Grand Master's Itinerary ------
SEPTEMBER 1991 OCTOBER, continued
4 Grand Lodge, Commiuee on Finance, Elizabethtown
7 Specia l Communication of the Grand Lodge, for th e purpose o f Dedicati n g Lodge Room and Corners tone Laying. Lodge No. 409, Pine G ro\ e
12 Lodge ?\o. 683, 75 th Anni\·ersaJ7 , Monroeville
14 Grand H o i} R oyal Arch Chapter, Lancastet
18 Salvation Am1y, IOOth Anniversary, Pottstown
21 Lod ge No. 370, I25 th Anni\'ersal) , l\Iiini nburg
22-25 Supreme Council, A .A.S. R ., Indianapo li s, I
27 Committee on 1\lasonic Homes, Elizabethtown 28 Lodge No. 368, ! 25th An nh e1sal}, Philadelphia
18 Committee on Masonic H o m es, Elizabethtown
19 Autumn Da y, Maso nic Homes, Elizabethtow n
25 Pennsylvani a Masonic Foundatio n for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children Annual Board Meeting, Elizabethtown
25 Masonic Library and Muse um of Penn sylvania Board Meeting, Elizabethtown
26 Penns y lvani a Youth Foundation Board Meeting, Elizabethtown
26 Special Communication of th e Grand Lodge for the purpose of Dedica ting Lodge Room and Cornerstone Laying, Greensburg l\lasonic Cemer, Greensburg
1-3 !86th Annual Communication o f the Grand L odge of Delaware, R e hoboth-D ewey Beach DE 5 Lodge No. 360, !25th Anniversary, Susquehann a
12 Lodge No. 37 1, ! 25th Anniversary, Thompsomown 17 Lodge No. 52, 200th Anniversary, Philade lphia
Bro. W. Scott Stoner, R. W. Grand Master Receives the Charles H. Johnson Medal
O n Monday, May 6, 199 1, at th e A nnu a l G r a n d Co mmunica t ion o f the G ra n d L odge o f New York Free a nd Accepted Masons, B ro. W. Sco tt Ston er, R. W. Gra nd Master, was h o nor ed by rece i v in g T h e C h a rl es H. J o hn so n Medal. T his Med a l was ins tituted by the G r a nd L odge o f New Yo r k in May of 195 1 "The awa rd is to be m a de by th e G ra n d Mas ter [of New York ] to such members in goo d sta n d ing in this [ New
2 Lodge No. 687, 75th AnnivefSaJ1•, H azleto n 9 Valley of AILoona. A.A.S.R. Fall Reunio n
16 Lodge No. 377, I 25th Anniversary , Kutztown 23 Williamsport Consistory, A.A.S.R.,
Yor k] or a n y o th er ju risdi ction o r re cognized Mason ic bo d y, irresp ect ive o f ra nk o r titl e, w h o h ave ren der ed unu s ua l or di s tin g ui s h ed se r vice in furth ering th e good n a m e of the C ra ft, i ts pi·in ci p les a nd purposes. T h e Meda l so awarded w ill h onor th e m e m ory o f M. W C h ar les
Henry J o hnso n , wh o gave hi s a ll in th e furth era n ce o f t he ideals o f Freemasonry th roug h ou t th e wo rld, w ill in th i s m a nn er , be ever remembered by tho se
w h o seek th e lig ht of truth. " Br o. Jo h nso n , a s noted by Bro Rob ert C. S inge r , Pas t G ra nd Master , Gra nd Seo-e ta r y o f New York , is th e o n ly man in th e G rand Lodge of New York to h ave h eld five e lected O ffi ces: Gra nd Mas ter, Deputy Grand Mas ter, G ra nd Sec re tary, Se ni o r Gra n d W ar d e n a nd Jun ior G rand Warde n.
Annual Grand Communication and Grand Master's Dinner-Dance
Set for Pittsburgh, December 27, 1991
The Ann ua l Gra nd Co mmuni ca ti o n of The G ra nd Lod ge of Pe nn sy l va ni a is sch edul ed to be he ld in th e Masonic Temple in the Oakland Secti on of Pittsbu rgh begi nnin g a t I 0:00a .m. o n Fr iday , Dece mb er 27
T h e Com muni cat ion wi ll mark th e end of th e admin is tra tion of Bro. W. Scott Sto n er and th e beg in n in g o f th e ex p ec ted term o f Bro. Edward H. Fo w ler Jr. , as R. W . Gra nd Ma s ter. Bro. Fo w ler is a r esident o f Be ll e Verno n , Pen n sy lvan ia.
All Mas ter Mason s a r e e n couraged to a ttend th e m ee tin g w hi ch w ill be h e ld in
Go thi c Ha ll on th e seco n d fl oor of th e Maso ni c Temp le loca ted a t F ifth , Ly tt on a nd T e nn ys o n Ave nu es , Oak la nd, Pi ttsburgh. T h e m ee tin g w ill be programm ed
to a ll ow for th e I n s ta ll at ion o f the n ew
G r a nd Mas te r at noon, a ft e r w h ic h l unch eo n fo r th ose au end i ng th e Commun icat ion w ill be served .
At 3 :00 p.m . th a t a fternoo n , Ava lo n
Lodge No. 657 h a s sc h edu led a Spec ia l
Mee tin g to re ce i ve its Memb er as th e R. W. Grand Mas ter for th e first time.
Mason s a nd th eir ladies ar e a lso i n-
v it ed to a t te nd th e Gra nd M as t er' s
Di nn er-Dan ce to be h e ld in th e ba ll room
of th e H ilton Hote l i n d ow ntown Pi tt sburgh. T his is sc h edul ed fo r 6:45 p .m w ith ente rL a i nmen t co n s ist in g o f th e Lou ise Man d re ll Sh ow to fo llow at 9: 00 p .m . T ic ke ts for th e G rand Master's Di nn erDance a re ava ila bl e fo r $20 .00 p er pe r so n and w ill be so ld throug h Lodges in th e grea ter P ittsburg h a rea or th e G rand Mas ter's O ffi ce o n a fir s t r equ es t basis . Tab les wi ll acco mm o d a te te n pe r so n s sh ou ld you des ire to a tt end a s a gro u p. Ea rl y r ese rvat ions are encouraged. (S ee coupon 0!1 pagf' 16.) 3
Bro. W. Scott Stoner
R. W. Grand Master
by Bro. john H. Platt, Jr.
Records, Regalia, Research!
I t is the h ope o f the Board of Di rec tors a nd th e m em ber s o f th e staff of T h e Masonic Lib r ary a nd M u se um of P enn sy lva ni a th at tho se attic trea sure s, perhaps we ll hidd en in un ex p ected places, o f m a n y of o ur Blue Lodges w ill find the ir way to the collec ti ons h er e in th e Masonic T e mple in Phi lade l p hi a. Un fortun a te ly, there are man y very impo rtan t items tha t neve r reach the sa fety
Brothers' Bench
Our G rand Lodge is happ y to we lcome home a re lic from the fir s t Maso ni c Hall on th e north side o f C h est nu t Street betwee n Seven th and Eighth Stree ts, u sed from 181 1 until it was d es troyed by fi re March 9, 18 19 ( late r rebuilt ). A ro d -back Windso r se tt ee, bui l t abo ut 18 10 in Philade l p hi a and us ed in th e Ha ll , came bac k to th e G r and Lodge, arr iv in g on May 8, 199 1. T h e settee is of a cozy s ize: thirt y- fi ve i n c hes long, thirt y-o n e and o n e-h alf inches high and s i xteen and o ne-h a lf i n ches deep. It i s m ade o f turn ed, ca r ve d a nd painted (f irs t b l u e, then in 1853, g r een) map le, pop la r a nd pine woods. Upo n its arr i va l, th e s ta ff caref ull y ca rr ied it into th e Library a nd
of th e Li brary a nd M u se u m . Before any L odge items, suc h as R eco rd s, J ewe ls, or Rega lia are di sbursed b y an y mea n s, th e
O ffi ce rs of th e Lodges should make contac t w ith th e Ma so nic L i brary and Museu m and see if these i te m s co uld be p laced in th e Co llec ti ons w h er e th ey wo u ld be made ava il a bl e to futur e genera ti ons of th e C raft. It is so vi ta ll y important that we prese rve ou r co n-
t urn ed it upside do w n . Painted in white o n th e und er s ide of th e sea t is th e fo ll owin g: E. D. J effri es, Lodge 155, Ma r k L odge 2 14, A Y M. 1853. Carved into th e sea t, a lso undernea th , are th e ini tials AB R esea r c h h as turned up so m e informati on. T h ere were two men listed in th e C i ty D i r ecto ry for 18 10 bea rin g th e i nitia ls AB w ho co ul d h ave poss ibl y been th e maker : A bra ham Boye r and Alexa nder Burns, bo th of w h o m were lis ted as carpenters. Nei th er of th ese men was a Free ma son. E. D. Jeffri es, th e probab le p ainter of th e settee, see m s to b e Bro. Em m or D. Jeffr ies, an artis t, w h o was Entered on November 23, 1852, Passed Dece mb er 28, 1852; an d Rai sed Februar y
temporary record s so th a t th e histo r y o f this, o ur Maso ni c Fratern i ty, w ill be we ll represe nted in the future year s. Thi s is n ecessary since we w ill s h ort l y take th e g ia nt leap into the twen ty-fi rs t ce ntur y It is up to u s to see th a t the true s tory o f Freemasonry is to ld a nd o nl y through th e ex is ten ce of proper l y ca r ed- for records a nd m emorabilia ca n th is be done w i th a n y accuracy.
3, 1853, a ll in M t. Moria h Lodge No . 155 H e di ed Fe bru ary 2, 1875. T he provenance of the se ttee, s ince i t was resc ued from th e Mason ic Hall , was probably thi s: it s p e nt a great dea l of t im e in New Jersey, then passed into the hands o f a pri vate collecto r , w h o the n offe red it for sa le to J a m es and Nancy G lazer , Phi lade l phia ant iqu e de a le r s T h e Gra nd Lodge of Pen n sy l van ia purchased i t from them in Apri l 199 1 throu g h th e Bro. Maxwell Sommerv ille Fund, a nd h as place d i t on depos i t w i t h T h e Masonic Library and Muse um o f Penn sy l va nia.
Enjoy "Autumn Day" at the Masonic Homes .......... Saturday, October 19, 1991
We tru st you will enjoy your day w ith us and take in all th e activ iti es that a re offered The fun and fes ti vities begin at I O:OOa .m and w ill co ntinu e until4:00 p.m. If you a nd you r family are planning to attend wou ld you please take a moment ri ght now and complete the coupon in this issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason and send it to th e Masonic Homes. It w ill assist u s in h aving a better idea of the numb er of vis ito r s to expec t.
Independent Living Community:
The Cedar Trees lining Cedar Lane (th e lane around our cottages) will be formally presented to the Mason ic Homes by the Supreme Forest Tall Cedar s of Lebanon of North America during a brief cere mon y to be h eld a t 2:00 p.m.
Tours of the Community will be provided throughout the day.
Village Green:
Food · yes! Deli cious, appetiz in g food will be pro vided at seve ra l locations on the grounds until3:00 p.m. Ju st wait until yo u taste th e Homes' -made sa u sage, sa uerkraut, hot dogs, apple butter , bea n so up , plus ice crea m and beverages ! They are all se r ve d free
Resident Rooms many of our residents in th e Village Green are graciously opening their room s for yo u to visit and inspec t for yourself the exce llent li ving accommodations provided at the Homes. All of our residents will be wearing a flow er and name badge . .. make sure to introduce yo urself.
Visit Our Many Stands where qu es tions regarding all facets o f the Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania, Masonic Education, Pennsy l vania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children, Pennsylvania Yo uth Foundation, Masonic Youth Groups, and Masonic Homes may be answered. Purchase your "Collector Series" Christmas cards, and don't forget to s top by the Gift Booth and the Fruit Stands for Masonic Homes created gifts and grown fruit before you leave
Masonic Health Care Center:
Health Care Center Tours ... will b e avai l ab le all da y - and yo u w ill not wan t to miss it! Just get off the tour bus at the Health Care Cen ter , tour th e facilities, and back on th e bus for the remainder of the bu s tour.
Blood Pressure Check Needed? Just take a mom ent at th e Blood P ress ure C linic.
Programs? ... Lost and Found People or Articles? . . Nearest Rest Rooms?.:. First Aid and Emergency . .. S top by a n Information Stand a nd inquire. All are s taffed with Maso nic Homes' employees w ho will be h appy to ass ist you. We want YOU to experience a wonderful day enjoying the grounds and many activities.
10:00-10: 15 A..t'\1 Rajah Temple Chanters Deike Amlitmium
10:00-11:00 Al\1 Zembo Shrine Oriental Band l\Iasonic Temple
10:00-11:00 Al\I AI Bethel's French Quarter Orchestra l\Iasonic Health Cne Ceme1
T hi s was a three -generation meeting with Bro John L. McCain, Jr. conferring the Fellowcraft and Master M a sons Degree on his son, Bro. John L. McCain, Ill and assisted by Bro. John L. McCain, R.W.P.G.M., the grandfather All three are members of Milnor Lodge No. 287 in the 55th Masonic District. T his special Conferral was held on May 28, 1991 with a Dispensation, since the Candidate is now living and working in Alabama. (l eft to right) Bros. John L. McCain
R.W.P G.M., John L. McCain, III, George H. Gray, Jr., W . M., John L. McCain, Jr. and David K. Johnstone, D.D.G.M., 55th District.
10:00- ·1:00 P:\1 Zembo Shrine Clowns Masonic Tempk V illage Green Health Care Center
10:00- 1:00PM Tall Cedar Special Interest Car Unit VilJage Green
10:00- 1:00PM Face Painters Village Green
10:00- ·!:00 Pl\I Tours of Independent Uving Community Independent Living Commu n ity
10:00- 3 :30 P:\1 Bus Toms of the Masonic Homes
II :00-12:00 Pi\1 Irem String Band Yillage Green
11:00-12:00 P:\1 Highlanders ;\hbonic Temple
1:00- 3:30 1':\1 Resident Rooms Open Petvmal Cat<'
II :30 - I:30 P:\I :\lime ;\Iasonic T emple Village Green
12:00-l2:i:5 PM Resident Talent Show Deike Auditorium
12 :00- ·!:00 PM Carousel Organ Day Care Centel
12:00- 12: Ei PM AI Bethel's French Quarter Orchestra Village Green
12:00-12>15 P.:\1 Bainbridge Band :\Iasonic Temple
1:00- 1:45 P;\1 Bainbridge Band Vi llage Green
1:00- l :·l5 PM Hot House Band ;\lasonic Temple
1 45- 2:15 P:\1 Rajah Temple Chanters Deike Auditm ium
2 00- ·1:00 P:\1 Juggler Village Green l\Iasonic Te mple
2:00- Cedar Trees Presentation Tall Cedars L'ln<', Independent Living Communi!)
2:15 - 3: 15 P:\1 Hot House Rand :\lasonic Heahh C'lre C:emer
2:30- 3:·1:'> PM Bavaiian Barons Temple