Hany A. Ho usman Lodge No. 717 in Somerton and Kensington Lodge No. 211 in Pbiladelpbia are tbe sponsoring bodies for Somerton Cbapte1' Orde1' of DeMolay wb icb was instituted on Satw-day, Septembe1' 28 in ce1'emonies conducted at tbe Masonic Temple. Somerton is tbe first DeMolay cbapter to be institut e d in tbe Pbiladelpbia area since 19 60. Pictured, left to rigb t , a1-e julius]. Niklas, Worshipful Mast er of Kensington Lodge No. 2 11 ; Micbaelj. Hunt , son of Bro. and Mrs. Robert H unt of Ph iladelph ia, tbe Master Councilor; jol:mj. H unt, Dist rict Deputy Grand Master for Masonic Dist r ict Din Pb iladelpbia; and Da vid P. Tomlin , Worshipful Master of H arry A H ouseman Lodge No 717.
Grand Master's Itinerary
Lodge No. 566, I OOth Ann i versa r y , Kane
5 Lodge No. 2 1 207 th Anniversar y Banquet , Harri sburg
8 Lodge No. 669, 75 th Anniversary, Oakda e
11 Lodge No. 436, Phil ade lphia
15 Va lley o f New Castle, A.A.S.R.
17 200 th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge o f Ma r yland
20 Is la m Grano , Pi usburgh
22 Va lle y of Pinsburgh A.A.S.R.
29 Masonic Congress Co mmin ee, Mason c Homes, Eli zabethtown
30 Ches ter Roya Arch Chapter, No. 258 , Cheste r
3 Quarter y Commun cat on o f Grand Lodge E ectio n and ins ta llation of Grand Lodge o fficers, Corinthi an Hall , Masonic Temp l e, Phil ade phia , I 0 :00A .M.
4 Grand Holy Roya Arch Ch apter o f Penns y lvan a, Maso n ic Temple , Philadelphia
5 Com mi nee on Mason c H omes , El zabethtown
12-13 Sem inar f o r n ew District Deputy Grand Masters , Mason i c Temple, Philadel ph i a
13 A .A. O.N.M S.,ja ffa Temple , Altoo n a
27 Grand Master w ill v i s t Grand Lo dge of Massac husets
14 Prese n ta ti on of n ew Distr ct Deputy Grand Maste r fo r the 14th Masonic D stri c t Kingsbu r y Lodge No. 466, O yp h ant
1 7 York Rite Festiva l , Pittsbu r gh
23 Co m mi n ee o n Maso n ic Ho m es , Eli zabeth t own
24 Meeting , Board of D i rectors , Pennsylva nia Youth Foundation
31 Yor k Rit e Festiva l , Pinsbu rgh
7 Ra in bow H ono r Day for the Gran d Master , A.A S.R. , Allentown
7 Warde n s' Night sponsored by A.A.S.R. , Allentown
14-18 Confe r en ce of Gran d Masters of Masons in Nort h Am erica, Ca l gary , Alb er t a Ca n ada
Thousands Attend Rededication Day at Masonic Homes
Thousand s of persons trav e led to Elizabethtown in n o rthwest Lancas te r County on Saturda y, O c tober 18 , 1986 to participate in the Red edic ation Day activitie s at the Maso nic Ho mes at Eliza bethto wn.
It was a day filled with ceremony and colo r , with pageantry and parade, with fun and fe ll ows hip .
The crowds of Maso n s, the ir families and fri ends, joi n ed w ith th e Elizabethtown neighbors of the Masonic Homes to wi tness th e reenactment of the ce rem o n y tha t was co ndu c t ed on September 26, 19 11 w hen the cornerstone of Grand Lodge hall was laid.
The R.W . Grand Master in 19 11 , Bro . Geo rge W . Guthrie , said in his annu al report to the G r a nd Lodge in that yea r , " In cele-
brating the One Hundre d and Twenty -fifth Anniversary of the Independence of this Grand Lodge , it seemed to me that we could do n o thing which wo uld more appropriatel y commemorat e f o r all time, our gratitude to the Great Arc hite c t o f the Universe, for all the blessings which we and our predecesso rs have re ce i ve d from His hands , than to lay the foundati on of the first building to b e erecte d in this great work, in the h ope that it might stand for generations as a m e m orial ot o ur gratitude and an evidenc e of o ur appreciation of th e duty w hich rest s upon us, to extend to those in suffering or distress the helpful hand o f a Br oth e r.' '
It is interesting t o n o te that 75 years after la yi n g the foundati o n o f Grand Lodge Hall the frate rnit y is cele brating th e completion of an eight-year program in which a ll th e residential gu es t buildings at the Masoni c H OJ?eS , ending with Grand Lodge Hall , have been fully renova ted
T h e facility no w b oas ts the late s t innovati ons for the comfort, ca re a nd safety of the Homes ' guests a nd s tands as proof positive that th e promis e made in 1911 , '' to extend to those in suffering or distress th e h e lpful Con tinued to page 18.
Grand Master Launches 800 Information System
Those w ho dialed 1-800-4 38-4949 b e ginning at noon on Wednesday, October 15 , 1986 heard the first messages b y the R.W. Grand Master , Bro. Carl W. Stenberg , Jr. , in launching the 800 Informati on Sys tem that is destined to become a most impo rtant communication tool for the Masons of Pennsylvania.
The 800 line wi ll be used by the Grand Lodge, and others, to provide important info rm ation to anyone who cares to dial in , and w ill do so in a tim ely, efficient manner.
The 800 Info rmati on System w ill be used to cove r a wide range of Masonic activities throughout the sta te . It will b e used to cover the Grand Master 's schedule of v isitations and specia l meetings for the dedication of lodge rooms and the la y ing of cornerstones.
Callers will hear from other Grand Lodge officers , y outh leaders and their ad v isors, members of the p r ofess ional staff- anyone inv o lved in the planning of a Masonic event that is of interest to Freemasons in general.
" The more each of us knows about Masonic activities , the better our chances of being able to participate, ' the Grand Master said in one of three inaugural messages , adding , " The more we take part , the stronger are our ties to the fraternity.''
Callers are invited to react to the new info rmation system. Those with comments or suggestions for fu ture m essages are invited t o w rite to th e Office of th e Grand Master at the Masoni c Temple , One North Broad Street, Philadelphia , PA 19 107.
Bicentennial Celebration Proves Great Success
The celebration b y the Grand Lodge of Pennsy lvan ia of its independence 200 yea rs ago from the G rand Lodge of England p ro ved to be a great success . Thousands o f per sons v isited the Ma so ni c T e mple in Philade lphi a o n Friday , Sep tembe r 26, 1986 to be a part of the activ ities that marked the emergence of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in its current form o n Septe mber 26, 1786.
Am o ng the VISito r s we r e d ist inguishe d Maso n ic leaders from man y of the Gra nd Lodges in th e Un ited States as we ll as repre se ntati ves of the Grand Lodge o f
Canada in the Prov inc e of Ontario , th e Grand Sec re t a r y of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , a nd the Grand Master Mas on of the Grand Lo dge of Sco tla nd.
A highlig ht of the day ' s fes ti v iti es w as the re lay ing of th e ca pstone that was recove re d from the original corne rs tone of the Masonic T e mple in Philadelphia , dat in g t o 1868.
The photographs o n pages e ight and nine , 10 and 11 , and o n page 15 cove r th e s peci a l ca pstone cere mon y and other activit ies re la ted to the spe c ia l bicent ennia l
Se ptemb e r Quarte rl y Co mmuni c ati o n.
Plans Complete for December Quarterly Communication
The December Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge o f Pennsylva nia wi ll begin at 10:00 a.m . on Wednesday, December 3, 1986 at the Masonic Temp le , One North Broad Street, Philade lphia.
Th e meeting will feature the election of officers f or th e 1987 Masonic yea r. Members of th e Grand Lodge are reminded that , as a consequence of legislation ado pted in 1985, there w ill not be an Annual Grand Co mmunicat ion in 1986.
All Master Masons are welcome to attend commun icati ons of th e Grand Lodge Masons do n o t have to be members o f th e Grand Lodge to attend. All that is required is a current dues card.
The proceedings of th e Grand Lodge, as t hey take place in Corinth ian Ha ll , will be sent by closed circuit , co lo r television to nearby Renaissance Hall in order to accommodate a large attendance. Both lodge rooms are on the second floor of the Ma so ni c Temp le .
A number o f distinguis hed guests , leaders of Masonic bodies in Pennsylvan ia and Grand Lodge officers from other juris diction s, are expec ted to attend.
Those brethren who attend the co mmuni cat ion will b e served a free , hot lunch in the dining rooms of the Masonic Temple some time betwee n noon and 1:00 p.m. , accord ing to when th e agenda of the Grand Lodge allows a break.
Please note that a ticket is required for the luncheon The dining areas can accommo date only 1,000 p e rsons, and place s will be reserved on a first request basis.
Use the luncheon coupo n tha t acc o mpanies this article and be sure to enclose a stamped , addressed , long envelope so that yo ur tickets can be sent to you. Tickets to the luncheon w ill not be mailed until 10 days before the meeting.
Remember , it is imp ortant to make yo u r pla n s and reservat ions for the men s lunc heon as qu ic kl y as poss ibl e
Aft e r the Ceremony
Publ cacion o USPS 4 26- 14 0 Iss ued Quarterl y Febru ary, Ma y, Aug usr and No vembe r a r the Mas onic Temple Philadelph ia , Pe nnsylvania, b y The Ri g hr Wo rshipful Grand Lod g e of Th e Mosr Ancient and Hono ra ble Frare rni ry of Free an d Accepred Masons o f Pennsy va n ia a nd Mas on ic Juri sdicrion Thereunto Belo ngi ng
Grand Lodge Office r s
Carl W. Stenberg Jr. , R I/Y Gran d Alaster
Arthur J. Kurtz R 1/Y. Dep u ty Gra nd Master
W. Scou S one r , R I/Y Se n or Gran d 1/Yarden
Edward H Fow ler. R. 1/Y junior Grand Warden
Arthur R_ D amond R 1/Y Gran d Treasurer
Thomas W. Jackson R I/Y Grand Secre tary
Mel v in S Mundie, Asnstantto t he Grand Mast er D is trib u tio n Office- Mai lin g Add ress MASONIC TEMPLE
O n e onh Broad Sn eer , Phi la Pa 19 107 Postmaste r: Send address chan ges ro above Secon d Clas5 Postage Paid a t Phi ad elph ia. Pe n nsylva ni a Vo l. XX X ll l :'llo ember 19 8 6 :-Jo -t
Now that the capstone ceremony is over and th e 2 00th anniv e rs ar y cele bration of the independence o f the Grand Lodge o f Penn sylv ania fade s into hi stor y , th e Grand Foyer in the Mas o nic T emple in Pbiladelphia returns to gorm a l. Th e caps t o ne is n ow fi rmly in place in th e floor imm e diat e ly in front o f the fo untain a nd the mem o ry of what happened here on Septemb e r 26 , 1986 will be brought to mind e ach tim e so m eo n e pau ses to read th e insc ripti o n o n th e 1868 capstone and the 1986 bron ze p laqu es
to avoid the d isappointment of having la te requests denied.
Grand Master's Dinner Dance
The Grand Master normally hosts a dinner dance that is open to members of th e fraternity in general as part of the ac ti v ities surround ing th e December Quarterly Communication
Arrangements had been made to hold the dinner dance for 1986 in the Grand Ballroom of the Philad e lphia Centre Hote l at 1 725 john F. Kennedy Boulevard, on Wednesda y , D ece mber 3
The h ote l propert y, however, has been in receivership for some time and we learned just as this iss ue of The Pennsylvania Freemason was b e ing readied for the press that it is to be sold at a u c ti on on Monday, Dece mber 1 , 1986 . There is no other su itable space available in or near the city a t this late date , and the Grand Lodge regrets that it ha s b ee n forced to c an ce l the Gra nd Master s Dinner Da nce .
December Quarterly Communication .. Free Men's Luncheon
Send t oOffice of the Grand Master Mas onic T e mple One North Broad S tree t , Philadelphia, PA 1910 7 -2 598
Please s e nd m e _ tickets to the lu nc h e on for Mas ter Masons t o be hel d in th e Masonic Temple , Ph iladelphia , on Wednes d a y , Decembe r 3, 1986.
Prin t N am e - - -
Add r ess - - -
C ity/S tate Z ip - - - -
Ph o ne (ar ea code) - - - - -
Lo dge No.
( Please in c /11de a stamped s elf- a ddres sed em elope .)
- -
the l!J.nal Restoration
"Jesus Raising the Daughter of jairus," a painting by American artist William E. Winner, has been a fixture hanging over the open stairway to the lower level of Grand Lodge Hall opposite the entrance to the formal dining room since the early 1940s when it
was presented to the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown by Bro. H. Delancey Rapson , a member of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 155 in Philadelphia. The painting of life-s ize figures was created in 1858 and was given as a legacy in 1900 to Mrs. John Rapson. Bro.
Rapson presented it to the Masonic Homes in 1940.
It becam e necessar y to remove the painting during the renovation of Grand Lodge Hall. It was taken down in 1985 as the building, the first to be constructed on the grounds (the corners tone was laid in 1911 ), was being brought up to modern standards of comfort and safety. That work was completed in September of thi s year.
It was returned to its honored place and then restored b y craftsmen from Adolph Frei and Sons , Inc. of Philadelphia, the firm that does most of the restoration work at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia .
The Winner family can boast o f several artists William E. was a noted painter and portrait artist , and Septimus Winner and his brother , joseph Winner , were well-known composers. Sept imu s is perhaps best known for Listen to the Mocking Bird and joseph for Little Brown jug.
TResignations Increase Tenfold
Former Members Explain Why
he introduction of rather sophisticated computer programs and the resulting ability to collect and display information has given the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania the ability to spot changes or trends, particularly in membership, earlier than might have been possible otherwise.
A perfect example is the recent graphic depiction of a dis turbing inc rease in the number of Masons who ha ve resigned fr om the fraternit y over the past five ye ars The numbers have increased from less than 50 resignations per year to more than 500 resignations per year, beginning in 1980 .
What is the cause of the dramatic increase in resignations? What is happening in the fraternity to da y to cause so many members, even in the midst of a program designed to increase membership , to give up on the concept of fraternit y?
A letter , signed by the R.W. Grand Mas ter , was addressed to more than 25 -hundr ed Masons w ho submitt ed resignations ove r the past fi ve years. The trend was acknow ledged and a plea was made for informa ti on. Those who resigned we r e asked to e x plain their act io n s.
A list of the traditional reasons for resignations was included w ith th e lett e r and each respondent was asked to check a r easo n , or reasons, or to o ffer a more de tailed explanation in a c omm en ts sect ion.
The res p o nse ha s bee n overwhelming. Almost 50 per cen t of th ose contacted h ave respo nded , 43 per cent wi thin two weeks of the mailing. Res ponses at the rate of two or three a day ar e st ill being rece ived, months after the mailing.
One th ing is clear. Those w h o have res igned from the fraternity wa nt to let u s know the r easons why. Of equa l clarity is ou r belief that we ought to be a bl e to learn fr o m them and , hopefully, so lve the problems and reduce th e numbers.
Thirty per cent of th e respondents
sa id the y resigned because they had mo ved out of sta te. A good man y indica ted the y had joined a lodge near their new home , sometimes reluctantly, because of Pennsy lvania s la w against dual membership .
Twenty per cent were invol ved in conditional resignations - they were in the process of mo ving fr om one lodge to another within the state and, except for the failure of man y lodge secretarie s to understand the proper reporting system, should not have been counted among the res igned. Under conditional resignation , a member is automatically restored to hi s former lodge if he fail s to connect with a new lodge.
Eight per cen t of the respondents told us the y left the fraternity for religious reasons. Their religious beliefs were no longer compatible with Freemasonry.
Seven pe r cent sa id they r es igned b ecause of hardship conditi o n s They could no longer dri ve at night , o r we re too frail to leave home , or feared muggings o n th e streets at night. Others found econo mic co nditions had forced them to choose b e twee n food o n the tabl e or the paym ent of dues .
Many in th e economic hards hip ca tegory co nfessed they had been too proud to tell their brothers of their plight Still others expre ssed disappointment w h e n their resignations were accep te d b y th e lodge, a ppare ntly w ithout question or comment
The remaining 3 5 per cent repprted th ey s impl y, sad ly, lost interest in the frat e rnit y. They n o longer saw an y va lue to cont inu ed m e mbership, and , rather tha n allow themselves to be s uspended for nonpa y ment of dues as so many oth e rs had done before them , the y paid up and moved on.
The following are quot es from this last category of res pondents . They are p resented here in the h o p e that anyone finding a bit of t hemselves, their lo dges or lodge o ffi cers in them w ill ben efit from the experience.
"We pay but lip service to values and principles. We talk of love and honor and practice deceit and hatred ."
"The fraternity is out of step with toda y' s high tech world."
" The organization was cold and impersonal with an over-emphasis on ritual."
" The lodge must become more fraternal. Brothers must show by their deeds their sincerity in the professed b e liefs. The only positive side I saw was the youth work and the Masonic Homes "
" I was fo nd of Freemasonry , but the meetings were dull and too drawn out."
" For a long time no o ne showed any inte res t in me. Did anyone write or talk to me when I re s ign e d ? No. Thank yo u . You are the firs t person to show any inter est in this former m emb er ."
" On m y last v is it to the lodge I >yas si tting by a former officer. While the book o n the altar (Bible) was b e ing (used), he was whispering to me and swea ring at the same time. I kno w that was ju s t one individual, but what are the values being taught and what is being tolerated?"
"You only get out of it what you put into it. I did not put anything into it . I did not give the time or e ffort , but I did meet many fin e brothers and made last in g friendships for w hich I am grateful."
"Programs at m ee tings are n ot interesting. Closing of meetings takes a long time. Past Masters often hav e nothing to say, but t a ke three to 10 minutes to say it. "
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is indebt ed to these former members for their cand id remarks . They can be of great value to each of us as we continue o n the fraternal path. •
" Truth , justice , h onor, integr it y, brotherhood, are virtues often difficult to recognize. Instead , I have found s truggles for power within, always at the expense of others. I have found brotherhood for personal gain, and integrity when it suits a purpose. "
After the crowd is gone and the drama and excitement of the public capstone ceremony has diminished, it becomes the duty of the craftsmen to properly lay the stone so that it will withstand the tests of time.
The original white marble capstone from the 1868 cornerstone has been completely restored (the August issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason contains a photograph on page three of the stone before restoration for those who wish to make a comparison) and now rests at floor level at the center of the Grand Foyer , immediately in front of a beautiful clamshell water fountain.
It protects a concrete vault that holds the keystone-shaped box that was also deposited symbolically during the ceremony. The box is filled with many of the items recovered from the original cornerstone box and with materials that reflect the state of the fraternity today.
The stainless steel box was sealed with an epoxy after the Grand Lodge officers filled it several hours before the actual capstone ceremony took place. The vault in which it rests , it too constructed in the shape of a keystone no more than an inch larger than the box
/'his CnrnC!r Stone rj'll u; n w .MfiSIIJIIC T nn:jllt 11 rtS lrnd :wit.t aT'T'r"prir:ttr & Jtt>mn :nit;--,z"ntl.f! o f rr large rttl1t!t1Wrse '!_f B,.(ill'enfrom l'tmn-..ylt·auifl uml sister J uri"' dir.ttrms Ju ne Il. W. t; .M.
R.W.D . G .M.
itself, cannot be breached by moisture or air.
The box was covered by a piece of insulation to protect the bronze cliches of the Grand Master s 1986 medallion and the seal of the Grand Lodge that adorn it before the vault was sealed with several inches of concrete , leaving just enough room to place the capstone and the other pieces of marble trim at precisel y floor level.
The floor of the Grand Foyer is made up of white and black marble squares in a mosaic pattern that is a symbol of dark and light , good and evil , to Freemasons. The white marble capstone and the dark color of the bronze plates that protect it from three sides fit well with the surrounding pattern of the floor.
The white marble capstone with its gold-colored legend tells the story of the June 24, 1868 laying of the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple , including the names of those who played important parts in the ceremony.
The bonze plates reflect the same information for the September 26 , 1986 ceremony and pro vide an interesting contrast in styles while maintaining custom and tradition .
Rededication Day at Masonic Homes
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Presents for the Benefit of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association
waiian Island Cruise
aboard the luxurious S.S. INDEPENDENCE
11 days/ 10 nights
Departs: Wednesday , February 18 , 1987
I from $}999 Los Angeles I from $2269 Pittsburgh/ Philadelphia
Kona, Hawaii • Hilo, Hawaii • Kahului, Mauai • Nawiliwili, Kauai • Honolulu, Oahu
This Exciting Cruise Vacation Includes:
• Round trip jet transportation. *
• Round trip transfers to and from t he ship.
• Informative briefings o n the highlights of each port of call.
• Farewell Lua u in Honolulu .
• Round-the-clock stateroom service.
• except d ocksid e departures
• All meals and snacks onboard ship.
• Port taxes.
• Three nights' hotel accommodations at the Hawaiian Regent Hotel prior to cruise departure
• And much , much more!
Mrs. Stenberg reacts (cen t er photograph) to a gift presented by Mr s Mi chael W Walker, wife of the Grand Secr e t ary of t h e Gra nd Lodge of I reland. Mrs. Walker is pictured at the right
Another highlight of the bice ntennial celebration was the publication of the first vol ume of a two -volume history of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania that is being w ritten by Way ne A. Huss , Ph.D. (See article on page seven ) Dr. Russ is shown in the photographs above with his wife, Ingrid, a native of Switzerlan d, and with the R .W. Grand Master, Bro Ca rl W. Stenberg , Jr.
Bro. and Mrs.]. M Marcus H umphrey. Bro Humph rey is th e Grand Ma s ter Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Mrs. Huss, with Mildred
S tenberg, wife of the Grand Master.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Foundation Prepares Master Plan
Editor 's note- The following material was excerpt ed from a report on the Pennsylvania Foundation for the Pre ven tion of Drug and A lcohol Abuse Among Children as deli v ered at the Septem ber Quarterly Communicat i on by Bro . H iram P. Ball, R W. Past Grand Master and Cbairman of the foundation.
During the past four yea rs , it has been difficult to select our field of endeavor , th e peop le to involve , the type of program s, locations, assignment s of funds and the sup e rv is io n of fund s. I am hap py to report that we have 14 organiza tions presently in our group and all are diligently working on the drug and alcohol abuse problem
We have a uniqu e program in effec t at th e Patton co mplex in Elizabethtown w o rking with th e Pennsylvania Department o f H ealt h and the De partment of Education . A conference-t ype teach ing program tra ins Pen n sylvania school teache rs h ow t o se lec t o r ide nt ify students invo lved in substance a bu se , co rr ect prob le ms , p ro v id e sch ool-co nt ro lled pro jec t s, wor k w ith pare nts an d stude nts, and partic ipa te in a ll drug and alc oho l sc h oo l and co mmunit y prog rams.
Th e Grand Lodge co ntinues its involvemen t w ith the Na tio nal Ce nte r for Juven ile Ju sti ce as a partner in i ts
program The ce nter publishes Today 's D elinquent, a book that is distr ibuted annua lly tO Ju ve nile and Fami ly Court ju dges , manager s, staff and ju v enile case worke rs thro ughout the natio n. Th e publi cation compiles the latest information abo ut legislation , s tudies a n d other developments in the field so that those who wo rk wi th juve nile s a re bette r prepared
Current ly, the Grand Lodge is working on a bro c hure about the Pennsy lvan ia Fo undatio n fo r the Preve ntion o f Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Chi ldren The brochure was schedu led for pr inting a t a b o ut the t im e this edi tion o f The Pe nnsylva n ia Free m ason was go ing to pr ess. Th e brochure will b e distributed to the lodges through o ut the s ta te, but will be us ed primaril y to answer th ose quest ions any concerned indiv idual o r organiza tion , in o r o uts ide the f rat ernity , might ha ve about the fo undati o n
A main area of responsib ility is th e de ve lopment of a m as t er plan fo r th e Maso ns o f Pe nnsylva nia . We h ave Maso n s w h o want to contri b ute money to th e foundati o n , and we ha ve Maso n s w h o wa nt to con tr ibute their own efforts.
It is n ecessary that a program be fo rm ed for Masons at th e Blue Lodge level to be a par t of the G rand Lo dge
progr am. The same problem has been d iscusse d to some degree with the Order o f DeMolay, J ob's Daughters and Rainbow fo r Girls. A report on thi s p has e o f planning w ill be made at the n ex t quarterly sess ion
Brothers , we ha ve a gigantic program on our hands w ith drug and alcoh o l ab use am ong c hildren. We are on the verge of a dramatic universal program tha t will tOuch persons in eve ry walk o f life in this cou ntry.
Some mis takes w ill b e made. Not e nough w ill be sp ent in the co rre ct way . Po litica ll y, drug and alc o hol abuse is a hot su bject. No country 's econo m y w ill buy out the produ ce rs of the drugs.
We have a serious p roblem, continuing from prenatal de velopm e nt to old age. We ha ve p eo ple and countries running other countries who do not wa nt to control drugs and alco h o l. The final an swe r is t o pr event dru gs and alcohol from be ing profit ab le tO any perso n o r an y co untr y, t h ro ugh sale or d istr ibut ion.
It is a ve ry acute prob le m. One o ut o f every fo ur o f us has, or knows of, a drug or alcohol a buse prob le m , w h e the r w ithin our imm ed iat e family or am o n g friend s.
W h at a re yo u go ing to do to aid the G ran d Lodge in h e lping these p eop le?
Grand Master Honored by Rhode Island
The R.W. Grand Mas ter , Bro. Car l W . Ste nb e rg , Jr. , has receive d the highest award that ca n be presented by the Gra nd Lodge of Rh ode Island , th e Chri stop he r Champlin Meda l.
The formal prese ntat ion was mad e a t the Annual Commu ni ca ti on of the Grand Lodge of Rh o d e Island on May 19 , 1986 b y the Most Wo rs hip f ul G rand Master , Bro. Julio A. Paniccia.
I n p rese nting the awa rd th a t recog niz es "o utsta nd ing Maso nic ac hi eve m e nt ," Grand Master Pa ni cc ia c it ed Gra nd Maste r Ste nb e rg's le ad e rs hip in forming the Pe nnsy lva nia Foundat io n fo r th e Pre ve nti o n of Drug a nd Alcohol Abuse
Am o n g Childre n an d the Na ti o nal Masonic Foundation d edicated to th e sa me a im s
" The medal is prese nt ed only to ou ts ta nding Maso ns o uts ide Rhode Isl an d," Gran d Maste r Paniccia sai d , a dding , " Grand Maste r Stenberg 's wo rk in fi g hting drug and alcoh o l abuse deserves recogn ition ."
Christopher Ch amp l in , for w h o m the meda l is nam ed, served as t h e fir s t Grand Maste r of Masons in Rhod e Island from 1791 to 179 4
He was a n im p o rte r o f dry goods a nd at o ne tim e was an age nt for a Bos to n c o nc e rn that supp li ed th e needs of Britis h wars hips in the various ports o f th e Ameri can Co lo ni es
Late r , he turned his attention to s hip ping , building and operat in g m a n y vessels w ith g reat success
Bro. Champlin se rved fo r 16 yea rs in the Rh o d e Island Legis lat ur e a n d w as pres ide n t of the Bank of Rh ode Is la n d , wh ich he h e lped esta bli sh, from 1795 until his deat h in 180 5
The Master Builders:
Day at Masonic Homes continuedfrompage I.
hand of a Brother ," w ill b e c ontinu ed by thi s gene ration of Masons and the generations o f Masons to come.
The so le mn , ancien t ce remo n y conducted in the mornin g was fo ll owed by an informa l, fun -filled para de in the afternoon. The co lor of uni fo rm s and clow n costumes ri vale d the colo rs of autu mn that are found in a bundan ce in hundreds of sy lva n se ttings o n the Hom es' grounds.
Res idential gues ts ope n ed th e ir li ving quarte r s t o the Ho m es' v is it o rs, ac-
tin g as hos ts and hos t esses and ambassadors , w hile sh ow ing off t h e renovat ion work.
Vis itors bought p umpkins a nd apples p rod uced o n the gro und s and c raft ite m s c rea te d by the guest s.
The y lined u p fo r fr ee foo d , includi ng a ppl e butt e r on bread , sausage in ro lls, h o t dogs, ice cream , soft drinks a nd coff ee. Vo lunt ee r H o m es' e mpl oyees, d r essed in per i od cos tu mes, st irre d ap pl e butt er in kettles ove r open fi res.
Ba nds pl ayed and c h o ral gro u ps sang w hil e t he Shrine c low ns were jo ined b y ·a juggler , a magi c ian , a banjo player and mime s. An impromptu ac t or show co uld be wit n essed a mong th e crowds at almost any tim e. The pho t ographs on pages 12 , 13 , 16 and 17 are de vo ted to the Reded icati o n Da y activ ities at the Maso ni c Home s If yo u mi ssed vis iting Elizabethtown t h is ye ar , p la n no w tO be a part of t h e ce leb ration next year. ..