The Pennsylvania Freemason - Autumn 1993

Page 1

Masonic Car Window Screen

The Committee on Masonic Education has de s ign e d and printed the cardboard window screen that is pictured. The window screen titled "Freemas onry, A Way of Life" was first available for purchase at the Masonic Education Booth during the S e pte mber 25 , 1993 , Grand Master's Day.

We believe the window screen s erves two worthwhile purposes: to aid in keeping a car cool from the s un, and to spread the mes s age of

FreemasonruAwaij of life.

the Fraternity to the public. The Committee on Masonic Education consid ers developing public awareness of Freemasonry as a continuing goal for all Masons.

Lodge Program Competition

The fifth annual Lodge Program Competition , sponsored by the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education will be held in 1994. Thi s competition has b e en h eld to aid Lodges in s ecuring outs tanding program s , especi a lly fo r the month of April, whe n Lodg es are e xp e cted to provide Ma s onic Education Programs All progra m s a r e a v ail a ble from the Ma s onic Educati on Office . In October of e ach ye ar, Lodge p r ograms are judged to dete rmine r e gional w inners and a s tate winner at the M as oni c Educa tion Confer ence in Elizabethtown , PA. This proc e dure has produced m a n y

very worthwhile programs by Members of the Fraternity. The Committee has long recognized that interested Mas on s are very willing to shar e knowledge of their beloved Fra ternity . The R.W. D e puty Gr and M aster, George H Hohen s hildt, has s e lected the topic: ''Why I s F r eee m a sonry Import a n t in P e nnsyl v ania a nd Around The World?" for the 1994 program. T hi s topic gives the Brethr en much l a titude for d ev eloping a w ide range of intere s ting programs Th e Ma s onic Education Committ ee a nticip a te s r e ceiv ing m a n y outs tanding programs.

Masons Save Lives

Penn sylva ni a M as ons are no w donatin g blood throughout the s tate Bloodmobiles , s pons ored by the MASONIC BLOOD DONOR CLUB, are coming to Lodge hall s and Scottis h Rite Cath e dra ls . Me mbership in the MASONIC BLOOD DONOR CLUB is open to a ll Pennsyl vania Masons, their w idows, and e mployees of the Grand Lodge and its affiliated entit ies The Club's purpo s e i s to e n courage M as ons, their famili es, and friend s to don a te blood for the good of the communities they live in. The Club al s o replace s blood for M e mb e r s to ho s pit als w h ere

r e pl a cem e nt or p aym e nt i s require d .

The club r eplaces blood u s ed b y our r esidents at th e Ma sonic Homes in Eli zabetht ow n. Memb er s hip in the Club i s free . A dona tion of blood is r e quire d b y the Ma s on or a s ubs titute donor.

F or additiona l informa tion write to: Norman A. Fox, President, at 33 W. Gira rd Av enue , Philade lphi a, PA 191 23 or call William W. Rile y , S e cretary at (21 5) 3 56-1 86 6. GIVE THE G IFT O F LIF E - GIVE B LOOD .

Th e window s creen s are availabl e from the Office of Masonic Education at the Mas onic Temple , One North Broad Street , Philadelphia , PA 19107-2598. The window scre en "Free masonry, A Way of Life" can be purchased by calling Mrs Joanne Ford at (215 ) 988-1909. The cos t of the screen is $3.50 plus postage. If Lodges desire to purcha s e large quantities as gifts , they can do so by contacting the Masonic Education Office .

The Student Essay Contest

The annual Stud e nt Essay Contes t s pon s ore d by the Committee on Masonic Education w ill be conducted in 1994 following es tabli s hed procedures . All entri es mu s t be pre s ented to the Offic e of M as onic Education by Februa r y 1, 1994.

Application form s and in s tructions for p a rticipating seniors w ere distributed S e pt e mber 15 , 1993. Sufficient copi es of e ntry mat eria ls w e r e sent to Dis t r ict Chair men of Mas onic Education for trans mittal to Wors hipful Maste rs and Chairmen of Mas onic Educa tion in each of the Lodges in P enn sylv ania. The Committe e on Ma s onic Education has change d the distribution proce dures in an e ffor t to s ecure more participation in the ess a y cont est. We kno w Masons are active M emb ers of t h e ir communiti es and can contact the s chool s directly. Senior class students in public, parochial , and private s chools are e ligible to e nter the contest. E a ch par ticip a n t is asked to prepare a 1 , 500 -w ord es s a y on th e topic: "What Does 'Friend to Fri end' Me an To You?"

The topic was selected b y the R.W. D e puty Grand Maste r, B r o. George H. Hohens hildt. Once a g a in, Mas ons of P e nnsylva ni a a r e s ho w ing th e ir inte re s t a nd support for th e youth of t he C om mo nwealth .

R. W.G.M. Fowler Named Provincial Deputy Grand Master, Royal Order Of Scotland

Broth er E d ward H . Fowl er , Jr ., R.W. Gr a n d Master of T h e Gr a nd Lodge of Penn sylvania , h as b een sel e cte d P r ovinci a l Depu ty Gr a nd Mas t e r for the Roy al O rder of Scotland . Th e curre n t Provinci a l Grand Maste r i s Marvin E. Fo wl e r

The R oyal O r d er of Scotla n d i s a w or ld w id e Masonic O rd er h e adq uarte red in E dinbu r gh, S cot l a nd , a nd h av in g P r ov inc i a l Gra nd Lo d ges in Scotland , England ,

Irel a nd , variou s co untr i es of Eu ro p e , C an a d a, A u stralia, New Zeal a nd , and the Un i ted S tates.

M embe r s hip is b y invita tion only, but welcom es inquiries by w or t h y Mast e r M a s on s It i s th e desire of th e Ord er t o a ttract B reth re n w ho a re w orth y of b e ing hon ored b ecau se of the i r s e rvice s to M aso n ry, t h e ir chu rch, or the i r country. O rigin of th e Ro yal O rde r of Scotla nd is a m y s tery s t re t ching

w ith s p ecul ation t o the p e riod b e fore a u t h e n t i c r ecor d e d his t ory. The earli est w r i t ten recor d of the Roya l Ord e r of Scotla nd is a Patent d a t e d July 22 , 17 50, a p pointin g the Grand Maste r of The Nethe rla nds It s t a te d t h a t i t was b e ing iss u e d in t h e ninth year of the s igne r 's service as Provincia l Grand Ma s ter of L ondon.

Three Fifty-Year Masons Honored

Fifty-year Masonic S e rvi ce Embl ems were recen tly presente d t o t hree Membe r s of Indiana Lodge No. 3 13 in In diana, P A. Assi s ti ng the D is trict D eputy Grand Master at t h e cer emony was a son of each of t h e r eci pients P i cture d l eft to r i ght are: Bro . F re deri ck T. H emphill, D.D.G.M., 39th Masonic Dis t r i ct; fifty-year M emb ers, Bros Lee A. Sh erwi n, P M , S h eldon K. Davis, a nd Eugen e N. McCracken ; and Gre g ory R. Sh arp , W.M.

B a ck row fr om l eft w it h t h eir fath ers a r e: Bros. D avi d S h erw in, Donald Davis, and James McCracken. B r oth e r s Davi s a n d McCracken live i n the area, but Bro S h erwin , a resident of New York state, was brough t

R. W. G. M. Recognizes

Planning Efforts

R W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr , (standing right) stop p e d to say "thank you" and have lunch with the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument D e dication Program and Parade Committe e during the last of its s e veral m e etings at Good Samari tan Lodge in G e ttysburg.

to th e Meeti ng by his son D a v id , a resid e n t of Con necti cut . Othe r fifty -year Mem bers u nabl e to att end include B r os. Si dney W. Boyd , Davi d G. Buch ana n , a n d Ro b ert A. Grah am .

Ceremonial Mortar Board for Grand Lodge

A ceremonial mortar board of plate glass with the Square and Compasses and "Friend to Friend" etched into the s urface, was presented to the Grand Lodge by Masonic District 42 and Good Samaritan Lodge No 336 for use at groundbreaking ceremonies. Bro. James Thompson, the Grand Lodge Instructor of Ritualistic Work , received the gift during a meeti ng in Gettysburg. Pictured with the ceremonial mortar board are (left to right): Bros. Victor J. Reale, W M of Good Samaritan Lodge; Michael H Gotshall, D D G.M of Distric t 4 2, and John Schwartz, J . W. of Good Samaritan Lodge.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Photo Highlights of a Day full of History and Pageantry


PBS Channel 39, WLVT-TV. All entown, has scheduled the 27 minute "Friend to Friend" documentary, to be televised 10:30 p.m , Dec. 27.

Scholarships Awarded

George K Haines, Jr. W.M. Shiloh Lodge 558, Anastasia M. Gottshall and Marvin A Cunningham, Sr. D.D.G.M., District 6

John E. Ormando and Richard H. Disque II, D.D.G.M., District No. 12

Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. Scholarship Awarded

It is also our pleasure to report to you on the Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Jr., R.W.P G.M., Scholarship Fund. Our first recipients of scholarships are Ada J. Bickert from the Spring-Ford School District and Brian Reddy from the Philadelphia School District. Brother Stenberg founded the D&A Foundation in 1985.

These two bright, creative young people have struggled against tremendous odds to create successful school experiences and stable family lives. They have also been h elpful to other students in the Student Assistance Program.

Since they have worked through their problems, one teacher describes them as the type of students teachers dream of and if they are lucky, encount er once , maybe twice , in their careers. These young people possess maturity , common sen se, a responsible image, motivation, and a sense of direction about their future. Ms.


Richard J. Stemmler, D.D.G.M., District No. 30, Dawn E. Bickerstaff, and Charles C. McWilliams, W.M., Shidle Lodge No. 601

Bickert w ill be attending Immaculata

and Mr. Reddy w ill be attending West Chester University. Our heartfelt congratulations to both of them!

Masonic Freedom Run and Walk A Success

Joseph F. Acton, D.D.G. M., District No. 31 and Geary Lee O'Neil

William Herr, Father, Tracy Lynn Herr and Ernest Weierick, D.D.G.M., District No. 20

The Educational Endowment Fund Committ ee of The Pennsylvani a Youth Foundation reviewed one hundred eighty-nine applications t his year Statistically, one hundr ed twenty-two came from females, and sixty-s even from males. One hundred and twenty-five applicants had no Masonic Youth gro up affiliation. Eighteen DeMolays, ten Job's Daughters, and thirty-six Rainbow Girls made app lic ation. Scholarships were awarded on the basis of a competitive review of academic achievement, financial need, fraternal invol vement, and other activities . Scholarship awards have been made to the following:

$2,500 Grand Master's Scholarships

Vanessa Venezia, Grove City, daughter of Bro. John A. Venezia, a Member of Grove City Lodge No 603. She is a Member of Grove City Rainbow Assembly No. 96. Vanessa will attend Allegheny College to study Biology (Pre-Med).

John E. Ormando, Wilkes-Barre, son of Bro. John J. Ormando, a Memb er of Lodge No. 61 in Wilkes-Barre. John w ill attend Seton Hall University to study PreOptometry.

$1,000 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Scholarships

Karen S. Strus, Oil City, granddaughter of Bro. Delmar Sharrar, a M emb er of P etrolia Lodge No. 363.

Karen will atte nd S lipp ery Rock University to study Physical Education.

Anastasia M Gottshall, Lansdale, granddaughter of our late Bro. Donald R. Corris ton, a Member of Shiloh Lodge No 558. She is a Member of Penn Valley Rainbow Assembly No. 153. Anastasia w ill atte nd Philadelphia College of Bible to study Elementary Education and Bibl e Studies.

Tracy L. Herr, Altoona , daughter of Bro. William E. Herr , Sr., a Member of Hiram Lodge No. 616. She is a Member of Altoona Rainbow Assembly No. 14. Tracy w ill attend Penn State U niversity-Altoona Campus to study Chemistry.

Dawn E. Bickerstaff, North Huntingdon, daughter of Bro. Robert G. Bickerstaff, a Member of Shidle L odge No. 601. She is a Member of Irwin Rainbow Assembly No. 42. Dawn will attend Dickinson College to study English.

Angela L. Borger, Orrtanna, granddaughter of Bro. Harry D. Borger, a Member of Patmos Lodge No. 348 She is a Member of Job's Daughters Bethe l No. 12 in Gettysburg. Angela will attend Albright College to study Psychobiology.

Geary Lee O'Neil, Belle Vernon, son of Bro. Geary O 'Neil, is a Member of Fay-West Chapter, Order of DeMolay Geary will attend P enn State University to study Agriculture and Fore s try.

Your Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children is pleased to report to you on the first Masonic Freedom Run and Walk h eld in Philadelphia on June 27. It is with pride that we announce that the Run and Walk raised over $23,000. This enabled the Drug and Alcohol Foundation to give over $12,000 to the Philadelphia community. The money will be u sed to carry on the good works being done by the Anti-Drug and Alcohol groups. This event was conceived with the attitude of Masons wo rking hand-in-hand w ith our community to promote a better society. We far surpassed our expectations for a first-time event.

R.W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr. , and our president, R.W. Junior Grand Warden James L. Ernette set the tone for the entire day with their high s pirits and enthusiasm. Over 1, 000 participants demonstrated to the community good physic al fitness as opposed to a lifes tyle of drug addiction and alcoholism. There are so many people to thank for making this d ay s uch a success. The Phil a d el phia area Lodges, Masonic Bodi es, and Phil adelphia area District Deputy

Grand Masters played a tremendous l eadership role throughout, as did the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge and its Masonic Bodies. Thanks are due to Bros. Fowler, Ernette, and Prince Hall M.W. Grand Ma ster, Rol and K. Lee We a lso thank Acting Governor Mark Singel for his sup- Bro. Anthony J Garvey, port A special thanks to Manager D&A FoundaLuLu Shrine Temple, tion presents a check to Ms. Nellie Warriner (left), Pyramid Shrine, and Delco of Woodrock Against Grotto for the ent ertain - Drugs, for the proceeds ment clown s, band , from the Masonic Freemounted patrol, and dom Run/Walk. marchin g units.

We would like to extend a special thanks to St. John's Lodge No. 115 who supplie d a luncheon of steak an_d ribs, corn on the cob, salad, and beverages at their expe nse for a ll at a beautiful boathouse a long the

Left: Bro. James L. Ernette, R.W.J.G.W. and President of D&A Foundation, Ms. Ada Bickert, Mr. Brian Reddy (Scholarship recipients) and Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R. W. Grand Master.
L e ft: Bro. Roland K Lee, M. W. Grand Master, Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Mark Bingel, Acting Governor, and Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R W. Grand Master.
Crossing the finish line (left) : Bro Roland K Lee, M W. Grand Master Prince Hall Grand Lodge; Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr., R. W Grand Master; and Bro. James L. Ernette, R. W. Junior Grand Warden, and President of D&A Fou ndation.

Masons-At-Sight, continued from page 3

Lodge No. 596, Souderton; Junior Warden- Bro. Robert L. Craut, P.M. MacCalla Lodge No. 596, Souderton; Trea s ure r -Bro. John E. Hankinson, Newtown Lodge No. 427; Secretary - Bro. Charles H. Carter, P .M., W.K. Bray Lodge No. 410, Hatboro ; Senior Deacon - Bro. Carl L. Swope, P.M. , Doy lestown Lodge No. 245; Junior Deacon- Bro. John H. Cole, S .W. , Radiant Star Lodge No. 806, Southampton; Senior Master of CeremoniesBro. Donald A. Sacks , S.W., W.K. Bray Lodge No. 410, Hatboro; Junior Master of Ceremonies - Bro. Jerry J. Hamilton , P.M., Radiant Star Lodge No 806, Southampton; Pursuivant - Bro. John H. Kohler, P.M. , Bristol Lodge No. 25; Chaplain - Bro. Alb ert P Schmidt,

P.M. , Radiant Star Lodge No. 806, Southampton; Guide s - Bro. Michael Imp eria l , W M. , W.K. Bray Lodge No. 410, Hatboro, and Bro Richard W. Davi s, Doyle stown Lodge No. 245 , and Alternates, Bro. Alfred Krou t , W.M ., MacCalla Lodge No. 596, So uderton, and Bro. Emil P. Gatone , S.W. , MacCalla Lodge No. 596, Souderton.

A portion of the Master Mason's Degree was Conferred on the Grand Master's son, Bro. Geary O Neil , as well as t h e comple te Ma ster Mas on's Degree on the Attorney General of t h e Commonwealth of P ennsylvania, Bro. Ernest W. Preate, Jr., by R.W. Grand Master Edward H. Fowler, Jr.

Thousands Crowd Gettysburg, co ntinued from page 10

se n sing a love for humanity- without feeling the compassion and charity that comes from the Fatherhood of God a nd th e Brotherhood of Man. "

"It is the s pirit of Fraternalismthe bond that exists among men of principle whose values lead them to do the right things the good things instinctively , willingl y, and lovingly."

"It is the r efl ection of those v alues and as a tribute to the m en who live d and die d for them, that the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepte d Masons of P e nnsylvania has sought to portray in the "Friend to Friend Mas onic Memorial Monument."

Brotherhood on Parade

Freema sonry on parade filled the str eets of Gettys burg as t h e co lor guard of DeMolay and Knights of Pythagoras y outh and the Knights T emplar with the m asse d American flag s l ed some 3,500 participants along t h e two-mile line of march. Th e highl y s pirite d tone of the parad e was set by the Yankee R eb e ls Drum and Bugle Corps serving as the l ea d musical unit of Division I. R.W. Gran d Master Fowler in a conve rtible, pre ce ded by the Grand Sword B earer , heade d the division , fo llowe d by the Grand Lodge Officers and Party and dis tingui s h ed guests.

Blue Lodges were on para de in a si ght tha t will long be remembered.

Followin g t h e purple -Aprone d Dis tric t De puty Grand Masters were Blue Lodge Mas ons by the hundreds . First, ther e was a bloc of Wors hipful Masters, the n Senior Wardens,

Junior Wardens, and Pa s t Master s, all wearing Aprons , Collars, and J ewels of their Offices. Then came a "sea of blue and white" as row after row of Apron-clad Ma ster Masons from a ll parts of the state marched by.

The Appe ndant Bodies and Mfiliate d Organi zations were a ll part of the parade. York Rite Bodies Ch a pte r , Council , and Commandery all in Rega lia - were present in l arge numbers Scotti s h Rite Valleys participated, including a live tableau of historically costumed participants from Reading and a group from Merchantville, N.J.

Ther e were units from the Shrine T e mpl es ac ro ss the state . Especially large contin gents were from Zembo, Syria, LuLu , J a ffa , and Rajah . The Mounted Patrols from LuLu a nd R aj a h joined to parade as one unit. Among the Units was the Shriners Hospita l float. Youth added their spirit to the parad e . Th e re wer e DeMolay, Knights of Pyth ago r as, Rai nbo w for Girl s, a n d Job 's D a u ght e r s . R a i n bow Girl s drew s p ecial appl au se f or the i r appearance, which was as striking a s a rainb ow. Each young la dy was dressed in a color of t h e rainbow a nd they marche d in columns of colors.

Th er e were Civil War Re-enactment group s parading . Leading the contingent of his tory buffs was the Civ il Wa r Mas onic Association- a n ation a l organi zation of Civil War enthusi as t s who a re Masons. It a ll came toge ther to pre sen t a D e dic a tion, giga nti c p a r a d e, and

banque t s that w ill live as a memorable, historic event, thanks to more than sixty Brethren and friends who h ave wo rke d diligently since F e bruary , and t h e score s more who coordin ated arrangements and accommod a tions for August 20 and 21.



Publication No. USPS 426-140

Issued Quarterly

Fal l issue of 1993 at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto Belonging.


Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr.

R. W. Grand Master

Bro. George H. Hohenshildt

R. W. Deputy Grand Master

Bro. Edward 0. Weisser

R. W. Senior Grand Warden

Bro. James L. Ernette

R. W. Junior Grand Warden

Bro. Marvin G. Speicher

R. W. Grand Treasurer

Bro. Thomas W. Jackson

R. W. Grand Secretary


Bro. William J. Prazenica


Bro. Fred D. Rissinger

Associate Editor

Bro. John H. Platt, Jr.

Associate Editor

Bro. Blaine F. Fabian

Editorial Production Coordinator

(All articles and photos become the property of Grand Lodge.)

Distribution Office ·· Mailing Address


Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199

Father To Son Brochure

The Father To Son Brochure, pictured at the left, was first distributed a t the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial Monument Dedication events in Gettysburg by the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education. The brochure was designed as a Working T ool for Masonic fathers who want to enl ighten t heir so ns to ask to join the Fraternity.

The brochure can be secured a t no cost by contacting the Office of Masonic Educ ation at the Masonic T emple, One North B roa d Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2 598. I f you wi sh to ord er by phone, call Mrs. Joanne Ford at (215) 988-1909

The Committee was p l eased with the comments of Masons receiving the brochure Both the Father to Son brochure and the P residents Packet were requested by many Masons at the Masoni c Education booth during the Gettysburg events.


and Answers, continued from page 15

independent living secti ons of the Masonic H omes, you may call the Marketing Office at 800/676-6452 or b y writing: Marketing Office , Masonic H omes , One Masonic Drive, E l izabethtown, PA 17022. For a dmission to the congregate, person al care, or nursi ng care sections of t he Masonic Homes the appli cation request goes t o yo ur Lodge Secr etary who will forward t he request to the Masonic Homes' Admissions Office . The Admi ssions Office will then put an Admissions Coun selor i n touch with you to start the admission process.

6 . QUESTION: How long will I have to wait to be admitted to the Masonic Homes?

ANSWER: The waiting list varies depending upon the area of service at the Masonic Homes.

Currentl y, at t he Masonic Health Care Center, we are able to admit within a s h ort period of time which varie s from one day to three months

The con gregate and personal care area has a l onger waiting list that varies between two to fiv e year s. This is one of the reasons the Commi t t ee on Masonic Homes has been looking at other a l ternative services to reduce that waiting list. Many of t h e indivi duals on the waiting list are abl e to live independently s u ch as in the Village Gree n Apartment s.

The Village Green Apartments and the In d ependent Living Community are currently full ; however, we are developing a priority waiting li st for future openings as well as to determine other services we should develop.

Annual Grand Communication and Grand Master's Banquet Set for Harrisburg, December 27

The Annual Grand Communication of The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is sch edule d to b e h eld in t h e Scottish Rite Cathe dral, 2701 N. 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA., beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 27 Tickets for the Grand Master's Banquet a r e available for $20 00 per perso n and will b e sold through Lodges in the greater Harrisburg a r ea or t h e Grand Master' s Office on a first r equ est basis. Early res ervation s are en courage d. See coupon thi s page

Please enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope and send with coupon to: The Office of the


Enclosed is my check for $ _ ---:--:for tickets at $20.00 each for the Grand :Master's Banquet to be held at 6:30p.m., December 27, 1993, in the Auditorium of Zembo Temple, Harrisburg, PA Make your check payable to the Grand Lodge ofPA.

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