The Pennsylvania Freemason - Summer 1993

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Rare Collection of Fine Art Returns to

The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania

Early this year the sale of the Kelchner (originally the Holman Art Collection, of Philadelphia) Art Collection was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors of The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. This collection consists of over fifty items of unusual water colors, charcoals , and oil paintings of King Solomon's Temple. This art work was originally produced for exhibit at the Chicago Exposition of 1906. Many of these paintings, drawings, and sketches are the originals of the illustrations used in the Masonic Edition of the Kelchner (Holman) Bible, and relate to the construction of King Solomon's Temple. While still the property of the A. J. Holman Bible Company of Philadelphia, the collection was loaned to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for display in the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. The collection remained in the Temple through the early 1970's. Many of the paintings were on display in the old Banquet Room which was on the fourth floor of the Masonic Temple.

Also returning to the Temple is the model of King Solomon's Temple which was on display in Phi la de lphi a in the Benjam in Franklin Reception Room until 1985. When the old Holman Collection was purchased by the Kelchner Bible Company, the entire collection was re-assembled at their headquarters in Hamilton, Canada . The purchase of this outstanding collection was made possible through the Brother Maxwell Sommerville Bequest. We are most pleased that this valuable collection has made its way home to the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia

Mason-At-Sight In Harrisburg, September 24

In the presence of R.W. Grand Master Edward H Fowler, Jr., Ernest D. Preate, Jr., the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will be made a Mason-At-Sight at a Special Communication of Grand Lodge in Zembo Shrine Temple in Harrisburg on Friday, September 24. Grand Lodge will open at 10 a.m. and the Entered Apprentice Mason's Degree will be Conferred. After lunch in the adjacent Scottish Rite Cathedral, Grand Lodge w ill reconvene in the Shrine Temple for the Conferring of the Fellowcraft and Master

Mason's Degrees in the afternoon

The Entered Apprentice Mason's Degree will be Conferred by Lodge Officers from the Eastern Region of Pennsylvania; the Fellowcraft Mason ' s Degree by Officers from the Northeast Region , and the Master Mason's Degree by Officers from the Phil adelphia Region.

"Ernie" Preate, a native of Old Forge, near Scranton , holds a Bachelor s Degree in Economics from the Continued on page 5

Dedication Day in Gettysburg

Historic Masonic Memorial Monument Recreated in Limited Edition Sculptures and Medallions

Brethren and friends who are in Gettysburg on Saturday, August 21 , w ill be part of making history whi l e they are commemorating the historic drama of Brotherhood Undivided on the Battlefield.

Th e larger-thanlife, imposing original sculpture by Ron Tuni s on has been ye ars in the making and will represent a stirring commemoration of the virtues of Freemasonry and Brotherhood. The commitment of the Grand Lodge on behalf of on page 7

Every Mason Should Join the Thrill and Patriotism of

Dedication Day Program, Parade in Gettysburg

Dedication Day for the Friend to Friend Masonic M e morial on Saturday, August 21, in Gettysburg w ill be one of the most outstanding days in the history of Pennsylvania Freemasonry. It will be memorable and commemorative Dedication, Capstone Ceremonies

The 9:30 a .m. Dedication Ceremony for the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument, and p l acing of a Capstone on a time capsule will be dramatically impressive as well as reverently inspiring. Against a striking backdrop of scores of massed American flags at the crest of the knoll behind the new Monument , the hi storic Dedication Ceremonies will begin with a Processional of Pennsylvania Grand Lodge Officers, Grand Masters from Jurisdictions across the Unit e d States and Ca n ada, Distri ct D e puty Grand Masters, and guest dignitaries. The Processional will proceed along a roadway across the National Cemetery Annex in front of the Monument, whi l e the large gathering anticipated to attend will view the Ceremonies from a new entrance plaza and other roadways amid th e hundre d s of bronze - pl a que d gr a ves of vete r a ns of m a n y wars

Bro. Edward H Fowler, Jr. R W. Grand Mas ter opportunity and change.

Brethren, If our Illustrious Brother , the L a te President Harry S Truman and a Pa s t Grand Master of Mi s souri , were with us today , I s usp ec t h e would be deeply inv olved in the Masonic Ren ewal effort More than likely , he would come up with on e of his in s ightful "The buck stop s here " type of inspirational quotations to s pur u s on. Howev er , there is a quotation of his that we can apply posthumously that c orr elates men and hi s t ory , leade rship a nd pro g r ess and

"M en make hi s tory and not th e oth er way around . In p e riods where there is no l eade r ship, so cie t y s tands still. Progress occurs when courage ou s, skillful leaders seize the opportunit y to change things for the b etter."

From Philadelphia , Valley Forge and Gettysburg to Pitt s burgh and P e rryopolis fr om our Nation' s C apita l a nd Alexandria , Virginia , to Alaska from England and Fra n c e to the former Soviet Union Mas onic le ade rship today is seizing the opportunity to change They are taking Freemasonry to the people The m e n ar e proud of the history and heritag e of Free m as onry and a r e demonstrating daily that the principles, values an d tr a ditions of the Fraternity are meaningful and vital in today's world.

The "Brotherhood Undivided" message of the Friend to Frie nd M a sonic Memorial about to be d e dicated on Augu s t 21 at th e Gettysburg National Military Park r e flect s w e ll the bond that exists among Freemasons and their willingness to extend a h e lping hand to mankind in communities everywhere. Thousands of the Family of Freema s onry will participate as many thousands upon thousands experi e nce th e dedication and excitem ent of Brotherhood on parade.

Millions, including my representation of the Gra nd Lodge of Pennsylv ania, will share the pride of history

a nd heritage a s Freema s ons r ee n a ct t he Laying of the Cornerstone during Bicente nnial ceremonies at the U.S.

C apitol. It also wa s with gr ea t prid e that I joined Brethren this past April in Al ex andria -Washington Lodge No. 22 for th e ir Charter Night- the first Pennsylvania Grand Master to v isit that Lodge since R.W. Grand Maste r James Milnor in 1811. Bro . and President George Washington w as th e first Worshipful Maste r of that Lodge, which was originally Lodge No. 39 under the "Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging'' of the Grand Lodge of P ennsylvania.

In June , I s aw th e progress of Freema s onry in Paris , as guest for the dedication of th e new building and headquarters of th e Fre nch N a tional Grand Lodge. Whe re there i s fr eedom, Freem a sonry can be found. Within the past two years, Masonic Lodge s have b e gun M eeting legally for the first time s ince the pre -w ar days of World War II in the form er Soviet Union. Since the r emoval of the Iron C urtain , a third Lodge is about to be Constituted at Kiev in the fo r m er Russ ia . The first two are in Mosco w. Hop efully , with th e increased activity , we could see a Grand Lodge operating in Russia in the near future .

In my trav els a s Grand Master, I have b e en a witness to the opportunity and e nthusiasm of change in Pennsylvania, throughout the country from Washington to Hawaii, in England and Eur ope. The s pir it, pride, vitality and enthusiasm in our Fraternity today is evident , not only among th e Brethr en, but also by the public , the communities, and among leade rs in governments at all levels . It is exciting.

Brethren who hav e p ar tic i pat e d in the HIRAM I Leadership and Manageme n t Program have echoed, in their own words, th e s a m e ev aluation as B r o. Harry Truman: Men make history l eadership brings about progre ss .. . change creates opportunity.

Pennsylvania F r e em a s ons and Mas ons throughout North America and worldwide are fo r ging Masonic Renewal. The Fraternity is Building for the Future ... Today!


Edward H. Fowle r, Jr., R.W. Grand Master

York Rite Honors Right Worshipful Grand Master

The York Rite Bodies in Western Pennsylvania sponsored the Edward H. Fowler, Jr., York Rite Festival on February 26 , 27 and March 5, 6 in honor of the R.W Grand Master The climax was the Knighting of ninety-three new Sir Knights followed by a banquet with the Ladies when the Grand Master addressed the assembly. Pictured in the front row from left to right are: Companion Robert L. Engel, M E.G.H.P.; Bro Edward H. Fowler , Jr., R.W.G M.; Sir Knight David E. Alcon, R.E.G.C . ; and Ill. Companion William P. Orr, R P.D.G.M.

Grand Lodge Makes

Po s sible Dramatic Pictorial History, "Th e Unite d S tates C a pi t o l "

In t h e hi s t ori c ori gin a l Se n ate Ch a mbe r s of the U .S . Capi tol, R.W. Grand Mas te r Ed wa rd H. Fow l e r , Jr ., presen te d a ch e ck to t h e Unit ed States Ca pit ol Pr e s ervat i o n Com mi s sion t h at a ssur e d the publication of T h e Un i t ed States Cap itol , a d rama ti c pi ctorial hi s tor y b e ing p rodu ce d to h e l p c e l e brat e th e Bice ntennial of th e se at of our gove rnm e nt. On September 1 8 , F ree ma so n s, includin g R.W. G. M. Fow l e r w ill r eenact the L ayin g of the Cor n e rstone two hundre d years ago

Th e Un ited S ta te s Capitol , a high qu a lity, gl ossy comme morative h isto ry to b e r e l ea sed thi s s umm er , in clud es n e arly 200 of t h e f in est c olor pho to gr a ph s se l ec t e d from m ore t h a n a thous and take n for thi s publi cation by the world r en owne d photogr a pher, Fred J M ar oon The a u t hor of th e historical t ext is t h e photograph er's wife, Su zy. The C apitol Pr e s e rvation Co mmitt e e s aid that the $20,000 s upport by t he Grand Lodge of Pennsy lv a nia not only a ss ure d publication of the pictorial history, but a ls o in s ur e d that " a ver y , ve r y import a nt a nd s ignifica nt ch a p ter of the book w ould b e

Arc hitect of the United State s C api t ol. , Ge orge White (photo a bove ), ac c ept s the c on tr ibution of the Gr an d Lodg e o f Pennsy l v a nia to th e U.S . Preservation Commiss io n to a ssure publi cation of the pictoria l histo ry of the U .S . Capitol fro m R .W. G r and M as t er Edwa rd H. Fowler, J r. L o o ki n g o n ( f r om left ) a re Donnald And erso n, Cle rk of th e U S. H ou se o f Re p res e nta tive s, and Fre d J. Maroon, th e r e nowned photographe r. At righ t i s Jose ph Ste w art, Secretary of t he U .S S e n a t e

include d." This outs tanding book i s t o b e come one of the United States Gove rnment 's official gift s to v i s iting he a d s of s t a te.

Th e contribution was form a lly pr e sented to George Whit e, th e Architect of th e United St a t es Ca pitol, w itne s sed by Donn a ld And e rson , Clerk of the U S Hou s e of R e p rese nta t i v es , a nd Jos e ph St e wa r t , S e cretar y of th e U S.

S e n a t e Als o present w ere Fre d a nd Su zy M a roon.

Th e United States Capitol will b e a vailabl e soon from The M as oni c Libra r y and Museum of P e nnsylv a nia , Ma s oni c T e mpl e , On e North Broad Str ee t , Phil a d e lphia , PA 1910 7- 2 5 20. F or ea ch $ 50 00 contribution t o th e E n do w m e nt Fund , th e donor w ill r eceive one copy

Grand Master Appointments

B r o. Ber n a rd S . Fr a nk, Lodg e N o. 2 46 as Grand Chaplain

B r o. R obert R.Hav e r s , S r., Lod ge No. 53 8 a s Gra nd Marshal

B r o. Richar d D . C lar k , Lodge No. 643 a s Grand Pursuivant

S u bo rdinate Lodge

I n ves ting Opp ortuni ty

The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , as part of its continuing study on ways to assist Subordinate Lodges, has given to them the opportunity to invest through the Grand Lodge's Consolidated Fund. The Consolidated Fund in made up on monies of the Grand Lodge and all of its entities, collectively pooled to take advantage of lower management fees, greater return opportunities and decreased risks Due to SEC regulations , the Grand Lodge can only permit a total of 90 Lodges to accept this opportunity. Twenty-three of our Subordinate Lodges have committed to date an intent to invest with this fund This program should offer an assist to the Subordinate Lodges to meet financial obligations.

Dedication Day Program,

continued tram page 1

The dramatic statue atop the "Brot he r hood Undiv id ed " pedestal d epi cti ng Masonic Broth ers, Union Cap tain B ingham coming to th e aid of Confederate General Armistead, w ill be unveiled by R.W. Gra nd Master Ed wa rd H. Fowler, Jr., t he National Park Service of t h e Department of Interior, and S culptor Ron Tunison.

After the formal Dedication of th e Monument, Grand Master Fowler w ill prese nt th e title to the Monument to the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service There w ill be acceptance remarks and a Grand Master representing all of the v isiting G rand Masters from the United States and Canada w ill speak to recognize the national and Fraternal s ignificance of the event. R. W. Grand Master Fowler's Oration w ill conclude the Dedication Ceremonies.

Dedication Day Parade

More than five thousand are ex pected to participate in the six-division parade of ne arly two miles, s t epping out from the assembly area at the Lutheran Theologi cal Seminary at 1:30 p.m. It i s estimated that it will take two hours for t h e parade to pass in review. T he reviewing platform w ill be near the midpoint of the parade at the e ntranc e to the High School Complex on Baltimore Street.

Th e fir s t division, l e d by R.W. Grand Master Fowler , the Officers of the R.W. Grand Lodge, visiting Grand Masters from across the United Sta tes and Canad a, government officials and dignitarie s, w ill pre sent a most outsta ndin g display of Freemasonry. Following w ill b e E l ected Officers of the Symbolic Lodges of Pennsyl vania - a ll Worshipfu l Master s en ma sse, then Senior Wa r dens to geth er and Junior Wardens as a bloc - in

Masonic dress with th eir Collars a n d Aprons and a ll Masons who care t o j oin the march.

A ll Masons are invited to participate (be at th e assembly area by 1:00 p.m.). The only requirement is to wear a dark business s uit and ti e. Masons m ay wear their own Lodge Aprons or paper Aprons will be provided by Grand Lodge at the start of the parade .

The Family of Fr eemaso nry w ill be in full force throughout the parade. Many Uni ts from Shrine T e mpl es, Tall Ce dar s, York Ri t e, Scott i s h Rite, DeMolay, Rai nbow for G irl s , Job s Daughters, Order of Eastern Star, Amaranth , Grotto are expected Mas onic Organizations, particularly the Masonic found at ion s and yo uth groups have been inv ited to have float s in th e parade.

Grand Lodges, Symbolic Lodges and Affiliated Units from s urrounding s t a tes have indicated plans to join in th e Gettysburg event. C ivil War reenactment group s and historical orga niza t i ons have also so ught to participate. One of the earliest responses came from a contingent of more than a hundred re e nac to rs from Connecticut.

Dedication Banquet

A capacity attendance of a thousand is expected at the Dedication Banquet in th e redecorated ballroom of the Ramada Inn south of Gettysburg at 7:00p.m.

Patriotic Banquet

R.W. Grand Master Fowl er will host a receptio n and banquet Friday eve ning, Augu st 20, in the Ramada Inn for the vi siting U.S. a nd Canadian Grand Masters, gove rnment officials, the Sculptor and ke y persons involved with the Friend t o Friend M aso nic M e moria l. and Take to

Saturd ay, Aug ust 21, 1993

[EJ (Overflow) Getty s School '-.'c

Gettysbur I .,,/" Coflege g CAR LI SLE l1?J

Reviewing stand



Parking areas have been design ate d at severa l school lots, at Gettysb urg Co ll ege and an unoccupi ed mall , a ll id entifi ed by on the map. Shuttle bu ses will tr ansport t ho se who want to view the parade (not parade particip ate) from the to the Shuttl e the High School Cam pu s near the Reviewing Sta nd Shuttle s will run co ntinu o us ly and return people From the§§] to lots after th e parade

Tentative Parade Make-Up

The Friend to Friend Mas onic Memorial Dedication Parade will comprise six Divisions, numbered and identifie d by color w ith a Commander and an As s i stant Commander for each Division. The t entative make-up of the Parade is:

DIVISION 1 (Purple)

Grand Marshals , Military Band , Flag s, Grand Sword Bearer , Grand Master's Car, D e puty Grand Master's Car, Grand Warden s' Car, Grand Secretary 's And Grand Treas urer's Car, Past Grand Masters Cars , Visiting U.S. Grand Mast ers' Car s, Canadi an Grand Masters Cars, Band, Other Guest s, District Deputy Grand Masters, etc. and Blue Lodge Officers ( all Worsh ipful Masters together, Senior Wardens to get her and Junior Wardens together ) then all Masons desiring to march (dark business suit and Apron).


Massed Co lors, Band, York Rite Units, Scottish Rite Units.

DIVISION 3 (Green)

Color Guard, Zembo Temple Units, Rainbow for Girl s.


Syria Temple Units, Knights , DeMolay, Knights of Pythagoras , Lulu Temple Units , Rajah Temple Units.

DIVISION 5 (Orange)

Tall Cedars Units, Jaffa Temple , Civil War Re-Enactment Units.

DIVISION 6 (Yellow)

Grotto , National Campers, Other Participants.


continued from page 1

Uni v ers ity of Pennsy lva nia 's Wharton School , and earned his Law Degree in 1965 from the Uni ve rs ity of Pennsyl v ania Law Schoo l. Inst e ad of entering the Ernest D Preat e le ga l profess i o n immediately, h e vo lunt e ered for combat duty in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine He won fi ve medal s a nd rose to the rank of Captain.

Re turning home , Ernie Preate began hi s public se rvice care e r as a n Assistant District Attorney , followed by three terms as District Attorn e y. He built a trial record that establis hed him as one of the best courtroom prosecutor s anywhere

Now in hi s se cond term as th e Attorne y General of Pennsylvania , he i s recognize d not only statewide, but n at ion a ll y, as a l ea d e r i n Pennsylvania' s war o n drugs.

Schedule of Dedication Events

Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument Capitol.

FRIDAY, August 20

5:30 p.m. Grand Master's Reception (By Invitation - Formal Dress) Ramada Inn Patio

7:30p.m. Patriotic Banquet (By Invitation - Formal Dress) Ramada Inn Ballroom

SATURDAY, August 21

9:30 a.m. Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument Dedication and Capstone Laying Ceremonies Gettysburg National Cemetery Annex

1:30 p.m. Friend to Friend Dedication ParadeMiddle St., Baltimore St , Steinwebr Ave., Queen St. to Recreation Park Reviewing Stand on Baltimore St. at the High School Campus

7:00p.m. Friend to Friend Dedication Banquet (Tickets Required - See Coupon, Page 20 Limited to 1,000)



Eighteen ne w dru g la ws that he propose d have b ee n enacte d , including mandatory drug education and improve d drug treatment. He dramatically expanded the numb e r of local municipal drug task forces from t en to fifty-four.

Ernie Preate h as b e en an environmentalist s ince before it was a popular i ssue, and h e lpe d to write the 1977 federal l aw that regulates strip- mining.

A hand s-on l eader, he argued twice b efore the U.S. Supreme Court during hi s first term , and appeared before the State Supreme Court. In ju s t four years , Ernie Preate emerged as a l e ader on the nation a l l eve l , c h airing the Criminal Law Committee of the National A ss ociation of Attorneys General ; testifie d before Congress and advi se d th e U.S. Ju s tice Department, and h e served as th e founding chairp e rson of the American Bar As s ociation's newest divi s ion , the Government and Public Sector Lawyers Div ision.

"We are certainly proud and honored to ha ve thi s di s tingui s hed P e nn syl va ni an j o in th e ranks of Free m aso nry in our Juri s di ction, " R.W. Gra nd Master F ow l er said.

Ramada Inn Ballroom

l FroII) tbe Gral)d Secretary'5 De5k ...

My Brethren:

Some years ago the then Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction , Henry Clausen, wrote a book titl ed Beyond the Ordinary. A l though Brother C l ausen was not applying this titl e to Freemasonry, what a descriptive purpose it does impl y!

Freemasonry's goal has always been to start with the be st we can find and, through the teach i ngs of our mora l le ssons, attempt to improve upon that best. None of us who has been active in Freemasonry can have failed to recognize the qualitative improvement in the Members of our Craft as they continue to learn the meaning of these moral l essons It is not for every man to be great, but it is for every man to be greater than he w i ll be. If Freemasonry can serve by being the motivation as we ll as the conduit which stimul ates it s Members to become greater, what a purpose for being!

Unfortunately, man has a tendency to look up to those whom he

The Civil War Masonic Association

regards as superior to him. But at the same time look down upon those whom he regards as no t his equal. Such action diminishes the observer. Freemasonry t eaches the equality of man irrespective of position. We sh ould always recognize that there i s no one in life from whom we cannot learn something. We each become a reflection of all of our life's experiences modified b y our personality. For that reason, we never know what lasting influence another may have upon our life , nor do we know what lasting influence we may have upon the life of another. Freemasonry, s ince it s inception , has been an organization which has impacted positively the reflection of its Members and in this regard has always been "beyond the ordinary". We have a tendency today to attempt to evaluate ourselves in terms of quantity instead of quality and, as a result, tend to lam ent that we may no t be as great as we once were, s imply because our numbers were not as high as they once were.

This is an unfortunate appraisal of the Craft.

We must never forget the greatness of our history, but we must

acknowledge that tomorrow is built upon today. Life i s for today-not yesterday. We can become today what we want to become, but not by dreaming of the past . The following quotation I kept in the front of m y classroom during my teaching years: " I had no shoes, and I cried, an d then I met a man who had no feet." We do not rise by crying over what we lack. We must continue to improve what we have and build upon it. We must practice the bas ic precept that we are a Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God. After all, it is this precept above all others that ha s made Freemasonry what it i s.

Most of u s w ill never lea ve any big mark on this world , but we can all leave some mark. We certainly can all be Brothers and in so doing contribute immensely to the future of our Craft. The British poet, William Bl ake wrote, "I so ught m y soul, but my soul I could not see. I so u ght my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my Brother; I found all three." Think about it-s o s imple a thought yet so "beyond the ordinary."

Masonic Temple One North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 (215) 988-1909

Masonic Senior Essay Awards Ceremony

The Winners of the Masonic Ed ucation Senior Essay contest were honored at Children' s Day at the Patton Campus in Elizabethtown , Pennsylvania on May 28, 1993. Six senior s and their parents were inv ited to come to Elizabethtown as guests of Grand Lodge to receive their scholarships.

The Senior Essay Contest required each entrant to prepare a 1,500 -word essay on "How can I best serve mankind." Five $1,000.00 scholarships we re awarded to the fm alists and one $2,500 .00 schol arship was given to the State w inner, Melissa S. Rayburg, Area C-1 of Erie, Pennsylvania. The five finalists were: Kerryn Michell e Brown, Area A-1, Buckingham; Shannon Marie Eberly, Area A-2, Myerstown; Trevor Knoebel, Area B-1, Cataw issa; Shelley Dawn Otto, Area B-3, Salisbury and Deborah M. Clark , Area C-2, Vandergrift. Masons of Pennsylvania are proud of th e youth of our State and s upport them in their e ducational e nde avors and ca reer goal s. This fin e group of young peopl e has 6

Shown with G.M. Fowler are from left to right: Shannon Marie Eberly; Shelley Dawn Otto; Kerryn Michelle Brown; Trevor Knoebel and Deborah M. Clark. The State winner, Melissa S. Rayburg, Area C-1, was unable to attend the festivities, due to a death in the family.

shown u s aga in that youth today are se riou s, h ar dworking, and dedicated to s upporting our Country.

The Civil War Masonic Association originally had its start as an informal gathering of Civil War reenactors, who also happened to be Masons. These Brothers have been random ly m eeting as s uch in the reenactor community s ince 1989. Then, on March 8, 1992, at an NCO School of the Soldier held in Framingham, Mass., this small group of dedicated Brothers decided to have a gettogether at an reenactment, and to post announcements to that effect

The CWMA had its existance finally formalized on June 13 , 1992, when these Brothers did indeed get together for the first time in a semi-official Meeting at Wompatuck State Park, in Hingham , Mass.

It was discussed and voted not to limit this organization's growth by adopting any regiona lizing name , but rather seek to embrace the entire Country, and to choose a name which would fit that id eal. Soon after, the formal name of "Civil War Masonic Association" was accepted by the Members and was quickly followed by the adoption of the logo now used on a ll of the "official" correspondence.

The logo depicts two soldier s, an overcoated infantryman in Blue shaking hands with a caval r yman in Gray. Over each are their individual flags of conviction, however, between flag s is s usp ende d the Square and Compasses, denoting a unity a bond that transends all others ....... Brotherhood.

Limited Editions,

continued tram page 1

Pennsyl vania Freemasons to create and sustain this unique Fraternal legacy of a "Broth erhood Undivided" has been great and it is hop ed that a ll Masons w ill want to be part of and s upport this memorable, enor mou s undertaking.

Valuable Collector Editions

In an effort to provide all Masons with a "Piece of Masonic History" for their homes, R.W Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. has commissioned the scul ptor to create a one-twelfth collector-sized rendition of the Monument to be issued in strictly limit ed editions of bronzed porcelain, fine American pewter and twentyfour karat gold electroplated pewter. These sculptures are being reserved for Pennsylvania Masons initially because the initial demand is expected to be great and suppli es w ill be limited.

In addition, the sculpture will b e rendered in the form of a ''high re lief medallion to be minted in proof quality for those Brethren who are collectors of limited edition numismatics. These medallions w ill be i ssued in numbered editions of bronze, s ilver and g old-plated s ilver ve rmeil.

Certificates of Authenticity wi ll accompany each sculpture and medallion, b earing the signatures ofR.W. Grand Master Fow ler , Scu l ptor Tunison and the President of the Foundry.

Thos e Brethren w ho step forward now to re serve these "Friend to Friend" Sculptures and Medallions will not only be acquiring a most valuabl e and magnificent work of art, but will a l so take pride in knowing that roya lities on the ir purchases will h ave funded the creation of the permanent Masonic Memorial Monument at

Presentation of an engraved Gavel from Cornerstone Lodge to the Civil War Masonic Association at Monroe, New York, this past Labor day weekend (1992). From left to right: Past Master of Cornerstone Lodge No. 711, Monroe, New York, Claude Horstmann; President of the CWMA, and Senior Steward, Solar Lodge No. 14, Bath, Maine, David Roberts; and Senior Warden of Daytime Lodge No. 144, Meriden, Connecticut, Robert Cornell.

If you would wish to contact the Civil War Masonic Association , please feel free to write to:

Civil War Masonic Association P.O. Box 836 • Bath, Maine 04530 or call : (207) 442-0882

Gettysburg. And, when v isiting Gettysburg, you w ill view the Monument with pride, knowing that you own one of these Official Commemoratives.

Free Documentary Video

In recognition of t h e specia l ge nero s ity of those Broth ers acquiring the Commemorative Sculptures or medallions, each will r ece ive, free of charge, a copy of the stirring one-half hour color video titled, "Friend to Friend - A Brotherhood Undivided " The documentary re l ates the dram at i c eve nt s of war a nd Brotherhood among men that inspired the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument.

Scene s from Pickett's Charge are depicted, including t he gripping moment in the Battle that inspired our Masonic Monument as Union Captain Bingham assisted confederate General Armistead as gesture of "Broth er hood Undivided." Historica ll y accurate det ai l s of that scene are recalled as the renowned sc ulptor, Ron Tunison, i s seen shaping and detailing the magnificent statue Each stage of development, from clay to finished bronze, installation at the Gettysburg s ite and the dedication ceremonies, will all be shown as a permanent record of this historic w ork. You will be proud to show this video to your family and friends, to disp l ay your commemorative collectibles based directly from the original Memorial Monum ent, and to know that you have contributed to establishing this legacy and continuing the Brotherhood!

Please examine t he enclosed col or brochure describing the commemorative in greater detail and providing you with a reservation form for ordering. A toll-free 800 number is avai l ab l e and cre dit cards are accepted

July 1993

Grand Master's Itinerary

26 Board of Directors , Drug and Alcohol Foundation , Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

26 Line Officer's Staff Meeting, Masonic Conference Ctr.

30 Lodge No. 416, 125th Anniversary, Edinboro

31 Board ofDirectors, Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Meeting, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

31 Special Communication of Grand Lodge, for the purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room and Cornerstone Laying, Cm·lisle Masonic Temple , Carlisle

August 1993

3 Trustees of Consolidated Fund and Administrators of Pension Plan Meeting, Philadelphia

7 Masonic Congress, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

7 Lodge No. 601 , 100th Anniversm-y, Irwin 8-13 Pennsylvania DeMolay Key Man Conference, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

14 Special Communication of Grand Lodge, for the purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room of Bethel Lodge No. 789, Lower Burrell

20 Gettysburg Monument, Patriotic Banquet

21 Gettysburg Monument Unveiling, Dedication Ceremony, Parade, Dedication Banquet

28-9/1 Supreme Council, Boston, MA

September 1993

10 Mid Atlantic Shrine Association, Virginia Beach, VA

23 District Deputy Grand Master s Meeting, Harris burg

24 Extra Communication, Mason-At-Sight, Harrisburg

25 Grand Master's Day , Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown

25 Lodge No. 409, 125th Anniversary, Pine Grove

October 1993

1 Executive StaffMeeting, Elizabethtown

1 Committee on Masonic Homes , Elizabethtown

2 Special Communication of Grand Lodge for the purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room and Cornerstone Laying, Charity Lodge No. 190, Jeffersonville 8-9 Masonic Education Seminar, Elizabethtown

9 Honor Day, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Bellevue 11-13 Grand Lodge of California

16 Lodge No. 427, 125th Anniversary, Woodside 18-20 Grand Lodge of Kentucky

21 Line Officers ' StaffMeeting, Elizabethtown

22 Masonic Homes Committee, Elizabethtown

22 Library & Museum Board Meeting, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

23 Drug & Alcohol Board Meeting, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

23 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Board Meeting, Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown

23 Lodge No. 218, 150th Anniversary, Honesdale 25-27 Grand Lodge of Georgia

30 Lodge No. 431, 125th Anniversary, Saltsburg

11 Lodge No 401, 125th Anniversary, Watsontown November 1993

14 Lodge No. 599, 100th Anniversary, Elwood City 5-6 Line Officers Seminar, Elizabethtown

16 Lodge No. 408, 125th Anniversary, Meadville 17-19 Bicentennial Weekend, Celebration in the Nation's Capital

20 Lodge No. 623, Stated Meeting, Washington

23 Committee on Finance Meeting, Harrisburg

6 Lodge No. 426, 125th Anniversary, Cressona 7-9 Grand Lodge ofNevada

13 Lodge No. 600, 100th Anniversary, Philadelphia 14-16 Grand Lodge of Maryland

20 Valley of New Castle Reunion, A.A.S.R. , New Castle

Committee on Finance Meeting, Philadelphia

Tentative Schedule of Events for Grand Master's Day September 25th

B u s Tours of Masonic Homes

B u s Tours of Mas onic Conference Center

Tours of the Independent Living Communi t y

Tours of Masonic Health Care Center

R esidents' Rooms Open House

R esidents' Rooms Open House


Village Green Apartmen ts

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony by R.W. Grand Master

Zembo Shrine Clowns

Face Painters

Tall Cedar Special Car Unit

Carouse l Organ

B avarian Barons

Zemba Shrine Oriental Band

Schlossmen Ge rm a n Band

Bainbridge B and Bavarian Barons

Greater Ken s ington String Band

Hot House B an d

Ju ggler

Schlossmen German Band

Resident Talent S how

Bainbri dge Band


Hot House Band

Residents, employees, th e i r families, Mas on s, a nd neighbors gathered for an Open House on S unda y, Apr il 25 , from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m.

The Open House drew hundreds of individua ls w h o were interested in seeing the most recent addition b y the Masonic Frat ernity to t he Masonic Health Care Ce n ter, and to tour and visi t wit h residents who live in this new building.

The Grand Lodge was repr e sented by Bro. George H Hohe n shil dt, R. W. Deputy Grand Master, in wel co min g individuals for tours

Masonic Health Care Center

Open House of New East Wing

Ar mstron g, State Representative; C Bu d Gre iner , the Elizabethtown Mayor; and members of the Elizabethtown Borough C ouncil who took time from th eir busy schedules to come and s har e in this celebration. This Open House provided many an opportunity to see the tremendous work done by the Committee on Masonic Homes in the planning of this building to meet th e needs of the Masonic Fraternity for t h e future.

If you were not ab l e to join us for the Ope n House, we would be happy to provide a t our for you and l ight refreshment s.


Independe nt L iving Community

Masonic Health Care Center

Village Gree n

Village Green Apartm ents Village Grteen Apartments

Vill age Green, Mas onic T emple , & Ma s onic Health Care Center

Masonic T emple

Vill age Green

Vill age Green

Village Green

Maso nic T empl e

Mas onic H ealth Care Center

Village Green

Mas onic Templ e

Village Gre en

Masonic Templ e

Village Gre en & M asonic Temp le

Masonic H ealth Care Center

D e ike Auditorium

Ma s onic Temple

Village Green

Raj a h Templ e Ch a nters Formal Gardens Formal Gardens

Village Green & Masonic T emple

Ma s onic Temple

The Masonic Homes was very p l eased to welc ome Bro. Noah W. Wenger, State Senator; Thomas E.

Davis, Jr , Administrator, Health Care Services, gives a tour of the building to visitors.
Bro George H Hohenshildt, R. W.D.G.M (right); and Bro. Joseph E. Murphy (left), Executive Director of the Masonic Homes met with Thomas E. Armstrong, State Representative for the 98th District
on Grand Master's Day on Saturday, September 25, 1993, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
Bro. George H. Hohenshildt, R W.D G.M (left); and Bro. Joseph E. Murphy (right), Executive Director of the Masonic Homes met with Bro. Noah W. Wenger, State Senator for th e 36th district.

(717) 367-1121

Planning For The Future

As part of the master planning process for the Masonic Homes, the Committee on Masonic Homes at its March 1993 meeting , approved a questionnaire to be sent to a random sampling of ten thousand Pennsylvania Masons to gath er their thoughts and opinions on potential services that the Masonic Homes should be providing now or in the future.

The Committee on Masonic Homes believes that it is important to continually receive the input of the Fraternity who greatly supports our Masonic Homes at Elizabeth-

town. It has been through the unanimity of Freemasonry that thi s charity became a reality in 1910, and over the las t eighty-three years has developed into th e greatest retirement community and children 's home in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

If you receive d one of th e questionnaires and completed it , we thank you for taking the time to do so. If you did not r e ceive one , the Committee on Masonic Homes and Masonic Homes ' staff greatly appreciate Members and their families sharing their thought s, concerns,

and recommendations that will better enable the Masonic Homes to serve the current r es id e nt s and those to come in the future. Comments or qu es tions s hould be di rected to:

Executive Director s Office

Masonic Homes

One Masonic Drive

Elizabethtown , PA 17022-2199

We will keep y ou informed of the master planning effort by the Committee on Masonic Homes through The Pennsylvania Freemas on in upcoming is s uesc

Independent Living Community Priority List

SIGN UP NOW- the list is growi n g ! We don't wan t you to be disappointed, so no w is the perfect time t o visit w ith u s and decide which cottage or a partment you will want to be your new home in the future . Many of our reside nts w ill b e delighted to have y ou visit w ith them to see how beautifully the y have decorated their homes h e re in the Indep end e nt Living Community. This w ill give you the opport unity to know jus t wh at y ou may wan t to keep, give away, or sell prior to moving in with u s . We do ask y our cooperation in calling ahead FOR AN APPOINTMENT so we can give our residents s ome notice prior to v is iting them.

If you have already v i s ite d with u s recently, and kno w exactly which a ccommoda tion you prefer, w h y not take a few minute s to complete the coupon and mail it so yo u can rece ive the information n ee d e d to apply for our Priority List . The I.LCC. Marketing Office hour s are: Monday throu gh Friday, 8: 00 a.m. to 4:00 p m. ; Weekends by appointment. T e lephone: 1-800-676-64 52 c Tours of the Clubhouse are avai l able seven da ys a wee k by Resident Tour Guides.


Please send me information on how to apply for an application to get on the Priority List. (PLEASE PRINT)


Pennsylvania Freemasonry's Revitalization


.. .is based on up-front commitment for long-term success. We have been steadfast in that commitment, involving Masonic leadership and developing the skills to make the Lodges in this Jurisdiction most efficient and effective- more exciting and beautiful and directed toward meeting the needs of our Members.

The involvement and support of our Lodges, Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Officers and other Masonic leaders are making that happen. Now, Today, is the time for our partnership to take the next vital step with unanimity.

Our leadership and management training, HIRAM I, i s providing Lodge Officers and other Masonic Leaders with professionally proven skills and tools not only to make our Lodges successful, but also to help the individual Freemason in his own career.

Our next goal is to establish an education center at the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown.

We are presently reviewing the

conversion of the Deike Auditorium to serve as a training facility as well. When completed it will be easily converted from one to the other.

It is planned to be available for the development and ongoing training for all the Membership of our Lodges and throughout the family of Freemasonry. Perhaps, this institution might eventually become an east coast facility among others strategically lo cated across the nation.

The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Leadership and Management, Inc. warrants the u se of Lodge Charity Funds for its support, as well as your personal contributions. Unanimity in support is important. So commit to the partnership accordingly.

YOU will be glad you did.

Letters To The Editor

Dear Bro. Hackney:

Thank you for administrating the HIRAM I program which the Officer s of our Lodge and I attended this past weekend. It was quite an educational experience and enjoyable.

I must say that I was a lit tle shocked, but pleased, with many of the ideas whi ch were proposed for the future of Freemasonry. It appears that Grand Lodge realized how difficult it is for us to promot e the sound Tenets of Freemasonry to Members living in a modern society. Many of us h ave previou s ly discussed similar ideas among ourselves; in private s ince it was thought that our feelings would not meet with the approva l of the governing authorities. It is nice to know that we are not alone and that in fact we will have some real support.

The HIRAM I program is really fresh and with the apparent commitment and planning behind it to make it s uccessful. You can count on my personal commitment to th e program and we will do everything possible to make our Lodge a good HIRAM I example.

Membership Development Training

Th e following seminars are scheduled for the remainder of 1993.

June 25-26 HIRAM I in DuBoi s

July 23-24 Fac ilitator training in Eli za bethto wn

Sept. 10- 11 HIRAM I in Pittsburgh

October 8-9 HIRAM I in Pittsburgh

Membership Development Training

The Masonic Education Workshops being conducted throughout our jurisdiction , have no w been completed.

All District D ep uty Grand Masters, Worshipful Master s, Senior Wardens and Junior Wardens were invited to participate. At the works hop s , the Members hip Development and Trainer Kits were discussed a nd Lodges are e ncouraged to use the techniques being offered, to help them with their m e mb ers hip efforts. A new video film , "Getting The Most From Your Fraternity ", will be sent to those Lodges who currently have the Kits.

This new video will h elp m en who are Mason's to realize the potential of our Fraternity. It was developed first to s how Master Masons the promi se of their act i ve in vo l ve ment in our Fraternity.

Its secon dary u se i s among new Masons and with men who are wondering what the Fraternity has to offer them. Lodges which do not presently hav e a Membership and Development or Train er Kits., may borrow one by ca llin g the Masonic Education Office at (2 15) 988-1919.

Dear Bro. Kent:

This l etter is sent to you in sincere gratitude for the chance to be include d in the HIRAM I program. It has been a full week since I attended this lofty undertaking. I wanted s ome time to pass before I put down my thoughts concerning this experience. I needed to sort out all that I was ex posed to, without the natural enthusiasm, that I was experiencing taking over.

I also want to thank those Brothers who made it all possible, and gave so freely of their time and patience, to create and pr ese nt so grand an undertaking. Also, our Lodge for sending us and bearing the financial responsibility. A great big THANK YOU to Brother Edward H. Fow l er, Jr., Right Worshipful Grand Master for hi s v i s ion to see the great need for this program.

I was and remain greatly impre ss ed with the insight given and the blunt honest y with which the whole program was presented. Thank You and Thank You, again.

Facilitator Training Seminar

There is still a need for additional Facilitators to work with the lodge s as they build for th e future today.

The role of a Facilitator is one of the mos t exciting ways to serve our Fraternity. It i s an opportunit y to learn and then s hare the concepts of Leadership and Management.

A training program for new and current Facilitators will be held at the Patton Ca mpu s in Elizabethtown on the eve ning of Friday, July 23rd a nd a ll day Saturday, July 24th.

Anyone who is inter es t ed in l earning more a bout the role of a Facilitator or who has ex p e rience in facilitating a meeting or in training and development, s hould contact: Bro. G. Kent Hackney, Administrator, PA Masonic Foundation For Leader s hip & Management, Inc., Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 or ca ll (2 15 ) 988-1960 or Fax (2 15) 988-1953 for add i tional information.


Bro G. Ke

HIRAM I, What An Opportunity !!

I had the occasion and privilege to attend a HIRAM I session at the Allentown Masonic Center in April. My Lodge had been a part of the pilot program with the Grand Master las t year. S ince I was not an elected Line Officer, I was not invited to participate at that time. However, a year later I can see what a wonderful program this is. I f you have the opportunity to attend, be ready to share in a dynamic, energetic, insp irational experience.

The Leadership and Management Training course will walk you through a program which will allow our Craft to continue into the next century and to meet the opportunities of the future. You are guided through the seminar by Facilitators. I am sure thi s is the right path to take in order to survive, in order for Masonic renewal to take p lace. The knowledge and materials offered, if prop e rly implemented not only in a Lodge setting but in your own work place, will certainly set one aside as a leader.

The premise of our Fraternity is tradition, Fellowship and Brotherly Lo ve. HIRAM I offers views that allow us to break out of s ome of the t r a ditional paradigms (patterns ) which ha ve misguided some of the Craft to the hum-drum existence conceived today. HIRAM I breathes new life into the Craft. It allows for a "strategic plan for renewal" and

(Continued on N ex t Pag e)

Some Successful Lodge Program Ideas

The Lodge Strategic Planning Team may wish to consider these s ugge s t ions:

Lodge Regalia Dedication: memorialize Past Maste r s, Past Grand Masters, or whomever may seem appropriate by dedicating new Regalia in thei r n ames.

Open Memo rial Service: h ave an open Lodge Ma so nic Memorial Serv i ce, and in v ite the Memb ers' families as well as the widows and families of the deceased Members. Invite local clergy to officiat e .

Capitalize on Current Events: in 1987, our country celebrated the Bicentennial of the Signing of the Constitution of the United States. A Lodge reenacted the s igning , highlighting the Maso nic Signers of the document. In 1992 , a Lodge invited a college hi s tory professor to portray Christopher Columbus, and di scuss little -known historical accounts of the v o yage, they a l so in v it e d the mayor of the town to welcome Mr. Columbus to the community.

Invite Eastern Star or Amaranth: Have a Star or Amaranth night and invite a local Chapter to explain about its group.

Youth Rally Night: invite the local DeMolay, Rainbow , and Jobs' Daughters to a night on the Lodge. Provide them with dinner , invite questions about Freemasonry and have them tell about their Organizations. These ma y be potential Members who will remember your Lodge when they want to become Freemasons. Also the girls may become wives of men who ma y want to b eco me Masons, and they will rem em ber your Lodge for that time you in vited them to participate in a Lodge program.

Do yo u have an intriguing Lodge program you want to sha re? Send us a brief description of what you did and tell us th e results and comments Send them to: G. K ent Hachney , Administrator, Masonic Temple , One North Broad Street, Phila., PA 19107-2598.

F acilitators Bro. J er ry Hamilton (Top) li stens to a question an d Bro. Mike Black rev i ews the Leade r s hip Gr id scor ing form.

What An Opportunity !!

(Co nt in ued li·om Preceding P age)

awa its a groundswell of quality from this Juris diction so vital for s urviv a l. To those who say "it can't be done;" p le ase, get out of the way of success!

If your Lod ge i s active in community efforts, seeks to be involved with children and f a mil y, emanates Member pride, and strives for a lli ances with other organizations s u c h as Scouting, Eastern Star , Amaranth , etc and seeks to make these affi li a tion s an asset; then, my Brother, y our Lodge w ill b e on the c utt i n g e dg e , a nd invo l ved in some "key s trategies for s ucces s. "

A group of Seminar participants work together on a Visi on development project

However, plea se just don ' t confuse activity wi th progress Make plans, identifY tactics, th e n put tho s e plans i nto action. Motivate the

Membership and make these goals worth th e effort.

Are you on the Grand Master's Team?

During the December and January Stated Meetings of Pennsylvania Subordinate Lodges , the Secretary wa s asked read a letter from Brother Edward H. Fowler , Jr. , R.W. Gr and Master , concernin g the HIRAM I Program. It the background t h e program and the inception of a Leadership and Training Foundation at Eh zabetht?wn. The ac cept donations from Lodge Charity Funds . To dat e, the following Lodges h a ve co ntnbuted t o t h e FoundatiOn rn the a moun t s lis t ed.

Grand Master's Day at the Masonic Homes Saturday, September 25, 1993

The fun and festivities begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue throughout the day until 4:00 p.m. Highlights of the day are:


• Resident Talent Show you won t want to miss this entertaining show put on by our residents.

• Food . . . delicious, appetizing food will be provided until 3:00 p.m . Just wait until yo u ta ste the Homes'made sausage, bean soup , and apple butter, plus sauerkraut , hot dogs, ice cream , and beverage s. The items are a ll served fr ee of charge.

• Resident Rooms many of our residents are graciou s l y opening their rooms for you to visit and inspect for yourself the excellent living accomm odations provided at the Masonic Homes.

•Village Green Apartments some of our residents are graciously opening their rooms for you to also visit and inspect the new es t type of living at the Masonic Homes.

•Visit Our Many Stands ... where que s tions regarding a ll facets of The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsy lvania, Masonic Education , Pennsylva nia Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children , Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, Masonic F ounda tion for Leadership and Management, Inc. , Masonic Yo uth G roup s, a nd Masonic Homes may be answered. Also, don't forget to stop by th e Gift Sho p s a nd Fruit Stands for Homes'-made gifts and fruits before you leave.


• Tours of the newes t w ing of th e Masonic H ealth Care Center will be avai l ab l e all day.

Inspect the Village Green Apartment s, consisting of twenty-five apartments and two efficiencies that are available on a monthly rental basis Residents living in the Apartments may choose to keep their own cars.


•Tours of t h e community will be ava il ab l e all day. •crafts and Woodworking visit the numerous di sp l ay ta ble s of handmade craft item s fr om the Craft C lub and a vari e ty of i tems made by the Woodworking Club

If you and your family are pl anning to attend, p lease take a moment no w to compl et e th e coupo n below and send i t to the Masonic Homes. Als o , it s hould be note d t h at the Masonic Home s w ill not be able to prov ide wh eelchairs for those w ho re quire them. P l ease bring yo ur own wheel chair if needed. Handicapped parking w ill be available; how eve r, you must advise the Masonic Hom e s on your coup on if handic apped parkin g is requir e d s o that special tickets can be forward ed to you prior to Grand Master's Day.

Grand Master's Day

of Freema sonry: Grand H oly Royal Arch Chapter of PA

Thi r d Dis trict , School of I n s tru ction

P a ul B Arn ette, L od ge No 657 (In Memor y of Willi a m L Arn e tte )

H erm a n and Kathryn Ki nter , Lodge N o

Chri s and Olga Harri s, Lodge No . 318

Pros pect Lod ge No 57 8 (In Honor of He nryS Butla nd Jr. ) 15.00

Pros pect Lod ge N o 57 8 (In Memory of H. Gle nn Bollinge r ) 25.00

Pros pect Lodge No 57 8 (In Memo ry of H a rry F einberg ) 15 00

Pros pect Lodge No 57 8 (in Me mory of Curt i s G. Tripne r ) 25. 00 Are yo u h elping t o bu i ld for t h e futur e . t oday? Put yo ur Lodge or your nam e on th e Grand Mast er 's Lis t of contributors to HIRAM I a nd be a part of the futu re, today. Please make your con tribution * check p ay able to The Penn sylvania Ma soni c Foundation for Lead er shi p and Ma nagement, Inc , a nd mail to: G Kent Hackney, Administr ator , One North Br oad St ., Phil a , PA 19107 -2598 or phone: (2 15 ) 988- 1960

*( Foun

Grand Lodge Establishes John Wanamaker Medal To Recognize Distinguished Service to Mankind

R.W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr., has com- United States." Throughout the century, the success of missioned the creation of a n ew award , the John John Wanamaker stores has been well recognized - the Wanamaker Masonic Humanitarian Medal to be pre- mainstay in mid-town Phil adelphia within view of the sen ted to persons who are not Members of the Grand Lodge Masonic T emple. Fraternity in recognition of their distinguis hed servi ce He was not an active part of the political s cene, but to othe rs embl ematic of the high values of Freemasonry. he did serve as Po s tmas ter General ofthe United States The John Wanamaker Medal will be awarded by the in the Cabinet of President Benjamin Harrison. R.W. Grand Master. John Wanamaker was made a Mason-At John Wanamaker (1838-1922) was an by the late R.W. Grand Master outstanding example of initiative, ambi- 11/} William J. Kelly on March 30, 1898. He tion, integrity, and dedication to serv- $..._-\) 1/ r , later Mfiliated with Friendship Lodge ing others. His career str ikingl y K\ No. 400 in Jenkintown and served as illustrates the opportunities open to · Worshipful Master in 1905. A year American youth. He was born July r b e fore becoming Worshipfu l 11, 1838, in what was known as Master, he was appointed a Gray's Ferry, which became part Member of the Grand Lodge of Philadelphia. Throughout hi s Committee on Library, and was life, he was distingui shed for his

Chairman of that com mitt ee initiative qualities because he c::-r--- from 1906 until his death in was naturall y a leader of people 1922 . John Wanamaker saw the and his vision of things was opening of the Grand Lodge unusually clear from his youth . -........'-...) Library in the new Masonic In his youth, two s i g n ificant .A....; Temple at One North Broad Street events forever changed his life : \./"A in Philadelphi a in 1908. The first involved dedicating his life / SIJAf. :·rJ·kJN\

The late R.W. Past. Grand Master to God and his conversion to the tt_ 1 Abraham Merklee Beitler probably Presbyterian faith. He we nt on to b e th e summed up John Wanamaker's life best founder of one of the largest Presbyterian Sunday when he said: "The recent death of Brother Schools in Philadelphia Wanamaker closed a life filled with service for his felThe second came when he wanted to purchase a gift lows. He was indeed a merchant prince , but, better yet, for hi s mother and he felt that the impatience of the he was a loyal citizen, a l over of his fellow man and his jeweler, whil e he wa s trying to make a sel ection was not life was devoted to th e doing of good d eeds. He gave to a good business practice. As a r esul t, he began to think the work of the Library so much of his time a nd it is how he could run a store of his own some day. largely due to his untiring energy and excellent judgJohn Wanamaker began to work as an errand boy in ment that we today possess a Libr ary and Museum a publishing hous e for about $1.25 a week. He rose from unique, valuable and without a rival. We w ill lon g that to being recognized as "the first merchant of the mourn his loss and cherish his memory."

Family of Six in West Chester Lodge

Friend to Friend Sculptor NowaMason in New York

Ron Tunis on is now a Freem a son Thi s r enowned sculptor fro m Cairo, NY, i s the a r tist w h o ha s c r eate d t h e dr amatic F r ien d to F r ie nd M a so ni c Me mori a l M on ume nt to b e de di cat e d Augus t 2 1 in the Gettysburg National Cem etery Annex T he l a r ge r - than-life sta tu e d e pict s Brothe rho od Undi v ide d i n t h e sce n e of U ni on A rm y Ca pt a in and Br o . H e nr y Bingham as h e ministers t o Confed erat e Ge n e r al an d Bro. Lewis Armistead

Bro. Tuniso n has b een acce p te d into M ountain L od ge No. 5 2 9 , Wyndh am, NY, a nd r ece i ve d h as En te r e d A pp rent ic e M aso n 's D eg r ee in the S prin g. T h e Fellowc r aft a nd Master Mason 's D egrees are sch edule d for t h e Fall.

Bethel No. 4 Visits Masonic Temple

When a February s now postponed the Grand Visitation to Bethel No 4 in Lancaster, Bethel Honored Queen, Cheryl Stoner, decided to move the date to April and the Meeting location to Philadelphia. She had a l ready planned to visit the Masonic Temple with the Members of her Bethel, and this gave her a good reason to ho ld a Special Meeting there.

Honored Queen Cheryl Stoner (center) poses with Bro. Jon Gardner, Associate Grand Guardian, (left) and Mrs. Sally Gotshall, Grand Guardian (right) on the Rear Staircase at the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia.

Mrs. Sally Gots hall , Grand Guardian, and Bro. Jon Gardner, Associate Grand Guardian, thought it was a great idea. The Grand Visitation included Daughters from many other Bethel s, and a crowd of more than sixty people participated. The Meeting was held in Egyptian Hall, with a ll the Ritualistic Work being performed by Cheryl and her Officers.

Cheryl is the daughter of Phyllis and W. Scott Stoner, of Lancaster. Bro. Stoner is a Right Worshipful Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.

Eureka Lodge No. 302 Honors 100-YearOldMason

Bro. G. Weir Strock of Mechanicsburg was recently honored on his 100th Birthday by the Officers a nd Members of Eureka Lodge No 302, F. & A.M., Mechanicsburg, PA. A plaque was presented to Bro. Strock by the Officers of Eureka Lodge No. 302 at a party held in his honor by his family at the First United Methodist Churc h of Mechanicsburg on February 28, 1993. Bro. Strock was born on February 21, 1893, and has been a Member of Eureka Lodge No 302 since April 1961. Bro. Strock is currently a resident at Messiah Village, Mechanicsburg, PA.

Pictured (L to R) Bros. David W. Rynard, J. W.; James E. Brommer, S. W.; and Richard W. Fesler, Jr., W.M. Seated is Bro. G. Weir Strock.

In Memoriam

Bro. George Norval

Holmes, con tin ued from page u

on the Director's staff working in various Degrees. In 1964 he became Assistant Director of Ritualistic Work, then Director of Activities until his death. In 1987 h e received the Meritorious Service Award. In recognition of his outstanding l eadership and commitment within the Fraternity, he was Coroneted a Sovereign Grand Inspector General , 33 ° , Honorary Member of the Supreme Council in September 1968 at Atlantic City, New Jersey. He w a s a l so a Me mber of Syria

Temple , A.A.O.N.M .S. , and United States Premier Conclave, Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine, serving as Pussiant Sovereign in 1982.

Funeral servic es were private; a Memorial Service was held Monday, May 17, 1993 at 1:30 p.m. in Memorial Park Community Presbyterian Church with the Reverend Dr. William F. Ruschhaupt , Jr. officiating. Interment wa s in All egh e ny County M e morial Park, McC a ndles s Towns hip , P e nnsy

Gordon W. Smith and his five sons are all Members of West Chester Lodge No. 322 and as of the Spring Scottish Rite Reunion they also are Members in the Valley of Reading. Seated in the photo are the father (right) and one brother, Keith S., both of whom were Recommenders on the others' Petitions for Scottish Rite. The brothers standing are (le ft to right) Kenneth G , Kyl e A , Kevin G. and Kirk A. Smith.

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