At a Special Communication of the Gmnd Lodge on May 9 , 1987, the lodge room of No t-risto w n Lodge No . 620 was d edicated. The R. W G1·and Master Bro. Ca1·l W Stenbetg, ]1·. accompanied by a corps of Gmnd L o dge officers attended the ceremony. Bt·o. Nelson Baird is District Deputy Gmnd Master for the 6th Masonic District and Bro. R onald C. Brooks is Wot·shipful Mast e r of the Lodge.
Constitution and Presidents' Packets
T h e in forma ti o na l pac ke t o n th e l!nited States Co ns tituti o n , develo p ed by Projec t SO LOMO II , has been distribut e d t o District Directo rs a nd Lodge Directors for use in each Blu e Lodge in Pen nsy lvan ia. District Deputy G ra nd Mas te rs rece ived th e Co ns tituti o n Packe t at the Septe m be r Quarte rl y Co mm unica ti o n Cha irm en of th e Edu ca ti o n Co mmitt ees o f the Blu e Lodges rec e ived cop ies o f th e Co n s titution Packet in O c tobe r.
The Cons tituti on Packet in c lud ed s hort b iograph ica l s ke tches of the Signe rs o f the Cons ti tution who were Maso n s. A copy of th e Const ituti on was in c lud ed along with sugges ti ons fo r us ing t h e informat ion from t he
The Pennsylvania Freemason Distribu t ion Offi c e Masonic Temple
One No rth Broad St r e et P hil ad
, Pa 19 10 7-2598
Pac ket in a prog ram of th e Lo d ge.
Each Mas ter Mason s h oul d pa rti c ip ate in a ce re m o n y in hi s Lodge celeb rat ing the 200 th Anniversary o f th e Unit ed States Co n st it u ti on du rin g th e Fall of 198 7.
A seco nd pac ket devotecl to th e Maso ni c Presidents of the Un ited States is being p repa red by Pr o jec t SOLOMON II. This Packet w ill be re ad y for d istr ibu ti o n in january 1988 so th at a ll Pennsylvan ia Maso ns can ho nor the Masonic Pres idents in February 1988 I t vv ill also conta in b iog raphical ske tc hes and li kenesses (pho tog raphs and pa inti ngs) of the Maso ni c Presidents along with s uggest io n s for prog ra ms th at c an be gi ve n in each Lo dge.
Project SOLOMON II I s Working Suspensions Cut 50 %
The sta ti st ics from t h e Data Processin g Depa rtm ent of th e G rand Lodge of Pennsy lvan ia show promising results for Project SOLOMON II. Director Drew W. Washabau s ta ted in his Septem b e r Report to Grand Lodge the fo ll ow in g : 2356 Masons rem a in ed suspended on August 3 1 , 1986, and 1 I 80 Masons rema in ed suspended on Aug ust 3 1, 1987. The drop of 50% in the number o f suspe ns ions fo r th e non -p ay m e n t of d ues g ives clear ind ica ti o n t hat the m e m bers of the Lodges of Pennsylva nia and Project SOLOMON II have been working to bring men back to Freema son ry.
R.W. Grand Master Carl W. Stenberg, Jr.: A Review
A G ra nd Maste r in t he jurisd icti on o f Pennsylvania has t wo years in which to put int o actio n goals that in ma n y instances ha ve been deve l op ing in hi s mind for some ti me . Many Grand Masters ac c o mplish more in t wo yea r s than do som e profess ionals engaged in co mpa ra b l e projects and chari ti es ove r seve r al years. R. W G r a nd Mast er Carl W. S tenberg, Jr. is n o e x ception. The ke ynote of his te r m of o ffic e has b een admi nistra ti on. Bro. Stenberg, a re t ir ed Vice P resident of Me ll on Bank 's Trus t Department , came to the East duly prepared w i th a strong managerial bac kground Whe n he assumed the of-
P ortrait of Carl W Stenbetg, ]r. , Grand Mast er 1986- 1987, Painted by B ro. H emy Cooper
Study also suggested that the Grand Lodge create a new position of Con t roller. In the final analysis, the Hay Sa lar y Study has contributed t o a more effective, efficient and more fairly paid Grand Lodge staff. Another area of concern for Bro. S t enberg has been the SOLOMON II Program. A re vitaliza t ion of the Fraternity was necessar y a nd through the appointment of Bro. Drew W . Washabau, a self employe d businessman , as its director , the SOLOMON II Program is undergoing a revival. This reo r ganization calls for our continued s uppo rt so that we can rebuild , and always be known as , a respectab le , regular and uniform Fraternity. fice of Grand Master on December 27 , 1985 , Bro Ste n b erg saw th e n eed for analys is a nd subsequent rest ru c turin g of the existing opera t io na l fr a m ework of the Grand Lodge. Among
the most important programs t h at Bro. Stenberg h as initiated occ urr ed at the Masonic Templ e. A salar y s tud y co nducted b y Hay Management Consultants, a fi rm spec iali zing in this field, was instrumental in providing th e grou nd work for n ecessary re organizat ion, including adj u ste d sala ries and better delineated job descript io n s. Among other recommendations, the Hay
Not only have programs themselves been revised, but also the manua ls governing them. For example ,
Bro. Stenberg has revised th e Manual for District Deputy Grand Masters, making it more comp rehensive , bringing it up to date, refining it in s u ch a way as to make it a c lea r, concise source of information . A training seminar for new District Deputy Grand Masters was also instituted by Bro. Stenberg. Tbe Digest of D ecisions has likewise been revised because continued on page 2
R. W. Grand Master Carl W. Stenberg, Jr.: A Review
o f ir s man y c ontradi c ti o n s to th e Abima n R ezon. Also changed w as th e Roman num e ral sys tem of numb e r ing the Diges t of De cisions, so that referen c e s to the Dige s t co uld be m ore r ead il y m ade. Ther e we r e als o ce rt ain dec isi o n s made by va ri o us Grand Masters ove r th e ye ars that had ne ve r fo und their way into thi s vo lum e; these ha ve now been added.
Th e H and b oo k for Lodge Offi ce r s has also been re v iewed and co rre c ted. Bro. Ste nberg brought th e in s tructions up to dat e a nd h as made it what it s hould be: a handbo o k for Lodge o fficers on ly; that is , the instructi o n s fo r Dis trict Deput ies we r e taken out and placed in a separate manual so that first tim e Lodge officers would not become co nfu sed wi t h what is n o t their concern.
Bro. Stenberg also saw a n eed for a totall y redesigned Fun eral Service booklet. This was imp o rtant because the ce rem o n y that w e as Maso n s pe rfo r m fo r our de ceased b r e thr e n is ofte ntim es th e on l y expos ure th ose o uts id e o f o ur Fratern i ty h ave of us It is therefore ve ry important th at this final a ct b e ca rr ied o ut wit h a ll th e so le mnit y a nd dignit y fo r wh ic h we are kn ow n The n ew Fun e ra l Serv ice is now in boo kl et for m t hat ca n be p r esented to th e famil y at th e co n c lusio n of th e service, makin g i t an exce ll e nt means o f reminding the bereaved o f o ur co nc e rn fo r t h e m.
Bro Ste n berg has also mad e poss ible the publi ca tion of Tbe Master Builde 1'S : A History of tb e Grand Lo dge of Free and Accep t ed Masons of Pennsylvania au th o r ed b y Dr. Way n e A. Hu ss. Suc h a vo l um e of Maso ni c h is t o r y as Tbe Maste1' Builde1's w ill beco m e a n exce ll e nt r e minder t o a ll P e nn sy lvani a Masons of Bro.
Sten b e r g 's co n ce rn fo r th e p as t and his desire to leave a lega cy for th e futur e.
Bro. Ste nb e rg had s t ruck two medallio n s. T h e first de pi c ted th e Prov incial Grand Lodge o f P e nnsy l vani a r e turning th e Warrant to th e Gra nd Lodge o f England i n I 7 86. The seco nd s h ows m e m be r s o f the Cons t ituti o nal Co nve nti o n co nte mplating t h e ir document in 1 78 7 . Bro. Ste n be rg ha s a lso iss u ed
tw o ti e hold e r s. T h e firs t was a s ilh o uette of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania co mm emo r ati ng the two hund r edt h ann iv ersar y o f the ind ep e nden ce o f th e Grand Lodge of Pennsylva nia. The s econd , like B ro . Stenberg s second medall ion , co mm e m o ra ted th e Consti t uti o nal Conven t io n . As part o f the ce lebration of th e two hundredth a nni versary of the Grand Lo dge of Penns y l va ni a , th e Masonic Te m ple at One North Broad Stree t , Philad e lphi a was declare d a National Historic Landmark by t h e U S. Department of the In terior.
On September 11 , 198 7 Bro Stenb erg made Lieutenant Gene r al Robert D. Spr inger , U.S.A. F. , an alumnu s o f th e Thomas Rank in Patton Sc h oo l for Boys, a Mason-at-Sight. It is ind eed an h o nor t o have such a distinguished m e mb er of our Armed F o r ces forged from a Maso nic bac kg r ound r etu rn from w hen ce he came Clea rl y, Bro . Sten be rg s g r ea t es t ach ievement ha s b ee n the Pennsy lva n ia Fo unda tion for th e P r eve nti o n of Drug a nd Alc o ho l Abu se Amon g
C hildre n . T h e r e co uld be no m o r e timel y a cause than th e pre ve nti o n o f s ubs tan ce ab u se among ou r children. Bro. Ste nberg ha s b ee n res p o n s i ble for th e in co rp o ra t io n o f t h e Fou nd a ti o n a nd ha s wo r k ed w ith sixteen d iffe r e nt organizati o n s including th e Penn sy lva ni a D epa rtm e nts of Health a nd Ed uc a t io n throu g h the Foundatio n. H e has in c lud ed th e Na t io nal Ce nt e r for Juvenile justic e in th e prog ram , and has a r r anged a b illboard ca mpaign a m o n g man y ot her progra m s to m ake thi s Fo undation th e s u ccess th a t it is.
Most i mportantl y, Bro. S te nb e r g , thr o u gh his laudable wo rk w ith th e Co nfe r e n ce of Gra nd Mas te r s of No rt h Am e ri ca, h as bee n i n s trumental in mak ing th e Pennsy l van ia Prog r am an exa mpl e fo r th e Na tion al Maso nic Foundat ion for the Prevent io n of Drug and Alco h o l Abuse Among Ch il d r e n. Bro. Ste nb erg h as secured fo r our Frat e rnit y an o n -go ing tradit io n th at Masons trul y c are a b o ut c hi ld r en. Administ r ati ve impro ve m e nt and an awa r e n ess that th e prese rvation o f o ur futur e c o m es throu g h a r ev iew of th e
pas t and through th e pro tec ti o n of o ur chi ldren h as mark ed the tenure of our Grand Mas ter Carl W. Stenb e rg , Jr. Bro. Stenberg has, through the Ha y Stud y at the Grand Lodge , insured a b e tt er ad v ised sta ff and greate r fisca l respons ibilit y; secure d a fu tur e fo r Penns y lv ania Free mas o nr y through th e r ev it a li zati o n o f the Solomon II Prog r am ; ass ur e d a bet ter m anaged Frate r nity thr o ugh th e r ev iew an d rewrit i ng of several Grand Lodge Manua ls; obtaineel an o bjective review o f our Fraternity 's pas t w i thin t he c o ntext o f the broader soc iet y that s urround s u s t hrough the publica t ion of Tbe Jl!Ia ste r Builders; and through th e Foundation for th e Pr e vention of Drug and Alcohol Abus e Among Children , Br o . Sten b erg has g uaranteed that Masons and nonMasons a like kn o w that alth o ugh we are o n e of the world 's olde s t Fraterniti es, we ad dr ess the vital qu e stions t h a t p la gue o ur yo uth to da y
Publication No. USPS 426- 140
Issued Quarterl y February , May, August and Nove mber at the Masonic Temple , Philadelphia , Pennsy lvania, by The Right Worshipful G rand Lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.
G r and Lodge Officers
Carl W. Stenberg, Jr., R. W. Gra11d Master
Arthur J. Kurtz, R. W Deputy Grand Master
W Scott Stoner, R W. Senior Grand WardCIJ
Edward H. Fowler, R.l/7. Junior Grand 117arden
Arthur R. Diamond, R. W. Grand Treasurer
Thomas W. Jackson, R. W. Gran d Secretary
• Editor
Robert A. Pote, Assistant to the Grand A-faster
• Distributi o n Office-Mailing Address MASONI C TEMPLE One North Broad Street, Phila., Pa. 19107
Grand Master Breaks Ground for the Waynesburg Masonic Temple
Bro Ca r l W. Stenberg , Jr , R.W. Grand Mas ter, in a ceremo n y he lcl August 1 , 1987 in Waynesb urg , P e nnsylva nia , broke ground for a n ew Masonic Temple for Waynesbu r g Lodge No. 15 3. Waynesburg is th e County seat of Gre ene Count y w hi c h is located in so uthw estern P ennsylvania
The new building will be th e f irs t temple to b e us e d by Wa y n esb ur g Lodge No. 153 , which pro u d ly ca lls itse lf the third ol d es t Lodge wes t of the Alleghenie s. The Lo dge was co n s tituted on jul y 1 7, 181 7. T h e building , which was desig n ed b y C.S. Chu r c h a n d Associate s of McMur r y , is being e r ec ted on a lot which was cl ona tecl b y He c k 's Corpora ti o n. The bui ld ing w ill feature a palladian ent r ance w hi c h w ill lead d irectly to t h e outer door a n d t h rough the ou ter rooms into the lodge rooms itself. A dining room and k it chen w ill be lo c ated in t he b asement le v el. It will have its own entrance a t th e r ear of the building. A large Masoni c emb lem , wh ic h w ill be lit a t n ight , w ill b e place d ove r the fr o nt e ntr a n ce way. T h e co nt ra c to r , Rob e rt Cowe ll and So n s, Inc. of Way ne sb urg , p la n s t o ha ve the b uild ing c o mple ted b y Fe bruary 1 988.
Acco rding to Lo dge Hi sto ri a n , Bro. j o hn E Baily , P.D.D.G M. , th e bu ilding has been in th e p lanning s tages fo r so m e ti me. I n fa c t i t was o n Jul y 18 , 182 5 that a co mmittee was firs t ap -
to right): Albert B. Morris, WM. Waynesburg Lodge No 153; R oy A. McCullougb , Aide to Grand Master; Tbomas E. Westfall, Sr , D D G.M. ; Walter L. Sykes, P.D.D.G M.;John E. Ba i ly , P.D.D.G.M.; Carl W S t enberg, J r., R W Grand Master; E ugene G. P ainter, P. D D G. M.; Edward H. Fowler, Jr ., R. W Juniot· Grand Warden
po in ted to loo k for a lo t o n whic h to e re ct a Maso ni c Ha ll. D uri ng i ts 1 7 0 yea r his to r y th e Lodge h as J;lad 119 b r o th e r s se r ve a s Mas te r w ith B r o.
Al bert B Morr is being the p r esen t Wo rs hi pful Mas t er. T h e Lo dge has 493 mem be r s.
For th e las t 100 ye a r s t he Lodge h as h e ld it s me e tings on the thir d fl o o r of th e o ld buildi n g kno w n as t h e Opera
H o u se - a building on w hi c h ther e is n o Mas o n ic emb le m. Seve r al li fe long m e m be r s o f th e com mun i ty w h o a r e m embe r s of th e Lodge did n o t eve n know w here t h e Lodge m e t until th ey r ece i ve d th e ir pet iti o n s. The Lodge n ow looks fo r wa rd to its ne x t 17 0 y ears w ith grea t opt imi s m : sec ur e in th e knowledg e that Maso nr y is ali ve and we ll in so uth w es te rn Pe nnsy lvani a.
Scottish Rite Masonic Picnic
O n August 15 , 1987 th e Sco ttis h Ri te Masons o f th e Va lley o f Ph il ad e lp hi a s ponsored a Maso ni c Fa mil y Pi c nic at t h e West P o int Amu se m e nt Park n ea r Lansda le. Th e Right Worshipfu l Gra nd Master Carl W Ste nb e rg , Jr. approv e d th e plan tO invi te a ll Ma s on s, th e ir fam ili es a n d friends to a day o f fellows hip and fun
The p ic ni c prov ided an o pportun it y fo r Maso ni c organizations tO make presentations to those in a t te nd a n ce . Th e Gra nd Lodge o f Pennsy l van ia prese nteel its Pro jec t SO LOMON II Progra m job's D aug hters, Ra inb ow fo r G irl s,
D e Mo la y fo r Boys, the Pennsytvania Yo uth Fo undati o n and the Pennsylvan ia Foundation for th e Preve nt io n o f Drug and Alc o h o l Abu se Among Ch ildr e n s h owed m a te ri a ls w it h an inte res t for yo ut h . Th e Lu Lu Shri ne T e mpl e, Th e Tall Cedars and the York Rite Boclies gave p r esenta ti ons o n t h e ir ac ti vities
The Gra nd Lo dg e Library an d Mu seum contri but ed to t he day t h rou g h th e s al e o f man y ite m s o f Maso nic int e rest. Among these item s were Mas oni c co ins, la pe l pin s, and books inclucling Tbe Master Builde rs and Tbe Exemplar. Many it ems, incl u din g seve r a l Grand Master ' s Me dalli o n s, t h a t we r e not be fo r e ava ilabl e were so ld . Right Wors hip ful Pa s t G r an d Ma s te r j ose ph E . T r at e ser ve d a s coordinato r of this Maso ni c famil y outing More than 2000 peop le a t tende e! West P o int Park to pi c ni c tog e ther a nd e nj oyed w h o leso me e nterta inm e nt o n th e 20 rid es an d attrac t io n s. The fa vo ra b le r eaction to th e picn ic s hould make Mas o n s r ecognize th e frate rnit y c an influence fa mi l y life.
The s u ccess of t he Ma so ni c p icn ic in d icates th e affai r w ill be he ld aga in in 1988.
Alfred Prince Honored
Alfred Ra le ig h Thompson Pr ince , fo r m e rl y o f T owanda , a nd now a r es ident of the Lapo rt e United Me t hodis t Home , was honored Friday, July 10 b y
Senator Roger A. Madiga n Mr. Madigan gave Bro. Princ e a
b o und copy o f a docum e n t authori zed b y the Senate of Pennsylvania in r ecogni ti on of h is be ing a member of h is Masonic Lodge fo r seven t y y ears. P rince joined Un ion Lo dg e No. 108 in T o wanda in 191 7 jus t before leaving to enter the U.S . Navy , whe r e he served for eig h t years , reaching t he rank of Ensign.
During hi s profess ional career , h e
was a comm e r cial salesman , r e t urning in 1965 to reti r ement in his nat ive town o f T ow a nda H arriet , his wife , died in 1984.
Dur ing his lo ng career h e became affiliated with other Masonic bod ies, inc luding the Chapte r , Council , Knights Templ ar , Scottish Rit e, Shrine, Sojourners , and the Roya l O r d e r of Scot land , and , more recent ly w ith the n ew Northeas te rn York Ri te College in Towanda. Seve ra l of hi s Masonic b r o thers we r e wit h him in Lap ort e fo r the p rese ntatio n .
t ch, Governor of Northeas tern York Rite College; and Paul L. Hartman, Past Master of Union Lodge, To w anda .
Grand Master Stenberg
Presented the Henr y Price Me dal
G r a n d Maste r St e nb e r g was prese n t-
e d the H en r y Pri ce Me dal by Bro. Alb e rt Am es, Most Wo rshipful Gra n d Mas t e r o f Massachu se tt s, at th e Sep -
tember Q u arte rl y Co mmuni cat io n in Philad el phia .
At its Quarte rl y Communi ca tion in March 1888, th e Grand Lo d ge o f Massachusetts author ized a medal to be s tru c k w h ic h wo uld s u itably co mm e mo rat e th e se rv ices of t he " F o und er of Du ly Co n s titut ed Fr ee maso nr y in Ame r ica."
Rules r ega rdin g th e p r esen ta t ion of th e He nr y Price Medal were r ev ised in 19 16 and 19 18. In Se p tem b e r 1926, by adop tin g th e p r ese nt Sec t io n 8 11 o f th e Gr a nd Co n s t ituti o n s, th e G r an d Lodg e o f Massachuse tts e mphas ized s till further t h e distincti o n to b e conferred by th e awa rd of t h e Henr y Pri c e Meda l, thu s makin g this m edal t h e hi g h es t honor w hic h is in th e p owe r of t h e Gr a nd Lodge of Massac hu setts t o confe r.
Corn e rs tone Ceremo
Everett ]. Elliott P.D .D. G M. , 27th Masonic D istrict was appo i n t ed representative from tbe Grand Lodge of P e nnsy l v ania to tb e George Washington Mas o nic Nati o nal Memor·ial Association in Alexandria, Virginia .
Th e G r ace Un ited Methodi s t C hur c h o f Pun xs u tawn ey was o r igina ll y
n ew c h ur c h
• C o p y of t h e Pun xs uta \vney da il y pape r ·'T h e P u n xs u ta w n ey Sp irit,."
• Co p y of b ull e tin s for co ns ec ra t io n se r v ice a nd fir s t wo rship se r v ice
Se cr e tari es Night O n June 12, 1987 , a Di s tr ic t Ho n o rs Night was h e ld to h o n o r the pas t an d present Sec r etar ies in Maso ni c Dist r ic t " D " w h ic h over tw o hu n d r e d peop le attended. The Secretar ies p r ese nt r e prese nt e d a total o f 265 yea rs of se rvi ce as Lo d ge Sec retar y . At a d inn e r th a t eve n in g, each Wo rs h i pful Master prese nt e d h is Sec retary w it h a p laq u e and th a nke d h im o n behalf of t he Lo dge fo r h is se r v ice. Broth e r Da v id C. Adam s , Pas t Dep u ty G r an d Secretar y, a tten ded the f un c t io n and repre se n te d th e Ri ght Wo rs h i pful Gra n d Sec r et a ry
(from the left): D avid F. Fortney; Mr. Madigan ; B ro P rince; RobeTt M. Hockenberry, District D epu ty of the R oyal Arch Chapter; Phillip]. H a
I Want to Know.
Bro. Frank W. Bobb Libr ar ian and Curawr Emeritus
Question: Has the F ra terni ty lost interest in its shut-ins? E.H.D
Answe1·: Charity is a fundamental part of Freemasonry . Chari ty is love and ca ring , and ex te nds not only to Masons, but to th e ir families and o th ers as we ll.
Within th e Mason ic famil y a r e m a n y w h o are in hospitals and nursing homes , o r who are shut- ins at home. They need to know that we ca r e . Th e Lodge must f irs t b e infor med of those who n eed our co n ce rn. Members shou ld be encouraged to v isi t th e ill and the s hut -in , the guest in a home. Vis itati o n s shou ld be brief a nd chee rful. Even fo r those who ar e co nfu se d , a quiet vo ice a n d the t ouc h of a hand forms a spir itual bond of comfo rt a nd peace. Card s can brighten man y days Remembe ring is th e most important thing we can do for those who a r e no longer ab le to parti c ipa t e actively in ou r li ves. And those w ho are long-time ··patients·· ar e m os t in need o f being r emembered. Fo r m os t s hut-in s, life is lo nely. Remember someone today wit h a card o r a v is it Mas o n s d o ca r e.
Ques t ion: Can y ou identify the e mbl e m o n a r ing wh ich depicts a flame w ithin th e square an d co mpasses, s urmounted by the le ttersjr.O .U .A. J'vJ.?
Answer: Th e ring emblem b earing th e squa r e and co mpa sses in th e Fe ll ow Craft co nfi g ur at io n w ith a sy mb o li c flame in the cente r is o n e of a group of emb le ms of the juni o r Order of Uni ted Am e ri c an Me c han ics , des ignated by th e lette rs Jr.O. U.A .M.
Th e o r de r was founded in Philadelph ia in 18 53 as a fe e der g r oup for th e United American Mechanics. It beca m e indep ende nt in 1885. It was a sec r e t , nati ve American , pa trioti c, b e n efici al o r ga nization , one o f man y fraterna l b e neficial groups o f the tim e. Lik e many o f them , the st ru c ti.1r e of the junior Order o f United Ame ri can Mec h an ics was pa tt erned afte r the Maso ni c Fr ate rnit y.
Ques tion: Wh y is a jew allowed to belong to our Fra te rnit y? E. C.S.
Answer: The b e lief in a Supreme Be ing is th e cardinal tenet o f Fre em as o nr y
Any man b e lieving in a Supreme Be ing is elig ibl e to b eco m e a Mason. No atheist ca n be mad e a Mason. Thi s is the r eason why Freemaso nr y is a un ive rsa l bro th e rh ood .
The thre e degrees of Anc ie nt Craft Masonry , including the Ro yal Arch , are rooted in Old T estament, or jewish , history. Th e building o f So lomo n 's Temple is basic to Freemasonry. Where th e Sacred Book of th e Law is the Hol y Bible , it is open o n the a lta r of th e open Lodge to the Old Testament. W h y sho uld a jew not be a Mason ?
Question: What is the Masonic position on Masons being members of th e Ku Klux Klan ? R. E. K.
Answer: The dec is ion to ac cep t a member of the Ku Klux Kl an int o th e Fraternit y is one t hat the Lo dg e mu st make. Masonry ha s n o hold on th e th o ug hts o f man. One o f the fund amenta l be li efs of Freemason r y is the Broth e rh ood of Man under the F athe rh ood of God. It is up to the indi v id u al to reco ncil e thi s co ncept w ith memb e rs hip in the Klan .
Q uestion: Ar e th e r e an y Roman Cat ho li c Popes w h o were Masons ? CJM.
Answer: Some h ave c la im ed that there were Pop es w h o we re Masons , but th e r e is n o p r oo f fo r thes e cl a im s.
Question: My b r ot h er is inte r es te d in becoming a Mason. Ca n h e be m ade a Mason at Sig ht ? E. \ '(I .H.
Answ er: Making a Ma so n a t Sig ht is th e prerogative of th e Grand Maste r. Th e se le c tion of th e man to be made a Mason is his.
A man w h o wishes to beco m e a Maso n s h o ul d petit io n the Lodge he w ants to jo in. Age and physical conditi o n are not fact o rs in hi s p e ti tion.
Send questions t o: The Pennsy lva ni a F re e m aso n
Masonic Temple
One No rth Broad Street
Philadel p hia , PA 1 9 10 7-2598
A well-informed Mason is an effective Mason
Items From Our Museum: The Washington Coffin Fragment
A Record?
The members of Sunset Lodge No. 623 in Washington , PA have what the y believe is the longest unbroken line of Past Masters in Masonry. Bro. Jam es G. Smith , who served the Lodge as Master in 1951 is still living and a ll w h o h ave served since that time are also st ill li v ing. No one has served more th an o nce as Master. Can any Lodge beat this reco rd ?
Grand Master's
5 200th Anniversary , Montgomery Lodge No 19, Philadelphia
7 Speci al Communication of Gran d Lodge , Laying the Datestone , Perry-Ioni c Lodge No. 796, Wex ford
10 Trin ity Lodge No. 736 , Pitt sbu rgh
14 Annual Fa ll Reunion , Va ll ey of Will iam sport, A.A.S R.
15-16 20lst Annu al Comm uni cat ion of th e Grand Lodge of Maryland
20 Fall Reunion , Cald we ll Co nsistor y, A.A.S R. , Va ll ey of Bloomsburg
21 Fall Re union , Pe nn sy lvan ia Co nsist ory, A.A .S .R. , Va lley of Pitt sburgh
1 Meeting, Grand Lodge Comm itt ee on Fi nan ce
2 Quarter ly Communicat ion of Grand Lodge , Corinthian Hall , Masonic Temple, Philadelp hia
3 Grand Holy Royal Arc h Chapter of Pennsylvania, Mason ic Temple , Philade lphia
4 Co mmittee on Masonic Homes, El izab ethtow n
5 DeMolay Initiation Class, Patton Campus, Elizabethtow n
8 Informal Visita ti on, Whiteh all Lodge No 794
11 Fall Class, Va ll ey of Philad elphi a, A.A.S.R., Philadelphia
12 Cere moni al, Syr ia Temple , Pittsburgh
27-28 Annual Grand Co mmuni cat ion , Founder s Hall , Hers he y
In late 1986 Bro Robert Batt o, P.D.D.G.M. of the Grand Lodge Committee o n Masonic Education brought to the a ttention of Bro. John H. Platt , Grand Lodge Librarian and Curato r , the existence of w hat purported to be a fragment of the o riginal coffin of Bro . George Washington . The possibility of the Grand Lodge M useum s acquisit i on of the ob ject was discussed . B eca u se of the surety of th e fragment's authenticity and also b ec aus e the piece was originally given to Bro. John Struthers , a Philadelphia Free mason who made and presented the sa r cop h agu s w hich replaced the old co ffin , the o bject was purc h ased in early 1987 w ith fund s from the Bro. Maxwell Som m ervill e Beq u es t.
From mid D ecembe r 1799 until 1837 , Bro. Washington s body lay undisturbed in th e crypt at Mt. Ve rnon. I n 1836 Bro . John Struthe rs of Concordia Lodge No. 67 generousl y o ffer ed t o the WashingtOn family tO make and present a sa rcophagus made of Pennsylvania marble more s uitabl e for th e rem ains of Bro. WashingtOn. T h e sa r c ophagus was designed b y a c l ose friend of Bro. S tru thers, Bro. Will iam Strickland o f Col umbi a Lodge No. 91, designer of the o ld Masonic Hall on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia that was us e d b y the Grand Lodge . The corresp o ndence r elati n g to the design, building of the sarcop hagus and the p r eparations for its so und placem e nt in the Washington family va ult are a testament to the extrem e and exacting care that was taken b y our operati ve Bre thren in former times, and greatly helped prove the authe nti ci t y of th e fragment. The offer of the sa rcophagus was grea tl y appreciated and accepted by the WashingtO n famil y. Bro Strickland pr ese nted plans for the wo rk , the drawings were accepted and the work was begun.
W he n Bro. S tri ckland and Bro. St ruthers arrived a t Mt. Vernon th e v ault was opened on Oc t o ber 7, 1837. An ou te r lead case was o pened, r evea lin g Washington's mahogany coffin, which had g r e atly dete ri orated. One o f the larger pieces was retr ieved and pr ese nt e d to Bro. Struthe r s by M rs. Augustus Washington, w ife of a nephe w of Bro. Washington It is specul a ted that Bro . S truth e r s was g ive n th e frag
.------- Masonic H omes Events
The Children 's Home at the Masonic Homes
Elizabethtown, PA
The Masonic co n ce rn fo r h e lpi n g ot hers in n eed h as been ex pressed at th e Mason ic H omes for ove r 75 years. Almost fro m the begi nning , th e care of chi ldre n has been a part of t his conce rn I n the 1920 s separate fac il ities were establ ished for chi ldren and continue today as the Child ren ' s Home at the Masonic Homes. These facilities were co mpl e te ly r e m ode led during th e early 1980 ' s and provide a modern , att r active and well -equ ipped facili t y for the care o f children who need se r v ice.
Services a r e p r ovided to any child who is of schoo l age and w h o in the belief of the Comm ittee o n Masonic Ho mes has a need w hi ch ca n b e met at t h e Children's H o m e. O ur c h il d r e n come from many d iffe r ent s itua tions , but the most typical s ituati o n is the s ingle pa r ent fa mil y in w hich the s ingle pa r ent is no longer able to cope with the co mpl exit ies of child rearing o r w ith the problems posed by the child. Once adm itt ed , c hil dren normally stay thr ough their school years , but this is not a requi r ement. The Masonic Ho m es assumes full financ ia l r esponsibil i ty for the children. Medical , dent a l , educationa l, ph ys ica l and social needs a r e all provided for by the Committee o n Maso ni c Ho mes thro ugh high ly qu a lified and wel l-t r ained staff at the fa c ili ty. Th e pu r pose o f the h ome is to prepare c hi ld ren fo r independent li ving. No effort is made to replace the parents of the ch ildr e n , but the pa r ental role is fill ed by c hild ca re workers who provide the s upp or t , encouragement , tender lov ing ca re and gu idance that parents would provide if t hey were able . The goal is to crea te as normal an env i ronment for th e c hild as poss ib le.
Re s idential Child Care
In the Residential Chi ld Care Program, c hildre n li ve in the Lo ui s Eisen loh r or th e j oh n Sm i th Buildings. Typi cally ,
Sc h oo ls , programs conduc ted by Intermediate Unit 13 , o r the Lancaster County Vocat ional Schools. Reg ular st ud y is required and tutors are provided to assist those ch ildren who nee d ext ra he lp with school work.
1chi ldr en have t h e ir own spac io u s and well-l ighted r oom. The rooms are comfortably and full y furn ished , but many child ren s upp lement the furnishings with personal items such as stereos , toys and games , a nd pictures and posters.
Children in Residentia l Child Ca r e are s up ervised by ch ild care workers w h o do what parents would do. This may be somet hing as si m ple as t ransp orting the ch ild t o an eve nt o r as complex as helpin g the ch ild solve an interpersona l problem. I t ma y mean a quiet talk in the eveni ng o r reading a story a t bedt im e . lt m ay mean a hug o r it may mean a sco ld i ng. It may mean playing a game w ith the c hild , assigning a cho r e , work ing on a projec t together , p lanni n g an ac t ivi ty , o r an y of t he many other things par ents and chi ldr en do togethe r . Independent Li v ing
In th e Independent Living Program, which is o p en only to residents of t h e Children s H o m e, c hildr e n a re p rov ided th e opportuni t y for increasing r esponsib ilit y for themselves leading to eve ntu al independence. There are fo ur levels in the program a nd th e amount and type of se rvi ce provided varies according to the level wh ich is determined by the chi ld s age , sc h ool placement , a nd readiness. C hildren i n Independent Living a r e h o u se d in rooms o r apa rtm e nts on grounds or in homes in th e commun it y. Education
Ch il d r e n at t he Masonic Homes attend th e Elizabeth town Area P ub li c
Many rec rea ti ona l opport uni ti es are provided on th e g r ou n ds of the C hildren ' s Home , but c hildren are encouraged to make maximum use o f t he commun it y for their recreationa l needs. On the grounds, the r e is a swimming pool, tenn is cou rts, indoor and ou td oor basketball courts , pool tables , Ping-Pong tables , video games , home compute rs , p layg r o und and many ot h er recreational op p o rtuni ties. In the com munit y , th e children take advantage of the opport unities prov ided by local cha pters o f DeMolay, job s Daughters , the Orde r of Rainbow fo r Girls, the Elizabe t htown Area Recreationa l Commission, Boy Scou ts, G irl Scouts a nd sc h ool programs s u ch as s p or ts and p lays.
When c hildren become old e nough, they a re a lso encou raged to find parttime wo r k in the co mmunit y so that they can begin to es ta blish a wo rk r ecord , learn to manage tim e and mone y and begin to feel r espons ibl e for t h emse l ves. Working and h aving o nes own money also e ng enders a spir i t of in dependence , of p r ide and of se lf worth.
Part icipation in r eligious life is expected of th e c hi ld r e n and the y ma y se lect to at tend the Se ll C h apel o n the gro u nds of th e Ho mes or to a tt e nd any of the many churches in th e Elizabe t htown area.
Admission Information
Although ch ildr en need not hav e any Masonic affiliati on to receive services , th ey must be sponsored by a lodge in order to be co n sidered for admission to the C hildren s Hom e. Lodge sponsorship does not en tail any additional financial responsibi lit y for th e care of the ch ild on the part of the lodge. More det ailed informat ion on admissions may be obtained by calling the Ch il d r en's Home office a t t h e
Masonic Hom es. Chi ldren may be considered for admission if they are of school age and have at least one year o f sc h oo l remaining or at a yo ung e r age if they a r e part of a s ib ling group which includes o ld e r chi ldre n who are be i ng co nsid e r ed fo r adm iss io n. Boys an d gir ls are conside red fo r admiss ion wi th out regard to race, co lor, nat ional origin, ancestry , religious c r eed or sex.
Placement is made b y the pa r ents, not courts or soc ial agencies, and parents retain c us tody of th e ir c hildren , but do agree not to interfere with the m anagement and trai n ing of their ch ildren
The C hildren ' s Home program is funded by the Masonic Homes which is ow n ed and opera t ed by th e Grand Lodge of Pennsy lvania. No c harg es are made to individuals , o r ganiza tions, or units of government for the se rvi ces p r ov id ed to th e children accep ted for ca r e at the Ch ildr e n 's H ome.
Funds to ope r ate t he Home have been provided over the yea r s thr ough the generous gifts, bequests , endowments and gene r o u s giving of Masons a nd their families. Every Mason has th e o ppo rtunit y to con tr ibu te specifically for the o perati on of the Children ' s Home each year, but co ntributi ons may b e made at any time. Many indi viduals, fami lies and lodges have found th a t a g ift to the Children's H o m e for a spec ific p u rpose makes a fi tting memor ia l fo r those they wish to have remembered.
Anyone i nterested in making a contr ibution of any s ize or for any purpose may ob tain furthe r information by calling th e Ch ildren ' s Home office a t t he Masonic Homes-7 17-367-1121. The Masonic Homes is re cognized as tax exempt under sect ion 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Reven ue Code. Anyone i nterested in making a gift o r r e membering th e Children's Home in th e ir will , shou ld consult with their attorney o r tax cons u ltant to ascertain the poss i b le favo r ab le tax consequences of such giv in g.
Father and Son Re united
What a joyous reunion! After a sepa r at ion of ove r 30 years , father and son we r e jo ined together again as th e resu l t of an article tha t was publi shed in the P ennys l vania Fr eemason.
It all began when Bro. Cheston "Chet' ' M. G ilda y, a membe r of Co mmunit y Lodge No. 744 in Broomall, PA , read an article that Bro. C. Weldy Williams had celebrated his 103rd birthda y and was honored at a special party held at the Masonic H omes in Elizabeth t own.
Bro. Gi lday immediately contacted his uncle , Bro. David W. Williams , in fo r mi ng him th at hi s father was a Gues t a t the Hom es.
Aft e r ve rification was made th ro ugh Grand Lodge, he made arrangeme n ts to t ravel to t he Masoni c Homes to b e reun it ed wi th his fathe r.
Unfo rtunatel y , Brother Da-v id W. Williams , upo n returning from Korea in 19 5 7 , had been informed that hi s father had passed away, so imag in e h is joy in receiving thi s message.
Many h appy hours were spent in the next several days renew ing their r elat ionship after their many years apa rt fro m each o ther.
Bro. C. We ldy Wil liam s was i niti ated into Maso nr y on Ma y 26,.
19 1 1 and rece ived a cert ificate fro m G r and Lodge ackn o w ledg ing h is 75 years in the Fra tern it y. He h as been a Gues t at the Masonic Homes since 1976. Bro. Wi lli ams enjoys good h ea l th an d st ill has a keen mind and a good sense o f humor. Bro David W. Williams has bee n a member of Triangle Lodge No. 708 in Albany , GA for over 30 years. He now r es id es in Sherman , TX.
Note: The Pennsylvania Freemason is very happ y to have been a part of this wonderful reuni o n of father and son
Welsh Choir En tertain s Gu es t s at Home s
On Monday, Sep tem ber 21 , 198 7 , the Guests a t the Masonic Homes were e ntertained by the Masonic Cho i r o f North Wales.
The Choi r , from Wales , U.K. , which for ce nturies has be e n known as th e Land of Song, consis ts of fif t y experienced singe r s f rom twenty-nine differe nt lodges in North Wa les. Th e ir sche dul e was limited to fi ve co ncerts wh ic h in clud ed appearan ces in Ma r yla nd , Pennsylvania and New York. During their stay , in addit ion to o ur Maso ni c Ho mes , the c h oir also sang for th e Masonic H o m es in Hunt Va lley, Maryland and Utica , New York. The c h o ir was g r eeted at the Masonic Homes by Bro. Carl W. Stenberg , Jr. , Righ t Wo r shipful G r and Master , other Grand Lo dge Office r s and Bro joseph E. Mu r phy, Exec uti ve Dir ec t or of th e Mason ic Homes.
Grand Master Presents Four Throat Medallion s
At the September 12 , 1987 Quarterly Commun cation of the Grand Lodge of Pennsy vania, the Right Wors hipful G rand Master Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. presented four Th roa t M edalli o ns. The Grand Master was ass i st ed b y Brother D r ew W Washabau P.M. , Director of Project Sol omon II and the District Deput y Grand Mast er f o r each Mason r eceiv ing a Throat Meda lli o n The four Masons who brought 48 petitions of candida t es for Freemaso nr y are: Bro ther Charles L. Yarle tt s, 228 Carol Drive , New Wilmington , Pennsy l v an a He is Senior Dea con in Lodge No. 804. He and h is w fe , Carol , ha ve tw o so ns, Chris and Charles , Jr. and a daughter, Carol Lynn. B o t h sons were
made Masons within th e past year and Br o Yarl etts served as th eir guide. Cha rles Yarl etts has been very active i n hi s comm unit y. H e s a member o f the Uni t ed Methodist Church and plays o n th e church softball team He manages a basketball ca mp f o r c hildr en fr om g r ades 1 to 6 in th e summer and does this on his ow n initiative Br o C harles has been a part- time mem be r o f the New W il mington Po lice Department for 22 yea r s, a m emb er of th e vo luntee r fir e departm e nt f o r 24 years, and a member of th e ambulance service fo r 6 years.
Richard]. Elli o tt , a m e mb er o f Lodge N o. 720, lives at 39 29 Chew St re et, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Bro. Elliott
joined the Fraternit y in 19 74 and has sign ed 2 3 p eti tions si n ce enter i ng Fr ee masonry H e is a build ng con tractor and rea estate manager in Whi t ehall, Penns ylva nia . Matthew D. Dupee of 718 Green Street, Lan sdal e, Pe nn sylva nia H e is the Juni or Warden n hi s lodge, Sh il o h Lodge No 558. His fa t her i s Past Mast er o f Shiloh Lodge Bro. Dupee is a lawye r , 26 y ears o f age, and ve r y acti ve in t he fr ate rn i t y. H e is a member o f the Phila l ettes Soc iety and th e Masonic Book Cl ub.
D avid Jac obs, 20 Ra i n L i l y Road, Lev i ttown, Pennsylvania, is se rving as Worshipfu Maste r o f the C. Grant Bri tt i ngham Lodge N o. 7 88 Bro Jacobs is a Warrant Memb er of th e C. Grant B r itting h am Lodge and se r ved as the chairman o f th e f o rm at i on commi tt ee . H e belo ngs to Ke ysrone Royal Arch C h apter No. 3 and is a Past High Priest, n ow se r ves as Secre tar y. H e is a member o f t he Valley of Trenton and Crescent Temp le. H e joined the Fraternity in 194 8 and ha s sign ed more th an 20 peti ti o ns in thi s time.
Bro. Jacobs , W.M. , was born in Lawr ence, Massachusetts. He was educated in Boston, Massachusetts. H e h olds a Bache lo r s D egre e in Chem ca l Engineer ing and a Mas ter's D eg ree in Mechan cal Enginee ri ng. At prese n t he has a consul ting business. He s, al so, a r et ir ed Army Co lo n el.
Project SOLOMON II ®Master Builders
BRO. FRANK]. AITKEN, Lodge No. 456
BRO. RI CHARD R. ATEN , L odge No. 3 26
BRO. ANTHONY R. AZZATO , Lodge No. 639
BRO. RAYMOND]. BARRY , III , Lodge No. 704
BRO. EDWARD L BAUST , SR., L odge No. 697
BRO. LUTHER]. BLACK , Lodge No. 265
BRO. JO HN E. BRUNNER, Lodge No. 796
BRO. JAMES E CADUE , Lodge No 780
BRO. ROBERT E CA HILL, SR., Lodge No 788
BRO. EDWARD W DAVIS , Lodge No. 4 76
BRO ROBERT E. DAVIS , L odge No. 216
BRO. W ILLIAM F. DEESC H , Lodge No. 792
BRO. FRANKLIN C. DIEM, Lodge N o 405
BRO. CHARLES F. DOLPH, Lodge No. 567
BRO M. TH OMAS FANNIE, Lodge No. 644
BRO. W ILLIAM E. FAWC ETT , JR. , Lod ge N o. 76 7
BRO. V I C T OR M. FREDERICH, III , Lo d g e No 446
BRO. PAUL C. GARBER , Lodge No. 782
BRO KENNETH R GEIB, Lo dge No. 043
BRO . WI LLI AM L. GIPP LE, Lo dge No. 456
BRO JOSEPH V. GORKA, SR. , L odge No. 6 77
BRO. ELMER E. GRA EF F, Lodge No. 227
BRO. JACK L GRI MM , L o dge No. 662
BRO. JOHN T. HALL , Lodg e No. 446
BRO. RALPH]. HARTZELL , Lo dge No. 585
BRO. CU RTI S G HEPLER , Lo dge No. 5 07
BRO JAMES W. HINE S, SR., Lodge No. 346
BRO. FOSTER]. H OOVER, Lodge No. 409
BRO.] KEITH HOWE , Lo dge No 308
BRO. HOMER JONES, Lodge No. 780
Bro . John H. Platt , Jr. Appointed Grand Lodge Librarian and Curator
On Fe b r uary 1, 1987 , Bro. John H. Plat t, Jr., previous y the Ass oc iate Librar ian and Curat or, was appo in ted Grand L odge Li b rari an and Curator by R .W. Grand Maste r Carl W. Stenberg , Jr. Bro. Platt succeeds Br o. Frank W. Bobb, Librarian and Curator since 1970 A member of Pilgrim Lodge No. 712 , Ke ystone Royal Arch Chapter No 3 and th e Scottish Rite Valley of Phila delphia, B ro Platt had held var ous positions at th e library of The Histo r ical Society of Pennsylvania for 25 yea rs in cluding H ead Librarian.
Fo rm er y active and a member on the membership commi ttee of the Museum Council of Philadelphia , he is also a member of the American Library Asso cia ti on, the Del aware Valley
Phil obib lon Club of Philade lphia , the Peale Club of the Pennsylvania Academ y of the Fine Arts, the Pen nsy lvania H istorical Association and the Historical Society of Penns ylvania.
Br o. Platt has been a member of the Board of D i rectors of the Genea log ical Society of Pennsylvania for several years and was recently elected its President.
Chapter of the A ssociati on of Am erican Co llege and Research Libraries, the
A Family Affair
Di strict No. 15 Dep uty Grand Mast er Edward E T o urj e s proud to r epo rt an unu sua l o cc u ran ce of F r ee an d Accep ted Masons at New Mil ford Lodge N o. 507, N ew Mi lford, Pennsy vania. Three brothers are cur r ently h oldi ng offi ce. From left to right is District Deputy Gran d Master Edward E. T ourje, Worsh i p ful Master, F. Dean Lew i s, Senior Warden , Dennis C. Lew is, and Ju nior Warden, David T.
Lewis. Dean, age 29, was initiated January 1983, and is a school bus owner operato r D ennis, age 27 , was initiated May 1983, also a school bus owner operator. Da vid, age 26, was initiate d January 1984, works at SingerLink All brothers are graduates of Blue Ridge School District. In add i tion, Denni s is currently Pr esident of the 15th District School of Inst ru c ti on, and a Junio r Instructor.
Married , with three sons , he has long been active in the Pres byter ian Church (U.S A.) where he is an Elder , Bro Pl att was a member of the Genera Council o f the Presbyte r y of Philadelphia. He currently serves as one of the 13 membe r s of the selec t General Assemb ly Committee of the B icentennial of the Firs t General Assembly that was held in Philade l phia in 1789
From Our Mu se um continued from page 7.
ment in return for the sarcophagus
The face of Bro. Washington is sa id tO have been " as f re sh as the da y it was entombed 40 yea rs before-but that in fifteen minutes from the time i t was exp osed to the ai r it had crumbled to dust." This account is taken from a letter written by Robert H amill, to Rev ]. H. Mathers in 1891 that accompanied the fragment when the Grand Lodge Museum purchased it , further substantiating its authenticity.
Careful consideration was given to how a coffin fragmenr would be received by the public. A disp la y of such an article might be l ooked upon as being too V ictoria n and maudl n This is where appropriate museum display is imp ortant. The fragment had already been placed in a black box fitted with brass handles and covere d with a piece of glass throu gh which on e can view t he frag m ent; so i t was decided to p lace it on a p ain stand next to the Wash i ngton Apron. Here the Washington Coffin Fragment , a piece of Mason c history inseparably connected with Pennsylvania Freem asonry, takes its deserved place among th e co l lections of the Museum o f t he Grand Lodge of Pennsylvan ia
Left to right: B ro. Charles Ym·letts, Lodge No. 804; Bro. Da v id ja cobs, Lodge No. ?88; Grand Master, Bro. Richard]. Elliott, Lodge No 720; Bro. Matthew D. Dupee, Lo dge No. 558; Bro. Drew W Washabau , Director SO L OMON II.
General Information Regarding the Special Organization Registration Plate
• Fee req uir e d w ith this appl ication is $20.00. Payment is to be made by check o r money order pa ya bl e to th e Comm onwea lth of Pe nnsylva nia. DO NO T SEND CAS H
• No s pe cial regist ration plates will be dupli ca ted , excep t when defa ced. In such c ases the defaced plate must be su rrendered to the bureau. Charge for rep lacement wi ll be S20.00.
• In add ition, so tha t th e ve hicle ma y be lega ll y ope rated p e nding receipt o f th e dup licated plate , application mu st b e made fo r reissue of a plat e from th e reg ul a r se ri es fo r which th e re w ill b e a c har ge of SS.OO.
• Requests for sp ec ia l reg is t ra tion p lat es are restr ict ed to veh icles other than moto rcycles an d trailers w ith a registered g ross we igh t o f not more than 9 ,000 lbs.
• No re fund of fe e will be issued when applicant cance ls reques t afte r o rd er is placed.
• This app lication , co mpl e ted in full, along w ith check o r m o n ey ord er sho uld b e mailed to the Sp ec ial Tag Unit , Burea u of Moto r Veh icles and Licensing , G-1 00 Transpo rtati o n & Safety Buildi n g, Harris burg , PA 1 7122.
• When the ap pli ca nt ceases t o be a member in th e a fo rem en t io ne d o rgani za tion th e re gistrati o n plate must b e re turn ed to th e department and a form MV -44 comp leted and s ubmitted w ith a fee of S5.00 fo r a regular reg is trati o n plate.
MV-904SO (9 -83)
• All telep hone numbers w ill be held in con fi dence and used on ly in th e event of a prob lem with yo ur app li ca ti o n. Spec ial o rganizat ion registra ti on p lates w ill be issued o n ly to membe rs in good s tanding o f qualifyi ng co y & soc ial orga ni za tion s. Plat es wi ll be iss ued in t he c urrent standa r d plat e co lors being issu ed. The o rganiz a tion ' s insign ia w ill appea r to the le ft of th e plate and th e o r ganization 's actual nam e, or an accep t able ab brev iat io n th e reo f , w ill be pr inted across th e bottom
mm o n wealth of Pennsylvania APPLICATION F OR De pa rtment of Transportation Bureau o f Motor Vehic es & L ice nsing ! SPECIAL
Annual Communication, Dinner-Dance : I Set for Hershey- December 28 i
The Annual Grand Comm unicati on of the Grand Lodge of Penns y lvania will be held at 10:00 a .m . on Mo nday, D ece mber 28 in the a udi torium of Founders Hall on the camp us o f the Milt on Hers he y Schoo l.
T h e comm uni cati on w ill m ark t h e end of t h e administration of Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. as R.W. G r and Mas te r , and th e b egi nn in g of the expected term of Bro. Arthur]. Kurt z as R.W. Grand Master. The communication of the Grand Lodge w ill begin promptl y a t 10 :00 a.m. to allow for the ins ta ll ation of th e Grand Master a t noon. All Mas ter Masons are welcome to attend .
Tickets for the Grand Master s dinner-dance in t h e Ch ocolate Ballroom of the Hershe y Lodge a n d
Co nvention Cen ter are availab le to the brethren and th ei r ladies at a cos t of $ 15 .00 per person and will be so ld on a first requ es t ba s is. Tables w ill accommoda t e 10 people , should you wis h to a ttend as a gro u p. Pl ease u se the co up o n included and enclose a se lf-addressed, sta mp e d e nvelope with yo ur reservation and yo u r tickets will b e mailed to you Dinner w ill be served promptly at 6:30p.m. a nd w ill be f o ll owed by e ntertainment and dancing schedu led to end a t midnight. The Master Builders A History of the Gmnd Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania