was the host, joined by: the 10th Masonic District, Bro . Stephen Gardner, D.D.G M.; the 12th Masonic District, Bro. Richard H. Disque, II, D.D.G.M.; the 13th Masonic District, Bro. Benjamin H. Lee , D.D.G.M.; the 15th Masonic District, Bro. Dieter G Dauber, D.D.G.M.; the 35th Masonic District, Bro . John W. Haines, Jr., D.D.G.M.; the 45th Masonic District, Bro. William I. Ray, Sr., D.D.G.M .; the 50th Masonic District, Bro. Homer Jones, D.D.G.M., and the 59th Masonic District, Bro. William J Dav is, D.D.G.M.
Joining R.W. Grand Master Hohenshildt and his Lady, Lena, in leading the division of Freemasons
PREPARING FOR THE PARADE- Two Br e th ren from Kingsbury Lodge No. 466, Olyphant, Bro Neil Furiosi (right), Chief of Police in Throop , an d Bro. David Repchik (left), Patrolman, are s hown prior to th e parade with R. W. Grand Master George H. Hoh enshildt and 14th District Deputy Grand Master Randall A. Th orne, Sr.
ELECTED OFFICERS PARADE- Th e Wor sh ipful Master s, S enior Wardens and Junior Wardens of Region 7 presented a picture of unanimity of Fraternalism as they marched together in th e 1OOth anniversary parade in Throop
were Bro. Robert G. Boone, P.D.D.G.M., Executive Director of Grand Lodge Operations and his Lady, Barbara, and Bro. Richard G. Hawk, Junior Grand Deacon, and his Lady, Marlyn.
Elected Lodge Officers from throughout Region 7 marched as respective units of Worshipful Masters, Senior Wardens and Junior Wardens, followed by a large contingent of Brethren. There were units of Scottish Rite; Chapter, Council and Commandery of York Rite; Tall Cedars color guard, marching unit, and floats (one carrying a barbershop quartet); Shrine Clowns; WaynePike Shrine Club including e l der Brethren on a float, DeMolay, and Rainbow for Girls.
Teacher Loves His Job- and it Shows
Parkland (west of Allentown) School District science teacher Bro. Kenneth Zellne r, P.M. of Slatington Lodge No. 440, and Masonic Education Chairman as well as North Member of the Lodge's Friend to Friend Task Force Committee, got the surprise of his life recently. He was asked by his superintendent to skip school! He found himself in Harrisburg with Superintendent Gary McCartney, lured there under the false pretense of testifying about teacher certification. Instead of this sober subject, the meeting had been called to honor Bro. Zellner, and others, for their excellent teaching practices. The Kernsville Elementary School science teacher was recognized for helping Parkland Schools convert to a hands -o n science curriculum, in which children are taught to think and work as scientists do. The 49-year old father of two elementa ry-age children was uncharacteristically speechless from surprise and gratitude. Soon back in character, Slatington Lodge's Masonic Edu cation Chairman informed us that he would use his $25,000 award for h is children's college education and maybe a family trip.
December Quarterly Communication
December 7, 1994
Communication 10:00 a.m. Luncheon following at 12:30 p.m.
Lodge No.
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No. of Meal Tickets Requested _ _
Please enclose a stamped , selfaddressed envelope and send with coupon to:
The Office of the Grand Master
The Masonic Temple One North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598
Publication No. USPS 426-140 Issued Quarter y
Fall issue o f 1994 at the Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction Thereunto belonging.
Bro Geo ge H. Hohenshildt, R. W. Grand Maste r
Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, R W. Deputy Grand Master
Bro. James L. Emette, R. W. Senior Grand Warden
Bro. Robert L. Dluge, Jr., R. W. Junior Grand Warden
Bro. Marvin G Speicher, R. W Grand Treasurer
Bro. Thomas W. Jackson, R. W. Grand Secretary
Bro. William J. Prazenica-Editor
Bro. Fred D Rissinger-Associate Editor
Bro. John H. Platt, Jr.-Associate Editor
Bro. Blaine F. Fabian- Editorial Production Coordinator
(All articles and photographs become the property oftlte Grand Lodge.)
Distribution Office-Mailing Address MASONIC HOMES
One Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199
Published By: R.W. Grand Lodge ofPA
One Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199
Send address changes to above. Second Class Postage Paid at Lancaster, PA
FRIEND TO FRIEND ON THE MARCH- Behind the col01ful Friend to Friend banner, a division of some 400 of the Masonic Family led by R. W. Grand Master George H. Hohenshildt took top honors as the longest marching unit in the Centennial parade in the Borough of Throop. District Deputy Grand Masters , Lodge Officers and Brethren from nine Districts in Region 7 participated, as well as Shrine, Scot/ish Rite, York Rite, Tall Cedars, DeMolay and Rainbow units Carrying the bann er are Bros. Ralph Westgate W.M , Honesdale Lodge No . 218 and David Edwards, W.M, Way mart Lodge No. 542
After Six .Months Friend to Friend Is Impacting Our Membership Development
Six months are on the records s ince t h e Friend to Friend Program was l aunched. The pos i tive facts a re that by letting g ood men know who we are, what we st an d for and what we do , there is an impact on Membersh i p Developm ent.
There have been more Petiti ons rece iv ed by Pennsylvania Lodges so f ar this year than at the same time last year- or even compared to the average for t he five-year period , 19 88 -92 (T hat is clea r y ev ident on the accompanying chart. ) I n the same period, Initiations in all but one of the sev en Mason i c Reg i ons of Pennsyl v ania surpass those of
Grand Master Leads 400 In Friend to Friend Unit
Celebrating 1 OOth Anniversary of Throop Borough
More than 400 Brethren and you th of the Mas on ic Fami ly lead by R.W. Gran d Master George H. Hohenshi l dt not only showed the Friend to Friend co ors, but also took top honors as the lo ngest marching unit in the parade to celebrate the 100th anni v ersary of t he Borough of Throop.
The large and co lor ful banner set a striking scene and portrayed the Fraternity s heritage " From Centuries Past ... Through Centuries to Come " for the p ubl ic as the Friend to Friend division marched along the parade route. The banner was originally created at the d irection of Bro. John J. Hunt, of the Office of the Grand Master, for the Eastern Area Masonic picnic and made available fo r this parade.
Masons from nine Di stricts in Region 7 were led by their Dist r i ct Deputy Grand Masters in the parade. Th e 14t h Masonic Dist ri ct, led by Bro. Randall A. T horne, Sr ., D.D G.M ., Throop continued on page 16
FRIEND TO FRIEND IS WORKING - In every Region across the Stale, Petitions received through Sep tember this year are more than for the same period last year, and more tlwnfor the five -year average, 1988-92. the last y ear and of the fi v e-year average. Even more exc it i ng is the fact that at t he end of Sep tember about one out of f ive L odges in Pennsylvania (20.2 %) had shown a net ga in i n Mem bership s in ce the beginn ing of this year. In ot her words, increases i n 102 Pe nn sy lvan i a Lodges were greater than a ll osses from
In Memoriam
The Grand Master Speaks •••
Friend to Friend - Youth - Education
What a year t hi s h as been thus far ! It a lmo st seems unr ea ! The war m th, the fel owship, the fri ends h ip, t he ho spita lity, th e dign ity, the fun, the beautiful ladies, a nd the "rock-so lid " Masons w ho have made this a most memorable experience- thus far. Luc ky ! Lucky! Lena and I still have more than a yea r to serve
Freemasonry in Pennsylvania ha s a great and illu strio us history. Yo rk Rite, Scottish Rite , Cedars, Shrine and all re l ated Masonic Organizations sha re in that hi stor y Now, we all a so share in t he chal eng es for o u r future Many, many soc i al , military, economic, enviro nm ental, religious and polit i cal probl e ms c h all enge all American s as we face t he future. A giant answer to those problems is a continu in g and g rowing " rock - solid" Fraternity of Fr ee masons who have led t h e way in the p ast, and for whom the time i s NOW to l ead t h e way in to the future!
Thi s year, we have dedicated ou r admini stration to three major objectives, viz: Friend to Friend, Youth, and Education. I am p lea se d to report that Friend to Friend is working a lm ost everyw h e r e in Penn sy lva ni a. So m e areas ar e very, very s u ccessf ul, w hil e there are areas not near ly as successfu l -YET Our twe ve -M ember Task Forces (three traveling North, th r ee So uth, three East and three West) n th e L odges are funct i on in g well and may soon ach eve t h e goa l of m aking on e contact per month with
a non-Mason. I have t o th i nk that ever y Mason must be working on th e Friend to Friend Program- not just the Tas k Force Membersbe ca use the r esults show it.
I need every Mason! Friend to Friend is rea l ly rolli ng. Please, help to share i n building a larger and better Fraternit y of Freemasons. Your f utu re, and that of your family, hangs in the balance.
DeMolay, R a i nbow, and J ob 's Da ughters need our b est he lp. The future of our youth will be very b leak - or even non - ex istent - if we f ail them today. Attend a DeMo lay , Rainbow o r Job's Daughters Meeti n g as soon as possib le .
Our education program continues to exce l. We must kn ow "Who Masons are, what M aso n s do, and what Maso n s believe." On l y through knowledge of whence we ca m e, whe r e we are, and where w e ar e going can Fr ee m as onry c ontinue the exce l e n ce of our history . Friend to Friend is a most significant educa tion al to ol.
The bo t t om ine i s, however, that Freemasons s how by example the le ss on s of ethics, morality , a nd charity that have mark ed our Fr ate rnity for a l mo st th ree hundre d years.
By precept and example, our honor a ble Fraternity tends to elevate and ennoble m ank ind
Friend to Friend - YouthEducation!
Thanks agai n , Brethren!
Fraternally, George H Hohenshi l dt, R.W . G r and Master Over the Net
ne of every five Lodges in Pennsylvania (20.2%) has a net Membership increase through September. Nichol son Lo d ge No. 43 8 (Dis t. 15) in R eg ion 7 lead s with a 5 83% increase. Parker City Lodge No . 52 1 (Dist. 52) in Region 5 is second with a 4.57% increase
Lodges with a September YTD net increase of2% or more:
Lodge Net Net No Region District No. o;o
Brother Ca rl W. Stenberg , Right Worshipful Past Grand Master, di ed at the age of 77 on August 4 , 1994.
Born December 6, 1 916 , h e was educate d in the Pi ttsburgh public schoo ls and was grad uat ed f rom the University of Pittsburgh. In 1946 after serv ic e in the A r m y, h e sett led i n Whitehall Borough.
Brother Stenberg was Entered, Passed and Raised in Dallas Lodge No. 508 in 1948 and became a Warrant Member of Whitehall Lodge No. 794 , se rving as its Worshipful Master in 1 966. He served as a Lodge Trustee in 1 967 and was represe ntat ive to t he Grand Lodge from 1968 to 1 979.
He was Greeted in Mt. Moriah Counci l No. 2 R. & S.M , was Exa lt ed in Crafton Royal A rch Chapter No. 3 12 and was Knighted in Pittsburgh Co mmand ery No. 1 He h e ld Membership in WA-CHA-GREE Forest No 149, Tall Cedars of Lebanon; the Royal Order of S cotland ; the R oyal Order of Jesters; the Red Cross of Consta ntin e , and Exce l sior Mark Lodge No. 216. He was an adv isor to T e mp le Chapter, Order of DeMolay ; Truste e of the Mason ic Fu nd Socie t y fo r A lleghe n y County and a Me mber of t h e Va ll e y of Pittsburgh, Ancient Accepted Scott is h Rite.
In 1 983 , he was Co roneted a 33 • Mason. Having s erv e d as a District Deputy Grand Master for the 57th Masonic District, he was Elected to t he Grand Lodge Lin e as Right Wo rsh ipful
Junior Grand Ward e n in December 1980, served as Senior Grand Warden in 1 982 -198 3 , as Right W ors hipf u l Deputy Grand Master in 1 984-1985 , and as Right Worshipful Grand Master in 1986 and 1987.
Our Right Worshipful Past Gra nd Master s ot her activities includ ed membership in the Boy Scouts of America in which he was an Eagle Sco ut , th e Whitehall Athletic League, th e Baldwin-Wh iteha ll Schoo l Aut horit y, and the Ba ldwin Commun it y United Me tho d ist Church
He was a retired Vice President in the Trust Depa rtm en t of Mellon Bank and bes ides his wid ow, Mildred G. Bagga Ste nberg, he leaves three sons - Carl III, Richard W. and Chr is D , and seven grandc hil d re n . I '" cr..;{e111n ....;,.. ff"
Br o. R ode r ick W. Albrigh t, R egional Ins h·uct or for Region No. 2 passed away a t his home i n York, on Wednesday, Augus t 10, 1994. He is survived by his wife, Judy A. (Gessey) Albright, t wo s t epsons, T imo thy E. Tho ma n of Yo rk and Todd A. Thoman of D allas t own, and three gran dchildren
Bro. Albr igh t, born March 25, 1932 in Reading, the son of the late William Y. and Mary E . Albrigh t, was a member ofDoverB ethany Uni ted Me thodist Church and had ser ved i n the US. Air Force during the Korean War.
Brother Ste nb erg , w i th Right Worshipful Past Grand Mast e r Brothe r Hiram P. Ball , founded T h e Pennsylvan ia Masonic Foundat ion for the Prevention of Drug and A lco ho l Abuse Among Ch ildren. This organiza t ion became t h e mod e l for the Nat ional Foundation. Using the slogan "Masons Care Abo ut Ch ild ren ", Brot h er Stenberg a nnounced the Pennsylvania Fo un da t ion ' s formation at his In stallatio n at the A nnu al Grand Commu ni cat ion on De c ember 27 , 1 985. In ad ditio n, Brother Stenb e rg wa s deeply involved in the Grand Lodge Ta sk Forc e for Project So lo mon II wh ich commenced the rebuilding of Freemaso n ry in Pennsy lvan ia . Dur in g his term as G ra nd Master , Brother Stenberg created and issued m eda lli ons and t ie clasps commemorating the B icentennials of the Independe nce of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania from the Grand Lodge of England , and the Constit u tion of th e United State s of America.
Broth e r Ste n berg s e cur e d for o u r Frate rni ty an on -go in g t radition th at Masons truly care abou t children. He has guarante e d t hat Masons and nonMasons alike know th at altho ugh we are o n e of the world ' s old e st Fratern iti es, we addres s th e vital q uest ions that plague our yo uth today
R. W. Past Gra nd Ma s te r John K. Young
H e was a Pas t Master of Shrewsbury Lodge No. 423 an d a for m er Principal Ins truc t or of th e 42nd Maso n ic Distric t School ofInstructio n He was appoint ed to the Office of R egional In s tru ct o r of th e Eastern Region, now R egion No. 2, by Bro. Joseph E. T ra te, R W. Grand Mas t er in 1980.
Bro. Albrigh t was a Me m ber of numerous Masonic Orders including the York and Scottish R ites, Tall Cedars and Shrin e and was very active in all oft hese.
The I nstructor of R i tualisti c Work and other Regional Ins truc tors pe1jormed the 3
Masonic Funeral Services, followed by the R eligious services at the William A. Carpen ter Chapel, Patton Campus where his past or, Rev. Donald N Stover, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Bro. Dr. Charles A. Lacquement, Grand Chaplain of the Grand L odge ofPennsylvania.
Memorial Contributions may be made to The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Dntg and Alcohol Abuse Among Children, Development Office, Masonic Homes, One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
Members continued from page 1 deaths, suspensions, etc. Grand Master Hohenshildt sa id enthusiastically; "The increases may not be big numbers right now; but they are PLUS - and there's every indicat ion we can look for greater results each month ."
In the first of a se ries of monthly progress reports p ro vided to each Worshipful Master to present at hi s Stated Meeting , R.W. G r a nd Mast e r George H. Hohenshildt answered hi s own quest i ons: "Does Friend to Friend r ea ll y wo rk ? Is Friend to Friend having an impact on Membership Development? After s ix months, I can say 'yes' with conf i dence." If we l ook at the f acts, it s obvious that when good men he ar about the Fraternity , they want to kno w more about Freema sonry and are likel y to ask for Petitions Right now, more good men are being ini t i ated into our Fraternity- many be ca use th ey r es pond ed to t h e Fr iend to Friend s u ggestion to as k a Friend who i s a M aso n. Gr a nd M as t e r Hohenshildt said,
"After thir ty-t hre e consecutive years of cascading Membership, it now appears that public educat i on about Freemasonry communicated Friend to Friend sty l e, s stemming th e s lid e. With unanimity, we must be d ed i ca t ed to the goa l of turnin g the tide."
See "Over the Net" page 2
The enthusiasm with which the Friend to Friend Program was a unched (despite being delayed until Apri l 1 by severe w int er weathe r), the diligence of the Lod ge Ta sk Fo rce and the support of the Brethren are key elements of th e Friend to Friend Program. If each of the four sub-co mmitteesNorth , So uth, East and West - of the Task Forces of th e 505 Lodges in Pen n sy lvania meets the goal of completing one Friend t o Fri end co nt act a month , in a year's t im e there could be 24,240 men who know more about Freemasonry a nd may tak e th e opportun ty to ask a f ri end abo ut th e Fratern ity
R. W. Grand Lodge Officers Conduct Cornerstone Ceremonies for Susquehanna Correctional Facility
On Saturday, Aug 2 0 , Officers o f t h e Gr a nd Lodge of Pe nn sy va nia co ndu cted a C orn ers ton e La y in g Ceremony for a new $4.6 milli on corr ec tion a l fac ilit y in Northeastern Penn sy l va ni a. An area n ewspape r, Th e S us quehanna County Tran scrip t , report ed the impr ess ve event:
" If you're big o n pomp and circumstance an d didn't m ake th e Cornerstone Layin g a nd Dedication Ceremonies of the Susquehanna County Correctional Facility (jail) in South Montrose on Saturday, you missed out. Th e Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of th e Most Ancient and Honora bl e F raternity of Free and Accep t ed M aso ns performed a n e aborate ceremo ny 'accord in g to ancient usages and customs' conducted by the Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, Broth er George H. H o h enshild t of Harr s burg "
Reports from the D i strict Deputy Gra nd Masters verify that Lodges across the Jur sdiction have been very act i ve in community involvement designed to communicate to the public, F rie n d to Frie nd, about Freemasonry. There have been Friend t o F r end dinners, go l f tournaments , parades, pancake breakfasts and bus trips -just to note a few events - to provide forums for Brethren to show wort h y f ri e n ds who we are, wh a t we do and what we stand for.
Grand Master Hohenshildt h as said repeatedly that F r en d to Friend is a program for every Mason in every Lodge- a program to in vo lve every Mason an d to benefit eve ry Mason Commenting abo ut the impact of F r ie n d t o F riend on Membersh p Development, Grand Master Hohenshildt was noticeably e l ated and said: "For myself, for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, a nd for Freemasons in Pennsy lvania and Around the Wor d, I say 'thank you Brethren ' for your individua l Friend t o Fr i e n d e nthusiasm and s upport "
Masonic Drug & Alcohol Foundation
Carl W. Stenberg, Jr. Scholarships Awarded
What better way to pe rp etuate t he memory of our Fo under Bro ther Ca rl W. Stenberg, Jr., R.W.P.G.M., than by th e awarding of the Carl W. Ste nb erg, Jr. Sc ho la rships?! Bro. Stenberg made man y th ing s possib le, most importantly through the education of young peop l e abo ut sub stan ce abuse prob ems.
The sc holarships ha ve been estab li sh ed to honor studen t s wh o have bee n referred to lo cal Department of Ed ucation teams Th ey must have had an assessment, and com pleted
and Bro. Donald R Miller, S. W., Phoenix Lodge No. 75.
the re co mmendation s of that assessment. These stu d ents must be sen i ors and have been accepted at an accredited postseco ndary school.
Usua ll y two scholarships are awarded each year. Each scholarsh ip wi ll provide the student w ith $1 000 00 per yea r, renewab le for up to three additional years, for a total of $4,000.00 St ud ents must maintain at east a "C " average or the equ va lent of a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 sca le each yea r of th eir post-secondary educati on.
This yea r, because of a stud ent w ho dropped out of the program la st year, we we re able to award three scholarships. One sc holarship w ent to the 30t h Masonic District - Marion Lodge
and to the 40th Masonic
Lod ge No. 75,
These young people have overcome tremendous odds. They all start college thi s year with our best w i she s and many prayers.
Loc a O ffi cia s a n d d gn tar i e s , in c lu ding the G r and Lodge Off ce rs and th e Montrose A r ea High Sc h ool Ba nd conducted t h e program from under a a rg e t ent w hil e mo r e than 300 atte nd ees e nj oyed th e cer e m on i es b e n eath a cl ear sky.
Acco r ding to Bro. Dieter G. Dauber, Di strict Deputy G r and M a ster for the 15th M aso ni c D str ct , th e commun it y ap pr ec ated the par t i c pa tion of th e Ma so ni c Fr a t e rnit y in plac in g the Cornerstone of th e mu c h - needed f ac il ity. He noted that thi s was another exce ll e nt F r iend to Fr end o pportun ity for th e pub li c to see and e a rn w h o Masons a r e, w h at Masons do and w h at Masons stand for.
Th e f ac ili ty requi red a lmo st 16 years to s ite a nd build. It repl aces an outmoded 127-yea r -o ld buildi ng w hic h had f a il ed to p ass b uildin g codes. t presently hold s 32 p ri so n e r s, but if utili ze d full y, it cou ld hou se 102.
Perry Lodge a Good Example
The Elected Officers of Perry Lodge No. 458 in Marysv ill e attended the HIRAM I Lead ership and Management Se min ar in March of 1993 an d it has resu lted in progress ive changes n th e Lod ge in 1994.
Today's Worshipful Maste r John A. Hepfer cre di ts part cipatio n in th e Leadership and Man ageme nt Program fo r go o d things happeni ng. He says, "We are beco mi ng more progressive, attendance at Stated M eeting s ave rages about a hundred , and t h ere see m s to be a sense of rejuvenation, a rea l exc item ent that we are on the move."
Se n ior Warden Larry A. Watts and imm ed i ate Past M as er Henry A . Ho lm an , Ill , th e f ell ow Off cers w ho al so took part in the 16 hours of training l ast yea r, agree that they imm ed at ely began t o v i ew th eir Lodg e from a d i ffe rent pe rspective. T hey recognize, espec ally for Perry Lodge, that HIRAM I m ade an impo rtant difference.
T he HIRAM I proc ess provide s t he Lod ges' ead e r ship w ith m ethods to m nim i ze th e
Leadership & Management
Leadership Training Paying Dividends!
re so urces that their Lodge s po ssess in order t o enhance the ir Masonic Rene wa effort
Thi s is accompl i shed by tra inin g th e leade rs in basic skills f o r "Vi sioning, Goal-S etting, Planning , Co nse nsus -Building , Motivation, Team Buildin g and Management". In the process, the base programs of Grand Lodg e are int egrated and t he Lod ge eade rship i s taught to stretch beyond their current p ara di g m s- to be ab e to s ee a more positive way of managing the Lodg e.
Bros. Holma n, Hepfer and Watt s all sa y they learned the im portance of ta lkin g with their Membe rs and fi nding out w hat their interests are. As a res ult, a numbe r of changes have been mad e, such as :
With th e cooperation and consen sus of th e Me mb ers, the Stat ed Meeti n g ha s become more effi cient, shortened about 25 percent to on e a nd a half h o ur s. For example, the Secretary su mmarizes the minutes, but sees t hat th e ull minutes are po sted for Members to rea d before or afte r th e M eetin g.
Careful planning by th e Wor shipful Ma ster has improved he activiti es for each Meeting. For examp e, he assures that t here s an interesting speake r, who sometimes s a Mason and sometimes s not a Mason. He ass ur es that the topic s are va ri ed , like the Friend to Friend Ma so nic Memorial Monument at Gettysburg; a ta lk about Iceland and Ice landic tradition s; an eve ning for rai lro aders (sometime s Ma sons, sometimes Non -Ma sons) and th e Leaders hip and Management video, "The Bu si ne ss of Paradigm s". In add i t ion, the Lodg e conducted a Friend to Friend trip to Gettysburg for which at le ast hal f of those participating were not Members of the Fratern ity.
Perry Lo dge No 458 s on e exa mple w here th e in ves tm ent in Leadership and Manag ement training i s paying fine Fratern a l divid ends.
Left: Bro. Anthony J. Garvey, Director D&A Foundat ion ; Ms Heidi Funk; Bro Roland H. Schock, D.D.G M , 40th Masonic District,
Left: Dana A No rton, Sr. , W.M. , Parian Lodge No 662; Mr Ryan Shipley and Bro. Leonard K. Ruckert, D.D.G.M 37th Masonic District.
No. 562 , Scottdale the 37th Masonic District -
Lodg e No. 662, Beaver Falls;
District - Phoeni x
Left: Bro James L. Emelle, R. W.S. G. W. and Pres ident D&A Foundation; Ms. Georgia Stouffer; Bro. Richard J. Stemmler, D.D.G.M District 30 and Bro. Claren ce Myers, W.M ofMarion Lodge No 562, Scottdale
Youth Foundation
Ches-Mont DeMolay
On M a y 2 1, Ch es- M o nt Chapt e r ,
Or de r o f De Mol ay in Norri stown , bec am e t h e se cond n e w DeMolay
gr oup to b e or ga ni z ed in
P e nn sy l va n ia thi s y e ar. Th e
C h apte r oi n s M oun tai n Laurel
Chapter i n Sus qu e hanna as the n e w est an d one of t h e m o st enthus i ast i c D e Mo la y C hapt e rs in
DeMo lay Leader Joins the Craft
Whil e se r v ing as S t ate M a st er
Co un ci l o r o f t h e
Or der of DeM o l ay
in Pe n nsy va ni a,
Bro. K r i s G. S a bin b e came a
M ember o f Cr afton Lod ge No. 653
i n Ing r am B ro. Sa bin was Ra ised a Maste r M aso n b y Bro. Eugen e L.
Ba lli nge r , J r., P M , as sis t ed by a
T eam of Se ni o r De M o a y s who ar e al so cur r ent ly se rvin g as DeMolay Advi sors.
Al so , in a tt e n da n ce w e r e Bros.
Samuel C. Willi am so n , R.W.P.G .M. an d Execu tive Office r f o r DeMolay i n Pe nn sylv a ni a; Daniel L. Huber,
D D G M. o f District No. 23 ; K m W
J eff reys, D.D.G .M. of District No . 2 5; Dav d W Ki elman , D D.G M of Dist ri ct No 47 ; S i r K n ght Robert E
R a y ne r , R E Pa st Grand
C omm a n de r o f th e Grand
C om m a nd e r y of Pe nn s ylvani a ; T ho m as R. Lab agh , Direct o r of the Pe nn s ylv a ni a Y ou t h Foundation
an d D avi d W B er r y, Exe cutive
Secre t ary f or t h e Ord er of DeMo lay in Penn syl va n ia.
Pennsylvania Ches-Mont Chapter is co-sponsore d by Warren Lodge No. 310, Frit z Lodge No. 420, Shiloh Lodg e N o 55 8, and Norristown Lodge No 620, where they now Me e t. The Chapter Advis o r is Bro David Quinn , and th e Advisory Council Chairman is Bro Harold Dennison Ches-Mont Chapter is currently l e ad i ng Pennsylvani a De Molay's Membersh i p r e cru i tment effort s, hav i ng r e ach ed 150% of it s annual goal.
Lodges Sponsor New Car
Sponsoring DeMolay Chapters , Rainbow Assembli es and Job's Daught er s Bethel s can bring new exc item ent and a stronger sense of community service. The youth groups provide a vital social and Fraternal outlet for y o ung people. How ca n your Lo dg e sponsor new youth groups ? Call The Pennsylvania Youth Foundat ion for det ai ls.
Thanks t o the o v erwhelming generos i ty o f thre e Lodges in the Phi adelp h ia area, The Pennsylvania Youth Foundation has a new 1995 Chevro let Caprice statio n wagon St Alban - Swain Lodge No 529 contr i buted $10,000 ; Willia m so n-Cor i nthian Lodge No. 368 contributed $ 5, 000 ; a nd Concordia Lodge No 6 7 c o ntr buted $ 1,000 toward the purchase , wh ic h replaced a 1987 stat ion wagon which has tra v elled over 115,000 mi es. Spec ial appreciation is exte nded t o Bro . Joseph DiPi nto, m embe r of the Pennsy lvan i a Youth Fou ndati on s Adviso ry Bo ard , for th e coo rd i nat i on of th s pro j ect
Through the effo r ts of the Educational Endowment Fund Comm i ttee and t h e Mason i c Organ zations which sponsor prog r ams wi t hin the Fun d , 25 scholarships have been awarded i n 1994, totall i ng $25, 800
James D Oberlin, D.D. G M , Dist r ict No. 52 , prese nts a $1,000 Herman Wi ll e Scholarship check _ _.. to Russell Traister
Bro Frank E Daniels, D.D.G M, Distric No 7 presents a $1 , 000 H erman Wille Scholarship to Mark D Wagner, while Mr. and Mrs David Wagner observe
Bro James S Garofalo, D D G M. , District No 9, presents a $1, 000 PYF Scholarship check to Miss Laurie Bergstresser, daughter of Bro Donald J Bergs tr esser, prior to the Stated Meeting ofH Stanley Goodwin Lodge No. 648
Masonic Homes
One Masonic Drive
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022-2 I 99
(7 17)367-112 1
Bro. Vern H. Woodward, Inducted into International Society ofPoets
Bro. Vern H. Woodward, a resident of the Mason ic Homes, Elizabethtown, is a gentleman who has taken hold of each day of his life. He has created lasting impressions through his earlier work as an engineer and now, at the age of 94, as an author, playwrig ht , and poet.
Masonic Homes
One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022-2199 (7 17)367- 1121
Woodward's poetry. His work was published by the National Library of Poetry and won the Edito r's Award in 1993 and aga n in 1994, an honor presented to the top three percent of the hundreds of poems submitted. Bro . Woodward has written many stories, three pl ays, and a number of poems since starting to write in 1989 when he taught himse lf to type and use the word processor.
The PGA tour is not the only game in town! The residents may not be quite ready for the tour, but they do have a lot of fun p aying the game
The residents get together severa l times a year as a group and play at various courses in the area This particular go lf out i ng was p l ayed at Par-Line Golf Course which is just ten m i nutes from the Masonic Homes
Please send m e info rm ati o n on how to apply for an applicatio n for the Priority List (Pleas e Print )
At t h e convent i on , Bro Woodw a rd was presented with a pl aqu e; but, more importantly, he att ended sem inars whe re he gained valuable information on copyright laws and was able to make contact wi t h publishers.
One or more of his poems will be published i n an anthology of poetry by Lake Shore Publi shing l ater th is year or ear l y ne xt year. Th s will be the third anthology containing Bro.
In August, Bro. Woodward was invited to join the prestig i ous International Society of Poets and atten d ed the ir th ree-day convent ion i n Washington, D.C He presented his poem, Winter Night, reminiscent of childhood nights spent on his fam ly's 500-acre farm in f rosty Min nesota , " when the sky was so clear you felt yo u could just reach up and take a star from the sky . " The convention was attended by poets of every State, every Canad an Province, and 32 f oreign co un t ri es, as we ll as honored guests such as former Senator Eugene McCarthy, with whom Bro Woodward had a chance to speak and discovered that they onc e li ve d within miles of ea ch other.
A New "HOME" for the Children at the Masonic Homes
The Committee on Mason c Ho m es app roved, as part of a comp reh en sive master p lan fo r t h e Masonic Homes, the m ove of ts Ch ildren's Home p rogram into a mo re home li ke enviro nme nt.
Wo rk is rap id y progress ng on th e new Ch ldren's Home, a n ew f ac il t y co nsist ng of two r en ovated an d expa n ded h ouses on ca m pus with a new dup lex bui lt bet ween t he two h ouses. Th e new f aci li ty, w hen comp eted by year-end, wil l ho use all t hi rty-two res i de nts of t he Chi ldren's Home.
e mber of Committee on Masonic Hom es and Cha irman of th e Building Grounds Subcommittee; Bro. C. Donald Barbush, Director of Children 's S ervices; and Bro J oseph E. Murphy , Execut ive Director, r eview plans at th e s ite ofth
The wind blo ws hard and cold and hars h 0 'er frozen la nd and lake and m arsh
The skies are bright with the northern light. The stars a re a-glow w ith a heavenly show.
If o nly o ne co uld reach t hat h igh he co uld p luck a j e wel from the nig ht sky
Th e un ive rse i n b ea uty s h own is Go d's cre atio n, all H is own
Th e s n ow flake on which I trod is one mo re precious g ift from God.
Copyright 1992 Vern H. Woodward
The winners were Colleen Garver, John VanHorn, Bill Moore, and Bill Handy Second-place winners were John Plantz, Ben Kell, Art Nuss, and Woody Watts The closest to the pin was Colleen Garver and the longest drive was hit by John Plantz.
They are always looking for
new members to join them. If you would like to play in their tournaments, sign up now for the pr i ority list so that maybe next summer you'll be in one of the foursomes.
Director of Children's Services Needed at the Masonic Homes
The Masonic Homes at E izabethtown i s seek i ng a D rector of Children's Service s for the admin i stration of it s Ch i ldren' s Home program. The cu r rent director w ill be ret i r i ng on January 5, 1995. The Ch i ldren's Home currently ha s the capac ity to serve 32 children and i s undergoing a con struction pro ect to move chi l dren f r om a dormitory setting into a more home li ke env ronment. Comp letion of th is project is antic i pa t ed by the end of this year.
Preference w i l be g iven to app icants with a Master's degree or equ valent combination of tra in n g an d education , at least five years' exper ience with chi ldren and adolescents and at least three years in a management or supervisory capacity.
Interested app licants shou ld subm it their resume to:
Director of Human Resourc es Mas o nic Homes
One Ma s on ic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2199 717/361 -4522
New Rental Apartments Schedule
Construct i on is underway for three addition a l renta l apartment buildings which will include efficien cy and one - bedroom apartments Floor plan s h a v e b ee n deve l oped and are available to prospective re sid e nts
The following is the projected number of units and dates of comp etion :
Brown Apartments
29 one-bedroom and 2 efficiency- Completion: 8/95
Smith Sr. Apartments
21 one-bedroom and 3 efficiency - Completion : 9/95
Smith Jr Apartments
9 one-bedroom and 4 efficiency- Completion: 10/95
We are continuing to accept application s for the priority list for these apartments A s of August 3 1, there were 94 names on the list, so don't del ay if you are interested.
For addit onal information on r a tes a nd o ther serv i ces, comp ete and mail the coupon above or ca ll our Marketing office at 1-800 -676- 6452
(left to right) Jeffrey J Gromis, F acil ities Engin eer; Bro Carl R. F lohr, m
The Masonic Homes' Outreac h Program is continu in g it s effort to serve the Masonic commun ity in ne w and innovative ways. As an al ternative to serving Masons only at the Mason c Homes in Elizabethtown, the Outreach Program has been work in g w th Masons and their families a ll across the United States to help ocate longterm housing, arrange property ta x abatement, estab li sh in-home medical ca r e, arrange community - sponsored adu lt day care, and provide financial ass stance Wh il e many of the peop le we serve li ve in Pennsylvania, we have been privileged to help some othe r Pennsylvania Masons as far away as Florida , Ar zo na , Ca lif orn ia, and · Oregon.
We can l ook back on our first six months and eas il y ident ify our accompl i shments and maintain a kee n un dersta nding th at we have o nl y touched a ve ry sma ll portion of an ever-grow in g pop ul ati on. T he ag ing of the Masoni c Fraternity w ill co ntinue ; even whi le the Friend to Friend campaign grows. Th s p h eno menon s not unique to Freemasonry. It s common across o ur ent ir e soc iety. And as our ag in g popu-
lation increases , the dema n ds on our social support syste ms become great er. Nursing and retirement home space is limited; the financial support offe r ed by private and governmenta bod es is be ing stra i ned; tax burdens a r e causing commu n it ies to re-evaluate the services t h ey provide. The Masonic Homes i s fortunate to be able to prov de exce ll ent care to a arge and grateful group of peop le The management of the Masonic Homes ha s been strong and p rogress i ve in the midst of eve r-c hanging t im es. As Pennsylvania Freemasons have traditionally provided for themselve s, we must continu e to develop our own responses to the d iff icu lti es presented to ou r ag in g population.
Educat i on s a vita tool we ca n app l y n this effort. Our understanding of se rvices and prog r ams ca n help us p lan for our own futur es prope rl y. But even when we p l an we ll, circumsta nce s can drastica ll y change our lives. A serious ill ness, an a utomobile accident, or loss of emp oyment m ight upset the best laid p ans for the fut u re. The knowledge of what suppo rt ex ists in the com munity may often m ea n t h e
Bro. Robert P. Kolb Receives 75 Year Membership Certificate
O n Monday , May 23, 1994, Bros. Roger Walck, Worshipful Master, and Will i am Fre de ri ckso n of Tamaq ua Lodge No. 238 traveled to Sykesville, Maryland, and had the distinct pleasure of presenting Bro. Robert Kolb with his 75-year Membership Certificate. Bro. Kolb was born on November 5, 1897, in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania. He was g raduated from Rensselaer Po lytechni c Institute in Troy, New York, majoring in mechanica l engineering He taught engineering in various co lleges from 1920 to 1956.
d ifference between an act i ve, confident re s ponse to a cr sis or a feeling of despa i r and failure that wo uld have devastating l ong-te rm effects.
The Outreach Program wants to bring this ed u cat on to the Masonic Brethren. Our p an is to prov id e educat ional seminars across the state at the regiona l level. Topics may include Living W ill s, Medicare, A zheimer's Disease, Reverse Mortgages, or Cop in g with Grief. For inf or m ation pl ease call 1-800-462-7664.
Si n ce we are n ow in the process of deve op in g this program, Outreach requests your input to help us determine w h ic h topics wo u ld be most int eresting and most helpful to you. W ith that, we ask that you take a few minutes to complete and return the survey located between pages 8 & 9 of The Pennsylvania Freemason Th e in formatio n you provid e i s vi tal to the s ucce ss of th e program. Yo u r participat ion ca n help the Outreach Program become a m o r e va lu ab l e r eso u rce f or the e nt ire Mason ic co mmu nity.
'94 fund drive off to a great start!
Ea ch Fall Penn sylvania Masons are asked to contribute to the annual Masonic Charities appeal. Already thousands of Brothers throughout the state have responded to R.W Grand Master George H Hohen sh ildt's recent letter. "It's truly amazing" says Bro. Fred Ri ssinge r, Development and Public Relations Manager for Masonic Charities. "One of the things I look forward to each Fall is the outstanding response from Brothers to our annual Appeal."
Six different charities benefit
Six different charities- all under the umbrella of the Masonic Charities- benefit. The appeal provides a unique opportunity for Masons to advance special work in a wide var ety of areas including the Masonic Homes, The Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children, Th e Mason ic Libra ry and Museum of Pennsylvan ia, The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Leadersh ip and Management, Inc and the Grand Lodge Masonic Charities.
How to make your gift to Masonic Charities
Members make their gifts in re spo nse to the mailings sent in the Fall months. If the forms are mislaid or not ava ilable, all a Member has to do is make out a check to Masonic Charities and return it to Masonic Charit ies Development Office, Masonic Hom es, One Masoni c Drive, Elizabethtown , PA 17022-2199.
"How much should I give?"
Bro. Rissinger is encouraged by an increase in the average gift. Last year it averaged ju st under $45.00. " If we ca n maintain th i s average gift -or just a l ittle bit more- a nd get another 10% of the Fraterni t y Members to participate we ll go over the top," says Bro. Rissinger
Grand Lodge Of Pennsylvania Introduces
New Visa Card
First USA is pleased to announce a great new benefit being offered on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. You can now carry the only Visa card that helps support the Masonic Charities of the Grand L odge of Pennsylvania at an extraordinary l ow rate. We've also made arrangements for the Members and their families to get this Visa card with no annual fee.
Watch your mail for this exciting offer!
He was Entered into the Fraternity on November 28, 191 9, and was Crafted and a lso Raised on the same day. He retired to Fai rhaven, a retirement vi lla ge in Sykesvi lle, Maryland, where he has been a resident si nce 1981.
Pi c tur e d ri gh t is Bro. Kolb rece iving his certificate
He served in the United States Navy, 1918- 19, as an Ensign. Later he served in World War II, 1942-45, and retire d as a Cap tain , USNR.
A Breath of Fresh Air- CPR and DeMolay
Some Masons are never too busy to be active in commun ty work. Bro. Jerome A. Sciu ll o, P.M . of Kiskiminetas Lodg e No. 617, Vandergrift, Pa s t Advisor to DeMolay's Kiski Valley Chapter and Past Deputy to DeMolay, definitely does not li ve in the past Having l earned cardio-pu l mona ry resusc i tat on ( CPR ) techniques from the American Red Cross and taught them to his DeMo l ays, h e "got hooked," as he says , and now serves the Red Cross as a CPR, safety and first aid in structor. A quality ass ur a n ce inspector at Westinghouse E lect ric, he also gives CPR courses at work. He gets great sat sfact ion w h en former CPR students who return for refresher courses tel l him of li ves saved beca u se of the sk ills he taug h t them. Bro. Sc iull o i s a vo unteer par exce ll ence !
A " Grand" Degree Conferred
Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, R.W. Past Grand Master, second from right, had the distinct pleasure of Conferring the Entered Apprenti ce Mason' s Degree on hi s grandson, Bro Scott D Harris, second from left, Robert Burns Lodge No. 464. Assisting in the Degree were Bros Charl es R. Trimmer, P.W. as Senior Warden and W. Scott Stoner, R.W. Past Grand Master, right, who served as Junior Warden
The Grand Secretary's Desk ••••
My Brethren:
I recall a quotation I heard many years ago, "When you place your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first that is yet to come."
A man 's relevant position in history and our position in Freemasonry is as that hand We stand today as the hand in the flowing stream of Freemasonry touching the last that has gone before and the first that is yet to come. There i s a distinctive difference, how eve r , between the hand in the water and us. The hand has no power to change the ultimate destiny of the flow of the water. But we, my Bret hren, h ave the capacity and the power to change the ultimate destiny of Fre e masonry. Ind ee d , what we are doing tod ay will determ in e where Freemasonry is in a ll of the tomorrows.
Regretfully, many Members of our Craft will no t only leave no Fr at e rnal impact but will not eve n l eave evid e nce of the ir pre sence. Yet , we a ll h ave the capabi lity of doing so. If each of us influen ced on ly one man n a way that caused h im to see the greatness of our Fraternity, that in fluence co uld change his life and thu s be passed on through generations yet unborn
Our R.W. Grand Master has institut ed a new program in Pennsy van i a Freemasonry known as Friend to Friend. S in ce influentia l effect is se lf - perpetuating, this program offers to eac h of us the opportun ity to extend our influ ence t hr ough the ages. It is norma ll y designed not only to influen ce but al so to hav e a ma j or impa ct on our Fr ate rnit y's futu r e. It i s to function as an education a l progr a m t o l et tho se out s id e th e
Craft know who we are a nd w h at we do. It s a program not ju st to increase the quantity of our Craft but to im prove quality through the education of qual it y men. T he quality man i s out there Our goa must be to educate him as to the value of Freemasonry to him, to soc i ety, and to th e wor l d.
Even t h ough, due to severe weather cond iti ons, the program did not get off the ground until Apri l, our Lodges h ave r eported an increase of 547 Init i ations through the end of July ove r ast yea r. Th e im pact this w ill have on Lodge operations is immeasurable. Lodge opera ti on depends upon both th e quantity and qua lit y of its Members. Our influence s expanded as our numb ers are in c r eased.
The Friend to Friend program s perhaps t h e greatest that could be deve l oped to provide a mechanism whereby we can increase Membersh ip through a methodology of educat i on, eliminating a ny need t o consider so li c tation.
I am conv in ced that Freemasonry's greatness s the r es ult o f two major precepts wh i ch gu de o ur practices: ( 1) We hav e p r ov id ed an environment whereby men of all walks of life could s i t as eq u a s, a nd ( 2) W e have attracted the greatest m in ds ava il ab l e in al ages O u r future depend s o n retaining the se precepts.
This is the reason that the Friend to Friend program can be so successfu I. It prov i des the opportunity to im p r ove the quant ty of the Craft while improving th e qua l ity of the Craft. When we evolved from a Frat ernity of the pr actitioner to a Fraternity of the
On July 8 of this year, h e G r a nd Lodge of Greece conve n ed a Spec i a Communication in At h ens for t h e purpose of receiving our R.W Grand Sec r etary, Brother Thomas W. Jackson. During th i s Communicat on, Brother J ackson was created an Honorary Member of that Grand L odge. At the same time, Lodge Phoenix No. 5 1 of Athens created him an Honorary Member of their Lodge.
Brother Jack s on was given the pr vilege of th e n address in g thos e assemb ed On August 9, Brother Jackson a so was made an H onorary Member of th e Grand L odge of Wyoming wit h the title of "Rig ht Worshipf ul Past G r a nd Secretary".
dea li st, we f orged the character of an organ izat i on that was i dealis ti c. We must nev er lose that idealism. Soc i ety needs that character perhaps more than ever befo r e. Freema so nry was the source from wh ich it was drawn in th e past; it can be now, and it can remain so in the future.
The Friend to Friend program has provided each one of u s w i th the opportun ity to ens ur e n ot on y a Masonic f uture, but a GREAT Masonic future. It is our fervent hop e that eac h of you w ill b e a part of that future. May it never be sa id of u s t h at we fail ed to direct th e flowing stream of Freemasonry to anyth in g but a g lo w in g future of contr ibution to mankind. Thus , we wi ll be as we have a lways been.
Library & Museum
Circulating Library CatalogueAddendum -1993-1994
There have been some fine add itio ns to the C ir cu l at in g Library s in ce the Cir cu ating Library Cata ogue was r epr int ed in ea rl y 1992. Some of these are tape record ing s (indicated by AT before the number) and video tap es (VHS, whose numbers ar e prefixed by AVT) . A parti al li st follows:
Scottish Rite Freemasonry : A Conscience for America. Th e story of the Scott i sh Rite . By The S uprem e A.A.S.R , N .M. J AVT28
Friend to Friend: A Brotherhood Undivided. Th e accou n t o f h e festivities sur roun d in g the dedication of the Friend to Friend Mo num ent in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
A u g u st 21, 1993. By Th e Grand L odge of Pe nn sy l van a AVT32
An exce ll ent bio grap h y of Bro. and President Harry S Truman. By David McCu ll oug h 11B
Beneath the Stone
The story of Ma s onic secrecy. By C Bruce Hunter 86B
After All
A utob ograp h y of Wad e H ampton Kinsey, Jr., espec i a ll y co nce rnin g his exper i ences as a memb er of the 87t h Divis on in Italy during Wor l d War II. 135
Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry?
Description o f th e methods of Anti-Ma sons 57C
S •f) •S • Do Not Throw, Sell, or Heave!
The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania needs your help! After an informational meeting held by the Board of Directors last August and based upon information presented by Bro. Edward 0. Weisser R. W. Deputy Grand Master, it was agreed that we would undertake a ne w and exciting program for the benefit of The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania.
There are many occasions when families of Members of the Craft do not know what to do with some of the items that our Brothers have collected over the years in the Fraternity. What we need from our readers are any of the Grand Master Medallions which may have made their way into your homes. Rather than having them make their way into the trash or being sold at flea markets, why not donate them to The Masonic Library and Museum? !
Should you have such Medallions, please contact the Director at the above address so that you might be completely informed concerning this important project.
The Grand Lodge Of Free And Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania
Presents Alaska Glacier Route Cruise Tour (First Week of August 1997)
Plus Post Cru i se Options
This trip is open to Maso ns and Friends (Non-Masons) There will be four opt ons available:
1. Fly t o Seattle f r om either Philadelph i a, Pi ttsburgh or Ha rri sburg, bus tri p to Va ncouve r to boa rd the ship and then cruise the inland waterway to Seward , Alaska. Then fly directly h ome {Total 7 days)
2. Same as (1) abo ve except spe nd two extra days in Anchorage t hen fly directly home. (Total 9 days)
3. Same as (1) above except spen d four to seven days on a la nd t ou r and then fly directly home. (Total11 days)
4. Same as (1) above except spend two days in Anchorage, four to seven days on a land tour an d then fly dire ct l y home (Total13 to 16 days) Your Trip To Alaska Will In clude: Air Tran sportation • Cabin per grade selected All shipboard meals: breakfast lunch, dinner, midn ght buffet. etc. First class entertainment • Captain's Welcome Aboard Party Special gift to Ladies who made reservat ons by July 15, 1995 Plus selected options
The total cost for the cruise, airfare and options has not been determined at this time However, the cruise fare has been guaranteed at 1994 prices.
Enclosed is my check payable to The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in the amount of $100.00 for each reservation. Refund of deposit will be made up to May 1, 1997 on all cancell ations except for 10% Name (s) :Mailing Address: City: __ State: _ Zip Code: ___ Phone: Home:(_) __ Business:(_)____ Masonic Affiliation (if any): _______ Send to: David Jacobs 20 Rain Lily Road