The Pennsylvania Freemason - Winter 1988

Page 1

Grand Master's Itinerary


16 Annu a l R e tirin g Ma s ters Ba nqu et, 49th Masonic Di s uic t

22 Commi ttee on Masonic Homes, Elizabeth town

23 Mee ting P enn sy lvania Youth Foundation , Elizabethtown

27 Lodge No. 756, Presentation of R. W. Junior Grand Warden, Harris burg

30 Grand Ma ster to attend Mason ic Brea kfa s t, Ca l vary Methodist Churc h, Harri sburg


16 Prese nta tio n o f ne w Disu ict

De put y Grand Master for Maso ni c Dis trict "G," Philade lphia-Potte r Lodge No. 72 , Philade lphia

18 Pa st Ma ste r 's Nigh t, Lodge No. 464, H arri s burg

21-24 Co nfe re n ce o f G rand Mas ters of Maso n s in North America, Ced ar Rapids , Iowa

27 Lodge 346, Co nn e ll sv ill e


2 Qua nerl y Communication of Grand Lodge, Corinthian H a ll , Masonic Temp le, Philadel phia



3 Tall Cedar s o f L e ba n o n No. 56, Coa tesv ille

19 Special Communicat ion of the Grand L o dge for the purpose of Dedi ca tin g th e Lodge R oo m, L odge No. 536, R ey n o ld sv ill e

25 Committee on Masonic Homes, E li za be thtown

26 Scouis h Rite Sem inar, Patton Ca mpu s


5 Lodge No. 244, Kittanning

9 Rainbow Hon o r Da y for the G ra nd Master, A.A.S.R., H arri s burg

10 Gra nd Co urt Sess ion , Order of th e Amaranth

12 L odge No. 135, I 75th Anni ve rsa r y, Phil ade lphia

15 Co mmittee o n Masonic H omes, Elizabethtown

16 Maso ni c Congress Committee, Maso ni c H o m es, E li za be thtow n

19 Lodge No. 230, Philade lphia

21 Spr ing Mid-A tlanti c Sh rine Assoc ia tion , Atlantic Cit y

23 Lodge No. 572, I OOth Anniversa r y, Orb iso ni a

24-26 Annual Gra nd Assembly of th e Gra n d Co un cil of R oya l and Se lec t Master s, Da n ville, Pennsy l va ni a Seco nd C ass P OSTAGE P AID Ph lade lphia

P e nn sy lvania

Volume ll,


Covering th e pe riod from 1874, the year fo ll ow ing th e dedication of th e Maso ni c Temple, to the bicentennia l cele bra ti o n o f 1986, Volume II of Th e M aster B uilders co ntains man y interesting details o f th e Fraternit y's r ece n t hi story Hi ghl ig h ts incl ude th e interio r decorat io n o f th e Temple, t h e perfo rm a n ce of man y p ubli c ceremonies tha t ga in ed widespread app r eciation by non-Ma so n s, th e e bb a nd flow of m e mb e r s hip, p at riotic reactio n s of P e nn sy lvan ia Masons in tim e of war, a n d the expa n s io n of Masonic edu cation.

The modern p eriod a lso exhibi ts man y exam pl es of Masoni c ch a rit y, suc h as th e es ta bli s hm ent of r eside nti a l fac ilities for Mason s a n d th eir d epe n dents. Th e textofVolume II is a ugme n ted b y exp lanatory c harts a n d tables , a nd a number of co ntem p orary photographs are a lso included . Another o f its nota bl e features is a co m pre h en si ve index to both vo l u mes.

The Master Builders

A Hist ory of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsy lv ania

Enclosed is m y c h eck or m o n ey orde r in th e a mount of $ for pu rc h asing th e follow in g vo lume(s) o f th e MASTER BUILDERS:

Make check p aya bl e to Gra nd Seo-etary.

Vo l um e I © $22 .95 $ ___ Vo l um e II

Brother Arthur J. Kurtz, Begins Term as R. W. Grand Master of Freemasons in Pennsylvania

Bro . Arthur J. Kurtz of Harri sb ur g, a retired president and form er ow n er of Kurtz-M ayflowe r Van Lin es, has been installed as th e 99th Ri g ht Worshipful Grand Master o f the Grand L odge o f Free a nd Accepted Masons of P en n sylvan ia and Masonic Jurisdic ti on Thereunto Belonging.

Bro . Kurtz was e lected to F reemasonry's h ighest office at the Quarterly Comm unication of the Grand Lodge held in Philad e lphia o n Dece mb er 2 He was installed as the top leader o f the more tha n 190 ,000 Masons in the state at th e Annual Grand Commu ni ca ti o n in H ershey on December 28.

T h e ancie n t cer e m ony used to ma r k the beginning of the Gra nd Ma s ter's ter m , when fu ll author ity and r esponsib ilit y for th e con du ct of th e Fra tern it y is placed in his care, was conducted at n oon o n the 28th in the aud i torium of Founders Hall located in He r sh ey, P e nnsyl vania

T h e new Gra nd Master succeeds Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. of Pittsburgh, who served as Grand Master during 1986 and 1987

Als o insta ll ed were Bro. W. Scott Stoner of Lancaster as the R. W Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Edward H Fow ler, Jr. of Pittsb urg h , as the R. W Senior Grand Warden, and Bro. George H. Hohenshildt o f Mechanicsburg, as R W. Junior Grand Warden.

Bro. Art hur R. Di amo nd of Jenkintown was re-elected the R. W. G ra nd Treasurer and Bro Thomas W. J ackso n of Aud ubo n was re-e lec ted R W Grand Secretary.

Bro. Kurtz was e lec ted to th e Grand Lodge line as R. W. Junior Grand Ward e n i n December of 1982. He served as th e R W. Se ni o r Grand Wa rde n in 1984 and 1985 and as R W Deputy Gra n d Mas ter in 1986 and 1987

Born in H arr isburg, Pe nn sy l vania in 1919, the Grand Master · h as been a res iden t of H arrisburg all of his life, except while serv ing with th e United States Army during World \1\far II.

Educated in public sc h ools o f the city of Harrisburg, h e also co mp leted additio na l schooling at var ious service schools.

T h e above prices include taxes, postage and han dlin g costs M ail to:

The Library & Museum


An active ci vic leader, Grand Master Kunz served as a Board Member of th e Har r isburg Kiwanis Club as w el l as being a member o f th e Harris burg Executive Club, th e H arrisburg

C ham ber o f Com m erce and th e Hill Bu sin ess Men's Assoc iation.

He was disc harge d from the United S tates Arm y as a Captain and holds t h e Purple H eart, Bronze Star and the Combat Badge w ith three ba ttl e s tars

Bro. Kurtz is a me mber of Calvary United Methodist Church , a

Bro. Arthur J Kurtz was installed as R W. Grand Mas ter of Masons in P ennsylvan i a at th e Annual Grand Communicat io n. former member of th e Finance Committee and the P astoral R elations Committee of his church.

The Grand Master was Worshipful Master of R obert Burns Lodge No. 464 in 1967; was elected its R eprese n ta tive in the Grand Lodge in 1968 and served as Treasurer o f th e L odge in 1972 a n dl97 3 . H e was appointed District De put y Gra nd Mas te r o n page 2

The Pennsylvani
Free mason



J. Kurtz

o f the 2nd Maso ni c Dis tri c t o n Septem ber 5, 1973 a nd ser ved until Dece mb er 27, 1979 w h e n he was created a P as t Di s tri c t Depu ty Gra nd Master.

H e is a m e mber of P erseve ran ce

R oya l Arch Chapter No. 2 1; H a rri sb urg

Cou n c il No.7, R oya l a nd Select Masters, and Pi lgr im Commandery No. II , Kni g hts Templar.

G rand Master Kurtz is a m emb er o f th e

Sco tti s h Rit e Bo di es in t h e Va ll ey of Harrisburg a nd is a Past Th ri ce Potent

Installed as Grand Master of Masons

Master of H a rri s burg Lodge of P erfection H e was co ron e ted a 33 rd Degree Maso n a nd m a d e a n h o nor ar y m e mb e r

o f Supre m e Co un c il in 1978. On Sep tem ber 29, 1983 h e was appo inted an Ac ti ve Member of th e Supreme Council for P enn sylva ni a.

Bro. Ku rtz is a Past Potentate o f Zembo Temple, Anc ient Arab ic O rd er Nob les of th e Mys ti c S hrin e; a Past Pres ide n t of Ze mbo Luncheon C lub; a m e mber of H arr isbu rg Fores t No. 43, Ta ll Ced ars of

continued from page 1

Lebanon; H a rri sbu rg C hapter No. 76, Natio n a l Soj ou rn ers; the R oyal Orde r of J este rs, Harrisburg Court No 16 a n d Trinit y Conclave, R ed Cross of Constant i ne He is also the reci pi ent of the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

Grand Master Kurtz a nd h is wi fe, the form er D. J ane Dunkle, are th e paren ts of o n e so n an d b ne daug hter: Richard A. of Annanda le, Virg i nia and Nancy J a n e Deeds of Grantham, Pennsylvania, and hav e five grand chil dren.

Inaugural Address- Arthur J. Kurtz- December 28, 1987

My Bre thren

With a great dea l of humiiity , a nticipation and pride, I stand be fore yo u a nd a ddress you as yo ur n ew ly elected and in s ta ll ed R . W. Grand Master. Humbl e in the g rea tn ess of this mome nt, anticip a m in the 730 da ys to co m e that I might, in so me i nfinites tim al m eas ure, co ntribute to this a n c ie nt a nd h onora ble Fratern ity, and proud , in h avi n g been so h o nored, as to be c h ose n th e 99th Grand Master a nd lead er of over 190,000 Masons in our great sta te of Pennsylvania. When th e jewe l of office is placed a round th e neck of a Gra nd Mas te r, it is so m etim es ass umed that h e is a utomat ica ll y bl essed w it h th e wis dom of So lomon a nd that all th ings insurmountab le wi ll promptly be overcome b y him in du e tim e.

Brethren, as most of yo u know, s uc h is n o t th e case. Co n seq u emly, I sha ll co ns ta ntl y be see kin g co un se l, wisdo m and agreemen t from th ose who s urround m e I wi ll depend and rely on my elec ted a nd appo inted off icers, past G ra nd Mas ters, committees, trustees and, most of a ll , my Dis tric t Deput y Grand Mas ters, wh o, in the ir respec t ive di str icts, wi ll personally represent m e as Gra nd Master a nd who wi ll expedit e a nd promote th e Masonic law a nd my dir ec ti ves.

And, last l y, my Brethren , I w ill always seek a n d prayerfully pet ition th e Great Arch itect of th e Universe for understanding, wisdom a n d guidance in fulfi llin g th e duties o f my office.

In ou r G ra n d Lodge ope nin g c ha r ge, we a re enco uraged to app ly ou rse l ves w ith zea l to th e prac ti ce and pro fess io n of

Freemasonr y Bre thren, that is exac tly w h a t I intend to do in my two yea r te r m as G rand Master.

The re tirin g Gra nd Master, Carl W. Sten erg, Jr. , has h ad an exce ll e n t two year ter m a nd I congrat u la te him. In hi s ad minis tra tion h e has ope ned cer tain doors to be nefit those Gra nd Mas te r s w ho w ill co m e a fter him. I app laud hi s e fforts and I , too, w ill continue to foll ow the precept of en li ghte nm e nt and accou n tabi li ty in the office of the Grand Ma ster.

Firstandnumbero necons ideration in m y program, I pledge that my two year ter m will be one of tea m work To solve the prob lems of ou r Fraternity a n d to promote a nd strengt h en our adva n cements, we must, in deed, have con tinuity and mutual accord from one adm i nistr ation to ano th er. In most cases, m ost of us kn ow, a n y po licy or proj ect n o t agreed to by a ll Grand L odge l ine office rs, ends th e day a Grand Master goes o ut o f office. Brethren , I inten d to initiate teamwork, s taf f m ee tin gs an d co-ordinatio n of effort as pos itive and n ecessary proced ures for a ll Grand Lodge e n deavors.

Seco ndl y, I intend to carry on and stren gt h en our efforts in our SOLOMON II progra m E nl arging upon the o ri g i na l co nc e pt, w ith new ideas a nd h o rizon s, I h ope to spread the sto ry of Freemasonry as it s h ould be to ld To promote to the general public our inte res t in yo uth, in drug and alcoho l abuse preve nti on, in o ur m u ltitud e of charitab le program s and i n the stat ure a nd morality of a Maso n in h is co m munity. To PR, if you w ill , that Masons a re good peop le, good

Bro. George H. Hohenshildt

Installed Junior Grand Warden

Bro. George H. H ohenshildt , a consu lt ing su·uctural e n gineer of Harrisburg, has bee n installed as the R. W. Juni or Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylva ni a.

Bro. Hohe n s h ildt was installed as the fou rt h ranking Maso n in the State, at the An nu al Commu ni cation held in H ershey, P e nn sy l van ia o n December 28

A Past Maste r o f William S. Sn yder Lodge No. 756 in Harri sburg, Bro. Hoh e ns hildt se rved as District Deputy Grand Mas te r of the 3rd Masonic District from 1984 to the present.

c i t ize ns and wo rthy o f recog niti o n and mem bers h ip in their Fraternity. Nex t, as a res ult of my 37 year s of Masonic background and association, I am inclined to consider th e ap p end a nt bodies of Freema so nry in Penns ylva n ia; th e York r i te, th e Scottish r ite, th e Tall Ceda r s a nd th e Shr i n e rs, a long w it h our subordi n a te lodges, as t h e family of F reemasonry And, as such, I have recognized thes e named major appendant bodi es and have caused their i n s ign ias and symbols to be inscribed on th e obverse side of my Grand Mas ter's m eda llion. The members of these app endant bodies are our Bro ther Master Maso n s T h ey pa y a ll egiance a n d dues to our Grand Lodge and their authorized programs, activ iti es a nd charitable endeavors are bo th laudable and wor th y of our recognition .

It has been sa id that our Masonic r itual is beau tifu l, fu nd amenta l a n d i nspirin g. It has a lso been sa id that it is archa ic, redundant and boring. It h as furth er been said that our meetings are monotonous, uninteresting and much too long in length. I truly int.end, after mu c h study and only upon agreement wit h m y line off icers and the Committee on Ritua l and Masonic Educa tion, to correct some of these measures. I hop e to produce attract i ve lodge prog r ams, modify or shorten redundant ritual and eve n , for exa mple, find a way to complete a Grand Lodge quarterly in less than two hour s. In 1989, the second year of m y ad mini stra ti on, I am contemp lat i n g an offici a l continued on page 15

Born in Harrisburg on October 23, 1928, he has been a resident of the H arrisbu rg a rea his entire life He attend ed th e public schools of Harrisburg and Penn State U n iversity and is a grad uate of Smith Technica l I nstitute, as we l l as a gradua te of th e Wil so n Engineering Corporat ion in Boston, Massa chu se tts.

Bro. Hohen shildt served in the United States Ar m y a nd was honorably discharged in 1949.

He is a Senior m ember of Pilgrim Chapter, Order of DeM o lay and was the 1987 recipien t of the DeMolay Legion of H onor.

S in ce 1952 h e h as been employed at Clapp & Holmes, Consultin g Structural E ng ineers. H e is licensed in Penns ylva n ia, New J er sey and Maryland as a profess ional co n su lling engin eer. H e is a memb er of both state and national societies of Profess io na l Engineers and is a lso a memb e r of th e Am erican Soc iety of C iv il Eng ineers.

Bro. Hoh ensh i ldt is a member of P erseverance Ro ya l Arch Chapter No. 21, a nd se rved as Most Excellent Hi gh Priest

in 1974. H e is also a m ember of H arrisburg Council No. 9, R oya l and Se lect Masters, where he was Thrice Illu strious Master in 1964, and he is also a m e mber of Pilgrim Commandery No. II, Knights Templar, where he served as Eminent Commander in 1970 and 1971.

Bro . Hoh ens hildt served as Commander-in- Chief of the Valley of Harri sburg from 1982 until 1985, this followed his serv ice as Most Vlis e Master of H arrisburg Chapter of R ose Croix in 1970 and 1971. In 1973 he was coroneted a 33rd Deg ree Mason a n d was made an honorary member of the SuP.reme Council , N.M.J. H e hasalsoservedas the Director of Ritu alistic Work for the Valley of Harrisburg for ten yea rs , prior

to entering th e Consistoriallin e. Fo r the past three years he has served as G eneral Chairman of Arrangements for the Penns ylva nia Council of Delibera tion annual meeting.

Bro. H ohenshildt was Grand Marshal of th eCampin 1977andagain in I98lat Suprem e Cou ncil , and in 1986 he was appointed Aide to the Sovereign Grand Commander.

H e is a member of Zembo Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the M ys tic Shrine and the Ze mbo Lun cheon Club.

Oth eraHiliations include P en n Pri o r y No.6, K.Y .C . H. H e is the Past Soverei gn of Trinity Conclave , Knights of the R ed Cross of Constantine. H e is a member of the Ro ya l Order of Scotl and; a member of Erin Council, Knight Masons of the U.S A.; Qua tor Coronati L odge No. 2076, London, England and is presently the Guardian of the Caverns in the Societas R osicruciana in Civi ta tibus Foederatis. He also holds me mbe rship in the Alli ed Masonic Degrees, Grand Master Counci l " A," and he is presently the Junior Deacon . H e is a member of the Grand College of R ites of the States of Am e rica; The Phil a lethes Society and Ye Ancient Order of C orks . In add ition to this, he is a mem ber of H arrisburg Forest No. 43 and Valley Forest No. 145 , Tall Ceda r s of L ebanon. Bro. H ohenshild t has been a m ember of Lakeside Lutheran Church since 1940 and has served in var ious capacities in his chu rch.

H e is married to the fo rm er L e n a A. Bi ll and resides i n Mechani csbu rg, Cumberland County, Penns ylvan ia.

Grand Master Appoints Aides

Bro. Arth ur J. Kurtz, R.W. Grand Master, has named the fo ll owing as Aides to th e Grand Master for 1988-1 989:

• Bro. George R. Moad, a P as t Mas ter of R obert Burn s Lodge No. 464.

• Bro. Thomas C. Librandi, a member of Prince Edwin Lodge No 486.

• Bro. William D. Spargo, a Past Master of William D. Mcilro y Lodge No. 758.

• Bro. Ro y A McCu ll o ugh, a P ast

Master of Sunset Lodge N o. 623.

• Bro. Dan iel J. H inds, a Past Master of Covenant - Excelsior Lodge No. 456

Bros. Spargo, McCull oug h and Hinds also served as Aides to the Grand Master in 1986 and 1987

Items From Our Museum: The Sword of State

Anyone who has sat in Grand Lodge knows th a t th ere are certain officers that the Grand Lodge has th a t th e subordinate Blue Lodges do not ha ve. One of these officers is the Grand Sword Bearer.

A lth ough the po s ition of Grand Sword Bearer is n o t as o ld as some of th e other officer's positions, th e cus tom of carrying a sword before dignitaries is actua ll y quite o ld. The anc i ent Romans seem to be the first civilization to h ave pract iced the custom. The Lictor, or guard, wou ld carry a bundle of rods that surrounded an axe b efore the Chief Magistrates. T his bundle of rods was ca lled a fascia. This cus tom is kno wn to have ex isted in the Middle Ages w hen a Sword of State was substit uted for the fasc ia

In England , where the position of Grand Sword Bearer origin a ted, th e

Grand Lodge origina ll y h ad no Sword of State, so a swo rd belonging to a subordinate Lodge was u sed The sword was carried b e fore th e Grand Master by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge to wh ich th e sword belonged. In 173 1, the actua l office of Grand Sword Bearer was created w hen the Duke of Norfolk presented the sword of Gustavus Ado l phus of Sweden to the Grand Lodge of England with instructions for it to be carried before the Grand Master. Since Pennsylvania ritual is so closely r e lated to English ritual, our Grand Lodge has an officer who carries a sword before the Grand Master even to this day.

The Grand Sword Bearer' s swo rd differs from the Ty ler's sword in that the Tyler's sword symboli zes protection and is reminiscent of the "flaming sword which was placed a t the east of the Garden of Eden." It is also in teresting to

note that we are ever reminded not to bring anyth ing defen si ve or offensive into the Lodge. The Sword of Sta te h as been o-iticized because of this edict, but this sword is ne ither offensive nor defen sive. It i s merel y a token of the Grand Master's authori ty. In fact, both the presen t Sword of State of the Gra nd Lodge of Penn sy l va nia and th e o lder Sword o f State that is now in the Grand Lodge Museum, are unable to be drawn:

The b lade h as b ee n screwed to the sca bbard.

The sword that is now in th e Gra n d Lodge Museum was used probabl y from abou t th e mid to late 1800's un til about 1962. It is made of brass, has an i vory hand le and is three fee t long. It h as seve ral interesting sy mbols on it which we w ill d iscuss:

Grand Lodge Committee Appointments

• Grand Lodge Committee on Finance

Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz , R.W. Grand Master, Chairman

Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R.W. Deputy Grand Mas ter

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R.W. Senior Grand Warden

Bro. George H. Hohens hildt, R.W, Junior Grand Warden

Bro. Wi lliam J. Ebertshauser

Bro. Robert J. Hanson

Bro. No rman A. Fox

Bro. Theodore K. Warner, Jr.

Bro. Robert M. Spicer, Jr.

• Trustees to Title to Temple and Other Rea l Estate

Bro. W. Edward Sell , Chairman

Bro. Pau l G. Murray

Bro Emanuel Cassimatis

Bro. New ton C. Ta ylor

Bro. William R. Lessig, Jr.

• Trustees of the Consolidated Fund

Bro. John L. McCain, R.W. Pas t Gra n d Mas ter, Chairman

Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R.W. Deput y Grand Master

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R.W. Senior G rand Warden

Br o. Harriss A. Butler, III

Bro. David J. Brubach

Bro. Jack G. Armstrong

• Trustees of Joseph W. Murray Fund

Bro. J o hn L. McCain, R.W. Past Gra nd Mas ter, Chairman

Bro Step h en R. Newma n

Bro. David J. Brubach

Bro. J a m es M. Davis, Sr.

Bro. S teve n V. R ya n , Sr.

• Committee on Temple

Bro. Carl D. Homan , Chairman

Bro J ose ph E. McQu een

Bro. John J. Lotz

Bro. Robert A Detweiler

Bro. Charles W. Blac km a n

• Committee on Masonic Education

Bro. George H. H o h ensh ildt, R. W. Junior Grand Warden, Chairman

Bro. ]. Keith Howe

Bro. Wilfred E. Oakey

n o t see m to have any s ignifica nt symbo li sm a ttac hed to it:

2. The li on regardant, both o n th e hi lt of t h e sword , are symbols that r emind us of th e L ion of Judea of the Old Testament. It a lso rem in ds u s of one of the mod es of recog nition among Maso n s The sym boli s m o f th e lion h as bee n popu lar both befo r e th e C hri sti an era and throughout th e Midd le Ages. Many ceremonia l swords h ave s imilar designs.

3 The oak leaves and acorns a re sy mbolic of streng th a nd the concept that ideas hold w ithin th em se lves th e potentia l for great thin gs.

4. Th i s panel s hows wh a t is k n own as an "armory." It show s a co llec tion o f ca nnon s, ca nnon ball s, helmets and fl ags arrayed in a n art isti c co m pos iti o n . T h e armory do es

5. The s nak e at the very end of th e scab bard must not b e co nfu sed w ith the snake of the Garden of Eden. In m any in s tances th e ser p ent has represented di verse and even opposing co nc ep ts . In this in s ta n ce, the sna_ke se rves to sym bolize immorta lity , wisdom a nd fide lit y.

6. There is a q ui ver a t the base o f th e sca bbard th at is bound a t th e bottom by a fascia. It is interest in g to n ote that both thi s Sword o f S tat e in the Museum a nd th e Sword of Sta te that is used to d ay bot h ha ve a representation of a fascia on th em, a nd that all Swords of Sta te are descended from th e fascia.

Bro. J osep h Genti le

Bro. Herman A. Dotter

Bro. G len n W. O lsen

Bro. Everett J. E lliott

• Committee on By-Laws

Bro. Henry G. Schaefer, Jr., Chairman

Bro. Haro ld S. McGear

Bro. Wayne W. Thompson

Bro. Raymond J. DeRaymond

Bro. Robert A. Pate

• Co mmittee on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms

Bro. J osep h I. Gree nb erge r, Chairman

Bro P au l E Kunke l

Bro . Wi lliam H . Ale xander

Bro. Richard F. Fli ckinger

Bro. Charles L. Albri ght, J r.

Bro. Eugen e G. Painter

Bro. Carl R. F lohr

• Committee on Youth Activities

Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R.W. Deputy Grand Master, Chairman

Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R.W Grand Treasmer

Bro. Samuel C. Wi lli amson, R.W. Past Grand Master

Bro. Wi ll iam C. McCracken

Bro. Jeffre y W. Coy

• Committee on Correspondence

Bro. Josep h E. Trate, R.W. Past Grand Mas ter Chairman

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R.W. Senior Grand Warden

Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R.W. Grand Treasmer

Bro. Thomas W. Jackson , R.W. Grand Secretary

Bro. Frank W. Bobb

• Committee on Appeals

Bro. Robert D. Hanson, Chairman

Bro. Wi lliam A. Herd, Jr.

Bro. Frank F. Troup

Bro. Paul S. Kra sley

Bro. John E. Mi ller, Jr.

• Administrators of the Pension Plan

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R.W. Senior Grand Warden, Chairman

Bro. Thomas W. Jackso n , R.W. G rand Secretary

Bro. David J. Brubach

• Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. , R. W. Past Grand Master, Chairman

Bro. H iram P. Ball, R.W. Past Grand M as ter, .• Chairman Emeritus

Bro Robert D. H a n so n

Bro Haw ld A. Dunkelberger

Bro. Maur ice B. Cohill , Jr.

• Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Board of Directors

Bro. Ar thur J. Kurtz, R.W Gra nd Master, Chairman

Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R.W. Deputy Grand Master, Honorary Chairman and Treasurer

Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R W. Senior Grand Warden

Bro. J o hn L. McCa in , R.W. Past Grand Master

Bro. C h ar les R. Nebel

Bro. Dean E. Vaughn

Bro. Samu e l C. Wi llia mson , R.W. P as t Grand Master

Mrs. Ber yl Ho g u e (Rainbow)

Mrs. Karen Flock (Job's Daughters)

• Project SOLOMON II Directors

Bro. Drew W. Washabau, Director

Bro. Te rr y D. Bentze l, Assistant Director

Bro. Pau l F. Kunkel

Bro. Edward 0 We isser

Bro. Josep h Genti le

Bro. David L. Kempfer

Bro. Rob ert Batto

Bro Wa lter L. Sykes

I. The lion's h ead and

Goodyear Building Dedication

On Frida y, O c tober 23, 1987, the Goodyear Building, th e n ewest addit io n to th e Mason ic Hom es Complex, was dedicated and th e dates ton e la id in a Ma so ni c Ceremony co nducted by Car l W. Stenberg, Jr., Right Worshipful G r a nd Master.

In the lobby hangs a co mm em o rative plaque w ith a bu s t o f

Samue l M. Goo d yea r, w hich was scu lptured by Dr. Ronald E. Sykes, Professo r of Art a t Millersville U ni ver s it y. The plaque r ead s a s fo llows:


Erected in Honor and in Fond Memory o f


Right Worshipful Grand Master 1924-1925 and

Member of the Committee on Mason ic Homes 1917-1952 thru the generosity of his so n

DONALD H. GOODYEAR, P.M. Cumberland Star L o dge No 197 Dedica ted O c tober 23, 1987

Bro. Do nald H. Good yea r was j oi n ed by famil y a nd fri ends after th e d edicatio n for a r ecep ti on a nd ope n h o u se.

The Good year Bui ldin g, w hi ch is a n ex ten sion of o ur admin is tra ti ve offices will be th e n ew location for the Personne l Office, the Accounting Office a nd Resident Banking , a nd the Conference Room fo r th e Co mmittee on Masonic Homes meetings and o ther admini s tra ti ve meetings. The o ther offices w ill be used by a dministrative s ta ff.


Brethren and lad ies, o n beh a lf of th e R. w G r a nd Lodge of Free an d Accepted Masons o f Pennsy l va nia , I w ould like to take this tim e to th a nk Bro. Do n a ld H. Goodyear, P.M. of Cu mb erl a nd Star Lodge No. 197 a nd a lso the Committee on Masonic Homes fo'r m ak ing this n ew Administration B uildin g a reality. It is indeed fittin g that this building wi ll soo n serve as th e meet ing p lace for th e Committee on Maso nic Homes: F itting in th a t Bro Sa mu e l Mone tt Goodyear served o n th a t same co mmittee for some 35 year s Bro. Good year se r ved on m a n y importa nt Masonic co mmittees during his life, but of a ll of them it was the Co mmittee o n Maso ni c Homes that a l ways received hi s closes t atte nti o n On this co mmittee his o pinion was a lways respected. He wo uld s it in a chair in the co rn e r of th e old committee room a nd w h e n a n issue of g rea t impo rta n ce wa s brought up for di scuss ion, a ll present wo uld turn to him for his counsel, judgment a nd ad vi ce. When he died in 195 5, it was !>a id of him th a t his fa i th , co urage , sincerity and sound judgme nt wo uld serve as a lang e ndurin g m emorial. Today, th a nks to Bro. Good year' s so n , we add to that m emori a l this Ad ministra ti o n Building.

C h ar it y a nd care are a mon g th e g r ea t traditi o n s that we share as Masons. Rece ntly , there has bee n <1. g reater consc ious n ess a nd grow ing awar en ess concerning th e Fra ternit y's duty to ward s the young; M aso n s care a bout chi ldren, but our care a nd co ncern d oes n o t e nd there: Mason ic care ca n spa n th e li fe of an indi vidua l, from c hildho o d to o ld age. Care for our aged is one of the fo11nd a ti on sto n es up o n whi ch we h ave built o ur r epu tat ion ; and it is beca u se of this reputation o f ch ari t y a n d ca r e th a t we are known as a respo n s ibl e a nd re lia ble Fratern i ty.

We mu st n ever under es tim a te th e vita ll y importa nt role th a t th e Masoni<,: Homes p lays in a Masonic life. The Homes se r ve to co mfo rt Maso n s a nd their famili es as th ey ap p roac h retire m e nt. As Bro. Goo d year him se lf h as said : "No fea t ure o f o u r grea t inst itution so beaut ifu ll y ty pifi es t he sp irit o f Maso nry as does th e wo rk o f our Homes "

Project SOLOMON ll Meets with Masonic Education Committee

On October 11 , 1987 th e Directors of Pro j ec t SOLOMON II met with the G r a nd L odge Comm it tee o n Masoni c Education at th e P a tt o n Ca mpu s, E li za be thtown, P e nn sy lvania to s hare

th e ac ti v ities th a t ha ve been d eveloped during the past year . The Grand Lodge

Co mmittee on M aso ni c Edu ca tion , und er th e leaders hip o f John K. Young, R .W.P .G. M. , was holding its second annual di s trict education se minar


In spi te of two years o f h ard work and co untless meetings to tak e the message to th e Brethren , th e r e are Masons in P e nn sy l vania who do no t know the goal s

o f Pr.oject SOLOMON II Members of Proj ect SOLOMON II hea r comments

th a t o ur major purpose, o ur o nly goal, is to s na tc h m en from s tree t co rn ers and brin g th em into th e L od ges Nothin g co uld be further from the truth . Wh e n Ca rl W . S t e nb e rg, Jr. , R.W . P .G.M. was Grand Mas te r, h e ren 'ewe d the c har ge for Proje c t SOLOMON II In doin g thi s, h e was not co n siderin g a s ing le purpose. In th e Director's Handbook th e four goal s of Proj ec t SOLOMON II are s tated:

Goal I: Bring the Membership Back to the Lodge

Proj ect SOLOMON II is a su sta in ed e ffo rt to s trength e n the F r a ternity by recog nizing the problem s with in the Fraternit y. Within Maso nry we ca n find co mpla ce ncy a nd an unwillin g n ess to

Statistics Tell the Story

T h e very importa nt s to r y abo ut m emb ers hip in th e Masoni c Fra ternity of Penn s ylvania ca n b e s h o wn in th e fo llow in g s tatis tics:

Me mbership on 12 / 311 85 193,84 1

M ember ship on 12/ 3 1/ 86 190,361

Loss o f Members ............ . 3,480

Me m ber s hip on 12/ 31186 190,36 1

M emb er s hip o n 12/ 31187 187 ,687

Loss of Me mbers ... ...... . . .. 2,674

Bro. Drew W. Was hab a u , P.M. , Dir ecLO r o f Project SOLOMON II se rved as c h a irm a n of thi s pre se nt a ti o n. Bro. Was h a bau prese nted the c h arge th a t was g i ve n to the re-con s tit u t e d Proje c t SOLOMON II program and rev iewed its goa ls. Bro. El vi n Warfe l di scu ssed the Direc to r 's Handbook d eve lo ped for th e pr o j ec t , the n ews l e tt e r , You and SOLOMON II and th e Co n s titution Packet. Bro . Edward W e i sse r ,

P.D.D.G.M., Re g ional Direc tor, prese nted th e Membe rs hip R e te nti o n Progra m developed by Project S OLOMO N II . Eve r y e ffort must be expe nd ed to maintain a d ynami c a nd vita l Fraternity. All Maso nic bodies mus t mov e forward in the s pirit of bro th erh ood and coo p erat ion to build Free m aso nry for th e future.

New Grand Worthy Advisor: _ Mandi Jo Claypool

Mandi J o C laypoo l was e lec ted G r a nd Worth y Adv iso r of the Inte rn a ti o n a l Order of the Rainbow for G i r ls in Pennsy l va ni a fo r 1987-1 988. Ma ndi is a Past Worthy Adv iso r o f Freeport Assemb l y No. 129 Other o ffi ces s h e ha s h e ld are: Worthy Assoc i a te Advisor, C h ar ity, Hope, Fa ith, R eco rd er , Dr ill Leader, Religion, Fide lity, Service, Outer Obse rver a nd Choir Direc to r. She has se r ved Pe nn sy lva ni a Rainbow as a Juni or Member of the G r a nd Execu ti ve Commi ttee for th e 1984 -1 985 and 19861987 terms a nd the Grand R ep rese ntative to Maryla nd for 1985- 1986. Mandi re-

m ee t th e problem of decl ining attendance a t Lodge meetings. The prob le m is ours . We ca n do something a bo ut it.


Attend to the Problems of Suspension of Members for Non-Payment of Dues

Wh e n a man acce pted the res ponsibiliti es o f becoming a Ma so n , h e took on a binding ob liga tion th at s h o uld hold fo r hi s life time H ow, the n , can th e Master M aso n fa il to cont inu e hi s m e mber ship by not paying hi s dues? The Membership Rete ntion P rogra m was deve loped by Proj ec t SOLOMON II to g ive eac h Lodge th e LOo ls to address th e prob l e m. I s yo ur Lod ge u s in g th e program?

Goal3: Develop Interesting Programs in the Lodge

An ac ti ve Lod ge w ith inte res tin g prog ra m s is a ddress ing th e problem of d eclining a ttendan ce a nd interes t in th e The stati s tics yo u ha ve read tell the dramati c story of one o f man's grea t fraternal o r ganizati o n s th a t is ex perie n cing co n sistent declin e in its number s With th ese sta ti s tics be in g pro vided by Bro. F. Thomas Do llo n , Manager, Data Process in g for th e Gra nd Lodge o f Penn sy lva nia th ere ca n be n o doubts a bout th e authent ic it y o f th e numbe rs. What are we doin g a bo ut the de clin e? What ca n be do n e?

Fratern it y Each M aso n s hould gain knowled ge and in spira ti o n a bout Freem asonry eac h tim e h e a ttends his Lodge. Does yo ur Lodge h ave good program s?

H ave you partic ipa ted in prese nting a good program?

Each o f th ese three goa ls relate to s p ecifi c problems for the Fraternity. All o f th e Goals are re lated for as one goal is m et a noth e r will be effec ted. Wh en th e fir st th ree go a l s are fulfilled s urel y the fourth a nd fin a l goa l o f Proj ec t SO LOMO N II w ill be worki n g for the Lodges in P en n sy lva ni a.


Secure Qualified, New Members for Freemasonry

No period of tim e is w ithout m en of integri ty who wo uld be wo rth y and qu a lified m e mb e r s o f the F ra ternit y.

These m en are w ithin o ur midst. Cons id er wa ys to g i ve th e m th e m essage of F r ee m aso nr y w hil e avo idin g open solic itation. It ca n be done. It mus t be done.

Project SOLOMON II was g ive n as o n e of its tas ks th e develop m ent of a Mem bers hip R e te nti o n Program. The fo ll ow in g sta ti s tics on th e s u s p e n s io n o f m e mb e rs for non-payme nt o f du es tell a n o th er s tory; o n e we hop e w ill have a diffe re nt endin g.

Me mber s s u spe nded o n 12/ 31185 4,24 1

Members s u sp e nded o n 10/ 31186

2, 16 0 con t inued on

cei ved h er Gra nd C ro ss of Co lor at th e 1986 G r a nd Asse mbl y Session s. Mandi is a 1986 g ra duate of Freeport Area High Sch ool. Whi le a t FHS sh e was a three yea r member o f the Drill Team, a two year m ember o f the Natio n a l Honor Soc ie ty a nd a m ember of th e Yo uth Education Assoc ia tion, Seni or Steering Committee a nd the Freepor t ian sta ff. S h e r ecei ved a Preside nti a l Academ ic Fitness Award a nd was named to Wh o's Who Am ong Am er ican High Sch ool Studen ts for two years. Mandi is now a fre s hm an majoring in Com municatio n Ar ts a t Grove C i ty College.

Brent D. Richards, State Master Councilor

Brent D. Ri c h a rds, 18, of Berw ick is cu rren tl y se rving a year- lo n g term as Sta te Mas ter Co unc il or of the Order of DeMo lay in Pennsylvania. Ri ch a rd s, a Pas t Master Co un c ilor of Susquehanna Ch a pter in Wilkes- Barre, was elec ted to th a t positio n on Jul y 11 , 1987 at the a nnual DeMolay Co ncl ave in Ge tt ysburg. Bre nt is th e so n o f Pa ul L. and J a n e Richard s, a n d th e youn ges t of s i x c hildren. Hi s fa ther i s a member o f Lodge No. 6 1, Wilkes-Barre and is ac ti ve in th e Irem Shrine Te mpl e C lown U nit.

Rich ard s is majoring in Ps ych o logy a t th e P e nn sy lva ni a S tate U ni versity w h ere

Karen E. Stoner Named Miss Job's Daughter for Pennsylvan.ia

M iss Karen E. S to n er, o f Lancas ter, h as bee n n a m ed Miss Job's Dau g hter of Pennsy l va ni a for 1987 -1 988. Miss Stoner h as a lso served as G r a nd Beth el Ho n ored Queen a nd G rand Bethe l Librari a n. Sh e is a m emb ero (B eth el No 7 in Co lumbia, Pe nn sy l va ni a w h e r e s h e is a Pa st

Honored Q uee n in additi o n to h av ing h eld many ot h er o ffi ces. She is t h e daughter o f W. Scott Stoner, R. W. Depu ty Gra nd Master and P h ylli s L. Stoner.

Mi ss S ton er , a fres hm an at Di ckin so n Co ll ege, is majorin g in Intern a ti ona l

Stud ies a n d Pre- law. Sh e is a gradua te o f

H empfi eld Hi g h Schoo l where sh e was a member o f th e Nat io n al Honor Society, a n d th e Modern Mu sic Mas ters Honor

Socie t y. S h e was a Na ti ona l Mer it

Sch olarship Com m e n ded Stu de nt a nd a

Ce ntu ry III Leader. In ad diti o n to these h o no r s, Miss Ston er was active in h er hi g h sc h oo l c h oir, h er class Steering Co mmittee, h er sc hoo l n ewspaper and s h e was a lso a member of the S tud ent

Aide C lu b a n d a tutor.

An ac ti ve mem be r o f Zio n Lu th era n

C hurc h in La ndi sv ille, M iss S to n er h as bee n ac ti ve in th e Zio n You th M ini s tr y and h as been a m embe r o f "H is R econtinued on page 14

h e was adm itted to th e Un i ve r s it y Scholars Program w itl1 a n Aca de mic Excell ence Sch o larship. He was graduated from Berw ic k Area Se ni o r High School , w ith a three-yea r rank o f fir s t in his class of 202 st udent s. Voted " Most Likely to Su cceed for th e C lass o f 1987," Ric h ards was co -editor of th e sc h oo l yearb ook. He was a lso Presid ent o f t h e Speaker's Bureau and part icipated in Studen ts Against Drunk Drivin g (S.A.D.D .), the Drama C lub,.• th e va r sity sw im tea m o n whi ch h e was cocap tain in his junior year, th e Na ti o n a l Ho n or Soc iety, his sch ool n ews paper continued on page 14

I Want To Know

QUESTION: Were there g lobes on the two pillars on th e porch of Solomon's Temple? C. D .H.

ANSWER: The Old T es tament description of the buildin g of So lomon's Te mple includes two pill ars, name d Ja c hin and Boaz, o n th e p o rch of the Temple ( I Kings 7:21 ). On each ch a piter

o r capi ta l a top th e pillars was a bow l (I Kings 7:41 ), pro bably u sed fo r th e burning of in ce n se o r o il. A meta l network cove red each bowl a nd m ay h ave g i ven the impressio n of a g lobe.

There h ave bee n many ex planations

o f both th e p ill a r s a nd th e g lo bes. The Masonic inte rpreta tion o f th e globes obvious ly ha s to be a modern o n e, made a t a time when th e co ncept o f a round earth h a d be e n es ta bli s h e d. Accordin g to C h a rle s C l yde Hunt, th e firs t published acco unt of the g lo bes being o n th e pillars was m ade by W iII ia m Pres to n in th e 19th ce ntu ry. Pres ton ca ll ed one g lobe terrestr ia l a nd the o ther ce les ti a l, m ainta ining that toget h er th ey s ymbo lized the universality o f Free masonr y. Hunt h as a l so s ummariz e d th e ir Masonic meanm g:

"The g lobes sy mbolize the g r ea t truths th a t m a n is a c iti ze n of tw o wor lds , th e mate rial a nd the spiritu a l, th e ea rthl y

Statistics, continued

M e mbers suspe nd ed on 12/ 31/86 .................. 1,6 13

Members su spe nded on 10/ 31/87 1,034

W e be li eve Pro j ec t SO LOMON II is h elpin g th e Lodges of Pennsy l va nia

m ee t th e p r ob le m of s u s p e n s i o n of m e mbe r s hi p for n o n -p ay m e nt of du es. 12

a nd the heavenl y, the temporal a n d th e e te rnal , a nd th ey teach u s to so regulate our lives th a t wh en we p ass from th e ea rth, the terrestria l, it m ay be to that other and beuer wo rld , th e ce les tial."

QUESTION: Wh y do w e u se Hol y St. John? Was he a Freemason ? L.P.

ANSWER: The Hol y Saints J o hn h ave b ee n a p art of Free ma so nr y for ce nturi es. The anci ent g uilds or trade unions of England eac h h a d its patron sai nt. Th e patron sai nt of the hatters, for exampl e, was St. C le m e nt; St. C ri sp in was th e patro n saint o f th e shoemakers. T h e patron sai nt o f th e s ton em aso n s was St. John th e Baptis t.

When Specu la ti ve Maso nry e volved , St. J o hn th e Baptis t understandably became the pa tron sa int o f th e Free ma so n s.

He wa s a m a n of humility a nd virtue, a man w h o s tead fast l y kept his o bligation s to God, principles that are upheld in th e teac hin gs of th e Craft.

The feas t day of St. John th e Baptis t is June 24 and was celebrated a nnuall y b y Ma son s in Sco tl a nd and England. In 1725, th e feast day of St. J o hn th e Evangelis t on Dece mber 27 beca me th e a nnual feast day o f the Gra nd Lodge o f E n g land. S t. J o hn th e Evange li s t, like St. John th e Ba pti s t , is a patron sa int of Free masonry. He e mbodi es not on ly th e brotherhood o f m a n, but is th e " brin ge r o f lig ht," that light which is th e d eit y w ithin eac h man. Ne ith er o f th e H o l y Saints J o hn was a Free m aso n.

In co l o ni a l Am er i ca, Masonic e lec tion s we re fre qu e ntl y held tw i ce a year on th e H o ly Saints J o hn Da ys. Today, in P e nn sy lva ni a, th e Maso ni c year begins a t hi g h no o n o n Sl. John th e Eva n ge li st's Day.

Send questions t o: The Penns ylvania Freemason Maso ni c Temple One North Broad Stree t Philade lphi a, PA 19 107-2598

A well- informed Mason is an effective Ma son.

Proj ect SO LOMO N II was g iv e n a broader se t of ch a rges in 1986, a ti me wh en th e s ta ti sti cs show a s harp d eclin e in th e numb e r of s u spe n s io n s. The decline in su spe ns io n s is be ing s u stai n ed. By br ing in g bac k Maso n s to th e Fraternit y we ca n reach "zer o" number o f su sp en sio n s a nd soo n s h ow a ga in in member ship.

Secretaries Seminar Held in Lewistown

Eight Are Created

Past District Deputy Grand Masters

• Bro. J. Walter Price, Maso ni c Di strict "G," a past M as te r of Pilgrim Lodge No. 712 in Philadelphi a, served as Di strict Deput y Grand Mas ter for I 0 years.

• Bro. Nelson M. Baird, Jr., 6th Masonic Di strict , a Pa s t Mas ter of N orris tow n Lodge No. 620 in N orristow n , se r ve d as Di st rict Deputy G ra nd Maste r for 10 yea rs.

• Bro. John R. Benner, lith Maso ni c Dis trict , a P ast Master of Page L od ge No. 270 in Sc hu ylkill Ha ve n , served as Di s tri c t Deputy Grand Mas ter for 5 years

• Bro. Ne il A. Baker, 17th Maso nic Distr ict, a P as t Mas ter o f Tioga Lodge No. 373 in Tioga, served as Dis u ict Deputy Grand Ma ster for 5 ye ars.

• Bro. L. Eugene Pauling, 18th Maso ni c Di str ict, a Past Master of Muncy L odge No . 299 in Mun cy , se rved a s Dis trict Deputy G r a nd Ma ster for 6 years

• Bro. Geo rge A. Chapman, 3 1s t Masoni c Dis trict, a P as t Mas ter of G umm ert Lodge No. 252 in Faye tte C it y, se r ved as Dis tri ct Deput y Gra nd Mas te r for 10 year s.

• Bro. C h ar les W. Doege, 38th

Maso ni c Di str ict, a P ast Mas ter o f Beta-Duq u es ne L o dge No. 546 in P e n n Hill s, se r ved as Disu·ic t De puty Gra n d Mas te r for 10 years.

• Bro. Vern A. Henery , 5 4th

Masonic D is tri ct, a P as t Mas ter o f

Plum C r eek-Sa m ue l H a mil to n L odge No. 799 in P itts burgh , se rv ed as Di strict Dep ut y Grand Master for I 0 years.

Shown h er e is the Secretaries Seminar h eld in L ewistown, Penn sy lva nia o? 24, 1987. Similar se min ars we re h eld in Phil adelphia o n November 21, 1987 a nd m Pms burgh on Dece mb er 5, 1987. Financia l Se min a r s are being planned for th e Fall o f 19 88 a t eac h of our thr ee Masonic region s wi th similar se minars for Secre taries bein g p lanned for th e Fa ll of 1989.

"You wan t me to tell th e Gra nd Secretar y -Wha t? " Michael J. Peters, Moderator; John J. Hunt, speaker.

Public Speaking, continued

op tion . The o nl y requir em e nt to impleme nt th e option is th at the o r ganiza ti o n regis ter with u s the name o f th e program coordina to r. It is esse nti a l that th e progra m coo rdinato r acce pt th e respo nsibility of contro lling the c irc ul a tion of th e a udi o tapes. Additiona l se ts of a udio tapes ar e ava il a ble a t $22 eac h, ( plu s $ 1. 32 sa les tax), if needed.

It is impo rtant th a t a ll p a rticipants comp le te th e a udi o-cassette portion of th e program. It is des ig n ed for se l f- pa ced lea rnin g a fte r co mpl e tion o f th e vid eo trai nin g

a nd printed exe rcises.

Follow ing a re th e two o ptio n s no w ava ila bl e to cou r se particip a nts:

T h e onl y differ e n ce betwee n o ptions "A" and " B" is th e p ri ce a nd co nv eni en ce o f o w n er s hip.


O w n er s hip o f Co mpl ete P e rsonal Kit

Printed Ma te ri a ls $28. 00

4 Audi o-casseues . . . . . . . $22 .00 Sa les Tax .$ 3.00 $53 .00


O w n ers hip o f Printed Ma teri a ls; Borrow a nd R eturn Audio-casse ttes

Printed Ma terials . . . . . . . .$28. 00 Sa les Tax $ 1.68

$29. 68

IMPORTANT: The printed materi a ls a nd audio- casse ttes are des ig n ed to be used with th e vi d eo tra inin g sys tem. Be for e o rderi ng th ese m a teria ls, please be ce rtain that th e video trainin g is ava il ab le thro u g h a Maso ni c Lodge or r e la ted yo uth gro up in yo ur area.

" I'd better make a note of that one... " "Just one more question, Mr. Speaker "

Brent D. Richards,

and he was a competi tor in var iou s m a th e m at ics a nd foreign language competitions.

A committed c hurc h parti c ipant , Rich ards a ttend ed the Ce n tra l Penn sy lva nia Co un cil on Youth Ministries of th e U nited Methodist C hur c h and the L ew isburg Distric t Co uncil of Yo uth Ministries, U.M .C. a nd se r ved as Treasurer of the loca l Tri-pa ri s h Youth Gro up. He wa s a lso a participant in num ero us worsh ip serv ices de li ver ing the ser mon on seve ral occasions a nd a ttend ed va riou s yo uth re treats

In his co mmunit y, Richards was a R ed Cross vo lunteer, worked with th e Berwick minis terium foo d bank , the Bloodmobil e, disa ster serv ices a nd Mea ls On Wheels . He wo n the Yo uth C itizen ship Award from th e local Soroptimist C lub He is ce rtified in standard lifesav in g, advanced lifesav in g a nd professiona l class CP R. He ha s most rece ntl y bee n emp loyed as a sw immin g in s u·uc tor by th e Ber wick Area School District. Ri chards h as an exte n sive DeMo lay backg r o und w hi c h qu a li(i ed him to ass um e this s ta te-wide p osi tion o f leade rs hip. Prior to his e lec ti o n as State Master Co un c il o r, h e se rved one- year terms as Sta te T r eas urer a nd as S tate Senior Counc il o r. He was e lected in May to se rve a o n e-year te rm as th e R egio n a l Master Council or fo r th e Interna tion a l

Karen E. Stoner, con tinu ed fl ec tion C hoir. "

Miss S to n er p layed a p a rt in her area's DeMo lay C ha p ter by be in g named Lancas ter C hapt er Sweeth ear t for 1986- 1987. S he is a m e mb er of Se nior G irl Scou t Tro up No. 67 a nd was its Presiden t in

Region cons is tin g of New York, New J e r sey, Mary l a nd , th e Di s tr"i c t of Columbia, Pennsy l va ni a, Delaware and Virg ini a

R ich a rd s h as se r ved as th e Ge n era l

C h a irman of th e 19 87 Pennsylvania

DeMalay Co n gress and was a delega te to th e 1987 Internation a l DeMol ay Co ng re ss. He was a s taff member a t the 19 86 a nd 1987 Key Man Co nfe re nces, the ins ta llin g officer for co untl ess DeMo la y C h a pter in stall a tion s a nd for sever a l Ins tituti o n Ce r em o ni es of n ew De Mo lay

C h apters and h as se r ve d as a member of th e Board of Direc tors o f th e MidAt lantic Regional Rit u a l Tournament of Ch amp ion s.

Ri c h ards h as received numerous DeM o lay awar ds w hi ch include the Past Mas ter Co un c il o r 's Meri toriou s Serv ice Award, th e Representative DeMola y Awa rd , th e Founder 's Mem bers hip Award, the 1986 Pennsy l va ni a Flower

Ta lk C hampion a nd h e most rece ntl y rece i ved the Disting uis hed Service Award for 1987 . R ich ard s was r ece ntl y e lec ted by th e International S up re m e Co uncil to recei ve th e Degree o f C h eva li er , th e high es t h o n or that ca n be afforded to a n active DeMolay for se r vices to th e Order.

Brent R ich ards is a remarkab le yo ung m an, in a class a ll his ow n a nd we are fo rtun a te to have him as a part of th e Order of DeMola y. 1986.

With s uch an impress i ve, so li d bac kground as thi s, Karen S toner is sure to shine in th e demanding ro le as Mi ss Job 's Daug hter, 1987 -1988 .

Volume ll of The Master Builders

Right Worsh i pfu l Past Gra nd Mas ter

Car l W. S te nb erg, Jr. is p leased to announce the publi ca ti o n of Volume II of Th e M aster Builders: A H ist ory of the Grand L odge of Free and Accept ed M asons of P ennsy lvania by Dr. Wayne

A. H u ss . Th is wo rk w ill be o ffi cia ll y prese nted a nd made ava il a bl e to th e Maso n s o f Penn sy l va ni a a t the Marc h

Master Builders,

co nt inlled

Charl es H. Hempel 783

C harl es S. Hess 648

Me lvin S . Hestor 673

Wi lliam E. H o ke 194

Kenne th W. Hall 660

J o hn ]. Hricinak 529

Elwood E . Inch 194

Da nie l A. Jackson 790

George C. J a mi so n 353

Donald N Jones 262

Ed ward A. Ka tz 780

Willi amS Kenyon, Jr. 657

J osep h F. Keyock 327

Le mar S. Klin e 572

J o hn R. Klinger 409

T h omas C. Kolb 075

Da vid H. Kroupa 7 17

Ro bert A. Lange 652

Ernes t E. L a tsh a 02 1

Donald W. La ud ens lager 333

Terry L. L emon , Sr. 265

Robert I. Long 807

Wal ter F. L o n g, Jr. 807

Marl in]. Looker 775

Delbert Lyo n s 698

Edward C. Maffeo 426

C linton H Ma now n , S r. 643

J ose ph Mar tin o 683

Wi ll iam A. Maurer 673

Me lvin L. McCa be 225

J oh n M. McC urd y, Sr. 704

Ar thur F. McGuiggan 783

L ester D. McMichae l 353

Woodrow M. Mill er 62 1

Michael M iscev ich 7 14

Jos e ph H. Murto n 2 16


Address, co ntinued

vis i tation o f our Gra nd Lodge to th e Gra n d Lodge of Ire l a nd. Plans a re a lready in the mak ing, confirming correspondence h as bee n r eceived a nd a t the proper tim e, I w ill ex tend a p erson a l in vita ti on for a limi te d numb e r o f Bret hren to acco mp a n y th e Grand Lodge party on a l 0 day tour of Irela nd a nd the officia l visitati o n to its G r and L odge.

A nd las tl y, Bre thr en , of the a ntic i pated hi g hligh ts o f my two year s to come, I w is h to acqua int yo u w ith th e most fervent a nd p erso n a ll y desi r ed projec t o f m y administration. It is the indepe ndent retirement community to b e consu ucted o n th e grounds of th e Mason ic Homes at Eli za bethto w n

For the pas t eig hteen months, yo ur G r a nd Lod ge officers , th e Executi ve Director and m em bers of th e Co mmittee o n Masonic H o m es, a lon g wi th many p rofess iona l adv iso rs, h ave thorough ly di sc u ssed this s ubj ec t. Feas ibility s tudi es have been ma de , the prop er s ite has been appraised a nd a rri ved a t, water and oth er natura l resources have been de termined, marke tin g a nd financing ha ve been co ns id e r ed a nd p la n s, not o nl y fo r the proj ect itself, but a l so fo r the impact it w ill m a ke upo n the Masonic Ho m es

Quarter ly Co mmuni ca ti on . Although orig ina ll y sc h edu led fo r release in th e fa ll o f las t year, it was necessa r y to po s tp o n e pub lica ti o n by a few month s because o f printer 's d eadlin es . P as t Gra nd Mas ter

S ten ber g h opes that th is de la y h as n ot d a mp en ed th e e nthus ias m of the m e mber s of th e c raf t for thi s much a ntic ipa ted wor k. continu ed on page 16


( Act of OcL 23, 1962: Section 4369 Title 39, United States Code)

February I, 1985. The Penn sylva ni a Freemason: published quarterly at :\lasonic Temple, One Nortl1 Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Publi sher: The Right Wor sh ipful Grand Lod ge o f the :\lost Anci ent a nd Honorabl e Frate rnity o f Free and Accepted M aso n s of Pennsylvania. R obe rt A. POLe. 0" ner: TI1 e Ri g ht

W ors hipful Grand L odge of the i\lost Ancient and Honorable o f Free a nd Ac cep ted :\lasons of P e nn sy lvania

Known none. ;-.:o advert is in g handled. Free distribution averages 195,000 each quarter. I ceni fy that th e sta teme nt s made me a re correct a nd complete: Roben A. POLe, Editor.

Health Ca re Cen te r , are on th e tres tl eboa rd.

This proj ec t, in my perso nal opin ion, i s one that s h o uld ha ve b ee n cons umm a ted a long time ago for our retir ing Bre thren a ll over the sta te. I a m hopeful that w ithin three month s yo ur Grand Lodge office r s a nd m em bers o f th e Co mmittee on Maso ni c Homes w ill be in a position to sta rt th is much needed proj ec t.

Brethre n , at this time, ma y I express m y g ratitud e to a ll for yo ur help , a id and ass ista n ce.

• To My C hurch -m y two pa stors, Brothers Robe rt Vow ler and Martin Hopkins -m y fe llow Masonsthank yo u for th e bea utiful ves p ers se rvice of yes terday

• To My L odge - Rober t Burns N o. 464 - its officers, Past Mas ters an d memb e rs a ll - I am proud to represe nt yo u a nd thank yo u fo r your s upport and effo rt on my beha lf.

• To My Harrisburg Ann u al Committee - headed by c h a irme n Brot h ers John Adam s a nd George Moad - t ha nk yo u for a j ob we ll and do ne - th e res ult was treme nd o u s

Three Sons Are Made Masons

On Octo ber 19 , 1987, th e th ree so ns of Bro. Wi lli a m G. Ada m s, Jr. , Wors hi p fu l Master o f Acac i a Lodge No. 586, Waynesboro, Penn sy l van ia, were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. W illi a m G Adams, IV was r aised b y hi s uncle, Bro. Ja ck T. D uff y, P.M. J effrey M Ada m s and Da vid L. Ada m s we re ra ised by th eir fath er. Nine years before, Bro. Duffy, then Wors hipf u l Mas ter , h ad rai sed Bro. Adams. T h is is the firs t time th a t three bro th ers h ave been m ade Master Masons in Acac ia L odge a t the time th eir fat h er was serv ing as Worshipful Mas ter.

Front row: Jeffrey M., W illiam G. and David L. Adams.

Back row: Will i am G. Adams, Jr., W. M. and Jack T Duffy, P M

• To My Fellow Grand Lodge Officers, t he Past Grand Masters, m y a ppo intm e nt s, committees a nd Di s tri c t Deputy G rand Mas ter s - th a nk yo u an d I pra y we ma y a l ways ser ve together in harm o n y for our bel oved Fraternity.

And now , Brethren, in co nclus ion , as a G rand Mas ter submittin g his Inaugural Address for yo ur co n si dera tion, p er mit me to petition yo ur co ntinu ed s upp o rt in this fa s hion.

Ours i s a b ea utiful and proud Fraternity, found ed o ver hundreds of years o n th e mo rality of man , b e lief in Almig ht y God a nd th e concept of m a kin g goo d m en better.

In thi s co nte x t, I para phrase the lette r of S t. Pau l to th e Philippians, fou r: th chapte r, 8 th verse ... "Fi n a ll y, Brethren , whatever is true, whatever is honorab le, whatever is jus t, whatever is pure, wha tever is lovely, w hatever is gracious, if th ere be any exce llence, if th ere be any th in g wo rth y of pra ise, think abo ut th ese thin gs. What yo u ha ve learned a nd r ece ive d a nd h eard an d seen in m e, do, a nd th e God o f P eace will be w i th yo u. " So Mote It Be


Publication No. USPS 426-140

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