The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1986

Page 1

Grand Master's Itinerary



7 Lo dge No. 657, Pr esenta ion o f junio r Grand Ward en , Pittsburgh

I 0- 11 Deputy Grand H ershey

18 Th e An nual Masters B anque t, 49 th Masoni c Distr ct

20 Lo dge No. 246, Phil ad elphi a

24 Committee on Ma son c H o mes, Elizabethtown

2 5 Annual Meeting, Pennsy va ni a Youth Foundation Boa rd o f Di r ec ors

25 Zembo Te mple AAO.N.M.S., H arri sburg

( Presentati o n el ates for n ew District Deputy Grand Masters now b e ng established)


Grand Mast er -Rainbow H o nor Da y junior-Senior Wa r d en s' Night, AAS. R , Va Uey o f Pi ttsb urgh

8 M ast ers N ight, Syri a Temple, Oakland, Pi t tsburgh

I 0-1 2 Grand Lo d ge of Virginia

I 5- 19 Conference o f Gra n d Masters of M aso ns n No rth Ame r ca, Al exandri a, V i r g in i a

22 Lodge No. 125, Rece ve Grand Maste r of Germ any, Philadelphia


4 Meeting, Grand Lo d ge Committee

o n F n an ce

5 Quarterl y Comm u n cat o n of Grand Lodge, Cor inthia n HaU ,

M ason i c T emp e, Philadelphia

8 125th Anniv er sa 1y Lodge No 338

12 Lo d ge No. 363 Oil City


15 Specia Grand Lodge

Co mmuni ca t o n, Lo dge Roo m Dedication

Lodge No. 337, Mo no ngah e a

2 Committee o n Maso ni c H o m es, Eli zabethtown


9 Lo dge No. 565 , 100 Year Anniversary, Bangor

12 Lo dg e No. ] 26, 125th 1\ nni ver saty, Philadelphia

2 '5 Com m ittee o n Mason i c H o m es, E izabethtow n

Jl!L4 y

3 Special Grand Lodge

Co m m uni cat o n

D ed ica ti o n of Lo d ge Roo m , Masonic T emple, Lodge o 483 , RouseviUe

I 0 Spring Re uni o n, Leh ig h Con si sto 1v ,

AAS.R. , Alle ntown

14 Lo dge No. 7 51, Ph il adel p hi a

17 H arr i sb u rg Co nsisto ry, AAS R. , Harri sburg

19 Lodg e No. 635 , Pe nn H iUs

24 Spec a G rand Lodge

Com muni cat o n, Dedicati o n o f Lodge Room, Masonic T emple, Ca rn eg e

27-30 Ta ll Cedars of Ameri ca Conve nt i o n, Virgi ni a Beach , V irg ini a

3 1 133rcl An nu a Co ncl ave, Grand Comma n cle ry o f Knigh ts Te m p ar, Champio n

Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. Begins Term as R. W.

Grand Master of Freemasons in Pennsylvania

B ro Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. of Pi ttsburg h, a retired vice preside nt o f Me ll o n Ba n k, has b een ins ta lled as th e 98th Rig h t Worsh ip fu l G rand Master of th e Grand Lodge o f F ree and Accep ted Maso ns of Pe n nsylvan ia a n d Masonic Ju ri sd ictio n Th ere unto Belo ng ing.

Bro. .Ste nb erg was elected to Freem asomy's h ighes t o ffi ce at the Qu arte rl y Co m muni c ati o n of th e Gra nd Lodg e he ld in Phil adelph ia o n De cemb e r 4. He was in stalled as th e to p leade r of the more than 200 th ousa nd Ma so ns in th e state at the Annual G rand Comm u n icatio n held in Pit ts bu rgh o n D ece mb e r 27

T h e anc ient ce re mony u sed to m ark the b egi n ni ng of th e Grand Mas ter's te rm , when the full a u thority a nd respo ns ib il ity fo r the co nd uc t of the fraterni ty is p lace d in his care, was c onducted a t noon o n th e 27 th in Gothic Hall at th e Masonic Temple in th e O a kland sec tion of Pitts burgh. Th e n ew Grand Mas te r s uccee d s Bro. Will ia m A. Carp e n te r o f Upla n d , w h o

i a

se rve d as G ra nd Mas te r d ur ing 1984 a nd 1985.

Also installed were Bro. AJ.t h u r). Kurtz of Ha rris b urg as the R W. De pu ty G ra nd Master; Bro. W. Scott Sto ner of La n c as te r as R.W. Senior Gra nd Wa rden , and Bro Edward H. Fowler, J r. of Belle Ve rno n , n ea r Pi tt s bu rgh , as R. W. J un io r G ra nd Wa rd e n Bro. Arthur R. D ia m o n d of Je n k intow n was reelec te d th e R. W G ra nd Treasur e r and Bro Th o ma s W. Jackso n of Audu b o n was reelec ted as R.W. G rand Sec r e ta ty.

A Pa st Master o f Wh i teha ll Lodge No 794, Pl e asa nt H ills, All e gh e ny Co ul).ty, a nd a forme r Di s tric t De p u ty Grand Maste r for th e 57t h Masoni c D is tr ict, Bro Stenberg was e lec ted to th e Gra nd Lodge line as R.W. J u n ior Gra nd Warde n in Decem ber o f 198 0 He served as the R. W. Se n ior Gran d Ward e n in 1982 and 1983 a nd as R. W. Deputy G ra nd Mas te r in 1984 a n d 1985. Continued to p age 15.

New Foundation to Combat Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children

Masons Care About Children!

Tha t is th e s logan adopted by the R W Gmnd Mas ter, Bro. Carl W Stenberg, i n officially a n nouncing at the An n u a l Cfi·an d Com m unica tion the f orma tion of th e Pen n syl vania Fou ndation jo t· the Preven tion ofD rug a nd Alco hol Abuse Among Children.

as Ma sons a n d as f a thers an d gmndfath ers, mus t do everything i n our p ower to eliminat e the de struction of lives tha t is the result of d rug and a lcohol the Gra nd Mas ter said, adding, "One out of jive child r en in th is nation is co nfro nted with this devas ta ting p ro ble m Ou r ch ildren a re ourf u t ure a n d i t is our resp onsib ility to p rotect tha t fu t ure "

T h e Pe nnsylva n ia Fo u nda t io n fo r th e

Preven ti on of Dru g and Al co ho l Ab use Amo ng Ch il dre n is b e ing es tab li s hed as a non p ro fi t, tax -e xempt, charitab le o rga niz at io n Th e Gra nd Lo d ge w ill es ta blis h a n endowme nt or tru s t fun d , th e in co m e to be use d to un derw rit e the costs of specific programs di rec ted toward resea rc h a n d the e du ca tion of q ua li fied p e rson s in the fie ld of s u b stance a bu se p revent ion

Con tinu ed to page 8.

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr.

Installed Junior Grand Warden

Bro Edwa rd H. Fowler, Jr. , a m anage r o f a corpo r ate tax d e p an m ent for the Alu m in um Compa ny o f America (ALCOA) in Pittsbu rg h, has b een in stalled as th e Right Worsh i p fu l Ju ni o r Gra nd Warde n of the Grand Lodge of Pe n nsylva ni a.

Bro. Fowler was insta lled as a li ne office r, th e fourt h ra nki ng Mason in the sta te, at th e An n ual Gra nd Comm un ication he ld in Pittsburgh on Dece m be r 27.

A Past Mas te r of Ava lo n Lodge No. 657 in Bell evu e, Bro. Fowler served as th e Dist ri ct Dep u ty Grand Master of th e32nd Mason icD istric t from 1971 to 198 1. He had served as th e Gra n d Swo rd Bearer in 1970 a nd 1971 for the th en Grand Master Hi ram P Ball.

He was bo rn i n Santa Mo ni ca, Califo rni a o n Jun e 28 , 1 932 an d m oved to Pi ttsb u rg h shortly thereafter. He attended p ub lic school in Ro ss Town s hip a n d Wes t View and is a grad u ate o f West View H igh School and the Raben Morr is Bu siness Sc hool, Pittsb urgh . Bro. Fowler se tved in the Un ited States Navy and was ho n o rably d ischarged i n 1953.

An employee of ALCOA fo r mor e th a n 30 years, Bro. Fowler is a m ember o f nu mero us appra isal societ ie s and tax organ iza tio n s. H e has se tved as p res ident o f the I nstitu te of Property Taxat ion a nd as a m ember, s ince 1976 of th e su b com m ittee o n aud its for the Gra n d Lodge Co m m ittee on F inance

He is a member of Be llevue Roya l Arc h Chapter No. 286 and setvecl as Most Excellent Hig h Pri est in 1970; Alleghen y Council No. 28, Royal and Select Master, where he was T h ri ce Ill u strio u s Maste r i n 1983 , and Al leg heny Co m mander No. 35, Knights Tem pl ar, w hi ch he se tved as Eminent Commande r i n 1969 and 1970.

Bro. Fowle r served as the Commander- in-Chief o f the Va lley o f Pittsburg h in 1978 a ncl1979 and was co ronetecl an honorary m ember, 33rd degree , in 1974. He serves as chair m a n of the Cr edent ia ls Co mmi tt e e of the

Seven New District Deputy Grand Masters

Bro. Carl W. Stenbe rg,]r. , R. W. G r an d Master, has ap p ointed seven new District Deputy G rand Mas te rs as follows:

• 1 9 th Masonic Dis tri c t, Bro Josep h W. Ru pe, Jr of Lew istown , a Past Master of Lewistown Lodge No. 203 m e eti n g in Lewistow n

• 25 th Maso ni c D is tri c t, Bro D io Yost of Co n nea u t Lake, a Past Maste r of Pine Lodge No. 498 meeti ng in Li n esvill e

• 3 5th Maso nic Di s tri c t , Bro. John W. Ha ine s, Jr. o f Bento n , a Pas t Master of Benton Lo dge No. 667 meeting in Bento n

• 37 th Maso ni c Di s tri c t , Bro Leona rd K. Ruc kert of F r eedo m , a Pas t Mas ter of Rocheste r Lodge No. 229 meet ing in Rochester.

• 5 0th Maso ni c Di s tri c t, Bro. H omer

Jo n es of Pocono Summit, a Past Master of Pocono Lodge No. 780 meeti ng in Cresco.

• 5 2n d Maso nic D is trict, Bro. Richa rd L. Den ni son of Re ynoldsvill e, a Past Mas ter

Pen nsylvania Co u nci l of D elibe ra t ion

H e is a mem b e r o f Syria Temple , Ancient Arabic Order No b les o f the Mys t ic Sh r ine.

Am ong his othe r Masonic affiliation s is Keys tone Priat) No . 26, K Y.C. H. ; Uni ted States Premier Co nclave, Knights of th e Re el Cro s§ of Constant i ne; G a teway to t h e West Co u nci l No. 5, Knight Ma sons of the U. S.A. ; Go ld e n Triangl e York Rite College No. 3 2 ; York Rite Sove re ign College of Nonh America, and T rans fig urat ion Tabernacle No. XX IX.

Also, Pen nsylvania College, Societas Ros icru ciana in Civita ibus Foe rderat is; the Royal Order of Sco tl and ; Grand Masters Co uncil "A" , All ied Masonic Deg rees; G ra nd College of Rit es of the U.S A ; the Offic e rs and Pas t Co mma n ders Associat io n of Knig h ts Temp lar Divis ion No.2; the J oshua Associatio n of Roya l Arch Masons, and num e ro us Maso n ic resea rch lodges. Bro. Fowler is also a Se n ior DeMalay an d a Past Master Councilor o f th e North Bo rough s Chapte r. He is mar r ied to the former Loi s J ea n Hess and res ides in Bell e Vernon, Fayette County. Th e y a re the pare nts of a so n , Geary O'Ne il, and gra ndpa rents to Geaty Lee O ' Nei l.

My Bre thren :

o f J ohn M. Read Lodge No. 536 meet i ng in Reynoldsville.

• 58 th Maso ni c Di s tri c t , Bro. Rob e rt L.

Dlug e , Jr., o f Elysburg, a Past Mas te r of El ys b u rg Lo dge No. 414 meeting i n Elys bu rg


Pub lication o. USPS 426- 140 I ssu ed Q u ar te rl y February. l\lay August and ovember at the l\ asonic Temple, Phi.ladelphia, Pennsylvania by The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge o f The Most Ancient and H onorab l e Fratern ity o Free and Accepted Masons o f Pennsylvania and Mason c juri sdiction Thereunto Belonging.

G rand Lodge Officers

Carl W Stenberg Jr R. W Grand Master

Arthur J. K u rtz R. W Depu ty Grand Master

W. Sco tt Stoner, R. Senior Grand \ffarden

Edward H Fowler. R. junior Grcmd \'(!arden

Arth u r R Diamon d, R. W Grand Treasurer

Thomas \Yl Jacksol\ R. W Grand Secretary


Melvin S Mund ie Assistant o the GrandMaster

Dis tributi o n Office- Mailing Address


One No nh Broad Phila., Pa 19107

Pos tma s ter:

Send add re ss changes to abo, e

Seco nd Class Postag e Paid at Philadelphia, Pennsylvan ia

Vol. XXA111 Febru ary I 986 o

Grand Master's Inaugural Address

DECEMBER 27,1985

I t is a privilege and h ono r to add ress you fo r tl1e first tim e as Rig h t Worsh ipfu l

Gra n d Master of the Maso ns o f Pe n nsylvan ia I ass ure you that the r e is a deep fee li ng o f g rat it ud e to yo u, my bret h ren , fo r this , the h ig h est h onor w ithi n yo u r powe r ro bestow on a Brothe r Maste r Maso n . I pray tha t the Su pre m e Arc hi tec t of the Un iverse w ill b less me w ith His divine g u idance th at I m ay fu lfill th e d uti es of Gra nd Master and represe n t all Masons in th is jurisd ict io n .

It has b ee n a p leas u re to have ha d the op p ott unil:y to se tve in th e G ra nd Lodge lin e under Right Wors h ip ful Pas t Grand Masters Brothers J oseph E. T rate, Sam ue l C. Williamso n , and Willia m A. Carpenter. T he G rand Lodge of Pe n nsylvania h as been b lessed with o u ts tan d i n g G ra nd Masters over the yea rs and the s tr ength o f Pennsylvania Freemasonry is a las tin g tribute to the ir accomplishments.

Realizing that no o n e ind ivid ua l ca n cany o ut the treme n do us respons ibili tie s of the o ffice o f G ra nd Mas te r alone, I ask for the coope rat ion o f tl1e Past Grand Mas ters, G ran d Lodge Officers, D istrict Deputy G rand Mas ter s, Past and Prese nt Trustees, Co m mittees, Office rs and membe rs of the su b o rd i nate lodges in t h is G ra n d Ju ri sdiction.

H ow g r ate ful I am to th e me m be rs o f m y lodge- Wh itehall Lodge No 794 fo r th eir encourage m e nt an d guidance ove r the years a n d for prov iding th e B ib le w h ic h was used w h en I too k my obli gations fo r th e elected o ffices held in my lodge.

To all o f the An nua l Grand Co m mittee members, toge ther w it h the Gues t Commi tt ee m e m bers w h o have made th is Commu ni cat ion a s uccess, I g ive my s incere than ks

T he past is prolog ue. No orga ni za ti on can e n d u re w ithout proving i ts wo rt h.

Pe ri od icall y, Free m aso n ry must reassess its current positio n i n soc iety and red efi n e its n ecessa ty role in th at soc iety.

Neve r i n th e h istory of manki nd has the pri nc ip les and ideals ofMasonry bee n so imponant, and yet we have b een s ubject to public c ritic is m and even ind iffe rence amo ng our me m be rs. If masonry is to exist in the 21s t ce ntury, we must b e -

come an aggre ssive a n d vital force to th e p eop le o f this n a tio n How do we do this?

Masons must b e lieve in a nd b e fa ith ful to th e princ ip les of Fre em aso n ry, b e vis ible a nd aid th e ir fellow man You w ill determ in e t he ro le a nd scope o f m asonry i n the 2 1st cent ury.

I h ave ide nt ified two ma jor lo n gte rm p ro jects whic h w ill a ddress th ese


( 1) d ru g an d a lco ho l ab us e a m o n g c hildr e n

( 2) expa ns ion of Solomon II.

I want to bri e fly o utli ne so me ma jo r poi nts of these projec ts . . . b ut I s tress that th e exis tenc e of any projec t w ill n ot solve th e proble m. Yo ur act ive suppo n and in volveme nt is absolu tely critic al to o u r s ucc ess.

T he G ra nd Lodge of Pe n n sylva ni a has bee n selected by the Confere nce o f G ra n d Masters o f Masons in North Am e r ica to co n d uct a p ilot p rogra m co ncerni ng th e prevent ion of dr ug and alco h o l abuse among c hil d ren It is an ticipated, based o n the s uccess to date, that thi s may beco m e a n a ti o n a l model. O ur p an ners in th ese endeavors incl ud e th e Penosylva ni a De p an m ems o f Ed uca ti on a nd Heal th. Our s logan is" Maso n s care fo r c h ildren. " What s uccess has b een reali ze d so fa r?

T here have already bee n three se min ars for Juvenile Court judges to p rovide a foru m for th e m to share ideas; w e fu lly unde twr ite th e p ubli cat ion costs of "Today's Delinq uent" w hi ch is d istributed fr ee of charge to every juve nile and fa mily coun judge, every law school a n d interes ted social wo rkers, and, we have s po nso red teac hi ng seminars at Patto n Campus for the Penn sylvania De p artment o f Ed u cati on Ove r 250 school professio n a ls have attended to learn to cope w i th the inc reasing drug and alco ho l p ro b le m s oftoday's yo uth.

Where w ill we go from he re? We w ill continue o ur current i nvolvement and wi ll expa nd our scope to u nde twr ite prog r ams wh ic h d irect ly be n e fi t c hil dre n w h o are from a n affected ho m e o r who a re the mse lves a ffected by alco h o lism o r d rug abuse These ch il dren , ages 5 to 14 , who a re alco ho li cs and/ o r d ru g addic ts, w ill rece ive co u nse li ng a t Gateway Rehabilitation Cente r in Aliquipp a, the Ca ro n

Fo und at io n in Wernersville, The B r idge in Philadelph ia a nd the Brig hto n Woods Tre a tme n t Ce nter in Pittsburg h In ad di ti o n , we w ill fund a sc hola rs hip program to m ake possible e xte nd e d graduate tra ining fo r profe ss ionals in the field , a nd fo r resea rc h.

To insure th e long-term progra m co ntinu a nc e, w e h ave establis he d th e Pe nnsylva ni a Fou n da ti on fo r Preventio n of D rug and Al co ho l Abu se Amo ng Children. The inco m e fro m th e fo undati o n w ill be u sed to fund m aj or '\esear c h proj e cts, educ at e pro fess io n a ls a nd su pport the co un seling activiti es for th e childre n My Brothers, the n eed is stagg ering You fa thers and g ra nd fa thers mus t acc e pt tl1e c halle nge to cure thi s dreadful di se ase; yo ur Gra n d Lodge is accep ting th e challe n ge. Let s prove th at Pe nnsylva ni a Maso n s care fo r c hildre n I am com mitt e d to the local Lodge I ass ure yo u o f m y s up po rt a nd g uidan ce to make o ur sy mb olic lo d ges stro nge r s ince yo u are the b ackb one o f th e Masonic frate rni ty. We h ave ju st fin ished com plete rev is ions of the D is tric t Dep u ty G ran d Mas ters' Ha nd boo k a n d the Lodge Office rs' Ha ndbook T hese books w ill b e d is tri b u te d at tomorrow's D istr ic t De p u ti es mee ti ng du ri ng w h ich I w ill review t he goa ls a nd po licies of my ad min istra ti o n . To e nh a n ce th e co mmuni ca tio n p rocess regard ing curre nt Masoni c eve n ts, I am ple ase d to a nn o unce th a t you w ill b e able to c all th e G ran d Lodge 8 00 tele pho n e n umb e r fo r a reco rd e d m essage c oncerning the Gra nd Mas te r's itinerary, p rogra ms a nd s p ec ial eve n ts. I loo k forward to s h aring my plan s w ith e ach o f you w h e n the new lines an d e qui p m e nt a re installe d. I e nco u rage fa mily ac tivities a nd interest ing m e mb e r p rogr a m s. I enco urag e co m m uni ty p romina n ce th ro u g h high vis ibili ty servic e prog ra m s. I e n co u rage the Wors hi p ful Masters to create an atmosp h e re o f co mrad es hi p a nd to invo lve all m embe rs in lodge ac tivities I enco urage e ac h individ ual Maso n to re fle c t o n o ur fra te rn al p hilosophies and to co n s ide r how t h ey integ r a te t h ese ideals into th e co ndu c t o f th e ir da ily live s. We mus t b e Maso ns every d ay, all the tim e ... not jus t in Lodge.

Continued to fo llowing page. 3

Grand Master's Inaugural Address

Continued from preceding page 3.

My adm ini stra tion 's goals and my thoughts are consistent with th e spirit of Solomon II . . . the rebu ilding of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania. My commitment to this spi rit will be evidenced by not only continuing this project, but by also making any appropriate modifi cations so it achieves its goa l Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Arthur]. Kurtz has agre ed to add his energy and support to this project by pledging to ca r ry i t through 1989. The Grand Lodge is committed .. . but you a ls o must commit

through full participation in your Lodge activities so this program w ill be as successful as possible in Pennsylvania. And now, my brethren, I enter upon my duties with confidence and high ho pes; I pray that the Supreme Architect of the Universe w ill bless me with His divi ne guidance tha t I may fulfill the duties of Grand Master and rep resent all Masons in this jurisdiction trusting, with the humble prayer, that a ll we say and all we do will be pleasing in Hi s sight. So mo te it be .

Communications Schedule for 1986-87

Co m munications o f th e G rand Lodge o f Pennsylvania will be held for the most part in the Maso nic Templ e in Ph il adelphia during 1986 and 1987. The excep tion s w ill b e the June Qua rterly Communication in 1987 that is expected to b e held in P it tsburgh and the Annual Grand Communication in 1987 tentative ly sc hedul e d for Hershey

The March QuanerlyCommun ication (Wednesday, Marc h 5, 1986) a nd the June Quarterly Communication (We dnesday, Jun e 4, 1986) w ill b e held in Corinthian Hall at the Maso ni c Templ e in Philadelphia. Both m eet ings w ill beg in promptly at 7:00p.m.

A departure from th e n ormal sc h edule w ill take p lace in September 1986 w hen a special communication w ill be s ubstitut e d for the nor m a l quarterly co mmu nicat ion

Grand Master Ca rl W. Stenberg has called a special communication for Friday, Jun e 26 , 1986 in honor of the 200th ann iversary o f th is Grand Lodge's independen ce from the Mother Grand Lodge , th e Grand Lo dg e of England. (See the report co n ce rnin g the adoption o f new legis lation o n page 14 )

The December Quarterly Commu nicat io n of th e G rand Lodge w ill convene at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Decembe r 3, 1986, again in Corinthian Ha ll a t the Maso nic Temple in Philadelphi a The March Quane rl y Com m u n ication

Seven Are Created Past District Deputy Grand Masters

Bro. Arthur W. Buzzard , Masonic District D, a Past Master of Meridian Sun Lodge No. 158 in Philadelphia, setvecl as Di s tri ct Deputy Gran d Mas ter for ten yea rs.

Bro. John P. Henry, Jr. , 19 th Masonic Dis tr ict, a Past Master of Union Lodge No. 324 in Mifflintown, setved as District Deputy Grand Mas ter for 11 yea rs.

arrangements for 1987 will mirror those established for the meeting o n Wednesday, March 4.

The June Quanerly Communication , however, w ill be held in the Grand Master 's ho me a r ea in Pittsb u rgh at the Masonic Temple in the Oakland section of the city. The exact time of the mee t ing and related events w ill be posted as we move close r to June 3, 1987.

Anothe r depanure in no rma l sc hedu le w ill be accomp li shed in September of 1987 w he n the Grand Lodge w ill joi n th e nat io n in celebrati ng the 200th anni ve rsaty of the Constitut io n a l Convention that was held in the City of Brotherly Love Grand Master Stenberg will call a s p ecial me e ting of the G rand Lodge on T hursday, September 17 , 1987 in p lace ofWednes day, September 2.

The December Quarterly Communicatio n fo r 198 7 wi ll b e he ld at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia at 10:00 a. m. on Wednesda y, Decembe r 2.

The Annual Grand Com municati o n is tentatively schedule d for 10:00 a m on Monday, December 28 , 1987 in Founders Hall on the grounds of the Milton S He rs hey School for Boys in Hershey.

Al l communicati o n s of the Grand Lodge are open to Master Masons. Yo u d o not h ave to be a membe r o f th e Grand Lod ge to attend. All that is required is a cu rre nt clues card

Youth Foundation Sponsors Public Speaking Program

The Pennsylvania Youth Founda tion is mak ing a unique leadership training program available to the yo ung men and wo m en of DeM o la y, Rain b ow for Girls a nd Job 's Daughters.

" How to Master the Art of Public Speaking" is a special SOLOMON II o utreach program for th e yo uth groups developed by Dean Va ugh n Lea rning Systems, Inc. in cooperation w i th th e Pe nnsylvan ia Youth Founda tion. Dean Vaug hn Learning Syste m s a re being used da ily b y more than 4,000 academic and business institutions in th is country a n d abroad in teaching a wide range of s ubj ects wit h unpre cedented s uccess

The prog ra m b e ing offered th rough the Pennsylva ni a Youth Foundation applies th e scie nc e of memmy to the an of pu bli c s p ea king an d speec h communi cat ion

Bro. RobertS. Wolverton, 35th Masonic District, a Pas t Master o f Mahoning Lodge No. 516 in Dan v ille, setvecl as District Deputy Grand Maste r for ten yea rs.

Bro. Robert A Pate , 37 th Masonic Distr ict, a Past Master o f Woodlawn Lodge No 672 in Aliquippa, se tvecl as District Deputy Grand Maste r for 11 years.

Bro. Willard W. Waltz, 50th Masonic Di s tri ct, a Past Mas te-r of Manoques y Lodge No 4 13 in Bath , se tve cl as District Deputy Grand Mas te r for s ix years.

Bro. Richard A Slaughenhoupt, 52ncl Masonic Dist r ict, a Past Master of Parker C ity Lodge No. 521 in Parke r, setvecl as Di strict Deputy Grand Maste r fo r 11 years.

Bro. W illia m A C lar k, 58th Masonic Dist ri ct, a Past Master of El ys burg Lodge No. 414 in Elysburg, se tvecl as District Deputy Grand Master fo r e ig h t years.

Bro. W. J ack Yates , a Past Master of Lodge No. 408 in Mead ville, h ad bee n created a Pas t District Deputy Grand Master in 198 1 by vinu e of 10 yea rs setvice, but was re call ed to active s tatu s in the fall of 1984.

A brochure designed to introdu ce the program to the leaders and members of the DeMolay chapters, Rainbow asse mblies and job 's D aughters' b ethe ls in Pe nnsylva ni a, desc ribe s the abili ty to effect ive ly com munic a te an idea to an individual or an aud ie nce as the most va lu able lea rned skill in h uman relations.

It de s c ri bes th e ab ility to pers uade and convince o th ers as one of the vital keys to success, even mo re impo n a nt th a n a perso n s tech ni ca l abili ty.

B ro. Sam u e l C. Wi lli amson , who establi shed the Pennsylva nia Youth Foundat io n wh il e se tving as G rand Maste r in 1982 and 1983, sa id the new public s peaking program will h e l p the fo unda ti o n ful fill its m ission.

" Our job as a foundation is to e x pose th ese yo un g people to programs and acti vities that wi ll he lp th e m to become leaders , to help them reach th e ir potential," Past Grand Master Wi Ui am so n sa id.

" Our G rand Lodge has pledged its s upp ort to th e Mason ic-re lated yo u t h groups as an inves tm ent in th e future ," Bro. William son con tinu ed, adding, "This publi c s p eak ing course w ill give ou r yo uth the ab ility to speak clearly a nd with co nfidence. It w ill gi ve them a unique a nd vital ski ll th a t will be a g rea t advantage to them for the res t of their li ves. "

" How to Master the Ar t o f P ubli c Spea kin g " is a v ideo -casse tte training program d es ig ned fo r grou p ins tru ct io n.

It includ es e igh t video cassettes a nd an ins u·uctor's guide and will b e used to u·ain the present m embe rs o f a chapte r, bethel or asse mbl y, then used tim e and again as new me mb e rs come into the organ ization eac h yea r.

After view ing the video portion of th e program, eac h studen t uses a pe rsqnal kit fo r self-paced s tudy a t home. T h e personal kit includes eig h t audio lessons, a hardbound text for read i ng a nd future reference, a learning guide with practice exerc is es, a nd a speec h book w ith pre-printed memmysys tems to be u sed in organi z ing speec hes for presentation.

The You th Founda ti on h as acqui red exclusive rights to the trainin g program and w ill mak e it ava ilabl e at cos t to eac h local chap te r assembl y o r be th el. The indiv idual kit fo r self-p aced learning w ill also be made ava il <ibl e through the foundat ion at cos t.

Once the s tud ents le arn to apply the sc ience of m e m ory to th e an of public s peakin g, they need a forum in which to practice th e ir new skills and ga in experience

To th at end, the Pennsylva nia You th Foundation will spo nso r a series of public speak ing co mp et itio ns fo r the orga nizations and indiv idual s registered for the program

T he competi ti on w ill be held at the local, reg ional and sta te leve ls wi th the organizations rece iving recognition and awa rd s and with ind ividuals r eceivi ng recognit io n , awards and scho lars hip assista nce.

The program is schedu led to b e in pl ace ea rl y in 1986. Al l interested persons are in vi ted to co nta ct the offices of the Pennsylva nia Youth Foundat io n a t 1244 Bainbridge Road, Eli zabe thtow n , PA 17022.

New Foundation to Combat Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children

Continued from preceding page 1.

Grand Master Sten berg has aut h orized the use of lodge fund s for contributions to the fund and will welcome like tax deductible co ntribu tio ns from individua l Masons and int erested p ersons and o rganizations The Grand Lodge w ill so licit th e suppo rt o f all the bodi es in the Masonic family in this important endeavor. Several su b s tanti al contributions to the foundation have already been received or pledged by individuals and Masonic lodges.

Specific programs in keeping with the missi on of the foundation will be guided by a new committee, the Grand Lodge Committee on D rug and Alcohol Abuse Pre vention . Grand Master Stenberg has appointed Bro. Hiram P. Ball, R.W. Pa st Grand Master, as th e Chairman of the committee (photo) and the fo ll owing as members:

Bro Robert D. H anson, Esquire, a Past Master of Euclid Lodge No. 698 in Harris bu rg Bro. Ha rold A Dunkelberger, clergyman, educato r, Grand Lodge Chaplain and a member o f Eureka Lodge No. 302 in Mechan icsburg

Brother Maurice B. Coh ill , Jr. , United States Distric t Judge, the We s tern District of Pennsylvan ia , and a mem be r of BetaDuquesne Lodge No. 546 in Penn Hills.

itselfwith programs

s tudents at the sa m e time as they are dealing with inappropriate beha vior caused by inappropriate d ru g use.

Student Ass is tance Programs a re si milar in concept to Emp loyee Assistance Programs operated for years in bus iness and industry. The first o f so me 20 such programs now unde1way in th e state was begun in 1982 in wes tern Pennsylva nia. When the Pennsylvania Department of Education expanded the program to cenu·al and eastern Pen nsylva nia, it was to include only four additional school d istricts for 1985. But with the ass istance fro m the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia, d1e program has been expa nded to include 25 of the sta te's sc ho o l districts.

A series of photograph s on t hese pages o f The Pennsylvania F1·eemason are fro m the first s e ssio n condu c ted this past s ummer at the Patto n Campus.

Dr. Kay Wright.

age five to 14. It will build on the experie n ce already gained through th e Grand Lodge o f Pennsylvania's association w ith the Natio nal Center for Juven ile Justice, the Pennsylva nia Department o f Ed ucation , and the Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh.

The Grand Lodge, for the past five years, has been providing fac ilities and services at th e Masonic Conference Center, Patton Campus, Eliza b ethtown for se minars fo rJu ven ileJudges and has paid th e costs of pub lish ing Today s Delinquent, an annual compi lation of all r esearch b e ing done concerning juvenile de linquency th at is d istributed nati ona lly. A co mmitment has already been mad e to continue a program begun in 1985 in coope ration with the Pennsylvania Department of Education that again provides room and b oa rd at the Masonic Con ference Ce nter for school te ac h ers w h o are being taught to identify stude n ts who are hav ing problems in schoo l because o f drug and alcohol abuse and refer them fo r help.

This St udent Assistance Program is conducted by Department of Ed u cat ion personnel. It is described as an interventi on, n ot a treatment p rogra m in that it provides a way for school officials to help

alcoholism as an illn ess; to help them feel less isolated and g uil ty (" I am not alone, a nd I didn't cause m y pa rent's alcoho lism. "); to provide a positive expe ri ence a t a traumatic tim e in the ch ild s life, and to help them fee l positive about d1emselves.

IThe commi ttee, in anticipating d1e use of fund s that will be fort hc om ing whe n the nat ure and scope o f the foundation is understood and individual Masons and lodges p ledge financi a l s upport, has already developed a nu m be r of programs that will b egin early in 1986.

The Gateway Rehabilitation Center is using a grant from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania to counse l ch ildren who live in h o m es w here o ne or both parents is a n alcoholic.

Because o f th e in volvement of the Masons ofPennsylvania, the center is able to offer programming to ch ildre n eve1y o ther week instead of once a month and has expanded its s upport in se p arate programmi ng to children eight to 1 2 a nd 13 to 16 yea rs of age.

The center li sts a numb er of goals for the ch ildren under its ca re: to g ive them bas ic, age-appropriate infor mati on abo ut

Among them is the Caron Foundation, wh ich is the first group in d1e nation to provide inpat ient treaunent for adult child ren of alcoholics, operating out of Wernersvi ll e, PA; The Bridge, a therapeut ic center at Fox Chase near N.E. Philadelphia tha t specializes in working with recovering adolescents who have exper ienced serio us dr ug and alcoho l pro blems, and the Brighton Woods Treatment Center, which, through its Three Rivers Che mi cal Abuse outpatient se1vice wo rks with adolescents and ad ults.

Th e valuab le associations with the Nationa l Center fo r Juven ile Jus tice, th e Pennsylvania Depanment of Education, and th e Pennsylvan ia Department of Health w ill be mainta ined a nd expa nded whe re practical.

Specific details about each of th e 1986 programs will be reported in The Pennsylvania Freemason as they develop.

In the m eantime, the Grand Master has asked the Maso ns of Pe nn sylvania to give thei r support to the Pennsylvania Fou ndati o n fo r the Prevention o f Dr ug andAlco h o lAbuseAmo ng Child ren. You r financial s u p p ort is pan ic ularly ne eded as the foundati o n is d eve loped.

You a re invited to send contr ib utions to the fou ndati o n in care o f d1 e Office of the Grand Maste r , Masonic Temp le , One Nonh Broad Stree t, Philad e lphia, PA 19107 Checks ca n be made out to the Pennsylvania Fou ndati on, PD&M as a m atter of co nvenience . The Grand Master is prepari ng s p ecial means of recognizing contributions a nd gifts. Each contribu ti o n w ill be acknowledged.

Anyo ne requir ing additional infonnation is in vited to wr i te to the Office of the Grand Mas te r or to c a ll ( 215) 988 -1920.

Mrs. Luceille Fleming.
The co mmittee w ill concern
Sandra Morgan & Staff Left to rig ht: Sandra Morgan, Pat DiRienzo, Lany Newman, Tom Steckar, Co llen Tatanishheim, and Dr. john Meerbach, Chief Director of Student Services.

Lodge o. 2

Bro Ch arl es A j o hnson and Frede ri ck c hmid Jr., P.M.

Lo dge No. 6 1

Bro. G u y K.. Williams, P.M.

Lo dge 1 o. 62

Bro. Gordon G Sch wambach, P M.

Pot t er Lodge No. - 2

Bros E Waldron KJ osp e rman and

Grand Master's Award


Goddard Lodge To. 383

Bros es e T. m.ith, P M and Franklin D T ru mbo wer, P M

t- cCa ndless Lo d ge 1o. 390

Bro j o hn Beeman P M

H on e U Lo dge o. 405

B r o Pe r cy j. \ '\f eller, P.M.

\VI. K. Bray Lodge l o. 410

B r o Ru sse ll I. Smith, P M

Alfred E vend en P M Lo dge o 413

B r os. Harri son R. Kline, Jr., H e rmann Lodge 125

B r o Hans J Bayer and A bert]. Rasch. P M

Chandle r Lodge • o 227

Bro G u y B Bierman,

Solo mon Oa kl and Fratern in·

Lodge o. 23 1

B ros Myron J Be rm an, P M and Alexand er E B lum enthal P M

G eo rge \X B artran1 Lodge No. 298

Bro. H. Ra}mond Morrison P.M .

Po nl and Lodge 3 11

Bro Pau T. Hartze l l P M

Lodge N o. 33.2

Bro Stuart L Thomas. P.M.

Skerrett Lodge No. 343

B r os john C. Evans, P.M. and John C. Evans, ll, P M

Oxford Lodge No 353

Bros. Richard L Dikeman, P.M and Owen W Hastings. P M .,

Teutonia Lodge No 367

Bros. Rudolph G Anke, P M., Carl R Derr, P.M., Paul R Diller, P.M., William W. Kiefer P M and Hans Weiser, P.M

Pau l H Sil vius. P.M , W iU ar d W Waltz, P M. and D D G M

50 th Masonic Distr c t

Nento w n Lodge 1 o . f2 7

Bros Leroy C. Edwards and H owa rd E. Vaug h an, P.M

St. Jo hn's Lodge No. 435

Br o W illiam H L en ge l I I. P M

l\'anhoe Lodge No. 449

Bros W ill iam C. Jami eson P M and Charl es Price

:'\am i cok e Lodge No. 541

Bro Albert G Dunn, P M

CoateS\ ille Lodge N o. 564

Bros. Wi lliam P Cox, P M and W Frank Ware

Bangor Lodge No 565

Bros Pau l H Keiser , P.M.•

Steph en T Moosch, P M and David H Repsher, P.M

Keystone Lodge No 569

Bro Robert]. Schnader, P.M

King Solomon Lodge No. 584

Bro E. Stewart Milner, P.M.

Oriental Star Lodge No. 588

Bros. George Paolucci, P.M. and Kenneth W Vanwert, P.M

Pen Argy Lo dge To. 594

Bro. james Carb o ne, P M

Gree n Ridge Lodge o. 597

Bro We s ey G. B epp er, P M

G rove C ty Lodge r o. 603

Bros. Dona d W B r own , P M , Clyde A Moore, P.M , Ea r l R. Smith, P.M. and Clyde 0 Walter

Wh i t field Lo d ge o. 622

Bro. Arthur C. F. Karch, P.M

Conco rd Lodge To. 625

Bro. Geo rge D Keeth, P M

am es Sim pson Africa Lodge o. 6 28

Bro D o nald R. C lifton P.M. and Secretary

T e mple Loyalty Lodge No. 678

Bro jerome P MiUer, Sr. , P.M

T r ini ty Lodge o. 736

Bros Alex Lengyel

Milan M. Tomich, P M and Stephen Y u rcso, Jr., P.M .

Brotherhood Lodge :-.lo ...,6 2

Bro Theodore Lazar, P.M

King Da\·i d Lodge N o. 1 63

Bro. Hugh E Williams, Jr., P M

Fairless HiUs Lodge No. 776

Bros. Warren F. Bietsch, P.M., Diran Mardirossian, P.M. and james H Steigerwalt, P M.

Pocono Lodge No 780

Bro. Randy D. Rutheiford. Sr., P M.

Cedar Lodge No 800

Bros. Olarles A Feydo, P M , Harold C. Jamison, P.M and Wayne F. Wagner

Members Elected To Committee On Masonic Homes

Th e elected members of d1e Grand Lodge Co mmittee on Masonic Homes did not cha n ge for 1986 as the foll ow ing were ree lected at the Qua n erly Commu nicati o n h eld i n Philadelphia on December 4 , 1985:

• Bro . W al te r B Wilson of Carlisle, a m em b er o f Eure k a Lodge No. 302 in Mechanicsburg.

• Bro . P. T homas Feeser of Schuyl k ll Haven, a member of Page Lodge No. 270 in Sch u ylkill H aven

• B ro Ri ch ar d M. Wilson of Mansfie d , a member of Lewisville Lodge No 556 in U ysses.

• Bro. Kenneth E. Thompson of New Wilmington, a member of Wilmingto n Lodge No. 804 in New Wilmington

• Bro. Guy E Walker of Somerset, a member of Somerset Lodge No. 358

• Bro. John]. Taylo r of Fai rview, a member of Lake Erie Lodge No. 347 i n Girard

• Bro Samuel C. Williamson, R.W Past Grand Mas ter, a resident of Pi tc airn Borough and a m ember of T y rian Lodge N o 61 2 in Level Green.

TI1e Grand Lodge line officers and the Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretaty are also members of t he Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes as dictated b y the Abiman Rezon

The only change in committee membership was caused b y the change in the Grand Lodge line when Bro Edward H. Fowl er, Jr. takes a seat on the committee as R W. junior G r and W arden and B ro. William A Carpenter g ives up a seat as the immediate R.W Past Grand Mas ter.

Bro Arthu r ]. K urtz, R.W. Deputy Grand Master, was el ected chairman of the Homes com mittee for 1986 during the meeting o f the Comm ittee on M asonic Homes held at Elizabethtown on December 6, 1985

Master Build ers as of December 1, 1985



E. SI MPSON Lodge No. 747 Lodge N o. 256 Lodge No. 336

CHARLES M. BROSGOL PAUL H HAYD'F JAN B STINER, SR. Lodge No. 509 Lo dge No. 440 Lodge No. 397


DAVID A CARLOCK JAMES B. LEFEVER I SADORE S1ROM Lodge No. 725 Lodge No. 156 Lo dge No 25 4


Lodge N o 793 Lodge No 720

Lodge No. 569


Lodge No. 002 Lodge No. 682 Lodge No. 7 58

MARWIN R CUMMINGS VASIL P M i fWLOFP JO H N L. TAGLIEBA, SR. Lo d ge No. 373 Lodge N o 775 Lodge No 254


Lodge No 504 Lodge No 398 Lodge No 698


Lodge No 436 Lodge N o 730 Lodge No. 687


Lodge No 276 Lodge No 575

Lodge No. 608


Lodge N o 435

Lodge No. 227

Lodge No. 265


Lodge N o. 292

Lodge No. 681

Lodge No 799


Lodge No 641

Lodge N o. 709

Lodge No. 26 5


An exclusive invitation to members of the Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania ( see next pageJ London s teeped in hi story, familiar trad it io ns and he ri tage, w h e r e yo u ca n e n joy Big Ben, Bu c king ham Palace, Wes tmin ste r Abb ey, and m o r e.

8 days/ 7 nights

Bos ton & New York Departure Departing on june 9 , 1986

Your British Isles & Ireland Vacation Includes:

• Round trip jet transportation v ia Nor thwes t Orien t or British Caledo nian Airlines scheduled service with in-flight meal and beverage service.

• H o tel accommodations for 7 nights a t London's s uperior first-class Tower Hotel.

• Round trip transportation and baggage handling between airport and hotels ( except through customs areas).

• TI1e opportunity to purchase a dining plan.

• Complimentary info rm at ive briefing abou t your complete tour.

• A city sightseeing t our of Londo n

• Pre-registration at yo ur h o tel.

• All fligh t r eservations an d tickets prepared in adva n ce.

• Welcome par ty.

• The opportunity t o p urch ase a var iety of op ti onal to urs a t each of your trip destinations.

• Taxes and tips for services a t yo ur h ote ls include d in the prog ram ( hotel tax es, bellme n, c hambe rm aids, h o tel stafi).

• A hospitality desk at yo ur hotel staffed by a T ra n s Na tional Travel representative.

• Complete travel a nd to u rist information maile d to eac h passenger, including baggage ta gs, itinerary and travel tips prior to departure.

• Special Maso nic b anqu et for Petmsylvania G rand Lo dge members.

Travel Program to Benefit

New Pennsylvania Foundation

Th e Grand Lodge ofPennsylvania will spo nsor a vacat ion u·avel program fo r 1986 in coopera ti on w ith Trans Na ti o n al T ravel of Bosto n that will benefit the new Pennsylvania Foundation for th e Prevention of Drug and Alcoho l Abuse Among Children

Trans Nati o n a l, o ne of t he nation's la rg es t tra vel companies and the one m os t experienced in wo r king w ith Masonic organ iza tions , has b een associated w ith the Grand Lodge o f Pennsylvan ia in the past.

T he firm e scorted more t han 1,800 Maso ns and friends to England in 1976 and more th an 1,200 to Switze rland in 1978. A s imilar p rogra m was co nducted in limited fa s hi o n for t he Pe nn sylvan ia

Youth Fo und at ion in 198 2 w he n a lmost $20,000 was raised

"Vacation trave l a t reduced, g roup

ra tes is a g reat financia l ba rg ai n, but to add the opportunity to co ntribute to th e vit al work of the Pennsylva ni a Fou nd at ion can make a vac ation exper ience d o u b ly rewarding," sa id Grand Master Ca rl W Ste nberg, Jr.

T he initial offerin g o f t hi s uniqu e u·ave l progra m is a specia l vaca tion to the British Is les. Eigh t days a nd seve n nights in London can have speci al s ign ifica n ce in t his yea r w hen the Gr an d Lodge of Penncelebra tes the 200th a n nive rsmy of its inde pendence, declared o n Septe mb er 26, 1876, from th e Mother Gra nd Lodge, the G ran d Lodge of England. There is also th e op p o rtunity to add six more nights, in Ca rdiff, Wales a nd G lasgow, anothe r six nights in Li m erick and Dublin, Irela nd. Th e Londo n tr ip, w i th depart u res

from Boston , Miam i, New York, Phil ade lph ia, a n d HatTis burg, de p arts o n June 9, 1986 and return s June 17.

Those w ho add th e additiona l time in Wales a nd Scotla nd will return on June 23 a nd those taking ad va ntage of the full program by ad ding Ire land wi ll return o n June 29.

Speci fi c deta il s on tl1e su m mer travel program are contai ned on p ages 12 a nd 13 of t his issue of Tb e Pe nnsylvania Freemason.

T he seco nd ph ase of th e 1986 plan is a tri p in October to Sw iss Bavar ia . Plan s are incomple te at this time but d epartures a re sc heduled o n Sun days beginning o n October 5.

Full details of the fa ll travel program w ill b e covered in th e May iss u e.

Legislation Adopted at December Quarterly Communication

Th ree proposed ame n d m ents to t he Abiman Rez on were a d op te d b y the m em b ers o f t h e Gra nd Lodge b y vo ice vote at th e Quarterly Co mmuni ca ti o n he ld in Philad elp hia o n December 4, 1985.

Ar ticl e 8.01 was a m ended to a ll ow th e G ran d Master to s ubs titute an ex tra o r special co m m uni cat ion for the quarterly co mmuni cations of t he Gra nd Lodge normally h e ld o n t he first Wed n esdays in Marc h , Ju ne and Septe mb e r.

The adopt ion of the amend m ent paves t he way for tl1e R W. Grand Mas ter, Bro. Carl W. Stenb erg, Jr. , to m ove the elate o f th e G r and Lo d ge meeting in Septe m be r o f 1986.

Friday, September 26, 1986 marks the 200t h ann ive rsary of a m ee ti ng of 13 di ffe re nt lodges in Philadelph ia w hen it was d ec id ed to fo rm the Gra nd Lodge ofPennsylva ni a, in depe nd e nt of th e Grand Lo d ge of England.

Grand Mas ter Stenbe rg w ill take adva ntag e o f the new legislation to call a s p ec ia l com munica tion of the Gra nd Lodge to be he ld at tl1e Maso ni c Te m p le in Philad e lp hia on Septe m b e r 26, 1986 in place of the Septem b er Quarte rly Communi ca ti on that wo uld have bee n held on September 3 , 1986.

The seco nd re solu t io n to b e adop ted

b y th e G ra n d Lodge invo lves Articl e 17 .31 of the Ahiman Rezon a nd adds tl1e lo d ge roo m in th e lower level of the W illi am A Ca rpenter Chapel at the Masonic Confere nce Center, Patton Camp us , Elizabethtown to tl1e list of pla ces where tl1e lo dges, w i th the necess ary approva ls fo r sc h edu ling pu tposes, e tc., ca n hold m ee tin gs and co n fer de g rees u p on ca ndi da tes.

Lodges have enjoyed a li ke privilege for years at the Masonic Te m p le in Phil ade lphia; t h e lodge roo m at th e Geo rge Washington Maso nic Na ti o n a l Memo ri al Association in Alexandria, Virg inia, and t he lodge roo m in the temp le at the Mason ic Ho mes a t Eliza b ethtown.

The thi rd and fin al resolu tion adopted at the December Quarterly Co m m uni cati o n c h anged Anicle 17.29 o f theAbiman Rezon in requ iring th at fees for initiat ion and admissio n to me mb e rs h ip be not less than the amo unt of $25.

Of that amount, $25 is to b e p laced in the p erma n ent fun d o f the lodge. T he leg is lat io n h as the effect o f r e q u iring a ll lodges to establi s h a pe rm a nent fund . A per m a nent fu nd is a re s tri cted fu nd in th at p ri ncipal ca nn ot b e di s tri buted witho ut th e approva l of th e G ra n d Mas ter. Th e fund was designed as a mean s o f se ttin g as id e a s uffici e nt am o unt o f a n ew m em-

Carl StenbergJr. Begins Term

Continued from preceding page 1

Born in Sew ic kl ey, PA in 1916 , th e Grand Mast e r ha s been a resident o f Wh ite h a ll Borough , P itts burgh s in ce completing mili taty s etvice wi tl1 rhe Uni ted Sta tes Army in 1946.

Ed ucated in the pu b li c schools of tl1e C ity o f Pittsburgh, he is a gradua te o f rh e University of Pitts burgh.

2 , a nd Pittsburg h Commanclety No. 1.

Grand Master Appoints Aides

be r's initia l fees at the beginn in g of his Masonic ca r ee r so th a t the so lve n cy of the lodge, so far as it re la tes to th e finan c ial o b ligat ions assu m ed fo r eac h m ember, is p rotected for the fu ture.

More th an h alf the lodges in the sta te already require initiation and m embers h ip fees in excess of$175 and w ill not b e affected by th e leg islati o n except fo r t h e t ransfer o f $25 to t he permanent fund


( Act of Oct 23 , 1962: Section 4 369 Title 39, Unit ed States Code)

Febru ary 1, 1985 The Pennsylva nia Freemason: pub li shed quarte rl y at Maso ni c Temple, One North I3road Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Pub lisher: The Right Worship ful Grand Lodge o f the Most Ancien t and Ho no rab le Fratern ity of Free and Accepted Maso ns of Penns ylva ni a. Editor: Melvin S. Mun die. Owne r: Th e Ri g ht Worsh ipfu l Grand Lodge o f the Mos t Ancient and Ho no rable Fraternity of Free and Ac · cepted Maso ns o f Pe nn sylva nia. Known bond-hold ers, none. No advertis ing handled. Free dis tri b uti o n averages 205 ,000 eac h quarter l certif) that the state me nts mad e by me are co rrect and co mpl ete: Mel vin S Mundie, Editor.

An active civic leade r, G rand Maste r Stenberg setved as the treasurer of t h e Baldwin-Wh itehall Schools fo r 25 yea rs. He is an Eagle Scou t and se tve cl as a Neig hb or hood Commiss ioner fo r th e Boy Sco u ts of America fo r many yea rs . H e is a past p re s ident of the Whi teha ll Athletic Associatio n and h as setved as an adv isor to Te m p le Chap te r, Order of DeMola y. B ro. Sten b erg is a member of t he Baldwin Community United Me th o d ist Ch urch whe re h e has se tvecl as a t rustee a nd on seve ra l ch ur ch committees. The Grand Mas ter was Wors hipfu l Master o f Whi tehall Lo dge No. 794 in 1966; was e lected a Trustee o f the lodg e i n 1967 an d its Re pr esen tative in rh e Gra nd Lodge fro m 1968 t hroug h 1979.

He is a member of Crafton Roya l Arch Chapter No 312; Mt. Mor iah Chapter No

G rand Maste r Sten b e rg is a me m ber o f t he Scotti s h Ri te Bodies of th e Valley of Pitts burg h, prese ntly serv in g as a Trus tee, and is a Past T h ri ce Pote nt Mas te r of tl1e Gourgas Lodge of Pe rfectio n. H e was coroneted a n ho noraty me m ber o f rh e Supreme Cou ncil as a 33 rd D egree Mason in 1983.

He is also a m ember o f Sy ri a Te mpl e , Ancien t Arabic Order, No bles of th e Mys tic

Sh rine; Wa-C h a-G ree Forest No. 149, Ta ll Cedars of Lebanon ; the Royal O rder of Scotland; t he Roya l O rd e r of J esters; the Reel Cross of Constantine, and Excelsior Mark Lodge No . 216 in Philade lphia.

Grand Maste r Ste n berg and hi s w ife, the fo r me r Mildred G. Baggs, are th e pa rents o f t h ree so ns. Ca rl W. Stenberg, III , his w i fe , Linda , and childr e n , Eri k and Ke ny, live in Reston , Virg inia

Ri cha r d W Sten b e rg a nd hi s w ife, Ruth , a nd ch ildren , Mat tl1 ew, Benjam in a n d Lindsay, a re res idents of Concord , O hi o.

Chr is D Ste n berg, his w ife, Peggy, and da ugh te r, Marcy, live in Pitts bu rgh.

Bro Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. , RW. Gra nd Master, has named the fo llowing as Aides to the Grand Master for 1986:

• Bro William D Spargo, a Past Master o f William D. Mcilroy Lodge No . 758.

• Bro Roy A McCullough , a Past Master of Suns e t Lodge No. 623.

• Bro. Daniel]. Hinds, a Pas t Master of Excelsior Lodge No. 491.

• Bro. Har ry A. Vinton , Jr., a Past Master ofWhitehall Lodge No. 794.

• Bro. J osep h M. Shanholtz, a Pas t Master o f Ris ing Star Lo dg e No . 126. Broth ers Spargo , McCullo u g h a nd Hinds a lso served as Aides to th e G r a n d Mas te r dur ing 1984 a n d 1985.

The Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown

Admissions Policy: Editor s admissions p olicy of tb e Masonic Homes at Elizabetbtown is published in tbis issu e of THE PENNSYL VANL4 FREEMASON in compliance w itb Title VI of /be Civil Rights A ct of 1964 and the Pennsylvania H uman R elations A ct

The Masonic Home s a t Elizabe tht own, Penns ylvania is owned and operated by th e Gra nd Lodge of Free and Accep ted Mason s ofPennsylvan ia whose ex iste nce antedates bot h the Commonweal th of Pennsvlvania and the United States of America. There a·re housed at the Maso nic Homes, members, th eir wives, widows and mothers ofliving, as well as, deceased memb ers of the 566 Lod ges with in the Commo nwealth hav ing a total membership of 200 ,39 7 as of Dece mber 27, 1984. Th ese lodges opera te under theJurisd iction of the Gra nd Lodge. Neithe r the co nstitutio n of th e Grand Lodge nor the by- laws of the sub ordinate lodges restrict membersh ip by reason of race, color, nat ional origin , ancestry, religious creed, sex, ag e, or handi cap and the re are man yam ong our members who are not of rhe Ca ucasian race. No reco rd is kep t of o ur membership on a basis of race, color, nat ional orig in, ancesuy, religious creed, sex, age, or handicap. Th e adm issio n to the Masonic Homes o f lodge members, the ir wives, widows or mot hers of li ving, as we ll as, dec eased membe rs is governed by the Comm ittee on Maso nic Hom es, memb ers of whic h are elected by the Grand Lodge. The Co mm ittee approves, or di sapproves, app li ca ti ons fo r adm is-

sion solely on the basis o f need an d does not discrim in ate by reason o f the race, color, national origin, ancestry, reli gi ous creed, sex, age, or handi cap of th e appli cant. Appli cations for admiss ion to th e Mas oni c Homes by members of the L6clges of th e Most Wors hi pful Prince Hall Grand Lod_ge F & AM. of Pennsylvania, th eir wives, and widows o r mothers o flivin g, as well as, deceased memb ers are , also, rece ived by the Co mmittee on Maso nic Homes and approved, or d isa pproved, on the sa me basis. l11e admissio n tO the Maso nic Homes of the approved applicants of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Gran d Lodge F. & A.M. of Penns ylva nia is gove rn ed by the Comm ittee on Maso nic Homes in the same mann er as is the admission of the approved appl icants of the Grand Lodge F. & A.M of Pennsylvania. No pe rso n shall, on the grou nds of race, color, na tional origin, ances try, religious creed, sex, age, or han di cap, be excl ude d fro m participation in, be denied the benefi ts of or otherw ise be subj ec ted to discri min ation in the prov ision of any care or se rvice at th e Mason ic Homes at Elizabethtown.

Specificall y the above includes, but is not limited to , the foll owing chara cter ist ics:

1. Inpatient and ou tpatie nt ca re will be provided on a non-di sc rim inatory basis; all patie nts wi ll be

admitted and rece ive care without regard tO race, color, national o rigin, ancestry, relig ious creed, sex, age, or handica p

2. Al pat ients will be ass igned to rooms, floors and sec ti ons with ou t regard to ra ce, color, national origin, ancestry, re li gious creed, sex, age, or handicap.

3. Patients will not be as ked if they are wi ll ing or desire to share a roo mwith a person of anothe r race

4. Employees will be assigned to patient serv ices without regard to the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, sex, age, o r handicap.

5. Staff privileges will not be den ied profess ionally quali fi ed perso nn el on the basis of race, color, nationa l ori gin, ancestry, reli gious creed, sex, age, or han di cap

6. All faci lities of th is insti tution will be utili zed witho ut regard to race, color, nat ional origin, ancestry, religious creed, sex, age, or handicap.

7. Transfer of patients from the roo ms ass igned and / or selected will not be made for ra cial reasons; however, any pati ent ma y requ est to upgrade the room ass igned and/ or selec ted at any time for any rea so n provided that the room req uested is readily available.

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