The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 1993

Page 1

Grand Master Receives Award

From Chapel of Four Chaplains

On October 25 , 199 2, Bro. Edward H. Fowle r , Jr., R.W. Grand Master , was a wa rd e d t he Bron ze M e dallion by The Cha p e l of Four Ch a pl a in s It i s gran te d for outs tanding co ntribu t i ons t o th e w ell b e ing of othe r s a t t h e national or wor ld l evel , to world peace, or to in te r fa it h and in te r ethnic unde r standing, in keep ing wi t h the s piri t of t h e s acr ifi ce of t h e four Ch a pl a in s .

The C h a p e l of Four C h a pla in s w as foun de d as a m emori a l to four Ch a pl a in s who w e re a bo a rd t h e t roo p s hip , DORC HESTER , whe n th e s hip s ank in t h e icy waters off the coa s t of Gre enl a nd in 1943. A Catho lic pr ie s t , J ohn P. Was hington ; a J ew i s h rabbi , A l exa nd e r D. G o ode; a nd t w o Pr otes t a n t m ini s t e r s, George L F ox, a n d Cl ar k V. P olin g gave t h ei r life jacke t s to four yo un g peop l e. Th e f o ur C h a pl ains, wit h ar ms lin ked, stood in a circle a nd prayed as t h e s h ip sank. T he C hapel is d edicated t o n o on e r e ligi on, bu t e ncourages a nd re cognizes t h e s piri t of volun tee r se rvi ce with a vi tal fa i t h and commit m e n t to God and m a nkind as was exem plifie d by th e fo u r Ch a pl a ins .

The g r a ntin g of t his awa rd includ es m em bers hip on the C h a p e l 's L e gion of Hono r R o ll

Bro Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R. W. Grand Maste r , pre sente d with the Bron ze M e dallion by Th e C h a plain R e v. Archie T. Roberts ofThe Chapel of Fou r C haplains.

Phillies Vs. Pirates in Second Annual Masons' Night at Vet, May 10

The entire Masonic Family is i n vited to attend the Second Annual Southeastern Pennsylvania Mason's N ight at the Ph ill ies in Veterans Stad ium on Monday, May 10. The game will be a cross-state rival ry between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Pittsburgh Pirates. I n pre-game ceremonies promptly at 7 p.m., R. W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. will r ecognize former Phillies pitcher and present staff member, Dickie Noles, for his community services in prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. For tickets at $10 each contact Kathy Killian, Manage r , Group Sales Office. Veterans Stadium, P.O. Box 7575, Philadelphia, PA 19 101. (Phone 2 15-463-5000)

THE GRAND LODGE F.&A M OF PENNSYLVANIA Masonic Homes Development & Public Relations

On e Masoni c Driv e Elizabeth t own, PA 17022-2199 POSTMASTER:



Communication Dinner June 2, 1993 Di nn e r held



Ceremony, Parade, Dinner August 21 in Gettysburg Pennsylvania Freemasons to Dedicate Historic Friend To Friend Masonic Memorial Monument '?z..

FRIEND TO FRIEND- BRO THER HOOD UND IVIDE D: Mo r t ally wounded Con f ederate Brigadie r Ge n e ral a nd Broth er L ew i s A A rm istead pa sses h is p e rs o nal e ffect s to Union Capta in and Broth e r H e nry Bing ham t o give to h is long -time fri e n d Uni o n Major Ge n e r a l and Brothe r Winfie l d S Hanc ock in t hi s sll etc

Frank Humme L

A Monumental Idea

Grand Lodge Shapes Dream into Tribute to Brotherhood and Service to Mankind

Adapted from C h ro nology B y Bro. Dean E. Va ughn, P.M "Wh at had begun as an idea in the mind of a single Mason .. . three years ea r lie r, now seemed destined to touch the lives of millions of individuals who would soon appreciate this historic memorial."

C r eating a mo num ent at Gettysb urg to commemorate the virtues of Free m asonry a nd the eternal bon d s of Bro t h er h oo d a s exemplified by events in t h e C iv il W ar was the idea

of Bro. Shel don A. Munn of Camp H ilL He was inspired by a civic club speech by his friend and Masonic Brother John F Schwartz, J unior

Continued on page 14

In a historic and nationally significant dedication A ugust 21 of the Fri end to Friend Mason ic Memorial Monument being erected by the Grand Lodge of P ennsylvania in Gettysburg, F reemasons will commemorate the virtues of f r iendship and brotherhood dramatically exemplified during the Civil War and honor all Brethren who fought in all wars of the nation.

Right Worshipful Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr., said, "The Memoria l is designed no t only to honor the estimated 18,000 Freemasons who fought on both sides in the Battle of Gettysburg, but also to recognize symbolically the many historical acts of love and compassion that occurred in battle despite the political an d emotional stra i ns brought on by the Civil War. The inscription ' Friend to Frien d - Brotherhood Undivided' on the mo nument base relates the story portrayed by the expressive statue of a Brother helping a Brother despite t hei r opposing political views."

P l acing the Fr i end to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument at Gettysburg is of national significance and impo r tance in the history of Freemasonry Th is i s t h e firs t time that a p r iva te organ ization ha s b ee n p e rmi tte d to e r ect a m o nu ment in a Nat ional H istori c Park . After the D ed i cation and th e Capstone ceremon y in the morn ing of August 21, ther e will be a multidivision afternoon parade of Pennsylvania Freemasons and Masons fr om other Jurisdictions, t h e Fami ly of Freemasonry, and mi lita ry and veteran groups p lus bands and ma r ching units. Grand Lodges from all J urisdictio ns i n North

Continued on page 2


I'll abb r eviate an a dm on i ti on by Thomas Carlyle and say that "Our business is what l ies cl early at hand." what is cl early at h a nd i s for F reemasons to speak outto let the val u es, the deeds and i n t egrity of the Fraternity be known . By now, you s ho uld be aware tha t the Southern Baptist Confer ence has been engaged in a yea r -l ong an t i-Masonic st udy that is to culmin ate in a move at its Jun e convention to denounce the Fraternity and ban its members f rom the Craft Freemasons tradition a ll y do not engage in a rgumen ts with th ose who , through ignoran ce or vendetta, may have sp oke n evilly or spit efull y of the Fraternity. That doesn't prevent us from making it clear what we stand for, w h o we a r e, and what we do!

The record of the Family of Freemasonry is superb. We know of the Fraternity's high values and principles of the benefits a nd help for the individual, the family, the community, those in n eed - young and ol d - and it s esteem for religious freedom in the Fatherhood of God a nd the Brotherh ood of Man.

What lies clearly at h and for Freemasons today, i s to b e sure that the record speaks for itse lf. Overall, it is the ongoing need for pu blic awareness about the Fraternity; but, in the case of the Southern Baptists' f action, it is t h e need to defend Freemasonry again st untruths . (See article on Page 4, "How You Can Defend Freemasonry.")

Dedication, continued from page 1

America have been invited to participate as have t h e Appendant Bodies and Affiliated Organizations of Freemasonry.

The extensive monum en t and Cemetery Annex enhancement project focu ses on the expressive Fri e nd to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument, but includes b eautif ic at i on and improvements to the entire Gettysburg National Cemetery Annex. A gran ite wall arcing two hundred seven ty degrees w ill display the names of the twent ynine states involved in the Civil War will fo cus attention on the monument in th e center of a brick viewing plaza. The Grand Lodge project a l so provides the Ce m etery Annex with a new e n try plaza with a lig h ted flagpol e, paved roadways, a parking lot with handicappe d access, perman e nt perim e t er fe n cing, ways i de exhibits, and improved l and scaping

Park Superintendent Jose A. Cisneros, who worked clo sely with the Grand Lodge on the project, said t h at the new facilities and improvements are e nh ancemen ts to the Cemetery Annex's setting that t h e National Park Service h ad desired for year s, bu t never received t h e funding to con s truct.

During the s i x teen months that I ha ve b ee n G r and Master, I have traveled extensively and seen Freemason ry in action throughout Pennsylvan ia a nd a round t h e world - from the 275th Ann i versary of Freemasonry i n th e

Gran d Lodge of England, visits in France and m ost recently in Spain . I have m et and learned from Masonic leaders worldwide and I realize more than ever h ow much Freemasonry and its value system is needed in t h e Free World.

Th er ef ore, it seems a paradox to me t ha t we find it necessary to consider defending Freemaso nry h ere a t h om e, when worldwide t h ose w h o previous ly denied the privileges of a Fraterni ty are doing everythin g t h ey can to h ave and practi ce Freemasonry. As an example , s ince t h e removal of the Iron Curtain , a t hi rd Lodge may be Wa r ran t e d in what was Kiev i n R u ssia . The first two are in Moscow . It is now conceivable that a Grand Lodge could be Constituted in Russ i a.

In our own Alaska , just as in som e areas of European countries , Masons travel many miles - u s u a lly rugged miles - to go to Lodge. They cherish t h e op portunity for Fraternal Broth erh ood a nd ce rtainly th ey show th eir ded ication by atten din g Lodge.

Being kno wledgeable abou t yo ur Fraternity, living an d demonstrating Freemasonry and settin g t h e record straight for the public i s clearly the bus i ness of every Freem ason right now.

I tr u s t that eac h of our Members w ill take every opportunity t o talk posi tively a b out w ha t our Fraternity means to each of u s Let us a ll take pride i n the privilege of wearing the Square and Compasses w i th the Letter "G" and join hands to Build for the Future Today!

Fraternall y,

d H.

The Memorial w ill center on a h i s torical m onument t hat will have two sculpted bronze figures a top a granite base. The figures, by noted Sculptor Ron Tu ni so n of Cairo, NY, will portray a h istori cally verified encounter between Confederate Brigadier General Lewis A. Armistead and Captain Henry Bingham, an Aide to Un i on Major General Winfield S. Hancock , on Cemetery R idge on July 3, 1863.

Arm i stead and Hancock had been friends and fellow officers who chose to figh t on opposing sides when war broke ou t in 1861. During Pickett's Charge, bo th officers were wounded within a few hu ndred yard s of each oth er. Armis t ead's cries for help were h eard by several Broth ers in th e Union ranks who offered to assist t h e Confederate officer

As he was b eing carried to medical a id , Arm istead, b y chance, encountered Captain Bin g ham. Learning of his re l ationship to Ha n cock, Arm i ste ad asked B ing h a m to relay a message of regret to h is ol d fr ien d and e ntrus t ed his personal effects to the Captain. Armistead die d two day s later at the Spangl e r Fa r m w i t ho ut see i ng Ha n -

Continued o n page 3

Dedication, continu ed f rom page 2 cock. All the principl e characters in this true s t or y were Members of the Mas onic Fraternity.

The Memorial Monument was conce ived three years ago by Penn syl vania Mason, Bro. Sheldon A. Munn of Camp Hill , t hrough the i nspiration of his f riend a nd Ma s onic Brother John F. Sc h wa rtz of Gettysburg. A noth e r friend a nd Brother , Dean Vaug hn , relayed the s u ggestion to no w R. W. Deputy Grand Mas ter George Hohens hild t who pre s ented it to th e Grand Lodge Officers. The t hen-G rand Mast er W. Scott Stoner appointed th e C ommi t tee to Erect a Masonic Memor ial at Gettysbur g, n a min g Bro s . Ho hen s hildt , Vaughn , Munn a nd Lee N . Wh i take r as Co-Chairmen. From t he time he wa s In stalle d Grand Maste r , Fowler has b een de e pl y involved in the project and co mmi ssio ned Sculptor Tunison to create the statue.

THE CLAY MODEL OF THE FIGURES FOR THE FRIEND TO FRIEND MASONIC MEMORIAL MONUMENT is shown by noted sculptor Ro n Tunison (front) to Bro. Edward H. F owler, Jr. , (right) of Belle Vernon , the Grand M aster of Freemasons in Pennsylvania, and ( from l eft) : Bro . George H . Hohe n shildt, Camp Hill, Deputy Grand Master and CoChairman of the Memorial Monument Committee; Bro. Robert G . Boone, P.D D .G.M. Chalfont, Executive Director of Grand Lodge Operations, and Officer s a nd M embers of the Mason i c Fraternity i n Pennsylvan ia, joined by re pr ese nta t iv es of t he D e p artm e nt of Interior , National Park Bro. Dean Vaughn, P.M., Hershey, Co-Chairman of the Commit t ee. Service , broke gro und March 25 ( photo be l ow) in th e Civil War Event A Tribute To Love Gettys burg National Cemetery Annex for the Frie nd t o Frie nd Mas onic M e moria l Monument. of Country, Brotherhood of Man

The l ocat i on a nd de s i g n of the Fri e nd to Fri e nd Fre emasons h ave made valuable and lasting contribuMason ic Memorial were approved after exte n s ive n ego - tions throughout the history of th e United State s of tiation s b etween the National Park Service, Grand Mas - America -from the days of th e Revolution and th roughter Fow l e r and other O ffi cer s of the Gra nd Lodge of out th e d evelop ment of this cou ntry and th e preservation Free a nd Accepte d Mas ons of Pennsylvan i a. The Memo - of its freedom- Paraphrase of Bro. S h e ldon Munn 's rearial is fully con s i s t e nt w ith the Park's a pproved monu- so n for in sp iring t h e creation a nd placing of a Monum e nt policy. m e nt a t Ge ttys burg.

Th e Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial will stand as a tribute t o th e Love of Cou ntry and th e Brotherhood of Man demonstrated by all who fough t and di ed for their country in all Wars.-Vision of the Memorial's l as tin g impac t a s r e l ated by R.W. Deputy Grand Mas ter George Ho h e n s hildt , C h a irm an of the "Committe e to Ere ct a M as onic Monume nt at Ge ttysburg."

The Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania al s o will prov ide a $25, 000 endowme nt for the p erpetual m aintena nce of the Frie nd to Friend M as onic M emoria l. Initially, the Frat ernity is deve l oping a program to offer a limite d quantity of numbered models of the m emorial m onume nts to be a vail ab le for des ignate d l evel s of contributions When t h e Civ il War b egan , the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Ma s on s had an e s timate d M e mb e r s hip of 500 , 000 a nd ma n y f a mous Ame rican military le aders of t h at era belonged to loca l Lodg es throu g h o ut the Uni te d S tates . At Ge ttys burg, they i n cl uded Jos hua C h a mb e rlain , John Geary, A l f r ed P l eas anton , Ca rl Schurz , W ill iam Ba rk s d a l e, H e n ry H e th , Ge orge P i ckett a n d m a ny othe r s

When the Frie nd to Frie nd Mas onic m e m orial Monument i s in place a nd d e dicate d in A u gust , more than two years' work by a t en-man S p ec ial C ommittee will h ave reach e d fruition. Th ey worked dilige ntly at proposing, creatin g , deve loping, a nd admini sterin g the complex proj ect to erect a dram a tic statue in the National Cemetery Annex. W h e n co mpl ete d , it w ill portray a n e motional event that contrasts the ri g ors of war with a Brotherl y conce rn for a f e llow man durin g Pickett's C h arge in the Battle of Ge tty sb urg.

The two Ge n erals in that event were Freemason s w ith Pennsy lv ania r el a tio nsh ips. Gen e ral Hancock was a Penns y l va nia Ma s on a nd Ge n e ral Armistead was a V irg inia Ma s on w ho acqui red his degrees unde r a d is pen sation gran te d at the time b y t h e Grand Lodge of Penn sylvania. " Thoug h the s cene re l ates to a C i v il War in cident , that i s far from the whole s tory," D e puty Grand Maste r Ho h e n s hild t expl a ined "Th at dr a mati c in cid e nt i s on ly a symb ol of t h e real m essage for m ankind - the fa ith , h op e and good will of "A F ri e nd to Fri e nd ," h e s a id. 3



Grand Master's Itinerary

May 1993

1 Lodge No. 410, 125th Anniversary, Hatboro 3-4 Annual Communication, Grand Lodge of New York

8 Lodge No. 423, 125th Anniversary, Shrewsbury

To Ra m ada '"" /


Th e Friend to Fr end Masonic Memor a Ded cation Parade of nearly two miles will begin at 1:30

p m. fromthe sta ging area a West Confed erate and Springs Aves at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in West Ge«ysburg The ro ute of the parade will be Eastward on Springs Ave to Reynolds St.; right on Reynolds St for one block to Middle St.; left on Middle St to the old courthouse at Baltimore St. in the center of Gettysburg; right (South) on Baltimore St. to the fork at Steinwehr Ave.; bear right onto Steinwehr Ave. past the Cemetery Annex where the Monumen Is located and where the Dedication Parade Revi ewing Stand will be located; continue one block to Queen St.; then right on Queen St. to the Gettysburg Recreation Park where the parade will disband.

Parade part ic pant s will assemble at he Lutheran Theological Seminary where they w ll receive a box lunch Bro. George Holm es, th e Grand Marshal and h s s aff will direc he s aging.


H ow You Can Help Defend Freemasonry

E ve r y F r eemas on n ee d s to h e lp d ef e nd Freema s onry and turn b a ck

t h e m ost v icious a tta ck a g ains t t h e

Fra t e rnity in a century -t h e f a ll aciou s a ll eg ation s in boo ks by Dr.

J am es Holly a nd P a t R ob e rtson a nd t h e biase d anti-M asonic r eco mmend ation s to come b e f or e t he South e rn

B a p tist C onve ntion in J un e .

A P i lg ri m's Pa th , s ubtitle d One M an's Road t o the Ma s on i c Temple, a new boo k by Jo hn J. R obin son, no w a Free m ason, i s must r eadin g f or every M e m ber of t h e Craft a n d h is f a mil y. For the l as t t h ree year s, Bro. Ro b i n son h as t rave l e d over 15 0 ,000 mil es a nd spok e n t o t ho us ands of M aso n s a nd m i ll ions of the

To Order

8 Lodge No. 412, 125th Anniversary, Tidioute 12 Valley of Coudersport Reunion, A.A.S.R.

17 Formal Opening Grand Session, International Order of Job's Daughters, Gettysburg

10 Trustees Consolidation Fund & Pension Trust Meeting, Philadelphia 18 Committee on Masonic Homes Meeting, Elizabethtown 19 Lodge No. 597, 100th Anniversary, Scranton

10 Freemasons Night at Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia

11 Lodge No. 59, 200th Anniversary, Philadelphia 14-15 204th Annual Communication, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire 16-17 202nd Annual Communication, Grand Lodge of Rhode Island

22 Valley of Scranton Reunion 24-26 167th Annual Communication, Grand Lodge of Michigan

28 Children's Day, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown

28 Committee on Masonic Homes , Elizabethtown

29 Special Communication of Grand Lodge, for the purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room and Cornerstone Laying, Charles M. Howell Lodge No. 496, Millersville

June 1993

1 Executive Staff Meeting, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia

1 Line Officers Staff Meeting, Philadelphia

2 Quarterly Communication, Philadelphia

2 Finance Committee Meeting, Philadelphia

2 District Deputy Grand Master's Meeting, Philadelphia

5 Lodge No. 420, 125th Anniversary, Conshohocken

20-21 Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, Mt Airy

26 Lodge No. 417, 125th Anniversary, Christiana

27 Masonic Fun Run -Drug & Alcohol Foundation, Philadelphia

July 1993

3-8 Imperial Shrine of North America, San Antonio, TX 9-10 Pennsylvania DeMolay Conclave, King of Prussia 16-17 Annual Grand Assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls- Altoona, PA 18-19 Northeast Conference of Grand Masters, Mt Laurel 20-22 Grand Lodge of Canada, Province of Ontario - Toronto 23-24 Council of Deliberation, Seven Springs

26 Board of Directors Drug and Alcohol Foundation, Patton Campus

26 Line Officer's Staff Meeting, Patton Campus

30 Lodge No. 416, 125th Anniversary, Edinboro

31 Board of Directors, Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Meeting

31 Special Communication of Grand Lodge, for the purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room and Cornerstone Laying, Carlisle Masonic Temple, Carlisle

Bro . David
Past D ep u



Adams ,

ty Gra nd Se cre t a ry

THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON VOL. XL MAY 1993 NO. 2 Publication No. USPS 426-140 Issued Quarterly

Spring issue of 1993 at the Masonic

public a bout the C r aft. He has di scus se d , d e bate d , a nd g on e h e ad- toh ea d w ith a nti -Mas on s in mor e tha n on e h u ndre d r a dio a nd t e lev is ion a pp ea r a n ces . In thi s book, h e re counts hi s M as onic adventur es a n d r e fut es th e two a nti -Ma so nic a u th or s ' book s and a n s w e r s the ir a llegation s point b y poin t.

A Cen t e r f or M as onic Informa -

t i o n ha s b ee n set up w i t hin th e Mas onic Se r v i ce O r ga ni z a t ion. It h as b een answering a nd w ill co ntinue to a n swe r t h e attack s on M ason s by t h e a n t i -M as on i c S ou t h ern Bap -

t i s t f act i on a nd oth e r s. F ive t housa nd co p ies of The Scott i sh Rit e J o urnal, f ull of f act u a l M ason i c

inform a tion and po s i t i ve v iew s, have b e en s ent to S outhe rn Baptis t l eaders a n d thirty t h ou sand copi es w e re s ent t o every B lu e Lodg e in Americ a Prior to the m ee tin g of the S outh ern B a pti s t C on ve ntion , th e C e n te r will t e ll t h e M as oni c story on radio a nd tel ev i s ion a nd in t h e ne wspap e r s A P ilgrim's Path is availa bl e a t a co s t o f $ 11. 9 5 , i nclu di ng po s t age and h a ndlin g . B y s p ecial a r rangem e nt w i t h th e p ubli s h e r , a cas h contributi on of $ 5 .0 0 w ill be m ade to the Ce nte r fo r M asonic Inform atio n 's e ffort f r om the sa l e of each bo ok p u rch ase d.

Bro. David C Adam s, P as t Deputy Gr a nd S e cre tary, die d Febru a r y 26 , 1993. Wi t h hi s p ass in g, th e G r a nd Lodge of P e nn s ylv a ni a has l os t on e of i t s mos t kno w ledgeable M e mb e r s , a nd the Juris diction of P e nn sy l vania one of i ts mo s t d e dic a t e d. Withou t dou b t , h is pas s in g i s our lo ss . Bro. D a v e was w e ll known t o many P e nn sy lv a nia Freemas on s b e cause of th e y e ars h e s p e nt workin g in t he Office of th e Grand S ecretary.

He was R a i s ed a M as t e r M as o n in 195 2 in D a llas Lod ge No. 396 and se r ve d as Wor s hipful Ma s t e r in 1960. H e s ubs e que ntl y re s ig n e d to become a W a rr a nt M e mb e r of Ge ne ral Marqui s de Lafay e tte Lod ge N o. 7 95 wh e re he al s o se rved as Wor s hipful Ma s t e r in 1967. Hi s Mas onic career s ince 1952 has b een an admir a bl e on e.

H e s erv ed as Pr es idin g Offi ce r in num e rou s Ma s onic Bodi es and w as hono r ed fo r hi s contribu t ion s a nd dedication by b e ing C oronet e d a n Honorary M e mber of the S upr e me C oun c il , N M J , 33°, in

1 98 1 a nd a l s o mad e a M e mb e r of th e K ni g ht s of th e York C ro ss of Honour.

Hi s g r ea t es t di st i nction was hi s s ervice to th e Gra nd Lodg e of P e nnsy lvania. H e se rv e d a s Di s trict

D e puty Grand Ma s t e r for t wo yea r s wh e n he re s igned to accept a pos it ion with the Gr a nd Lod ge. He s erved for a s hort t i m e in t he Office of th e G r a nd Ma s ter and th e n e nte r e d the Office of the Grand Secr e t a r y in 19 7 0 a s Office Man ager.

H e was m a de a D e pu ty Grand S e cr e tary in 19 8 0 and se r v ed in that cap a city until his r e t i r e m e nt on

D e ce mb e r 2 7 , 1985 Upon h i s retirem e nt , h e was Cr ea t e d a Pa s t

D e puty G ra nd Secretary , a po s ition

cre a t e d e s p e c i a ll y to r e cog ni ze hi s y ears of continued s e rvice. He continue d to serve the Gr a nd Lodg e a s a M e mber of th e Committ ee on

B y l aws un t il hi s d e a t h.

Bro. Adam s was one w ho qu i etly m a d e h i s contribution t o th e Mas onic Fra t e rnity a nd m a de it we ll! W e n ee d more lik e him. Hi s d ea th crea t es a v acu u m n ot eas ily fill e d

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and A ccepted Masons of Penn sy

Fred D. Rissinger

lvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.

tbe Gral)d Secretary) De5k ..

My Brethren:

How many times in life have we heard someone say "I don't have the time"?

I read recentl y in the Scottish Rite Journal about a Member who has not missed a Blue Lodge Meeting in forty-six years and has been e lected Trea su rer of hi s Lodge for thirty-five consecutive times. He i s a Past Master and Life Member of hi s Lodge, Past High Priest and Life Member of his Chapter, Pa st Commander and Life Member of his Commandery , a Member of the Knights of the York Cross of Honour, a Life Member and holds the 33rd Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scotti s h Rite.

He has sponsored more than on e hundred Petitions for each of the Masonic Bodies in which he hold s Membership. In addition, he has donated to Brethren mor e than one hundred permanent Memberships in the Knights Templ ar Eye Foundation and more than one hundr e d permanent contributin g Members hips in t h e Shrine Hospitals.

He i s also a Past Potentate a nd Life Member of his Shrine Templ e, a Life Member of the Grotto, a L ife Member of the Scottis h Rite Guard ,

an Emeritus Life Member of the Order of the Eastern Star, a Past Vice Chairman and Emeritus Member of the Board of Trustees of the Scottish Rite Children 's Hospital , a Pa s t President of his Masonic Temple Corporation, and a Past Master of his District Masonic Association. He was President of his Masonic Temple Company for ten years and was responsible to a great extent for the fi sca l s tabili ty of the Lodges in that Temple. He was twi ce nam ed President of the Scottish Rite Foundations of Georgia. Tllis li st merely touches upon his contributions to Freemasonry.

In looking at a man's Masonic career as ex ten s i ve as this Brother s, one wo uld assume that hi s life was tota ll y devoted to Freemasonry. However, it is significant t ha t along wi th man y other civic activities he was also Charter President of the Atlanta Law School Alumni Association, served as President of the Georgia Childre n s Chiropractic Center , Director of the Jo s eph B. W h itehead Memorial Boys Clu b, Chairm an of the Board of Trustees of t h e Doctors M e morial Hospital for eight years a nd Vice Cha irm an for te n years , and a l so

Past President of t he Overland Guaranty and Insurance Agency. In 1930, at th e age of seventeen, he became the youngest Deacon in the Presbytery of hi s C hu rc h and in 1955 was e lect ed to Elder.

Now we could probab l y assume that his w hole life was d e dicated to serv ic e to organizations, l eaving time for littl e e l se. Ho wever , he earned hi s L.L.B. and L.L.M. degrees from Atlanta La w School and an L .L.D. from Webster University He wo rked for a period of time for the U.S. Govern men t and in 1954 became a Judge in the Cri minal Court and i s now Judge Emeritus, Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia.

The Brother's name i s Charles A. Wofford, actually Illustrious Brother, Judge Charles A. Wofford. To quote Brother Wofford, "Maso nr y expr esses the hi gh est ideal s outside of the church of w hat I b elieve i s a proper attitude of obedience to God and lo ve for one's fellowman. "

I g u ess the major differ e nce between Broth er Wofford and mos t of the rest of u s i s he did not say "I don' t have th e time." Thank God for the Charles W offord s of the world.

Maso nic T emple

One North B road Street Philad elph ia, P A 19 107 (215) 988-1934

The Past is Prologue?

The Past i s Prologue! How many times have we heard or seen thi s statement made eith er in a speech , in a book or pamphlet, or perhaps on a game show of some sort. Obviously , Histor i ans ha ve taken this s tateme nt seriously as the y have pursued their hi s torical researc h throughout the ages . More importantly how many of us have really taken these four words serious ly?

Do we as Freemasons understand that what we are doing today, both within and without the Craft, w ill be h ow people judge us hi storically in the future?

The Masonic Libr ary and Museum of Pennsylvania houses some of the mo s t important materials in th e w orld d e aling with th e s ubj ec t of Freem as onry; h ow ever , wha t w ill b e 6

available twenty-five, fift y , or even one hundre d years from now? Will those of us living in these years ahead be abl e to proudl y say that indeed "Th e Pas t was Prologue?"

Lookin g throughout the U nit ed States, some of our mo s t prominent Masonic L ibr aries and Museums are facing extrem ely difficult t im es! Not only w ith their collections, but with their buildings and with proper staffing. We , here at The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvarua housed in The Masonic Temple , P hil adelphia , h ave t aken severa l impo rtant initi al steps to p l ace this important Mas onic institution on a s ound footing. One of those steps was the establ ishing of "The F riends of The Masonic Library and Museum of P e nns ylvania." Within the fr a m ew ork of thi s group w e h ave provided sever a l categories in

whi ch bo t h persons and organizations can help support this Mas on ic Treasure. We h ave a l s o e s tabli s h e d

The Masonic Library and Museum of Penn sylvani a Endowment Fund , through whi ch we hope to buil d up a firm financial base upon w hich we w ill surv ive and flouri sh well into the twenty-first century. While thes e foundations are now in place, on l y o ur Friends a nd our fe ll ow Freemasons can place the mortar and bricks upon them. Just a s "King So l omon 's Temp l e " wa s rebuil t as one of the important s y mbol s of Freemas onry toda y, it w ill be up to eac h of us to see that our Masonic Library and Museum w ill survive to be jus t s uch a s ymbo l in the future. Will "Today", th e past of " Tomorro w" b e abl e to echo the w ords, "The P a s t w as Prologue?"

Village Green Apartments

on.l\;lasonic 1-_Iome?, to interest expressed by Members of the Masonic Fraternity and their famihes for additional residential hvmg, has started renovation to an existing building into apartments for future residents. Tills apartment building, which will be known as the Village Green Apartments will have one bedroom apartments and efficiency apartments. '

As can be seen by the accompanying pictures, the demolition of the interior of the building has been completed and we have s tarted putti ng the n ew fixtures in place. This project is on schedule to be completed in August 1993. These apartments were first offered to residents residing in the Village Green area at the Masoni c Homes and t hen to individuals already on our waiting lis t. As ofthls date, all units are reserved. However, we are currently in t he process of taking additional nam es of individuals interested in this type of service. In t h e event that someone no t to take one of we would be able to contact the n ext individual on the waiting list. Th1s Will be a new type of semce to the VIllage Green area w ith individuals moving in being able to keep their cars. Each apartment will have a kitchen as well as a living room , bathroom, and bedroom. Residen ts w ill pay a monthly rental fee and one m eal a day will be included as part of the base service in the Grand Lodge Hall Dining Room.

If yo u would like more information on the Village Green Apartments, please contact:

Admissions Office Masonic Homes One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 (717) 367-1121 , ext. 33184

Gr and Master's Day

Mark your calendar n ow and plan to attend "Grand Master's Day" at the Masonic Homes, which will be held on Saturday, September 25, 1993, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

To your right, Bro Carl R Flohr, Chairman of th e Building and Groun d s Subcommitte e , reviews drawi n gs and progre ss of the Village Green Apartments wit h Bro Joseph E. Murphy, N.H A., Execu t ive Dire ctor; Bro Adam D. Crowner, N.H.A, Administra to r of Cong regrate and P e rs o n a l Ca re Services; Bro. Ja mes A Morrison, Mainte nance En g ineer; and J e ffrey J. Gromis, Mainte n a nce Engi n e er effe c t ive 412/93 upon Bro. Morrison's retirement.

Tills is your day to spend visiting the residents, touring the grounds, and taking in all of the numerous activities offered. Bands, display booths, face painters for the children, tours of the Village Green, Masonic Health Care Center, and the I ndependent Living Community, plus the always present food, food, and more food will be available for your enjoyment. This is a time for each of you (and most especially those who have never visited t h e Masonic Homes) to come and see how we are preparing for the next century and where your contribution do ll ars are being used

The program of events and a coupon requ esting h andicap ped parking will be i ncl uded in the next i ssue of T he Pennsylvania Freemason.

Masonic Fraternity's Efforts Crowned With Success in the New East

On January 4, 5, 6, and 7, 1993, 152 residents moved from the North and West Wings of the Masonic Health Care Center into the new East Wing which is the cornerstone of health services to be provided at our Masonic Homes into the next century for the Masonic Fraternity.

The moving of the residents into their new homes was the culmination of years of preparation by the Committee on Masonic Homes , staff of the Masonic Homes, residents, contractors, and architects. Yes, this truly was a project that from beginning to end incorporated the best ideas from each group.

The accompanying pictures are shared as a celebration of the accomplishment of the Masonic Fraternity's diligent work over the last two years to meet the ongoing commitment to quality of care to residents at the Masonic Homes. Members and their families who have not had an opportunity to visit are encouraged to come and see the progress of the renovations to the Masonic Health Care Center that are now complete through Phase Two of this five-phased project.

Phase Three has already begun which will provide space for ancillary services such as physician services , pharmacy, laboratory, x-ray, EKG's, physical therapy , occupational therapy, speech therapy, podiatry, ophthalmology, optician, and dental services. These services will be centrally located for residents living in the Masonic Health Care Center as well a s provide needed medical services for children at the Children's Home and residents from the Village Green and Independent Living Community a reas. Tllis s pace is planned to be completed in February 1994.

for lunch and dinner.


A Facilitator's View of HIRAM I

I learned about the IIm.AM I Seminar for Leadership and Management training by reading Grand Master Fowler's remarks in the February 1992 edition of The Pennsylvania Freemason. I was intrigued that we had a Grand Master who was willing to put a progran1 in place that would benefit the current Membership by training them to create their own futures, without affecting the precepts of Freemasonry

In May 1992, I attended the first Facilitators' training class and was impressed with the quality of the materials being used for the HmAM I program. What the Grand Master told us was that only top quality material would be used for IIm.AM I and he was right. After attending the class, I spent many hours tho r oughly learning the materials used in the seminars.

I receive genuine personal fulfillment by attending the IIm.AM I Seminars and working with the Officers of Lodges who are training to become lea ders I am pleased and thrilled when I work with a group of Brethren for two days and have them mention to me, at the conclusion ofthe Seminar, that they feel it

is time for a change in their own Lodge. It is this change of attitud e and direction what will insure that Freemasomy survives into the next cen t my and beyond.

I recently had the opportunity to work with a group of eight men at a training session. We imagined ourselves in the same Lodge and di scussed what the Lodge could do in the community to be recognized as th e leading organization in the area. The fir st idea was to hold a yearly dinner to raise money for a local charity. We realized that Freemasonry can be much more than that.

We expanded the idea and eventually d ecided to work on a known community problem. We a dopted a goal to provide a community youth center for underprivileged children; a project vital to the area.

We worked out the preliminary plans on how to raise the money needed to finance this project and how we should support the youth center once it was in operation. We all walked away from that session reali zing that Freemasons can do anything they set their minds to . Freemasons can get together, dev elop a plan for the futm e and execute it.

My wish is t h at those eight Brother s will r eturn to their respective Lodge s and begin to guide their Lodge into the futur e This is where the joy of being a Facilitator enters into the pictme. To see Brethren who do not know how to change their Lodge, but r ecognize that something must change, leave the session with the skills and knowledge of how to create meaningful change. They know how to go about building their new tomorrow, their futme.

We have fr eed them from the old constraints, the old paradigms , and have shown them the methods to developing their futme; all without cha nging om Ritual or om traditions. Facilitating for the IIm.AM I program gives me the oppor tunity to become better at my personal lea dership and management skills . I apply the se skills in my priv ate life. Everyone is a leader in some situation in his life.

To the right, this cafeteria line is available for res idents , their families, employees, a nd visitor s to the Masonic Health Care Center on an ala carte basis
Above, this lovely entrance provides easy access to residents using wheelchairs by means of an automatic door and gradual ramps.
Brother Mike Koplitz

Letters To The Editor

Dear Bro. Hackney:

The Leadership and Training Seminar that was s pon sored b y Grand Lodge was very informative and intere sting to say the least . The information that was imparted and t he instructional aids made m e give much thought as to how I could improve on my Lodge programs as well as h el p guide future Masters of the Lodge.

I do agree that something needs to be done about the declining Membership. This leadership program is, in my opinion, the best way to overcome this quandary and guide the Lodges toward becoming stronger and h eal thier.

This program was well worth taking a "personal day" off from work to attend. Thank you for the opportunity.

Dear Bro. Hackney:

The Leadership and Training Seminar was witho ut a doubt, one of the fine st programs I have ever attended. The new and refreshing ideas that were introduced place our Lodges and the Fraternity, as a whole, in a new perspective.

The Facilitators were well acquainted with the program as was evident from their enthusiastic presentation and the participation of the attending Lodge Officers.

Commendations should be extended to Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr , R.W. Grand Master for his foresight in these areas and the courage to institute this program.

My Lodge will be starting its vision planning in t he near future a nd I sinc erely hop e the other Lodges throughout the State will soon follow suit.

HIRAM I Leadership Update

Vol. 1, May, 1993, No.2 EDITORIAL BOARD

Bro. G. Ken t H ackney Editor

Bro Rob ert G. Boone Assoc. Edi tor

Bro Joseph DiPint o, Jr. Editorial Production Coordin ator

Bro. Mich ael H . Koplitz R eporter

(All articles for th e HIRAM I Update become th e property of the Grand Lodge.) by: R.W. Grand Lodge of P ennsylvania

Facilitator's View (cont. from pg. 1)

If yo u are a good leader, then that which you are trying to accomplish will always be great, no matter how large or small the task.

In addition, facilitating for the llmAM I program gives me the opportunity to serve the Grand Lodge. This work allows me to "give back" to Freemasonry that which Freemasonry has given me.

G. Kent H a ckney , Adminis trator, Tom Seger, Facilitator and Kevi n Steel , Worshipful Ma ster ofMt Moriah Lodge No 300, discuss what le a ders do!

Hiram Lodges Receive Membership Development Training

The HIRAM I Lodges are receiving a bonus. Each Lodge will have had the opportunity to share in the HIRAM I Leadership and Management Program by th e end of 1993. In addition, the Lodges have received a Membership Development and Train er kit, prepared by the Mas onic Renewal Committee of North America. Brother Edward 0. Weisser, R.W. Senior Grand Warden and Chairman, Committee on Masonic Education, his Area Chairmen and Lodge Chairmen, will be in charge of the Member ship Training Program. Furth er information regarding how best to begin using the materials will be discussed at the Masonic Education Workshops now being conducted throughout our Jurisdiction. Lodge Officers, including the Lodge Chairman of Masonic Education are strongl y encouraged to attend the workshop in the ir Area.

This program is designed to offer new and exciting techniques to the Lodge Membership, not only by exposing our Fraternity to those who may be interested in Membership, but also providing management techniques to assis t in retaining our current Membership by eliminating or dras tically reducing suspension s for non-payment of dues. There is no thought in any of these approaches of a uthorizing or encouragin g direct solicitation. Your u s e of this mate rial will greatly assis t your Lodge in it's Membership efforts. Please let your District Deputy Grand Master know ho w effectively this proces s is working. Membership Development and the HIRAM I Leadership and Management Program go hand in hand as we pre pare to Build for the Future Today.

Bro . Joseph DiPinto, Jr., Appointed as Production Editor Coord inator of t he HIRAM I Update

Bro. DiPinto's responsibility is to write articles , receive information, edit it and submit it for publication to the Edi tor of the HIRAM I Update, and Editorial rev1ew board for approval.

He is a funeral director, resid in g m Phi l adelp hi a. A Past Master of St. AlbanSwain Lodge No. 529, Br other Josep h DiPinto, Jr. he is currently the Lodge Secretary, and the Masonic Education Chairman, as well as HIRAM I Chairman. He is a Member of The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Philadelphia, serving as High Priest of the DeJoinville Co uncil , Princes of Jerusalem 16°. A Member of Columbia Ch apter, No. 91; Joppa Council, No. 46; Mary Comm andery, No. 36; and Exce l sior Mark Lodge No. 2 16. In addition: LuLu Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., Plymouth Meeting, PA; Bucks County Shrine Club; and Chestnut Hill High Twelve, Club No.

671 Phila. , PA. He i s a Ch arter Member of High Twelvian of the Year, 1989-90, Current Secretary; a Life Member of the Masoni c Hom e of Pennsylvania, Lafayette Hill; The Ph ilalathes Society; The Jewels of the Craft Study a nd Co ll ectors Society, England; Crescentville Square Club, Past President, and Past Secretary; Member St. Alban Research Society. Bro . DiPinto will receive the Royal Order of Scotland on October 20, 1993 in Washington DC.

He is also active in various community, civic and professional organizations including: Ch arter member, Lawndale Kiwanis Club; Friends of Tacony Creek Association; International Federation of Thanatologists Association. His ch urch affiliation are as follows: Member of St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church, Olney, Philadelphia, PA. He has held posit ion s as : Chairman, Publicity Committee; Vice Chairman, Long Range Planning Committee; Chairman, Youth Activities Committee; Member, Worship and Musi c Committee; Chairman, Search Committee for Director of Music; Ch airman, Ushers Association; Treasurer General Fund; Treasurer and contributor Kirchles Monatsblatt, Deutsche-Lutheran Newspaper.

Facilitator Training Seminar -A Report of the First Class in 1993

A Facilitator Training class was held on February 26-27, 1993 at the Scottish Rite Center in Allentown.

At first, we were thr eat e n e d with six to twelve inches of snow. However, the forecast was reduced to light snow as the participants were leaving their home s to face the elements. Some of the trainees we re driving from as far away as Erie and Pittsburgh.

When the Seminar bega n on Friday morning, all except one Brother were there and ready to go.

Within a s hort time , the dynamics of the group were established, a nd lots of dialogue took place as the va rious concepts of the leadership devel opment module s were introduced.

Previously trained Facilitators partic i pated in guiding the trai nees a s they di s cu ssed the se new

ideas of vision, goal setting and strategic planning.

As t h e session drew to a close, l ate Saturday, everyone was very enthusiastic about the opportunity to have participated.

Some of their comments were:

"Strategies introduced were outstanding" "Fantastic; it opened a whole new world for me" "Super and most rewarding"

"Excellent; well organiz ed and presented" "I am glad I was asked by my D. D. G.M. to be a Facilitator"

It is clear that our Grand Master's vision i s correct and we are on the right course to po s ition our Fraternity to meet the opportunities of the twentyfir st century head on.

Would you like your Entire Lodge to Learn about Hiram I?

Bro. G. Kent Hackney, Administrator of Th e Masonic Foundation for Leadership and Management, Inc., is availab l e to speak to your Lodge about this powerful program and wonderful opportunity for our Fraternity.

It was conceived by Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R.WG.M. out of the need for better Lodge leadership and management , and the belief that Masons in Pennsylvania woul d be anxious to discover ways to make Lodge Meetings more interesting, more relevant and more focused upon the needs of Members. He feels so strongly that Freemasonry must develop skilled, effective leaders - that he has provided the opportunity for us to learn new methods and techniques to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Hiram I Semin ar partici pan t s in Alt oona get invo lved

Bro. Hackney will be very pleased to visit your Lodge, within a two hour driving range of the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia. Additional speakers are available in other locations of our Jurisdiction . He is looking forward to hearing from you and sharing this outstanding Program with your Lodge. Contact him at the Grand Master's Office (215) 988-1960 or write him: G. Kent Hackney, Administrator, Masonic Temple , One North Broad Street, Phila., PA 19107-2598.

Are you on the Grand Master's List?

During the December and January Stated Meetings of Penn sylvania Subordinate Lodges, the Secretary wa s as ked to read a letter from Brother Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , R.W. Grand Mas ter , concerning the IImAM I Program. It explained t h e background of the program and the inc eption of a Leaders hip and Training Foundation at Elizabethtown. The Foundation will accept dona tions from Lodge Charity Funds. As of publication , the following Lodges have contribut ed to the Foundation in the a mounts listed.


In addition, individuals and other organizations have chosen to support this outstanding program: Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter ofPA

H erman and Kathryn Kin ter, Lodge No. 21

Prosp ect Lodge No. 578 (In Memory of H a rry Feinber g)

Are you helpin g to build for the futur e today? Put your Lodge or your name on th e Grand Master's List of contributors to llmAM I and be a part of t h e fu t ure , toda y Please make your contribution check payabl e to The Penn sylvania Ma sonic Foundation for Leader ship and Man age ment, Inc. , and mail to: G. Kent Hackney, Admini st r ator , One Nort h Bro a d St. , Phila., PA 19107-25 98 or phone: (2 15) 988- 1960.


The Masonic Homes is the place for me. My father was here for twelve years. I did not shop around for another facility , as I knew what kind of care they rendered, so my choice was easy. My new room in the new East Wing is really beautiful and spacious which allows me more maneuverability with my wheelchair.

We now have our own bathroom facilities which is a real convenience.

There is absolutely no comparison of the rooms in the new East Wing to that from which I came, however, there is one thing that hasn't changed, and that is the excellent care given by all.

Richard Spi eth President, HCC Residents' Council.

My living accommodations h ere in the new East wing are so beautiful and roomy, plus I really enjoy my own private bathroom. We have an extremely nice dining area. I have no complaints whatsoever.

I'm 87 years young and I enjoy my home here. I also enjoy delivering the mail on this floor , plus it keeps me active and involved with the other residents.

Mter the move from the North Wing to the n ew East Wing it is really nice to have the same good caring staff to care for us.

The picture s s hown on page eight share the reality of the dream for our F r aternity for a quality Health Care Center to provide service s to the Fraternity. If you would like to become a part of this dream, the following are estimated prices for various pieces of furnitur e and equ ipment that are part of the new East Wing for yo ur consideration. If you have something else in mind , please feel fr ee to contact the Masonic Homes and speak with the Development Department at 717/367-1121, ex tension 33311.

Plea s e mail yo ur contribution ord e r with a check mad e payable to: Masonic Homes, Development Department, One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 170222199.


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