special Grand Lodge certificates noting they have b ee n made ma so n s at sight. All three degrees w e r e c one rre d on both candida t es at an extra communication in Cheste r on Novemb e r 24.
1965 to 1969 when h e acce pted th e positi o n of director of d eve lop m e nt at Bard
Coll ege, New York
He was n a med vi ce president of Bard Co ll ege in 1 9 70 a nd ac tin g pre s dent in 1 974 b e fore beco min g vic e p r es ide n t for unive r s i ty re a ti ons a t Cl ark University n Massachu setts in 1 9 75
Later n 1975, Bro. Bruce was made vi ce presid e nt for developm e nt a t Wid e n e r
Univers ty. He became the pres id e nt of Wid e n e r in 1981
He i s a member of th e Pe nn sy lvania
As sociat i on of Coll eg es and Univers iti es; th e Am e ri ca n Co uncil on Education th e Co un ci l for Advancement and Support o f
Ed u ca ti o n; th e American Associatjon for H ighe r Ed u ca ti o n and th e Nationa l Associa ti o n of Ind e p e nd en t Co ll ege's a n d Univers iti es.
Bro Bruce i s a member of the Exec ut iveComm itteea nd cha irm a n oft h e I n sttut onal Affai r s Co mm i ttee of h e Commi ss ion on Ind e p en d e nt Co ll eges and Un versi ti es a nd is a dir ector, treasu r er and c h airma n of th e Edu cation Co mmitte e of th e D e laware County Economic Pa rtn ers hip
He a l so serves as a director of Quicl\ and Re ill y Group, In c., NewYor k; is a m e mb er of the Executive Co mmittee o f Co rnpact fo r Life l o n g Educat ona Opport u niti es in Phi l ade l phia ; a board m e mb e r of El wyn In st itutes, and s a membe r o f th e
boa r d o f trustees of Wes t Nottingham Acad e m y, Co l ora, Mary and. Bro. Bruce a nd his wife, Judith , reside in Wa llin g fo rd and are t h e pa r e n ts of two c hildre n Kimb erley and Sco tt. Brot h er Dona ld B. Reede r, a re ative o f the Grand Ma st er, was born in Pennsylvania and attended p u b li c sc hool s in Up and and Cheste r until19 69 w h en hi s family moved t o Wilmington, Delaware.
He s an honors graduate of Thomas McK ea n Hig h Sch oo l in Wilmington. Bro Reeder en li sted in the U.S. Army in 1973. Hi s fir st assignment was w t h th e United States Army Band stati o n ed at Fort Ru cker, A aba ma.
H e was th e ea d e r of th e bariton e horn section of th e band during a tour of d u ty that asted from 1974 through 1977. It was in 1977 that Serge a nt Reed er received th e t ra ining n ecessarytojoin t h e United Sta tes Army Recruiting Progra m Hi s p erso n a li ty and m ili tary bea rin g m ade him a s u ccess ful an d r es p ected Recruite r who earned many commendat o n s from his co mmanding officers. Among t h e m s h e Gold Un ted States Arm y Recru i ter's Badge w i th Sapp hire D ev ce Sergeant Re eder's n ex t ro und oftraining bega n in 1981 wh e n h e was ass igned as a n infa ntry squad l eader a nd platoon se rgea nt t o t h e 1 st Bata lli o n , 9t h In fa nt ry Continued to pag e 19.
New Chapel to Grace Patton Campus in Elizabethtown
The Grand Lodge of Pen nsylvania is constructing a chapel on the grounds of the Masonic Conference Center, Patton Campus; the first house of worship to b e built for the fraternity since the completion in 1927 of the John 5. Sell Memorial Chapel a t the nearby Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown.
It is expected the cost of the 232-seat cha pel, including furnishings, will not exceed $1.2 million and that it will b e completed in time for its d edication in full ceremony on Saturday, September 14.
Designed b y architect John Hoffman, the chapel will be 35 fe et wide and 83 feet long apex to apex. It will be constructed of steel with brick interior and exterior. The ceiling will be wood and the floor will be flagstone
A d o minant feature of the design is th e 879 square feet of stained glass windows above the chancel area on the south wall and the full e ngth of four separate panels on the north wall.
The chapel floor will contain more than 26hundred square feet of space including the sanctuary, lobby areas and stairways. The basement leve will contain an all purpose room of more than two thousand square feet that will be used primarily as a lodge room by the three youth groups: D eMo lay, Job's Daughters and Rainbow for Girls.
The entire building will be a ir co ndition ed and the basement lod ge room will be made available to the lodges and other masonic bodies for meetings when th e you th groups a re absent.
Ground was broken in l ate November in a ceremony conducted by t h e R.W. Grand Master, Bro. William A. Carpenter, a nd Bro. Samue l C. Williamson, R.W. Past Grand Master and c h a irm an of the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation.
Work was beg un imme di a t e ly by the Warfel Construction Co. of Lancaster. The firm h as been engaged s ince 1979 in the co ntinuin g renovation of r es id ent a l guest buildings at the Masonic Homes.
As indicated in the photographs accompany ing this art icl e, tre es were removed from the pine grove on the hill s id e behind the new swi mmin g pool addition to th e Memorial Ha ll building Favorable weat h er in December a nd ear ly January a ll owed for the completion of a great deal of the foundation work.
Officers of the Grand Lodge have b egun a campa gn to rais e funds for the chap e among t h e lodges, other masonic bodies and in t e r e sted indi vidual s.
The cost of the sta in ed g lass window in the c h ancel a r ea, es timated at about $30,000, h as a lready been pled ged by th e Ra inbow Girls of Pe nn sy lvan i a.
A program of m emor ial contributions for pews has been esta blished for gifts of $1,000 and a specia l area will be prepared in the obb i es on both sides of th e ch ape l for the e recti on of bronze plaqu e s to recogn ize contributi ons a nd gifts of $1,500 or more.
A separate Chape Fund h as a l ready been estab li s h ed by the Grand Lodge to rece i ve contribution s and to hold them until th ey can be u sed to reimburse the various fund s used to pay for initial construction costs.
Co n stru ction of the ch ape will provide severa l unique means for lodges and groups to participate in providing windows, pews, an organ, a sou nd syste m a nd any number of items n orma lly required in the esta bli s hm en t of a h ouse of worship.
This i s the first time in the hi story of th e Grand Lodge that individual Masons will have th e opportunity to b e a part of a chape building effort. (The Sell Chapel at the Masonic H omes was a gi ft: of Mrs. Kate E. Se ll as a memorial to h er husband, Bro. John S. Sell, who served as Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania in 1920 and 1921.)
Also, aga in in response to the uniqu e qualities of the project, a comp e t e p h otograp hi c r ecord w ill be kept from start to finish.
You a r e invited to send you r co ntribution to the Chape l Construction Fund in ca r e of th e Office of th e Grand Master, Masonic Temp l e, One North Broad Street, Phil ade lphi a, PA 19107
All co ntr ibuti ons are deductible for tax purposes and w ill b e acknowledged by etter.
Should you have a n y questions you are in vited to wr ite to th e Office o f th e Grand Master at the above address or to ca ll th e office a t (21 5) 988 - 1 92 0
Grand Master Makes Two Masons at Sight
From p rece din g p ag e 15
Divi sion, station e d i n th e Demilita r iz e d Zon e of Kor ea
He c on s id e rs th e tim e h e spe nt in Ko r ea a valuabl e addition to his milita ry
ex p er e n ce because of the st ri c t military proce dure a lways in effect and the pra ctical kno w e dge g a in e d from li ving in an e n vironment that could ex pl ode in v iolence at any m o ment.
Bro Reed e r r e turn e d to th e Unite d
State s in 1 9 8 2 and wa s ass igned initially to th e 1 st In fantry Di vision at For Ril ey,
Ka n s a s Later, h e w a s ass igned t o th e 1 s Ba t al -
Grand Master's Award
NOVEMBER 1, 1984-JANUAKY 31, 1985
lion , 2nd In fantry Div i s ion at Fort Rile y as th e s cout platoon serg ea nt.
Se r gea n Ree d e r is curr e ntly assigned as assista nt chi e of the 1st Infan try D ivision ARTEP Support T eam, D e partment of Pl a n s an d Tra inin g a t Fort Ril ey.
In addition to the Gol d Recruit e r 's Badge, he ha s earn e d th e A rmy Achie veme nt Award twi ce; th e Good Condu ct Me dal thr e e times and th e O ver seas Ribbon th e Arm y Service Ribbon and the Na ti o nal D efe ns e S e rvic e Medal.
Sergeant Ree d e r i s on e of o ur chil dren ofBro. a nd Mrs. Bru c e Reeder ofSher-
Grand Lodge of Maryland Adopts Project Solomon II
From preceding p ag e 1.
1943 and then 21 consecuti v e y ears of decline Maryland g r e w fo r 1 9 c o ns ecu -
tive y ears starting in 1942 and then lost members for the nex t 21 ye ars
Ma ryland 's m e mb e r s hip p e ak ed in 1961 at 4 8, 54 7, but stands toda y at 38,6 3 3.
Pro ect SOLOMON II h e Reb uilding of Free m ason ry in Ma ryland will be launch e d b y th e Mo st Wo rshipful G ra nd Mast e r, Bro. C. D av d H aack e, o n Ma r c h 1
Th e g oal will be to add 23, 000 Ma so n s o th e ro ll s of th e l odges in th e nex fou r years.
A Progress Re port
It will ta k e severa l m o nth s to accur a e y m eas ure th e prog r ess o f S OLOMO N
II in thisjurisdiction b ecauseoftheeffects of l e gi s lation , adopte d at th e Dece mber Quarte rl y Communication , concerning s uspe nsion s for nonpay m e nt of du es Stati s tics a t the end of November indi ca t e d almost 75 percentofthe los ses experienced in 1983 had b e en trimm e d away
The increased numb er of s u s p e n s ion s r eco rd e d b y th e o d ges in D ece mbe r w ill
h ave t o b e track e d throu g h th e co mpute r ce nte r fo r seve r a month s to d e t e rmin e
how m a n y of th ose m e m be r s see k r est o -
r a ti o n b e fo r e a cl e ar pictu re w ill appe ar.
Th e n to o, s u s p ens ion s for n o n paym en t o f d u es in J a nu a ry a nd Fe bruary, in w ith th e n ew e gi s l at o n th at re -
March Quarterly Communication Wednesday, March 6,1985
Se nd to-
Pl e a se se n d m e to th e Ma r cil Q uart e rl y Co mmuni ca ti o n di n n er t o b e h e ld in th e d ini ng ro o m s o n t h e third fl o o r o f th e Ph l a delphia Ce ntre Hotel a t 5 :00p.m. on We dn es d ay, Ma r c h 6, 1 9 8 5. My
w ood Wilmington D e laware.
H e p e titioned and was approve d for membe rs hip in his father' s lodge, Ch es t e r Lod ge No. 23 6, in January
The thr ee d e grees we r e c onfe rred on each of the ca ndidates on Nove mber 24 b y team s from the eastern, c e ntral and w este rn Re gional School s o f Instru c tion
Th e m a king o f a ma s on at sight i s n o t a s hort cut t o the degre e work It merely allows all thre e degre es t o b e c onfe rre d on the s am e day in th e pr e sence of the R.W. Grand Maste r.
quires the pa yment of dues in January of each year will also have to b e tracked separately s o that th e inte grity of th e stati s tical base ca n b e maintained.
Grand Master William A. Carpente r recognize s the dues l e gislation has w ashe d awa y s ome ofth e progress made through Project SOLOMON II.
" We will h av e to r edoubl e our e ffo rts," th e Gra n d Mast e r s aid adding, " The frat e rni ty cann o t mourn the loss of tho se w ho re fu se d o pay du es a nd carry their o wn we i g ht. I w e a r e to g row, w e mu s t build o n a firm founda t ion a nd whil e th e imm ed i a t e e ffect m ay app ea r hars h , th e o ngte nn res ults w ill prove t o b e b ene fi cia l."
(A c t of O c t. 23, 1962 S e ction 4369
Title 39 , United States Code )
Fe b r u ary 1, 1 9 8 5 Th e Pe nn syv ani a Fr ee ma s on: p ubli s h e d qua rterl y a t Maso ni c T e mpl e, On e No rth Broa d St ree t, Phil a d e lphi a, PA 19107. Pub -
li s h e r : Th e Ri g ht Wo rs hipful G ra nd Lod g e of th e M ost An ci e nt a nd Honora bl e Frate rnity of Free a nd A cce p te d Mason so fP e nn syl va ni a Edito r: Me lvin
S. Mundi e, O wn e r: Th e Ri g ht Wo rs hipful Gra nd Lo dge o f th e Most Anci e n t a nd Ho nora bl e Fra t e rni ty of Free a n d
Acc e pte d Ma so n s of Pe nn sy lva ni a.
Kn o wn bond-h o ld e r s, non e. No a d ve r -
ti s ing h a ndl e d. Fr ee distributi o n ave r-
ages 2 0 5, 000 eac h q u art er. cer ti fY
that th e s tate m e nts m a d e b y m e a r e c o r rect a nd c o mpl e t e: M e l v in S. Mun d ie, Edito r.
Lafayett e Lodge No 7 1
Bro. Arthur Goldman
Lodge No. 106
Bro. Clifford La Rue Bull, P.M.
Union Lodge No. 108
Bros. Jacob W. Luce, P.M. and L. Ashton Merrill, Jr.
Schuylkill Lodge No. 138
Bro. Norman F. Lengel, P.M.
Charity Lodge No. 1 44
Bro. Harold L. Schreckengast P.M. Easton Lodge No 152
Bro Arthur J Rice
Eve rgr een Lodge No 1 6 3
Bro. Wilfred E. Robinson
La fayett e Lodge No. 199
Bro. Harold N. Bitner P.M.
Portage Lodge No 220
Bro. Gray f. Smith , P.M.
Franklin Lod ge No. 221
Bro. John B Nicklas , Jr. Minersville Lodge No 22 2
Bros. Lamar D. Bell, P M. and Guy S. Fenstermacher P M.
St. John s Lodge No. 2 33
Bros Wilson E. Clark P.M and Millard W. Gross, Jr. , P.M.
Crawford Lod ge No 23 4
Bro. H arold G. Roka, P.M
Sh e kin a h Lodge No. 246
Bro Albert M. Battis P.M
Washingt on Lodge No 253
Bro. Ernes M. Za nge , P M
We s tern C r a wford Lo dge No 258
Bro. Willi am D. Brickner P.M
Un ion Lodge No. 259
Bro. Donald K Weigel, P.M.
Fr anklin Lod g e No 263
Bro. Warren K. Burr, P.M.
Bell e fonte L odge No 268
Bro. Bruce W. Eme ric k , P M Junia ta Lodge No 282
Bro Eugene E. Lindsey, P.M
Anthracite Lodge No 2 8 5
Bro. Robert G ra y , P.M
Muncy Lodge No 2 9 9
Bro. Grant Otto Whipple
Mt. Moriah Lodge No 3 00
Bro. Geary D. Bunn
Wave rl ey Lodge No 3 01
Bro Charles W. Wirth, P.M.
Ft. Was hington Lodge No 308
Bro. George H. Adams P.M
Cl ear fie ld Lodge No 3 14
Bro Paul D. Hineman
Barger Lodge No 3 3 3
Bro. J F Huver
Schiller Lodge No 345
Bros Joseph I. r:psteln, P.M. and Abram G. Schoener P.M.
Tyrlan Lodge No :562
Bro James A. R. Thompson, P.M.
McCandless Lodge No. :590
Bro Harry K. Klose P M•• Secretary
Mos ha nno n L o dg e N o 391
Bros. Robert G. Crawshaw, P.M. and John N Burge, P.M.
Perry Lod ge No 392
Bro Nevin F. Carte r
Dallas Lod ge No. 3 9 6
Bro. Warren H. Overholt, P.M.
I vy Lodge No. 3 97
Bro. John H. Kuhn, P.M.
Watsontown Lodge No. 401
Bro. Edward N. Billman P M.
Eure ka Lodge No 404
Bro. Elmer R. Young
Fritz Lodge No 420
Bro Robert W Jackson, P.M.
Shre wsbury Lodge No. 423
Bro. Paul 0. Glatfelter P.M.
Cressona Lodge No. 426
Bros.SarnueiE.Be ck , P.M. and Allen A. Becker P.M.
Newtown Lodge No 4 2 7
Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, P M. and P.D D.G.M., 8th Masonic District
Slatington Lodge No 440
Bros Fred M. Altrichter and Reuben S. Geiger, P.M.
Richard Vau x Lo dge No. 454
Bro Harry L. Lee P.M.
Keyst o n e Lodge No. 4 55
Bro. George R. Loder, P.M
Mo nongeh el a Lodge No. 46 1
Bro. Loyal R. Dean, P.M.
Wyoming Lodge No 4 68 •
Bro. Marcellus M. Kunk elman, P.M.
Lambe rto n L o dge No 4 76
Bro. Walte r Ray Mull, P.M.
Nob e Lodge No 4 80
Bro L a wre n ce C Crittenden P.M.
Va ll ey L od ge No. 4 9 9
Bro C arl B. Ros encrance, Sr., P.M.
Osceo a Lod ge No. 515
Bro Jonathan S. Ashworth , P.M.
We s t m ore and Lodge No 518
Bros Dani e W ca sper and Charles H. Johnston Jr P.M
Go thi c Lodg e No 5 1 9
Bro. John L. Laskey, Jr., P M.
Ca nby Lod ge No 5 2 0
Bro J Ralph Kirkpatrick P.M
Pa rk er C ity Lodge No 5 2 1
Bro Joseph C Elder, W.M
O ld Fort Lodg e No 5 37
Bro. Do nn E. frazi e r , P.M
Wood bury Lodg e No 5 39
Bro. Clare S. Kauffman, P.M
Argyle Lodge No 540
Bro R. Paul McCollough, P.M
Mye r sda e Lodg e No 554
Bro William R. Austin, P M. Cromwell Lodge No 572
Bro. r:ugene W Ulsh Corinthian
Prospect Lodge No 5 7 8
Bros John D. Brooks, P.M., Edward L. Reigart and George K. Tucker, P.M.
Aca s ia Lodge No 5 79
Bros. Alfred J. Coombs, P.M. and William J. Davis, P.M.
Acasia Lodge No 586
Bro. John C. Doyle
Blyth Lodge No. 593
Bro. Walter H. Taylor P M
Garfield Lodge No 604
Bro. Carl F Eiler, P.M.
Charl eroi Lodge No 615
Bro. Glenn H. Brumbaugh, P.M. Wyalusing Lodge No 6 18