One creative method of making a thoughtful charitable gift is through a Will or codicil to your existing Will. More and more Brethren, their spouses, and friends are finding that a bequest provides an opportuni ty to complete a gift that perhaps is not possible during their lifetime.
Making a Will is serious business! Anyone who has made a Will can recall a se nse of accomplishment: "There, it's over and finished!" A perfectly natural reaction but it leads to the most co mmon mistake that an indi vidu al can make concerni ng their Will.
Not even the most carefully drawn Will remains sound permanently. Years pass, families multiply and decline; circ umstances change; your named executor becomes ill and can no longer handle yo ur affairs.
Because of these and many other reasons, it is a goo d practice to re view your Will once a year. As a result, you will be reminded of prior decisions and perhaps be cognizant of needed changes. With a Wil l, you have a great opportunity to make certain things possible. Regardl ess of your fmancial circumstances, you have the legal right to control the disposition of your assets.
It is alarming to think that over 50% of all ad ult Americans fail to take advantage of the right to make a Will. If you die without a Will, your property will be distributed according to the laws of the state in which you reside at the time of death and not necessarily according to your wishes. You should consider all the options available to you and make the proper preparations for the distribution of what yo u have worked and saved for over the years.
After providing for your heirs, yo u may wish to make a gift to our Masonic Charities that pays special tribute to or memorializes an individual or family.
A charita ble bequest can be made by designating a specific dollar amount, a fixed percentage, or the residual amount of the bequest after payment of expenses and di stributions to other beneficiaries. Gifts may take the form of cash, real estate, securi ti es or other properties.
If you have questions regarding charitable contributions to our Masonic Charities as listed below or if we can be of assistance in any part of yo ur estate planning along with your attorney and financial advisors, please do not he si tate to contact us at:
Masonic Charities Development and Public Relations
Fred D. Rissinger
One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Telephone: (717) 367- 1121 , ext. 33312
Masonic Charities of the R. W. Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. ofPennsylvania
• Masonic Homes
• Pennsylvania Youth Foundation
• The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation fo r the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children
• The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania
• The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Leadership and Management, Inc.
• Grand Lodge Masonic Charities
Trip to Alaska
The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will be taking a trip to Alaska on August 3, 1997. Masons and their friends are welcome. A Meeting with the Grand Lodge of Alaska will be held upon docking. For information on the Alaskan trip, please contact the Office of Masonic Education, Masonic
Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598, phone (215) 988-1919.
Publication No. USPS 426-1 40 Issued Quarterly
Summer issue of 1994 at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and The Right Worshipful Gra nd Lodge of the Most Ancie nt and Honorable F ratern ty of Free a nd Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania a nd Mason ic Jurisdiction Thereunto belonging
Bro. George H. Hohenshildt, R. W. Grand Master
Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R. W. Deputy Grand Master
Bro. James L. Emette, R. W. Senior Grand Warden
Bro Robert L. Dluge, Jr., R W. Junior Grand Warden
Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, R. W. Grand Treasurer
Bro. Th omas W. Jackson, R. W Grand Secretary
Bro William J. Prazenica-Editor
Bro Fred D. Rissinger-Assoclate Editor
Bro. John H. Platt, Jr.-Assoclate Edi or Bro. Blaine F Fabian-Editorial Production Coordinator
(All orric/es and photographs become the property ofthe Grand Lodge.)
Distribution Office-Mailing Address MASONlC HOMES
One Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199
Pub/is/red By: R.W. Grand Lodge ofPA
One Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 -21 99 Postmaster
Send address changes to above. Second Class Postage Paid at Lancaster, PA
The season for sunscreens is upon us . The sunscreen featuring the famou s Masonic saying " Freemasonry: A Way of Life" is avai labl e from the Masonic Education Office, Masonic Temp le, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 . The cost of the sunscreen is $3.50 plus post age. You can also place an order by calling the Masonic Education Office at {215) 988-1909.
Proceeds from the sale of the sunscreens go to The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania at the Masonic Temp le. Lodges are e ncouraged to cons id er the sunscreen as a birthday gift to Members. This is a practical way to make the public aware of the message of Freemasonry.
Leaders From 20 Grand Lodges Meet to Share in FRIEND
During the week of the D-Day Anniversary, in historic Philadelphia , the birthplace of our nation and the City of Brotherly Love, Masonic leaders from twenty states "Crafted" a new chapte r in the history of Freemasonry, uniting Friend to Friend, to establ ish a new beachhead in the battle fo r Membership De velopment.
Res ponding on a month's noti ce to an in vitation from R.W. Grand Master Bro. George H. Hohenshildt and the Gran d Lodge of Penns ylvania. Elected Officers from Grand Lodges in the Unit ed S tates and Hawau attended a seminar in Gothic Hall to learn more about Penn sy l vani a' s Friend to Friend Membership Development Program . The desire to AUGUST 1994
Thomas, Florida; Frederick Overstreet, Hawaii ; Curtiss Mundahl, North Dakota
Geor!!e Hohenshildt; Fred Allen, Texas; Bill Stoval, California; Jack Benson, Minnesota , and Wayne Illinois. Middle row - Bros E Edwin Davis, Wyoming; Bob Jackson, Arkansas; Ray New Jersey, R W.G.S. Thomas W. Jackson; Arnold Ashley, New Hampshire; Orner E. Horn, New Mexzco ; Robert Kalb, Illinois; Harvey Blackmer, Vermont, and Aide Thomas C. Librandi. Back row- Bros. Larry Lyon, Vantage Group; R. W.G.T. Marvin Speicher; R. W.J.G. W. Robert Dluge, Jr.; R. W.S.G W. L. Ernette; Edward 0. Weisser; Dean E. Vaughn; Frank Sias, Rhode Island; James Franklm, Massachusetts, Fred Chandler, Vantage Group (Missing from picture is Jay Paniccia, Rhode Island.)
share the program with all Jurisdictions was well received and the goal is to work together to assure its success for the good of Freemasonry Grand
Master Hohenshild t thank ed those present for having arranged their schedules to be in Philadelphia on brief He acknowledged cooperative
responses from so me other Grand Jurisdictio ns where prior commitments made attendance in Philadelphia impossible.
continued on page 2
The Pennsylvania Freemason Section 1
Pictured for
to Friend Meeting are (left to right): Front row- Bros. Ronald Wright, Arizona; John
; R W.G.M.
The Grand Master Speaks
August 1994
Grand Master's Travels
October 1994
3 Grand Master's Executive Advisory Board Meeting, 9:00a m., Philade phia. 3 200th Anniversary Lodge No 62 West Reading D strict 7.
3 Line Officers Staff Meeting , 1:30 p m , Philadelphia 5 Grand Master's Executive Adv sory Board Meeting 9:00 a.m .,
10 District Deputy Grand Masters Meeting, Regions 1, 2, & 3 8 125th Ann versary Zeredatha
Friend to Friend: it is starting to work!
It is starting to work a ll over Pennsylvania .
Some Lodges that have not had a Petition in yea rs now have multiple Petitions Some Lodges that have had Petitions regularly are now seeing a minor flood. The Friend To Friend Task Force now 98 % i n place is 100% effective. The entire Masonic Membersh ip in Pennsylvania is aware of a renewed enthusiasm, of a renewed ded cation, and of a renewed comm itment to "Preserve and Enhan ce" au r great Fraternity.
We started eight months ago to awaken this sleeping giant, to let everybody know "who are the Masons, " and "what do Masons do. " We sent a s i xteen-page tabloid to three-fourths of the homes in Pennsylvania We sent a
letter and Friend to Friend brochure to every Mason in Pennsylvania. We sent a copy of the Friend to Friend painting to every Lodge building in Pennsylvania. We established a 6, 000-member Friend to Friend task force, 12 Members from every Lodge, to serve as our offensive front line (foot ball talk)
We requested the Lodges not to go dark in the months of July and August, so that we would not falter in our initia l momentum of Friend to Friend . This decision has raised c on cerns. Some Lodges are concer ned about attendance during vacations, and many are concer ned about la ck of air conditioning in most of our buildings. I have asked a ll District Deputy Grand Masters to react accordingly, that first we are a most dignified Fraternity with dress code requirements, and secondly that we
Making Masonic History co ntinued from page 1
The atmosp here was one of great interest Eac h Lodge has created a twelve-Member an d determin at ion whil e addres si ng th e pic - Task Force to carry th e educational message ture of more than three decades of declinin g to non-Ma sons. A replica of the Grand Fraternal Membe rship. R.W. Grand Mas ter Ma ster's Medallion provide s each of those Ho hens hildt assure d that the Masonic Leaders "Travelers" on th e Task Forces with key edupres ent wo uld be hea rin g a lot of sinc ere cational messages: "Preserve and Enhance "...wor ds of Membership Enhancement and The Square and Compasses," "Help to a Membership Development. " Brother," and "Help to Mankind," plu s t he "This Fra tern ity has to le t goo d people wo rd s, "Freedom, Education, Community, know who th e Masons are, wh at Maso ns do , Family , Leader ship , Participation and and what it means to be a Mason. Friend to Membership." Friend is a program of education," Grand "The window of opportunity (to turn the Master Hohenshildt said . "We started by tide in Membership Development) is NOW", communicatin g," he add ed, referrin g to the Grand Master Hohenshildt emphasize d. He tab loid, Freemasonry in Pennsylvania And then pre sented Bro. Dean E. Vaughn, P M., Around the Wo r ld , that we nt into the framer of th e Friend to Friend Program. three-fourths of th e homes in th e state. Then, Bro. Vaughn defined the Problem , estabwe mailed the Friend to Friend brochure to Ji shed a £remis.e and pre sented a Plan. The every Pennsy lvania Maso n and detai led the Probl em: Decli ne in Members hip The Program in the February iss ue of The Premise: It can be turned around And, the Pen nsylvania Freemason.
must live in the real world. Our Deputies w i ll make the necessary and correct decisions.
Freemasonry is indeed a worthy Way of Life. It is an e x treme joy and honor to be enabled to perpetuat e the great history , tradit ions, and precepts of Freemasonry to future generations through Friend to Friend. Please give us your help NOW!
S ncerely and Fraternally, George H Hohenshildt, R. W. Grand Master
Plan: Friend to Friend.
He demonstrated graphicall y th e problem and the potential for the Friend to Friend program, showin g that in the 1960' s there were 4.2 million Freemasons in the United Stat es . Now there are 2.2 million. He sho we d, too, that in the 1960's the population of the United States was 170 million; now it's 260 million. "Th ere are millions of qualified men who do not know what we are, who we are and what we do, " he re-emphasized. Saying that we cannot pretend the problem doesn ' t exist, Bro. Vaughn reca lled several wo rds from a 1960s song of war:
"How many times can a man turn his head, pretending he just doesn t see? How many deaths will it take 'til we kn ow, too many have died?... The answer, my friend, is tJilJ. blowing in the wind "
Making Masonic History continued on page 3
24 District Deputy Grand Masters Meeting Regions 6 &7 Board Meeting , 1:00 p.m., Masonic Conference Center, Elizabethtown 27 Grand Master's
27 Cornerstone Ceremony, Phase 4, Masonic Health Care Center, 11:00 a.m., Elizabethtown Septem b er 1994
3 Centennial Parade, Throop, D strict 14
6 Gra nd Master's Executive Advisory Board Meeting, 9:00a.m, Philadelphia
6 Line Officers Staff Meeting, 1:30 p.m., Philadelphia
6 Landmarks Committee Meet ng, 9:00p m , Philadelphia. 22 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Ad vi sory Board Meeting, 9 00 a m., Masonic Conference Center Elizabethtown
14 Father and Son Night, Hermann Lodge No. 125, Philadelphia, District A, Honored Guest.
strict Deputy Grand Masters Meeting , Regions 6 & 7 26 Order of DeMolay Gra nd Master's C ass, Eizabethtown.
Making Masonic History continued from page 2
The answer, Bro Vaughn said, is to stand up now and do somet hing about it- now , while we have the prese nt Membership to do it. "Today is historic...It 's up to you. The future of this great Fraternity rests in your hands - You can turn your head; or you can turn the tide!"
Friend to Friend was designed to help Members know ho w to stand up and t ell worthy friend s about the Fraternity (without solicitation) an d let them recognize that no one is aske d to join, but it must be their own desire to do so.
Bro. Vaughn observed, "There are those who say, 'No one s eems to step fmward in this Fraternity to lead. ' But, we see here in Philadelphia th e leaders 11m!£. come together, giving of their tim e, the courage and commitment to Freemasonry. " He paralleled it to the commitment of Pre s ident, General and Brother George Wa shington when he was asked to resign from the Masonic Fraternity. He wrote in a lette r to the Rev. G.W. Snyder:
"So far as I am acquainted with the prin ciples ofFreemasonry, 1perceive them to be founded upon benevolence and to be exercised only for the good of mankind. I do not, therefore, upon this ground, withdraw my approbation from it. "
"Friend to Friend is based on the premise that every Freemason knows a number ofnonMasonic friends who are as qualified (as we are) to be Members of the Craft , " Bro. Vaughn explained. "We have to p rovide our Brethren with the tools to educate th e ir friends about our Fraternity. "
"Today is historic. It is truly up to you, " he concluded.
Attending the Friend to Friend Sem inar were: Bro. Rona ld Wright, M.W. Grand Master, and Robert Hend erson , Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Arizona; Bro. Bob Ja ckson, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lod ge of Arkansas; Bro. Bill Stovall, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of California ; Bro. John Thomas, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Florida; Bro. Frederick H. Overstreet, M.W. Grand Master, and Bro. J. Patrick Corrigan, Grand Secretary. Grand Lodge of Hawaii; Bro L. Wayne Blair, M.W. Grand Master, and Bro. Robert Kalb , Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Illinios; Bro. Morri s Fis her, Depu ty Grand Maste r, Grand Lodge of Kansas; Bro. Louis Caruso, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Louisiana; Bro. James Franklin, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lod ge of Massachusetts; Bro, Jac k Ben so n, Deputy Grand Master, Gra nd Lodge of Minnes ota; Bro. Arnold Ashley ,
Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New Hampshire; Bro. Ray Bellini, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New Jersey; Bro. Orner E. Horn, M.W . Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New Mexico ; Bro. Curti ss Mundahl , Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of North Dakota; Bro. James Onkst , Deput y Grand Mas ter, Grand Lodge of Oklahoma ; Bro. Frank Dias, Senio r Grand Warden, and Bro. Jay Paniccia, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Rhode Island ; Bro. Fred All en, Past Grand Master, Grand Lo dge of Texas; Bro. Har vey B lack mer, Deputy Grand Master , Gra nd Lodge of Vermon t; Bro. Jimm y Dunlap,D ep uty Grand Mas ter, and Bro . E. Edwin Dav i s, Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of Wyoming. Attending with Grand Master Hohenshildt were t he Offic ers of th e Grand Lodg e of Pennsylvani a: Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R.W. Deputy Grand Master; Bro. Jam es L Emette, R.W. Senior Grand Warden; Bro. Robert L. Dluge, Jr. , R.W. Junior Grand Warden; Bro. Marvin G. Speicher, R W Grand Treasurer, and Bro Thomas W. J ackson, R.W. Grand Sec retar y . Assis tin g in the ac ti viti es in addition to Bro. Vaughn were: Bros. Thomas C. Librandi and Blaine F. Fabian, Aides to the Grand Master, and John J. Hunt, Administrative Ass istant, Offic e of the Grand Master
Observing 200tlz Anniversary
Bro. George H. Hohenshi/dt, R. W Grand Master (center) is joined by Bro. Richard H. Disque, II, D.D.G.M (left) and Bro. Kevin M Miller, W.M. in observing the 200th Anniversary of Lodge No. 61, Wilkes Barre. Lodge Past Masters are shown below (left to right)·
R ow Two; Bros. George Handz o, Jr., Brian J. Gallagher, John H. Michael, Norman Darling, Sr., David P. Rudis, Treasurer, Roger R. Kline, Rudolph H. Yekel, and Marvin W Boote.
R ow three; Bros. Murray Sims, Walter R. Kinns, Jr., Charles W. Brandt, William D. Anagnos, Roy H. VanWhy, Charles A. Zawol, Herbert W Cruikshank, Jr., and Ralph W Isley.
Row four; Bros. John N. Roberts, Robert T. Farrell, John S. Nowak, Wayne A. Davis, and J. Allan Downing.
Friend to Friend: Help to a Brother; Help to Mankind
Mr. Thomas W Ja ckson
Grand Sec retmy Grand Lodge F. & A.M Masonic Temple One North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 1910 7 Sir:
Masonic Brother and mine, Thomas A. Warner, WM (past), Oasis Lodge 416 F. & A M ofEdinboro, PA passed away, June 21, 1993, and I have been reaping the fruits ofth e Labors ofseveral Masonic men ever since They have cleaned my property, taken me to the doctor (I am handicapp ed) repaired items, and done more than I could imagine.
I have written the Local Lodge praising these men and I would appreciate any recognition the Grand Lodge could ext end.
The men are: Bros. Paul Steva, Ray Birchard, Anthony Bongiorno, Larry Shelhamer, and Leroy Ha nson all of Oasis Lodge No. 4I6 F. & A.M I thank you for reading this and them for being Masons.
Always in Peace,
Miss Maridel A. Warner Sister ofBro. Thomas A. Warner
Masons Promoting Public Television
Members of the Va ll ey of Bloomsburg, l ed by their Co mmander- in-Ch i ef, Bro. Robert L. Dluge, Jr., 33° , R.W Jun ior Grand Warden, answered the phones for Public Television Stat i on WV IA, Channel 44, during a recent m embersh ip drive. Pub li c te lev sion is a member-funded network on ly ; they have no pa id advert i sers as regular stat ion s do. Twice a year groups such as civic groups, church groups, scout troops, etc. , answer phones during pledge b re aks and rece ve viewer coverage during this time.
This i s the first time any Masonic group h e l ped in a m embers hip campaign at this pub li c televis i on station. Dressed in Masonica ll y traditional tuxedo or dark suit to convey th e dignity wh i ch we ascr ibe to our Fraternity, a very favor ab l e impres s ion was created, not on y to the staff at the tel ev i s ion stat on but also to the v iewing pub li c. Grand Lodge and Scottis h Rite banners, a l ong with the Friend to Friend pictoria r eproduct i on, were displayed o n camera. Each of these symbols of o ur Fraternity appeared prom in entl y every time a "Pledge Break" occurred. As this stat ion has a v iewer a udien ce of about four mi lli on, the pub li city our Fratern ity received is in est im ab le
Getting the Family Involved
Olivet Oriental Lodge No. 385 of Philadelphia elected three generations: Bro. Kenneth Haser (center), Worshipful Master, his son, Bro. K. James H. Ha ser (right), Senior Warden and his grandson, Bro . Ron J. Haser (left), Junior Warden The Lodge M eets in Corinthian Hall, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia.
Drug & Alcohol Foundation
Masonic Temple One No r h Broad Street Phi adelphia PA 19107 (215) 988-1978
Second Annual Freedom Walk/Run
(Left to right): Linda Herbert, Administrati ve Assistant (Supt. offic e); Bro. John H. Platt, Jr., Director, The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania; Theresa M. O'Hagan, Curt Gensemer (Supt staff); Bonnie Hackney; Bro. Anthony J. Garvey, Director of Drug and Alcohol Foundation; Bro G. Kent Hackney , Director, Leadership and Management Foundation; John Minott , Assistant Curator, The Masonic Library and Museum ofPennsylvania.
(Left to right): Bros. Anthony J. Garvey, Director, Drug and Alcohol Foundation; George H. Hohenshildt, R. W. Grand Master; Rowland K. Lee, M W. Grand M as ter, Prince H all; Thomas J. Jackman; R W. Deputy Grand Mas te r , Princ e Hall; Edward 0. Weisser, R. W Deputy Grand Mas ter Bro. George H. Hohenshildt, R. W. _ __, Grand Master, crossing the finish line.
(Left to right): Bros James L. Ernette, R. W. Senior Grand Warden and President of Drug and Alcohol Founda tion; George H. Hohenshildt, R W. Grand Master; Anthony J. Garvey, Director of Drug and Alcohol Foundation; and Thomas W. Ja ckso n, R . W. Grand Secr et m y .
Youth Foundation
1244 Bainbridge Road E izabethtown Pennsylvania 17022-9423 (717) 367-1536
Masonic Homes
O n e Mason c D r ive, E li zab eth town, Pen nsylvan i a 17022-2199 (7 17) 367- 112 1
The Educational Endowment Fund Committee of the Pennsylvania Yout h Foun dat on r eviewed 190 app li cations th s year. Stat stical y, 123 came from emales, and 67 from males. No Masonic yout h group affi li at i on was reported by 114 app lic a nt s, w ith 32 DeMolays, 12 Job's Daug h te r s and 33 Rainbow G irl s making app l ication.
Scho l ars hi ps we r e awa r ded on the basis o f a compe titi ve review of academic ach i eve ment, financial n eed, Fratern a in vo l vement a nd other activties. Scholarship awards have been m ade to t h e follo w ing:
$2,500 Grand Master's Scholarships
Christina Izum S mith, Rheems PA. She i s a Member of Jo b 's Daughters, Bethel No. 15, in Elizabet htown and the g randdaugh te r of o ur ate Bro. Hug h es S mith w h o was a M e mb er of Abraham C. Treichler Lod ge No 682. She will attend the U niversity of Pitts burgh to stu dy nursing
Adam Nathaniel Croumer, El zabet ht ow n PA. He s a Member of Elizabethtown Chapter, Order of DeMo lay, and t h e son of Bro. Adam D Croumer, a Member o f Abra ham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682. He w ill atte nd Fr a nklin and Marshall Un versity t o study accou nting.
Timoth y Harmon Hoffman, Duncannon, PA. He is a Member of Pilgrim Chapter O rd er of DeM olay, a n d t h e son of our late Bro. John A. Hoffm a n, a deceased Member of Adams Lodg e No. 3 19. He attends Ha r risb urg Area Community College a n d i s majoring in mathematics.
Megan M chelle Jorda n North Hu ntingdon, PA S h e is the gran dd aug hter o f Bro. Donald W. Edwards, a Member of Brownsville Lodge No. 60. She will atte nd Northwest ern Un i ve r sity to study po i t ical sc ienc e, p r e- Law.
$1, 000 Herman Witte Memorial Scholarships
Ru sse ll S. Traister, Rim ersb u rg, PA. He is h e so n of Bro. John D. T raister, P.M. , a Member of C arion Lodge No. 277. He w ill atte n d Pennsy vania State U ni ve r s i ty to study b i o l ogy.
Mark Dav i d Wagner, Reading, PA. He s a Member of Reading Chapte r, Order of DeMolay, and the son of B r o David W. Wagne r a Member of Reading Lodge No 549 He att e nds GM I Engin ee r ing and Manageme n t In s t itut e and i s majoring in e ectri c al e ng in ee rin g.
$1,000 Pennsylvania Youth Foundation Scholarships
Natalie Rae Kr auser, Flus hi ng , NY. She is the gra n ddaughter o f Bro. Jose ph Krauser, a Member of Lodge No. 45, Pittsburgh. She w i ll atte n d A lfr ed U nivers ity to st ud y theater and marketing.
Eric C Fo ul ke, Oref e d, PA. He is a Member of Allentown Ch apter, Orde r of DeM olay, and the gra nd son of Bro. Erwin A. Foulk e, Jr., a Member of J o rd a n Lodge No. 673. He attends Bloo m s bu rg University and is majoring in acco unti ng.
Laurissa R c ht er, Quake rtown, PA. She is the daughter o f Bro. Ke n neth Richter , a Member of Quakertow n Lodge No. 512. She w ll attend W ill iam and Mary Co ll ege to st udy psychology.
Lori K. Bergstr esse r , Bethlehem PA. She is the daughter of Bro. Dona d J. Bergstresser, a Member of H. Sta n ley Goo d win Lo d ge No. 648. She w ill attend th e Uni versity of M ami to st udy politica science.
Ri chard W. Craft, Fr eepor t , PA. He i s t h e grandso n of Bro. Warre n E. Green e, Secreta r y and M e mber of A rm strong Lodge No. 239. He w ill attend Geneva Co ll ege t o study c v il engin eer in g.
Rainbow Girls Bowl for Muscular Dystrophy
Blo o m s burg As se mbly No. 5 Internation a l Orde r of Rainbow for Girls r ece ntly b o wled t o rai s e money for muscular dys troph y. They bowled at Caldw e ll Con s istory had lun c h and co mbin ed t h s wit h a rehears al f or the up comi n g ni t iatio n o f two new M em b e r s.
The gi rls were le d by their Mo t her Ad v i s or Mr s. Sylv ia Hil e m a n , Grand Deputy, Mrs Ka t hleen Bla c k and Pa s t Grand Worth y Ad viso r , Mrs Pat D itty. A s hley Ditty i s th e present Worthy Adv is or ; s he and the oth e r girls are youn g in age but have a Rainbow bac kgro und and ar e working very hard on Rituali s ti c W ork and Membership
With t h e h e lp of a very active ad v s ory board , t h e girls are grow i n g n the tea c hings of Ra inbo w Wh e n interest e d a dults w o rk with young people , es p eci all y y o ung ladi es w ith Rainbow ex p e ri ences, A ssem bl ies will g row and the gi rl s a nd ad visors wi ll p r ofit.
Twenty-seven Membe rs and adv sors of the Order of DeMolay in Pennsy va nia attended the Seve nt y -fifth An ni ve rsary Ce lebr ation of the founding of th e Ord er during the wee k of June 21-26 in Kan sas City, Missour Th e contingent, led by Brother Samue l C. W illiamson , R.W.P.G.M., Executive Officer for DeMo ay in Pennsylvania, included Bros Kris G. Sabin, S t ate Master Co un cilor, Thoma s W. Jackson, R. W. Grand Secretary, and Robert L. Engel, Most Exc ell ent Grand High Priest of the Grand Hol y Roy a l A rch Ch apter of Pennsy lvania.
The progr am included a specia l Pen ns ylva ni a di n ne r at the Kansas Ci ty Club, a tour of the Masonic fa cilities where the Order of DeMolay was founded, Ritual and athlet c competitions, and a pilgrima ge to th e grave - s te o f "Da d" Frank S. La nd , t h e Fo under o the Order, for a memorial rededication ce r emony. Land was the l ife-lon g Sec reta ry -G en era of the Order h e c r eated, a nd served as Impe r ia Pote ntat e of th e Shrine of North Ame ri ca in 1954.
The Orde r of D eMolay came to Pennsy vania in 1923 with t he institution of Temp la r Chapt e r i n Pittsburgh. Ther e a re c urre ntl y 1432 Members in th ir t y-seve n Chapters. Th e newest group is Ches- M ont Chapter , I nstituted on May 21, 1994 n Norristown.
The seventh edition of t he Masonic Sc h o l ars hip Reso urce Guide, produ ced by the Pennsyl vania Yout h Fo und ation , w ill be availab e in Sep t ember I t inc lu des a summa ry o mor e than 45 sc holarsh ip or gr ant progr a m s pro vided by va rious Ma so ni c Bodies fo r Masons, their fami li es, a n d Members of the Masonically- r elate d you th groups. O ve r 4,000 c o pi es of th e guidebook wi ll b e dist r ib ut ed, r ee of ch a rge , to you th grou p leaders, L odges, and ove r 50 0 gu id ance co un selors in every high schoo in Pennsy v ani a. Add it io nal copie s wi ll be available upon req u est. To request a co py , send a postcard w t h yo u r name and address to the PYF offi ces at the ab ove address.
Freemasonry at Work Through the Masonic Homes
Mr. Joseph E Murphy
Executive Di recto r Masoni c Homes Elizabeth town, PA 17022
Dear M r. Murphy :
My family and I would like to thank you for the very sincere, caring, and profe ssional treatment we received when my mother was a resi dent at th e H ealth Care Un it.
Everyone from the staff in th e Admiss on Office to the sta ff at the Health Care Unit, wer e always courteous and understanding We always fe t that our mother was rece ving the best of care. The staff was always available to answer any questions or concerns we had
I woul d like to give a little hi story of th e Masoni c Homes and the Stumm Fami l y
M y father was a member of the Concordi a Lodge No 67 in Ph adelphia ( now meeting in Jenkintown) When my father passed away in the Fall of 1949, Members of his Lodge approached my mother and told her about a pl ace in El zabethtown th at would be ab e to help in the rais ing of her three children
On April 6, !950, my sis ter and I came to li ve in the Boys Girl s Homes and in the Fall of 19 50 my br other en ered th e Patton Trade School. E mer graduated from Patton in 1953 and Loi s gra duated from Elizabeth town High in May of 1956. At that t ime, my mother fel t that she was now be tter able to ra se her yo un gest son, and in June of 1956 I eft the homes to live with her. I graduated f r om Po tts town High Schoo and Pier ce Business Schoo l.
During the next thirty-odd year s I returned t o th e Homes for v sits and a so to see Mr. and Mrs. Trim mer , who were my House Parents when I was at th e Homes Th e Home s have always been a part of my thought s Also, durin g th s time my brother and I became Members of the Masonic Fraternity.
On Apri 6, 1993 my moth er, who never remarried, en tered the Health Care Unit. She passed away on December 20, 1993, at he age of90.
When we say th at "Masons Care About Children" - my brother , s ster, and I were children tha "Masons Cared A bout."
Because my fa ther j oined he Masonic Lodge in 1920 and paid hi s dues unti he di ed in 1949, hi s whole fami y was in some way taken care of by the M asonic Homes. I am very proud tha my fathe r was a Mason and that I was able o follo w him in joining an organizat on th at has a motto, "Cares About Children "
From this letter am sur e y ou can see that the " Homes" have always been and wi ll always be speci a to me.
Again, please extend our thanks to your staff for their caring attitude and the kindness they extended to my mother and our fam ily.
Fraternally yours,
E. J. Stumm
Williamson L odge No. 309 Downingtown PA 19335
We r ece ve etter s a l mo st daily r om re s id ents or fam ili es expressing their apprec ation for t h e Masoni c Homes and th e Frate rnity's support.
I offer thi s etter to a ll Mason s w hen co n siderin g the value of their Membership a n d f F r eemasonry makes a differen ce.
Jo seph E. Murphy, N H.A. Executiv
e Director
Blood Donor Club Has
The Masonic Blood Donor Club has a new telephone number because of the crea ti on of a new ar ea code. The new number is:
For a quarter of a century, the J\Iasonic Donor Club has put life into irs theme of "We Give That Others May Live. " It is a service a,·ai able to a ll Pennsylvania Masons, their wives and dependent children and widows of Masons. It is easy o be a member of the Masonic Blood Donor Club. All you do is donate one unir of blood to the Red Cross or any recognized blood center and then fill out a membership form confirming the contribution of blood t o the Lodge Blood Donor Chairman or rhe Blood Donor Club.
Masonic Homes
One Masonic Drive
E li zabet htown, Pennsylvania 170 22-2199
(717) 367-1 121
Children's Day 1994
The Masonic Children 's Home celebrated its 7 1st A nnu a l Children 's Day Awards Banquet on Friday , May 27, at the Masonic Conference Center in Memori a Ha ll. A ttending the event were the Right Worshipful Grand Master George H. Hohenshildt, Grand Lodge Officers and members of the Comm itt ee on Masonic Hom es and their w ves; Bro. Joseph E. Murphy, the Exec uti ve Directo r of Masonic Homes , and other Masoni c Hom es Administrative st aff ; Eli zabe thtown Area School Adm ini st ration repre se nt atives; the Masonic Home s Ch il dren's Se rvice s staff, c hil d r en, and their families.
Tracee Eva ns , T e ll a Mercado , and Kristen Muldoon , resid ents of the Childr en's Home, along w ith piano tea c her, Ed Smith, provided th e musical entertainm ent for th e group.
The four seniors, Mark M e ll e n , Rich Mampe, Sam Bruno, and Stacey VanBuskirk, served as M asters and Mistres s of Ceremon ies and award presenters for t h e program.
The ch il dren r ece iv e d awa rd s for t h eir ac hi evements in academics, c iti ze n s hip , creativity, vocat on, and ath letics. All 27 ch il dren were recogn i zed for their participation and accomp li shments in various activities in c lu d in g: sc h oo l act i v iti es, mu s ic , art, spo rt s, Ma so ni c organizations, youth groups, and vo lun teer work.
The graduates were presented w ith Bi bles from Pastor and Bro. Charles H. L acq u eme nt Bro. C. Donald Barbush, Director of Children's Serv i ces, awarded the sen i ors w th their g ra du a ti o n certificate s Representat i ves of the Ma s onic H omes-Pa tton School A lumni Assoc i at i on also awarded the sen i o r s w ith a cash award f r om the ir scho l arship fund t oward higher education expenses.
After the awa rd s ceremony, Grand Maste r Hoh ens hil dt addressed the g roup. The sen iors p l anted a tree next to th e Chi ldr en's Hom e Office to l eave a l ast ing symbol of th eir ties to the C hildr e n' s Home Th ey g r aduated from Elizabethtown Area High Sc hool on June 1 5, 1994.
The se niors wi ll all pursue post -seco n dary st udies. M a rk Mell en w ill stud y bus in ess at the Uni ve r s ty of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Rich M ampe wil l atte nd Pennsylvania State Univ ersity at Ogontz Campus fo r a major in marine biology. Sam Bruno ha s plan s t o seek a n accou ntin g degree at Shippensburg Uni ve r s ity Stacey VanB u sk irk was accepted at Pennsylvania College of Technology in Ma ss Comm uni catio n s.
"I' m thinking about moving into Retirement Living sometime, but not now maybe later. I'm still too active." Does this sound familiar?
by the time you're ready to move , you won't be able to, because there are no apartments or cottages available.
You may be active this year, but each year the snow gets deeper, the yard gets bi gger, and the repairs to your home get more costly.
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If you 're not ready when we call , you still have the opp ortunity to say, "No, not thi s time, but keep me on the list and call again."You have two opportuniti es to reject th e offer before mov ing to the bottom of the list.
Your priori ty list deposit is credit ed to the entrance fee payment or the monthly rental fee dep ending on which accommodation you se l ect, or w ill be refunded if you decide not to join us for any reason.
Cal l the Marketing Office at our toll-free number 1-800-676-6452 or return the coupo n for a dditional information on how you can SIGN UP NOW FOR LATER!!!
P ease send me information on how to app ly for an application for the Prior ity List. (Please print)
Nam e:
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Telephone No: (include area code )
Return to: Marketing Office Ma so nic H omes
One Masonic Dr ve E izabethtown, PA 17022-2199
IOutreach to make presence known at GrandMaster's Day
In addition to the Date st one Ceremo ny to be performed by the R. W. Grand Master Bro. G eorge H. Hoh e n s hildt and the Grand Lodg e Officers for Phase 4 of the Masonic Hea lth Care Center Project at the annual Grand Maste r's Day on Aug ust 27 at 11 :00 a.m., t h e n ew l y-estab li s h ed Outreach Program w ill be p art of the festivities.
Outrea c h is a program designed to rea c h out and help Pennsy l va nia Mas o n s a nd their families in their hom es and co mm unitie s The Outreach Director, J o hn Suchanec, w ill be availab le thr o ugh out the day and wo uld lik e to ex tend a n in v itation for all to co me and enjoy th e day and learn about th e Mason ic Homes and a little ab ou t Outreach as we ll. Brochures exp l aining Outreach services
Masonic Homes
One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtow n Pennsylvania 17022-2199 (717) 367-1121
Saturday, August 27, 10 :00 a.m. until 4:00p.m. REGISTRATION COUPON
Transportatio n :
0 Driving O w n Car 0 Passe nger in A n other Car 0 Charter Bu s
0 Require Handicapped Pa r kin g* 0 Arr iving by Train
* If " Handicapped Parking" is required, p l ease enclose a sta mped, sel f-addre ssed e n velope w ith this co u pon. We w ill send a special parking permit wh ich yo u must bring w i h yo u.
MAIL TO: Grand Master's Day Masonic Homes One Masonic Drive • Eli zabethtown, PA 17022-2 199
as we ll as p amp hl ets d esc ribin g gove rnm ent programs and comm unity serv ices w ill be co nvenient y p laced across the campus. As an added se rv ice, O utreac h wi ll also offer video and sli de presentations on im portant top ics thro ugho ut th e d ay. Some of the subject m att er wil includ e: Nurs in g Home s, Nutr ition, Adu t Day Care, Health In surance, and We ll ne ss.
So come to Eli zabetht own and ce lebrate ! Join in the fun and fest i vit ies, but don't forget to look up the Outreach Program and pick up some va uable informat ion.
If you a nd yo ur family are planning to att end , please take a mom ent right now a nd complete the coupon on th is page, and send it to the Masonic Hom es. It sho ul d be noted that the Ma sonic Homes wi ll not be ab le to p r ovide wheelcha irs P ease bring your own if ne eded . Handicapp ed parkin g w ill be ava il ab le; however, you must advi se the Masonic Homes on you r coupon if handic ap ped parking is required so that specia tick ets can be forwarded to you pr ior to Grand Ma ster's Day.
Masonic Homes Newlyweds Toasted By Paul Harvey
Happy days for Masonic Homes residents Arthur Ruffner and Beatrice Kissling is the "Rest of the Story" broadcast on Paul Harvey News on March 25. Here is the transcript of the Paul Harvey News item:
In Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
Beatrice and Arthur enjoy the same things
Beatrice Kissling and Arthur Ruffner
They enjoy long walks holding hands
Baseball games on the radio
Ice Cream
They love to dance
So they decided to marry
Tomorrow. At the Masonic Retirement Home.
Bea won't tell her age.
Arthur boasts about his 94 years
But, he adds, 95 come June!
2,609 Years of Service to Freemasonry!
At the February Stated Meeting of Red Lion Lodge No. 649, 13 Members were honored for 50 years of service, 13 Members were honored for 25 years of service, and 28 Members were honored for more than 50 years (51 through 73) of service. Th e above awards represent 2,609 years of Freemasonry. Brother Michae l H. Gotshal , D.D.G.M., 42nd Masonic District, assisted by W.M Ervan E Young and Secretary Gordon A. Stamets, presented 50
Worshipful Master at 23
When Bro. James D. Libengood, Jr., was Installed Worshipful Master at age 23 last December, he became the youngest Mason in the history Williamson Lodge No. 431 in Saltsburg -and perhaps in the State- to achieve that position. Bro. Libengood became 24 in January.
He Petitioned the Lodge immediately after his 21st birthday in 1991. He served as Junior Warden in 1992 and Senior Warden in 1993. District Deputy Grand Master Bro. Frederick T Hemphill, 39th Masonic Distri ct, said that in addition to his Proficien cy, he is leading the Lodge with innova tive programming. Bro. Hemphill sets the young Worshipful Master as an example for other newly-Raised Masons to volunteer, attend the School of Instruction, learn the Work and be active.
Year Grand Lodge Service Emb lems to Bros. James D. Neff, Ernest R. Hyson, Clair W. Herb st, Everett S. Herbst, Quentin L. Seitz, Maurice W. Lauer, Ster ling E. Stine, Ray E. Bacon, and Ross C Pickel.
Twenty-Five Year Service Emblems were presented to Bros. James R. Hyson, Gene B. Hildebr a nd, G l enn H. Leitzel P.M., Wayne G . Beck, Char l es E. Zarfos, P.M., A. Pau l Stoug h, Barry E. Dietz, Robert C. Smith, Jr., Larry L. Moore, R. Donald Lutz, Robert C Arnold, and David M. Reichard.
Your 1994-95 Masonic Charities Annual Appeal information will be arriving soon.
This appeal benefits:
• Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown
• Pennsylvania Youth Foundation
• The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug & Alcohol Abuse Among Children
· The Masonic Library & Museum of Pennsylvania
• The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Leadership & Management, Inc.
• The Masonic Charities Fund.
Worshipful Master Ervan E. Young, Senio r Warden Bradd L. Sprenkel, P.M., Junior Warden John F. Schmuck, Secretary Gordon A . Stamets , a n d Michael H. Gotshal , D.D.G.M., vis it ed our oldest Member, Clarence E. Jacobs, with 73 years of serv i ce to Freemasonry and presented his "Certificate of Service." Brother Jacobs ce l ebrated hi s 105th birthday on April 1, 1994. An e njoyable even in g was had by all reminiscing about events t h at had taken place in the Lodge as wel l as events in the commun ity.
Won't you please continue to support the Masonic Charities as generously as you have in the past, so that we can continue to provide quality services to Pennsylvania Freemasons and many other of our friends Let us ensure that those in need shall not endure hardships? Your support of these worthwhile charities will make a difference!
Thank You!
Achieving Fellowship
In the rapid , often unpredictable pace at which the world is changing, predicting the forces which will influence Freemasonry next year may be difficult The combination of rough economic times, changing social values, a nd a host of other forces make s those who wou l d forecast the future very uneasy.
As Freemasonry move s into thi s uncertain futur e of opportunity, we must strengthen our covenant of friendship and fello ws hip within
It's only natural to go where you feel most welcome. This includes attending a Meeting at Lodge Making a Brother f ee at home and appreciated in Lodge shou d be the first duty we as Ma so n s honor
Here are a few suggestions we might use to promote a nd e nhance fel lowship.
L> The Committee should W discover as much as it ca n about a new Member during the hom e visit and make this inf orm a tion ava il ab l e to the other M embers If the Brethren know what a new Member does, hi s intere sts and hobbi es, a nd his reason for joining, they will h ave so m et hing to discuss with him.
L> Encourage those who atten d W r eg ularly to s hare their ideas abo u t fe ll o w s hip. Stress the mportance of good fellowship, and get their s ugge st ion s on how to make impro vements
L!:>Give so m eone or severa W Brethre n the job of greeting a ll Members as they e nt e r the Lodge. Make s ure they know it is their j ob to make the Brethren feel welcome when they e nt er and to steer a ny new M e mber or guest to another Memb e r so that
Leadership & Management
(21 S) 988- 1960
he i s not left a l one. New Members and visitors shou ld be given nam e badges. It is also a good idea for each Member to have a name badge. One very successful method of getting your new Members known rapidly is to have an Officer, the Junior Warden for example , and th e newest Master Mason(s) as the greeters
L> The Worshipful Master and W his Officers should circulate among the Members before Lodge i s opened. This is not the t im e for Officers to meet and finali ze the plans for the evening. This should be done before arriving for the Meeting. The Wor s hipful Master should never al l ow a new Mason to sit a lone in the Lod ge room o r to fend for him se lf.
L> Make a ll introductions durW in g Lod ge warm and persona l. A ll the Brethren in Lodge sho ul d be reminded to welcome warmly new Members and guests . Everyone feels good when he s greeted with gracious sincerity.
L> Lodg e Officers, both e ected W and appo in ted, sho ul d use th e time afte r c lo s ing L odge to reinforce the fellowship that was present before ope ning Lodge Thank the Members for attending
L> Ask for f eedback. See how W sa ti s fi ed the M embers a nd guests were with the quality of fellowship t h ey received. Should a ny adj u stme nt s be made? What cou ld be done to make it l asting? The Worshipful Master might co n sider appoint in g a Fellowship Committee to h e l p the Lodge Officers.
L> Follow up with a personal W note to the new Member or guest, thanking him for being with you in Lodge. Your Fel lowship Committee could handle this important task.
L!:>Cons ider in c ludin g the W names of new Members in Lodge communications with a brief summary of their interests and the names of their wives a nd children.
L> Let the Members know you W are working to improve fellowship and why. Inform Members of the important role they can play.
L> Keep Member satisfact ion W as the number one priority. Remember fellowship is an import ant reason why a man becomes a Mason. It' s something we can all providefree of charge.
New Idea Book helps Lodge Leaders
We recommend that a ll Lodges interested in making re a l progress in renew ing the Lodge for the future , obtain the book 101+ Way s to Improve Interest and Attendance in Your Masonic Lodge for their leaders.
Copies are avai lable for $10.00 (plus $4.00 shipping and handling ) from the Masonic Renewa l Committee of North Ame rica, Lake Falls Professional Bu ilding, 6115 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 21209. Their number is (410) 377-0588 .
Masonic Education
Mas o nic T emple, One North Broad Street P h ilade lphi a, P A 19 107-2598 (215) 988- 1909
Concordia Lodge Awards First Bro. Ronald Clarkson Scholarship
At the November 18, 1993, Stated Meeting of Concordia Lodge No. 67, Bro. Roger J. Hanisco, Worshipfu l Master, awarded the first el even $850.00 scholarship grants from the Bro. Ronald Clarkson Scholarship Fund of Concordia Lodge No. 67
1994 Senior Scholarships Awarded
Seven scholarships were awarded to senior high school students from the seven Masonic Regions of Pennsylvania at a ceremony on May 20, at the Independent Living Community, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown. The seven regional winners and their parents or family members were invited to attend the awards ceremony.
The Senior Essay Contest required each entrant to prepare a 1,500 word essay on the topic "What Does Frien d to Fri end Mean to Me?" The state winner and recipient of a $2,500.00 Grand Lodge Scholarship was Michael D. Lott, Elizabethtown, Region 2. Six region a l winners, who received a $1,000.00 Grand Lodge Scholarship were: K im E. Goldstein, Wynnewood, Re g i on 1; M eg Frye, John stown, Region 3; Jill H art ley, Pittsburgh, Region 4; Marcus F. Hell e r, Knox, Region 5; Rachel J. Thomas, Mansfield , Region 6; and Jennifer O'Boyle, Avoca, Region 7.
Bro. Edward 0. Weis s er, the R.W. Deputy Grand Ma s t e r and Chairman of the Masonic Education Committee, conducted th e awa rds ceremony and presented th e sc hol ars hips in the a bs e nce of the R.W. Grand Master, Bro. George H. Hohenshildt . Bro . Thom as Eynon, D.D.G.M. and Region 1 Chairman, assisted Bro. Weisser. Contest winn e rs and their families were g i ven a n exce ll ent tour of the Masonic Homes by Bro Jos ep h E. Murphy, Executive D ir ector. Staff members of the Masonic Homes joined the students and their f a mili es at the lun cheon, held in th e Ind epen d ent Living Community, and at the awards ceremony.
Masons of Pennsylvania proudly continue to support the youth of our Jurisdiction in their educational programs and career goals. Once again this outstanding group of seniors has shown us the youth of today are serious, empathetic and hard working in their "Friend to Friend" relationships
The fifth annua l Senior Essay Competition fo r 1995 h as been announced by the Grand Lodg e Committee on Masonic Education The R W Grand M aster Bro. George H. Hohenshil dt, has selected a topic for the competition related to the Friend to Friend brochure. Each st udent wi ll be asked to se ect one of the famous American Masons depicted on the brochure a nd to write a 1,500 word essay on "What Contributions H as T his Famous Mason Made to American Society?"
The senior essay contest i s open to a ll se nior s tudent s in th e
pub li c, parochial, and pr iv ate high schoo l s of Pennsylvania Announcements and applications wil l be sent to all of the sc hools in the state. Essays must be received in the Office of Masonic Education, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia by February 1, 1995 .
Masons of Pennsylvania support the youth of our state in many ways. The seven scholarships to be awarded in 1995 will h elp seven students to fu rther their educat ion. Masons are asked to encourage sen ior s they know to submit essays in the competition.
The recipients for 1993 are as follows: Kirk L. Beide man, David A. Casey, Howard T. Ferguso n, Julianne Gadsby, Deborah Gadsb y, Keith Minarik, Todd Morrell, Jamison Shingler, Wendy Sohn, Christine Walte r, Matthew C. Wilson.
Shown in th e photograph i s Worshipfu l Master Bro. Ro ger J. Ha nisco awarding the grants to some of the eleven eligi ble reci pi ents du ri ng th e open portion of the N ovember 18 Stated M eetin g. Both the pare nts and sponsors were present.
Following the awards, th e r ec ipie nts and their families joi ned the Brethren fo r dinner whe re they were entertained by the Conce rt Orchestra and the Klow nz of Lu Lu Temple Shrine, and heard a most interestin g address by Lu Lu Tem p le Potentate Bro. James J. Campan il e.
Bro. Rona ld Cl ar kson, a Member of Concord a Lodg e No 67 f or many yea rs, died on Chr ist ma s Day of 1991 He believed t hat the best way in whi ch he could suppo rt t he future of Freemas onry and his Lodge , was to make an investment n the youth of our Mas oni c familie s He b equ eath ed a substant al po rtion of the estate to Concord i a Lodge with th e stip ulation t hat it w as to be used t o establis h a scho larship fund. The in come fro m th e in vestm ents of this fund s to be used to gra nt scholarsh ips to Mem be rs of Conco rdia Lodge, t heir w ives, ch i ldre n, and gra ndch ildren who are enroll ed in a coll ege o r universi ty matric ulati ng to a bacca laureate deg ree or high er
Grand Master Hohenshildt Honored
Bro. George H. Hohenshi ldt, Right Worshipful Grand Master, accepted a charcoa l drawing of himself from Bro. George Hodge, during an Official Visitation to Johnstown-Cambria Lodge No 538, in J ohnstown. The R.W. Grand Master presided over the Pr esentation of Br o. Robert R. Havers, Sr., newly-appointed District Deputy Grand Master ofthe 41st Masonic District.
Bro. George H odge's talent served a two-fold purpose i n honoring the R.W Grand Master during his visit to Johnstown and to give R.W Grand Master H ohenshildt a gift and memento. Bro. Hodge will also submit his work of art as a part of the annual Masonic Education Lodge and Media Competition. The charcoal drawing shows the artistic talent of Bro Hodge in preserving the likeness of our R.W. Grand Master.
"Sharing with the Needy" s a rewarding and worthy program.
Pine Grov e Lodge No. 409 s stri v ing to co ll ect 400 pounds of non-peri s habl e ca nned food s to be distributed to needy fami li es in this area at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. The Members on the Charity Committee of th e Lodge w ill see t h at the food s given to those l ess fortunate durin-g the holiday seasons of g iving and sharing.
Members are asked to bring canned goods when attending a Stated Meeting of th e Lodge. Th e food w ill then be placed in a food bank at the L odge. A donations box is ava il able for those who wo uld lik e to m ake cash contributions. Th ese funds wil l be used to purchas e turkeys for th e Lodge food bank.
State winner Michael D. Lott, Region 2, is shown accepting the plaque and $2,500 check from Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R W.D. G M
Winners of the Ess ay Contest a re s hown (l eft to rig ht in fr ont row): Marcus F. Heller, R egion 5, Kim Erica Goldstein, Region 1; Jill Elizabeth Hartley, Region 4; Jennifer O'Boyle, Region 7; Rachel J Tomas, R egio n 6; Meg Frye, Region 3; and Michael D. Lott, Region 2 The parents and family members are behind th e schola rship winn ers