The Pennsylvania Freemason - Summer 1989

Page 1

Date Stone Rededication

at Corinthian Lodge No. 573

Bro. Art hur J. Kurtz, R. W. Grand Master a ttended the R ededicati o n o f the Date Stone of Cori nthi a n Lodge No. 573 in Millva le, Pennsy l vania last june. The we ll attended affair was preceded by a large parade thro ugh the comm unity that had been especiall y decorated for the occasion of Corin thian Lodge's one hundr e dth a nni versary. The Rededication as we ll as the para de was atte nded by Freemason s from throughout the area, as we ll as th e genera l public.

Bro. Frederick W. Moore, P.M. of Lod ge No 573 and

Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, R.W. Grand Master.

June Quarterly,


and D. Eugene Losasso, P.D.D.G.M. of District No. 39.

After this, the Grand Secretary read the list of res ig n a ti o n s and appointments since the last Quarterl y Commun ication. Severa l co ntribu tions to our var i ous foundations were then presented. Included in thes e contributions was a check fr o m Bro. Craig S to n e, W.M. o f Robert

Masonic Temple One Nonh Broad S u·eet Philadelp hi a, PA 19 107-2598

Burns Lodge No . 464 (o ur Grand Master's Blue Lodge) for a bronze sc ulpture of the " Tree of Life" to be erected at the In depe n dent Living Commun ity at E lizabethtown.

Fo ll owing th e acceptance of th ese contribut ions, the Grand Lodge was closed in Harmony at 9:18p.m.

September Quarterly Is Cancelled

The R. W. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania w ill not m ee t in Quarterl y Comm unicati on in Sep tem ber. A Special Commun ication wi ll be h eld in conjunction with the December 6, 1989 Quarterly Communication.

Masonic Light, continued

Merchants Guild, and several other assoc iations for the Blind.

Bro. Stewart has studied Martial Arts for man y years. He h as appeared on the sa m e program with many of the mas ters of Karate. He currently hol ds severa l Black Bel ts.

It is obvious that Bro. Alex Stewart never let the fact that h e is witho ut s ight stand in the way o f his invol ve m ent with h is family, his business or in his service to others

Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown AUTUMN DAY AT THE HOMES

Saturday, October 21, 1989 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Grand Lodge of Ireland

Hosts the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

My Brethren ...

Sure a nd begorra , it was indeed a beautifu l trip to th e Emerald I s le and a ll I 08 Brethren and lad ies ra ted it the number o ne event of th e yea r.

The firs t e ight days, w hil e tourin g so uthern Irel a nd , th e wea th er h e ld ma g nifice nt, sunny and 65 to 75 degrees Eve rywher e_ we wen t, th e people of Irela nd charmed and de lighted u s. The climax of the to ur, of course, was th e

re ce ption by th e Gra nd Master, the most honorabl e, the Marquess of Donega ll and his Grand Lodge of Irel a nd. T heir hospitality included an enjoyable sh err y party and banqu et for a ll our ladies and Brethren w ith an e ntir e eve ning of speeches and g ift-giving. The nex t da y our Gra nd Lodge co ntingent of 57 Bre thren was recogni zed and r ece ived during the Gra nd Lodge Session of the Grand Lodge of Ire la nd. Truly , it was a gratifying and m emorable event and one th a t wi ll go down in history for th e Grand Lodge of Pe nnsylvania.

To sum it a ll up and in a we ll -kno w n Iri sh phrase- m y fellow tra ve lers and I agree - Erin Go Bragh!

The June Quarterly a t Ha rri sburg was also extreme ly su ccess ful and I am grateful to the commiuee in m y h ometown, for the ou tsta nding job th ey did, in putting it a ll toge th e r. About 1400 Br et hren enjoyed a delici o u s dinner of fil e t mignon an d s h oo fly pie and th e n a ttended the Gra nd Lodge se ss ion. Among o ther proceedings at the session , Bro. Marvin G. Spe icher, P DD G M a nd m e mber of the G ra nd Lodge Sub-aud it

Commi ttee, was installed as th e n ew Grand Treasurer. He was ins tall ed b y Past Gra nd Treas u rer, Bro. Arthur R. Diamond , who was retiring after 2 l l1

yea r s o f serv ice to hi s Grand Lodge. After being prese nt ed wi th a ne w l y crea ted

P as t Gran d Tr easurer Je we l , Bro.

D iamo n d deli vered a sincere and heartwarming address.

"J ust a reminder Brethren," Autumn

Da ys at the Masonic H o m es w ill be h e ld again this year on Sa turda y, October 2 1, 1989. We urge a ll of yo u to co mplete the RequestforTicke ts to A ttend on page 16 of this edi tion so th at a ll of yo u a nd your families ca n enjoy thi s annual event.

Brethren , I wo uld h ope a ll of yo u a re enj oying th e plea s ures of the summer and we look forw ard to once again ca lli ng back to labor in our subordinate Lodges

Sin cerel y a nd fraterna ll y, Grand Mas ter

The Committee on Masonic Homes

Grand Master's Itinerary September, October, November 1989


13-17 Mid-Atlantic Shrine Association , Baltimore

22 Committe o n Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown

22 Special Communication of th e Grand Lodg e for the pUl'pose of laying th e Cornerstone of the Independent Living Center, Maso nic H o m es , Elizabethtown

23 Lodge No. 579, lOOth Anniversary, Taylor

30 Special Communica tion of the Grand Lodge fo r th e plll'p<>se of dedi ca ting the Lodge R oom, Lodge No. 457, Beaver

OGrOBER 1989

4 Grand Lodge of Delaware

17 Lodge N o .3, Philadelphia

20 Committee on Ma so nic Hom es, Elizabethto wn

21 Autumn Days, M aso nic Homes, Elizabethtown

21 Philal eth es Society, West Ches ter

27 Lodge No 801 , 25 th Anni versary, CharnbersbUl'g


1 Lodge No. 347, ! 25 th Anni versary, G irard

3-5 Eas tern R egional Assem bl y o f th e Grand Imperia l Co uncil , Kni g h ts of the R ed Cross o f Constan tine, H ers hey P oco n o R eso rt

9 Lodge No. 8 02, 25 th Anni versary, H ers h ey

16-18 R e unio n , Va lley of Scranto n , A .A.S. R ., Scran to n

June Quarterly Review

The R W. Grand Lodge of F ree and Accep ted Masons met in Qua rt erly Communication on Wednesday, June 14, 1989 at 7:00 p.m., at the Zembo Temp le in Harrisburg, Pennsylva nia. Nea rl y twelve hundr ed Brethren attended.

The m erging o f McMurray Lodge No. 807 into Chartiers Lodge No. 297, was announ ced. The new Lodge sh a ll be kn ow n as Chartiers Lodge No. 297. Al so, King Hiram Lodge No. 72 1 wi ll be merging into Landmark Lodge No. 442; the new Lodge to be known as Landmark Lodge No. 442.

Bro. Roger A. Brandt, Jr., P M. of Lawrence Lodge No 708 was then escorted to the East, and was prese nted with a ce rtifi cate for his five years of service as a Field Agen t of the Masonic Service Association. Then a report from the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Foundation was read. In addition to this, the Committees o n Appea ls; By -Laws ; Finance; Masonic Ho m es and Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms made th eir respec tive r ep o rt s.

The Gra nd Mas t er p rese nt ed th e SO LOMO N II Th ro at Medallion to Bros. Murray N. Mull , Jr. and Fred. ]. Livingston. T h ese two members rewese nt at leas t twenty-four new Masons in Pen n sy lva nia.

Severa l Resolutions to amend th e A hi man Rezon were read. T h ese Amendments h ave bee n la id ove r until the December Q u ar terl y.

Fo ll owing th e Resolu tion s, Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, P.D.D.G.M. was duly install ed R. W G rand Treasurer for the r emainder o f this Masonic Year. A more inde pth ar ticl e on thi s in s ta llation, a nd th e serv ice th a t has bee n rendered in thi s office by Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R.W.P.G.T. ; can be found el sew h ere in this iss u e of The P ennsy l v ania Freemason.

T h e Grand Mas ter th e n direc ted th e G rand Secretary to r ead th e dea th s reported in G rand Lodge. Accord ing ly, the n a mes of the f o ll ow in g de cease d Bre thr en were read: Bros. John R. Benner, P D.D.G.M. of Dis tri ct No. 11 ; WiHred E. Oa key , Member E meritu s of th e Committee on Mason ic Educa ti o n

Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, R. W. G rand Master
(Left to Right) Front Row: Bro. John L. McCa in M rs. McCain, Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, G rand Master, The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Hira m P . Ball. Second Row : Mrs Shirley Kellam, Bro. W. Scott Stoner, Mrs. Stoner, Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, Mrs. Ja cks on, Bro. Hiram Ball. Third Row: Bro. John K. Young, Mrs Young, Bro Sidney Kell am.

Book Celebrates 500th Birthday

O n th e to p s h elf in th e sma ll es t roo m of the Gra nd Lodge Library s tood a large, fa t, fri endl y-loo kin g vo l u m e, we llbo und in vellum , pat ien t ly wa i ting fo r

so me o ne to n o ti ce it. A t th e age o f fi ve

h undred , this im pressive boo k kn ows a

lo t a b o u t p a ti ent wai tin g I n exce lle nt

co nditi o n , this incuna b lum ( th a t is, a book printed b efore th e ar bitra r y da te o f

J a nu a r y I , 1501 th e begi n ni n g o f th e six tee nth cent ury) i s a d o ubl e- ba rre led th eo logica l to ur-d e-force in Lat in . Two wor ks we re printed an d bo u nd toge th er

a t a bout th e same ti m e i n Base l, Sw itze rlan d in 1489. T h e b in d ing s till has its hin ged clasps, and th e ve ll u m is sta m ped w ith de li ca te little desig n s. T h e pap er is surp ri s ing l y w hi te; the p rint is sti ll very cl ear a nd bl ack .

T h e first wo rk , 446 pages lo n g, is an interp re tatio n by one R o bert Ho l ko t of The Wisdom of Solomon , a n Ap ocryph a l Book o f th e Bibl e, used primar il y by th e Ro m a n Ca tho li c C hu rc h T h e o th er wor k, 172 pages, is S t. Au g us tin e's d iscou rse, On th e Trinity .

In th e photogra ph, th e book is open to th e begi nn in g o f th e ma in pa rt of th e Ho lko t wor k : Not ice th e m argina l n o tes

Five hundred year old ill umi n ed boo k from the Gra n d Lodge lib r a ry

o n th e qu estions to be di scussed a nd the illumi na ti o n of th e initial capita l (a conve nti on ta ken fro m th e prac ti ces of m a nuscri p t wr i ting w he n par c hment o r

Mason Confers 17lst D egree O n His 95 th Birthday

Bro . J o hn H . Kuhn , P. M ., who is 95, o f I vy L odge N o 397 in W ill ia m sport h as rece ntl y co nferred his 17 l s t Degree. H is m os t recen t Degr ee wor k co n s is ted o f perfo rmin g hi s ! 26 th T hird Degree (see pho tograph).

Masonic Education

Gree tin gs fro m th e Co mmittee o n Mason ic Ed uca ti on for th e G r a n d Lod ge of P e n nsy l vania.

Mason i c E d u ca ti o n in o ur Grand

Lod ge a n d each sub ordin a te Lodge is being p u rsue d with a r en ewed vigor. Many ques ti ons ar e bein g raised b y o ur G r a n d Lodge O ff icer s a nd o ur ge n er a l m embers hi p, w hi ch indicates to th ose of u s o n the Commi ttee th a t we h ave to d o a b et ter jo b o f edu ca ti ng, infor min g a n d comm u nica ting , wh o Fr ee m asons ar e, w h a t th ey s ta nd for , a n d w h a t they are do ing for th em selves a nd fo r m a n k ind

Mason ic Ed u ca ti o n ca n a nd sh o uld be a very cha ll en g ing a n d r ewardin g pa rt o f a Mason 's l ife. T h e purs ui t o f Mason ic Edu ca ti o n i s n o t a di ffi cu l t task, but ne ither is i t easy. T o lear n is to work , a nd to work i s to lear n The ac hi eve m ent o f so m ethin g tr ul y worth w hil e is n ever trul y easy You ca n learn a li tt le or yo u ca n lear n a lot, a nd a ll a t yo ur ow n sp eed T h e im medi a te ben efit a M ason rece i ves as h e beco m es in vo l ved in M aso ni c Ed uca ti o n is th e r espec t a n d apprecia ti o n from his Broth ers th a t h e is n ow a m ore know ledgeable M aso n , a nd is looked to as a fut ure lead er .

pa p er were to o scarce to "waste" a shee t

o n a titl e-page; thi s is th e o r ig i n of th e la r ge o r decor a ted letters ofte n u sed a t th e beginnings o f chapters).

Br o Ken n e th H Robe rt s, Worshipfu l

Maste r lo oks o n wi th pride a s Bro. J oh n H. Ku h n, P . M. (on th e r ight) is cong ra tulat ed b y

Bro Rob ert E. Na u g l e aft er h e wa s Ra i se d to the D egree o f M a ster M as on. 4

N in ety- fi ve o f Bro. Ku hn' s fe ll ow Maso n s sh owed up to h el p ce lebra te hi s 95 th bi r th day o n Apr il 4, 1989. T h e di n ner w hich p receded th e Apr i l Sta ted Meeting, in whic h t her e was sta n d in g roo m o nl y, was m e m o ra ble fo r m o r e tha n o n e reaso n First, th er e was th e p rese n ta ti o n o f a hu ge birthday ca ke for Bro Kuhn . T he seco nd surp ri se occurred

w h en th e Br eth ren in a ttenda nce wer e asked to split in to two gro u ps a n d to s i t o n opposite sides o f the dinin g ha ll. T h e d i vid in g fo r ce be twee n th e Br e thr e n

q ui ck ly beca m e a ll too evident: T h e

S tewa rds h ad p r epa r ed Li mbe rge r a n d

o nio n s for th e o n e s ide , a n d th e o th er m em ber s soo n were very gratef ul fo r th e

s p ecia l sea tin g an a n geme nts. Bro. Kuhn was bo rn on Ap ril 4, 1894, a nd was m a d e a Maso n a t th e age of 56

H e served as Wo r shi p ful Mas ter o f Ivy Lodge in 1964 w h e n h e tu rned 70. He a lso served as treas urer fr om 1966 u n ti l 1982. Bro. Ku hn is s till q u ite ac ti ve, a nd

h e serves as o n e o f the Assis ta nt Princ i pa l Instru ctors in the 18 th Maso ni c Dis tr ict

Sch ool o f Ins tr uc ti o n

I vy L odge ' s reco rds as we ll as Bro. Kuhn 's m em ory ca n acco unt fo r his co nferra l o f a tota l o f 17 1 Degrees since h is entra n ce into thi s, o ur anc ient a n d h o n ora bl e Fratern i ty.

Answers to q u estions like: W h ere did F ree m asonry co m e fro m a n d h ow d id it

ge t h ere? W h a t good is Free m aso n ry i n

th e wo rl d tod ay, a nd w h a t good w ill i t be in th e world tom orrow? Are F reemasons

p re judice d? Are Freem aso n s a Sata ni c cult ? I s Free m asonry a religio n , o r a

sec r e t o rd e r ? C an yo u a n swe r th ose qu es ti o n s com forta bl y?

We ca n be i nsp ired every d ay by the me n w h o un selfishl y g i ve o f th eir tim e, ta lent, a nd mon ey, in su ppor t o f ever y face t of Free m aso nr y, a nd all th e Maso ni c fa m il y. We are mos t fo rtun a te

to h ave such m en presentl y in vol ve d in o ur M asonic Educa tion lead er s hi p. The Co mmittee m emb er s a r e D irec tors o f each o f th e si x Maso nic ar eas, th e Dis tri c t

C h ai rm a n o f eac h o f t h e s i x ty- o n e

M a son ic D istric ts, th e r es p ec ti ve L o dge

C h a ir ma n for o ur five hundr ed thirtysome s ubordina te Lodges, the si x ty-one

D i str i ct D ep ut y G r a nd Mas te rs, th e en tire G ran d Lod ge L ine O ffice r s, a nd

m a n y o th e r s, w h o ju s t se rve th e i r

Brethre n to the bes t o f th eir a bility

T h e short a n d lo n g term goa ls o f the Maso n ic Edu ca t ion C om mi tt ee are

Every Maso ni c d i st r ict a n d eve r y Maso ni c Lodge i n P ennsy l va ni a i s pu rsu i n g (or w ill be) a ren ewed interes t in M aso ni c Educa ti on. T h e Co mmittee recognizes th e unfor tun a te fact th at over th e years i n teres t in edu ca ti o n a l p rograms h ave r un hot a n d cold, goo d a nd ba d . H owever, we a lso recogni ze th at mor e qu es tio n s are b ein g asked to d ay a bo ut Freem aso nry from Maso n s a nd n o n -Maso n s a like, th a t we mus t make a pos itive ed u ca tio n a l effort on be h a lf of o u r m em bers to h ave m ore k n ow ledgeab le, co rr ect, and pos iti ve a n swers.

m a n y, a nd the work n ecessary to ac hi eve th ose goa ls is une ndin g. We are .us ing a ll th e too ls o f F r ee m asonry and a ll th e resources necessary to do th e ver y best Maso ni c j o b we ca n . In this age o f H i g h

Tec h it ca nn o t be b u s iness as usua l, but we a r e a ll well aware th a t Freemasonry d oes n o t ch a n ge over ni g ht, n o r sh ou ld it.

O ur immedi a te n eed s, yours a n d min e, are thr ee fo l d n o t u nlik e o ur th ree wo nd erful Degrees. F irs t, we n eed to "LEARN" w h o we a r e and w h a t we ca m e h ere to d o, an d be a ble to answer bas i c ques ti o n s o f o u r F r a t erni t y.

Second , we n eed to "P R ESE R VE A ND E N HANC E " th e p r ece pts, th e s ta nd ards, the traditi ons, th e r itua l , the bu siness, an d th e acco u n ta b ility of th e Fr a ternit y. T hir d , we n eed to be a " H ELP TO A BROTHER," n o t idl e words but tru l y h a nd -in -h a nd, i n our Masoni c Ho m es, in o u r Pe nn sy lva ni a Yo uth Fo und ation , i n o u r Preve ntion of Dru g a nd A lco h o l Abu se Amon g C hildren, in our e nti re Maso ni c Fam il y, a nd especially i n o ur L o d ge a ttenda n ce , L odge p rograms, a nd Lodge leaders h ip Ot h er n eeds th a t we are ac ti ve l y purs ui ng a re, a M a so ni c Edu ca tion Ma nu a l, a publi c re la tion s progra m , a m e mb er s r ela ti o n s p rogra m , a Masonic Edu ca ti o n Com pe ti t io n progra m an d a L ibrary a nd Mu se um visita ti o n p rogra m. We be l ieve Maso ni c E

idea wh ose tim

m e To "Lea rn ," to " P rese r ve a n d Enh ance," a nd to be a "Help to a Bro

Chairman Geo rge H . H

h en s h ildt, R. W J r.G.W. Area A-I

J ose ph Gentil e, P.D.D.G.M. Area A-2

Edward 0 We isse r, P.D.D.G.M. Area B- 1

J o hn 0. Cavender, P.M. Area B-2

Terry D. Bentze l, D.D.G. M Area C - 1

G le nn W. O lsen, P.M. Area C-2

Evere tt J. E llio tt, P.D.D.G. M Secretary to the Commi ttee J o hn H. P ia u , J r.

Masonic Health Care Center at the Masonic Homes Has a Need for Pianos

Residen ts o f th e Maso ni c Heal th Care Center at th e Masonic Homes der i ve m a n y h ours of p leasure from p lay i ng p ianos or lis tening to the m usic. Unfort un atel y, ti me an d u sage h ave ca u g ht up w i th severa l o f ou r p ia n os and we n eed to r ep lace fi ve o f them w it h newer p ianos.

Several o f our p ia n os da te from the 1920's and 1930' s and h ave bee n lovingl y cared for over the yea r s Thei r p art s a r e

n ow worn to where they cannot be tu ned o r r epaired further. These pia n os provide m u sic fo r a ll re lig io u s serv ices, social a n d recreat io n a l ac ti viti es, a n d th e perso n a l p leas u re o f our Maso n ic Hea l th Care

Ce nter reside nts.

If yo u h ave a goo d q u a lit y p ia n o of any type w hi ch yo u h ave been thin k i ng o f di sposing, p lease co n sider do n ati ng i t to your M aso nic Homes w he re it ca n be enjoyed by many for years to co m e

If yo u wo ul d b e able to do n a te a piano in goo d conditi o n to t h e M ason ic Ho m es, p lease con tac t R ev. C h a rl es H. Lacq uemen t, D i rec to r o f Spiri tu a l a nd Res ident Services , Maso ni c H o m es, Eliza b ethtow n , Pe nn sy lva ni a 17022 a nd g i ve h im th e i n fo rm a ti o n rega r d in g yo ur pa rti cu la r p iano. O ur res ide nts th a n k you for reme m beri ng th em.

Several issues ago, the question was asked about how one should wear a Masonic ring. We have recently found some further information regarding this, and we would like to pass it onto the Brethren.

There are no regul a tions (w ithin the Gra nd L od ge of Pennsylvania, at least) on ho w a Mason s h o ul d wear hi s Masonic ring. It has become the custo m , and has for a long time been the custom,

to wear the ring wi th the points of th e Compasses pointing toward the wearer. It is sa id that this is done, so that the bearer might always be reminded of how he first beheld the Square and Compasses. In the New jersey Masonic News of April l, 1956 this same question was asked. The reply given was that, "Jersey has no ru le [governing the wearing of Masonic rings]. If a Mason wishes to be reminded of his obligation, wear the ring wi th the points inward. If he w ishes to remind others of his obligation, let th em point outward. The choice is yo urs. "

An intere s ting side- light to thi s question is that in Prince Hall Masonry, a regular member (i.e. not a Past Master) wears the ring with the points of the Compasses pointing away from him. Upon Passing to th e C hair, the memb er then wears the ring wi th the points towards him, indicating his s ta tu s as a Past Master.

Word has reached us that a relic from Solomon 's Temple in Jerusalem has been found. The object in question is a thumb-sized ivory pomegranate believed to be the only existing r e lic from the original Temple. The Israel Museum, which paid over $1,000,000 for the item, ha s stated th e pomegranate has a hole in the bottom w here it may have been a ffixed to a scep ter, (compare this to the Junior and Senior Deacon 's Wands, which in some Jurisdiction s i s surmounted by a pine cone).

The cream colored item d ates from the eighth century B.C., and it is be lieved b y the expert who authenticated the relic, that it was indeed originally u sed in Solomon's original Temple. This was the Temple that was sacked and destroyed b y the Babylonians in 589 B.C. The pomegranate has inscribed upon it (in Hebrew) the words, "Belonging to the Temple of the Lord (Ya hw eh), holy to the priests." Therefore, this item is probably one of the many treasures of the Temple that are enum erated in our ow n R itua l of the T hird Degree.

Fernwood Lodge Gives $1,000 to Cerebral Palsy Fund

"Th ere is more whe re this ca m e from ," said Bro. Ralph Rogers, R. W. Grand Tyler and Past Master of Fernwood Lodge No. 543, as he presented a check for $ 1,000 to United Cerebra l Palsy of Delaware Cou nty. "We're going to mak e this a yearly thing, " added Bro. Bill Conner. Bro. Bill Hinkle, another m em ber of Fernwood Lodge which meets in Philadelphia, is a lso vice president of th e UCP board. He too, was a lso there for th e

The Committee on Masonic Homes

The Comm ittee o n Ma soni c Homes i s respo n sibl e for establishing policies and the mission for the Masonic Homes. The Commi ttee is composed of six Right Worshipfuls of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania a nd seve n elected members. The members of th e Co mmittee represent a cross section of th e professions, industry , and business. The Committee o n Masonic Homes normally h as ten sched uled m ee tings a year at Elizabethtown.

T h e business for which the Com-

prese ntation.

Bro. Benson expressed his pride in this effort, and added: "We h ave come a lon g way, and it's on account of that guy, Bill Benson."

continued on page 11

First Scholarships Awarded

At the June Communica tion of th e Grand Lodge, Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R.W.D.G.M., Chairman of the Pennsylvania Youth Fo und a tion , announced the first four winners of the Ed u cationa l Endowment Fund W itte Scholarships. The Educational Endowment Fund was established by the Founda ti on's Board of Directors and the first contribution to the fund came from th e Es tate of Bro. Herman Witte, Past Dis trict Deputy Grand Master. The scholarship program was estab li shed this year by the Educational Endowment Fund Committee, chaired by Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R.W.S.G.W.

Eligib le for the awards were children, grandchi ldr en and dependents of Masons, and members of the Masonicrelated yo uth groups. Appl ications were sent to a ll Lodge secretaries, Lodge repre s entatives to the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation and Mason ic-re lated youth group leaders .

Four winners have been selected to receive a scholarship in th e amount of $ 1,000. A courtesy letter was sen t to all applicants inform ing them of the winners.

The District Deputy Grand Master in th e area where the w inn er li ves arra n ged for a personal presentation of the check where a photograph was taken and a press release was issued publicly announcing Freemasonry 's comm itment to yo uth through the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation.

The four w inners were:

• Miss Lisa Buhler, of Grampian, Pennsylvania, who will be attending Alderson Broaddus College in Ph ilippi , West Virginia, to study medical science and become a physician's assistant.

• Mr. Keith E. James, of Slatington, Pennsylvania, who will be attending P e nnsylvania S tate U niversity study in g Business Administration.

• Miss Renee L. Vaia, of Export, Pennsy lvan ia, who w ill be attend ing Cornell Uni versit y in Ithaca, New York, s tud y in g Bio t echnology and Food Science.

• Miss Michele H. Wyeth, of P hil ade l phia, Pennsylvania, is attending the Frankford School of Nursing in P hil adelphia.

This is the first year of a cont inuing program, and applications for the 1990 awards will be availab le in the fall of this year. If yo u have a ch ild or grandchild who would like to apply for financial assistance from the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation , or any other Masonic scholarship program next year, write to th e PYF offices and request a copy of next year's Masonic Sc holarship Resource G uide, which will be avai lab le in September.


Service Scholarships A warded

In recognition of the serv ice performed by the elected youth leader s o f t h e Masonic-re l ated youth groups, the Pennsylvania Youth Fo und a ti on annua ll y presents a Service Scholarship in the a mount of $ 1,000 to the re tiring officers.

mittee is probably best known to th e average Pennsylvania Mason is th a t of reviewing and approving app lications to the Masonic Homes. The Comm ittee must consider all state and federal criteria for nursing h ome admissions as we ll as th e individual information gathered b y the admissions cou n se lor from the app lica nt. In the final analysis it is the ne ed o f the indi vidua l w ith which the Comm ittee wi ll concern itself. This need m a y be finan cial, medical, or socia l. The Committee on Mas onic Homes

establishes operating policy for th e Masonic Home s a nd empowers the Executive Director to ca rr y out th e operations of the Masonic Homes on a daily ba sis. The Committee provides foresight and leadership to ensure th a t the Masonic Homes wi ll flourish and endure n o t only to se r ve current re side nts, but for Pennsylvania Masons and their families that will need the professional serv ices of th e Masonic Homes in the future

These young people spend the year trav eling across the Commonwea lth to a ttend meetings, prese nt speec hes, conduct workshops and perform ritual in an effo rt to promote their order. Often they do this at the sac rifi ce o f s tudy time or emplo yment.

This year the Ser vice Scholars hips were presented to Tammy L. Flickinger, Past Miss Job's Daughters for Penns y lva nia, Scott M. Arnst, Past State Master Co un cilor for DeMolay and Elizabeth Ba lmer , Past Grand Worth y Ad viso r of the Rainbow Girls in P e nnsyl va nia

In the photograph, W. Scott S ton er, R.W.D.G.M., C hairman


Bro. John H. Platt, Jr., Librarian and Curator
of the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, presents
Service Scho lars hi p Awa rd to Tammy Flickinger, Miss Job' s Daughters 1988-1989.

Construction Begins on the Independent L i ving Community

Cons truc tion at the s ite of the Indepe ndent Living C o mmunity a t the Masoni c Homes is prog ressing a s sc hedul ed. P ha se I building s, whi ch include 66 a partme nts, the Clubhou se, a nd 16 cottages, a re under cons tru c ti o n. We are a lso pleased to a nnoun ce that Phase II , whi ch includes 78 a partments , h as bee n a pprove d b y th e C ommittee on Mas onic Homes to be con stru c ted simultaneously with Pha se I.

As sh ow n in the pictures a bove, eve r y e ffort h as be en m a d e to prese r ve th e n a tu ra l wooded a r eas o n thi s s ite as to enhance th e se tting for our ne w community.

Job m ee tin gs tak e pl ace on a reg ul ar basis a nd a r e a tt ended b y re prese nt a ti ves of th e Building and G round s SubCo mmitt ee of the C ommitt ee on Mas onic Homes, adminis trativ e s taff of th e Masonic H o m es, the con stru ction firm and the archite c tura l firm. Th e pres e n ce a nd co ntinuous involv ement of m e mber s of the Building a nd G round s Sub- C ommittee a nd a dminis trative staff of th e Mas onic H o m es

a llows for co n s tant in p ut a nd direc ti o n so th a t our community will be d eve loped to m ee t th e ne ed s and inter es ts o f th e m e mb er s of th e fr a ternit y and th eir fa milies . We h ave h a d m a n y o f th e bre thr en a nd th eir fa milies vis it o ur m o del a p a rtm ent a nd co tt age loca ted o n th e M aso ni c Homes ground s o ver th e p as t few months. The p ositi ve r em a rk s a nd s u gges tion s h ave bee n ve r y h e lpful in o ur effort to tailor th e Indep e nde nt Li vin g Community to be a via ble a nd sec ure option for our se nior bre thren a nd their fa mi lies.

We invite all m e mbers of our fra ternit y

to visit the Masonic H o mes a nd view th e m o del units so that you m ay becom e informed as to the sec urity and indep enden ce w hi ch th e Inde p end ent Living Co mmunity can pro vide for you a nd your fa mil y.

T h e m ode l s a r e a va il a bl e for inspec tion Monda y thru F ri day from 8 a .m. to 4 p.m. fo r a p er so n a ll y g uid ed tour b y one of our s taff, or call a nd sc h ed ule a n a ppointment to m eet a t yo u r con ve ni e nce. T he m odels a re a lso ope n for in spec tion Saturd ay a nd S und ay fro m 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at which time o ur reside nts se rv e as h os ts a nd h os tesses

Special Events Planned for New Residents of the Independent Living Community

On Ma y 1s t a s p eci a l lun c h eon was h eld in th e Ice C re a m Pa rl o r in G rand

Lod g e H a ll o n th e ground s of th e Masoni c H o mes for a ll m e mb e rs who h ave rese r ve d units in the new Indep e nd e nt Li v in g C ommunit y . Th e lunc h eo n was h os ted b y G ra nd Mas ter Arthur J. Kurtz a nd Mrs. Kurt z, a lo n g

8 with R. W. Deputy G r a nd Mas te r W. Scott Stoner a nd Mrs. Sto n er , a nd oth er m e mb er s of the s ta ff . This lun che o n is ju s t o ne o f man y su c h a ffa irs th a t are be ing p lann ed for th e Inde pend ent Li v in g C ommunity m e mbers. These ty p es o f co mmunity ge ttoge thers w ill pro vide m e mber s o f th e

Ind ep end e nt Li vin g Community an op portunity to become acqua in ted w ith their n eig hbors prior to e nterin g th e co mmunity in 1990. Our mos t rece nt community ge t-toge ther w a s a pic nic h eld a t th e Patto n Ca mpu s on Jul y 28 , 1989 . T h ese soc ia l ga th erin gs for m e mcontinued on page 12

Autumn Day at the Mason ic H o mes

The fou r th a nnual Masoni c Homes " Autumn Day" is sc heduled for Saturday, O c tober 2 1. F un and fes tiviti es will begin at 10:00 a .m. a nd will co ntinu e until 4: 00 p.m . Delic iou s, appetizin g food will be pro vided fr o m 10:00 a.m. until 3 :00p.m. at se vera l lo cation s on the g rounds. Homes' -ma d e sa u sage, sa u erkraut , hot dogs , a ppl e butter , and bea n soup w ill be pro vided as well as ice cream and bevera ges These ite m s w ill be se rved fr ee of charg e to yo u a nd yo ur famil y.

As in p a s t year s, you will be a ble to purchase Maso nic Homes a pples, c ider , pumpkin s, a nd cr a ft item s mad e by the reside nts of th e Maso nic H o m es. The p o pularit y of these products m creases ea ch ye ar.

Mu s ica l gro up s w ill b e fea tured throu g h o ut the d ay a lo n g w ith m er r im e nt provided b y th e Ze mbo Sh r ine cl o w n s for youn g a nd o ld alik e In G ran d L odge H a ll, th e Gift Shop, Ice

C ream Parl o r , a nd Mu se um will be o pen for your enjo ymen t and pleas ure

As in pa st ye ar s, man y of th e Mas oni c Homes residents will b e opening the ir room s for yo u to vi sit with them and a ll o w you to vie w the excelle nt living a ccommodatio ns pro vided at the Homes.

The full s ize models of th e a partme nt a nd cottage, w hich will be o ffered in our Independent L iving Co mmunity, will be open for tour s a nd your p er son a l in spection. We are excited a bout this n ew concept in li ving and are a n x iou s to share it w ith yo u.

There w ill also b e b oo th s with information on our admi ss ions policy , C hildren' s Home, 'B lood Press ure and Fir s t Aid S t a tion , Ma s oni c Youth Groups , P e nn sy l vania Youth Fo und a ti o n, G r a nd Lod ge Libr ary & Museum , and Masonic Educ a tion.

A m a p sh o win g th e loca ti o n o f the s tands a nd a sc h edul e o f eve nts w ill be pr ov id e d upon your a rri va l at th e • •

H omes. Ma sonic Homes personnel will be a vailable to as s ist you with parking and to provide you with an y informa tion you ma y reqmre.

Thi s year, in orde r to help us se rve you be tter, we are asking that you indicate on your ticket order form if you require h a ndica pped p a rking. If you do , a color coded parking pe rmit w ill be m a iled to you a lo n g with your ticket whi c h will a dmit you to th e handicapped parking area. We are also asking that if you use or need a w heelchair, or simila r type of eq uipment, that you please brin g it with you.

P la n n o w to spend O c tober 21 a t the Masonic H omes w ith fa mil y a nd fr iends, enjo ying good food, grea t entertainment , goo d co mpa n y, a nd re n ew ing fratern a l ties a nd a cqua intances.

Fo r coupo n see pa ge 16. Pl ease re t urn th is coupon t o th e address indica t ed on the co u p o n.


AI Bethel's French

Zembo Shrine Highla nd ers

Carousel Organ

Mode l Units Open House

(See map for


(Check at I nformation Stands for av ailable rooms) Zembo Sh ri n e Highlanders

Beth el 's French Quartet

dge Band

Bainbridge Band

66th Annual Children's Day Held at the Masonic Homes

T he Masonic C hild ren's Home in Elizabethtown recently ce lebrated its 66th An nu a l C hildren 's Day in th e Me m o ri a l Dining Ha ll at the Mason ic Conferen ce Ce nter - Pa tton Ca mpu s

The Com mittee on Masoni c Ho mes was present for the dinner and Grand Mas ter Arthur ]. Kurt z gave a n address. Mr. Arthur R . Diamond in recogn iti on of his recent retirement was presented w ith a plaque in apprecia ti on o f his ma n y years of service to th e Ch ildren 's Home.

T h e C hildren' s Day cer emon ies were h e ld to re cognize the m any var ied ac ti vi ties of the children a nd to announce special honors in the areas of athletics, c iti zensh ip, a nd sc hol as ti c achieve ment.

The program was presided over by Mr. C. Donald Barb u s h , Director of Children's Services at th e Masonic Homes.

Pict ur ed a r e the c hildr en w h o presen tl y re s ide at the Children 's Home. F ive boys graduated this yea r from the Elizabethtown Area Sc ho o l District: Miguel Ange l Morales sponsored by the Hiram Gothic Lodge No 8 1; Daniel Steven Atkin s sponsored by Perseverance Lodge No . 21; Raymond Ra lph Moore sponsored by Jerusalem L odge No. 506;

(Left to Right) Front Row: Amy Knowles, Lynnette Beer, Danielle Leitzel , Samuel Bruno Nicole Phillips, Karen Mampe, Pa tricia Phillips. Second Row : David Paul, Mich ael Beer, Jason Walters, Ira Fisher, Jane Dizio, James John, Keith Hoisington. T hird Row: Danielle Moore, Gregory Moore, Joe Kau ffman, Craig Eaton, Mark Mellen, Miquel Morales, Linda Holden, Richard Mampe. Fourth Row: Andy Howart h Allen Eaton, Michael Thompson, Raymond Moore, William Johnson, Joseph Thompson, Daniel Atkins, Duane Eaves. Not pictured are Mark Atkins and Jesse Deal who presently attend Shippens burg Univers i ty

J osep h C la rence Kauffman sponsored by As h a ra Lodge No. 398, a nd Jo se ph

Masonic Light for One Who is Without Sight

For Bro. Alex J. Stewa rt of Po ttsv ille, 1989 w ill be a highli g ht o f his Masonic career. First, he served as Mas ter of P ulas ki Lodge No. 216; seco nd, his so n Kevin jo ined hi s Lodge; a nd h e received th e Grand Master at his Lodge's Ap ril meeting. Bro. S tewart expressed an interes t in be ing ac ti ve in his L o dge wh en he j oined in 1984. He h e ld two flo or offi ces before being elected to his Lodge's Line. No t suc h a great fea t, one might say, excep t Bro. S tewart is blind. Every day, h e tr ave ls over one hundred mil es roundtrip to Harrisburg, wh ere he man ages a s na ck bar a t a large downto w n bui ldin g, s uper v ise d b y th e Pe nn sy lva nia Bur ea u o f Blindness a nd Visua l Ser vices. Bro. S tewa rt operates hi s snac k ba r the sa m e as h e wou ld an independe nt business enterprise, with four full time emp loyees . With m o re th a n thirty- fo ur yea r s o f se rvice, his first ass ig nm ent was as a n oper ator o f a snack continued on page 12

Robert Tho mp so n spo n so r e d b y Cas iphia Lodge No. 55 1.

Bro. Arthur R. Diamond Retires as Grand Treasurer

Pennsylvania for more th a n t wen ty years, has retir ed. At th e June Q uarterl y Communication he was prese nted with the ne wl y created Pa st R. W. G rand Treasurer's Je we l and Apron. This regalia has been d esigned spec ifica ll y for thi s purpose

After a few words, Bro. Diamond was given a round of app lause and a s ta nding ovation by the more th a n one thousand Brethren in attendance for his more than twenty-one years as Gra nd Treasurer. His term as G rand Treasurer has been the seco nd longest in the his tory of o ur Grand Lodge.

Bro. Diamond had been self-emp loyed and has his own company , Arthur R. Diamond & Co. He was thirty-fi ve years th e pres ident and chi e f engineer of that company.

Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, P.D.D.G.M. Is Installed As R. W. Grand Treasurer

P.D.D.G M. was dul y ins talled R. W. Gra nd Treasurer for the remainder of thi s Maso ni c Year. Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R. W P. G ra nd Treasu r er offic ia ted.

Bro. Speicher was born in S touch sburg, Berks County, Penn sy lva nia. He i s a grad u a te of Conrad Weiser Area High Schoo l in Ro besoni a He was a l so graduated from Reading Business Ins titute a s we ll as two Public Accounting schools.

Since 1971 h e ha s been a partner in th e Certified Public Accountin g firm of Schulze , Speicher a nd Company, m R ea ding H e hold s m e mb ers hip m

A.I.C.P.A. and P.I.C.P.A.

Ma rvin G. Speicher R. W. Grand Treasurer

"Br ethren take notice! . .. " With th ese words, Bro. M a rvin G. Speic h er, Fernwood Lodge, continued

This yea r, w hen a loca l te lev ision sta ti on cancell ed its annual telethon, and w h en the Cer ebral Pa lsy Fund was cu t o ut of $ 13, 000 by U nited Way du e to a

I n his other Masonic pursuits, Bro. Diamond h as a lso served as a D.D.G.H.P. in th e Gran d Ho l y Royal Arch Chap ter, as we ll as being the se nior P.G.H P. of the G rand Chapter of Pennsylvania. In 19 68, Bro. Diamond was coroneted a 33°. Bro. Diamond h as h e ld the DeMolay Legion o f Honor since 1961. In 1985, he was awarded th e G r a nd Lodge of Pennsylva ni a's highes t honor, th e Franklin Medal.

Aca dem i ca ll y, Bro. Diamond was graduated fr o m th e U niver s it y of Pennsylvania where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, and h e holds several other degrees as well. Bro. Diamond, though he wi ll be missed, s tat es that he will not be a stranger at futur e Grand Lodg e fun ction s

He is marri ed to th e form er Shirley M. Degler of Robesonia. T h ey have two so n s a nd two grandsons, as well as being ac ti ve m embers of St. Dan iel's Lutheran Church. Bro. Speicher is also active in th e Conrad We iser Lion s C lub . Masonicall y, Bro. Speicher is a P as t Master of Wi lliamson Lodge No. 307 in

Wome lsd o rf, where h e has had th e honor of conferring a ll of th e Degrees on his two sons. He served as District Deput y G r a nd Maste r for th e 60 th Masonic District for ten years from 1978 to 1988, a nd o n December 27, 1988 h e was crea ted a Past District Deputy Gra nd M as ter: His members hips in o th er Masonic Bodies include, R eading Royal Arc h C h ap ter N o. 152; Creig h Council No. 16, Roya l and Se l ec t Mas ters; DeMol ay Commandery No 9, Knigh ts Templar. Bro Speicher is a lso a m e mb er o f th e Va lley of Reading, where he is presently Se ni or Warden o f th a t Va ll ey's L od ge o f P erfec tion He also holds the Red Cross of Co n s ta ntin e , a nd i s Secretary of Excel sior Mark Lodge No. 2 16 in P hil ad elphia, as we ll as being a member of Rajah Shrine Temple, in Reading. H e is a charter m emb er of the Masonic Homes High Twe l ve Club No. 629 in E liza bethtow n a nd the Fe ll owship High Twelve C lub No 669 in Rea ding.

m o ne y crunch , UCP lost about $25,000. To m ake m a tter s wo rse, i t rained durin g th e R o tary Fai r th a t is h e ld eve r y yea r to ben efi t UCP , as we ll as o th er c ha r ities

"This is a very timel y g ift a nd we ap precia te it very much, especia ll y thi s year w hi ch h as been so h ard fo r us," sa id Be n son, UCP Execu ti ve Direc tor.

Seen in this picture are (left to ri g ht) Bro. G e orge Hohenshildt, R .W.G.J r. W . Bro. Al exa nder Stewart, W M., Pulaski Lodge No. 216, Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, R.W.G.M , Bro C h arles H. Detweiler, I, D.D.G .M ., Di s trict No. ll.
Arthur R. Diamond
Bro. Arthur R. Diamond, R. W. G rand Treasure r of the Grand Lodge of

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